HomeMy WebLinkAbout20050578 Ver 1_Stormwater Info_20060224~~~~ KOONTZ-BRYANT, P.C. ~~~Q Engineers • Surveyors • Planners • Scientists February 23, 2006 ~ O Samuel Aghimien 401 Oversight/Express Review Permitting Unit ~;~z, '~ 0 1650 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1650 ~~~°Ft~, ~~~u ~% in `%~~. ~ Re: Pennybyrn at Maryfield ~;~,;<c7 6' ~~~6 Mr. Aghimien, ~,~5 Enclosed with this letter are the revised 401 Wet Detention Basin Worksheets and the revised drawings for both the West and East !Wet Ponds. These changes arc based on our telephone conversation from February 13, 2006. The following adjustments are requested for the East Wet Pond. The Permanent Pool Volume is increased from 14,728 cubic feet to 16,514 cubic feet by changing the slopes under the water surface from 4:1 to 2.5:1. The aluminum baffle is moved so that the forebay volume is changed to 3,303 cubic feet. The diameter of the water quality orifice is changed from a 2.25 inch diameter to a 1.75 inch diameter. The following adjustments are requested for the West Wet Pond. The temporary pool elevation is changed from 784 to 787. The diameter of the water quality orifice is changed from a 3 inch diameter to a 2.75 inch diameter. The side slopes under the permanent pool surface are changed from 3:1 to 2:1. This provided additional permanent pool volume from 53,518 cubic feet to 57,961 cubic feet. However, this change does not provide for either the requested surface area or volume based on average pool depth. Neither the volume nor surface area is able to be increased because of site constraints. As shown on sheet C8, the site constraints to the West Side of the pond include two existing homes. The site constraint to the East Side of the pond includes the fire lane and West wing of the independent living wing of the proposed building. The site constraints to the North side of the pond include the 54 inch diameter sanitary sewer outfall and easement, property line and City of High Point's City Lake. If you have any further questions or concerns, please contact Monte Moreschi at 336-665-0200 for assistance. Sincerely, KOONTZ-BRYANT, P.C. ~,~~fi~ " ~ ~' ~v~ Monte J. Moresc i 6909 International Drive o Suite 100 a Greensboro, NC 27409 0 (336) 665-0200 o Fax (336) 665-0210 Project No. DWQ ~S ~ S~f~ (to be provrdecl by DIVQ) DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY - 401 VET DETENTION BASIN WORKSHEET DWO Stonnwater Manaucment Plan Review: A complctc stonnwater management plan submittal includes a wet detention basin worksheet for each basin, design calculations, plans and specifications showing all basin and outlet structure details, and a fully executed operation and maintenance agreement. An incomplete submittal package will result in a request for additional information and will substantially delay ti~tal review and approval of the project. I. PROJECT INrOIti1IATION (please complctc the following information): ProjectNamc: ~dNN hyRN .1-T /~~VRYFIEl7 ContactPcrson: oNTf..j. /~of~t=SG-{r PhoneNumbcr: (~~) ~L5-0.~00 For projects with multiple basins, specify which basin this worksheet applies to: In1~ST In1~.T ~c Basin Bottom Elevation ~ ft. (average elevation of t}te floor of the basin) Permanent Pool Elevation ft. (elevation of the orifice invert out) Temporary Pool Elevation ft. (elevation of the outlet structure invert in) Permanent Pool Surface Area Qi~fj ~ sq. ft. (water surface area at permanent pool elevation) Drainage Area 21..2.`1 ac. (on-site and off-site drainage to the basin) Impervious Area ~/. y~ ac. (on-site and off-site drainage to the basin) Permanent Pool Volume Temporary Pool Volume Forcbay Volume 5~, 4 G 1 cu. rt. y r2~ / 9.~ cu. ft. 12,.200 cu. ft. (combined volume of main basin and forebay) (volume detained on top of the permanent pool) SA/DA used o. 4g (surface area to drainage area ratio) Diameter of Orifice ~. }_~ in. (draw down orifice diameter) II. REQUIRED ITEMS CHECKLIST', The following checklist outlines design requirements per the Stornwater Best Management Practices manual (N.C. Department of Environment, Health. and Natural Resources, November 1995) and Administrative Code Section: 15 A NCAC 2H .1008. Initial in the space provided to indicate the following design requirements have been met and supporting documentation is attached. If a requirement has not been met, attach an expla~ration of tti~hy. Applicants Initials The temporary pool controls runoff from the 1 inch storm event. ~ The basin length to width ratio is greater than 3:1. ,~,~: I S~r~, CoaS7~2AlaT,S The basin side slopes arc no steeper than 3:1. A submerged and vegetated perimeter shelf at Icss than 6:1 is provided. Vegetation to the permanent pool elevation is specified. An emergency drain is provided to drain the basin. The permanent pool depth is between 3 and 6 feet (required minimum of 3 feet). The temporary pool draws down in 2 to 5 days. The forebay volume is approximately equal to 20% of the total basin volume. Sediment storage is provided in the permanent pool. Access is provided for maintenance. A minimum 30-foot vegetative filter is provided at the outlet,$1opE.3 "Ta Sl~~ i A site specific operation and maintenance (O&M) plan is provided. A vegetation managementhnowing schedule is provided in the O&M plan. Semi-annual inspections arc specified in the O&M plan. A debris check is specified in the O&M plan to be performed after every storm event. A specific sediment clean-out benchmark is listed (elevation or depth) in O&M plan. A responsible party is designated in the O&M plan. FORM WG 100 09/97 Page 1 of 1 Project No. DWQ O S,~ OS 1'~ (to be proi~ided by Dli'~ DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY - 401 WET DETENTION BASIN WORKSHEET DWQ Stonnwater Mana~emcnt Plan Review: A complete stonnwater management plati submittal includes a wet detention basin worksheet for each basin, design calculations, plans and specifications showing all basin and outlet structure details, and a fully executed operation and maintenance agreement. Aii incomplete submittal package will result in a request for additional information and will substantially delay final review and approval of the project. I. PROJECT INFQIti1IATION (please complete the following information): Project Name : l~E~lay py K-J .4-T NI~R/ 1ti f.l.U Contact Person: /~ONTF..S. /llo2f SC,~-tf Phone Number: (33 (,) 6L's-Da1..OD For projects with multiple basins, specify which basin this worksheet applies to: E.45T l.Jf~ pO~.l7 Basin Bottom Elevation ~~ ft. (average elevation of the floor of the basin) Permanent Pool Elevation ~g ~ ft. (elevation of the orifice invert out) Temporary Pool Elevation ~q~• ~~ ft. (elevation of the outlet structure invert in) Pernanent Pool Surface Area SiBC~-~ sq. ft. (water surface area at permanent pool elevation) Drainage Area ~2.Z ac. (on-site and off-site drainage to the basin) Impervious Arca .3•y~ ac. (on-site and off-site drainage to the basin) Pernanent Pool Volume ~6~5~~ cu. ft. (combined volume of main basin and forebay) Temporary Pool Volume (~ , 93~ cu. ft. (volume detained on top of the permanent pool) Forebay Volume 330.3 cu. ft. SA/DA used ~.¢~ ' (surface area to drainage area ratio) Diameter ofOrifice /• ~5 '' in. (draw down orifice diameter) II. REQUIRED ITEMS CIIECKLIST ' The following checklist outlines design requirements per the Stonnwater Best Ivlanagcment Practices manual (N.C. Department of Environment, Health' and Natural Resources, November 1995) and Administrative Code Section: 15 A NCAC 2H .1008. Initial in the space provided to indicate the following design requirements have been met and supporting documentation is attached. If a requirement has not been nret, attaci: an explanation of ,Uhy. / The temporary pool controls runoff from the 1 inch storm event. The basin length to width ratio is greater than 3:1. The basin side slopes arc no steeper than 3:1. A submerged and vegetated perimeter shelf at less than 6:1 is provided. Vegetation to the permanent pool elevation is specified. An emergency drain is provided to drain the basin. The permanent pool depth is between 3 and 6 feet (required minimum of 3 feet). i 1 The temporary pool draws down in 2 to 5 days. '~YI~'!"1 The forebay volume is aliproximately equal to 20% of the total basin volume. Sediment storage is provided in the permanent pool. Access is provided for maintenance. --~ A minimum 30-foot vegetative filter is provided at the outlet.SloptJ TD STEE-j~ f I~A site specific operation and maintenance (O&M) plan is provided. A vegetation management/mowing schedule is provided in the O~,M plan. Setni-annual inspections are specified in the O&M plan. A debris check is specified in the O&M plan to be performed after every storm event. 1- A specific sediment clean-out benchmark is listed (elevation or depth) in O&M plan. A responsible party is designated in the O&M plan. FORM VG100 09/97 ~ Page 1 of 1 1)1~'ISION O1~ ~V.1'I'h;R QU;V.I'1'l' --1111 ~V'l:'1. 1)l;"1'I:N'I'ION 13;~SIN ~VORl~tillh:h:'1' U\VO tilorntvvalrr Manat~ctnent flan IZcvir~i~: :A rt)ntplrle stormvv~atrr nuttl~t~~cmrnt }~I;tn uhnlitt;tl inclu(lcs ;t v~~cl dctcnliOn h;lsin vvorlahcct liar c;lrh h;lsin, drsi~n calrulatiuns, plans anti spccilication sho\\~in~ all basin and collet su-ueturc drl;lily, and ;l Iltlly cxrrutr(I oprratiun an(I nlaintrnanrc a~rrcmratt. ;\n inrontplrtc suhmittrll packa~~c will result in a rrqurst liu• additional infornuuiuu and \vill substan(ially delay lino, review and approval oCthc project. I. PRO.11?C'"1' IN ~Ol2iAvl~{~~'I'ION (please complete the follovvin~ information): 1't('.Irrt Name :~f-"~~'~~T /t~~4h'~/1=1EL1.~ _ C'ontart I'crson: ~~rF ~~ ~D2t~sGH1' I'hOnc Nunlbct° X36;) 6jrS-~~LdD I~or projects with multiple basins, specify wliich basin this worksheet applies to: _jdf E,~f,~~~~,~-- I't-('.Ircl No. I1\V(1 L.l ~ /~ - (lt~ ltt'/)~-tn'irlt'clhl' L~ll7)) Basin 13ouom Elrvatiun ~~Q I~t. (average elevation of the Iloor ul-the basin) 1'crtminrnt 1'001 I:1C\'aUOn ~~Q___ Il. (Clr\',11011 OI lllc 01-lllrl' 111\'l'It Out ~hrmporary 1'001 Llev-,lion ~g~f"o f~t. (rlcvation oi•the outlet structure invert in) I'rrnuulrnt fool Surlacc ~\rca 4~~ sq. li. ~ ~ (\eatcr surface area at pcrnulncnt pool clcvationl I)1'aln^gC /\rca z~.24 lC. ~ (On-Sll('. and 011-Slll' draltlat~C lO 1111' batilll) ('I ~J Impcrv~it)ns ;Arta ~1• yo ac. (ou-site and u(~f-site draina~~c to the basil,, l'rrmanrnt fool Vulumr ~,,~~_~ cu. il. (combined v~ulunlc ol~main basin and Ibrcha~~) I'rmpurar~~ I'<~ol Volume ~ Z~ ~ 93 ~ cu. fI. (\~olumc drtaincd un to}~ of the pcrntanett( pt)ol) ~ I~orchav Volume - 10,16 6 cu. ft. ~ ti;A;'I)~\ used o• 98- _ (surface area fo drntna`~e ,rca ratio) I)iatnrtrr Or~~tirrr 3 in. (draw dovvtt Ot-lice dianlrtrr) n. Ith;c)t11121?n rrcl~ls clircl:l,lsr ~~ I hr li)llo\vin~~ checklist uutlinrs (lesi~~n rcyuiremcnts per the Storm\\ater [3rst ~tan;l~~emcnt I'r;lrticrs tnanu;tl (N.C. Ihpartnlrnt of l~nvn-unnlrnt, Ilcalth and Natural Resources, November 1995) an(I /\dnlinisUative C'odc Sccliou: I5 ~A NCAC ?1 l .10(15. Initial in thcspace provided to indicate the lullovvin~~ design requirements bav~c horn nlrt and supporting docuntcntation is attached. l/'rr rl•rjrrirr~nr~N lni.y nw h~~l•it ~ttt•~, u~lurh un l~r~)/unnlinn n/~ t1/n. i\ )fit tic;alts Initials I-hc temporary pool controls runoff from the I inch storm event. 1-hc basin lcn~.ah to \vi(Ith tiltio is ~~rcatrr than 3: I. ?„3: ! St•rE.. CoF~JbTe~~~+'T~ --~ :1 minimum 3(1-liwt vrt~ctativr liltrr is provided at the outlrl.S~OpF_,> 7a 5`~F.7 -----~j`1" ' . ~I-br basin si(le slopes arc no steeper thnn ;: I . ____~~~~ n submerged and vcgclated perimeter shclfat less than 6: I is provided. ~,.y~ V~rgctatiun to the pernlancut pool elevation is spccific(I. ~fH~Y~ ~Au emer~~ency drain is provided fo drain the basin. ., ^~ 'fhc prt7tuutrnt pool depth is hetvvicen 3 and 6 feet (rrquircd minimum of ; lief). ~/'j ~~e,}~ ~- ~-'l-hc temporary pool draws do\vn in 2 to 5 days. _____~~.,~ fhc lurebay volume is approximately equal to ?0'_'.. of the total basin volume. Sc<linlrnt stora~~c is provided in the pcnnanent pool. ;Access is providc(I for maintcnancc. _~A site spccilir opcraliun and nutintcnancc (O~IM) plan is pravidc(I. _;A vr~~ctation many<~cmcntimuwing schedule is provide( in the (~fi~~l plan. -Simi-annual inspections are: spccific(I in the Ofiii1 plan. _~A debris chick is sprcilicd in the 0~~~~I plan lu be pcrlurmrd after rvrry storm event. _--`~ shccilic scilinu~nt clcnn-i,ul hcnchni;n-l: is Ii~tr~l (rlrvuti~.n ~,r.lc{,tli) iti (l,~\1 l,l:m. _r1 rrspunsihlc party is tlesi«f~~lleti ifl (he O~~t~~l ~~l~l-1. t)1),%~)7 ' 1'at~c i of I C~~ST ~E7 ~o r~.D ~~S ~ ~ ~ ~-~CA~S: __, . `y ._ ~ i .~ I~r,~~ ~J~s~ a .~'~. ~ ~_- = ~Y, '~ ~' ;, i _ ~, Y Il.`lo~<~-~ :12 CaL• ~~~-CST ;~ _ ~~RVioUS: _ _ ZM '. ~ _ ~ I • `7V inn - J..J ..~_ _ ti t ': i I Jn. ~. _ _ 3 C}-{.~G~ ~~~d~~G~ OF ; SLJA (~~l r'~ ~_X[.STl N G 1nn~bR v~o~s ?b ii O ;~ ~oal~ ~,J_~ TN ~~ _ _ ~R-~po5~~ ~MP~2Y~ o~S_ hy_{~,4~si r+ G ~oN1~ r~ ,. _ - -_ , . _, i l ~ ~ 5_ ~ _~ _.. -- ~ ~ ;~ ~ ~o ~orJ? __ ,~ ~F~-~~ Sv !N CAL /-~Q~~ o . , . ; _ _ , '~ -=~ > k <~~~~- ~ ~ _ ~~--~~~~~)/ /'JO) -~` 11l~, =~D,~ ~1vo~=K_ 1. _'`~ ~~ ~• . ;, _. _ ~. ;; ~; :; c~~ ~la~~~~ ~EC~v~ _ .. f _ ,~ _ I o/~ ~/~- ~it~~5 i ~o~~ cS F-t`~. ST0-2.4rG~. ~~QV~ R-E-(7 = 96G~ ~~3 ~2~~A ~~t7. y ~To2•~-G~ ~~~x~T~~~ ~-~~c~~Z) ~Y~. von. c~+') ~~~ ~$D 9dG.s _ ~~ ~a33 ~ 11~yS ~~~ l 3l~ ~ ~~~-ss ~~~ 1 ~3s ~ 1 ~~~.s ~~~ ~ 9 g8 , 218k~D ~g~ 23 $S > 2~jp.p ~gl 232 ~~~ '' !o ~~~~os ~~ S T ~d,.., ~ G'~Gi`G~ DLO/-~T~TfO~ ! C~ LS Fot~ CfJ~G. ~S TfZ~~?vlz-f~ C~1L. Vc7L. of Vv~T ~2_ , ~1~ f~~~4-~>:~~ fl Li ~L S i rvcTV~~~. 1~oL:= ~ }-I ~. I G ~-r i x ,q-~ ~ ~; ~r~.r ~ = it ~'~. _ ~r ~r~`~~-%~ ~2 - 23.Dy FTC. ff]J Uc7 L = (s•.3 ~ S' ~3 7" "1. ~~ ~ ~~ , ~`~ ~- 3 3 ~ ~ "T_ r '~ CAL. ~voy.~NT ~-oQ~t o->~ ST~e~~7v~-~ F~-C~s~~ .0 c~~. w~I~HT o~ sTn.~~Tur~~ ,, ., ~ s, ~6 3 I ~.~ ,~ CaL. I~J~r ~ h-r o~ ~o~ L ~- .~ a-~~. ,~ .. -, P ~I i i i i ~ ~ w- ~ ~ U U . O O CO N M ',. O M ~ G7 N O I~ t` r M V N M O M cfl r ('") rt V r I I N I I I ~' ~ ~ y II i II ~ p ~ ~ h ~ f• ~ L f'S 0 r' i I ~ v-- ~ v-- _ M ~ U U v=. ', ~ c.0 O c0 f~ M O r O N O V !. CD O~ r N I~ O i N ~ N !~ _ I M C_ (n 3 " . O M ~ o II ~, ~, ~ ~ I II ~ o C 4 II ; ~ ~s c~ c~ ~ of ti ~ ~ ~ CO M O C'7 CSJ ~ 0 '~ ~ ~ ~ ~ T ~ II O ~ O N ~ O `~' ~ ° .~ `~ .~ `~ M < ~ j U U V ~«- ~ ~ ~ O N o~ O M M I~ O O r. !. M M O N O N CO CO + (Q ~ '', O O r r M ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ O + ~ V + U °' rn Nov .~ ,,,~ Q N o to M O '' II II d C _ ~ N II "„ y ~ ~ O U a ~ ~ ~' ~ C'J C'J cn O' I- cq ~ U J = m ~ II ~ ' ~.-, O U ICI y L! a~ ~ o i Q Q Z ~, ' _ U Q U U U N I-- .r r Project No. D~VQ ~ ~ (to be hrnl~kle~cl br D!D"O) U[VISIOiv OI± ~VA'I'CR QUr1L1'Cl' - -f01 ~VE'I' UE'I'GN'I'[ON BASIN WORtiSIII'sET D~Vf) Stonmwatcr Management Plan Review: ~~ complete stonnwater management plan submittal includes a wet detention basin worksheet for each basin, dcsi~~^ calculations, plans and specifications-showing all basin and outlet structure details, and a (idly c~ccutcd operation and malntenance agrCCillCllt. All 111CO111p1e1C SLlbl)llttal packagC Wlll CCSnIt 111 a I'CgUCS1 fur adClltlollal information and will substantially delay final:rcview and approval of the project. L PROJI:C1' INF R~'iA1'ION (please complete the following information): Project Name : ~ a lt~~LD. . Contact Person: o ~p_j~~GFtt Phone Nwnbcr: For projects with n)ultiple basins, specify which basin this worksheet applies to: Basin Bottoul Elevation Pel-lnaneut Pool Elevation Tcu)porary Pool Elevation Peru)ancnt Pool Surface Area Drainage Area Impervious Arca Permanent Pool Volume Temporary Pool Volume Forcbily VOIUIIIC ~~ ~ ft. -~_ - f~t. ft. /ac. ~ y 4 ae. _ cu. ft. __~~_ cu. it. cu. 11. (average elevation of the floor of the basin) (elevation of the orifice invert out) (elevation of the outlet stlvcturc invert in) (water surface area at permanent pool elevation) (on-site and oft-sift drainage to the basin) (on-site and oft=site drainage to the basin) (combined volume of main basin and lorebay) (volume detained on top of the permanent pool) SA/DA used (surface area to drainage area ratio) Diameter of Orifice x.25 ' _ in. (draw down orifice dian)eter) II. RI:QUII21/ll ITh:AIS CIIIsCKLIS'T '~ "rhe following checklist outlines design requirements per the Stonnwater Best Management Practices manual (N.C. Department of Environment, IIealth and Natural Resources, November 1995) and Administrative Code Section: 15 A NCAC 21I .1008. Initial iu the space provided to indicate the following design requirements have been met and supporting documentation is attached. If rr j•egnirement has not been ntct, ~t/taclr an c:~7)lnnuNnn o/- trhh. Applicants Initials The temporary pool controls runoff from the 1 inch scorn) event. The basin length to width ratio is g1-catcr than 3:1. The basin side slopes are no. steeper than 3:1. A submerged and vegetated ~)erimeter shelf at less than (:1 is provided. Vegetation to the pennaneut pool elevation is specified. An emergency drain is provided to drain the basin. The pern)m)ent pool depth is between 3 and C feet (required minimum of 3 feet). The temporary pool draws down in 2 to 5 days. The forebay volume is approximately equal to 20% of the total basin volume. _ Sediment storage is provided in the permanent pool. Access is provided for maintenance. -A A minimum 30-foot vegetatii~e filter is provided at the outlet.eS~oPE~"p~~~P r1 site specific operation and maintenance (O&M) plan is provided. A vegetation management/mowing schedule is provided in the O~CM plan. Semi-annual inspections arc specified in the O&M plan. A debris check is specified iti the O&M plan to be performed alter every storlm event. _ ~~ specific sediment clean-oul bencltm:u'k is listed (elev:uion or ~7cpth) in O LM t,l:n~. A responsible party is designated in the O~CM plan. r-oRM s~w~loo 09/9 ~ Pa~~ t of 1 ~A~ST WET POND ~ESIGN :O ~~~s• ~n~ 1 ~ ~ ~ y~ o vim' r~ T~> ~ _ ~ 5~, ~ ~ ~ ~ l ~`~ ~7 L . ~. y `~ ~~~ r " '~~. C.~L, i?~-~c~~T 1Ma~v~o~s _', ~~ U ^' ^\' .. C~ L. S U ~. ~~ '~ A ~~ ., ~ oo ~~f~1 ~ ~~ s__- _~,1 ~.~ Fr.., :: ~~. (IoLvM~ _ _ C ~,~Quie,~17 ~ -- _ _ _,.. = I ~-, ~ C~ ~. S~- ~~' :_ _ _ _ , ~ E ~~QU r R.F-.17 O I~~RM,aa~NT ~~pl.r~~T ~ST~R~G~- = D, 125~~~f~•~ /~c~~ 5 ~~-r! = 0.12 Ni~-~r~,.~ ~ . ?Z ~.s _ = C~. ~ ~~5 = 2, ~.~ ~. 3 3 f~3 ~o/~~-/s C A ~S T I~O r~ ~ ~~ 2~. S ~(7. cS % o (2 q-5~ -' 4, x.25 ~CR-~ - Z'~ Gri ~i9-GfZE. - Co. ~zs,~-~- ~N~ ~.,~-~~ 6.22 ) = o. ~ ~~sat.~.- ,,~ _ ~ , g23 ~ 3 y .. ~ ~--~Y A'tIU~J ~-~1- ~~~ Z~ VDI. ~~3 J ~~3 '' ~~ ~ ~ 93 ~.s ~~~ ~f ~~ 1~yN.s ~~s l ~ ~-~ ____-- ® ~d.~.~ ~ ~.D L ~ A~ '7' (c7,J ~3 .. ~- gy '.~ Tj r~ ~ 2, 3 ~ ~T 3 S ~ ~~-~ ~ !'! ~ `~ Ste. S~~h-~~ Ts = 2, 3 ~- 9 ~7 3 -~ ~f C 3. ~S ~~ ~ = 2, ~ y3 ~T ~ loll~lo~ G ~~ T ~o~ I C~ ~s Foe (mac. S?Q~cTVR-1r .~ C.4L. (/vL• of C',t~~T~IL ~SpIA-~ ~~ ~T~~ ~_-r-~2 .. U~~-~ _ ~~ ~-I ~ ~ ~ r~ r X ~ ~- . (/~~. = 2? , o y tr~ x (~I. v'f ~I o ~ j _ / ~y.,3 ? f r3 G~~~~ ~ Lo.4 T~4 T I D~ CAL. 1~uoy~,~T ~ORC~. o-~ ~TKVcTv'l~ ~~ ' C~IS~~ ~c?,L7 (/Vn~i f is vUL) n l ~~N~SiT/ D ~ ~,J~•TF r~ ) ~AL. In~~~GNT Of STR~cTU1~~ ~ ~ rr ii, ~,; ~,vv l~~ i CAL. W ~ ~ G HT o ~' ~A-~S~ d- cSo~ L Vo L. I' TI-I ~ c IC _ '; 3 ? . ~ ? F ~ :. ~,~ (' _ ;~ ,~.. ` r ~` i s n1 c ~ , ! ,---~-~. I,AL. ~UO ~~T ~o'~2cZ o ~ ST1=v~~TV,2.~ y ~~ - 3~,3~ ~7~' % ~,~,~f l~ /~?~ ?, 019,~~ CJs '~ ~ ~ M ~ U U . v I~ CO 1` M to c0 N I~ O M M O O ~ d' c.0 M O I~ M d' N I ~ I I O II II ~ O U N I I i a 4 n : Q o O' C~ ~ C'1 I- ~ L 0 r ~ ~ M i U U f~ tf") O t` M N ~ O I~ M O O f~ N r- N O V N N ~ C ~ _ N N II O O O I I '" O M p ~ II II ~ ` O O i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ O M O } cp M cD L ~ V c0 0~ ~ ~ ~ T II ~ O ~ ~ ~ O ~ ~ ~' CV O O M y... N e- O in cn U ~ . ~ O~ M CO O L(') O O O O O O f~ M CO N O N f0 in ~ N cD = ~ ~ ~ ~ U ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ V N N O tl~ II ~ Q N p~ M p ~ ~ a> ~ vl ~ U ~ a ~ ~ a O ~ ~ c ~ ~ ° , c ~ ~ ~ , a~ ~ „ _~ I1 y L„ o ,~ n II II vi O fS3 ~ f4 O ~ Q Q Z ~' W U Q UUU N I-