HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCC243051_Site Plan or Location Map_20241002 LANDSCAPE CALCULATIONS LEGEND '' is PROPOSED EXISTING ` -y Parking Lot Landscaping Required:1 Canopy Tree per 12 parking spots IfiP • DR44, 802&ANNIE SPEER 45 Parking Spots - - Right of way ./.-,1 - - - - _ _ DB 8027 PG 1646-1649 4 Canopy Trees Required ---- Property Line "{ 3.04 AC. 4Trees Provided(3 Athena Elm,1 Willow Oak) - Parcel Line - -'I - - PIN:7824743084 - -Building Setback ZONING:HI _ Street Planting Yards:2 Canopy Trees&17 shrubs per 100 linear feet of required street Easement t d. Building Ex.Underground Fiber ` 54]Linear Feet planting yard. Pavement / i P9�-.'_=Q\v:- DND -T-��.. 7aRall®. ( ) - I1 Canopy Trees Required Curb ,`--�11 _Ijrj'j([�j]�' - 11 Canopy Trees Provided(6 Athena Elm,3 Willow Oak,2 Valley Forge Elm) Sight Distance Triangle )' - ��. / 93 Shrubs Required x x Fence j I \ 935hrubs Provided(93 Nicks Compact Juniper) - '- E O Storm Lne 20 / H head Electric Line 3 _ 10'Street Planting Buff "IIIIIIIIILEx.Sig / • CSE NC LP PLANT SCHEDULE sn L:k;p;,:;27 2613' S IGG TY BOTANICAL/COMMON NAME SIZE/CONDITION G i Ex.Fire Hydrant Q O (D O O O OOQQO.OC•O • U 7,',r - _ )° _ Z50 50 Customer Parking w (DND)(BMk2) �LEx. - Q O 1 __-�_ N _sF,rv- r - -I 6 Umus Parvifola'Athena' 2"Ca.8•Ht.Min. K •ryLN O DND Power Pole(Typ) QQQ QQ., Q _ - -so - Prop.ADA Sign Ex.Road Center Line Athena Elm B&B (See Detail, heet C9.0) YAA�Ro r• Ex.Water Valve/ 25'Setback -5AH� -� �i" Fo DND)IGIs) (DND) OIL P �SAN� -- Ex. /,,f�.,� ® Prop.Wheel Stop z 1/1 If, _sAN 1 I I Fiber PBox - _ _ 7 • { 4 Quercus phellos 2"Cal.8'Ht.Min. I iff I I (DND) \\ �S/ (See Detail,Sheet I Prop.Light Pole(By Others) asi I - Willow Oak B&B 22.91' g _ _ Prop.Rerouted Underground Electra • .-==_:_ 1 ' Sight Distance rian le v //wM��\ Prop.Concrete Pavement O 1' Ilir �I 5 Ulmus americana'Valley Forge' 2"Cal.8'Ht.Min. (See Detail,Sheet C9.0) u it / / •III' 9.5'1 \x Driveway/DND) yf/14, Valley Forge Elm B&B a o Prop.Block Retaining all J D Prop.Light Duty Pavement 1 2.5'Max Height Q w ,0 22 //�-'�\ I I f _ , (See Detail,Sheet C9.0) o _ ))( O 3 5/ r s 1, - ,JI \\ \ SHRUBS QTV BOTANICAL/COMMON NAME SAE Ex.Road Center L me 1 I N I I y v \ 2S'Setback '!tt•,tt tt tt tt Prop.Riprap x I�- /• I \ 93 Juni erns chinensis , < (DND)(GIS) I)I i II -• ,u I : P5 I \ � Op t.•- t t ..e 'Nick's Compact' 18"Ht. •. w ® 5, z s Ali li \• Nick's Compact Juniper B&B or Cont. Prop.Sidewalk 'F •_ • I 1 IIIpQ P f1:i�111 20 Ex.smrm Basin ITvp) \\ (See Detail,Sheet C9.0) I ^ I ° (DND( \ See Details on Sheet C9.0 for Tree Planting,Shrub Planting, Ex.Sign _ (I I F I 18 p1 25 g' // /� (S Gravel Pavement (DND) Nii I I O -- O I II ' O \1 11 \ - Specifications,and Bed Preparation Details. (See Detail,Sheet C9.0) I ° w L_ -- - r�_l■EI I © 1 LANDSCAPING NOTE OI • • • • = M 1,m.qs 1M STM- -STM- STM ❑ -STM- ��••��ii STM STM- Anapproved Landscape Plan is on filewiththe CityofGreensboro forthis development.I IQz •- _ _ Anymissing,deader damagedplantmaterialintheexistingperimeterplantingyardsandEx.Electric MeterII 1 Fut.EV Charger Pedestal �,, I - parking lots will be replaced as part of this project.Contact the Urban Forester at (DND) I '� w 126.5' •• I 336-373-2150 to arrange for a Final Inspection prior to receiving a Certificate of '' '.' Area within Sight Mangle /.or Prop.Rip Rap ( •�' - t Occupancy. g g - I • ' �I •I /F. I II . • Ex.Storm Sewer', - ICI Ex.Landscape Island 1) JJ e • Ex.Sign (DND) • LIGHTING NOTE • (DND) Prop.Gravel Display Pad • d Mho) -f '� Outdoor lighting shall comply with the standards found within Section 30-9-6 of the City y r-� I a i --� / �I - ® + ^ : of Greensboro Land Development Ordinance.Site lighting shall not exceed 35 ft.YYY z • Prop.Curb and Gutter height,shall be cut-off type fixtures,and shall comply with light trespass requirements of 0 III co• / ----- y I d 2 ` '� Section 30-9-6.6 of the City of Greensboro Land Development Ordinance. • I Ex. / Q irAm Prop.Bollard,3'C-C,88 Total GENERAL NOTES Sign Ij''I I / III F�Ex.StormSewer Prop.ADA Parking(5) TREE CONSERVATION REQUIREMENTS (DND) I I 3 • / _ (DND) I I /\ //� 1. Land Development Inspector to be given 24 hours notice prior to start of • I .i , Total Post-Development TCA Required=4,433 SF construction. 1 Prop.Fence Q Prop.Knox Box On Gate (0%of 1.02 Acres=0.102 Acres) 2. Approval of this plan is not an authorization to grade adjacent properties.When 59.8 Prop.Parking Block(Typ.of 6)® field conditions warrant off-site grading,permission must be obtained from the 2' f TCA with Proposed Improvements=6,56 SF affected property owners. 24.3 IN _ til S� I IQID A . ��/ :I/ /I - ���i 10'(TYP.I ''8' n' ,8' t8' V8' 825', - 1 3. In order to ensure proper drainage,keeps minimum of 1.0%slope on all O / VI (DND) .Curb �s������%�� Prop.Sidewalk ii pavement. project.�I''Q I Ex.Catch Basin ND 4. There will be noon-site demolition landfills associated with this All 10'Street Planting Buffer -"�• hl • / / demolition shall be hauled off-site and legally disposed In an approved off-site (Clear Debris) , �� I IandFlll.111 I Q° / Ex.San Cleanout(DND) • 7 L_-__ . TREE CONSERVATION NOTES 5. The current"LandDevelo tOrdinance"b the Greensboro En Ex.Landscape Island I 11III Q // - I _ A Ex.Concrete Wall �� _-__-__ ___ _ ___ in y gin ratio Z Z / Ex.San Manhole �'� FM Sidewalk=q5' Departments will govern incase of conflictsin site construction specifications, O (DND) I 1 ,� (DND) Fut.EV Charger Pedestal kI��/ (DND) �'*Y _ 1 X X X 1.Contact the Planning Director to schedule a pre-construction meeting before any tree details,notes standards and policies. I I I I 1 I / •1 Ex.Bollard T 1. Ex.Sign I / i i Prop.Handicap Sign(Typ.of disturbance,except as noted in Sec.30-4-26.3(CI(5),occurs on site. 6. Contact the Utility Company to relocate any existing utility lines.All existing N 7 )II II / ((yp) I (DND). �d•I p P g 5) 2.All tree conservation devices must be installed before inspectionthe Planningfacilities which conflict with the improvements under the scope of Project Q u) I DND •� I pe by provemen peo J V Z C LO O I % _ Prop.Fence,Q1 Prop.Curb Ramp L- Director and before any tree disturbance activities,except as noted in Sec. must be relocated at esthe expense dof ethe Contractor. s Q ' I )1 O it J L td • 30-0-26.3(C)(5),occur. 7. All Proposed Utilities are to be Underground. Q 1 I III 0Q 0 Connect Prop. Iit Lr-J 3.Removal of or damage totrees inthetree conservation area will be subject to all 8. Contractor is responsible to obtain the services of a utility location contractor to O dH I )Ia1Fence t0 EX.Fence • a I/ available remedies and penalties under the city's development ordinance. feld locate all utilities,both private and public,prior to commencement of work. Z xU~ I I OI ��/////// o//////////////// Pf0 .FdI Protection Rai in q (BMkl) Prop.Curb Ramp 4.rm parkinghe reeCoirt rvatioi Areaoncrete washout or any other activities isContractor is solely responsible to maintain utility service and communicationw0 W 1) O P g X ypermitted in the Tree Conservation Area. s ce(internal and external)as directed by owner. ZI F� I1)II / (TRM) p - lin /��////////�//�/////�//�// tritipt 9. Provide minimum 4'sidewalk width clearance around all above ground utilities. =O z Prop.5'Pedestrian Gate groan W co I I 11� • / / 10.Repair/replace/install any damaged or missing curb and gutter along property V O Q Z C I I I / / frontage perer 30"COG 501. pco J Q d 1 O 1)II II / / / _ 11.fron er 30"C COG acceptable driveway grades. 2 u u I I / v 1 DUMPSTER NOTE 12,All drives are to be private. ,Z Ur 0 LU 7�777�/ 13.All dimensions are from Face of curb unless otherwise noted. H1) I /1 % //////// /�//�//�//� // No changes to existing dumpster location and conditions Per previously approved Plans. 114.All Radii are 5'unless otherwise noted. z U III ��• // 111. / X Contact 16.No vehicles shallsqu queue in the publibalght000r from the public right of way. a; Y W Q i I I� 7 / SITE INFORMATION f way. 17.There is not a fire associated t. o o OC • • / Jud Switzer pump associa project. z / Zoning is Hlfor Parcel 782-0733-378. 9000 Statesville Road, 18.IfanYexisting water and/orsewerutilitiesmust berelocatedoradlusted during 3aC7I) 1 Ex.Building _ Zonin 5 m Charlotte,NC 28269construction,Utility Construction Plans must be submitted to the COG Q2 : aII ' I 2/''(= // % (DND) 11"i•7•„ lir , 11,1,.` a g u mary: Tel:(704)731-7654 Engineering Division for review and approval before construction can proceed F- V) p II I/I/ / Height Limit-50'/80' Fax:(704)305-2251 ( ) 2 F 336-373-2233 b. Total Existing Site Acreage:14.308 Total Proposed w- Lfl z Site Acreage:14.308 g rgroup.com w y = s--I Q wwaer@waist e O 3 fill iE1�nE.� / Ex.1 Story Building CC GREENSBORO LLC s , Deed:Book 008790 Page 02231 N UZI W LD I r / FF=891.60 DB 8790 PG 2231-2233 aStreet Setbacks: p m I- - / fi' / • Locagconenor streets-zs feet NI )I :7824 AC. I / Thoroughfare-30 feet NEx.Center line Ditch • \� % PIN:7824733378 /(DND) x �� ZONING:HI / KEYNOTES mZERY,EQCURRENTLAND USE: / PARKING CALCULATIONS QContractor to confirm 6'height of existing fence.See sheet C9.1 for fence detail. LLi/ MACHINERY,EQUIPMENT,&SUPPLIES ! / / Overall Parking• ' II t,�,�� / ' / 77 Existing Parking Spaces 2 Na planting shall be placed within this sight triangle at a height between 2.5'and wF / 45 ParkingAdded 10'(canopy)above the finished grade of the proposed driveway.0 / 122 Total Ex.Guy Win(( P; / `\ L • ///////////////// ////( j Q Knox Box locations shall be installed in all new occupancies served by an internal W DND 100 �\ Total Required ADA Parking Spaces automatic fire detection or suppression system,having a connection to a central H H /I I `II''/// �' /�I''//� - - e yam+ 1Van Accessible monitoring station facility or other recognized NFPA 72 monitoring method,on all V (, I STM Y/ /■... �■V/ • 1 i - aR� 45tandard and existing occupancies on gates where controlled access can delay Yen Co.Tree STotal new pone,on all existing facilities where frequent or nuisance Ex.Power Pole(Typ( ,/ I (DND)(Typ.) department a d (DND) 4' I I \ Total ADA Parking Provided fire alarms occur,and on all other agreed upon locations.Gate access boxes-for / I il /// sse in care of power failure.City Ordinance 10.11 CAUTION Underground 4 Standardssible Ex.Fire Hydrant ` 5 Total Gates intended for automatic operation shall be designed,constructed and c / I Utilities installed to comply with the requirements of ASTM 2200 and electric gate - (DND) operators shall be listed in accordance with UL 325. y i I4. WATER/SEWER NOTE I _ jP- Con r nd zi tin fall r[ of r tainin w II to to ioneI II �, If�� I � III / / 1. No new water and/or sewer proposed. tac[orto exte e s g po action at top e g a cat'I �C. Prop.Tree Protection Fence F specified on site plan.contractor to match existing material and color. oeEx/Water Main /1• IIII _ - 11 Tfee 56SF) dtlOn Area / 2. edj COG 0000If any existing watet Consr uewon statues mtsb bs bmatdd or(DND) ,,N Ex.Fiber PBOX O --- ---- ---�� adjusted during construction,Utility Construction Plans must be submitted toa$\ Alliii ■ (_6,1565F) 5 Parking blocksta be offset 3'from face of curb/edge of pavementI I (DND) BTU Ea•� / • d 1 -- 7 "/ the COG Engineering Division for review and approval before construction can e Nw1s- • • proceed(336-373-2233). E/ I `\l\--� _- -- - -- • _ C 3. No new trees or the projected wefre canopy allowed within 10'of ? '•' &\\ I I existing/proposed water and se (ND) r -Ex.FiberPBOXI f� _� � �X- - . . - . . �� ® TYPEIMODIFICATION g.f, Y \ (DND) T w X- A TYPE 1 MODIFICATION TO WAIVE THE REQUIREMENTS OF SIDEWALK ©&ABC /I JD \ I I I W x --0. -- oVAIP N CONSTRUCTION PER LDO 30-9-10.2(F)WAS GRANTED BY THE TRANSPORTATION Ex.Underground Fiber - i __- ' -_ _� ' DIRECTOR 03/27/24 WITHOUT CONDITIONS. DATE ' I I 2 11 (DND) s� j -- liggr/t' June 3,2024 Ex.Laird Drain ,, \ \ I TRM) • I I / gi ,� ,� -- • . -C I Tree Conservation Area Ex.storm Basin O • SCALE (tee.Co SF) I (TRM) •I _�___ 1"=30' Tree Conservation Area 25'Buffer Prop.Tree Protection Fence '---I---- - - I iJOB NO. E Tree Conservation Area 25'Buffer V dIC'A Ro.'".,, s`��1,CARD("o,, 20230849 GRAPHIC SCALE a�.Q2o o;'`- i.7..•"EVANS C F 0 15 30 60 @ ; SEAL f /// _Q t HAMBLETON&•I6. Ir _ 0l5526 //'/j _7 TILTON,INC. z4` SHEET MATC}1LINE SEE RIGHT r« y., • %9 1 inch feet �;�';<QN 'Qp ,,"TF'•• 0 e 0 a 0 �OF P •• o,,,,Rn,p.'"O` ram t.aox