HomeMy WebLinkAboutSW6240702_Plansheet - SCM Detail_20240924 (3) SCM NOTES 4/'DIP FLANGE FILLER(TYP.) 1. REFER TO GENERAL NOTES ON SHEET C-100. 11/16" 5/8 1/2"X 1/2'MESH,16 GAUGE EPDXY 2. REFER TO DAM EMBANKMENT AND SEED BED PREPARATION NOTES ON SHEET C-600. COATED GALVANIZED WWM IN BETWEEN 12" MIN 12" MIN FLANGE FILLER AND TEE!TYP.) 3. REFER TO CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE ON SHEET C-500 FOR TIMING OF CONVERSIONS. . . 4. REFER TO SCM PLANTING PLAN ON C-600. COMPACTED SOIL 4'DIP OR PVC FLAT BLIND 5. A PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER'S CERTIFICATION WILL BE REQUIRED AT TIME OF AS-BUILT. i #3 DEFORMED I- _ _ _ _ _ -_I DRILLED FLANGE IN RISER WITH ORIFICE STEEL ROD -III-III-III-_ III-III-III DAM� DAM REFER TO -III-III-III- I I-I I-I I-I I ELEVATION BMP TABLE 1 1/4 I I-III-III-III III-III-III- 1 INVERT - - - - 8 3/4" O -I I I-I I I-I I I- I I-I I I-I I I-I I I Z 7Q.7 �� ELEVATION O -III-III-III EIII-III-III E. 1/4" I I-I I I-I I I- I I-I I I-I I I-I I I- 0 TO RISER 1 � -III-III-III III-III-III-I I N 4"X 4"DIP PIPE LENGTH'L' 5/8" O IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIII�IIIII�IIIII�II=1 LINE SPILLWAY WITH NAG P300 4"X 4"DIP TEE ° A � � 1=III=III= - - - 1500 PSI CONCRETE OR I I=III=III=III- 3/4" 50000PSIC ABLEFILLTO= NON WOVEN FILTER FABRIC TYPICAL EMERGENCY SPILLWAY NWL DRAWDOWN DETAIL o° ° 1 1/4" O O PSI SPRINGLINE��I I C I=I�I=I�I NOT TO SCALE NOT TO SCALE I1=1I1=1III- II-III-III- A SECTION A-A -III-III-III III-III-I NOTE A PUMP SHALL BE USED TO DEWATER EACH SCM. 3 TIMES INNER I 12" SIDE VIEW NO SCALE SCM#1:7,707 GPM WIDTH (I.W.) I.W. ° O ° 0 + I I-III-III a I I-III-I I' I ° ° Lj Z -III=III-III III-III- SCM#2:5,929 GPM ° 1/2"REBAR PLAN VIEW DIMENSIONS OF STEPS MAY VARY I=I I M I I= 8"O.C.EACH WAY 1/2 DEPENDING ON MANHOLE WALL - - 1/8„ THICKNESS AND TYPE OF I, II I II I II I II I I ° I II I II Ii f LENGTH'L' CONSTRUCTION. � -=II II 13 TOP -;I I II I II I Ii III III III iI I I=III=III PRINCIPAL SPILLWAY PIPE -111-III,;,III;;,���_ o a 1/2"REBAR 1/4„ � 1 1/2" a 8"O.C.EACH WAY NOTES I a a FRONT VIEW 3 TIMES INNER VARIES 1. TEMPORARILY SUPPORT PIPE ON BRICKS UNTIL CRADLE IS POURED. I.D. + 2. SOIL FILL SHALL BE COMPACTED TO 95%ASTM D 698 OR AS DIRECTED BY A LICENSED DIAMETER (I.D.) oLj NOTE:STEPS SHALL CONFORM TO AND BE INSTALLED PER NCDOT 840.66. GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER. #4 REBAR 12"O.C. 1/2"PREFORMED JOINT FILLER, 12" I 13 d N� - SL OPE V ,� 3. ALL JOINTS ALONG PRINCIPAL SPILLWAY PIPE SHALL BE DOUBLE WRAPPED IN WIDE ° NON-WOVEN FILTER FABRIC PRIOR TO CRADLE POUR. EACH WAY a a o ARIES RIP-RAP DISSIPATOR - - - PLASTIC COATED STEP CONCRETE CRADLE TOP „lliii"1111 ° 'd DEPTH 24" _ NOT TO SCALE _ 1 NOT TO SCALE -IIII -I I I-I I I FILTER FABRIC PROFILE 8 ~ CURTAIN WALL(CONCRETE SHALL BE OUTLET PIPE FILTER FABRIC 3000 PSI MINIMUM STRENGTH) 1/4"X 2"FLAT MATERIAL 1/2"MATERIAL I I-III-III-I RIP-RAP DISSIPATOR _ 6" 36" 6" SEE RISER DETAIL FOR STRUCTURE SIZE FRAME 8"O.C. EACH WAY -III-III-III-III-III _ -1 I I-I I I=I I I_ _ 24 'd'DEPTH ❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑ w -III III _-_-_ _ ❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑EEIE - u Q Z I-1 I ' - IB°I�' I-I I I-I I I-I I I-I I I- = m ❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑ m O 2'MIN. �2-MIN. 8�- 1/2" III-I MATERIAL = 11=11=1 =1 =11=11=1 =1 =11=11=1 =1 =11= LU I I�II�II�II�I I 8"O.C.EACH WAY - PROFILE CURTAIN WALL CONCRETE SHALL BE l=III III III III III III III III III III-III " LL1 O.C. ❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑ 00 NOTES: 3000 PSI MINIMUM STRENGTH) 48" U 1. COLLARS SHALL BE A MINIMUM OF 10' FROM THE RISER STRUCTURE. NOTES: ❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑ 2. COLLARS SHALL BE SPACED NO CLOSER THAN 10'AND NO FURTHER THAN 25'APART. 1. FOR FLARED END SECTION (SHOWN) OR ENDWALL APPLICATIONS CROSS SECTION � I ❑❑❑❑�❑❑❑ I 3. COLLARS SHALL BE COMPLETELY BURIED WITHIN THE DAM WITH A MINIMUM COVER OF 6". w I ❑ ❑ I A X 3' LOCKABLE TYPICAL ANTISEEP COLLAR CURTAIN WALL AND DISSIPATOR TYPICAL FLUME DETAIL ACCESS HATCH w d� J ' NOT TO SCALE NOT TO SCALE p CENTERED ON STEPS 2 y w U NOT TO SCALE LU ❑ ❑❑ ❑❑❑❑❑❑❑ O w I I Q m Z v1 ❑ +- - _ _J ❑ 00 ❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑ TOP VIEW SIDE VIEWS NOTES: 1. MATERIAL SHALL BE CORROSION RESISTANT (ALUMINUM OR GALVANIZED STEEL). 2. ALL FASTENERS SHALL BE STAINLESS STEEL. 3. EXTEND GATE VALVE HANDLE, IF SHOWN IN RISER DETAIL,THROUGH RACK OPPOSITE ACCESS HATCH, 12" Sheet 1of2. SLOPE Sheet 2of2. SLOPE TRASH RACK DETAIL Earth INSTALLATION11 12'(3ocm> 0 2..-s.. 2..-s.. ® 2..-s.. Loan Bearing INSTALLATION Anchor (5-12.5cm) (5-12.5cm) (112,5cm) (112,5cm) Plats NOT TO SCALE 4"-6" EARTH ANCHOR EARTH ANCHOR (in-lscm> (EA) DETAIL (0.v> (0.9> Tendon II_ (EA) DETAIL 6, 6' -III cm �.''. . ( Staples/Stakes 18m 18m III-111- 1.Prepare soil before installing 3.3 -III-III-1 1.Prepare soil before installing h- erformance turf reinforcement ss hi lm 9 P (lm) is < > 11=111=111 high-performance turf reinforcement C Earth mats (HP-TRMs), including any (osm) I I-III- _��4a_ mats (HP-TRMs), including any 1- Anchor necessary application of lime, II- 9a.1I I- necessary application of lime, I.ro° fertilizer,and seed. 0 fertilizer,and seed. 3.3' _ 6q.1I-III-_ 2.Begin at the to of the sloe b (lm) Anchor Bead I `�I1=1 1=1I I 2.Begin at the to of the sloe b 6" 9 P P Y 9 P P Y anchoring the HP-TRMs in a 6" 15 (Load Locked - - anchoring the HP-TRMs in a 6" 15 (15cm) =11 L _ _ 9 ( Position) 9 3B I III III 1 I III_ cm) deep x 6" (15cm)wide trench Earth Anchor cm) deep x 6" (15cm)wide trench with approximately 12" (30 cm) of LDetail with approximately 12" (30 cm) of -1- HP-TRMs extended beyond the 0.7 Anchors per SQ.YD. 1.15 Anchors per SQ.YD. HP-TRMs extended beyond the up-slope portion of the trench. (0.8 Anchors per SQ.M.) (1.35 Anchors per SQ.M.) up-slope portion of the trench. Anchor the HP-TRMs with a row of 1:1 Anchor the HP-TRMs with a row of staples and anchors approximately staples and anchors approximately 12" (30 cm) apart in the bottom of 2"-5" 0 2"-5" 2"-5" 0 2"-5' 1�111 0 12" (30 cm) apart in the bottom of the trench. Backfill and compact <Slzscm) I` 'I (5-12.scm) (5-12.scm) (5-12.scm) roe the trench. Backfill and compact 1-III 1 a the trench after stapling. Apply z l.s o.4sm P° the trench after stapling. Apply seed to compacted soil and fold 4, (0.6m) 3' seed to compacted soil and fold (0.9m) AO' 1=III=III=III= o / \ remaining 12" 30 cm portion of _ 2:1 remaining 12" 30 cm portion of Do 9 ( ) P (1.2m) 3.3' g0' 1=111=1 1=11 I__11 9 ( ) HP-TRMs back over seed and 1.6' s� 1-111-1 1-I�' M� HP-TRMs back over seed and 1.6' (1m) o� 4 ^ ^ III compacted soil. Secure HP-TRMs (osm) cr I_ Isis p (osm) c I-I 1-11 crc I1- compacted soil. Secure HP-TRMs ^ ^ _ over compacted soil with a row of 3.3 ti?P 1-1�1-IlZOP° 1 over compacted soil with a row of -I I I-I I I-_I I staples/stakes spaced (lm) i 11-SQy�' I-111--111-1I I11 =11 3:1 staples/stakes spaced III-III-III approximately 12" (30 cm) apart I-IG�OCS -III-I!I554'Ml g approximately 12" (30 cm) apart EQUAL EQUAL EQUAL across the width of the HP-TRMs. 1-13 P° -F. P crc` _ 1 across the width of the HP-TRMs. _I I-I I I-I I I-I I y0_��35 1-111-1 c I 3.Roll the HP-TRMs A down or B a 3.Roll the HP-TRMs A down or B _=I I I-1 I I-1 I I-I I I O O -11= s _ O O horizontally across the slope. Pn s horizontally across the slope. =1115 1-111-111-111-111-11 � -III-III-III-III-II HP-TRMs will unroll with HP-TRMs will unroll with 1-111-111-111-111-111-111 -III-III-III-III-III appropriate side against the soil appropriate 1=1 1=1 1=1 1=1 1=1 1=1 1-11 appropriate side against the soil III=III=III=III=III=II surface. All HP-TRMs must be 1.7AnchorsperSQ..M. 2.3AnchorsperSQ.Y. .. surface. All HP-TRMs must be _ (1..7 Anchors per SQ. D. (2.3 Anchors per SQ.M.) 111=0.7 7nlc ors/SQ.YD.(0.8 AnchLcI $Q.M.)=1 1 ^ securely fastened to soil surface by - securely fastened to soil surface by III-III-III-III-III-III placing staples/stakes in placing staples/stakes in I=III=III=III=III=III=I I Channel&Shoreline 3A _ _ _ _ _ appropriate locations as shown in NOTES: appropriate locations as shown in III-I I I-I I I-I I I-I I I I I the staple pattern guide. Slopes the staple pattern guide. g *The performance of ground anchoring devices is highly p p I-I I I-I I I-III-III= 4.The edges of parallel HP-TRMs 4.The edges of parallel HP-TRMs _ _ _ _ dependent on numerous site/project specific variables. It is the must be stapled with approximately must be stapled with approximately I- III-III-III=I I sole responsibility of the project engineer and/or contractor to 2" - 5" (5-12.5cm) overlap CRITICAL POINTS 2" - 5" (5-12.5cm) overlap select the appropriate anchor type and length. Anchoring shall be 1 III- - depending on the HP-TRM type. A.Overlaps and Seams depending on the HP-TRM type. selected to hold the mat in intimate contact with the soil subgrade _ 5.Consecutive HP-TRMs spliced B.Projected Water Line 5.Consecutive HP-TRMs spliced and resist pullout in accordance with the project's design intent. I I=I down the slope must be end over C.Channel Bottom/Side Slope Vertices down the slope must be end over I= "(7.5cm end (Shingle style) with an * Anchor Pattern Guide can vary based on earth anchor and end (Shingle style) with an approximate 3"7.5cm overla blanket selection. A A approximate 3"7.5cm overlap. PP ( ) P PP ( ) Staple through overlapped area, * If desired, the system can be soil-filled and sodded after TRM B B C Staple through overlapped area, approximately 12"(30cm) apart installation. Sod should be staples/staked according to plan C approximately 12"(30cm) apart across entire HP-TRM width. specifications. » across entire HP-TRM width. =1111-111=1I-I I I I " 0 -III-- III= 4"MIN.TOPSOIL. Drawing Not To Scale Drawing Not To Scale ^ ^ ^ ^ *NOTE: *NOTE. FINISH GRADE LINE ._, - NORTH Disclaimer: In loose soil conditions, the use of NORTH Disclaimer: In loose soil conditions, the use of AMERlCAN The information presented herein is general design information only.For specific applications, staple or stake lengths greater than ensarm AMERICAN The information presented herein is general design information only.For specific applications, staple or stake lengths greater than m m 6"15cm ma be necessa to 6"15cm may be necessary to GREEN consult an inde endent rofessional for further desi n uidance. ( ) Y ry GREEN consult an independent professional for further design guidance. ( ) Y Y ROOT MASS REMOVE CONTAINER AND LOOSEN p p g g p p g g properly secure the HP-TRMs. properly secure the HP-TRMs. 5401 St.Wendel-Cynthiana Rd. PH:800 722-2040 5401 St.Wendel-Cynthiana Rd. PH:800 722-2040 ROOTS OF POTBOUND PLANTS BY SCORING OR ....�... /� \� ....�... Poseyville,IN 47633 www.nagreen.com Drawn on:03-07-11 Poseyville,IN 47633 www.nagreen.com Drawn on:03-07-11 \\% PULLING. /%::::: /% .::...:: ......... . PLANTING SOIL MIX.WATER AND TAMP TO REMOVE AIR POCKETS. TAMP SOIL FOR FIRM BASE UNDER ROOT BALL. NOTES: 1. ALL TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS AND GENERAL CONDITIONS APPLY. 1/2 ROOT BALL DIA. (TYP.) 2. REMOVE ALL TAGS,TWINE OR OTHER NON-BIODEGRADABLE MATERIALS ATTACHED TO PLANT OR ROOT MASS. 3. SPACING DIMENSIONS VARY.SEE PLANT LIST. 4. THE MINIMUM NUMBER OF PLANTS AT 18"O.C.IS 100 PLANTS PER 200 SQUARE FEET. 5. THE MINIMUM NUMBER OF PLANTS AT 24"O.C.IS 55 PLANTS PER 200 SQUARE FEET. HERBACEOUS PLANTING DETAIL NOT TO SCALE ALL CONSTRUCTION MUST BE PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH CURRENT TOWN OF COATS,HARNETT COUNTY, NCDEQ AND NCDOT STANDARDS,SPECIFICATIONS AND DETAILS IN PLACE AT TIME OF PLAN APPROVAL SUBMITTAL: DRAWN BY: CHECKED BY: DATE: SEALED BY: underfoot1ST SUBMITTAL ZA LL 2024.07.02 � ```�111�1jt''�� HIGHWAY 27 SELF STORAGE ��NcAR ENGINEERING ;z°° °FEss� /7 CONSTRUCTION PLANS SCM DETAILS C- 602 1 1 49 EXECUTIVE CIRCLE KNOW WHAT'S BELOW ; r- 0 032d74 0 LU CARY, INC 27511 ° ALWAYS CALL ;�2000-. GINE��-'00 919.576.9733 BEFORE YOU DIG O°°°°°°°°°°°°� NCBELS C3847 1 NCBOLA C683 COATS, NC It's fast. It's free.It's the law. ''' �'�,M,',�,0`�ZOZ�`07,02