HomeMy WebLinkAboutAlleghany_Well Abandonment_20241001 (2) WELL ABANDONMENT RECORD For Inkrml Use ONI Y This form can tie used for single or multiple wells 1•Well Contraetcir Information: WELL.ABANDONMENT DFTAII ti Rich Lemire 7a.Number of Wells being abanduned: 1 well C'oomanot Nane nor hell ohnf personally Amahuung-well on hsdr(prgxm i Frlr mufbph aiµ,h,w ,w MNi-MUQY rki phi .06 ONLI wrh ,lk r'.Nr.lilac(J•MI�ilh1M'h Nlgh/l(,IIIN 1i01+Nl•�Mr/.Nfi M1lr/H 2593A lb.Appri%imate% re vhrtof wattr remaining in hcll(.1PDNE Igal.) NC Well CorgrtclorCetift lion Nrnilcr SAEDACCO FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ON1.1: (o mponr Name 7c 1'.�Ire of disinfectant vmd: 2.Well Construction Permit N: LA&idl a*kvbk well&rw as u.e.Ownn•Smk.J unra vi:v-Lgeoinl%eta.r 4 berwn 7(L Amatnt of di-sinfe^cwnt u.evl: 3.Well use(check Well ore): Water Supph Well: 7e.Sealing materials used(check all that apply): ❑Agmultural ❑Municipal-public v Neat Cement Grout ❑ Henforitc Chips or Pellets ❑(irnthermtl McannG+Coolinc Supph J ❑Residential Water Supph isinglc) ❑ Sand Cement Grout ❑ Dn Clam ❑hdustnakCommercial ❑Rcudennal Water Supph(sharedl ❑Cottcrrie Grout ❑Dnll Cuttings E3 Irriavitift ❑Specialt%Groul ❑Gra%el Nnr-Water iupph,Wen: ❑Betxrnule Slum U Other(explain under 7u) HNIomtontig ❑Recmrn Injection Well: ?<For each material sekscied abosc,pnnide annunt of materiak rued; ❑Aquifer Recharge ❑ mundwarer Remedimion Neat Cem.:3761b ,Wtr:24gal. Sand Cem.:lb ,Wtr:gal. ❑Aquifer Storage aid Reecnen ❑Salirin Darner ❑AgntferTest ❑Slorrm%aterDratuage Sentonite.:71b ,Wtr:gal. ❑Expettmemal Techoolog% ❑Subsidence Control lg.Provide a brief description of the ahandonim•nt procedure: 1.1(reofhemtal(Closed Loop) LITracer i IGeothenitil(Newlin -Cooling Retum) tjothcr 4explam Wider 7 ► TREMZE GROUTED FROM BOTTOM TO TOP. i.Date Wcllls)abandoned: 9-10-2024 •/ 1., ia.11rllhicanon: OCT 2024 SDWY 7947 Faiably ltrnetNafc Facility WO(ffrpplicahl,, a.Certification: IfrEj:Ph..i!: t�'r,^3r�'.tyl+tiT CG 306 N. Main St. Sparta, NC 28675 'h t ..f/l'wws. 9/14/2024 Ph,sical Addrc%s.C 1t1•oral Zip 5lcicrtiue of. :ff><d W'eR l'nnirxMr rii W¢R(h%rut Daft ALLEGRANY lii .%igning this Jnrm, I I meby cerh/%that the wellfsJ was(wenei abividoned in t'awrn PJIIeI 1&111110.3111111 NI, WI]I aexonhatur wiNa 15.4.WAC OX.0100 or 2C• 02W Pfeil Construction Stcmckin/.s and that a copy of this record has been provided to the well owner. Sh,latitude and longitude in rleMvcniinutrv%ccond%ur dmitial dtyirccc Of well F.Ad.one Lit long i`wafieictai 9.Site diagram or additional well details: You ma% tee the back of this page to prrn We additional%ell site details or%tell 11 11 abatdonnterf details. You tna% also attach additional pages if necxstan- (OV,I RI( 110\ IIIJAILS OF W EL1aSi BEING ABANDONED SUBM"'TAL INSTRUCTIONS .:[t.xu .,u,.ualrrL,::nr rrwrhs;is al wlcrh;y. !vv m1J(ti:1c r!yn(1:nr,v ra•m e.lrcr wpph• - weikONLYxith ,uhmilcvwhume IOa. For A11 Nlicfii: Sublral din firm Nldian 10 days of completion of%%r6 6a.Wetl[DI!• SB-2 abandonment in the following Diwishm of Water Remiarces,Information Pracv%-Ang Unit 1617 Mail Senior Center, 6b.Total well rk)rih: 25 Raleigh'NC 27699-1617 I06, For laiecties Wells; fit aMition to seidutg the fornt to the:ddtess in Ina r1e,IkirrMile diameter:2 (In,) abmc_aLw subnir our cap\ of this form%Ylthun 10 d:ns of conipldion of tell :ahardonnieru to the"ImAuig Dhision of Water Rewurcrs,IL nrkrgnfind Iniaition Conlrvi Program. 6d•Water Mvcl hirllw Initund wrfsee: 19 (ft.1 1636 Mail%mice('enter,Raleigh,NC 27699-l&% length lk.For Water Surmth & Inieetiin Wells: In addittoo to-,awing the form km 6c.Outer eosin g gth iif hmoWa): (ft.l the addresses) above. also subnnt one copy of this form cailhni ill dams of completion of wdl abadrnuncnt to the :ourvm licalth depannicn of the :ouri% 6f.Inner casinr'robing length lif I:paw n 1: 15 ft.) %vherc abandoned 6g.Screen length(if Lnow n 1;10 A I Fort GW-M) North C'arohm Depanuvn of bo irommiu aid Nniurnl Resourecs Dn islon of Water ReNourc.s Res sed Agnsi 201t