HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1--05855_Well Construction - GW1_20241001 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD Fat inacrnollIscONLY: Tins form can be mod for singk or mull Mk twits 1.Well Contractor Information: 14,WATER ZONES Tyler Brown P1OM TO DESCRIPTION Well Contractor Name ft. ft 4625A ft. ft. NC Well CamtacforCcnification Number IS,OUTER CASING(fur multi-eased wens)OR LINER Of aepieaNy 'MOM TO DI MrtFit TMK'KNTcI 14ATE1tAL SAEDACCO 0 ft. 10 ft. 1 ta. SCH-40 PVC ('oayt:u)N.mtt: . IC INNER CASING OR TURING igtalYerasai dwisaiso!1 FROM 10 _D I(DIAMETER THkNESS MATERIAL 2.Well('onstruction Permit il: n. I ft. in. Liu aft aplali,nhlr well permits(i.e.County.Sdarr,Variance..)Otaut)rte.t --- _.._-- i ft. j rc in. 3.Well Coe(check well use): ----___"- 17.S('REtN Water Supply Well: PItOM TO b1AMP:TPA *IOt ill TRKTOONS MATPaAI. UAgrtcultural OMunicipal/Public 10 ft. 20 R. 1 030 SCB-40 PVC OGeothemtal IHeating.Cooling Supply) OResiderttial Water Supply(single) rt. ft is OhldustriaVCommercial OResidential Water Supply(stetted) 111.000,4 U PROM T TO MATERIAL EMPLACEMENT METHOD 4 AMOUNT . ❑lmpation ft. ti Non-Water Supple Welt: ft, • RMonitonnc ❑Recover IrJection Well: ft. ft. ❑Aquifer Recharge ❑C3mundwaterRemcdiation 19.SANDDGRAVRL PACK Ofttp/ieaMel • WHOM TO MAT11IAn. e:HPH.A(r\MF\t MEtn0n ❑Aquifer Storage and Rccos'ety °Salinity Barrier ft. ft, ❑Aquifer Test OSlormnaacr Drainage ft. It OExpcnnental tozhnology ❑Sabsidcrcc Control 2n,DRILLING LOG tat@ad atd1lMluaatsheets if wormers I OGeothennal(Closed Loop OTtaett PROM TO , OPSCRIPIlON t.LLI%hedisc..,..awwL opt.gala.r.•.(e I IGeothenfal lHeaung.Cooline Return) tO ther(explain under#2 I Remarks) ft. ft. R. ft. 1.Date Well(s)Completed: 9-4-24 _W'dl ID*TMW-9 - .• . r4 ft. I_ Sat.Well Location: ft ft. Fuquay-Varina Elementary School ft. ft. OCT V.1 1 2024 Factlii.'OitierName Facility IDti(if applicable) ft. ' ftilioiiiivrIt,, 6600 Johnson Pond Rd., Fuquay-Varina, NC, 27526 ft. ft. �" {T 'F�'". rJs6 Pln sical Address.Cit).and Zip • 21,RLMARKS Wake ' Temporary well for grab groundwater sample ('anWr PrttelMemdeitionNo IPINt Sh.Latitude and Longitude in nkgiecsi infirm trs.Seenndsnr decimal degrees:s: 22.('ertifrcati a: (Ifwcll field,one kWlagg t•.••ull,...:u� N R' --z-----11` 9/9/2024 Signatu.of Certified Well Connector Dole O.Is tare)the wellls): '-1Pettnanent or R'Tempinrary In signing thu form,1 herein.certify that ilie wel(sl liar(weir)cwartnn•red or error aneC with 154 NCAC(12C,O/00 or 15A NCAC 02C.0200 Weil Consere Gnat Sklalard I a,,A char.r 7.Ls this a repair to an etistiag well: D'es or KIND r.ap.of chit record has hrr+t provided to sib•well mow. If alas it a repair,(ll.at ttmaww wril,.m•Unln lion tnfrlrm4orto't drnl a plain rlw Iprrere of tits repair ander 021 rreuarla ve.9nan or rv,rhe hark of chi.,firm. 23.Site diagram or additional well details: Yon may use the back of this page to pins ode additional well site details or well S.Number of wells coasenseted: 1 con sinuction details. You lint also attach additional pages if necessary. For main,*nt}evrhrtt i.e maw-Wass,u(pl.Weill OiN1.1 wait rho some rIms(rlrrti.m s,.a"tr. sNWwif oner..rw. MIRMITTAI LNSTUCTIONS 9.Taal well depth be oo land surface: 20 (fl,) 24a. For All Wells: Suhrml this farm within 10 days of completion of well Far mn)Irplr well,list toll droll r/de i rend(e:rdmipfr-3.*200 dull.5 J4Nfl conslntction to the followi tip le.Static water Iesel hello top of casl.V (ft.) Division of Water Resources,Information Processing knit. Ifwater 1c,el n ohm.r.uw;.ra•,• + 1617 Mail Sen-ice fearer,Raleigh,N('27699-1617 I1.Borehole diameter:2.25" Do.) 21b.For Inj):ction Weib ONLY: In addition to sending the form to the address in 21aabme. also submit a copy of this form within z0 days of completion of well 12.Well eunstrswtinn method:DPT cotufntction to the folloning. it c.sa_rr.r{van.cask.direct push.etc.t Division of Water Resources.Underground tnjcetion Control Program, FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 1634 Mail Service Center.Raleigh.NC 27099.I636 24e.For V. Nupt)h X Inju-itiun%%ells: 134 1 it.ld(gpni) 'Method oftest: Also submit one copy of this form wTulin .o dessof completion of 13b.DisinfectionAmorist: well construction to the county health department of the county where tvpl� coiishttctcd Form GW-I North Carolina Dgpannrnt of Em unrutt7u and Natural Resources-Un iron of Wafer Resotrces N.s u.d August Nt I 1