HomeMy WebLinkAboutMecklenburg_Well Abandonment_20241001 o' mw, 4 i .`. S' WELL ABANDONMENT RE(:O ''''iiFFgt$ * NOrth Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources-Diviei of Walter Quality • 11,44 0d~7.:f WELL CONTRACTOR CERTIFICATION# C- .k 3•`- PL 1.WELL CONTRACTOR: 5. WELL DETAILS: ] T. C.�A% 1 1 Lo v`., a.Total Depth /+��J _+ Diameter: N In. �Well Cmbactor(Individual)Name Water Level(Below Mee rfIg Point): ��•i; ,tt . - Iv C• N eel A 1 t�LI ua .1 Ti> OdS e.vfr 5 • Measuring point Is t° __f.above land surface. W W. Contrector!:ompany ame StreetPr Address A -O 1-NeAt ?\• L. . __ 6. CASING: ? Leant; Diameter a.Casing Depth(If known 2 C or Town State Zip Cade b.Casing Remove: r.rea code Phone number 7. DISINFECTION: " /i �7 v`74./, - 2.WELL.tiNFORMATION: • (Amount of 65%75%calcium hypochiollte u SITE WELL ID* (If appllcablel -� a. SEALING MATERIAL: �- 7 STATE WELL PERMIT# (If applicable) gent Cement'' ��nt Cement_ lb. Cement lb. COUNTY WELL PERMIT #(if applicable) �7 Water gal. Water gal. DWQ or OTHER PERMIT#(If applicable -�— t3entonite # .N'Z `1. 1: WELL USE(Check applicable use)i Monitorin9 Residentia_ Bentonite • �� 7 f1 f l Li M unto T e L�� /J IpalA�41bito ❑ IndustrtaUCctrmeroia➢ 1� -'gricukural e:0 Vets ❑ Recovery 0 Injection 0 Irrigation . Other Li Other(list use) () ) 2024' Type material 3.WELL LOCATION: f N • Amount =f�` % :?' COUNTY_��� Affr-e-rat/777r----- ORANGE NAME — — y NEAREST TOWN: 9. EXPLAIN METHOD OF EMPLACEMENT OF MATERIAL: (StreetlRnad Name,Number,Community,Subdlvislon,Lot No.,Parcel,Zip Code) !I/� /C�1�G�'2 --:r LJCfjT� �--- TOPOGRAPHC I LANDS NG: G Slope ❑Valley fat 0 Ridge0 Other (Check appropriate settiing)��� 10. WELL DIAGRAM :Draw a Mitalied sketch entire)]on the back cif Mk ! LATITUDE 3G w"DM�OR 3x.foopcsocXltmD form showing total depth,depth and diameter of screens any) in the well,gravel interval,intervals of casing perforations, depths and LONOITUDE75 DM5 OR Tx.i0000000X r, types of fill materialmsed / Latitudenongitude spume: PS (]topographic map n poc-aron Owed,move be•eryoYn on a USOS Popp mop andeftachad to +1. DATE WELL ABAiJDO NED OC this form ff not using GPS) — l DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL.W ABANDONED IN ACCORDANCE 4e.FACILITY-The name of the business where the well is!coated. WITH 15A NCAC 2C,WELL CONSTR CTI N ST Complete 4a THIS R ANDARDS,AND THATA (Ifa residential well,skip 4a;complete 4b,we Aar PRVID / E IlOWNER / , 7/ ,9?// FACIUTY ID*Of applicebl �(�- /` NAME OF FACILITY C 1�,4`f„N„a ATURE FC FEED (INTRACTOR DA - L3T DD S ri1•7ODivi L D ' Or Tow State OF PRIVATE WELL.OWNER ABANDONING THE WELL DATE iii, ip Code (The private well owner must be en Udiv du al wjamngbabarulons hlslher m{danyal we;! 4b,CONTACT NMfELLO�W/NER: /j i�nce with 15A CAC2C.013.) NAME ��//'Jv'.YJN �lftPj�J�Ch i -'•/1/4.1� / /C0*%-. PRINTED NAME OF PERSON ARANGCHIaG THE WE LL STREET ADDRESS 1,10 D 1?tit," bLi2j, i . Submit a copy to the owner and the original to:Division of Water Quality-Information Processing, normOW-30 1617 Mail Service CeContr..","Walsh,NC 27699-1617,Phone:(019)807-6300 Rev. 5M0 fTh 71;/"171) v�? Ni QI I I `'1 - � - Ipq 5C171) /4#i6171 =-7) *?r‘ l nVIVI .7;e% r-Dor-DA,14)\-ovvp1 . 10 Q•01, QCS as`9N acc'Qj } 11-r " Q� I 1� 11 147C0;