HomeMy WebLinkAboutSW5240603_Property Deed_20241010 •
THIS INDENTURE, made this the X:74 day of c.
1939, by ::21e State of North Carolina, aoting on behalf of and at _ e request
of its n.; ; ••ey State Highway i Al , the Highway and 'ublic Works Commission, party of the
first part, and the University of North Carolina, a corporation of the state
of orth Carolina, party of the second part,
W I T N E S S E T H :
THAT FOR AND IN CONSIDERATION of the sum of seventy-five thousand
dollars (,'75,000.00), the reooipt of which by the State Highway an-I Pub;.;.;,
Works Co mission is hereby acknowledged, the State of North Carolina ' - ;
bargained and sold, and does by these presents bargain, sell, and convey
unto the said party or the seoond part, its successors and assigns, all of
that certain tract or parcel of land situate in Wa---e County, Nor Carolina,
and bounde,I and described as fo_,o::
BEGINN.LNG at an iron.pipo in a pile of rock at the so_:t::: es•-
corner of t:le Camp Polk Prison Farm of the State Highway and Public 151orks
Co:al'. sion• rung r- t'nE,ree ?1 1• ;»ees 20 minutes', 2975 feet to an iron
, pi_ �i a., oxis-tin6 county road: S ;, e
-r^ 45 min-
_re on the west c L\. S 87
..`'gleies 32SO feet to an iron pipe, 12 fen+ ,;'l 1j `�;nl1, _ a= .hence
$4 degrees 25 minutes '_, 17
L e, 2068 feet
to an iron ni7e .�r ��- .i•
- . _ .. _de of the
?oa thence.. ;s
J. ion the Meal_
-co-; , degrees 06 minutes 1:78 7 _.
Richland Creek k;oa'- 's 52
a3 minutes fs, 154 feet to a point. in the center line of the old Hill sboro '
Road: thence along the center line of said road N 46 degrees 29 minutee W,
334.5 feet; thence N 58 degrees 48 minutes IN, 362 feet; thence i 61 degrees
05 minutes Y;, 4•77 feet; thence N 56 de; reef, 08 minutes Yr, 93. + feet to a
point in the center line of said road; thence S 33 deg7'ees 54 minutes Yf,
' 100E feet; thence N 87 degrees 38 minutes. fi, 9:643.e feet, to the center line
of the present county road leading north from U. 5. Highway No. 1 through
the prison farm; thence along the center line of said road N 12 degrees
08 minutes E, 235.9 feet to a point in the center line of said road; thence
N 49 degrees 29 :minutes r,, 1467.4 feet to a point in the center line of a
road called "New Road"; thence along the center line of said road N 84 ae-
grees 09 minutes _ 2063 feet; thence N 84 degrees 21 minutes +, 807.7
feet; thence N 84 degrees 14 minutes e, 1748 feet to a point in the center
of a prong of Richland Creek"; thence down the center of eaist creed h 20
degrees 04, m_rutes E, 188 feet; thence IT 17 degrees 43 minutes i, 1t5.e
feet; thence N 17 degrees 20 minutes E, 168.4 feet; thenCe ii 25 degrees 50
minutes E, 84.7 feet; thence N 7 degrees 4%.4 minutes b, 91.5 feet; thence II
31 degrees 21 minutes r:, 164.2 feet; thence N 19 degrees 58 minutes 0, 274
feet; thence N 20 degrees 46 minutes e, 314.7 feet; thence N 21 degrees G7
minute's ai, 434.3 feet to a point in center of said creek; thence !': L degrees
01 minutes 'r'e, 216.7 feet; thence tr 3 degrees 12 minutes 'l, 343.5 feet; thencE
N 0 decrees 59 minutes E, 88.2 feet; thence N 7 degrees 62 mf,nute. E, 267.4
feet; thence Vtgs t
degrees•ees 30 minutes 21�4.h feet to a point•.. ,.i-•.r carter
line cf an e::isting farm road; thence alone the center lire cf sr.i j reed N
72 degrees 22 ?;'.:.I utes S+, 100 feet; thence N 82 degrees 67 :%_nu te;s 118.6.1
y s
feet; thence N 81 degrees 45 ..._rutes E`, 806 feet; thoeee deyrc1 21
feet; _ e ts
• . .•i ruy'•E.c 227.6 _r„ e .. 56 .?G,..rees 40 ;r .1- ^rye !.•
37 degrees 42 minutes L•, 273.2 feet to a joirt in :.he center If..:ft of the .
1 C _.'.1a sbro oe ; thence elcrg sa_d road r. 4C, degrees 1G ?r=l:?'tee 81C
feet; thence 44 degrees 60 !minutes v, 882 ^feet; 51 thence ..ebrees le
minutes e;, 1600 feet.; t.::fe:':CC: -. 37 degrees 60 minutes 50 feet;
21 degrees L;, 540 feet: thence N 61 cie'�ree: 30 minis it, 278 feet; thence
•<�' degrees 207
. .,or feet;�•; ^c.•%eE 61 degrees '.9, 100 feet; �t.+�c a "� a,.-
roc c . , 1. 7 fet tc a i2oll.t •:J:. t e 1:r dge o:: c2.0 _.�l'_sr.cr : _ cf;C t ever
....Chlat_'1 ^ n!' .thence u:? said Creekthe
�-e• - �.. _ feilcsvi;g e��_ �e.. ei::c. .Wsta!:i:E.s.
S 52 ae -reos E, 77 feet; S 7 degrees •;, 180 '.r'r_', . S 12 :1cgrrtf ^. ', 139 feet:
e u 'if gre'_s C ::'.in tee .. 1(l feet; 5 35 degrees :r, 1'�5 fee 4 4t degrees
30 minutes E, 95 feet; 8. 24 degrees W, 115 feet; S 35 degrees E, 85 feet;
S 33 degrees W, 122 feet; S 8 degrees e, 90 feet; 6 5 degrees A, 165 feet;
S 4 degrees W, 182 feet; S 2 degrees 15 minutes V , 180 feet; S 45 degrees i ,
46 feet; S 16 degrees E, 114 feet; S 51 degrees W, 115 feet; N 81 degrees
`l5 minutes W, 105 feet; S 55 degrees 45 mirutes h, 92 feet; N 86 degrees
190 feet; S 51 degrees W, 103 feet; S 40 degrees W., 100 feet; 3 6 degrees. tiv,
100 feet; S 25 degrees 30 minutes W, 68 feet; S 12 degrees 30 minutes E,
100 feet; S 56 degrees E, 80 feet; thence 6 7 degrees ,s 0 minutes E, 68 feet
to a point in the center of said creek; thence N 87 degrees 10 minutes Vi,
1010 feet; thence 3 5 degrees E, 637 feet; thence b 36 degrees 25 minutes
E, 630 feet to an iron pipe on the west bank of Richland Creel_; thence
said creek the following courses and distances; S 3 degrees W, 56 feet;
S 37 degrees E, 60 feet; S 29 degrees 30 minutes yr, 120 feet; 3 15 degrees
30 minutes E, 145 feet; S 10 degrees W, 120 feet; S 12 degrees E, 80 feet;
S 65 degrees E, 11u feet; N 66 degrees E, 60 feet; S 87 degrees 30 minutes
east, 55 feet; S 17 degrees E, 70 feet; S 81 degrees 30 minutes t, 60 feet;
N 66 degrees E, 85 feet; S 18 degrees E, 80 feet; 3 22 degrees 30 minute:: •
50 feet; 3 67 degrees 30 minutes n, 54 feet; 5 3 degrees E, 160 feet; S
degrees 30 minutes n, 156 feet; 3 38 degrees 30 minutes E, 90 feet; r 5e
degrees t, 53 feet; N 41 degrees E;, 55 feet; 3 87 degrees 30 minutes E, 55
Meet; S 17 degrees 45 minutes I , 125 feet; S 7 degrees E, 65 feet; thence
fly degrees 30 minutes Yr, 47 feet to an iron pipe in the bed of said creek;
' thence N 86 degrees ►w, 399.5 feet. to an iron pipe in an existing county
road; thence along said county road S 3 degrees ?, 400 feet to an iron pipe
I1 _x feet south of a large pine at the intersection of a farm road; thence
along said farm road II 79 degrees 30 minutes a, 765 feet to an iron pipe at
: the intersection of another farm road; thence alon said farm road N 3
1eo ees E, 682 feet to an iron stake in said road; thence N 87 degrees W,
751 feet to an old iron stake; thence N 3 degrees ,k5 minutes ►A, 2b75 feet
to an iron pipe; thence 2; 85 degrees 30 minutes F., 485 feet to an irc'•'- stake;
'thence S 3 degrees 50 minutes w, 1940 feet to an iron pipe in. pile
thence S 15 degrees 30 minutes W, 3142 feet to the point of beg:;Ln;: '%bn-
Nts,imin a gross area of 1?99.. a:Ad a net area of 1225.00 acres :lore
or less; according to a surrey made by C. L. Mann, Engineer, it: ;'.'n. 192u,
!�`.;c ;he vy A. E. El1- -- ' -- - Jeptei::ber,
Exoeptions: There is expressly excepted from this couveyanoe the
following land embraced within above description, to wi :
(1) The J. R. Medlin Farm: Beginning at a point in the Richlan'.:
Creek road 524 feet west of the intersection.with county road leading north
from U. S. Highway No. 1 through Prison. Farm and running thence h 81 degrees
52 minutes W, 814 feet to a point in Richland Creek -Road; thence N :5 degrees
06 minutes E, 15ti.7 feet; thence N 86 degrees 15 minutes 759 feet; thence
h 6 degrees 45 minutes r., 1224 feet; thence S 84 degrees 42 minutes E, 1584
feet to a point in Powers line; thence S 4 degrees 30 minutes W, 1419 feet
to the point of beginning; .00ntaining 47.5 acres, more or less.
(2) The rowers Farm described as follows: Beginning at a lightwoo..i
stake in thc east boundary of the J. R. Medlin farm; running thence N 4
1 degrees 30 minutes E, 556 feet; thence S 86 degrees 20 minutes E, 1515 feet;
Ithence a 4 degrees 30 minutes R, 556 feet; thence h 86 degrees 20 minutes
h, 1515 feet to the point of beginning; containing 24.5 acres, more or less.
1 (3) The following described property on which is now located a
Broadcasting Station for the h. C. State Highway r'atrol: Beginning at a
point in the center of the county road leading north from U. s. Highway Bo.
through the Prison Farm 80 feet south of the intersection of the center
line of said roar with the center line of the Richland Creek Road and run-
!: 6 degrees s2 minutes E, 209 feet to a point in the center of
_, ±; thence S 83 degrees 28 minutes E, 41E feet; thence 5 6
nutec lh, 209 feet; thence N 86 degrees 28 minutes W, 41c feet
* . _ beginnin_ containing 2.0 acre :; ....rr cr lee ,
) i. a area shown on the map a..compenyii.g this n."ty u ce, C
I: V: 1. 7n, c.(} the aerial tower and ground lire for the N. U. State Highway
Patrol Broadcasting Station ie subject to the permanent reservation that
s.:ch land shall not be used in any manner to interfere with the operation
and maintenance of said radio station.
(5) For the U. S. Highway No. 1 mentioned above, a right of way of
0.00 feet on each side of the center line of said highway is reserved. For
hall county or other public roads mentioned herein or adjoining the boundaries
of the property conveyed, a right of way,0f 30 feet on each side of the
center line is reserved; exoept the right of way for oounty road leading
north from U. S. No. 1 near Fair Grounds to intersection with old Hillsboro
( Road shall be 50 feet on each side of center line.
. IN
. -6-
(6) All graveyards shown on the map accompanying this conveyance
or situated on the property are conveyed subject to such limitations ::in .
obligations as may by law exist with reference thereto.
(7) Fee simple title in Truck Shed Lot: Beginning at the inter-
section of the center line of the Richland Creel: road and the center line
of the Camp Polk Road; thence N 81 degrees 52 minutes b along the center of
said Richland Creek road about 524 feet to the southeast corner of the J.
R. Medlin land; thence N 4 degrees 30 minutes E along the east line of said
Medlin land 400 feet to a point; thence S 81 degrees 50 minutes..rr along a
line parallel with Richland Creel: road about 540 feet to a point in the cen-
ter of said Camp Polk road; thence S 6 degrees 32 minutes W along the cen-
ter of said road 400 feet to the beginning, containing 4.8 acres.
TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the said land and premises, and all appurtenances
thereto belonging, to the said party of the second part, its successors and
assigns, forever.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, His Hxcellenoy, Clyde R. tloey, Governor of '_r-c
_ ,s. . . Carolina, upon application of the State Highway and Public
. : _ ar.a by and with the approval of the Council of State, doth
cx!..,..;;cc ti:is conveyance in the name of the Sta;,e; and the name is
tr. secretary of State and the Great Seal of the Ste to affixed
:': '. _n accor.'ance with the provisions of chapter 143 of the rublie
;.t n-: of 1929, and in response to a resolution adopted by the Mate Highway
and Public norks Commission in compliance with Consolidated Statutes 7705,
'which resoluticn has been duly approved. Done at the City of Raleigh in
the state of North Carolina, on the day and year first above written.
1 BY
I BY \ ��
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H. R• i1eY 0` STATE — _--- ��
! - a �� w.
OUN TY OF Y:AKE j :�- �-
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Personally appeared before uur' :_ \' - Eure, who being by me duly
worn, says: That he is Seorotery of S - - orth Carolina and that Clyde R.
' oey is Governor of the State, and that he knows the Great Seal of the State;
: nd that the foregoing instrument was executed on behalf of the State of North
Carolina by the said Governor, attested by the said oecretary of State, and
the said Great Seal affi ed thereto, by an order of the Council of state
duly passed. This the day of , 1939.
/ r -ter �Ale
My commission expires:
1 '14:4
,a. • (644."4
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