HomeMy WebLinkAboutSW1240701_Stormwater Narrative_20240913 EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION CONTROL PLAN FOR: SHEETZ, INC. ASHEVILLE AIRPORT NEW AIRPORT ROAD FLETCHER, NC 28732 ,��11{1►IIl/// 09-• • tti • O �' ':NG1NE�� '",, ''LIAM GP ..\\ 11/30/.714 April 30, 2024 LE&D PROFESSIONALS,PC River Run Executive Offices Suite B 110 Exchange Street Danville,VA 24541 Office: (434)792-3680 LE&D Project No.23-034-Boll Table of Contents NARRATIVE 3 EROSION & SEDIMENT CONTROL PRACTICES 4 CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE 5-7 CALCULATIONS 8-13 USGS QUAD MAP 14 SOIL SURVEY 15 EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION CONTROL PLAN 4-30-24 SHEETZ,INC.—NEW STORE NEW AIRPORT ROAD,FLETCHER,NC 28732 PURPOSE: The purpose of this project is to construct a new Sheetz Store, 18 pump stations, and corresponding parking lot. The project construction also includes: (1)Installation of erosion control measures, (2) Grading, (3)Utility installation, (4)Building construction, (5)Paving and(6)Re-stabilization of all disturbed areas. SITE DATA: The 11.49 acre(9.63 acres disturbed) site is located on New Airport Road and Airport Park Road in Fletcher,NC. The pre-developed site contains mostly impervious area in the vicinity of the Sheetz store and mostly forested area in the new parking lot area. The site has flat to moderate slopes. The site drains to the southeast to an existing creek and west to an existing pond near New Airport Road.Properties adjacent to the site are commercial to the northeast and industrial to the east,New Airport Road to the west,Airport Park Road to the north,and Fanning Bridge Road to the south. SOILS: According to the web soil survey for Buncombe County,North Carolina the soil classification of the site is Clifton sandy loam(CsC),Urban land(UhE), and Hayesville loam(HyC). EROSION& SEDIMENT CONTROL PRACTICES 1. Sediment Fence-6.62: To be installed around on downgrade side perimeter of disturbed area and of stockpiles to intercept and detain sediment from sheet runoff of disturbed areas during construction and prevent it leaving the site, not for concentrated flows. 2. Temporary Block& Gravel Inlet Protection-6.52: To be installed around all newly constructed and existing drainage inlets to intercept and detain sediment from disturbed areas during construction operations in order to prevent sediment from entering the storm pipe system. 3. Porous Baffles-6.65: Porous barriers installed inside temporary sediment basin to reduce velocity of runoff and allow settling of sediment before leaving the site. 4. Concrete Washout Container: To be installed near the construction entrance/exit to receive wash water from concrete trucks and concrete tools. The purpose of the container is to collect and retain concrete solids and concrete wash water for proper disposal. 5. Temporary Sediment Basin-6.61: To installed in the southern corner of the site to retain sediment on the construction site for most of the new parking lot, and prevent sedimentation in off-site streams, lakes, and drainageways. It will allow large amounts of sediment to settle out of construction runoff before it enters the storm pipe system. 6. Temporary/Permanent Seeding-6.10/6.11: To stabilize denuded areas during grading operations and after land disturbance is completed. 7. Temporary Diversion-6.20: To be installed along east edge of disturbed area to direct runoff into the sediment basin. CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE- SHEETZ, INC. -NEW STORE NEW AIRPORT ROAD,FLETCHER,NC 28732 PHASE 1 -CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE: 1. OBTAIN SESC PERMIT THEN HOLD PRE-CONSTRUCTION MEETING. 2. INSTALL TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE AND PREFORM STREET CLEANING DAILY AS NECESSARY. 3. CONTRACTOR IS TO INSTALL ALL SILT FENCE AND INLET PROTECTION PER THIS SHEET. 4. CONTRACTOR TO INSTALL TEMPORARY SKIMMER BASIN AS SHOWN ON THIS SHEET PRIOR TO ANY OTHER DISTURBANCE BEING DONE. 5. STABILIZE TEMPORARY MEASURES. 6. ONCE THE BASIN IS IN AND ALL PHASE 1 EROSION CONTROL MEASURES ARE IN PLACE, THE CONTRACTOR CAN COMMENCE WITH THE DEMOLITION AND CLEARING OF THE TREES WITHIN THE CLEARING LIMITS AS NEEDED FOR CONSTRUCTION. 7. BEGIN ROUGH GRADING. 8. INSTALL TEMPORARY DIVERSIONS AS GRADING PROCEEDS. 9. INSTALL TEMPORARY SEEDING AND MULCHING TO ALL DISTURBED AREAS. 10. MAINTAIN EROSION CONTROL MEASURES. PHASE 2-CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE: 1. MAINTAIN PHASE 1 EROSION& SEDIMENT PROTECTION MEASURES. 2. COMPLETE ROUGH GRADING. 3. PROCEED WITH INSTALLATION OF THE STORM DRAIN SYSTEM. 4. INSTALL INLET PROTECTION ON STORM DRAIN AS REQUIRED. 5. INSTALL OUTLET STABILIZATION ON STORM DRAIN AS REQUIRED. 6. COMPLETE FINISH GRADING. 7. INSTALL UTILITY SERVICE LINES. 8. INSTALL CURB AND GUTTER. 9. INSTALL STONE BASE COURSE IN AREAS TO RECEIVE PAVING. 10. INSTALL ALL PAVING. 11. INSTALL LANDSCAPING PER LANDSCAPING PLAN. 12. SPREAD TOPSOIL ON AREAS TO RECEIVE PERMANENT SEEDING. TOPSOIL SHALL BE SPREAD AT A RATE OF 500 CY PER ACRE, TOTAL OF ABOUT 1000 CY. 13. INSTALL PERMANENT SEEDING. WHERE NOTED, PERMANENT SEEDING MAY NEED TO BE INSTALLED VIA HYDROSEEDING. PERMANENT SEEDING SHALL BE A CONSERVATION MIX CONSISTING OF CREEDING RED FESCUE, KENTUCKY BLUEGRASS, ANNUAL RYEGRASS, PERENNIAL RYEGRASS, (SPECIFIC MIX ITEM# ERNMX-114) AT A RATE OF 100 LBS PER ACRE, TOTAL OF 200 LBS. 14. IMMEDIATELY AFTER PERMANENT SEEDING, MULCH (STRAW) SEEDED AREAS AT A MINIMUM OF 80% COVERAGE. IDEALLY, MULCH SHOULD BE APPLIED TO ALL SEEDED AREAS. 15. IF SOIL TEST IS NOT PERFORMED, INSTALL GROUND LIMESTONE AT A RATE OF 75 LBS PER 1000 SF, TOTAL OF 6500 LBS. 16. INSTALL 5-10-10 FERTILIZER TO SEEDED AREAS AT A RATE OF 40 LBS PER ACRE, TOTAL OF 80 LBS. 17. REMOVE TEMPORARY DIVERSIONS WHEN UPSTREAM AREAS ARE STABILIZED AND STABILIZE AREAS WITH PERMANENT SEEDING. 18. REMOVE SEDIMENT FROM SEDIMENT BASIN. CONSULT WITH BUNCOMBE COUNTY SITE DEVELOPMENT PRIOR TO REMOVAL OF SEDIMENT BASIN. 19. REMOVE ALL REMAINING EROSION & SEDIMENT PROTECTION MEASURES WHEN DISTURBED AREAS ARE STABILIZED. 20. STABILIZE ALL AREAS WHERE EROSION & SEDIMENT PROTECTION MEASURES WERE REMOVED. PHASE 3 -CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE: 1. INSTALL TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE AND PREFORM STREET CLEANING DAILY AS NECESSARY. 2. CONTRACTOR IS TO INSTALL ALL SILT FENCE AND INLET PROTECTION PER THIS SHEET. 3. STABILIZE TEMPORARY MEASURES. 4. ONCE ALL PHASE 3 EROSION CONTROL MEASURES ARE IN PLACE, THE CONTRACTOR CAN COMMENCE WITH THE ASPHALT DEMOLITION WITHIN THE CLEARING LIMITS AS NEEDED FOR CONSTRUCTION. 5. BEGIN ROUGH GRADING. 6. INSTALL TEMPORARY SEEDING AND MULCHING TO ALL DISTURBED AREAS. 7. MAINTAIN EROSION CONTROL MEASURES. PHASE 4-CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE: 1. MAINTAIN PHASE 3 EROSION& SEDIMENT PROTECTION MEASURES. 2. COMPLETE ROUGH GRADING. 3. BEGIN BUILDING CONSTRUCTION WHEN PERMITS ARE OBTAINED. 4. PROCEED WITH INSTALLATION OF THE STORM DRAIN SYSTEM. 5. INSTALL INLET PROTECTION ON STORM DRAIN AS REQUIRED. 6. INSTALL OUTLET STABILIZATION ON STORM DRAIN AS REQUIRED. 7. COMPLETE FINISH GRADING. 8. INSTALL UTILITY SERVICE LINES. 9. INSTALL CURB AND GUTTER. 10. INSTALL STONE BASE COURSE IN AREAS TO RECEIVE PAVING. 11. INSTALL ALL PAVING. 12. INSTALL LANDSCAPING PER LANDSCAPING PLAN. 13. SPREAD TOPSOIL ON AREAS TO RECEIVE PERMANENT SEEDING. TOPSOIL SHALL BE SPREAD AT A RATE OF 500 CY PER ACRE, TOTAL OF ABOUT 500 CY. 14. INSTALL PERMANENT SEEDING. WHERE NOTED, PERMANENT SEEDING MAY NEED TO BE INSTALLED VIA HYDROSEEDING. PERMANENT SEEDING SHALL BE A CONSERVATION MIX CONSISTING OF CREEDING RED FESCUE, KENTUCKY BLUEGRASS, ANNUAL RYEGRASS, PERENNIAL RYEGRASS, (SPECIFIC MIX ITEM# ERNMX-114) AT A RATE OF 100 LBS PER ACRE, TOTAL OF 100 LBS. 15. IMMEDIATELY AFTER PERMANENT SEEDING, MULCH (STRAW) SEEDED AREAS AT A MINIMUM OF 80% COVERAGE. IDEALLY, MULCH SHOULD BE APPLIED TO ALL SEEDED AREAS. 16. IF SOIL TEST IS NOT PERFORMED, INSTALL GROUND LIMESTONE AT A RATE OF 75 LBS PER 1000 SF, TOTAL OF 6500 LBS. 17. INSTALL 5-10-10 FERTILIZER TO SEEDED AREAS AT A RATE OF 40 LBS PER ACRE, TOTAL OF 40 LBS. 18. REMOVE ALL REMAINING EROSION & SEDIMENT PROTECTION MEASURES WHEN DISTURBED AREAS ARE STABILIZED. 19. STABILIZE ALL AREAS WHERE EROSION & SEDIMENT PROTECTION MEASURES WERE REMOVED. 20. PERFORM COMPLETE SITE CLEAN-UP. SKIMMER BASIN - SHEETZ AT ASHEVILLE AIRPORT TOTAL DISTURBED AREA= 2.13 Ac. TOTAL DRAINAGE AREA= 2.13 Ac. C = 0.45 FOR UNIMPROVED CLEARED AREA Q10= 6.7478 CFS I = 7.04 IN/HR REQUIRED VOLUME = (1800 Cf/Ac) x TOTAL DISTURBED AREA REQUIRED VOLUME = (1800 Cf/Ac) x 2.13 Ac. = 3834 Ft3 REQUIRED SURFACE AREA = 435*(Qio) REQUIRED SURFACE AREA= 435 x 6.748 REQUIRED SURFACE AREA = 0.07 Ac. = 2935 Ft2 REQUIRED SURFACE AREA= (L x W) 76.62 Ft x 38.31 Ft = 2935 Ft2 PROVIDE SURFACE AREA= (L x W) 90 Ft x 35 Ft = 3150 Ft2 PROVIDED DEPTH = 2 Ft. PROVIDED VOL.=[((LTOP x WTOP)+(LBorroM x WBOTTOM))/2] x DEPTH PROVIDED VOL.= [( 90 x 35 ) + ( 82 x 27 ) / 2] x 2 PROVIDED VOL.= Ft3 PROVIDED WEIR WIDTH = 18 FT NOTES: 1) PIT SIDE SLOPES TO BE 2H:1V 2) DIMENSIONS GIVEN ARE TOP DIMENSIONS SHEETZ, INC. TEMP.SKIMMER BASIN ASHEVILLE, NC 4/15/24 Calculate Skimmer Size Basin Volume to be Drained in Cubic Feet(Dry Volume) 2,908 Cu.Ft Skimmer Size 1.5 Inch Days to Drain* 2 Days Orifice Radius 0.7 Inch[es] Orifice Diameter 1.4 Inch[es] `In NC assume 3 days to drain Estimate Wet Volume of Basin Length Width Top of water surface in feet 86 31 Feet VOLUME 2440 Cu.Ft. Bottom dimensions in feet 82 27 Feet Depth in feet 1 Feet NEW SHEETZ STORE-ASHEVILLE AIRPORT-FLETCHER, NC DATE: 7/14/23 C=0.30 LANDSCAPED OUTLET PROTECTION DESIGN WORKSHEET MANNINGS n= 0.013 C=0.90 IMPERVIOUS C=0.80 GRAVEL 10 YEAR STORM RAINFALL INTENSITY= 7.04 IN/HR PIPE OR PIPE/RD THEO. V PART SEG- FROM TO INLET D.A. ROOF TOTAL INLET PIPE PIPE-TIME RUNOFF INLET PIPE CxA TOTAL INLET PIPE TOTAL PIPE PIPE ACTUAL FULL LENGTH MENT I UPPER LOWER DRAIN D.A. COEF. CxA CxA FLOW FLOW FLOW DIA. PIPE DIA. PIPE TIME POINT POINT IMP GRAVEL GRASS D.A. TIME TIME OF CONC. SLOPE OF PIPE INVERT INVERT AC AC AC. AC. AC. (MIN) (MIN) (MIN) (CFS) (CFS) (CFS) (FT/FT) (IN) (IN) (FT/SEC) (FT) (MIN) (FT) (FT) MH-7-EW-8 0.00 0 0.00 1.66 1.66 5.0 0.0 5.0 0.98 0.000 1.627 1.627 0.00 11.45 11.45 0.0013 27.0 30 2.87 51.88 0.3 2141.25 2141.18 CB-15-ES-16 0.39 0 0.00 0.00 0.39 5.0 0.0 5.0 0.98 0.351 0.000 0.351 2.47 0.00 2.47 0.0178 9.4 15 5.14 174.00 0.6 2140.59 2137.50 OCS-26-ES-27 FROM HYDROCAD 2.65 0.0072 11.4 30 3.74 94.00 0.4 2098.68 2098.00 DESIGN OF RIPRAP OUTLET PROTECTION User Input Data Calculated Value Reference Data Designed By: Ryan Gatewood Checked By: Date: 4/30/2024 Company: LE&D Professionals,PC Project Name: New Sheetz Store-Asheville Airport Project No.: 23-034-B011 Site Location(City/Town) Town of Fletcher,NC Culvert Id. EW-8 Total Drainage Area(acres) 1.66 Step 1. Detennine the tailwater depth from channel characteristics below the pipe outlet for the design capacity of the pipe. If the tailwater depth is less than half the outlet pipe diameter,it is classified minimum tailwater condition. If it is greater than half the pipe diameter,it is classified maximum condition. Pipes that outlet onto wide flat areas with no defined channel are assumed to have a minimum tailwater condition unless reliable flood stage elevations show otherwise. Outlet pipe diameter,Do(in.) 30 Tailwater depth(in.) 3 Minimum/Maximum tailwater? Min TW(Fig.8.06a) Discharge(cfs) 11.45 Velocity(ft./s) 2.87 Step 2. Based on the tailwater conditions determined in step 1,enter Figure 8.06a or Figure 8.06b,and determine d50 riprap size and minimum apron length (L.). The d5D size is the median stone size in a well-graded riprap apron. Step 3. Determine apron width at the pipe outlet,the apron shape,and the apron width at the outlet end from the same figure used in Step 2. Minimum TW Maximum TW Figure 8.06a Figure 8.06b Riprap d5o,(ft.) 0.5 1 Minimum apron length,La(ft.) 5 6 Apron width at pipe outlet(ft.) 7.5 7.5 Apron shape Apron width at outlet end(ft.) 7.5 4.9 Step 4. Determine the maximum stone diameter dm, =1.5xd, Minimum TW Maximum TW Max Stone Diameter,dmax(ft.) 0.75 1.5 Step 5. Determine the apron thickness: Apron thickness=1.5 x d,,,,„ Minimum TW Maximum TW Apron Thickness(ft.) 1.125 2.25 Step 6. Fit the riprap apron to the site by making it level for the minimum length,L.from Figure 8.06a or Figure 8.06b. Extend the apron farther downstream and along channel banks until stability is assured. Keep the apron as straight as possible and align it with the flow of the receiving stream. Make any necessary alignment bends near the pipe outlet so that the entrance into the receiving stream is straight. Some locations may require lining of the entire channel cross section to assure stability. It may be necessary to increase the size of riprap where protection of the channel side slopes is necessary(Appendix 8.05). Where overfills exist at pipe outlets or flows are excessive,a plunge pool should be considered,see page 8.06.8. DESIGN OF RIPRAP OUTLET PROTECTION User Input Data Calculated Value Reference Data Designed By: Ryan Gatewood Checked By: Date: 4/30/2024 Company: LE&D Professionals,PC Project Name: New Sheetz Store-Asheville Airport Project No.: 23-034-B011 Site Location(City/Town) Town of Fletcher,NC Culvert Id. ES-16 Total Drainage Area(acres) 0.39 Step 1. Detennine the tailwater depth from channel characteristics below the pipe outlet for the design capacity of the pipe. If the tailwater depth is less than half the outlet pipe diameter,it is classified minimum tailwater condition. If it is greater than half the pipe diameter,it is classified maximum condition. Pipes that outlet onto wide flat areas with no defined channel are assumed to have a minimum tailwater condition unless reliable flood stage elevations show otherwise. Outlet pipe diameter,Do(in.) 15 Tailwater depth(in.) 0 Minimum/Maximum tailwater? Min TW(Fig.8.06a) Discharge(cfs) 2.47 Velocity(ft./s) 5.14 Step 2. Based on the tailwater conditions determined in step 1,enter Figure 8.06a or Figure 8.06b,and determine d50 riprap size and minimum apron length (L.). The d5D size is the median stone size in a well-graded riprap apron. Step 3. Determine apron width at the pipe outlet,the apron shape,and the apron width at the outlet end from the same figure used in Step 2. Minimum TW Maximum TW Figure 8.06a Figure 8.06b Riprap d5o,(ft.) 0.5 1 Minimum apron length,La(ft.) 5 6 Apron width at pipe outlet(ft.) 3.75 3.75 Apron shape Apron width at outlet end(ft.) 6.25 3.65 Step 4. Determine the maximum stone diameter dm, =1.5xd, Minimum TW Maximum TW Max Stone Diameter,dmax(ft.) 0.75 1.5 Step 5. Determine the apron thickness: Apron thickness=1.5 x d,,,,„ Minimum TW Maximum TW Apron Thickness(ft.) 1.125 2.25 Step 6. Fit the riprap apron to the site by making it level for the minimum length,L.from Figure 8.06a or Figure 8.06b. Extend the apron farther downstream and along channel banks until stability is assured. Keep the apron as straight as possible and align it with the flow of the receiving stream. Make any necessary alignment bends near the pipe outlet so that the entrance into the receiving stream is straight. Some locations may require lining of the entire channel cross section to assure stability. It may be necessary to increase the size of riprap where protection of the channel side slopes is necessary(Appendix 8.05). Where overfills exist at pipe outlets or flows are excessive,a plunge pool should be considered,see page 8.06.8. DESIGN OF RIPRAP OUTLET PROTECTION User Input Data Calculated Value Reference Data Designed By: Ryan Gatewood Checked By: Date: 4/30/2024 Company: LE&D Professionals,PC Project Name: New Sheetz Store-Asheville Airport Project No.: 23-034-B011 Site Location(City/Town) Town of Fletcher,NC Culvert Id. ES-27 Total Drainage Area(acres) 3.87 Step 1. Detennine the tailwater depth from channel characteristics below the pipe outlet for the design capacity of the pipe. If the tailwater depth is less than half the outlet pipe diameter,it is classified minimum tailwater condition. If it is greater than half the pipe diameter,it is classified maximum condition. Pipes that outlet onto wide flat areas with no defined channel are assumed to have a minimum tailwater condition unless reliable flood stage elevations show otherwise. Outlet pipe diameter,Do(in.) 30 Tailwater depth(in.) 3 Minimum/Maximum tailwater? Min TW(Fig.8.06a) Discharge(cfs) 2.65 Velocity(ft./s) 3.74 Step 2. Based on the tailwater conditions determined in step 1,enter Figure 8.06a or Figure 8.06b,and determine d50 riprap size and minimum apron length (L.). The d5D size is the median stone size in a well-graded riprap apron. Step 3. Determine apron width at the pipe outlet,the apron shape,and the apron width at the outlet end from the same figure used in Step 2. Minimum TW Maximum TW Figure 8.06a Figure 8.06b Riprap d50,(ft.) 0.5 1 Minimum apron length,La(ft.) 5 6 Apron width at pipe outlet(ft.) 7.5 7.5 Apron shape Apron width at outlet end(ft.) 7.5 4.9 Step 4. Determine the maximum stone diameter dm, =1.5xd, Minimum TW Maximum TW Max Stone Diameter,dmax(ft.) 0.75 1.5 Step 5. Determine the apron thickness: Apron thickness=1.5 x Minimum TW Maximum TW Apron Thickness(ft.) 1.125 2.25 Step 6. Fit the riprap apron to the site by making it level for the minimum length,L.,from Figure 8.06a or Figure 8.06b. Extend the apron farther downstream and along channel banks until stability is assured. Keep the apron as straight as possible and align it with the flow of the receiving stream. Make any necessary alignment bends near the pipe outlet so that the entrance into the receiving stream is straight. Some locations may require lining of the entire channel cross section to assure stability. It may be necessary to increase the size of riprap where protection of the channel side slopes is necessary(Appendix 8.05). Where overfills exist at pipe outlets or flows are excessive,a plunge pool should be considered,see page 8.06.8. Buncombe County 1 11111.4 'a ` 1. _ 1 4: 4117; Via _ :, 4.` $ \ \ ....: -----41:,3tit't fr ' tclAml ; .. ..• W-1) a.' V `f�• M;viiodot\ • -�r— M:rt ; ) > \ _ Of t A. 1't ti PPP•. 'Y J _1 .. t - , ( i� •i43Q y ? 1�wtit k � t t j J a . re_ t •t It • T AI r11V �•. j t't 1�. 1i' t- ,t� !'1 ram, � .�'� ' ��;�'t�: � 'yti,ii ''f y+ , f I.` -• ��y . 1111 �� fur .<ti • 1'li *'' , .+ if r \, _ iit 1yF ,8 . __ . ___ 7 ,, k %, , , ,31,1„,,,..,:.,.. .., \ , . `t ;,6it, !�✓ � '� 111111 5 ••� .a S a... „.. J ! 1_^ 1 ..,, , _ . , , % 1 .„ . 1 t I�J � �. ` 1 riMer4 I iiiii . v t k -44' ti . • I r ) ate.��.i:,l'L\ I • , S , •� 1 April 26, 2024 1:9,028 o 0.075 0.15 0.3 mi 1 I i 1 1 I I 0 0.1 0.2 0.4 km 3 Soil Map—Buncombe County, North Carolina,and Henderson County,North Carolina M b N N M M N N W W 360490 360540 iiipr- 360590 360640 360690 360740 360790 35°26'13"N - I , 35°26'13"N t i iti, ` R Airport+Parke . c tf _ `cj k tr :IN. 4 ? \ • . a .... . ,. z idimitil • i Uis ltk - r.7 • _ik.,,,,,, , ., „.„..,,, eft *Vroll .,•,1.- -' lift - ...41jA . 'ti tk 4 iimitok,--- I ••.• , . •s • . . '....•1. •4* .N°-3,I;? 0: F \ :i • 0". 4. 3 M �,� dr i . Jan . _k, v.,1,', VI 1:1*,..)S'A" , 1.' ir ' . , ..,,, . ' p, I. _I.' :\, . . iiir we. -- viphilisia.„.. .., 4 40 l ler -_--, i¢ Y CSC % " ,4 Uh'E a- V t �` . \0.\,.,.. or er .�.ts • $ � 4.-4. • � Lam♦ UhEt i` cP vL:x ..0...., ..,, e .• ... . _it. ,..,, . . ..,,c ,ort .ate. - s. ‘4 •., - IP IN ♦ a000 Gda.�;ua�idol bc'N\%1Md ail tlr�oL�@4114, - j aft • • 35°25'59"N - —'., 35°25'59"N 360490 360540 360590 360640 360690 360740 360790 3 3 in b N Map Scale:1:2,220 if printed on A portrait(8.5"x 11")sheet M Meters P.o m N 0 30 60 120 180 Feet 0 100 200 400 600 Map projection:Web Mercator Corner coordinates:WGS84 Edge tics:UTM Zone 17N WGS84 USDA Natural Resources Web Soil Survey 10/31/2023 Conservation Service National Cooperative Soil Survey Page 1 of 4 Soil Map—Buncombe County,North Carolina,and Henderson County,North Carolina MAP LEGEND MAP INFORMATION Area of Interest(Aol) Spoil Area The soil surveys that comprise your AOI were mapped at scales Area of Interest(AOI) Q Stony Spot ranging from 1:12,000 to 1:20,000. Soils 44 Very Stony Spot Warning:Soil Map may not be valid at this scale. 0 Soil Map Unit Polygons Wet Spot Enlargement of maps beyond the scale of mapping can cause ,^w. Soil Map Unit Lines misunderstanding of the detail of mapping and accuracy of soil Other line placement.The maps do not show the small areas of p Soil Map Unit Points contrasting soils that could have been shown at a more detailed Special Line Features Special Point Features scale. (9 Blowout Water Features Streams and Canals Please rely on the bar scale on each map sheet for map cs Borrow Pit measurements. Transportation X Clay Spot Rails Source of Map: Natural Resources Conservation Service 0 Closed Depression Web Soil Survey URL: ti Interstate Highways Coordinate System: Web Mercator(EPSG:3857) X Gravel Pit US Routes 040 Maps from the Web Soil Survey are based on the Web Mercator ,. Gravelly Spot Major Roads projection,which preserves direction and shape but distorts distance and area.A projection that preserves area,such as the 0 Landfill Local Roads Albers equal-area conic projection,should be used if more • Lava Flow accurate calculations of distance or area are required. Background 46 Marsh or swamp Aerial Photography This product is generated from the USDA-NRCS certified data as of the version date(s)listed below. iRk Mine or Quarry Soil Survey Area: Buncombe County,North Carolina O Miscellaneous Water Survey Area Data: Version 21,Sep 13,2023 Q Perennial Water Soil Survey Area: Henderson County, North Carolina v Rock Outcrop Survey Area Data: Version 24,Sep 13,2023 Saline Spot Your area of interest(AOI)includes more than one soil survey area.These survey areas may have been mapped at different Sandy Spot scales,with a different land use in mind,at different times,or at Severely Eroded Spot different levels of detail.This may result in map unit symbols,soil properties,and interpretations that do not completely agree • Sinkhole across soil survey area boundaries. 3) Slide or Slip Soil map units are labeled(as space allows)for map scales 1:50,000 or larger. oa Sodic Spot Date(s)aerial images were photographed: Apr 1,2022—May 9, 2022 i\ Natural Resources Web Soil Survey 10/31/2023 Conservation Service National Cooperative Soil Survey Page 2 of 4 Soil Map—Buncombe County, North Carolina,and Henderson County,North Carolina MAP LEGEND MAP INFORMATION The orthophoto or other base map on which the soil lines were compiled and digitized probably differs from the background imagery displayed on these maps.As a result,some minor shifting of map unit boundaries may be evident. USDA Natural Resources Web Soil Survey 10/31/2023 Conservation Service National Cooperative Soil Survey Page 3 of 4 Soil Map—Buncombe County,North Carolina,and Henderson County, North Carolina Map Unit Legend Map Unit Symbol Map Unit Name Acres in AOI Percent of AOI CsC Clifton sandy loam,8 to 15 4.4 57.8% percent slopes Ud Udorthents,loamy 0.8 11.1% UhE Udorthents-Urban land 1.6 21.6% complex,2 to 50 percent slopes Subtotals for Soil Survey Area 6.9 90.5% Totals for Area of Interest 7.6 100.0% Map Unit Symbol Map Unit Name Acres in AOI Percent of AOI HyC Hayesville loam,7 to 15 0.7 9.5% percent slopes Subtotals for Soil Survey Area 0.7 9.5% Totals for Area of Interest 7.6 100.0% USDA Natural Resources Web Soil Survey 10/31/2023 Conservation Service National Cooperative Soil Survey Page 4 of 4