HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCC242699_Site Plan or Location Map_20240919 Hemlock Ct. IPF
Middlebury Rd. Location of underground utilities, if shown, are based
Site on visible evidence and drawings provided to the
surveyor. Location of underground utilities and \
structures may vary from shown locations. Additional <3 \
utilities may exist. Local utility companies should be RIM 100.00' \
consulted for further information on utilities affecting \
the property.
This survey was done Without benefit of an attorney's ProposedIddl
title search which could disclose zoning, restrictive Drive ebb
0'(. covenants, easements not visible to surveyor, building Location Py \ \
Fcs' setbacks, or other information Which could affect Z/ ' Rocs / \
Meye< surveyed property. — _ I F 10O d l 60
No subsurface or environmental considerations — R \
effecting this property have been made by surveyor. *.P .10P � ) \
aP 101 \
Vicinity Map (Not to Scale) I ' ''P \
,oP \
,.o Ul
f02Notes: This map is not in accordance With GS 47-30.
Area by coordinate method.Dashed lines not surveyed, drawn from information as indicated. oContour interval = 1', based on assumed datum. 104
There are no visible encroachmentsOP �10P BP
other than those shown hereon. `,oP SSOSurvey is subject to any Declaration of Restrictions, IRF �1 ��Conditions, Easements, Covenants, Agreement, Liens ��and Charges of Record. IPF0P 8P o So 8P TP.
"Verify Minimum Building Setbacks Before Construction" \
All pine trees are "Longleaf" unless otherwise stated. °P ' 4.1raf
\ 105 aP• 4.2P \
Parcel ID #20040564, PIN #8574003229661 \
�10P \
Silt Fence oC ' '2"� `3: +OP \
Legend: IPF = Iron Pipe Found s 1aH'p \
*OP \
IPS = Iron Pipe Set 12"� I •
4P \
IRF = Iron Rod Founds 14P 106 \
IRS = Iron Rod Set •' [�l?�l] /
�'^14H. .OP
CMF = Concrete Monument Found 4P' i aP 16P
Q = Sewer Manhole ,. /
= Fire Hydrant4 - 1 pj
' ad
-0- Utility Pole
CATV = Cable Television
I a07 r
P ,00
PSO = Power Stub Out \° I
�, /4,0
TP = Telephone Pedestal oposed /
WV = Water Valve House
= Light Pole "Open
O en Space 28.PP ,Locations ,oP Silt Fence
— — = Building Setback Line I FFE = 103.66
—OHU— = Overhead Utilities 2"�' r / *14P Per P.C. 12, SL 125
RI = Water Meter w- / • / Moore County Registry
SSO Sanitary Sewer Stub Out ,� I i2H*
/ ' ,0.77, 1520
❑ = Electrical Transformer \o �e /
= HVAC �� `"�IOH* 'i'+oHyy
�a,j /
12P = 12" Pine Tree(Typ.) "°12H* --?� 4 101
12HW = 12" Hardwood Tree(Typ.) 12 2"� ,oH,y H�
— SS — = Sanitary Sewer 15' 6)14H, / '
03 �18P KO
1 / ;2H� 16Pc` 12H "r10H* •. i 411aP LINE TABLE
Reference: Plat Cabinet 12, Slide 125 / e;�;514
""` 2oP L1 20.90 N69°33'25"W
/ L2 48.03 N62°18'00"E
Deed Book 5439, Page 573 '� L3 61.77 N50°25'26"W
Moore County, North Carolina 1519 / CURVE TABLE
16P Length Delta Angle
{;�?'�] Curve 9 Radius Chord Dir. Chord Dist. 9
^14H� �1aP
1pk L O,,,� 36,356 SF Cl 139.88 770.00 N74`47'46"W 139.69 10°24'31"
"I certify that this map was drawn under my _
supervision from an actual survey made under my /
supervision ,,(,d 'e 'eScription recorded in Book 5439, 12"* 2H* ,aP 108
page 57 cA°hcat°°t ,F< byndaries not surveyed ore a;3
'"^12H* (
clearly mi1ei8.CeidS�tj�°1/t1 �Vvsl from information as 1oH�y—
indicated;e rat the Sotjo of precision or positional 14P YAN
accuracy ois 1:��?9OO i ar d that this map meets the €
requirem lof' e c andards of Practice for Land °114 ,2H�y
"* ' ,.,IcBIY1DE
Surveying orth 6r ria (21 NCAC 56. 1600 12"� rn
This 14t(5. . lay. }-¢R G��1� December, 20 23 )
COA''' - -- o *18P *16P License#:C-2680
Impervious Area P.O.Box 1013
Professional Land Surveyor 1p6 4016p 105-A Parkway Dr.
+6P House, Porches = 6,654 SF Aberdeen,NC 28315
L-4394 ei,' 4110+8P 18P Driveways, Walks, Patios = 2,297 SF Phone/Fax(910)944-2410
Registration Number 1p9
12H, Survey For:
� Total = 8,951 SF
IPF 0 4P8p 2Hvr Percentage Coverage = 25% Fernando Silva
2HW Lot 1519,
" 1 6P Section 15
GRAPHIC SCALE +4H� S83°35Q6 I 139 T�4P Forest Creek
I 16P 1oV 16P
20 0 10 20 40 80 I ��
- - ` 4.14P
IPF \ Boundary/Topographical/Tree Location Survey
Cart Path \ McNeill Township, Moore County
( IN FEET ) I ilt'BP \ Southern Pines, North Carolina
1 inch = 20 ft. „ \ December 14, 2023 JOB# 230178
Golf Course \ Revised 08/01/24: Added Site Plan