HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0023965_Annual Performance_20240919 Sydney Valiant
Environmental Regulatory Specialist
MN Cape Fear 235 Government Center Dr.
Wilmington NC, 28403
Public Utility Authority sydney.valliant@cfpua.org
August 23, 2024
System Performance Annual Report
North Carolina Division of Water Quality
1617 Mail Service Center
Raleigh, NC 27699-1617
SUBJECT: Cape Fear Public Utility Authority Annual System Performance Report
Northside WWTP NPDES#NC0023965
Southside WWTP NPDES#NC0023973
Collections System Permit#WQCS00012
Enclosed are three copies of the Cape Fear Public Utility Authority's fiscal year 2024 wastewater
system performance report. Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions you may have.
Sin ely,
Sy ey Valliant
Environmental Regulatory Specialist
July 2023—June 2024
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Performance Report
1 Cape Fear Public Utility Authority
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Northside WWTP NPDES NC0023965
Southside WWTP NPDES NC0023973
Collections System WQCS00012
Wastewater System Overview
Cape Fear Public Utility Authority (CFPUA) is the primary wastewater
services provider for New Hanover County and the City of Wilmington,
serving more than 75,000 individual homes, businesses, and other
properties. CFPUA operates and maintains two wastewater treatment
plants (WWTP), 158 pump stations, and over 1,100 miles of sewer mains.
In Fiscal Year 2024, which spanned from July 2023 to June 2024, CFPUA
collected and treated approximately 6.4 billion gallons of wastewater.
CFPUA spent $14.94 million to operate and maintain the wastewater
system and invested another $38.9 million in system growth and capital
upgrades, repairs, and replacements of aging infrastructure.
Copies of this report are available at: 235 Government Center Drive and
929 N. Front St.
You may also access this report on our website: www.CFPUA.com
James A. Loughlin ! M'Kean Maffitt Wastewater
wiNi■jWastewater Treatment Plant Treatment Plant
(Northside) j (Southside)
2311 N. 23rd St., Wilmington NC 3634 River Road, Wilmington NC
Permitted Capacity: _ Permitted Capacity:
16 million gallons/day 12 million gallons/day
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Biosolids Management
Beginning in 2019, CFPUA transitioned to an in-house managed wastewater residuals
program. CFPUA's managed residuals program consists of dewatering, contracted
hauling of dewatered residuals, and landfill disposals. Landfill disposal is expected to
continue due to the presence of PFAS in the dewatered residuals. Below is the fiscal
year 2024 (July 2023—June 2024) program report for Southside WWTPs, Northside
WWTP, and the alum sludge processed for Sweeney Water Treatment Plant:
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27,934.50 wet tons 23,527.17 wet tons/996 loads 6,063.42 hours
total CFPUA production hauled for disposal in landfill total processing runtime
NPDES Permit Summary, July 2023—June 2024
No violations of the NPDES permit limits for both the James A. Loughlin (Northside)
and M'Kean Maffitt (Southside) Wastewater Treatment Plants.
Wastewater System Maintenance Overview
. II A
000 0
19.11 miles 1,878 Work Orders 285 Work Orders 127.63 miles
of gravity mains completed for completed for of gravity sewer
inspected with preventative corrective mains in collection
CCTV maintenance at maintenance at system cleaned
pump stations pump stations
Did you know that preventative maintenance is considered routine, scheduled maintenance that's
proactive in preventing issues before they happen, while corrective maintenance is a reactive
response after equipment fails or malfunctions?
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Sanitary Sewer Overflows (SSOs), July 2023—June 2024
Total Volume to
SSO Incident Volume Surface Probable Enforcement
Watershed Location
Month Start Date Spilled Water Cause Action
(gallons) (gallons)
Greenfield 1099 Medical Blockage due
December 12/29/2023 780 780 to debris in
Lake Center Dr.
Hewlett's 605 Sandfid- Notice of
January 1/13/2024 180 80 failure and
Creek dler Point Rd. Deficiency
March 3/8/2024 440 440 Cape Fear 194 N. 10th Pipe Failure
River St.
Cape Fear Notice of
May 5/8/2024 380 380 965 N 2nd St. Debris in line
River Violation
*No civil penalties were given to CFPUA for the above SSO enforcements
Cease The Grease
vcxect Your Pipes/
Fats, oils, and grease (FOG) is found in many foods and -` CE
Cape Fear
cooking products and can cause major problems for ►rellcotllltrerinerltr
Help keep grease out of your sewer pipes!
our sewer system. FOG does not break down easily Fln/sheO cook/ace this ldontop. lnaaan.
Place lid on top.
When the can is full,throw It away.
and builds up in pipes, It causing blockages that can lead keep the/l that anduse it again.
to sanitary sewer overflows (SSOs). Proper disposal w4'w.cFPUAPCLG
helps avoided costly sewer overflows in CFPUA and
homeowner systems, higher utility costs, and harm to
the environment.
Prevent backups in our system and your homes by pouring bacon and other cooking grease into
a can, place a lid on top of the can and when full or solidified, dispose of in the trashcan. CFPUA
retains reusable grease lids that are available at our outreach events, as well as at our main
office location at 235 Government Center Drive. Get yours today to help cease the grease and
protect our system!
Please remember to never flush any product other than toilet paper!
FY 2024 Highlights
O NACWA Gold Peak Performance Award
Both Southside and Northside Wastewater Treatment Plant received the National
Association of Clean Water Agencies (NACWA) Gold Peak Performance Award for
calendar year 2023. This award recognizes NACWA member facilities with zero
permit violations for the calendar year. Both facilities received this award last calen-
dar year (CY 2022) as well.
Excellence in Management Program Gold Recognition
In May of 2023, CFPUA was one of two utilities honored with Gold Recognition
from the National Association of Clean Water Agencies (NACWA) in its 2023
Excellence in Management Program, the second-highest level of recognition. This
honor allows CFPUA to know where we rank among our thousands of peers in the
water and wastewater industry.
0 Southside WWTP Receives Gold Safety Award from the
irk NC Department of Labor
Southside WWTP received a gold award for their seventh consecutive year. With no
fatalities or incidence rate at least 50 percent below the average for its particular
industry group, companies can be awarded a gold or silver award. The gold award is
based on the days away, restricted, transferred (DART) rate while the silver award is
based only on cases with days away from work.
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Collection System Projects Pump Station Elevation and
Increase Resiliency Rehabilitation Projects
CFPUA has a continual commitment to i Being a utility in a coastal community,
undergo projects that assist in lowering CFPUA has to implement and modify
strain on the collection system and treat- pump stations to remain resilient against
ment plants, which includes tackling inflow ! climate-related threats such as flooding
& infiltration (I&I) challenges. Resiliency from storm related events and rising sea
1 measures taken to reduce I&I includes levels. Between July 2023 and June 2024,
lining of CFPUA sewer gravity mains. The CFPUA has modified 5 pump stations by
0 lining process prevents surface water from installing permanent generators, flood-
entering into pipes and manholes by in- resistance structures, and upgrading
stalling a protective lining that ensures no ii aging infrastructure. CFPUA is continually
additional inflow, but also extends the F in the process of proactively installing
lifespan on the pipes. So far, CFPUA has 1 resilient and reliable infrastructure and
successfully lined a total of 32 miles out of upgrades for a changing climate.
163 miles gravity sewer mains.
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Southside Wastewater Treatment Plant Replacement
CFPUA is preparing to launch the biggest capital project in the organization's history: replace-
ment and expansion of the Southside Wastewater Treatment Plant. Replacing the Southside
Plant is necessary to continue meeting our community's wastewater treatment needs,
accommodate future growth, and protect our local environment.
At 52 years old, much of the Southside Plant's infrastructure is nearing the end of its useful
Llife. The project will replace the existing facility with new infrastructure and more modern
treatment technology. The project also will expand Southside's treatment capacity from 12
MGD to 16 MGD. This capacity increase is needed to meet future demand as CFPUA's
customer base continues to grow.
Contact Us
For more detailed information about this report, contact an Operator in
Responsible Charge (ORC):
Geoffrey Cermak, ORC
(910) 332-6562
James A. Loughlin (Northside) WWTP
Permit No. NC0023965
Steven Styers, ORC -c4t
(910) 332-6578
M'Kean Maffitt (Southside) WWTP
Permit No. NC0023973
Robert Daughtry, ORC
(910) 332-6637
Collections System Superintendent
Permit No. WQCS00012
Certification and Availability Statements
CFPUA certifies under penalty of law that this report is complete and accurate to
the best of staff knowledge. CFPUA further certifies that this report has been
made available to the users and customers of the CFPUA system and that those
users have been notified of the report availability.
Notification of availability of this report is provided through printed notice on
water and sewer bills and on the CFPUA website. This report was completed by
CFPUA staff and is accurate to the best of their knowledge and belief.
Copies of this report are available at:
235 Government Center Drive
929 N. Front St.