HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1--05636_Well Construction - GW1_20240916 • •^ WELLCONSTRUGTIONRECO (GW-11 ' For Internal Use Only: ' 1.Well Contras ormition: • • • , 14.WATERZONItS 9 i WellCoatreaorN AtOM TO Y 1 DtSCADRION ft. 1R, . NC well Contraetar Certification Number : 15.OUTER CASING(for mold-used welt OR LINER(if my Gnble) -•' •cVi✓= l3 rU L h-�v$• FROMfp y 51 DrALriR MATERW, R R � T! -/.Gj VV 16.INNER CASING OR TUBING(geothermal dosed-lop) • 2.Well ConstrnctionPermit#: - .' PROM TO •BURIN/TR: •f�ows�s M&TLRIAL. -Lie all applicable well eaunodion permits(Le.WC County,3'ate.Var atee,ere) '•3..Well Ilse(check well nee):,. • R • 'i io Water Sa pPb Well: • .17.SCREiN• .: Munk PROM TO II iDIAMUI=It• SLrtTSIZE THIaai ss MATeRIAL , . • °Agricultural • ,, ipal/Public °Geothermal ft R�, in. (Heating/Cooling Supply) O widential Water Supply(single) . R • R;` : • fa.' - Olndustrial/Commereial eatitd'Water Supply(Ahmed) le.GROUT ' °Irrigation ; •. • OWells>100,000 GPD • PROM TO. MATZEL4L -vaticIMgNr•Banton&AMMO ' ' Non-Water Supply Well:- .• ; - - . - -- •..-:: _ itR : 7. • . ' - °Monitoring •ORecwery ' • Injection Well: °A uiferRec6 • R R 9 • °Groundwater Remedintion OAquiferStorageandRecovery °Salons Btrerier 19.SAND/GROLLPACKCdappllesble) : . - ty• /ROM • TO 1 " MATERIAL LACrM=NTMUIBOD •- OAquiferTeat OStormwaterDrainage ► R. 'R OFsxperimentel Technology • OSubsideace , -Control n R � �. °Geothermal(Closed Loop) •• • °Tracer , • •, t - 10.DRILLINGLOG(attach additional sbeeb if neeewaq) °Geothermal(Heating/CoofmgRetirm) °Other(explain under#21Remarks). FROM TO , Dtcc ••ON(nbr,r.rday.usVnclarwe,t,,;,,ta,• , 4-Date Wells)Completed: 9 /(J'2) Well ID# • tt' . IL Sa.Well ovation: R 6 rch . /4) - - R ,R 4h !ire'd A'ew �/d •., .. • Fa 'ty/OwnerNamo Facility Eh"(xfappGeabla) n 'R sf Hate 5 G.C.Li t,' ,;R SEP '1', u...,:202 : physical)/A//.///•/ CityandZip fa t•—k7 _ft. :ft. 1� n• •r.- ; ',. 'iLREMARRS! County - _ .. , ' Parcel • Ideotifieatraallo.(PM) 56.Latitude and longitude in degrees/miautes/aeconds or decimal degrees: , (ifwell Sold,Oise let/long U ndBeieat f a 22.Certification: p l 3/' ,oil) ' `t,N 01 ' '(' ,5 s ' W -� -' ., • 1171 • 6.Is(are)the well(s):VPermanent or OTemporaq / . Q /• S•_" . .f a -•'1, _ .- Date_. - Py+ldning !a Iharby cenNe this S towell(a Cons(e e)coat ea d acnordmnawUh 7.Is this a repair to as existing well °Yes or �JNo• 1SAI4CAC 0 C:0100 or XJJ11iAC4C OIC.02001re11 CpamucNon Srasdardr atd that a copy lfthlsIra repair,fill out btoxr{well cv,,,# a,Worinatlon a dexplaht the naNn.oflhe oflMs rewnfluv beat to the well airier, 'repair under IV remarks section or on the back of hisfom, _ 23,Site diagram or additional well details: . : ''•- . 8.For Geoprobe/DPT or Qoaea-Loop Geothermal Wells having the atme You may use the back of this page to provide additional well construction info' . Construction,only 1 GW I is needed. Indicate TOTAL NUMBER of wells (add'See Over'in Rt arla Box).You may also attach additional pages ifnecessaiy.• drilled: • : 24.SUBMTITAL]N .STRUCTIONS ' . • 9.Total well depth below land surface: (a) is = `Far multiple wells list all depths rfdpoeat(euanp/e-3 f#700•a,d?®1007 . Submit this GW-1 within 30 days of well completion per the following: • : . 10.Static water level below top of casing: 'R 24a. For,All Wells: ,Original form to Division of Water Resources (DWR), lfwrterlevells above corefeAre-+- I/ ( ) Information Processing Unit,1617 MSC,Raleigh,NC 27699-1617 • '"-- " m 11.Borehole diameter. • , 6` -. .(in.) - 246.For Injection Wells:Copy to DWR,Underground Injection Progran,1636 MSC,Raleigh,NC 27699-1636 •-• ' ' ; Coatiol(IUC) , - 12.Welt construction method: .' -r 6 T'a.r-l • J�1 r . . . (i.e.auger, +R(Tahiti,direct pink ate.) . l ` - 24c.For minter Suppi and Open-Loop Geothermal Retara Well,: county environmental health department of the coup where Y to the FOR WATRR SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: ' - •• , county installed - . 240.For Water Well prodddn over 100,000 GPD: CoPy 13a.Yield(gpm) ' .Method of test: ' i r Penult g�.1611 MSC,Rnleig6,NC 27G99-1611 ; to Dom'CCPCUA I. 131i.Disinfection type: Amonnt: • - • • ,