HomeMy WebLinkAboutWQ0034341_Monitoring - 01-2024_20240830Monitoring Report Submittal .................................................. Permit Number#* WQ0034341 Name of Facility:* FTPA Storage Apex LLC Month: * January Year: * 2024 Report Information Type* Upload Document* NDMR, NDAR-1, NDAR-2, NDMLR Apex Jan report .pdf 2.2MB PDF Only Please upload one PDF containing all applicable monitoring reports (i.e., NDMR, NDAR-1, NDAR-2, NDMLR, GW-59). Confirmation Email Address: * noandeckard2022@gmaii.com Name of Submitter: * Noah Deckard Signature: Date of submittal: 8/30/2024 This will be filled in automatically Initial Review Reviewer: Wanda.Gerald Is the project number correct?* W00034341 Is the monitoring report accepted?* Yes NO Regional Office* Raleigh Reviewer: _anonymous Review Date: 9/24/2024 7 8 9 10 11 12 24 26 26 27 28 29 30 31 FORM: NDr,11R 03-12 NON -DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT (NDMR) Page 2 of 8 Sampling Person(s) Certified Laboratories Name: Name: Pace Analytical Services, LLC Name: Name: Does all monitoring data and sampling frequencies meet the requirements in Attachment A of your permit? � ccrnpliant _1 Ncri-Corn.rFan' If the facility is non -compliant, please explain in the space below the reason(s) the facility was not in compliance. Provide in your explanation the date(s) of the non-compliance and describe the corrective action(s) taken. Attach additional sheets if necessary. No samples required Operator in Responsible Charge (ORC) Codification Permittee Codification ORC: Noah Deckard Permittee: Certification No.: 10 1417 6 Signing Official: -Tile- Grade: 4 Phone Number: 912-614-3366 Signing Official's Title: Has the ORC changed since the previous NDMR? F-1 Ycs �Xl No Phone Number: Permit Expiration: -_ I to A 2-10-24 l L 2--1 Signature Date Si nature Date is accwraie and carnp;ee tO'.oe, b4�st Oftrry knowledge. By LIns sigrature, I ce-tifyzhw :hisrepotnht% I ce� of iaw, Inal zhgs clocumem an, al! ahachrneqts weleprepa-ea uncerhiy cirecctDrf o, supevisian in uncer penali accordance .nth a sy� designed to assure tha, all qualffiRC personnE4 propedy gathered anc evaluatea the infortnaiion of ti­*'Der5on o, persons who mar ge'."_ system. or those oersons airecfy responsiale for gainering the in'a-mation, tne in"Qrr-zion sLbrnttec is. zo the res: omv knDwiec-ce anc befie,.,rue, accjate, an. ccrnr$_­,e I a-n aware thatthere are sigm-,.cani pen-aities for sub nit-ing'alse trforroation, Inclornna Me poss,Lfny of fines ar, MpnsmTment, for Kno,Mrig Y.okfSons, Mail Original and Two Copies to: Division of Water Resources Information Processing Unit 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 User Friendly Name Official Parameter Name DWQ Accepted {nits 00010 Temperature Temperaturo, Water Deg. Centigrade 'C OW76 Turbidity Turbidity, HCH Turbldtmeter NTU OOD92 Flow • Maximum Flow, Maximum Flow Range GPD OW94 Conductivity Conductivity p0 00125 Dichtorotxnzene Dichlorobenzene (Isomers! M/P to Water ugtl pg/L 00300 Dissolved Oxygen DO, Oxygen, Dissolved mg/L 00310 BOD, BOD, 5-Day 420 Deg. C) mg/L 00340 COD COD, Oxygen Demand, Chem. (High Level) mg/L 00400 pN pH su 00480 Salinity Salinity mg/L 00515 Total Filterable Residue Residue, Tot ritrble (dried at 105C) mg/L ODS30 Total Suspended Solids Solids, Total Suspended mg/L W545 Settleable Solids Solids, Settleable mt./L 00556 OIi Fs Grease Olt it Grease mg/L 00600 Total Nitrogen Nitrogen, Total (as N) mg/L OD610 Ammona Nitrogen, Ammonia Total (as N) mg/L 00615 Nitrite Nitrogen, Nitrite Total (as N) mg/L 00620 Nitrate Nitrogen, Nitrate Total (as N) mg/L 00625 Total KjeWahl Nitrogen Nitrogen, Kjetdahl, Total (as N) mg/L 00630 Nitrite • Nitrate Nitrite plus Nitrate Total 1 DET. (as N) mg/L 00660 Onto Phosphate Phosphate, Ortho (as POO mg/L 00665 Total Phosphonus Phosphorus, Total (as P) mg/L 00670 Organic Phosphorus Phosphorous, Total Organic (as P) mg/L 00660 Total Organic Carbon Cordon, Tot Organic (TOC) mg/L 00681 Dissolved Organic Carbon Carton, Dissolved Organic (As C) milli 00916 Calcium Calcium, Total (as Cal mg1L 00927 Magnesium Magnesium, Total (as Mg) mg/l. 00929 Sodium Sodium. Total (as Nor) mg/L 00931 Sodium Adsorption Ratio Sadturll Adsorption Ratio Ratio 00937 Potassium Potassium, Total (as K) mg/L Dow Chloride Chloride (as Ct) mg/L 00945 Sulfate Sulfate, Total (as SO4) malt. 01002 Arsenic Arsenic, Total (as As) mQ/L 01007 Barium Barium, Total (as Be) mg/L 01022 Borol Boren, Total (as 8) mg/L 01027 Cadmium Cadmium, Totat (as Cd) mg/L 01034 Chromium Chromium, Total (as Cr) mg/L 01042 Copper Copper, Total Cos Cut mg/L 01045 Iron Iran, Total (as Fat mg/L 01051 Lead lead, Total (as Pb) mg/L 01055 Manganese Manganese, Total (as Mn) mg/L 01067 Nickel Nickel, Total (as NI) mg/L 01077 Silver Silver, Total (as AS) mg/L 01092 Zinc Ztrc, Total (as Zn) mall 01147 Selertum Selenium, Total (as Sal mg/L 01284 ND Application Rate Non-DlschargeApplication Rate In/yr 31SO4 Total Colifomn Colitorm, Total MF, Immed,LES Endo Agar 0/100 mL 31505 Total CotHorm CdHorm, Tot, MPN, Completed, (100 mL) MPN/SOO mL 31613 Fecal Conform Coliform, Fecal MF, M-FC Agar,44.5C,74hr a/1OD mL 31616 Fecal Collform Conform, Fecal MF, M-FC Bmth,44.5C #/100 mL 32106 Chloroform Chloroform mg/L 32730 Phenolics - Recoverable Phenolics, Total Recoverable mg/L 32730 Phenols mg/L 34469 Pyrene Pyrene pg/L 34694 Phenol - Single Phenot, Single Compound mg/L 38260 Surfactants Surfactams (JAW) mall M50 Flaw Flow, to conduit or thru treatment plant GPO SOD60 Total Residual Chlorine Chlorine, Total Residual mg/L 70295 Total Dissolved Solids Solids, Total Dissolved mg/L 703M Total Dissolved Solids Solids, Total Dissolved. 180 Deg.0 mg/L 70318 %Solids Solids, Total, Percent % 71880 Formaldehyde Formaldehyde mg/L 71900 Mercury Mercury, Total (as fig) mg1L 78732 Volatile Compounds Volatile Compounds, (GC/MS) Yes/No 80082 Carbonaceous BOD SOD, Carbonaceous 05 Day, 20C mg/L 91639 Total Kjetdohl Nitrogen Nitrogen Kjeldalh, Total(TKN) lbslac $1688 Ethylene Glycol Ethylene glycol pall. 92385 Nitrogen Oxides Nitrogen Oxides (as N) mg/L 82546 Water Level Water level, distance from measuring point ft C0310 BOD, • Core. BOD, 5-Day (20 Deg. C) - Concentration mg/L C0530 TSS • Come. Solids, Total Suspended - Concentration mg/L C0600 Total Nitrogen - Conc. Nitrogen. Total (as H) - Concentration mg/L C0610 Ammonia - Conc. Nitrogen, Ammonia Total (as N) - Concentration mg& C0665 Total Phosphorus - Cane. Phosphorus, Total (as P) - Concentration mg/L WQ09C Plant Available Nitrogen Plant Available Nitrogen • Coxentration mg/L FOR%1: NDAR-1 10-13 NON -DISCHARGE APPLICATION REPORT (NDAR-1) Page of Permit No.: A&_1 ,n, Facility Name County: Month: n Year: -%: Field Name: = Field Named Field Name: 1 Field Name: Did irrigation occur Area (acres): Area (acres): Area (acres): Area (acres): at this facility? Cover Crop: Cover Crop:' Cover Crop- Cover Crop: YES ONO Hourly Rate (in): 1 Hourly Rate (in): Hourly Rate (in): Hourly ate (in): Annual Rate (in): Annual Rate (in): Annual Rate (in): Annual Rate (in): Weather Freeboard Field Irrigated? 6 YES ❑ r4a) Field Irrigated? U YES El NO Field irrigated? YES El NO Field Irrigated? LJ YES 7 NO (D (D r_ 0 0 ? CL E 0. (D 01 k .2 >, CL f E 2D 0 Cl0 > It 0 _j E = E 0 _j 4) 'a E TD = — CL > < M 0 2 .2, a E cu P . T a 0 E M = r- E .2 E i5 = -a T< M 0 _j t > w 231 0 E on C E '—a -R (D -0 E — 'a g 0 a 0 > ft ft gal min in in gal min in in gal min in in gal min in in 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 12 13 14 161 1 171 20 Y 5 1 21 22 23 24 25 26 271 Monthly Loading 12 Month Floating Total (in) FORM: NDA f-1 10-1 NON -DISCHARGE APPLICATION REPORT (NDAR-1) Page 3 cif Were adequate measures taken to prevent effluent pending in or runoff from the sites? L t ontp giant - Non Comaliant Was a suitable vegetative cover maintained on all situ as specified in your permit? Ei: comp -hart ran-Comphant Were all setbacks listed in your permit maintained for every application to each permitted site? LE _ r pliant Nan Comol,ant Were all freeboards maintained in accordance with the specified freeboard heights in your permit? C comp'=.iant man -Compliant If the fa i tv is nor-cornoliant :;lease exniann in the space below the reasons) the faf;1 y vas not in compliance. Provide in your explanation the eate(s) of the non-cominliance and describe the corrective actDn(s) taken. Attach additional sheets if necessary. Operator in Responsible Charge (ORC) Certification I� Perin ttee Genii cation 1 oRC: liQtit :k' f Certification No 11141ic Grade: Phone Number: y1 Has the (SRC changed since the previous NDARA ? F Yes E] Na 1 2-T-24 Signature Date 9y this sionatwe I verify that this report is accur to and complete to the best of my knowledge, Permittee: Signing Official: jZ. b' Y `i'% Signing Official's Title: Phone Number: Permit Exp..: 2-1)-I2- i Signature Date 1 cerify, uncer penahlof farm._ that t ris cocunent anc all attachments were preparea ender my direction or supervision in accordance wi fl a System ces€cr,�P_ o assure hat all qLalif e-o Persormet pro e't), to f;eec anuevalua-ec thq. for€ra`icn s .,,, ec, mused on m_,° Mq i-3 of the pe-s n c- persons who .na,.age :he system, or 'hose Persons cirecty hesperivibie for ga he nc -,be rnfoarr jon,. the information subm;tted is, to the bestof my knarr lccge arid belief, true. accurate, ano complete 1 any aware ., ra: ;here are s-gnificarr pgraNes to, subrniiting false information, including .he possib ll.y of fines ano i3npr€sortmen, for Knowing violations - Mail original and Two Copies to: Division of Water Resources Information Processing Unit 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 Formulas t'olumeAppiied {gallons) Da:i}•Load:ng{:aches)_ ,.Al }} Ay -ea (acres) x.acre • inchl If Time Irrigated is < 60 minutes: lfaxznwmHourlrLood'ng(itzcizes)= Da:ipLoadazg inches) If Time Irrigated is a 60 minutes: Dail%•Load- ng(inches) t»aYttr tfa.t:mw7zHou!1} Loading fncaes) = Timetrrc ated (minutes) 60 �. hour J .lfonrizh•Load ing t:ncizes) = Surn of Dozii• Loading (inches`, 12 }font(: Flooring Toral finches) = Sum of this nzonrh's Month.7Y Load.,ng (aches) and prerzous 11 month's Month(} Loading tenches) Weather Codes Clear C Cloudy CL Partly Cloudy PC Rain R Sleet SL Snow SN FORM: NDAR-2 10-13 NON -DISCHARGE APPLICATION REPORT (NDAR-2) Page 9 of 9 Permit No,: WQ0034341 Did infiltration occur at this facility? Weather Freeboard Z 1� M :3 -0 0 % M .2 CL M =) 2 CL E CL CL U. >, CL M to 3: -F in ft ft Mummy Year to Date Facility Name Site Name: Area (acres): Rate (GPD/ft')- Site Infiltrated? YES NO E T 0 > e 0 LL Ca teal min GPD/ft' ft County: Wake Month. January Year. 2024 It lartae; Site Name: reY` Ada (ics Area (acres): oawmppne): Rate (GPDIft): sft� Infiltrated? w Site Infiltrated?l D. YES LM NO V M 0 0 Ma g 0 .0 Ln > < ILL CD awl mtn',' 'GODHe" it, gal min GPD/ft2 ft FORK NDAR-2 10-13 NON -DISCHARGE APPLICATION REPORT (NDAR-2) Page —6— of -8— Did the application rates exceed the limits in Attachment B of your permit? If not a basin, were the sites kept free of vegetation and raked? n or runoff from the sites? If a basin, were there any instances of breakout from the berms? Was the onsite automatically activated standby power source tested and operational? LX r omallam o Non -Compliant If the facility is non -compliant, picric explain in the space bel v the reason(s) the acility was Trot in compliance. Provide in your explanation the atefs) of the non-compliance and describe the corrective action(s) takers, Attach additional sheets if necessary. Operator in Responsible Charge (CMG) Certification # Certification No.: 1014176 Grade: 4 Phone Number: 912-614-3366 Has the CRC changed since the previous NDAR-2`t � r� X NG ` 2-10-24 Signature Date B r; s �:,,Q_ alufe i cerf ft? that .r s report is aced frate and Co Mp; - Ic the _f of My krC-Meldge. Perrnittee Certification Permittee Signing Official: Signing Official's Title: "> — Phone Number: Permit Exp.: r 1 Signature Date 4#31C a system ar�sfij� in urrv, of Me f=rsa== pr peena! s . , sub 4 -,!nn taise tr, €=ormat:a in_ adiN .r'e r?s_:h i;y c, fr. s 2r,d sm^nS-u^,men1 Wo: know ing ._ iat;Gns Mail Original and Two Copies to: Division of Water Resources Information Processing Unit 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 GPD, Voluy?,ze Apphed (gailons) A�,ea (ac-p-es) x 43-560 — ac?"e Weather Codes Clear Cloudy C CI.. Partly Cloudy PC Rain R Sleek SL Snow Sid FORM: NDMILR 10-13 NON -DISCHARGE MASS LOADING REPORT (NDMLR) Page __7 of _8 Permit No.: WQ0034341 Facility Name: Apex Mini Storage County: Wake M onth'January Year: 2024 Field Name: Field Name: Field Name: Field Name:; Field Name: Area (acres): Area (acres): Area (acres): Area {acres); Area (acres): Cover Crop: Cover Crop- Cover Crop: Cover Crop- Cover Crop: Load Type: Load Type: Load Type: Load Type: Load Type: Field Loaded? YES Fj NO Field Loaded? YES NO Field Loaded? E YES E] NO Field Loaded? YES 11-7 No Field Loaded? rE YES El NO M T cis 0 Cb 0 M 0 0 M GY CL _j > z CL tm cc 0 > OL 0'4 M M 0 > CL 0 _j > CL M 0 _j > < 0 4F M Ql TE 0 E < COi r_ W > =; 0 E W > 0 _j a > E E > C -J E z U E < M 0 0 U 7E5 0 0 0 0 > > > > Month gat mg1L lbs/ac E lbs/ac gal mg1L lbsiac lbstac gal mg1L lbsfac = lbstac gal mg/L lbstac lbstac gal mg1L lbs/ac lbs/ac 12 Month Floating Load (lbstaclyr): Annual Load Limit (lbslactyr): FORK NDMILR 10-13 NON -DISCHARGE MASS LOADING REPORT (NDMLR) Page R of -8— Did the mass loading rates exceed the limits in Attachment B of your permit? r,� Compliant F-1, Non (_onvh,,)r,. If the facility is non -compliant, Please explain in the space below the reason(s) the facility was not in compliance. Provide in your expianation the date(s) of the non-compliance and describe the corrective actions) taken. Attach additional sheets if necessary, Operator in Responsible Charge (ORC) Certification I Certification Number: Grade: 4 Phone Number: 912_614-3 66 Has the ORC changed since the previous NDMLR7 [-]Yes FXI PJc Permittee Certification Perrnittee: Signing Official:`} + z . Signing Official's Title: (j —AC C_ ?to l �v- �UTT i --Af— I Phone No.: Permit Exp.: Signature gate 1 Signature Late By this signature. I ce :sty that this -eprr. Ls accurrate anc complete :o the best of my imm; ledce. 1 certify, unper penalty of law, ;h t thrs cocument anc all attachments were prepares uneer my citection or supervision in accorcance wrfth a systerni esicnen :o assure that ail quasr@eo personnel prope,.fr gathe;ec anc evalua.e" the fete; rna`,on.. sbm :?e^. Eiasey j7 n my unuury of the perFon or persu>=3s..,.'to rnai ;he � 5err.or ;F=,cse persons c';irecj*; responsible for ga hennc ti f informa ion the information sub r i ec G, .o the best of my Kna lacge and he af, ;°r e, accurate, and cornple_e of ri a °dare .ha,.. Mere are s=cnibcan pen2!nGs for subrricin^c false information, oclucing the 1 F'ass� `G f _f fires Anc,hrrr,ssonni hir Kpr niq violations. Mail Original and Two Copies to: Division of Water Resources Information Processing Unit 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 a::ons} ! 8.34 Us i'oiumeApp:ded (7/z � x �ver•ageConcentration {�� x gait 1,000,000 fps j mg,•' L _ r.':i �• Load .acre Area (acres) Weather Codes Clear C Cloudy Cl Partly Cloudy PC Rain R Sleet Sl Snow SN