HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1--05898_Well Construction - GW1_20241001 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD (GW-I) For Interns Be n yt 1,Well Contractor Information; • /_ fojt— !pA.d L!}J - 0: �'1)J'�7iA°rai "izCt°r► '�t'•• wszstamemm 1:r �,1 aY FROM TO e Well Contreolo Neme ft, ft, NC ell Contractor Certification Number tl .a b• " ;i>};!t�) �]TCf)"i� (Er1Y ftllFtt'lI[f1C�}tl�llalIl"s(try`i GLt' FROM TO • ICKNE99 MATERIAL ✓Z�III S �°� 1 ll JVI� C_�' L/1G' IMINIE ft, ft, (' In. ) ;14 1/6 Company Neale 9 • IOW li k S�)!AIsfrot 1iu 11?r`,lF}:ntali(Y't°)h°IYi.x?r VMS .. '•^ '`' FROM 0 At u' IlltitlL•111 I•� 2,Well Construction well Permit#; ft, ft. r In, Gist all applicable well construction permits(la.WC,County,Stale,Variance,ate) ft fL — In 3,Well Use(check well use); • t)6Xaa ft, rt, ;,►�'ii ?j I '.. Water Supply WelitAgric r;ou 0 D r e tTI7E1s]Iur�� ra [ Muniolpal/Publlo «, NSECIAIIIMMIMINII tL In, Clooth Mural -- In, ��. Goothotmel(Hoating/Cooling Supply) ERosidontlal Water Supply(single) tL tt, Industrial/Commercial ( Rasldontiai Water Supply(shared) " ;iY(ct;�oT b" fl'> € iRl ' �'4§tli 3# FROM TO rj1�,TE'IAL EMP CEMENT MET OD&AMOUNT .I Irrigation ft, ft, '.)f' enl�2 .l ba•S / i Non•Water Supply Well: ft, ft, Monitoring QRaoovory — Injection Weill R. ft.Aqul for Reoherge DaroundwaterRemedlattonO �t fgAI KhTv�;rQ�i i; t. f(i (1I lalfi MpLACEME T ETROD �Z'� u Aquifer Storage and Recovery' ecovery ' Salinity Barrier t'Ou ft, Aquifer Test [ Stormwater Drainage \';. ft, ft. Experimental Technology •,•,•• [ Subaidonoo Control ,... t ' 'e 'It".rs Ti•�.' J'!"•fis.:,' '' ,.:,. �tlTracer l�£f� s�l4LxQi?Xs�t11' �1, 41'I. n Geothermal(Closed Loop) pRp TO Di$CRIPTION color hardnrsr rolVrock •r •rain raze tic, Geothermal(Heating/Cooling Return) �"bOthar(explain under#21 Remarks) rt. ft, — r, ft, tt. 4,Dale Well(s)Cortipleted; d��i-".2 Well IW# — 5a,Well Location; • ft. ft, k t d'I)t_�r� Cif J a It. ft, — /L anl� ft, ft, ' Faolllty/Owner Name Facility ION(If epplleable) _ ri / .1- / tt, ft, Physics Addraee, ity,(end If triI§Cs:�� : ire ...y; ..• '°did smentilli County Parcel Identification No,(PIN),`.s ' — 5b,Latitude and longitude In degrees/minutes/seconds or decimal degreesi•s 2Z,Certifications Of well field,one latllong Is sufllolnnt) • SlgristuroGerslffed WolitrFosor Pate 6,ls(are)the well(s) ":(Permanent �r Temporary •. 8y nagnrng this Arm,I hereby t rectoy that the milks)was(were)constructed In accordance + „owellsDYes or �No ' with/JR NCAC OW.0100 or 114 NCAC 02C.0200 Well Consfraction Standards and ilral a 7.Is this a repair to a^a=•-ti••. copy aphis record has been provided to the well owner, Olds Is a report,Jill out known well bojrs!ruotlon l+t/brmatfat and explain the uan+re of the 23 Site diagram or additional well detailet repair undo Nil rehrai kr eeti°n or on the book of this jots;. You may use the book of this page to provide additional well site details or well tho cons�ruotlon,ronlyDPT or l OW-I is needed,oltidloatahTOTAL Wells Tl(JMBBR of wells e oonetrootlon details, You mayihi also attach add additional pages If Itnecessary, r 9tttt ITTA1 lNSTR11 IIQ i$ drilled; � 9,Total well depth below land t+uufaces U rj (fb) 24a, For All Weller Submit this form within 30 days of completion of well For+nulrtph wolls list all depths(Pd(rerent(example.J(g200'and 2®100) construction to the following, (ft.) Dlvlilon of Water Resources,Information Processing Unit, 1 if Static water level below top of casings 1617 Mali Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27699.1617 if water level is above easing,use"+'j 1p (in) 24b.For InteoNon Weller In addition to wl hl'nS30 days f othe adds ss eln 240 f wall 11,Borehole diameter; above,also submit one Dopy of this fo)Ytt 12,Well construction method; }^6�ir`Y• oonettuotlon to the followings (I,e,e,auger,ruler)'ry,,oecabble,direct push,oto.) Division of Water Resources,Underground Injection Control Program, • 1636 Mall Service Center,Raleigh,NC 21699.1636 FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLYI l ✓i Z4c,For Wa_____1eC tinDly $1-Intec---tt°n Wetlsp i addition tos form sendiwithng n t30he for of to 13a,Yield(gpm) Method of test; r the address(as) abovo, also submit ono copy of� I I t G u S completion of well oonslruoUon to the county health department of the county 13b Disinfection types �111 Y t Amount ---�- whore constructed, Revised 2.22.20I6 North Caroline Department of Environmental Quality•Division of Water Reeourcea Form OWI