HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCC242973_FRO Submitted_20240927 CITY OF MONROE STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS AND DETAIL MANUAL 07.06 EROSION CONTROL FORMS AND CHECKLISTS 07.06.01 EROSION CONTROL FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY FORM No person may initiate any land-disturbing activity as defined in Chapter 158 of the Monroe City Code prior to completion of this form,and an applicable and acceptable erosion and sedimentation control plan has been approved by the City of Monroe Engineering Department. (Please type or print) Part I 1. Name of Project Riverstone- Phase 2 2. Address where land disturbing activity will take place 3908 N. Rocky River Road, Monroe, NC 28110 3. Approximate date disturbing activity will commence 2 / 1 / 2024 4. Purpose of development(residential,commercial, industrial,etc.) Residential 5. Total acreage of land to be disturbed or uncovered 78.35 Acres 6. Amount of fee enclosed(fee will be the amount of current policies per acre multiplied by the total number of acres or any part of an acre from number 5. i.e. 7.28 acres equals 8 acres.) $16,100.00 7. Agent to contact should sediment control issues arise during land disturbing activity Name Dan Rossi Phone 704-430-9392 8. Landowner(s)of Record(use blank page to list additional owners) Name Pulte Home Company, LLC Name Mailing Address 2625 Glenwood Ave,Suite 550 Mailing Address Raleigh,NC 27608 Street Address Street Address Phone Phone Fax Fax 9. Indicate Book and Page where deed of the property where land disturbing activity will take place is recorded (use blank page to list additional owners) Book See Attached Book Page Page 10. Tax Map Parcel Number where land disturbing activity will take place See Attached -- 07-18 Permits, Checklists, and Forms Division 07 CITY OF MONROE STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS AND DETAIL MANUAL Part II 1. Person(s)or firm(s)who are fmancially responsible for this land disturbing activity(use blank page to list additional owners) Name Pulte Home Company,LLC Name Mailing Address 2625 Glenwood Ave,Suite 550 Mailing Address Raleigh,NC 27608 Street Address 2625 Glenwood Ave,Suite 550 Street Address Raleigh,NC 27608 Phone 704-543-4922 Phone Fax Fax 2. A)If the Financially Responsible Party is not a resident of North Carolina,give name and address of a North Carolina Agent Name of Registered Agent Corporation Service Company Mailing Address 2625 Glenwood Ave, Suite 550 Raleigh NC 27608 Street address City State Zip Phone 704-543-4922 Email Fax B) If the Financially Responsible Party is a Partnership or other person engaging in business under an assumed name,attach a copy of the Certificate of Assumed Name. If the Financially Responsible Party is a Corporation,give the name and street address of the Registered Agent: Name of Registered Agent Mailing Address Street address City State Zip Phone Email Fax 3. The above information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and was provided by me under oath. I agree to provide corrected information should there be any change in the information provided herein.(This form must be signed by the financially responsible person if an individual or his attorney in fact, or if not an individual,by an officer,director,partner,or registered agent with authority to execute instruments for the financially responsible person) Type or Print Name OSS1 Title VP Land Planning and Development Signature \_...2„... Date 10 / 6 / 2023 1, �D( "O' €.4)4J'-1' ,a Notary Public of the County of `1 e �Ve�IU�'� ,State of North Carolina, hereby certify'that t p ,( fC OSc( appeared personally before me this day and being lily sworn acknowledged that the above form was executed by him. QQ��...- 11 qq��,_,, Witness my hand and notarial seal,this day of C Cf t i�I al_ Porsha Stewart f i —� `' NOTARY PUBLIC SEAL f . if! klenburgNC - County, Zr r-.' (Notary) . 1' :''' ,• I Commi (rps May 09, 202P r MY C....., lot? My commission expires 2(',,''.'. 07-19 Permits, Checklists, and Forms " ! '--- • Division 07 Deed Parcel ID Owner Book Page 07012007 Pulte Home Company, LLC 8682 338-340 07012010 Pulte Home Company, LLC 8682 298-300 08300033 Pulte Home Company, LLC 8682 304-307 08300035E Pulte Home Company, LLC 8682 311-316 08300040B Pulte Home Company, LLC 8682 311-316 08300054 Pulte Home Company, LLC 8682 301-303 08300054A Pulte Home Company, LLC 8682 308-310 08300054D Pulte Home Company, LLC 8682 298-300 08300054E Pulte Home Company, LLC 8682 301-303