HomeMy WebLinkAboutDurham_Well Abandonment_20241001 (3) WELL ABANDONMENT RECORD Fell litertnalUxGNIY The form can be used for single or mtdliple Hells 1.N,cll(fintractar Information., W'E1.1.AHAVDONM1IENT DETAILS Brian Ewing 7a.Number ref wells being,abandoned: 8 Well Cottw itIt Name lot well ow na WrAoulh ahaMomng well on hterlicr properrs i 1 u- rvulryrla rnlecu(ur fr 'irm-oater Slrlln/r hells ONLI veth the rldnlr f.„tir/,tf,fl,Nr.�•,1rNI wnh'/N,Irrry lfU1.YhMflr,Nfe 6"m 4240-B 76.Appnninmatc lolurwic of waur rrnnainin> m wcllh): Ig1aLl NC Well C'oMradcrc Cerllfralton Nnn#+n SAZDACCC FOR%ATV R SUPPLY WELLS OM A: Comm pao)Naar "c.'Type of dtdrmfectarit used: 2.W(dl CMatnretbn Pe'vrlt N:, , WFI0501142 llsr,dJ a*&ohl. uvl! I.e 1 r 11,.shoe. Infe,hon,el—rl Amen "d.Amount of Jiunfcctant ux•J: J.Well use(check:w ell use1: Water Supinly Well: 7e,Sealing(material.used(check all that Apply): ❑Agricultural ❑MtmrupalrPublic O Neat Ccmcm Ort%a M Heruomic Chips or Pellets ❑(ieoihemtal(Neamn'Cooling Supph l ❑Rmidcratal\Filer Supph lsinglc) D Sand('edema Cimut ❑ Dn Cis} ❑lidusinak Conlnicicud 014mideralal Water Sntpph Islwred) ❑Concrete Grout ❑ Drill C'uttinp ❑Inn two ❑Spmvdn Grout ❑Gras el Non-Water 1�upph%%cil: ❑Benlonue Slum I Other(explain under 7g) ❑NIonllonne ❑Rccusen Injection Well: 7r.For each material w4cctclil almac,prnc idc aniiumt of materials wed: OAyuder Recharge ❑Gmundiater Remedtatton ❑AAlutfer Storage aid Reccn erg OSAImrh Hamer Bentonite.:501b ,Wtr:gal. DAyumfer fell ❑SlonmsatrrUrauwgr ❑Expinmetttal I cchnoog.% ❑Subswdeme C'on iml "L.Prot isle a brief darcriptian of the,Abandonment procedure: I_IGemlhemutl(Closed Loop) I_tTracer HYDRAULICLY PUSHED SENTONITE 1 IGwillenual(Heaun Coolie Return) II)Othct(explain under' ) I( It i.DAtcwclllc)Abandoned: 8-28-24 5A,W'rll lowAllon: Malcom Pinkston Property Facilit),0%wrr Nurr Fxilov ID MI(if applicabk) R,Crnilkalidm: .• .a 1915 Chapel Hill Rd. Durham, NC 27707 _Brian Ewnp 9/11/2024 Ph.steal lddress.Cm.aId ZIp Aettaiiire of Ccrldkd Wen('mitrrcMt :r r.',R O,rrrr Dale Durham Bw .signing thed ftwm, 1 hereby verify that the wellfs) wax twerei a witilo red nr I u a, I'a;0 1tk nI A!: ;i n i No MINI ac<anlame with MA.'vC AC 02C.0100 or X' 0.0)Mril(i!nsirvulion.Vimckir,lr and that a cvM of this record has been prot•rded to the well rw'ner. Sh,I atitudc and longitude in dlegivir tminutectsacnnds nr dec'imal degree-c (it well field one hn,long t,+nttktcral 9.Site diagram or additional well dl•ta0s: You elan Inc the back of this page to prrnide additional hell site details or well abatldounient details. You ma% ALSO anach xMitklnal pages i1 rkccssan CONK I RI( Ill N Dt:I \ll.S OF M EIJAM BEING ABANDONED SUBMITTAL INSTRUCTIONS f l,h ii M.,, i/rt.,!�L.I••rl IV, ,It, ti i'rV rfiir!fl/,l('i/lril tl,ref,U'1Y41 ,il,T snpphv xellr fl.Nt.1"„Irh the.%iPnw,.t %&m vim oh(vfhrvn evif.low cum whmv wte hmn 111a. For All W clLs, Submit this form within 30 days of completion of nYll Ills-A-1 - A-15 (ODDS) aNindcnliicm to[tic follduung ire,�1c11 ) Dii ision of W titer kemiurces,Information Procrssing Coil. (lb.Total well depth. 18 (rl,) 1617 Mail Smiee('cuter,Raleigh.NC 27699-1617 Inb.Fur lakWou Welli,: In aMilwu to sculling the font to ilk:ddmcss III loa ice,Burrhldr d►ariteMr: 2.25 (le-) ahme also subnul one copy of dos form%whin 10 days of cumpletion of»ell ahardonnicRu to the lollouuitt oil,Water k�ci below Dh6lou of Water Resources,l'nder•=nwud Injection Control Proglrave. ttnwnd wrface: (f(•1 1636 Mail Smicc Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-1636 length lac.For Water Suenh A Inicetilln Wns e : In addition to sending the form to (W.(later cadn >G ngthIiflmowe): (ff.) the addresstes) above. also subum one copy of Ibis form %ilhin In days of completion of well abandonment to the cowls lteahh depannria of the county 6f.Inner casine,+telunL length liflara %httc ahordnriedNnl: (R.1 6r,Scm-o length(If known): (h.l Form GW-(lw Noah C'arotttn Milminem of Ens wommea aid Natural Rewirnes Dis iuua of Water Resouk'iS Res I"Aqua_101A t "• ,.e.p♦., +, , I i, ,, . it i 11 I , •• ,,•.. ..,,,, din ,.,. .t ,,is t /]) � I. / /�[/ (f+:�:r:ia:K, l: 1�'r r'�yt{•-- .) r„f r!i infr.>larrf n:.d: ___.. __ ___. . __. "d.rlm:nuil afrli:irnf �',tnt❑. r. ___ .--_--_.._ on,IV co- : 7r.Sr:rlint'm:Uu tai',u,'d(�ir_I ,';I fl::eC 7tG.•f,��. ij H...-It(,aoeal V.u-a It pDii7�$ kcsIdelltial\l.Iwl Str pIF(cin Ir) rl S.od("xi. rlGm1,u iuCic,�iu:al:al 1�'rtUa Ji.jl^1y(mlrlt:'d) IJ(.rurnyr.fuput Specially Ciro"! 7r.Vm.cnch naterinl.crJecleri:L..:c,Pa•n/+,•, rui•r. 'I. . Q�raulldlw 1te;lftcdiatiull �`IG'l�i) riG��/�,�jl�'#i!'_+___:s�L/ fa. •�.`Vmy t,,.r alllltlPl i:l lit _ ,.. .. ,_, I;ISlonmvntcr l7r�ii:agc CiSL;tsidcnsConool �.c's. ) 7;!.j)trtt t•itlC abrief de+eriptign;rl'I l,c abn.nd o,�.:'enc�,rrzrccciuuc 1'ai:Cr — ,ti.t:-a�(�aurs I�etl�<n.i 'JOtt:_r(cxplaiit under 7;•} � l r � ��JJ�•�,//� �. �.: .;.4• �i:31:::t:7.iXvJv:Ma::J;. t-,.r�,:n `f..i' a• �iIIaprild(ifauplisablc) 3�icrliGcation: or c.a 1 wC conrrtaor ur Well _ !7r.oyueiy this./arm. I hc+e1)t'car r1v tl.ar the u'-�m'pa/arvrr Parcel ItICIlb11c,111011 No.(PIN) accard—co aid,15.1 NGC 02C.6100 n.'t llt f C1x+sr.::; rCJ arirt darn a copy of thia recarcl hay ha.'r/prar,cterl fa.r1r,1 nnrrcr. �:,.:..::if;:;:::1:::J Ina�i:ude in degreeshaiuules/secouJs m•dreiaml degree+: 9.Silt di:%pniiji nr nddilinaal well<tcta.i.v: You MIRY u:c Cic Lack of this you ,:to p,nvidc it'.Lu'urr:xnLI Fitt J sbaudoumalt details. 1`ou may ai:n�aLu:L a�'.iliti,.:V.:'; .L i +czm=Sj i ION D TAIL$QD 1vJ:Lf.IS)BEING IJr\IVDONFD SI1RIti11 I\5fR[1C J'I[))5 is•:crnrar•rr,rcu+dtt}/ormtn5lr. Fa•mrdnplcity�•elinn or aruriraicr'.vrpldvnefls . .. ,uu-::err d:'7Stranron ulka:dru,u,cnl,)•u+r cn.r mrhaut mrc/ruin. IUa. For All MI1s: SUbIllit tilis Ibru tl i:: e,i :ibmidonmenl to the following: Division 0M.Ilcr ltctatlrecs,frit,r I617 1ii-bil$crvicv cc::cr,Lia'.. ltlb. Por luirrlinn 1t'cl above,:dso suhniil ,:'• CiL, n ►fin/ /�A/) .15211donmwl to 11w followin . rr,k�^ruasl'atrf;tec:--�f—� ([ha Dit'i.innofIYalt•r!Jtw:r, .1 10",4161}..,,,.. X IN'.Fon'11';l;vY;�t� 11•.�. I�1 '\, r ;ukltc�slc'•:1 alxi�-. Il;o;t ,.r�,.n.: ., c aai;--------- l61:); . is4..,M,K_u..d+u.er�.y.:.uuw„u+.d r.:.i..•.,n.ci.t,.t ..,..ai ....,..,,,.� ..,._.•,