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NCC242964_FRO Submitted_20240925
Financial Responsibility 4 nership :w (Sedimentation Pollution Control Act) SE np�C �� :::VICES One Exchange Plaza,Suite 304 Raleigh,NC 27601 This section to be completed by CMy of Raleigh staff Submittal Date Effective Date Transaction Number Permit Number LD- The remaining sections to be completed by the Applicant SECTION 1: GENERAL INFORMATION &INSTRUCTIONS This form is required to be completed, notarized and submitted with all Land Disturbing Permit applications. The information provided herein becomes an enforceable part of the approved Erosion and Sediment Control Plan and the Land Disturbing Permit listed above. Non-compliance may result in the assessment of civil penalties and could potentially affect all permits, inspections and/or Certificates of Occupancy for this Project. Should any of the information on this form change, a revised, executed form shall be submitted within thirty (30) days, said submission shall include a copy of any documents recorded with the Register of Deeds. The effective date of this form shall be the effective date as designated above by the City of Raleigh. No rights and liabilities associated with any designation shall incur until the effective date, or the effective date of transfer to any subsequent Party. Upon any delegation of an Applicant/Permittee or Financially Responsible Party, the Owner shall continue to receive notice at the address provided. A permit may not be transferred to a residential Home Owner's Association as the Applicant/Permittee or Financially Responsible Party, until the issued Land Disturbing Permit for this project is administratively closed by the Stormwater Management Division. Raleigh City Code§14-1011 sets forth that it shall be unlawful and a violation of this code for any person to give false information or misrepresentations in any application or permit required by this code. Failure to provide full disclosure of the requested information may be grounds for denial or revocation of a Land Disturbing Permit. Please complete all sections below. Type or print and, if information on the form is not applicable, place N/A in the blank. All pages of this form must be completed and submitted or the form will be rejected and returned. The property owner must initial each page of the form prior to submittal. SECTION 2: PROJECT INFORMATION PROJECT NAME DRIVEN RALEIGH - PACTIV EVERGREEN WAREHOUSE PERMITTED PHASE(S) PROJECT ADDRESS 2215 S Wilmington St., Raleigh NC 27603 NUMBER(s) 'Y PARCEL ID PIN 1702-68-7425, Real Estate ID 0034680 ANTICIPATED DATE OF June 1 2024 PROJECT INITIATION EXPECTED DURATION OF 9 months PROJECT ACREAGE OF LAND TO BE acres(\DISTURBED A PROPERTY OWNER'S INITIALS: C! IPA Stormwater Inspections Form 112 08.01.16 Page 1 of 5 SECTION 3: _'".:, PROPERTY OWNER INFORMATION • Evergreen Packaging LLC PROPERTY OWNER OF RECORD 1900 West Field Court 586-332-0468 MAILING ADDRESS (NO P.O. BOX) TELEPHONE NUMBER FAX NUMBER Lake Forest, IL 60045 david.redys@pactivevergreen.com CITY, STATE, ZIP E-MAIL ADDRESS The undersigned acknowledges that he is the Owner, or holds the Owner's power of attorney, of the property which is the subject of this application, and further states that the permitted land-disturbing activities are authorized to be conducted on the subject property with the full knowledge, permission and consent of the Owner. The undersigned acknowledges that he is the Property Owner for permit implementation, compliance and enforcement resulting under this Land Disturbing Permit and Unified Development Ordinance, Article 9.4. The Owner of the property upon which the land-disturbing activity is to be undertaken states and affirms that he has read and understands the statements and disclosures made in this form and that the information disclosed herein is true and correct to the best of his knowledge and belief. This form must be signed by the Owner of the property or by a person with authority to execute instruments, if the Owner is n t an individual. This, the day of ,A , 20 Ai . MAU& COW id k (i4.4.4L41 PROPER • NER SIGNATURE TITLE" IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the undersigned Notary Public has hereunto set his hand and seal, this c_______day of , 20 lAi . Notary Public (print name) Notary Public . nature My Commission Expires: a� �© 1 5r-`�axa. :‘-. Notary Public Title ;-•sition TERESE M EKLUND official Seal Notary Public.State of Illinois My Commission Expires May 27, 2027 (SEAL) PROPERTY OWNER'S INITIALS. Stormwater Inspections Form 112 08.23.16 Page 2 of. The Owner of the property upon which land-disturbing activities will be undertaken is required to either reside in or appoint an agent for service with business and residence addresses within Wake County, North Carolina. Section 4 must be completed if the Property Owner listed in Section 3 does not reside in Wake County, North Carolina and is optional for all others. The Owner of the subject property hereby appoints the following person as an agent to receive service of any notice, process, or pleading in any action or legal proceeding arising out of any matter relating to Unified Development Ordinance, Article 9.4. The Owner agrees that any notice, process, or pleading may be served by and through the undersigned appointed agent and such service shall have the same force and effect as if service was accomplished upon the Owner. Litigation Management Service Registered Agent NAME TITLE Corporation Service Company 888-690-2882 COMPANY, IF APPLICABLE TELEPHONE NUMBER 2626 Glenwood Ave, Suite 550 STREET ADDRESS (NO P.O. BOX) FAX NUMBER Raleigh, NC 27608 sop@cscglobal.com CITY, STATE, ZIP E-MAIL ADDRESS The undersigned acknowledges that he/she is the Owner's appointed agent. This, the day of ,ait" , 20 al . r40. r-e.ClehtlY POINTED A T SIG A URE I1TLE IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned Notary Public has hereunto set his/her hand and seal, this day of Zawrd Adrx-JA r 4C) _ea Notary Public (print name) otary Public Signature My Commission Expires: 94/al"( 004etryt /900.1 Notary Public Title/Position OFFICIAL SEAL LAUREL BIETSCH NOTARY PUBLIC. STATE OF ILLINOIS MY COMMISSION EXPIRES 09-03-2024 (SEAL) PROPERTY OWNER'S INITIALS: Stornmater Inspections Form 112 08.23.16 Page 3 of S SECTION'5 `'"= FINANCIALLY RESPONSIBLE PARTY INFORMATION The Owner of the subject property authorizes the following person or firm as the Financially Responsible Party for this Land Disturbing Permit. The Financial Responsible Party shall receive service of any notice, process, civil assessment or pleading in any action or legal proceeding arising out of any matter relating to the Land Disturbing Permit issued under this permit application and Unified Development Ordinance, Article 9.4. Brian Van Horn Project Executive FINANCIALLY RESPONSIBLE PARTY TITLE Bobbitt Construction, Inc 919-851-1980 COMPANY, IF APPLICABLE TELEPHONE NUMBER 600 Germantown Rd. STREET ADDRESS (NO P.O. BOX) FAX NUMBER Raleigh NC 27607 bvanhorn@bobbitt.com CITY, STATE, ZIP E-MAIL ADDRESS The undersigned acknowledges that he is the Financially Responsible Party for permit implementation, compliance and enforcement resulting under this Land Disturbing Permit and Unified Development Ordinance, Article 9.4. He has read and understands the statements and disclosures made in this form, that the information disclosed herein is true and correct to the best of his knowledge and belief. This form must be signed by the person or firm financially responsible for the land developing activity or other person with authority to execute instruments for the financially responsible party, if not an individual. This, the 2 day o i , 20 �. lr ?'rokCi EXeCiA41 Ve FINANCIAL Y RESPO SIBLE PARTY SIGNATURE TITLE J IN WITNESS WHEREOF,�A the undersigned Notary Public has hereunto set his hand and seal, this " �� day of Mad( ` , 20 ,27 PnlaYirl R. broAte)1 Notary Public(print name) Notary Public Signature My Commission Expires: (G/�� �P,fWU CDOr ilAia, I Notary Public Title/Position .,,„.0.10p, B. eRq��' nlssi' ' '°11BLtC i PROPERTY OWNER'S INITIALS: a vo ' "••• "' Stormwater Inspections Form 112 ,%„„°N COU ���`'� 08.23.16 4I wa4M►NM Page 4 of 5 SECTION 6: APPLICANT I PERMITTEE The Owner of the subject property authorizes the following person or firm as the Applicant/Permittee to receive service of any notice, process, civil assessment or pleading in any action or legal proceeding arising out of any matter relating to the Land Disturbing Permit issued under this permit application and Raleigh Unified Development Ordinance, Article 9.4. The Applicant/Permittee designated below is the person responsible for implementation of permit conditions and violation under Article 9.4 of the Raleigh Unified Development Ordinance. The Applicant/Permittee may be the landowner or another party who acknowledges that he is the Contractor responsible for completion of the project as approved. Brian Van Horn Project Executive APPLICANT/PERMITTEE TITLE Bobbitt Construction, Inc 919-851-1980 COMPANY, IF APPLICABLE TELEPHONE NUMBER 600 Germantown Rd. STREET ADDRESS (NO P.O. BOX) FAX NUMBER Raleigh, NC 27607 bvanhorn@bobbitt.com CITY, STATE, ZIP E-MAIL ADDRESS The undersigned acknowledges that he is the Applicant/Permittee for permit implementation, compliance and enforcement resulting under the Land Disturbing Permit listed above and Unified Development Ordinance, Article 9.4. He has read and understands the statements and disclosures made in this form and that the information disclosed herein is true and correct to the best of his knowledge and belief. This form must be signed by the person or firm responsible for the permit or by a person with authority to execute instruments for the Applicant/Permittee, if not an individual. This, the day of , 20 2C'. Pro/ea-Ex2r-cc1r've1 APPLI�ERMITTE SIGNATURE TITLE IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned Notary Public has hereunto set his hand and seal, this 41 day of , 20 Y . Brad IC t% ALOoa � Notary Public (prnt name) N Public Signature My Commission Expires: tL'1:3 /off G7.4PXMnu ,cu r Notary Public Title/Position %%%%I I l t I I►I I,,g,,,,,, ,,.r`'•P B. 8� IZ ), %) r f�1/1 s �'UBLVG • PROPERTY OWNER'S INITIALS: a' V 1. . � io 2`� S ormwater Mspectiores Form 112 '�,'$'4'.?e 22. • ck'. 08.23.16 .', sroA, .O� �a��. Page 5 of 5