HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1--05704_Well Construction - GW1_20240920 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD(GW4) for Internal Use Only: 1 1,Well :tractor Informatto /n/ - , �(/� ,,,ttt • .‘ • ;Air 5'Y Y:x'',t.., ... t(rAg:.Af 9. •07.f.•.!4:44'.i ,'1•`'•','MS.I . ��r� id e FR. T• D'B. FT tl • Well ConlreolorNemo/ R; (6 I, 1( s�4 - ft. ft, C`, NCWoI ConheotorCenllloetlonNumbor • • :.ilo'" •r qtV )'r��T."•"''.Il el�( 1,."' _1'�.;'t MN.,,'i' 1''1`i •;'.' �l�m • q DI,'tiTER n. THICKNESS MATERIAL C'C is �oM rt, TO rt, f.Z-51. 1� I ' V G Company Nome ' YlfI i�ia.i7,T1.i1C�iVolV.u?isSi.UA(d`f,lat�(:1 IT)1:: `�Tll'xf'9'fi /f 6- PROM TO �jQMETED n, T ID BOB MATERIAL OIMISMUNIN Z,Well Construction Permit Ns ! l r rt. tt� • . f " Gist all applicable well conatructlon permhs(h�.UIC,County,Slate;Variance,eloj • i In, . 3.WellUse(checkwelluse): r�i:. •1.:. ?t'11�`''b .Q.'i1�,tI j ! �,�Y ?: iyyl t.ii:.rf.�" 7:�1 f.,i.'� i Water Supply Wells • FROM TO DIA %TER aLOTSIZE TH1 $NEBB MATERIAL LnAgrioultural [ Munlolpal/Pubno ft, U. 1, In. • 13Ooothomal(HoatinglCooling Supply) gRosIdontial Water Supply(single) ft, ft, '- - r .in, . • )llEiInduatdallCommerand DRosidentlal Water Supply(shared) a l;`tod• off;, 7 i^, mag'dlK(mi me i'' my' A:••.: ,r FRO TO MATERIALEMPLACEMENT METHOD&AMOUNT IrrlRatlte • D ft, O ft, iydr j t ,/z.6 4$-P D t{.r e Non•War Supply Wells • ft, tt., :Monitoring , • Rcobvory - • Injection Weill ft, ft, • A ulfor Roohargo �aroundwaterRemedlatlon pd w,. .g yp"•d ,it .,1 f$tarr �,�_;li: 311 ;)f.0),.:;ti:•a::.,••:AM: .• ''•1 3q EMPLACEMENT METHOD Aqulfer Storage and Recovery' '` ` DSalinity Barrier . Litwin To M •MAL (t� ft, AqulferTeal . %.-; • �StormwaterDrainage •s�'t s ' Subeldonoo Control it. it, Experimental Technology rti,,�• • � r . �._•�"'',•�••' Oeothermel(Closed Loop) `'' OTraoer o�'�bff'!L`To Xsltt c2l s E i CRrt Ti•N oo�r,hard ,io ►c ee,¢rain elxe.'eloJ 0Oeothemal(Heeling/Cooling Return) InOthor(explain under 621 Remarks) ft, 4.g S. lilt.fI f ci-y • 4,Date Well(s)Cattlr�loteds `�'''' '`� • Wen IDa 5 2 n. /6 `61. f:rr�i 7 ' 5a,Well focafont t ft. ft, • "' ' ' Poolllty/OwnerNeme • Q q�' r acuity 1DH(Ifopplloable) ' SP 2 �2� r ram ri e!� 1 p 'ft. It,, i' mD r, l7ESSe1Mt.t'' R. ft. 1 ,£ Phyelool Ad rots,Chy and Zip CI fy i°i 7``.t�'i��+?: �;li,:i;,-..-', 71s,-,c .:ai+t...�r s 1 ptIl�l'A� $vti4�13� e i' 5,:d i,} County Parcel IdontliloslIon NO,(PIN)m.•s 5b.Latitude and longitude In degrees/minutes/a:monde or decimal degreesi% 22,Certification!(If well field cno lot/long Is sufllolont) •3 3b 7/2 N. b—g1F A "6 W 1 Gi/ �2U1, r Palo . Signs ro of�artined Well Cont or g 6,Is(are)the wells) permanent` Sr � 'emporary BJ's/string this Jbr'rrr,I hereby aer,''t(ry that the well(o)was(Were)constructed In accordance 7.Is this a repair to an existing well; Yes or 19No With/JA.NCAC 020.0100 or OA NCAC 02C.0200 Well Coneruelioa Standards and That a Phis Is a repair,/Nl out known well consirnotlon hi/brmatlat and explain the nature of the copy of this record has been provided to the wilt owner, repair under II11 alifeirkiJeuilon or on the back of IN:Awn. Z3.Site diagram or additional well details; ' . ' You may use the bank of this page to provide additional well alto details or well 8,For Geopro only O or Close dad.lI dlca h�rtnal Wells having the same constntotlon details, You may also attach additional pages 1f necessary. consltuotlon,only I OW1 Is:Medea. %di af'TOTAL NUMBER of wells drilled: _, 9.Total well depth below land But'faoar "I'""'AI,INSTR CTIONS . L 5 ( S Bff.) 24a, For All•Weller Submit this tbrm within 30 days of completion of well _ Per+mdllple wells Sat all depths(fd(brent(eiranrpla•S@20o and J®100') ' construction to the following; 10.Static water level below top of caging; --• (it,) • Divldlon of Water Resources,Information Processing Unit, ((water level is above aaiing,use"+" 1617 Mall Service Center,Raleigh,NC 2769.9.1617 24b.Fontead n Wenz{ os In addition to sending the form to the address-In 24a U.Borehole dlamotert � (in') r iabovo,'also submit one copy`of this form within 30 days of completion of well 12.Well construction methods �D a Y construction to the following: (I,o,auger,rotary,cable,direct push,ate,) Division of Water Resources,Underground Injection Control Program, 1636 Mall Seri Ice Center,Raleigh,NC 27699.1636 FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY! �" Mc,Yrp� aster Suaniv&inleation VVelis1 In addition to sendiins fonn t30he days of to 13a,Yield(gpm) Method of tests " al r the address(es) above, also(submit one copy ( u completion of well oonstruotioi'to the county health department.of the county 13b:Dialnf�etien type; Amounts whore oonsiruoted. • Revised 2.22.2016 North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality•Division of Water Resoiroee • . PomtOW1 I '•