HomeMy WebLinkAboutSW3240804_Stormwater Narrative_20240921 STORMWATER NARRATIVE Beckingham Estates Subdivision Weddington, NC July 15, 2024 W. K. Dickson & Co., Inc. 1213 W. Morehead Street, Suite 300 Charlotte, North Carolina 28208 (704) 334-5348 NC License No. F-0374 GENERAL Beckingham Estates is a proposed 38 lot single-family subdivision located in Weddington, North Carolina. The project is located off Lochaven Road to the East of Providence Road (NC-16) and South of the intersection of Providence Road and Rea Road. The project consists of 38 low density (40k sq. ft. minimum) lots with custom-built homes, private gated roadways/community and ditch section roadways. The design consists of preserving the shape of the land and minimizing permanent infrastructure while meeting ordinances of the Town of Weddington for post construction stormwater detention. Beckingham Estates is also being submitted to Town of Weddington for Preliminary Plat & Erosion Control and Union County Public Works for utility permitting. The project is going to utilize public water and private septic sewers due to lack of available sewer lines in the basin. The estimated start of construction is Spring 2025. PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS The project will collect stormwater with ditch section roadways, minimal valley gutter and storm drainage inlets. The stormwater will be conveyed in concrete storm pipes or open channel ditches. Per the Town of Waddington's stormwater detention requirements and NCDEQ Water Quality requirements, the stormwater will be conveyed from the storm drainage system to one of three wetpond facilities. The stormwater, once treated for the first 1" of rainfall and detained per the Town's requirements (2, 10, 25, 50 & 100) will be discharged from the wetponds to a rip rap apron and vegetative filter strip. The site has two drainage points of interest. Point of interest #1 (POI#1) is located on the Southeast side of the site where the existing tributary #1 drains. Point of Interest #2 (POI#2) is located at the Northeast corner of the site where the site drains towards an existing pond as part of Mundys Run. The table below represents the pre-development and post development discharge. The wetponds provide detention for the peak stormwater runoff for the 2, 10, 25, 50 & 100-year storm events to meet the pre-development rates. Also provided is a table that shows the available freeboard in the three wetponds. STORM WATER PRE-DEVELOPMENT/POST-DEVELOPMENT TABLE 1 YEAR ir 2 YEAR PRE(CFS) POST(CFS) DELTA PRE(CFS) POST(CFS) DELTA POI #1 2.15 2.41 0.26 4.58 4.55 -0.03 POI #2 6.18 6.33 0.15 13.07 12.36 -0.71 10 YEAR 25 YEAR PRE(CFS) POST(CFS) DELTA PRE(CFS) POST(CFS) DELTA POI#1 13.64 10.95 -2.69 19.91 15.04 -4.87 POI#2 37.67 32.34 -5.33 54.87 45.69 -9.18 50 YEAR 100 YEAR PRE(CFS) POST(CFS) DELTA PRE(CFS) POST(CFS) DELTA POI #1 24.97 18.26 -6.71 30.14 21.51 -8.63 POI #2 68.96 56.33 -12.63 83.49 74.42 -9.07 Free Board Check Freeboad Peak Ely. (100YR) Top of Berm (ft) BMP 1 618.07 619.50 1.43 BMP 2 609.81 611.00 1.19 BMP 3 588.90 590.00 1.10 * Per Town of Weddington Stormwater Design Manual a minimum of 1.00'freeboard required * Per NCDEQ Stormwater Design Manual a minimum of 1.00'freeboard required