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SW6240707_Soils/Geotechnical Report_20241001
SUMMIT ENGINEERING•LABORATORY•TESTING A Universal Engineering Sciences Company Report of Geotechnical Exploration (SUMMIT Project No. 8382.G0188) November 16,2022 Circle K 3123 Murphy Road Eastover, North Carolina Prepared for: Attn: Mr. Andy Priolo Circle K Stores — Coastal Carolina Division 1100 Situs Court Raleigh, North Carolina 27606 Email: APriolo@circlek.com CONTACT: SUMMIT Engineering, Laboratory and Testing, Inc Jason B. Coble, PE 919.380.9991 Office 919.706.9505 Cell jcoble@summit-companies.com 3070 Hammond Business Place, Suite 171, Raleigh, NC 27603 summit-companies.com November 16,2022 S U M IT ENGINEERING•LABORATORY•TESTING A Universal Engineering Sciences Company Circle K Stores—Coastal Carolina Division Attn: Mr. Andy Priolo 1100 Situs Court Raleigh,North Carolina 27606 Email: APriolo@circlek.com Subject: Report of Geotechnical Exploration Circle K 3123 Murphy Road Eastover,North Carolina SUMMIT Project No.8382.G0188 Dear Mr. Priolo: SUMMIT ENGINEERING, LABORATORY& TESTING, INC. (SUMMIT) is pleased to submit our Report of Geotechnical Exploration for the proposed Circle K commercial development site located at 3123 Murphy Road in Eastover,North Carolina. This investigation was performed in general accordance with UES Proposal No. 1977713 dated September 12, 2022 and generally accepted soil and foundation engineering practices. No other warranty, express or implied,is made. The following report presents the results of our field exploration with a geotechnical engineering interpretation of those results with respect to the project characteristics as provided to us. We have included our estimates of the seasonal high groundwater level at the boring locations and geotechnical recommendations for foundation design, pavement design, site preparation and stormwater pond design. The site was found to be generally suitable for the proposed development construction following typical site preparation procedures presented in this report. We appreciate the opportunity to have worked with you on this project and look forward to a continued association. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you should have any questions, or if we may further assist you as your plans proceed. Sincerely, SUMMIT ENGINEERING,LABORATORY&TESTING,INC.(SUMMIT) O •ate SEAL yf; 038193 • .. d•. G1Ntl.N4p �, Jason B. Coble,P.E. �ry440jy' '' b Jeff A. Taylor,P.E. Senior Geotechnical Engineer/ I �J �� +y � ) Geotechnical Engineering 3070 Hammond Business Place, Suite 171, Raleigh, NC 27603 summit-companies.com Circle K- 3123 Murphy Road SUMMIT Project No. 8382.G0188 Eastover, North Carolina November 16, 2022 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 PROJECT DESCRIPTION 1 2.0 PURPOSE 1 3.0 SITE DESCRIPTION 1 3.1 Soil Survey 2 3.2 Topography 2 4.0 SCOPE OF SERVICES 2 5.0 FIELD EXPLORATION 3 6.0 LABORATORY TESTING 3 7.0 SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS 3 8.0 GROUNDWATER CONDITIONS 4 8.1 Existing Groundwater Level 4 8.2 Seasonal High Groundwater Level 4 9.0 SEISMIC SITE CLASSIFICATION 5 10.0 FOUNDATION DESIGN RECOMMENDATIONS 5 10.1 Structural and Grading Information 6 10.2 Analysis 6 10.3 Bearing Pressure 6 10.4 Foundation Size 6 10.5 Bearing Depth 6 10.6 Bearing Material 6 10.7 Settlement Estimates 7 11.0 PAVEMENT RECOMMENDATIONS 7 11.1 General 7 11.2 Asphaltic Pavements 8 11.2.1 Layer Components 8 11.2.2 Stabilized Subgrade 8 11.2.3 Stone Course 8 11.2.4 Surface, Intermediate, and Base Course 9 11.2.5 Effects of Groundwater 9 11.2.6 Landscape Areas 9 11.3 Concrete "Rigid" Pavements 10 12.0 EARTH RETAINING WALLS 11 13.0 SITE PREPARATION 12 14.0 UST PIT AREA - GENERAL COMMENTS 14 15.0 STORMWATER POND DESIGN 14 16.0 DEWATERING AND EXCAVATION CONSIDERATIONS 15 17.0 CONSTRUCTION RELATED SERVICES 15 18.0 LIMITATIONS 16 ii 3070 Hammond Business Place, Suite 171, Raleigh, NC 27603 summit-companies.com Circle K— 3123 Murphy Road SUMMIT Project No. 8382.G0188 Eastover, North Carolina November 16, 2022 LIST OF TABLES Table I: Summary of Published Soil Data 2 Table II: Laboratory Methodologies 3 Table III: Generalized Soil Profile 4 Table IV: Minimum Asphaltic Pavement Component Thicknesses 8 Table V: Minimum Concrete Pavement Thickness 11 Table VI: Lateral Earth Pressure Design Parameters (Level Backfill) 12 Table VII: Stormwater Pond Design Parameters 15 APPENDICES APPENDIX A Cumberland County GIS - Site Location Map A-1 APPENDIX B Boring Location Plan B-1 Soil Boring Profile B-2 Boring Logs B-3 Key to Boring Logs Sheet B-4 APPENDIX C GBC Document C-1 Constraints and Restrictions C-2 3070 Hammond Business Place, Suite 171, Raleigh, NC 27603 summit-companies.com Circle K— 3123 Murphy Road SUMMIT Project No. 8382.G0188 Eastover, North Carolina November 16, 2022 1.0 PROJECT DESCRIPTION SUMMIT understands that the proposed project will include the construction of a new gas canopy, underground storage tank (UST), stormwater control measure (SCM) and associated paved drives and parking areas to an existing Circle K gas station and convenience store located at 3123 Murphy Road in Eastover, North Carolina. The proposed gas pump canopy, UST, SCM and additional paved areas will be located southeast of the existing Circle K building. Should any of the above information or assumptions made by SUMMIT be inconsistent with the planned development and construction, we request that you contact us immediately to allow us the opportunity to review the new information in conjunction with our report and revise or modify our engineering recommendations accordingly, as needed. No site or project facilities/improvements, other than those described herein, should be designed using the soil information presented in this report. Moreover, SUMMIT will not be responsible for the performance of any site improvement so designed and constructed. 2.0 PURPOSE The purposes of this exploration were: • to explore and evaluate the subsurface conditions at the site with special attention to potential problems that may impact the proposed development, • to provide our estimates of the seasonal high groundwater level at the boring locations and • to provide geotechnical engineering recommendations for foundation design, pavement design and site preparation. This report presents an evaluation of site conditions on the basis of geotechnical procedures for site characterization. The recovered samples were not examined, either visually or analytically, for chemical composition or environmental hazards. We would be glad to provide you with a proposal for these services at your request. Our exploration was not designed to specifically address the potential for surface expression of deep geological conditions, such as sinkhole development related to karst activity. This evaluation requires a more extensive range of field services than those performed in this study. We would be pleased to conduct an exploration to evaluate the probable effect of the regional geology upon the proposed construction, if you so desire. 3.0 SITE DESCRIPTION The subject site is located at 3123 Murphy Road in Eastover North Carolina (Cumberland County) as shown on the attached A-1. At the time of drilling, the site is a C-Store gas station. The southeastern portion of the site is currently an open field and heavily wooded. 3070 Hammond Business Place, Suite 171, Raleigh, NC 27603 summit-companies.com Circle K—3123 Murphy Road SUMMIT Project No. 8382.G0188 Eastover, North Carolina November 16, 2022 3.1 Soil Survey There are two (2) native soil types mapped within the site area according to the USDA NRCS Soil Survey of Cumberland County. A brief summary of the mapped surficial (native) soil type(s) is presented in Table I. TABLE I SUMMARY OF PUBLISHED SOIL DATA Soil Hydrologic Drainage Depth of Published Symbol Soil Type Group Characteristics Seasonal High GWT (inches) Wo Woodington loamy sand, 0 to AID Poorly drained More than 80 2 percent slopes LbB Lakeland-Urban land complex, A Excessively More than 80 1 to 8 percent slopes drained Please note that the SCS soil survey data is based on pre-developmental conditions. The native subsurface conditions depicted on the soil survey may have been altered during previous development of the site and are not necessarily representative of the current subsurface conditions encountered during our exploration. 3.2 Topography According to information obtained from the Cumberland County GIS map, the native ground surface elevation across the site is relatively flat and descends from the northeast and southeast portions of the site to the eastern portions of the site at approximate elevations ranging from 116 to 106 feet. 4.0 SCOPE OF SERVICES The services conducted by SUMMIT during our geotechnical exploration were as follows: • Drilled five (5) Standard Penetration Test (SPT) borings within the proposed gas canopy footprint, UST pit area, SCM pond and proposed paved areas to depths of 10 to 25 feet below existing land surface (bls). • Secured samples of representative soils encountered in the soil borings for review, laboratory analysis and classification by a Geotechnical Engineer. • Measured the existing site groundwater levels. • Assessed the existing soil conditions with respect to the proposed construction. • Prepared a report which documents the results of our exploration and analysis with geotechnical engineering recommendations. 3070 Hammond Business Place, Suite 171, Raleigh, NC 27603 summit-companies.com Circle K—3123 Murphy Road SUMMIT Project No. 8382.G0188 Eastover, North Carolina November 16, 2022 5.0 FIELD EXPLORATION The SPT soil borings were performed with a CME-45 / F-450, track mounted drilling rig. Horizontal and vertical survey control was not provided for the test locations prior to our field exploration program. SUMMIT located the test borings by using the provided site plan, measuring from existing on-site landmarks shown on an aerial photograph, and by using handheld GPS devices. The indicated test locations should be considered accurate to the degree of the methodologies used. The approximate boring locations are shown in Appendix B. The SPT borings, designated B-1 to B-4 and B-6 on the attached Boring Location Plan (B-1) in Appendix B, were performed in general accordance with the procedures of ASTM D 1586 "Standard Method for Penetration Test and Split-Barrel Sampling of Soils". SPT sampling was performed continuously to 10 feet to detect variations in the near surface soil profile and on approximate 5 feet centers thereafter. It should be noted that soil boring B-5 could not be drilled due to site access issues. 6.0 LABORATORY TESTING The soil samples recovered from the test borings were returned to our laboratory and visually classified in general accordance with ASTM D 2487 "Standard Classification of Soils for Engineering Purposes" (Unified Soil Classification System). We selected representative soil samples from the borings for laboratory testing to aid in classifying the soils and to help to evaluate the general engineering characteristics of the site soils. The results of these tests are shown on the boring logs in Appendix B. A summary of the tests performed is shown in Table II. TABLE II LABORATORY METHODOLOGIES Test Performed Number Reference Performed Grain Size Analysis ASTM D 1140 "Amount of Material in Soils Finer than the (#200 wash only) 6 No. 200 (75 - pm)sieve" Moisture Content 6 ASTM D 2216 "Laboratory Determination of Water (Moisture) Content of Soil by Mass" Atterberg Limits 2 ASTM D 4318 "Standard Test Methods for Liquid Limit, Plastic Limit and Plasticity Index of Soils" 7.0 SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS The results of our field exploration and laboratory analysis, together with pertinent information obtained from the SPT borings, such as soil profiles, penetration resistance and groundwater levels are shown on the boring logs included in Appendix B. The Key to Boring Logs, Material Graphic Symbols is also included in Appendix B. The soil profiles were prepared from field logs after the recovered soil samples were examined by a Geotechnical Engineer. The stratification lines shown on the boring logs represent the approximate boundaries between soil types, and may not depict exact subsurface soil conditions. The actual soil boundaries may be more transitional than depicted. A generalized profile of the soils encountered at our boring locations is presented in Table III. For detailed soil profiles, please refer to the attached boring logs. 3070 Hammond Business Place, Suite 171, Raleigh, NC 27603 summit-companies.com Circle K—3123 Murphy Road SUMMIT Project No. 8382.G0188 Eastover, North Carolina November 16, 2022 TABLE III -GENERALIZED SOIL PROFILE Typical Depth Range of SPT (feet, bls) Soil Description "N" Values From To (blows/ft) Topsoil ranging in thicknesses of 2 to 12 inches underlain by Alluvial or Residual Sands. Surface 8' ALLUVIAL: Loose to Medium Dense Silty SANDs (SM) 6 to 28 RESIDUAL: Loose to Medium Dense Silty SANDs and Poorly Graded SANDs (SM and SP-SM) Loose to Medium Dense Silty SANDs (SM), Medium 8' 17' Dense Silty Well Graded SANDs (SW-SM) and Soft to 4 to 27 Very Stiff Sandy SILTs (MH) 17' 25' Very Dense Silty SANDs (SM), Hard Sandy CLAYs (CH) 20 to 67 and Very Stiff Sandy SILTs (MH) * Denotes maximum termination depth of the borings It should be noted that approximately 2 to 12 inches of topsoil was encountered at each soil boring. 8.0 GROUNDWATER CONDITIONS 8.1 Existing Groundwater Level We measured the water levels in the boreholes on November 12, 2022 during drilling operations. Groundwater was encountered at each soil boring location at approximate depths ranging from 1 to 8 feet below the existing ground surface at the time of drilling. It should be noted that fluctuations in groundwater levels should be anticipated throughout the year, primarily due to seasonal variations in rainfall, surface runoff, and other factors that may vary from the time the borings were conducted. 8.2 Seasonal High Groundwater Level Based on historical data, between the months of October through March are the wettest months of the year. In order to estimate the seasonal high water level at the boring locations, many factors are examined, including the following: • Measured groundwater level • Drainage characteristics of existing soil types • Current & historical rainfall data • Natural relief points (such as lakes, rivers, wetlands, etc.) • Man-made drainage systems (ditches, canals, retention basins, etc.) • On-site types of vegetation • Review of available data (soil surveys, USGS maps, etc.) • Redoximorphic features (mottling, stripping, etc.) • Perched ground water conditions Based on the results of our field exploration and the factors listed above, we estimate that the seasonal high groundwater level at the boring locations should occur more than 80 inches bls. However, the near surface soils can be conducive to the development of temporarily perched 3070 Hammond Business Place, Suite 171, Raleigh, NC 27603 summit-companies.com Circle K—3123 Murphy Road SUMMIT Project No. 8382.G0188 Eastover, North Carolina November 16, 2022 water conditions (water ponding at the surface or within the sandy soils located above less permeable clays and silts) following periods of inclement weather or during the wetter winter months. Additionally, the proposed area of the SCM is consider wetlands and the entire site is located within flood zones. We encountered standing water throughout the site during our field work. It should be noted that the estimated seasonal high water levels provided should be considered accurate to approximately ±'/2 foot and do not provide any assurance that groundwater levels will not exceed these estimated levels during any given year in the future. Should the impediments to surface water drainage be present, or should rainfall intensity and duration, or total rainfall quantities, exceed the normally anticipated rainfall quantities, groundwater levels might exceed our seasonal high estimates. Further, it should be understood that changes in the surface hydrology and subsurface drainage from on-site and/or off-site improvements could have significant effects on the normal and seasonal high groundwater levels. 9.0 SEISMIC SITE CLASSIFICATION The project site is located within a municipality that employs the North Carolina Building Code (NCBC) which has jurisdiction in the State of North Carolina. Since seismic design is not part of the NCBC, we consulted the 2015 International Building Code° (IBC). As part of this Code, the design of structures must consider dynamic forces resulting from seismic events. These forces are dependent upon the magnitude of the earthquake event, as well as the properties of the soils that underlie the site. As part of the procedure to evaluate seismic forces, the Code requires the evaluation of the Seismic Site Class, which categorizes the site based upon the characteristics of the subsurface profile within the upper 100 feet of the ground surface. To define the Site Class for this project, we first interpreted the results of SPT soil borings drilled within the project site and estimated appropriate soil properties below the base of the borings to a depth of 100 feet, as permitted by Section 1615.1.1 of the Code. The estimated soil properties were based upon our experience with subsurface conditions in the general site area. Based upon the SPT N-values recorded during the field exploration and our experience in the vicinity of the subject site, the subsurface conditions within the site are consistent with the characteristics of a Site Class "D"as defined in Chapter 20 of ASCE 7. 10.0 FOUNDATION DESIGN RECOMMENDATIONS The following recommendations are made based upon a review of the attached soil test data, our understanding of the proposed construction, and experience with similar projects and subsurface conditions. The applicability of geotechnical recommendations is very dependent upon project characteristics such as improvement locations, and grade alterations. SUMMIT must review the final site and grading plans to validate all recommendations rendered herein. Additionally, if subsurface conditions are encountered during construction, which were not encountered in the borings, report those conditions immediately to us for observation and recommendations. 3070 Hammond Business Place, Suite 171, Raleigh, NC 27603 summit-companies.com Circle K—3123 Murphy Road SUMMIT Project No. 8382.G0188 Eastover, North Carolina November 16, 2022 10.1 Structural and Grading Information It is our understanding that the project will include the construction of a new gas canopy at the Circle K gas station located at 3123 Murphy Road in Eastover, North Carolina. Although detailed loading conditions were not provided, we have assumed that the maximum loadings for the proposed canopy will not exceed 50 kips for individual columns. We assume that the canopy foundations will be near existing grades. If the existing grades are raised by more than 5 feet, we request that you contact SUMMIT to determine if soil consolidation needs to be monitored prior to constructing the foundations of the canopy. Prior to finalizing any design, the structural/grading information outlined above should be confirmed by the project structural/civil engineer. This is crucial to our evaluation and estimates of settlements. If any of this information is incorrect or if you anticipate any changes, please inform SUMMIT immediately so that we may review and modify our recommendations as appropriate. 10.2 Analysis Based on the results of the soil borings, the near surface soils within the proposed new canopy area appear to be mostly loose to medium dense residual sands to a depth of 17 feet. It is our opinion that proposed structure can be supported on properly designed and constructed shallow foundation systems. Provided that the site preparation recommendations outlined in this report are followed, the parameters outlined below may be used for foundation design. 10.3 Bearing Pressure Provided our suggested site preparation procedures are followed, we recommend designing shallow footing foundations for a maximum allowable net soil bearing pressure of 2,000 pounds per square foot (psf). The allowable net bearing pressure is that pressure that may be transmitted to the soil in excess of the minimum surrounding overburden pressure. The allowable bearing pressure should include dead load plus sustained live load. The foundations should be designed for the most unfavorable effects due to the combinations of loads specified in the North Carolina Building Code (NCBC). 10.4 Foundation Size The minimum width recommended for an isolated column footing is 24 inches. Even though the maximum allowable soil bearing pressure may not be achieved, these width recommendations should control the size of the foundations. 10.5 Bearing Depth The base of all footings should be at least 12 inches below finished grade elevation in accordance with the NCBC. We recommend stormwater and surface water be diverted away from the building exterior, both during and after construction, to reduce the possibility of erosion beneath the exterior footings. 10.6 Bearing Material The bearing level soils should exhibit a density of at least 98 percent of the maximum dry density as determined by ASTM D 698 (Standard Proctor) to a depth of at least 2 feet below foundation level as described in this report. In addition to compaction, the bearing soils must exhibit stability and be free of"pumping" conditions. 3070 Hammond Business Place, Suite 171, Raleigh, NC 27603 summit-companies.com Circle K—3123 Murphy Road SUMMIT Project No. 8382.G0188 Eastover, North Carolina November 16, 2022 10.7 Settlement Estimates Post-construction settlement of the structures will be influenced by several interrelated factors, such as (1) subsurface stratification and strength/compressibility characteristics of the bearing soils to a depth of approximately twice the width of the footing; (2) footing size, bearing level, applied loads, and resulting bearing pressures beneath the foundation; (3) site preparation and earthwork construction techniques used by the contractor, and (4) external factors, including but not limited to vibration from offsite sources and groundwater fluctuations beyond those normally anticipated for the naturally-occurring site and soil conditions which are present. Our settlement estimates for the structures are based upon adherence to our recommended site preparation procedures presented in this report. Any deviation from these recommendations could result in an increase in the estimated post-construction settlement of the structures. Furthermore, should building loads change from those assumed by us, greater settlements may be expected. Due to the sandy nature of the surficial soils following the compaction operations, we expect the majority of settlement to be elastic in nature and occur relatively quickly, on application of the loads, during and immediately following construction. Using the recommended maximum allowable bearing pressure, the assumed maximum structural loads, and the field and laboratory test data which we have correlated into the strength and compressibility characteristics of the subsurface soils, we estimate the total vertical settlement of the proposed structure to be on the order of 1 inch or less. Differential settlement results from differences in applied bearing pressures and the variations in the compressibility characteristics of the subsurface soils. Assuming our site preparation recommendations are followed, we anticipate differential settlement of less than 1/2 inch. 11.0 PAVEMENT RECOMMENDATIONS 11.1 General We understand that a combination of flexible asphaltic and rigid concrete pavement sections will be used on this project. We understand from Circle K's Geotechnical Investigation Work Scope document (dated Revised February 24, 2020) that the following ESALs should be used as the basis of pavement designs: • Normal/Light Duty 250,000 ESALs • Heavy Duty 1,800,000 ESALs • Expected Pavement Service Life 20 years In addition, the following assumptions have been made: • Reliability of 85 percent • Standard Deviation of 0.45 • Subgrade Resilient Modulus of 7,500 psi • Initial Serviceability of 4.5 • Terminal Serviceability of 2.5 3070 Hammond Business Place, Suite 171, Raleigh, NC 27603 summit-companies.com Circle K—3123 Murphy Road SUMMIT Project No. 8382.G0188 Eastover, North Carolina November 16, 2022 Our recommendations for minimum section thicknesses and subgrade preparation for both pavement types are listed in the following sections. 11.2 Asphaltic Pavements 11.2.1 Layer Components Based on the results of our soil borings our minimum recommended pavement component thicknesses are presented in Table IV TABLE IV MINIMUM ASPHALTIC PAVEMENT COMPONENT THICKNESSES Layer Component Service Maximum Estimated Traffic Surface Intermediate Base Stone Stabilized Structural Level Loading Course Course Course Course Subgrade Number (inches) (inches) I (inches) (inches) I Normal/ up to Light 250,000 2 4 N/A 6 12 2.7 Duty E1sSAL Heavy up to 1800,000 3 4 5 8 12 3.5 Duty E1sSAL 11.2.2 Stabilized Subgrade We recommend that the stabilized subgrade materials immediately beneath the base course be compacted to at least 98 percent of the Standard Proctor maximum dry density (ASTM D 698) value. Stabilized subgrade can be imported materials or a blend of on-site and imported materials. If a blend is proposed, we recommend that the contractor perform a mix design to find the optimum mix proportions. Compaction testing of the stabilized subgrade should be performed to full depth at a frequency of at least one (1) test per 10,000 square feet, or a minimum of 4 tests, whichever is greater. 11.2.3 Stone Course Based on the results of our exploration and our experience in the project area, ABC stone are suitable base course materials for this project. However, local municipality standards may govern the use of crushed concrete use as an alternative base course material. We recommend the civil engineer consult with the local municipalities prior to selecting the base course material for this project. Recycled concrete aggregate (RCA) may provide a cost-effective alternative material. Local availability, along with municipality standards, typically governs the use of crushed concrete use as an alternative base course material. The advantages of using RCA as a pavement base 3070 Hammond Business Place, Suite 171, Raleigh, NC 27603 summit-companies.com Circle K—3123 Murphy Road SUMMIT Project No. 8382.G0188 Eastover, North Carolina November 16, 2022 course include its high strength, resistance to groundwater related distress, and lack of reflection cracking caused by thermal expansion and contraction. If an RCA base is used, the base course material should be sourced from a NCDOT approved supplier. The base should be compacted to a minimum density of 98 percent of the Standard Proctor maximum dry density. Compaction testing of the base course should be performed to full depth at a frequency of at least one (1) test per 10,000 square feet. 11.2.4 Surface, Intermediate, and Base Course For the pavements, we recommend that the asphalt consist of NCDOT SuperPave (SP) asphaltic concrete. The surface course should consist of NCDOT RS9.5C mix, intermediate course RI19.0C, and base course B25.0C for light-duty and heavy-duty areas. The asphalt concrete should be placed within the allowable lift thicknesses per NCDOT standards. The asphaltic concrete should be compacted to an average field density of 92 percent of the laboratory maximum density determined from specific gravity (Gmm) methods. After placement and field compaction, the wearing surface should be cored to evaluate material thickness and density. Cores should be obtained at frequencies of at least one (1) core per 10,000 square feet of placed pavement, or a minimum of two (2) cores per day's production. 11.2.5 Effects of Groundwater Subgrades should be carefully examined by the onsite geotechnical engineer, or his/her representative following rough grading to evaluate whether or not any highly plastic soils or soft wet soils are present. If highly plastic soils are exposed in pavement subgrades, they should be undercut to a minimum depth of 2 feet and be replaced with adequately compacted low plasticity soils or can be treated with lime or cement to reduce their objectionable behavior when wet. Again, we do not anticipate that highly plastic soils will be exposed, however, the pavement subgrades should be inspected to confirm this prior to placement of base course stone. The most important factors affecting pavement life are the condition of the pavement subgrade immediately prior to base course stone placement and post-construction drainage. It is recommended that subgrades be properly re-compacted to not less than 98 percent of the soil's Standard Proctor maximum dry density and that grades be detailed to promote positive drainage away from pavement areas. Due to the poor permeability characteristics of the soils in this geologic formation, French drains and/or drainage swales should be used on the uphill side of paved areas and between pavement structures and within any landscaped areas. 11.2.6 Landscape Areas In the event that landscape areas adjacent to the pavements include large mounds (>1 foot) of poorly draining organic topsoil or silty/clayey sands, we recommend that landscape drains be provided to protect the roadway against adverse effects from over-irrigation or excess rainfall. Poorly draining silty and clayey material causes the irrigation and rainwater to perch and migrate laterally into the pavement components, which eventually compromises the integrity of the pavement section. 3070 Hammond Business Place, Suite 171, Raleigh, NC 27603 summit-companies.com Circle K— 3123 Murphy Road SUMMIT Project No. 8382.G0188 Eastover, North Carolina November 16, 2022 11.3 Concrete "Rigid" Pavements Concrete pavement is a rigid pavement that is strong, durable and handles the heavy loads more effectively than asphalt pavement. We assume that concrete pavement may be used in the canopy, driveway and tank mat areas. In addition, concrete pavement is recommended under the dumpster area, and 10 feet in front of the trash enclosure, at a minimum. We understand from Circle K's Geotechnical Investigation Work Scope document (dated Revised 02-24-20) that the following ESALs should be used as the basis of pavement designs: • Normal/Light Duty 250,000 ESALs • Heavy Duty 1,800,000 ESALs • Expected Pavement Service Life 20 years In addition, the following assumptions have been made: • Concrete Elastic Modulus of 4,000,000 psi • Concrete Modulus of Rupture of 650 psi • Reliability of 85 percent • Standard Deviation of 0.45 • Modulus of Subgrade Reaction of 100 pci • Initial Serviceability of 4.5 • Terminal Serviceability of 2.5 We recommend preparing the proposed concrete pavement areas as recommend in Section 11.0 of this report with the following stipulations: 1. The subgrade immediately beneath the concrete should be compacted to at least 98 percent of the Standard Proctor maximum dry density (ASTM D 698) value. 2. The surface of the subgrade soils must be smooth, and any disturbances or wheel rutting corrected prior to placement of concrete. 3. The subgrade must be moistened prior to placement of concrete. 4. Concrete pavement thickness should be uniform throughout, with exception to the thickened edges (curb or footing). 5. The bottom of the pavement should be separated from the seasonal high groundwater level by at least 12 Inches. Based on the results of the soil borings, we recommend using the minimum design shown in Table V for concrete pavements. 3070 Hammond Business Place, Suite 171, Raleigh, NC 27603 summit-companies.com Circle K—3123 Murphy Road SUMMIT Project No. 8382.G0188 Eastover, North Carolina November 16, 2022 TABLE V MINIMUM CONCRETE PAVEMENT THICKNESSES • Minimum • Maximum Control • Recommended Saw Service Level Pavement Thickness • Joint Spacing Cut Depth Light Duty 6 inches 12 feet x 12 feet 2 inches Heavy Duty 8 inches 14 feet x 14 feet 2.667 inches We recommend using concrete with a minimum 28-day compressive strength of at least 4,000 pounds per square inch with steel reinforcement. Layout of the saw cut control joints should form square panels, and the depth of Saw cut joints should be '/3 of the concrete slab thickness. We recommend allowing SUMMIT to review and comment on the final concrete pavement design, including section and joint details (type of joints, joint spacing, etc.), prior to the start of construction. Specimens to verify the compressive strength of the pavement concrete should be obtained for at least every 50 cubic yards, or at least once for each day's placement, whichever is greater. 12.0 EARTH RETAINING WALLS At this time, SUMMIT is not aware of any planned retaining walls at the site. The following recommendations are provided in the event low-level (i.e. less than 4 feet) walls are required. Earth pressures on retaining walls are influenced by the structural design of walls, conditions of wall restraint, construction methods, and the strength of the materials being restrained. The most common conditions assumed for earth retaining wall design are the active and at-rest conditions. Active conditions apply to relatively flexible earth retention structures, such as freestanding walls, where some movement and rotation may occur to mobilize shear strength. Walls which are rigidly restrained should be designed for the at-rest condition. However, if the walls will be backfilled before they are braced, they should also be designed to withstand active earth pressures as self-supporting cantilever walls. The wall designer must select the appropriate earth pressure based upon site and design constraints. Development of the full active earth pressure case requires a magnitude of horizontal wall movement that often cannot be tolerated or cannot occur due to the rigidity of the wall and other design restrictions such as the impact on adjacent structures. In such cases, walls are often designed for either the at-rest condition or a condition intermediate of the active and at-rest conditions, depending on the amount of permissible wall movement. Passive earth pressure represents the maximum possible pressure when a structure is pushed against the soil, and is used in wall foundation design to help resist active or at-rest pressures. Because significant wall movements are required to develop the passive pressure, the total calculated passive pressure is usually reduced by one-half for design purposes. 3070 Hammond Business Place, Suite 171, Raleigh, NC 27603 summit-companies.com Circle K—3123 Murphy Road SUMMIT Project No. 8382.G0188 Eastover, North Carolina November 16, 2022 Our recommendations assume that the ground surface behind the earth retaining structures is level and that native or imported soils consisting of relatively clean sandy soils containing less than 12 percent passing the No. 200. We recommend that the soils selected for use as backfill be tested as specified prior to commencement of wall construction. Recommended soil parameters for design of earth retaining structures have been presented in Table VI below. TABLE VI LATERAL EARTH PRESSURE DESIGN PARAMETERS (LEVEL BACKFILL) * Design Parameter Recommended Value At-rest Earth Pressure Coefficient, Ko 0.50 Active Earth Pressure Coefficient, Ka 0.33 Passive Earth Pressure Coefficient, Kp 3.0 Moist Unit Soil Weight (pcf) 115 for SP, SP-SM Submerged Unit Weight of Soil (pcf) 52 Coefficient of Friction (sliding) 0.4 Angle of Internal Friction, ❑ 30 Table Notes: * For sloping backfill the table values must be adjusted. **Hydrostatic pressure should be accounted for based on seasonal high water table estimates and other site drainage considerations Positive wall drainage must be provided for all earth retaining structures to prevent the build-up of excess hydrostatic pressures. These drainage systems can be constructed of open-graded washed stone isolated from the soil backfill with a geosynthetic filter fabric and drained by perforated pipe, or with one of several wall drainage products made specifically for this application. Lateral earth pressures arising from surcharge loading (i.e. traffic loading, building/structure loads, etc.) should be added to the above earth pressures to determine the total lateral pressure. Additional consideration must also be given for sloped backfill at the top of the wall. In each circumstance the earth pressures for active and at-rest conditions will increase based upon the amount of surcharge and angle above horizontal of the sloped backfill. Retaining walls should also be analyzed for both internal and global stability. 13.0 SITE PREPARATION We recommend normal, good practice site preparation procedures for the new construction areas. These procedures include: stripping/clearing of the site to remove existing improvements, vegetation, roots, organic topsoil, debris, etc. Following stripping, the exposed subgrade soils should be proof-rolled, and all subgrade and subsequent fill/backfill soils should be properly densified. A more detailed description of this work is presented in this section. 1. Prior to construction, existing underground utility lines and other below grade structures within the construction area should be located. Provisions should be made to relocate interfering utilities to appropriate locations. It should be noted that if underground 3070 Hammond Business Place, Suite 171, Raleigh, NC 27603 summit-companies.com Circle K—3123 Murphy Road SUMMIT Project No. 8382.G0188 Eastover, North Carolina November 16, 2022 improvements are not properly removed or plugged, they may serve as conduits for subsurface erosion which may lead to excessive settlement of overlying structures. 2. Strip the proposed construction limits of topsoil and any other deleterious materials within and 5 feet beyond the perimeter of the new construction areas. We strongly recommend that the excavated surfaces be observed and probed by representatives of the onsite Geotechnical engineer. 3. Proof-roll the exposed subsurface soils under the observation of the onsite geotechnical engineer, to locate any soft areas of unsuitable soils. If deemed necessary by onsite geotechnical engineer, in areas that continue to "yield", remove any deleterious materials and replace with a clean, compacted granular backfill. 4. Existing non-highly plastic/elastic on-site soils (SM, SP-SM, SW-SM) may be used as structural fill provided these soils are free of deleterious and/or organic material (topsoil or rootmat) and is at a moisture content that facilitates compaction in accordance with the project specifications. If any highly plastic soils (i.e. soils with plasticity indices greater than 35) are encountered during grading activities, these soils should not be used as structural fill within the top three (3) feet of subgrade levels due to their shrink/swell potential. These soils may be used in non-structural or landscaped areas. In addition, structural fill material should have particle sizes of less than three (3) inches in diameter and should not have a maximum dry density of less than 90 pounds per cubic foot as determined by ASTM D-698 without approval from the geotechnical engineer. Place fill in maximum 10-inch loose, uniform lifts and compact each lift at least 95 percent of the Standard Proctor maximum dry density. 5. Within the at-grade (or below grade) foundation areas, subgrade compaction should be increased to 98 percent of the Standard Proctor to a depth of at least 2 feet below bottom of foundation. 6. Within the pavement areas, the upper 12 inches of subgrade beneath the base course or concrete slabs (sub-base) should be stabilized and compacted to at least 98 percent of the Standard Proctor maximum dry density. 7. Test the subgrade and each lift of fill for compaction at a frequency of not less than one test per 2,500 square feet in the building areas and one test per 10,000 square feet in the pavement areas, with a minimum of 4 tests in each area. 8. Prior to the placement of reinforcing steel and concrete, verify compaction within the footing trenches to a depth of 3 feet. We recommend testing every column footing, with a minimum of 4 tests per the new canopy. Re-compaction of the foundation excavation bearing level soils, if loosened by the excavation process, can typically be achieved by making several passes with a walk-behind vibratory sled or jumping jack. Stability of the compacted soils is essential and independent of compaction and density control. If the near surface soils or the structural fill experience "pumping" conditions, terminate all earthwork activities in that area. Pumping conditions occur when there is too much water present in the soil-water matrix. Earthwork activities are actually attempting to compact the water and not the soil. The disturbed soils should be dried in place by scarification and aeration prior to any additional earthwork activities. 3070 Hammond Business Place, Suite 171, Raleigh, NC 27603 summit-companies.com Circle K—3123 Murphy Road SUMMIT Project No. 8382.G0188 Eastover, North Carolina November 16, 2022 Vibrations produced during vibratory compaction operations at the site may be significantly noticeable within 100 feet and may cause distress to adjacent structures if not properly regulated. Provisions should be made to monitor these vibrations so that any necessary modifications in the compaction operations can be made in the field before potential damages occur. SUMMIT can provide vibration monitoring services to help document and evaluate the effects of the surface compaction operation on existing structures. It is recommended that large vibratory rollers remain a minimum of 50 feet from existing structures. Within this zone, the use of a static roller or small hand guided plate compactors is recommended. 14.0 UST PIT AREA — GENERAL COMMENTS We assume the excavation for the proposed UST pit area will be on the order of 12 to 20 feet below the ground surface. Based on the results of Boring B-4 (performed within the proposed pit area), the subsoils at this level appear to be medium dense well graded gravel and very stiff highly elastic silts. If the bottom of tank elevation is below 17 feet bls, the highly elastic silt soils will likely need to be removed and replaced with suitable compacted structural fill. Soil remediation can be provided by the onsite Geotechnical engineer. NCDOT #57 stone can be utilized to backfill the soil removed and can be placed in 6 to 8 inch lifts in the bottom of the over-excavation with compaction equipment (i.e. jumping jack) until a firm, non-yielding subgrade is achieved. The groundwater table was encountered at approximately 8 feet bls at the UST tank pit location at the time of our subsurface exploration. Temporary dewatering will likely be necessary to achieve the necessary excavation and compaction within the tank area. Excavation procedures should conform to the OSHA regulations (Please see section 16.0 of this report). After the excavation for the tanks is complete, we recommend that the bottom of the excavation be compacted by small hand guided equipment to achieve at least 95 percent of the Standard Proctor maximum dry density (ASTM D-698) to a depth of 1 foot. If the bottom of excavation is unstable due to excessive fines and/or wet conditions, graded aggregate (NCDOT #57 stone) can be placed in 6 to 8 inch lifts in the bottom of the over-excavation with compaction equipment (i.e. jumping jack or rammax) until a firm, non-yielding subgrade is achieved. Pea gravel or approved free-draining bedding soils should be placed below tanks in accordance with tank manufacturer's specifications. After completion of the tank installation, backfill should be placed in uniform 10 inch (or less) lifts and compacted to at least 95 percent of the Standard Proctor Test maximum dry density (ASTM D 698), with small hand guided equipment. 15.0 STORMWATER POND DESIGN We understand that one (1) stormwater pond will be constructed within the south eastern portion of the site as shown on the attached Figure B-1. One (1) SPT boring (designated B-2) was performed within the proposed pond area. Our recommended stormwater pond design parameters are shown in Table VII. 3070 Hammond Business Place, Suite 171, Raleigh, NC 27603 summit-companies.com Circle K—3123 Murphy Road SUMMIT Project No. 8382.G0188 Eastover, North Carolina November 16, 2022 TABLE VII STORMWATER POND DESIGN PARAMETERS Design Parameter Estimated Values Relevant Boring Log B-2 Estimated Depth to Base of Surficial Aquifer(feet) 2+ Estimated Fillable Porosity of Surficial in-situ sands(percent) 25 Estimated Seasonal High Groundwater Level(feet) 1' Estimated Horizontal Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity of Surficial Aquifer 28 (feet per day) Estimated Vertical Unsaturated Hydraulic Conductivity of Surficial Aquifer 19 (feet per day) Please note that survey control was not provided at our boring locations. The estimated depths in Table VII are referenced to the existing ground surface at the time of our exploration. Appropriate factors of safety should be included in the design. UES can provide the drawdown/recovery analysis once the pond configuration and treatment volumes have been finalized. 16.0 DEWATERING AND EXCAVATION CONSIDERATIONS Based on the groundwater level conditions encountered, temporary dewatering will likely be required for the successful construction of this project. When dewatering is needed during construction, the actual method(s) of dewatering should be determined by the contractor. The design and discharge of the dewatering system must be performed in accordance with applicable regulatory criteria (i.e. water management district, etc.) and compliance with such criteria is the sole responsibility of the contractor. Excavations should be sloped as necessary to prevent slope failure and to allow backfilling. As a minimum, temporary excavations below 4-foot depth should be sloped in accordance with OSHA regulations. Where lateral confinement will not permit slopes to be laid back, the excavation should be shored in accordance with OSHA requirements. During excavation, excavated material should not be stockpiled at the top of the slope within a horizontal distance equal to the excavation depth. Provisions for maintaining workman safety within excavations is the sole responsibility of the contractor. 17.0 CONSTRUCTION RELATED SERVICES We recommend the owner retain SUMMIT to provide inspection services during the site preparation procedures for confirmation of the adequacy of the earthwork operations. Field tests and observations include verification of foundation and pavement subgrades by monitoring earthwork operations and performing quality assurance tests of the placement of compacted structural fill courses. The geotechnical engineering design does not end with the advertisement of the construction documents. The design is an on-going process throughout construction. Because of our familiarity with the site conditions and the intent of the engineering design, we are most qualified to address site problems or construction changes, which may arise during construction, in a timely and cost-effective manner. 3070 Hammond Business Place, Suite 171, Raleigh, NC 27603 summit-companies.com Circle K—3123 Murphy Road SUMMIT Project No. 8382.G0188 Eastover, North Carolina November 16, 2022 18.0 LIMITATIONS This report has been prepared for the exclusive use of Circle K Stores — Coastal Carolina Division and other designated members of their design/construction team associated with the proposed construction for the specific project discussed in this report. No other site or project facilities should be designed using the soil information contained in this report. As such, SUMMIT will not be responsible for the performance of any other site improvement designed using the data in this report. This report should not be relied upon for final design recommendations or professional opinions by unauthorized third parties without the expressed written consent of SUMMIT. Unauthorized third parties that rely upon the information contained herein without the expressed written consent of SUMMIT assume all risk and liability for such reliance. The recommendations submitted in this report are based upon the data obtained from the soil borings performed at the locations indicated on the Boring Location Plan and from other information as referenced. This report does not reflect any variations which may occur between the boring locations. The nature and extent of such variations may not become evident until the course of construction. If variations become evident, it will then be necessary for a re-evaluation of the recommendations of this report after performing on-site observations during the construction period and noting the characteristics of the variations. Borings for a typical geotechnical report are widely spaced and generally not sufficient for reliably detecting the presence of isolated, anomalous surface or subsurface conditions, or reliably estimating unsuitable or suitable material quantities. Accordingly, SUMMIT does not recommend relying on our boring information for estimation of material quantities unless our contracted services specifically include sufficient exploration for such purpose(s) and within the report we so state that the level of exploration provided should be sufficient to detect anomalous conditions or estimate such quantities. Therefore, SUMMIT will not be responsible for any extrapolation or use of our data by others beyond the purpose(s) for which it is applicable or intended. All users of this report are cautioned that there was no requirement for SUMMIT to attempt to locate any man-made buried objects or identify any other potentially hazardous conditions that may exist at the site during the course of this exploration. Therefore, no attempt was made by SUMMIT to locate or identify such concerns. SUMMIT cannot be responsible for any buried man-made objects or environmental hazards which may be subsequently encountered during construction that are not discussed within the text of this report. We can provide this service if requested. During the early stages of most construction projects, geotechnical issues not addressed in this report may arise. Because of the natural limitations inherent in working with the subsurface, it is not possible for a geotechnical engineer to predict and address all possible problems. A Geotechnical Business Council (GBC) publication, "Important Information About This Geotechnical Engineering Report" appears in Appendix C, and will help explain the nature of geotechnical issues. Further, we present documents in Appendix C: Constraints and Restrictions, to bring to your attention the potential concerns and the basic limitations of a typical geotechnical report. * * * * * * * * * 3070 Hammond Business Place, Suite 171, Raleigh, NC 27603 summit-companies.com _ .., A Eastover - - "..—AGtowAR _ \ OJ? �S QUS OFF RAMP T p/��'pi -c �V9� % `95 BUS N pµ}�N1P HPTCMOR`N / --`r)4447. 2 0'3gv55 Dq 195BUSNOF \ a4.1 y p 42 _„......--- 'Nip......,,,.....„..............,/ ?1TAL SITE T. 1 1 APPENDIX A Project #: 8382.G0188 Site Location Plan SUMMIT Circle K— Eastover, NC -1) ENGINEERING•LABORATORY•TESTING Eastover, North Carolina �Y�\ A Universal Engineering Sciences Company �\ N A\ \ w /� ?0.0'REAR F.;ILOI`P EETBACK \ / / ��NssuMEolo.o'LAwscwEeurru+ . /K.........., \ \ \SSULED 10.0'LAWDSCAPE DIFFER \\\ \•.y�, 510E WADING SETBAO( PROPOSED FULL / / - :1: ACCESS DRIVEWAY / K Ey6TNG MID SIGN \ /�''Jl STING Afi,':aP / \ / E%15RNG OJTOIOR SEATING /1/ ,7 \ ./\ . \ fYI51NGswMAGE / i,♦• Ra,�.l \ snF, // :+i� / E104TING UST C / /4* 111111. 1.11911 .• 4 SIGNALIZED // IN7E1Z9EGT4N - T may' Ti Or VW 11' '‘ ''.. .. ''' s / "- r f fJ� ww / '� %...kr PROPOSED IWO CANCER EYJSTIIJG FULL ACCESS DRIVEWAY / �� PROPOSED US'PENT RISER fib Rt.'• \V 1111P / i , PROPOSED UST LOCATICN N. ` w / PROPOSED REMOTE CEF FILL \ SO.O rRONT BUILDING SETBACK RACE ••:� \ / � \ EXISTINGFU LL ACCESS ORNEWAY \ / /// \• ;N.liolkills . VVV/ 'N.. E%ISTINGMID SIGN .. \ PROPOSED DIRECTIONAL SIGN \ \ \ PROPOSED DIRECTIONAL SIGN \ PRCEOSED FULL ACCESS DRIVEWAY L95 \ I / \ T .?S MLES� \ N APPENDIX B Project #: 8382.G0188 Boring Location Plan SUMMIT Circle K— Eastover, NC (B-1 a) ENGINEERING•LABORATORY•TESTING Eastover, North Carolina A Universal Engineering Sciences Company N''''' , - • - '''Irr N:=.'%; . -, 'Nt .., • o'.... .. . , . •. • .. . , , lirk ,. - -ii• \ _', •' ',-,, .-, la i', - , r :,,i,,, c „.. . s . .C:.!')k' 'y ' . '; .:' •'-, . . --;*•-4Ir - It * ., , . " 7.t.' •:- - -' •Z V ;' ci . . Z"%- • ;0. ." v.obt . -....;..: 4,, ... .. ,, . . , • ..,, • . ,x.;\ . 4*,.. .- ,-- - , I:. , It-1444,1). ‘,Ate4... -`.•, . - • '',. . -.. ii. ., ....,b, , ., , . --i. •- I 4.e ; , ell. •AS . e,%A. .s 4,,,,.04„ 4, '•• r , 1.4 4,... , ., kf! • , „.B„-.1: . -... . ' - fj., tict- -7411- . :-It- -• 41- t-ite ,.. . e „, - 4--.0',..„40e 4. ••• , . 4 ', .. - -'. "V,1/4H- iiii - • ' -iiii a vi . .1 11.r• . - t Vi Atis•, , B-3 1144,4jip t , ;403-4 11rB-2 -.. . *:. • :i. ;,;. i 4/B-5 0, efifro..:p . .. e . 4 :.•.*.... , 14 r . ;B-6 • • -.,., ,,, . ..... "41/4 4, . ,4-.-. .f.i. ..:*. ..,Akt ."•• _ " • • 4.• * APPENDIX B Project #: 8382.G0188 Boring Location Plan SUMMIT Circle K— Eastover, NC (B-lb ENGINEERING•LABORATORY•TESTING A Universal Engineering Sciences Company Eastover, North Carolina ) Blows B-q 115 —115 INF Topsoil 6 w Cultivated SM Blows B-4 Blows B-6 Topsoil Topsoil B-3 110 6 .�. Blows 7— w�� —SM — — — 40-4•%i—Y— SM —110 Or SM W Topsoil Blows B-2o ;i1. $ 4 � ppT 4Topsoil 8 7 r� 16 • SM 7 Alluvial SM r ;, SM SM ;1 6 .>4 25 J:'1 105 — — — — — r 11 — 7— 46 �% —105 4.04 2g ',: V � •▪ SM Alluvial-SM i• 1%4' $ • ,; SP-SM �... o .L :: 4 8 SM 20 .e. SM ... . : .♦ > 7 SM 19 Zst SM 5 :•:r .L W 100 �iCC"_y�'� '�•• .7:4— — SM— — — — — '• —100 4 M H ••••• 15 C.d GP .M"••i .o 95 67 • _ SM 27 ;.;r•• SW-SM '0 —95 MH •M• 16 •,;i 1 MH MH 20 V. MH '/, CH MH 31 '/-. 90 # ' — -I-$- 22 — MI-I— —90 MATERIAL GRAPHIC SYMBOLS Alluvial-Silty Sand Silty SAND(SM) SUMMIT Engineering,Laboratory&Testing, nil . Inc.- r// Fat CLAY,CLAY w/SAND,SANDY CLAY(CH) IR Poorly graded SAND with Silt(SP-SM) 3070 Hammond Business Place,Suite 171E �w/�f/. �Sj Raleigh,NC 27603 + Cultivated Soils Silty Sand 4 Well graded SAND with Silt(SW-SM) Circle K-Eastover,NC t •! 3123 Murphy Road- Eastover,North Carolina 0 0 , Poorly graded GRAVEL(GP) Surficial Organic Soils Project No. APPENDIX B 11111 SILT,SILT w/SAND,SANDY SILT(MH) 8382.G0188 B-2 , Project: Circle K- Eastover, NC Log of Boring B-1 Project Location: 3319 Murphy Road, Eastover, North Carolina Sheet 1 of 1 Project Number: 8382.G0188 Date(s)llovember 12,2022 Logged By Jason B.Coble,PE Checked By Jeff A.Taylor,PE Drilled Drilling- Drill Bit- Total Depth Method Hollow Stem Augers Size/Type 6-inch(OD)-Soil Bit of Borehole z5 Drill Riga..uME-45/F-440 Drilling- Bridger Drilling Approximate- 115 Type Contractor Surface Elevation Groundwater Level Encountered at 8'ADT Sampling- Encountered Hammer)140 Ib,30-inch Drop,Auto Trip and Date Measured Method(s) Data Borehole Cuttings Location See Boring Location Plans(B-la&B-1b) Backfill , ai (0 _ w a> N .c a) a) Q T p ) a) c a) I— rn —I iu 0 O d ,c U J c L > E E fl °' REMARKS AND m a) 3 w a co ca) cr5 n —T° CD MATERIAL DESCRIPTION <j OTHER TESTS 115— 0 — Surficial Orgainc Soils(Topsoil) CULTIVATED: Loose Moist Dark Brown Silty Fine SAND - - 6 K51 � (SM) y- RESIDUAL:Loose Moist Orange-Brown and Tan Silty Fine - -4 6 j.:' SAND(SM) - 110— 5 /\ �� — - 4 J 1- - 8 J. A. = 8. ��7 Loose Wet Gray-Tan Slightly Micaceous Silty Fine SAND= - -X 6 1�'"" (SM) - 105— 10 •'�'� — - - 4 J 1- - • y ,,J'�.S Loose Wet Brown-Gray Silty Fine SAND(SM) !� X7 y - O 100— 15 •i4'� — H y - - 4J:1- - S. AO. Dense Wet Brown-Gray and Orange Silty Fine to - pry- Medium SAND(SM)w/Quartz Gravel - E - - 67 .t�(y aa, 95— 20 X •'!' — E - //, Hard Moist Gray-Brown Fine to Medium Sandy CLAY(CH)//- w/Pea Gravel - - m x 31 ice, o_ 90— 25 r Boring Terminated at 25.0 Feet Below Existing Ground N - - - Surface - 0 W M Co ai 0 B85— 30 N Us. /4k SUMMIT , Project: Circle K- Eastover, NC Log of Boring B-2 Project Location: 3319 Murphy Road, Eastover, North Carolina Sheet 1 of 1 Project Number: 8382.G0188 Date(s)llovember 12,2022 Logged By Jason B.Coble,PE Checked By Jeff A.Taylor,PE Drilled Drilling- Drill Bit- Total Depth- Method Hollow Stem Augers Size/Type 6-inch(OD)-Soil Bit of Borehole 15 Drill Rigo1ME-45/F-440 Drilling- Bridger Drilling Approximate- 108 Type Contractor Surface Elevation Groundwater Level Encountered at 1'ATD Sampling- Encountered Hammern140 Ib,30-inch Drop,Auto Trip and Date Measured Method(s) Data Borehole Cuttings Location See Boring Location Plans(B-la&B-1b) Backfill , ai m _ w a> N L a) a) a) T o N c w I— cry) iu o O d .P U J C L > fl °' m 1) E E REMARKS AND 0 w a co to 7:: CD MATERIAL DESCRIPTION <j OTHER TESTS 108— 0 - — •j • Surficial Orgainc Soils(Topsoil) 'lr ALLUVIAL:Loose Saturated Dark Brown-Black Silty Fine� 1' X 7 4_,I SAND(SM)w/Organics 111 j ALLUVIAL:Medium Dense Wet Dark Brown-Gray Silty - - .Ir 28 .— Fine to Medium SAND(SM)w/Organics - 103— 5 •IA_ - - 1 jrir RESIDUAL:Medium Dense Saturated Brown-Gray Slightly _ 19 , Micaceous Silty Fine to Medium SAND(SM)w/Small 1 Aril Gravel and Quartz Rock —Soft Wet Tan-Gray and Pink Fine Sandy SILT(MH) — -X 4 98- 10 - - Very Stiff Moist Gray-Orange Fine to Medium Sandy SILT - I - (MH) - 16 F93— 15 /\ Boring Terminated at 15.0 Feet Below Existing Ground - - - Surface - m 7 S. m d a E - - - n ai 88— 20— — — E m U O i0 0 83— 25— — — n - - - 0 0 W Co N O U 78— 30 N Us. /4k SUMMIT , Project: Circle K- Eastover, NC Log of Boring B-3 Project Location: 3319 Murphy Road, Eastover, North Carolina Sheet 1 of 1 Project Number: 8382.G0188 Date(s)llovember 12,2022 Logged By Jason B.Coble,PE Checked By Jeff A.Taylor,PE Drilled Drilling- Drill Bit- Total Depth720 Method Hollow Stem Augers Size/Type 6-inch(OD)-Soil Bit of Borehole Drill Riga..uME-45/F-440 Drilling- Bridger Drilling Approximate- 110 Type Contractor Surface Elevation Groundwater Level Encountered at 8'ATD Sampling- Encountered Hammer)140 Ib,30-inch Drop,Auto Trip and Date Measured Method(s) Data Borehole Cuttings Location See Boring Location Plans(B-la&B-1b) Backfill , ai m _ w a) W L a) a) Q T p ) a) C a) F- C) —IN O a) ,C U J C L E E fl 5 > REMARKS AND a) a) 3 w a co ca) cr5 n —T° CD MATERIAL DESCRIPTION <j OTHER TESTS 110— 0 — Surficial Orgainc Soils(Topsoil) 8 pRESIDUAL:Loose to Medium Dense Moist Brown and a` Orange Silty Fine SAND(SM) 25 •!•''..��- -X Y 105— 5 • s - ill Loose Moist Orange-Gray Silty Poorly Graded SAND = 8 (SP-SM) - 1 Loose Saturated Black Silty Fine to Medium SAND(SM) v - -X s Y 100— 10 • - - • Medium Dense Wet Gray-Tan Silty Well Graded SAND - :. Y (SW-SM) - - - X 2� . •, _ • m 95— 15 •'� — H Y S. _ , Very Stiff Moist Gray and Orange Fine Sandy SILT(MH) a -�/ E X 22 - - aa, 90— 20 d Boring Terminated at 20.0 Feet Below Existing Ground 0 - - Surface - 1 - U O - - 0 85— 25— — — n - - - 0 U W Co ai 0 B80— 30 N Us. /4k SUMMIT , Project: Circle K- Eastover, NC Log of Boring B-4 Project Location: 3319 Murphy Road, Eastover, North Carolina Sheet 1 of 1 Project Number: 8382.G0188 Dates)_November 12,2022 Logged By Jason B.Coble,PE Checked By Jeff A.Taylor,PE Drilled Drilling- Drill Bit- Total Depth�0 Method Hollow Stem Augers Size/Type 6-inch(OD)-Soil Bit of Borehole Drill Rign1ME-45/F-440 Drillings Bridger Drilling Approximates 112 Type Contractor Surface Elevation Groundwater Level Encountered at 8'ATD Sampling- Encountered Hammern140 Ib,30-inch Drop,Auto Trip and Date Measured Method(s) Data Borehole Cuttings Location See Boring Location Plans(B-la&B-1b) Backfill , ai ma) in a> W L a) a) Q T p ) a) c a) I- rn —1 iu 0 O d ,c U J c as L E E E °' > REMARKS AND Q 3 w a co cn —T° CD MATERIAL DESCRIPTION <j OTHER TESTS 112— 0 — Surficial Orgainc Soils(Topsoil) RESIDUAL:Loose Moist Brown-Orange Silty Fine SAND - --X 7 fa- (SM) .2" Loose Moist Orange-Brown Silty Fine SAND(SM) -X 7 %In- _ 107— 5 J�� — - "4- - -X7 a 0 8' Jr: Loose Wet Gray-Tan Silty Fine SAND(SM) - -X 8 102— 10 ��� — at_ _ s,°c Medium Dense Saturated Gray and Brown Silty Poorly - - o. Graded Gravel(GP) - aPI- , � 'f_ -X 15 I o Co 97— 15 ,O.— — c S. — , Very Stiff Moist Gray-Green Fine Sandy Slightly Micaceous c. - - - SILT(MH) - a -�/ E X 20 - - aa,• 92— 20 d Boring Terminated at 20.0 Feet Below Existing Ground 0 - - Surface - 1= r. O N 0 87— 25— — — n - - - 0 U W M Co ai 0 B82— 30 N Us. /4k SUMMIT , Project: Circle K- Eastover, NC Log of Boring B-6 Project Location: 3319 Murphy Road, Eastover, North Carolina Sheet 1 of 1 Project Number: 8382.G0188 Date(s)llovember 12,2022 Logged By Jason B.Coble,PE Checked By Jeff A.Taylor,PE Drilled Drilling- Drill Bit- Total Depth- Method Hollow Stem Augers Size/Type 6-inch(OD)-Soil Bit of Borehole 10 Drill Rigo1ME-45/F-440 Drilling- Bridger Drilling Approximate- 112 Type Contractor Surface Elevation Groundwater Level Encountered at 2'ATD Sampling- Encountered Hammer)140 Ib,30-inch Drop,Auto Trip and Date Measured Method(s) Data Borehole Cuttings Location See Boring Location Plans(B-la&B-1b) Backfill , ai m _ w a) W L a) a) z T p ) a) C a) F- C) —IN O a) ,C U J C L E E fl 5 > REMARKS AND a) ) 3 w a co cn —T° CD MATERIAL DESCRIPTION <j OTHER TESTS 112— 0 — Surficial Orgainc Soils(Topsoil) - 10 r�. RESIDUAL:Loose Wet Gray-Purple Silty Fine SAND(SM ,L - - 2, l.y Medium Dense Wet Brown-Tan Slightly Micaceous Silty - -X 16 ',T: yy Fine SAND(SM) ' frik107— 5 ',•"" — - �� y�� Medium Dense Wet Gray-Purple and Brown Silty Fine _ _X- 16 i. SAND(SM) - Y -X 20 yy 102— 10 ""' Boring Terminated at 10.0 Feet Below Existing Ground - - - Surface - 0 97— 15— — — 1- M 7 S. - - - , m d a E - - - n aa, 92— 20— — — - - - `o n - - E m U O N 0 87— 25— — — n - - - 0 U W Co ai 0 B82— 30 N Us. /4k SUMMIT Project: Circle K- Eastover, NC Key to Log of Boring Project Location: 3319 Murphy Road, Eastover, North Carolina Sheet 1 of 1 Project Number: 8382.G0188 a co o N y L a) "E,_ ol >, o > a C a) H I) J Na O d .5 U J C .c Q Q N L • Q E E 3 m m > REMARKS AND w p to to —T° CO MATERIAL DESCRIPTION <j OTHER TESTS - u u EE 0 © 0 ® 0 COLUMN DESCRIPTIONS 1 Elevation(feet):Elevation(MSL,feet). © MATERIAL DESCRIPTION: Description of material encountered. 2 Depth(feet):Depth in feet below the ground surface. May include consistency,moisture,color,and pother descriptive 3 Sample Type:Type of soil sample collected at the depth interval _ text. shown. 7 Water Level:Water Level(feet) ® Sampling Resistance,blows/ft: Number of blows to advance driven 8 Cave-In Depth(feet):Boring Hole Cave-In Depth(feet) sampler one foot(or distance shown)beyond seating ninterval 9 REMARKS AND OTHER TESTS:Comments and observations using the hammer identified on the boring log. regarding drilling or sampling made by driller or field npersonnel. E Graphic Log:Graphic depiction of the subsurface material encountered. FIELD AND LABORATORY TEST ABBREVIATIONS CHEM:Chemical tests to assess corrosivity PI: Plasticity Index,percent COMP:Compaction test SA:Sieve analysis(percent passing No.200 Sieve) CONS:One-dimensional consolidation test UC:Unconfined compressive strength test,Qu,in ksf LL: Liquid Limit,percent WA:Wash sieve(percent passing No.200 Sieve) MATERIAL GRAPHIC SYMBOLS :x Alluvial-Silty Sand 11111 SILT,SILT w/SAND,SANDY SILT(MH) W. viiiI Fat CLAY,CLAY w/SAND,SANDY CLAY(CH) " Silty SAND(SM) .-)1t Cultivated Soils-Silty Sand i.*.its, Poorly graded SAND with Silt(SP-SM) '• Q v; Poorly graded GRAVEL(GP) :.: y Well graded SAND with Silt(SW-SM) gni co ■ Surficial Organic Soils i- 2 TYPICAL SAMPLER GRAPHIC SYMBOLS OTHER GRAPHIC SYMBOLS D w a Z 2-inch-OD unlined split ° Water level(at time of drilling,ATD) °' spoon(SPT) E Water level(after waiting) Minor change in material properties within a stratum d — - Inferred/gradational contact between strata `o —7- Queried contact between strata a) H m o GENERAL NOTES i0 O 1:Soil classifications are based on the Unified Soil Classification System.Descriptions and stratum lines are interpretive,and actual lithologic changes may be a gradual.Field descriptions may have been modified to reflect results of lab tests. 3 2:Descriptions on these logs apply only at the specific boring locations and at the time the borings were advanced.They are not warranted to be representative w of subsurface conditions at other locations or times. I- M D U) 0 0 0 U_ N N N US. /- SUMMIT Important Information about This (--- Geotecbnical-Engineering Subsurface problems are a principal cause of construction delays, cost overruns, claims, and disputes. While you cannot eliminate all such risks, you can manage them. The following information is provided to help. Geotechnical Services Are Performed for assessment of their impact.Geotechnical engineers cannot Specific Purposes, Persons, and Projects accept responsibility or liability for problems that occur because Geotechnical engineers structure their services to meet the their reports do not consider developments of which they were specific needs of their clients.A geotechnical-engineering not informed. study conducted for a civil engineer may not fulfill the needs of a constructor—a construction contractor—or even another Subsurface Conditions Can Change civil engineer.Because each geotechnical-engineering study A geotechnical-engineering report is based on conditions that is unique,each geotechnical-engineering report is unique, existed at the time the geotechnical engineer performed the prepared solely for the client.No one except you should rely on study.Do not rely on a geotechnical-engineering report whose this geotechnical-engineering report without first conferring adequacy may have been affected by:the passage of time; with the geotechnical engineer who prepared it.And no one man-made events,such as construction on or adjacent to the —not even you—should apply this report for any purpose or site;or natural events,such as floods,droughts,earthquakes, project except the one originally contemplated. or groundwater fluctuations.Contact the geotechnical engineer before applying this report to determine if it is still reliable.A Read the Full Report minor amount of additional testing or analysis could prevent Serious problems have occurred because those relying on major problems. a geotechnical-engineering report did not read it all.Do not rely on an executive summary.Do not read selected Most Geotechnical Findings Are Professional elements only. Opinions Site exploration identifies subsurface conditions only at those Geotechnical Engineers Base Each Report on points where subsurface tests are conducted or samples are a Unique Set of Project-Specific Factors taken.Geotechnical engineers review field and laboratory Geotechnical engineers consider many unique,project-specific data and then apply their professional judgment to render factors when establishing the scope of a study.Typical factors an opinion about subsurface conditions throughout the include:the client's goals,objectives,and risk-management site.Actual subsurface conditions may differ—sometimes preferences;the general nature of the structure involved,its significantly—from those indicated in your report.Retaining size,and configuration;the location of the structure on the the geotechnical engineer who developed your report to site;and other planned or existing site improvements,such as provide geotechnical-construction observation is the most access roads,parking lots,and underground utilities.Unless effective method of managing the risks associated with the geotechnical engineer who conducted the study specifically unanticipated conditions. indicates otherwise,do not rely on a geotechnical-engineering report that was: A Report's Recommendations Are Not Final • not prepared for you; Do not overrely on the confirmation-dependent • not prepared for your project; recommendations included in your report.Confirmation- • not prepared for the specific site explored;or dependent recommendations are not final,because • completed before important project changes were made. geotechnical engineers develop them principally from judgment and opinion.Geotechnical engineers can finalize Typical changes that can erode the reliability of an existing their recommendations only by observing actual subsurface geotechnical-engineering report include those that affect: conditions revealed during construction.The geotechnical • the function of the proposed structure,as when it's changed engineer who developed your report cannot assume from a parking garage to an office building,or from a light- responsibility or liability for the report's confirmation-dependent industrial plant to a refrigerated warehouse; recommendations if that engineer does not perform the • the elevation,configuration,location,orientation,or weight geotechnical-construction observation required to confirm the of the proposed structure; recommendations'applicability. • the composition of the design team;or • project ownership. A Geotechnical-Engineering Report Is Subject to Misinterpretation As a general rule,always inform your geotechnical engineer Other design-team members'misinterpretation of of project changes—even minor ones—and request an geotechnical engineering reports has resulted in costly r problems.Confront that risk by having your geotechnical others recognize their own responsibilities and risks.Read engineer confer with appropriate members of the design team these provisions closely.Ask questions.Your geotechnical after submitting the report.Also retain your geotechnical engineer should respond fully and frankly. engineer to review pertinent elements of the design team's plans and specifications.Constructors can also misinterpret Environmental Concerns Are Not Covered a geotechnical-engineering report.Confront that risk by The equipment,techniques,and personnel used to perform having your geotechnical engineer participate in prebid and an environmental study differ significantly from those used to preconstruction conferences,and by providing geotechnical perform a geotechnical study.For that reason,a geotechnical- construction observation. engineering report does not usually relate any environmental findings,conclusions,or recommendations;e.g.,about Do Not Redraw the Engineer's Logs the likelihood of encountering underground storage tanks Geotechnical engineers prepare final boring and testing logs or regulated contaminants. Unanticipated environmental based upon their interpretation of field logs and laboratory problems have led to numerous project failures.If you have not data.To prevent errors or omissions,the logs included in a yet obtained your own environmental information, geotechnical-engineering report should never be redrawn ask your geotechnical consultant for risk-management for inclusion in architectural or other design drawings.Only guidance.Do not rely on an environmental report prepared for photographic or electronic reproduction is acceptable,but someone else. recognize that separating logs from the report can elevate risk. Obtain Professional Assistance To Deal Give Constructors a Complete Report and with Mold Guidance Diverse strategies can be applied during building design, Some owners and design professionals mistakenly believe they construction,operation,and maintenance to prevent can make constructors liable for unanticipated subsurface significant amounts of mold from growing on indoor surfaces. conditions by limiting what they provide for bid preparation. To be effective,all such strategies should be devised for To help prevent costly problems,give constructors the the express purpose of mold prevention,integrated into a complete geotechnical-engineering report,but preface it with comprehensive plan,and executed with diligent oversight by a a clearly written letter of transmittal.In that letter,advise professional mold-prevention consultant.Because just a small constructors that the report was not prepared for purposes amount of water or moisture can lead to the development of of bid development and that the report's accuracy is limited; severe mold infestations,many mold-prevention strategies encourage them to confer with the geotechnical engineer focus on keeping building surfaces dry.While groundwater, who prepared the report(a modest fee may be required)and/ water infiltration,and similar issues may have been addressed or to conduct additional study to obtain the specific types of as part of the geotechnical-engineering study whose findings information they need or prefer.A prebid conference can also are conveyed in this report,the geotechnical engineer in be valuable.Be sure constructors have sufficient time to perform charge of this project is not a mold prevention consultant; additional study.Only then might you be in a position to none of the services performed in connection with the give constructors the best information available to you, geotechnical engineer's study were designed or conducted for while requiring them to at least share some of the financial the purpose of mold prevention.Proper implementation of the responsibilities stemming from unanticipated conditions. recommendations conveyed in this report will not of itself be sufficient to prevent mold from growing in or on the structure Read Responsibility Provisions Closely involved. Some clients,design professionals,and constructors fail to recognize that geotechnical engineering is far less exact than Rely, on Your GBC-Member Geotechnical Engineer other engineering disciplines.This lack of understanding for Additional Assistance has created unrealistic expectations that have led to Membership in the Geotechnical Business Council of the disappointments,claims,and disputes.To help reduce the risk Geoprofessional Business Association exposes geotechnical of such outcomes,geotechnical engineers commonly include engineers to a wide array of risk-confrontation techniques a variety of explanatory provisions in their reports.Sometimes that can be of genuine benefit for everyone involved with labeled"limitations,"many of these provisions indicate where a construction project.Confer with you GBC-Member geotechnical engineers'responsibilities begin and end,to help geotechnical engineer for more information. iirff GEOTECHNICAL BUSINESS COUNCIL iii of the Geoprofessional Business Association 8811 Colesville Road/Suite G106,Silver Spring,MD 20910 Telephone:301/565-2733 Facsimile:301/589-2017 e-mail:info@geoprofessional.org www.geoprofessional.org Copyright 2015 by Geoprofessional Business Association(GBA).Duplication,reproduction,or copying of this document,or its contents,in whole or in part, by any means whatsoever,is strictly prohibited,except with GBA's specific written permission.Excerpting,quoting,or otherwise extracting wording from this document is permitted only with the express written permission of GBA,and only for purposes of scholarly research or book review.Only members of GBA may use this document as a complement to or as an element of a geotechnical-engineering report.Any other firm,individual,or other entity that so uses this document without being a GBA member could be commiting negligent or intentional(fraudulent)misrepresentation. J CONS &RESTRICTIONSTh The intent of this document is to bring to your attention the potential concerns and the basic limitations of a typical geotechnical report. WARRANTY Bidders are urged to make their own soil borings, test pits, test caissons or other investigations to determine those conditions that Universal Engineering Sciences has prepared this report for our client may affect construction operations. Universal Engineering Sciences for his exclusive use,in accordance with generally accepted soil and cannot be responsible for any interpretations made from this report or foundation engineering practices,and makes no other warranty either the attached boring logs with regard to their adequacy in reflecting expressed or implied as to the professional advice provided in the subsurface conditions which will affect construction operations. report. STRATA CHANGES UNANTICIPATED SOIL CONDITIONS Strata changes are indicated by a definite line on the boring logs The analysis and recommendations submitted in this report are based which accompany this report. However, the actual change in the upon the data obtained from soil borings performed at the locations ground may be more gradual Where changes occur between soil indicated on the Boring Location Plan. This report does not reflect any samples, the location of the change must necessarily be estimated variations which may occur between these borings. using all available information and may not be shown at the exact depth. The nature and extent of variations between borings may not become known until excavation begins. If variations appear,we may have to OBSERVATIONS DURING DRILLING re-evaluate our recommendations after performing on-site observations and noting the characteristics of any variations. Attempts are made to detect and/or identify occurrences during drilling and sampling,such as: water level,boulders,zones of lost circulation, CHANGED CONDITIONS relative ease or resistance to dulling progress, unusual sample recovery, variation of driving resistance, obstructions, etc.;however, We recommend that the specifications for the project require that the lack ofmention does not preclude their presence. contractor immediately notify Universal Engineering Sciences,as well as the owner,when subsurface conditions are encountered that are WATERLEUELS different from those present in this report. Water level readings have been made in the drill holes during drilling No claim by the contractor for any conditions differing from those and they indicate normally occurring conditions. Water levels may not anticipated in the plans,specifications,and those found in this report, have been stabilized at the last reading. This data has been reviewed should be allowed unless the contractor notifies the owner and and interpretations made in this report. However, it must be noted Universal Engineering Sciences of such changed conditions. Further, that fluctuations in the level of the groundwater may occur due to we recommend that all foundation walk and site improvements be variations in rainfall,temperature,tides,and other factors not evident observed by a representative of Universal Engineering Sciences to at the time measurements were made and reported. Since the monitor field conditions and changes, to verify design assumptions probability of such variations is anticipated, design drawings and and to evaluate and recommend any appropriate modifications to this specifications should accommodate such possibilities and construction report, planning should be based upon such assumptions ofvariations. MISINTERPRETATION OF SOIL ENGINEERING REPORT LOCATION OF BURIED OBJECTS Universal Engineering Sciences is responsible for the conclusions and All users of this report are cautioned that there was no requirement for opinions contained within this report based upon the data relating only Universal Engineering Sciences to attempt to locate any man-made to the specific project and location discussed herein. If the buried objects during the course of this exploration and that no conclusions or recommendations based upon the data presented are attempt was made by Universal Engineering Sciences to locate any made by others,those conclusions or recommendations are not the such buried objects. Universal Engineering Sciences cannot be responsibility of Universal Engineering Sciences. responsible for any buried man-made objects which are subsequently encountered during construction that are not discussed within the text CHANGED STRUCIURE OR LOCATION of this report. This report was prepared hi order to aid in the evaluation of this THVE project and to assist the architect or engineer in the design of this project. If any changes in the design or location of the structure as This report reflects the soil conditions at the time of exploration. If the outlined in this report are planned,or if any structures are included or report is not used in a reasonable amount of time,significant changes added that are not discussed in the report, the conclusions and to the site may occur and additional reviews maybe required. recouuuendations contained in this report shall not be considered valid unless the changes are reviewed and the conclusions modified or approved by Universal Engineering Sciences. USE OF REPORT BYBIDDERS Bidders who are examining the report prior to submission of a bid are cautioned that this report was prepared as an aid to the designers of the project and it may affect actual construction operations. UNIVERSAL ENGINEERING SCIENCES