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SW6240901_Property Deed_20240920
Matthew S . Willis Register of Deeds Harnett County, NC Electronically Recorded 12121 /2023 03: 37 : 37 PM NC Rev Stamp: $ 1 , 430. 00 Book: 4218 Page: 493 - 495 (3) Fee: $26. 00 Instrument Number: 2023021296 HARNETT COUNTY TAX ID# 010536 0116 • 12-21 -2023 BY SM NORTH CAROLINA GENERAL WARRANTY DEED - - -- _ '- - • .a Parcel Ila: --[11z 01053.E 6116. _ .._:.::':' _: ... -' .... ....._.._.. _ �. ..._... � =� ..i ail1 :to. s. . .e :Size o �a &{ • ::P.A. .728•N.' :, - • Prepared by: f Smith Debnam Naxron Drake Saiutsing Myers, T,T. . o0 exam of title_Brief . : . description s86 acres off McLean Chapel Church Road Bunnlevel NC 28323 for.the Index:. JT THIS GENERAL WARRANTY DEED ("Deed") is made on the _ day of..). Q. + - -`_. - 2023, by and between: - 1 'Douglas Myron Matthews a/k/a Douglas Marion Matthews ;IOW Development, T.T1C, F° -`and wife, Deborah Matthews, David Charles Matthews, a North Carolina Limited Liability Company unmarried,,'Dennis James Matthews and wife, Patricia a s- , Becker Matthews, = s Y : Address: 3966 Haithcock Road Raleigh NC 27604 ` Address: 2265 Benson Road Angier NC 27501 5 . FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION paid by Grantee, the receipt and legal sufficiency of which is acknowledged, Grantor by this Deed does hereby grant, bargain, sell. and convey to Grantee, in fee simple, all that certain lot, parcel of land or condominium unit in the City Anderson Creek.Township, Harnett County, .North Carolina:and more particularly rly described•as follows (the BEING all of.Tract No. 4 of the T.C. Young and M.C. Smith Subdivision consisting.of fifty-five and nine-tenths acres. Recorded in Plat Book No. 4,.page 52,EHarnett County courthouse, Barnett. Comity, North Carolina, to which reference is made for better description. Less and except from the foregoing that portion thereof, containing 1.008 acres, conveyed by C.M. Matthews and wife, Mae S. Matthews to James R. Hogg Jr. and wife, Barbara A. Hogg by deed recorded in Book 627, Page 34, Harnett County Registry. Submitted electronically by Adams, Howell, Sizemore & Adams,P.A. in . 1 Page 1 of 2 compliance with North Carolina NC Bar Association Real Property Section Form No. 3 ()Revised 02/2021 statutes governing recordable AS30Ciatt4 withthe NC Bartf documents and the terms of the Printed by Agreement , .. submitter agreement with the Harnett County Register of Deeds. • BK 4218 PG 494 DOC# 2023021296 f.,. i• All or a portion of the Property was acquired by Grantor by instrument recorded in Book 1235, Page 784, and Estate of June `8. Matth Eii.17 E 204. i All or a portion of the Property 0 includes or ® does not include the primary residence of a Grantor. TO 'M AND TO. OLD the e a '� o s � ',. � ���'" p and all a��l �xxancea:. { x1a fe";� here- . . ���� ta Sat �_� S.tiitigit; � is } c'`"simple. Gratorcovenants wit :Grantee a:t°:Grantor is eel d;of- a ''roper in r�r:,has thie:srig ' o eunGvey, theZ7.913erty in fee s - le ti.f4t:tothe= o er :iiiiiiketa a and:free r:o `all a um ;a nd t e titl .• � � C and::dofe h e against the law X ci' �t f'l p rstins whomsoever, other than the following exceptions: IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Grantor has duly executed the foregoing as of the day and year first above written. fliii '1(4t11-71f91 / - .- ab4SXixal trlaB:00 Print/Type Name: Douglas Myron Matthews ailda Print/Type Name: Deborah Matthe s Douglas Marion .tthews /1#17 , / i 1 / r / "II A i / tick/it • )1,1e i 7,7 / ir, 4111.1111:A° // /k /reb. , 0, A4 4 :Ai f. _ /,, / , dir gewil - tti- - _ , A /1 ' // 411 A '- _ . - -, zi i At Atdi aZ 4 '" - Print/Type i am.e: Dennis James Matthews, by Print/ ype Name: 'atricia Becker Matthew:, by Douglas Myron Matthews a/k/a Douglas Marion Matthews, Douglas Myron Matthews a/k/a Douglas arion Matthews, Attu ey,i-n- a i Attorney-in-Fact 1 /t/ . '' , # 7 fr , hie;-_-•_ _ . _ ._ . : _., .... . _ - - Print/Ty • " Name: David Charles M ews, by • Douglas Myron Matthews a/k/a Douglas Marion Matthews, Attorney-in-Fact State of North Carolina — County of Harnett' ._ .. LI I, the undersigned Notary Public of the County of._ .: Fk. _ and State aforesaid, certify that Douglas Myron Matthews a/k/a Douglas Marion Matthews personally appeared before me this day and acknowledged the due execution of the foregoing instrument for the purposes thereexpressed. Witness my hand and Notarial stamp or seal this day of ..._becr2cor, _.,,,.2023. iz, ,,,,1 riif.‘ i iiyz4,0,4 .#91'V'S'' '' 0_,°:?, 0 ..il'',.= Fly 't:.. '..:,, 10 04. A it fro I 0 6, .o ''...2 . _s _ _ _ - � , :� otary Public tNotary's i' • ed or Typed e -. _ 4., `,- . ham' My Commission Expires off . VAC) (Affix Seal) `7. ' ` �� , Page 2 of 2 NC Bar Association Real Property Section Form No. 3 Q Revised 0212O21 Printed by Agreement with the NC Bar Association BK 4218 PG 495 DOC# 2023021296 State of North Carolina — County of Harnett .. I, the undersigned Notary Public of the County of..,..-•:-.4.0_11:1Vti and State aforesaid, certify that Deborah Matthews personally appeared before me this day and acknowledged. thi "dizei4ecution of te foregoing instrument for the purposes therein expressed. Witness my hand. and. Notarial stamp or seal. this :11 day of - . . , ier. mteleg34, ""•:•=7:r:,.1-•-: r lA , ,, .: 4 0 ..,. 4....y:. ...-te,„ ....,,. ---,.. S. fl 3 4 4 ./ ‘Z`‘,4'' TA V:, MP1: Ai-- ,,i; ,nQ,. 0iiiiiY1311131-iC VA er-1 . ;: . ..___.—... . _ . --- : : ;. .., Notary'le a ted or Typed Nani ...... -;:- ,, i‘...\C) CS ii My Commission Expiresk ..... , .- ' ...- 1..iii.) --- • 4'7' .-:- ,.. 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