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NCC242908_Site Plan or Location Map_20240919
Surveyors Certification AQ B)oo �\.ie I, William B. Ciccolella, certify that this map was drawn under my ��`�P���� supervision from an actual survey done under my supervision / (sources include Deeds and Plats shown hereon); that the boundaries Lacock not surveyed are indicated as drawn from information as shown; G Ave. Site that the precision of the survey is 1:10,000+; and that the Global Positioning System survey tying it to grid has the following n co characteristics: Class of Survey: A, Positional Accuracy: +/-0.06', _�_ �Q v N Type of GPS Field Procedure: Static; Date(s) of Survey: 30 June, 13 c5,� Aie - .-Q' �qne rton July, and 29 December 2023; Datum/Epoch: NAD83/2011; i Published/fixed control used: OPUS—RS; Geoid Model: 18; Combined 9 Q yi9hw Grid Factor(s): 0.99997554; Units: US Survey Feet; that this survey 4y is of category GS47-30(f)(1 1)a as it is a survey that creates a o°,` Q Old "a l4 subdivision of land within the area of a county or municipality that 6829-68-3300 Hollow' Vicinity Map has an ordinance that regulates parcels of land; and that this map Sheppard, Inc. /p was prepared in accordance with G.S. 47-30 as amended. D.B.3789 Pg.3435 oqg, No Scale Li_Q This day of , 1 10.00' '25'a 0 0 Professional Land Surveyor L-4152 0 0 12.50' 00 °510,50' 661 N e ,0' 'RI' Proposed House r. N 53 18.38' v 6oN, 0 ,r N0 o Garage 4 23691 Q cu 223• 5o Sq. Ft. 14.62' c) ® 18,67,0.29' ao 14.33' u•) 1c 18,38' i. Porch N �5�'\ 2 r7 5,38' 9.25' o 0 Proposed House Q° Not to Scale TOO 75\- F 33�' co co Q 6829-68-3300 Q Sheppard, Inc. / �' 6829-68-3300 D.B.3789 Pg.3435 ji Sheppard, Inc. �' Proposed O' / �s 33 D.B.3789 Pg.3435 ' House 31 tr9 / N mac' / /4°41/ y c".3� t ) 0, 42.3°' o.,...-- �03� (Public) Asphalt \t!-0.,...-- ( public) 64°3316 0A):C' , W E 6829-68-3300 �F, 111 Sheppard, Inc. co /12°- "~— o O D.B.3789 Pg.3435 "co /56 2� 1)'5 bed C' °O © /30, / Z Z \Qi g51g5 / / S ,06C. / / Symbol Legend c, / 0 AF Axle Found ‘ • Iron Rod Set 0� Z;''' 7 PbUE Public Utility Easement ,,,��,, so Linetype Legend Q Fire Hydrant ''rf / Subject Property Boundary ® Water Meter \ f Co Adjoining/Departing Property Line \ ® Water Valve /��. CD Telephone Pedestal y� ,lam / ExistingRight of Way or Easement Line © Electric Stub—Up l \l / New Right of Way or Easement Line ® Electric Transformer I I \\ Co <>d / AS JN 11656-5 J \ Notes Hidden Woods Village Lot 5 Prepared for Accurate SurveyingPLLC 1. Field work for this survey was completed Sheppard, Inc. . on 12 June 2024. Being a site plan of that parcel with PIN 2. Property is subject 6829-68-3300, the property of Sheppard, Inc. PO Box 27;Bethania,NC 27010 to all restrictions, described in Deed Book 3789 Page 3435 and 2400 Loeschs Lane;Winston-Salem,NC 27106 easements and rights record,of way of if further identified as Lot 5 of P.B.80 Pg.33 oBoundary Retracements • ALTA Surveys any, as of the date Bethania Township Forsyth County North Carolina °' Subdivisions • Construction Staking of this survey. 09 September 2024 Scale: 1 inch = 40 feet �� 336-580-5566 Accuratesurveying@hotmail.com �I 888-461-0861 (Fax) www.AccurateSurveying.Biz 40 0 40 80