HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0021253_202402208_5Day Incident Report_200240917North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality
Division of Water Resources
Upset• Spill, or Bypass 5-Day Resorting Form
(Please Print or Type Use Attachments if Needed)
Permittee :
Permit Number: NC0021253
Facility Name: Havelock WWTP
Incident Started: Date: 09.17.2024
Incident Ended: Date: 09.17.2024
County: Craven
Time: 03:16 AM
Time: 11:30 AM
Was the incident a Spill of wastewater out of containment or a Bypass of specific treatment units:
Bypass of specific treatment units
If a Bypass, which unit or units of treatment were bypassed and was it a Complete or Partial bypass of
wastewater Flow?
The units of treatment that was bypassed was Secondary Treatment and Disinfection, It was a Partial
bypass. Bypass was 3470 gpm from clarifiers to UV disinfection
Level of Treatment achieved prior to Spill/Bypass:
_ None _Primary Treatment X Secondary Treatment —Chlorination/Disinfection Only
Estimated Volume of SpWBypass: 3740gpm x 60m/h x 8.25h = 1,717,650 (must be given even if it is a
rough estimate)
Did the Spill/Bypass reach the Surface Waters?
If yes, please list the following:
Volume Reaching Surface Waters: 0 gal
Surface Water Name & Classification:
East Prong of Slocum Creek
Did the Spill/Bypass result in a Fish Kill? _ Yes
Was WWTP compliant with permit requirements?
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Yes X No
X No
X Yes _ No _ (N/A)
Upset, Spill, or Bypass 5-Day Reporting Form
Were samples taken during event? _Yes X No
Specific to Spill/Bypass or Routine Sampling:
Source of the Upset/Spill/Bypass (Location or Treatment Unit):
Excessive rainfall event created flow surge at plant
Cause or Reason for the Upset/Spill/Bypass:
see above
Describe the Repairs Made or Actions Taken:
No repairs required; clarifier blankets were maintained through wasting at less than 2 ft.; bypass water did
not contain solids.
Action Taken to Contain Spill. Clean Ur) and Remediate the Site (if applicable):
Action Taken or Proposed to be Taken to Prevent Occurrences:
24-Hour Report Made To: Division of Water Resources _ Emergency Management _
Contact Name: Date: Time:
OtherAgencies Notified (Health Dept, etc):
Person Reporting Event: Rick Day, Public Utilities Director Phone: 252.463.7130
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Upset, Spill, or Bypass 5-Day Reporting Form
Did DWR Request an Additional Written Report? _Yes X No
If Yes, What Additional Information is Needed (photos, sample results, costs of repairs/cleanup, etc.:
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