HomeMy WebLinkAboutSW8970925_Historical File_19981001 State of North Carolina Department of Environment AWN A and Natural Resources Wilmington Regional Office James B. Hunt,Jr., Governor 1'1 C DE WayneMcDevitt, R _ayne McDevitt, Secretary NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF Division of Water Quality ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES October 1, 1998 Mr. Gary Mercer,President Mercer Building Company 1301 Lennoxville Road Beaufort,NC 28516 Subject: Permit No. SW8 970925 Pollard Property High Density Subdivision Stormwater Project Carteret County Dear Mr. Mercer: The Wilmington Regional Office received the Stormwater Management Permit Application for the Pollard Property on September 18, 1997,with final information on August 3, 1998. Staff review of the plans and specifications has determined that the project,as proposed,will comply with the Stormwater Regulations set forth in Title 15A NCAC 2H.1000. We are forwarding Permit No. SW8 970925, dated October 1, 1998,for the construction of the project,Pollard Property. This permit shall be effective from the date of issuance until October 1, 2008, and shall be subject to the conditions and limitations as specified therein. Please pay special attention to the Operation and Maintenance requirements in this permit. Failure to establish an adequate system for operation and maintenance of the stormwater management system will result in future compliance problems. If any parts,requirements,or limitations contained in this permit are unacceptable,you have the right to request an adjudicatory hearing upon written request within thirty(30)days following receipt of this permit. This request must be in the form of a written petition,conforming to Chapter 150B of the North Carolina General Statutes,and filed with the Office of Administrative Hearings,P.O.Drawer 27447,Raleigh,NC 27611-7447. Unless such demands are made this permit shall be final and binding. if you have any questions,or need additional information concerning this matter,please contact Linda Lewis,or me at(910) 395-3900. Sincerely, Rick Shiver Water Quality Regional Supervisor RSS/arl: S:\WQS\STORMWAT\PERMIT\970925.00T cc: Ron Cullipher,P.E. Katrina Marshall,Carteret County Inspections Linda Lewis Wilmington Regional Office -�c3 f `\ i Central Files ; _ r l,- 127 Cardinal Dr.Ext.,Wilmington,North Carolina 28405 Telephone 910-395-3900 FAX 910-350-2004 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50%recycled/10%post-consumer paper State Stormwater Management Systems Permit No. SW8 970925 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY STATE STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PERMIT HIGH DENSITY DEVELOPMENT In.accordance with the provisions of Article 21 of Chapter 143, General Statutes of North Carolina as amended,and other applicable Laws, Rules, and Regulations PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED TO Mercer Building Company Pollard Property Carteret County FOR THE construction, operation and maintenance of a detention pond in compliance with the provisions of 15A NCAC 2H .1000 (hereafter referred to as the "stormwater rules') and the approved stormwater management plans and specifications and other supporting data as attached and on file with and approved by the Division of Water Quality and considered a part of this permit. This permit shall be effective from the date of issuance until October 1, 2008 and shall be subject to the following specified conditions and limitations: I.DESIGN STANDARDS 1. This permit is effective only with respect to the nature and volume of stormwater described in the application and other supporting data. 2. This stormwater system has been approved for the management of stormwater runoff as described on page 3 of this permit, the Project Design Data Sheet. The 12 single family lots in Tracts 6 & 7, known as Woodlands Section V,are permitted for 3,500 square feet of built-upon area each. Commercial Tracts 1-4 are limited to 90% of their site area as built-upon area; Tract 5, known as Courtyard West, is limited to 235,747 square feet of built-upon area; and Tract 8 is limited to 70%of its site area as built-upon area. The runoff from a maximum of 3.89 acres of built-upon area located offsite is permitted to be collected and treated in the stormwater system.Tract 9 is Newbern Street,limited to 43,900 square feet of built-upon area. 3. Approved plans and specifications for this project are incorporated by reference and are enforceable parts of the permit. 2 State Stormwater Management Systems Permit No. SW8 970925 DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY PROJECT DESIGN DATA SHEET Project Name: Pollard Progerty Permit Number: 970925 Location: Carteret County Applicant: Mr. Gary Mercer, President Mailing Address: Mercer Building Company 1301 Lennoxville Road Beaufort,NC 28516 Application Date: September 18, 1997 Water Body Receiving Stormwater Runoff: Deep Creek Classification of Water Body: "C" Pond Depth, feet: 6 coitl Permanent Pool Elevation, FMSL: 5 ;.- l- I 'Ir Total Impervious Surfaces, ft2: 985,329 c E 1 Tracts 6 & 7 (12 lots at 3,500), ft2 42,000 Tract 9 Roads, ft2 43,900 Tracts 1-4, ft2 165,833 Tract 5 (Courtyard West), ft2 235,747 (Includes 28,243 ft2 future development) Tract 8, ft2 328,400 Offsite, ft2 169,449 Offsite Area entering Pond, ft2: 10.4 acres,per Engineer Required Surface Area, ft2: 51,918 Provided Surface Area, ft2: 51,938 Required Storage Volume, ft3: 83,902 Provided Storage Volume, ft3: 114,576 Temporary Storage Elevation, FMSL: 7.098 Controlling Orifice: 4"+pipe 3 • • State Stormwater Management Systems Permit No. SW8 970925 4. No homeowner/lot owner/developer shall fill in,alter,or pipe any drainage feature(such as swales) shown on the approved plans as part of the stormwater management system without submitting a revision to the permit and receiving approval from the Division. 5. The permittee is responsible for verifying that the proposed built-upon area does not exceed the allowable built-upon area. Once the lot transfer is complete, the built-upon area may not be revised without approval from the Division of Water Quality and the permittee, and responsibility for meeting the built-upon area limit is transferred to the individual property owner. 6. The following items will require a modification to the permit: a. Any revision to the approved plans,regardless of size. b. Project name change. c. Transfer of ownership. d. Redesign or addition to the approved amount of built-upon area. e. Further subdivision of the project area. f. Filling in, altering, or piping of any vegetative conveyance shown on the approved plan. In addition,the Director may determine that other revisions to the project should require a modification to the permit. 7. The Director may notify the permittee when the permitted site does not meet one or more of the minimum requirements of the permit.Within the time frame specified in the notice,the permittee shall submit a written time schedule to the Director for modifying the site to meet minimum requirements. The permittee shall provide copies of revised plans and certification in writing to the Director that the changes have been made. IL SCHEDULE OF COMPLIANCE 1. The stormwater management system shall be constructed in it's entirety, vegetated and operational for its intended use prior to the construction of any built-upon surface except roads. 2. During construction,crosion shall be kept to a minimum and any eroded areas of the system will be repaired immediately. 3. The permittee grants permission to DENR Staff to enter the property for the purposes of inspecting the project for compliance with the conditions of this permit. 4. Upon completion of construction,prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy, and prior to operation of this permitted facility,a certification must be received from an appropriate designer for the system installed certifying that the permitted facility has been installed in accordance with this permit,the approved plans and specifications, and other supporting documentation. Any deviations from the approved plans and specifications must be noted on the Certification. 5. Decorative spray fountains will not be allowed in the pond. 4 State Stormwater Management Systems Permit No. SW8 970925 6. The permittee shall at all times provide the operation and maintenance necessary to assure the permitted stormwater system functions at optimum efficiency. The approved Operation and Maintenance Plan must be followed in its entirety and maintenance must occur at the scheduled intervals including,but not limited to: a. Semiannual scheduled inspections (every 6 months). b. Sediment removal. c. Mowing and revegetation of side slopes. d. Immediate repair of eroded areas. e. Maintenance of side slopes in accordance with approved plans and specifications. f. Debris removal and unclogging of outlet structure, orifice device and catch basins and piping. g. Access to the outlet structure must be available at all times. 7. Records of maintenance activities must be kept and made available upon request to authorized personnel of DWQ. The records will indicate the date,activity,name of person performing the work and what actions were taken. 8. Prior to the sale of any single family lot or Tracts 1-4 and 8, deed restrictions must be recorded which limit the built-upon area per lot to the amount as shown on the Project Data Sheet, per Section I, Part 2. The recorded statements must follow the form: : W B tea U l l a. "The maximum built-upon area per lot (Tract) is 3,500 square feet, (90% for Tracts 1-4, 70% for Tract 8)inclusive of that portion of the right-of-way between the lot line and the edge of pavement, structures,pavement,walkways of brick, stone, or slate,but not including open wood decking." b. "The covenants pertaining to stormwater regulations may not be changed or deleted without concurrence of the State." c. "Alteration of the drainage as shown on the approved plan may not take place without the concurrence of the State." d. "All runoff on the single family lots and all Tracts as shown on the approved plans,must drain into the permitted system. This may be accomplished through providing roof drain gutters which drain to the street, grading the lot to drain toward the street, or grading perimeter swales and directing them into the pond or street. Lots that naturally drain into the system are not required to provide these measures." 9. This permit shall become voidable unless the facilities are constructed in accordance with the conditions of this permit,the approved plans and specifications, and other supporting data. 10. A copy of the recorded deed restrictions must be submitted to the Division within 30 days of the date of recording the plat. The recorded copy must be signed by the Permittee, dated, stamped with the deed book number and page, and bear the stamp/signature of the Register of Deeds. 11. Prior to transfer of ownership, the pond must be inspected by DWQ personnel, and determined to be in compliance with all permit conditions. Records of maintenance activities will be required. 5 State Stormwater Management Systems Permit No. SW8 970925 12. A copy of the approved plans and specifications shall be maintained on file by the Permittee for a minimum of ten years from the date of the completion of construction. III. GENERAL CONDITIONS 1. This permit is not transferable. In the event there is a desire for the facilities to change ownership, or there is a name change of the Permittee, a"Name/Ownership Change Form" must be submitted to the Division of Water Quality accompanied by appropriate documentation from the parties involved, such as a copy of the deed of trust. Other supporting materials, such as a signed Operation and Maintenance plan in the case of engineered systems,will also be required. The project must be in good standing with DWQ. The approval of this request will be considered on its merits and may or may not be approved. 2. Failure to abide by the conditions and limitations contained in this permit may subject the Permittee to enforcement action by the Division of Water Quality, in accordance with North Carolina General Statute 143-215.6A to 143-215.6C. 3. The issuance of this permit does not preclude the Permittee from complying with any and all statutes,rules, regulations, or ordinances which may be imposed by other government agencies (local, state, and federal) which have jurisdiction. 4. In the event that the facilities fail to perform satisfactorily, including the creation of nuisance conditions, the Permittee shall take immediate-corrective action, including those as may be required by this Division, such as the construction of additional or replacement stormwater management systems. 5. The permit may be modified, revoked and reissued or terminated for cause. The filing of a request for a permit modification,revocation and reissuance or termination does not stay any permit condition. 6. Permittee grants permission to staff of the DWQ to access the property for the purposes of inspecting the stormwater facilities during normal business hours. Permit issued this the 1st day of October, 1998. NORTH CAROLINA ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COMMISSION A. Preston Howard, Jr.,P.E., Director Division of Water Quality By Authority of the Environmental Management Commission Permit Number SW8 970925 6 State Stormwater Management Systems Permit No. SW8 970925 Pollard Property Stormwater Permit No. SW8 970925 Carteret County Engineer's Certification I, ,as a duly registered Professional Engineer in the State of North Carolina, having been authorized to observe (periodically/weekly/full time)the construction of the project, (Project) for (Project Owner)hereby state that,to the best of my abilities,due care and diligence was used in the observation of the project construction such that the construction was observed to be built within substantial compliance and intent of the approved plans and specifications. Noted deviations from approved plans and specifications: SEAL Signature Registration Number Date 7 .•:.>..5.':•..4.•,•:: Ma: :ti.r.. , i:n•, ...OFRC USI:`UNLY:. Da to Received J lee t'aia Permit Number Y. ?� a?S I . �i'S5.00 I . ��/.c 17S 4'7C�K G S State of North Carolina -- Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of.Water Quality STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PERMIT APPLICATION FORM This form may be photocopied for use as an original I. GENERAL INFORMATION 1. Applicants name (specify the name of the corporation,individual, etc.who owns the project): m ereetr 8W `afro Con an Py 2. Print Owner/Signing Official's name and title (the:person who is legally responsible for the facility and its compliance): Gary ( e.ree.r Pre s►de.n�" . 1 3. Mailing Address for person listed in item 2 above: 13 a I Love IU , Gty Qeau_PD r-t• state: N C zip: a B'S'I Co Telephone Number: ( as a ) -7 a 3-4o (p 3 (0 4. Project Name (subdivision,facility,or establishment name-should be consistent with project name on plans, specifications, letters, operation and maintenance agreements, etc.): PO I l Ac Pr er-t-y . . 5. Location of Facili (street address): .X1 CS2 lay? Chctidigw► St. aty All.wP o rf County. Carr-trei' • 6. Directions to f cility (from nearest major intersection): n on Nate 12Ln uppiii xNu.-feiy 3A-I itYt e aPtvt- - 3LtO ! yt 2 6 o �'7. Latitude: 1 5 0�1 �Longitude: 16 O S 1 , J 5" of facilit y 8. Contact person who can answer questions about the facility: s Name Old Mer d�.r • • Telephone Number: ( a5.a )--1 as'-G, O3 G II. PERMIT INFORMATION: . 1. Specify whether project is (check one): X New Renewal Modification 2. If this application is being submitted as the result of a renewal or modification,to an existing permit,Iist the existing permit number and its issue date(if known) Form SWU-l01 January 1998 Paee 1 ot4 : 3. Specify the type of proje t check one): . Low Density High Density .RedevelopGeneral Permit Other ther 4. Additional Project Requirem is (check applicable blanks): • LAMA Major •Sedimentation/Erosion Control 404 Permit III. PROJECT INFORMATION 1. In the space provided below, summarize how stormwaterwill be treated. AIso attach a detailed narrative (one to two pages describing stormwater makagement for the project. ' • 2. Stormwater runoff from this project drains to the:� Y v rt.,(re- Oa K River basin. 3. Total Project Area: SS. I I • acres 4. Project Built Upon Area: 1 I To 5. How many drainage basins does the project have? I 6. Complete the following information for each drainage.basin. If there are more than two drainage basins in the project, attach an additional sheet with the information for each basin provided in the same format as below. .°Basin Informatio . • Drainage,B`aain..1; . • D"r'..ainage:Basin 2 Receiving Stream Name Deep. C? rrtk ( o..rto�1 Receiving Stream Class S C • Drainage Basin Area 55. 1 1 acres Existing Impervious*Area 3, '9 aerel • Proposed Impervious*Area I g. —I 3 re.s To Impervious*Area (total) 1.1 1010 1• I Impervious*Surface..Area _,` ,....Drainage Basin.I • Drainage Basin 2 On-site Buildings tviC. On-site Streets uMk. • . On-site Parking 5 • On-site Sidewalks i Other on-site _ •o Off-site 3. 01 rx oa Total: E. 2a. a at+naA E_ * Impervious area is defined as the built upon area including, but not limited to, buildings, roads, parking areas, sidewalks, gravel areas, etc. . 7. How was the off-site impervious area listed above derived? .�S i m.0..*t ckj IV. DEED RESTRICTIONS AND PROTECTIVE COVENANTS . . Deed restrictions and protective covenants are required to:be recorded for all low density projects and all subdivisions prior to the sale of any lot. Please see Attachment A for the specific items that must be recorded. Form SWU-101 January 1998 Page 2 6174 -. ' 1 By your signature below,you certify that the recorded deed restrictions and protective covenants for this project shall include all the items required by the permit, that the covenants will be binding on all parties and persons claiming under them, that they will run with the land, that the required covenants cannot be changed or deleted without concurrence from the State,and that they will be recorded prior to.the sale of any lot. • VI. AGENT AUTHORIZATION ' If you wish to designate submittal authority to another individual or firm so that they may provide information on your behalf,please complete M thisth section: Designated agent(individual or firm): 5 1-CD UC & ;nee ri f. Mailing Address; 1 J 1 —A l� H VN o� 1 �. City;- m o r e e&ck C.t' y rr�� � • State tip: A.SS S 1 Phone: ( i,52 - ) oC 41-1'4 9 • Fax: ( d\5? ) VII. SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS This application package will not be accepted by the Division of Water Quality unless all of the applicable items are included with the submittal. 1. Please indicate that you have provided the following required information by signing your initials in the space provided next to each item. App1'cant's Initials • Original and one copy of the Stormwater Management Permit Application Form �A-�— • One copy of the applicable Supplement Form(s)'for each BMP (see Attachment A) • Permit application processing fee (see Attachment A) • Two copies of plans and specifications including: . • Detailed narrative description of stormwater treatment/management �� — • Two copies of plans and specifications,including::. -Development/Project name . -Engineer and firm -Legend - North arrow - Scale -Revision number&date • - Mean high water line -Dimensioned property/project boundary -Location map with named streets or NCSR numbers -Original contours,proposed contours,spot elevations,finished floor elevations - Details of roads,parking, cul-de-sacs,sidewalks,and curb and gutter -Wetlands delineated,or a note on plans that none exist • Existing drainage (including off-site), drainage easements,pipe sizes,runoff calculations - Drainage basins delineated -Vegetated buffers (where required) V. AP 'LICANT'S CERTIFICATION I,(print or type name of person listed in General Information,item 2) t; ' '' d • ijo(,Qc-�Q, certify that the information included on this permit application form is correct, that the project will be constructed in conformance with the approved plans, that the deed restrictions in accordance with Attachment A of this form will be recorded with all required permit conditions,and that to the best of my knowledge the proposed project mplies with the requirements of 15A,NCAC 2H.1000. Signature Date 7-3 6^S 8 Tide 0*7�cQC.t~at CZ;11 C 1 7 Form SWLT-10l January 1998 Page 3 of 4 ATTACHMENT A • 1. Deed Restriction Language • The following statements must be recorded for all low density projects and for all projects that involve the subdivision and selling of lots or outparcels: Yanok Fro" Lois 1. No more than3506square feet of any le, including t ult portion of the right-of-way between the edge of pavement, and the front lot line; shall*be covered'by impervious structures including asphalt, gravel, concrete, brick, stone, slate or. similar material but not including wood decking or the surface of swimming pools. This covenant is intended to insure continued compliance with the stormwater permit issued by the State of North Carolina. The covenant may not be changed or deleted without the consent of the State. 2. No one may fill in, pipe, or alter any roadside.swale•except as necessary to provide a minimum driveway crossing. . • NOTE: If lot sizes vary significantly, the owner/developer must provide an attachment listing each lot number,size and the allowable built-upon area for each lot. For commercial projects that have outparcels or future development the following statements must also be recorded: 3. The connection from the outparcel or future area into the stormwater system must be made into the forebay such that short-circuiting of the system does not occur. 4. All built-upon area from the outparcel or future development must be directed into the permitted stormwater control system. 5- Built-upon area in excess of the permitted amount will require a permit modification prior to construction. For curb outlet systems,the following statement in addition to items 1 and 2 above must be recorded: ..6.• No one may pipe,fill in or alter any designated 100 foot long grassed swale used to meet the requirements of NCAC 2H .1008(g). 2. Supplement Forms The applicable supplement form(s)listed below must be submitted for each BMP specified for this project: Form SWU-102 Wet Detention Basin Supplement Form SWU-103 Infiltration Basin Supplement Form SWU-104 Low Density Supplement Form SWU-105 Curb Outlet System Supplement Form SWU-106 Off-Site System Supplement Form SWU-107 Underground Infiltration Trench Supplement Form SWU-108 Neuse River Basin Nutrient Management Strategy Supplement '3. Permit Application Fees (check made payable to NCDENR and submitted to the appropriate Regional Office) . Type of Permit New,.Modification, or Timely Renewal Without Late Renewal Modification Low Density $225.. n/a High Density $385 . • $225 Other $225. n/a Director's Certification $350: • n/a General Permit $50" n/a Form SWU-101 January 1998 Page 4•of 4 DEED RESTRICTION LANGUAGE ATTACHMENT 1. No more than 3500 square feet of any lot on Tracts 6 and 7 90 % of the total area of each Tract 1-4 70% of the total area of Tract 8, including that portion of the right-of-way between the edge of pavement and the front lot line, shall be covered by impervious structures including asphalt, gravel, concrete, brick, stone, slate or similar material but not including wood decking oh the surface of swimming pools.. This covenant is intended to insure continued compliance with the stormwater permit issued by the State of North Carolina. The covenant may not be changed or deleted without the consent of the State. 2. Runoff from all built upon surfaces on tracts 1-10 and off-site areas 1-3 shall be collected and directed into the permitted stormwater system. ORMWATER j ECEIVET AUG 0 31998 PROJ#k SC.L7 2NIU7 ZS c�t2(2) 4149 • STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DECLARATION OF RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND STORMWATER EASEMENTS FOR COURTYARD WEST P.U.D., NEWPORT, NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF CARTERET ,r These Restrictions and Easements executed this 4 day of November, 1998, by Gary A. Mercer and wife, Judith S . Mercer, 1301 Lennoxville Road, Beaufort, North Carolina 2851.6 ; and all persons, firms and corporations hereafter acquiring certain designated lots within the Courtyard P.U.D. located on New Bern Street , Town of Newport, Carteret County, North Carolina, as shown on a Stroud Engineering, P.A. plat dated November. 6 , 1998 , as recorded in Map Book oZ7 , Page . l jT , Carteret County Registry, said plat_ being incorporated herein by reference; WITNESSET H: WHEREAS, Gary A. Mercer.' and wife, iudith S . Mercer, hereafter. "Declarant" , is the owner of certain real property on the north side of New Bern Street.,. Newport , North Carolina, which property is more particularly described on a Courtyard West P.U.D. recorded in Map Book o' , Page//W , Carteret County Registry, which real property Declarant has subdivided into commercial, office, institutional or multi-family lots part of Declarant ' s project known as "Courtyard West P.U.D. " ; WHEREAS, Declarant has located, constructed and completed a stormwater infiltration and retention pond on Tract 10B of Courtyard West P.U.D. as recorded in Map Book r , Page 0', Carteret County Registry, for use .by the various tracts of Courtyard West for stormwater runoff, accumulation and62/) infiltration, and Declarant intends to impose certain restrictions regarding impervious .surfaces, to allow for and impose easements for drainage, to require p.r.i.or architectural approval for construction and development of certain designated tracts, and to otherwise preserve the value, attractiveness and environmental quality of said project , and in order to accomplish these purposes, Declarant has adopted these Restrictions, Covenants and Easements; NOW, THEREFORE, in order to provide for the foregoing, the Declarant does hereby covenant and agree with all persons, firms or corporations now owning or hereafter acquiring designated parcels of Courtyard West P.U.D. , herein "Project" , that the use of the lots or tracts in said project., are hereby made subject to the following restrictions, covenants, easements, terms and conditions which shall run with said project and the lands therein, and be binding on the property owners within said project and their successors and assigns : ARTICLE I - DEFINITIONS As used throughout this Declaration, the following terms shall have the definitions set out. herein as follows : A "Declaration" shall mean and refer to this Declaration of Covenants, Easements, Conditions, and Restrictions for Courtyard West P. U.D. , and any amendments thereto as recorded in the Carteret County Registry. S . "Declarant" shall mean and refer to Gary A. Mercer and wife, Judith S. Mercer, and their heirs, successors in 2 BOOK. 0 VC PAG -1,51) interests and assigns . "Declarant." and "Developer" as used herein are interchangeable and shall have the same definition . C. "Lot" or "Parcel" shall mean and refer to any plot of ].and within the Courtyard West P.U.D. project as project is more particularly described hereafter, which constitutes or will constitute after construction of improvements, a commercial , office, institutional , or multi -family site, as shown on the plats or plans for Courtyard West P.U .D. , recorded in the . Carteret County Registry. D. "Owner" shall mean and refer to the owner of record of fee simple interest in any lot or parcel in the Courtyard West P.U.D. project, excluding those persons having such interest merely of a security. interest for the performance of an obligation. L. "Tract" or. "Parcel shall mean and refer to Tracts 1 through 4, 8A, 8E3, and 1011, of Courtyard West P.U.D. which an intended by Declarant for commercial, business, office, institutional , or multi-family uses and sites as authorized and permitted by the Town of Newport under its Zoning, Subdivision, and Multi-Family Ordinances . F. "Person" shall mean and refer to a natural person, corporation, partnership, firm, association, Lrsut or other legal entity. The use of the masculine pronoun shall include the neuter and feminine, and the use of the singular shall include the plural where the context so requires . 3 .. BOOK (9 PAGE -5'CZ. G. "Project" shall mean• and refer to the commercial , business, office and institutional- project of Courtyard West P.U.D. , and the parcels in Subparagraph E above . H. "Association" shall mean and refer to the Courtyard West Owner' s Association, Inc . , and its successors and assigns, the Homeowner' s Association entity responsible for the administration, upkeep, and maintenance of the common areas of Courtyard West Condominium. ARTICLE II - PROPERTIES SUBJECT TO THIS DECLARATION 1 . Applicability. Parcels 1 through 4 , 8A, 8B, and 10A as shown on the Courtyard West P.U.D. plat prepared by Stroud Engineering, P.A. recorded aforesaid, are hereby expressly made subject to the operation of these Covenants . 2 . Reservations . The Declarant reserves the right absolutely to change, alter or redesignate the allocated, planned, platted, or recorded use, area, or designation of any of the parcels shown on the Courtyard West P.U. D. project as recorded aforesaid, so long as the Declarant retains title to the property involved, so long as any changes or alterations are in conformance with the Town of Newport ' s Subdivision, Zoning, P.U.D. and Multi-Family Ordinances, including, but not limited to the right to change, alter or redesignate roads, utility and drainage easements, and to change, :alter or redesignate such other present or proposed parcel or tract lines and facilities as may, in the sole judgment of. the Declarant, he necessary or desirable . 4 PAGEL-) ::------ Boa ARTICLE III - ARCHITECTURAL CONTROL, INSPECTION AND USE RESTRICTIONS Declarant shall have the responsibility of enforcing the restrictions set forth in this Article prior to the formation of the Committee, which upon appointment by the Declarant, shall assume and be responsible for enforcement. References in this Article to "Committee." shall mean1Declarant until the Committee is appointed and references to "Declarant" shall include the Committee once it is appointed . The following building or architectural restrictions shall apply to each and every parcel of the Courtyard West project subject to this Declaration: Section 1 . Approval of Plans and Architectural Committee. (a) No site preparation or initial construction, erection, or installation of any improvements, including, but not limited to structures, buildings, landscaping, fences, walls, drainage, lot clearing, signs, antennas or other structures, shall be undertaken upon Lhe parcels unless the plans and specifications therefore, showing the nature, proposed uses, kind, shape, size, height, materials, and location of the proposed improvements on each parcels, including but not Limited to, buildings, decks, drives, drainage, landscaping, clearing, parking areas, plants, shrubs, trees (including trees Lo be removed) , and any other permanent , structures or changes to be made to the parcel, shall have been first submitted to the Committee and expressly approved in writing . No subsequent alteration or modification which would result in an exterior, 5 BOOK_ �5 PAGE structural change to the buildings, outbuildings, or significant changes to the landscaping may be undertaken on any of the parcels without the prior review and express written approval of the Committee. (b) In the event_. the Committee fails to approve or disapprove the site or design of any proposed improvements within thirty (30) days after plans and specifications therefore have been submitted and received, approval will not be required, and the requirements of this Article will be deemed to have been fully met ; provided, that the plans and specifications required to be submitted shall not be deemed to have been received by the Committee if they contain erroneous data or fail to present adequate information upon which the Committee can arrive at a decision_ (c) The Committee shall have the right, at its election, to enter upon any of. the. Parcels during site preparation or construction, erection or installment of improvements, to inspect the work being undertaken and to determine that such work is being performed in conformity with the approved plans and specifications and in a good and workmanlike manner, utilizing standard industry methods and good quality materials. (d) The approval of any •such plans, specifications or other items submitted to the Committee pursuant to this Section shall not impose any liability or responsibility on the Committee or the Association with respect to either the compliance or non- BOO► . IY2 ParF 3s5n compliance with any such plans, specifications, or other items (including any improvements or structures erected in accordance therewith) with applicable zoning ordinances, building codes or other governmental or quasi-governmental laws, ordinances, rules and regulations or defects in or arising from such plans , specifications or other items (including, without limitation, defects relating to engineering matters, structural and design matters and the quality or suitabil.iLy of materials) . (e) Until such time as the Declarant notifies the owners of parcels within the project ,of its desire to appoint the Committee, the Declarant shall serve as the Committee, and shall exercise the authority to approve plans and other matters set forth in this Article . At such time as Declarant notifies the parcel owners that they will appoint a Committee for the functions and purposes set forth herein, the Committee consisting of two to five persons, shall be appointed by the Declarant to each serve for a term of one year or unt i ] their successors have been duly appointed, in the event of the death, resignation or removal of a member of the Architectural Review Committee . (f) With the submission of the plans and specifications, each parcel owner shall pay a non-refundable architectural review fee to the Declarant in such amount as may be established fi:'om time to time by the Declarant for the review of the plans and specifications, so long as the Declarant is acting as the Committee, and thereafter shall pay to the V() be permitted on any parcel within the project unless first submitted to and approved in advance by the Architectural Control Committee . (d) All fuel tanks or similar storage receptacles shall be prohibited from being exposed to view, and any such receptacles may only be installed within the main building, within. a permitted accessory building, within a screened area, or buried underground. Provided, the .Declarant shall be permitted to erect, place or permit the placement of tanks, equipment or other apparati within the project for uses related to the provision of sewage, water, pool, stormwater and similar utilities and uses within the project . (e) Radio and television antennas and si.miiar communication devices are prohibited unless the plans for the same are f.i rst submitted to and approved by the Architectural Review Committee. Nothing herein shall require the approval of television satellite dishes not exceeding eighteen (18) inches in diameter so long as the same are installed at such location or screened from view so that the same are not visible from the street or adjoining parcels. Section 3 . Minimum Building Requirements . (a) No building shall be erected or allowed to remain on any parcel in said project unless the same shall meet the front, side, and rear setbacks of the Town of Newport Zoning and ►Building Ordinances . 9 Committee such fee as may be approved from time to time for architectural review of the plans and specifications. Section 2 . Use Restrictions . (a) All parcels within the project as defined herein shall be used for commercial , business, office, institutional and multi-family purposes only, in accordance with the Town of Newport Zoning, Subdivision and Multi-Family Ordinances . (b) Mobile homes, trailers, manufactured homes, modular homes, tents and all other structures of a temporary character are expressly prohibited from being placed, erected or maintained on any lot at any time . Provided, this prohibition shall not: apply to shelters used by a Contractor or Builcder during the construction of a building so long as the temporary shelter is not used at any Lime as a residence and said temporary shelter is immediately removed following completion oL the building. As used herein, the term "mobile home" and "manufactured home" shall have those definitions and meanings set forth in G.S . 41-2 . 5, G. S . 143-1.43 . 9 (6) , and G. S . 1.43-145 (7) . Provided, that the width and length of a manufactured home, or mobile home shall be irrelevant and inapplicable as it is the intent of these covenants to prohibit manufactured homes, modular homes and mobile homes of all sizes regardless of length or width . (c) Only stick built or metal buildings assembled and constructed on site shall be permitted o:i any of the parcels within the project . No buildings. or structures of any kind shall 8 ran 5N?*2 (b) The exterior of all structures shall be completed within twelve (12) months after construction is commenced, except under such circumstances where such completion is impossible o:t would result in great hardship to the Owner or builder due to strikes, fires, national emergency or natural calamities . No building may be occupied or used unless it has been built substantially in accordance with the approved plans and specifications as 'approved by the Committee and a certificate of completion has been issued by the appropriate governmental inspector. (c) Bach parcel owner shall provide receptacles for garbage and trash in a screened area not generally visible from New Bern Street or adjoining parcels . A1l fuel tanks shall be enclosed within a fence, wall or plant screen so that the same shall riot be visible from New Bern Street or adjoining parcels . (d) Each parcel owner shall provide sufficient parking spaces in accordance with the Town of Newport Zoning and Building Regulation Ordinances on the parcel and off the street prior to the use and occupancy of any building constructed on the parcel . (e) The only permitted access to each parcel. from New Bern Street shall he over a culvert and driveway constructed over the drainage ditching and swales along New Bern Street as shown on the Stroud Engineering plat. . No parcel owner shall fill in or alter any of the drainage system, ditches or swales of the project without the written approval of the Declarant. 1.0 3P(k'') (f) No fencing of any type shall be erected, placed or allowed to remain on the front lot line or street side of any parcel beyond the facade of the exterior wall of the building closest to the street or road right of way upon which the parcel fronts, except that decorative fencing or screening if first submitted to and approved by the Architectural Control Committee, may be permitted for landscaping, courtyard or similar decorative purposes. Section 4 . Nuisances, inoperable Vehicles, Etc . (a) No unserviceable motor vehicles, appliances or other assorted junk and useless materials may be kept on any parcel . All parcels shall be maintained free and clear of rubbish and debris . (b) Ne noxious or offensive activity shall be carried on upon any parcel , nor shall anything be done thereon tending t_o cause embarrassment , discomfort, annoyance or a nuisance to adjoining parcel owners or the businesses being conducted thereon. - (c) All buildings, structures and their appurtenances shall he maintained in a reasonable state of repair. In the event of damage to a building or other structure by fire or other casualty, the exterior of a building or structure shall be repaired within six (6) months or the building structure shall be demolished and the premises cleared of debris within six (6) months of the date the damage occurred. 11 6 L'7 PAG'F � C1 Section 5 . Signs. All signage shall be in accordance with the Town of Newport ' s Signage and Zoning Regulations . All signage for all uses and buildings on any parcel adjoining New Bern Street shall first be submitted to and approved by the Declarant or the Architectural Control Committee. Section 6 . Mailboxes . Each parcel ' s proposed use of mailboxes and newspaper receptacles shall first be submitted to and approved by the Architectural. Control Committee. For each parcel having more than one single use thereon and requiring to or more mailboxes, one central location together with uniformity of design and configuration shall be used, subject to guideline., and design format approved by the Declarant or Architectural Review Committee . Section 7 . Subdividirc. Except as to any parcel still owned by the Declarant, no parcel shall be further. subdivided, <>r its boundary lines changed, except with the prior written consent of the Declarant . Likewise, no parcel shall be used as a street , road, lane, way or easement over which access may be obtained from another parcel within the project to adjacent properties without the specific written consent of the Declarant . in the event the Declarant hereafter determines it necessary to alter or change any boundary lines of a parcel , then a revised plat of said project or section thereof subject to the alteration or change shall be recorded, and all such parcels thereon shall be subject to the terms and conditions of these covenants. 12 �..�e ..._ AG F2a5 , Section 8 . Restrictions on Built-Up Area. In order Lo comply with the rules and regulations of the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Division of Water Quality, and other state agencies with regard to stormwater runoff, each Owner of a parcel shall be restricted to clearing, constructing and using as "built-upon" area the percentages or areas set forth herein, and the impervious surfaces restrictions for each parcel , including asphalt, gravel, concrete, brick, stone, slate or similar material , not including wood decking or the water surface of swimming pools, shall be as follows: Parcel Built-Upon Area Restriction Impervious Surface Restriction 1 90% of site area 63, 016 . 54 -a,i 2 90% of site area 44 , 774 . 91 - 3 90% of site area 26, 533 . 28 4 90% of site area 28, 7.91 . 61/ 8A 70% of site area 88, 668 . 00 8B 70% of site area 170, 768 . 00 10A 70% of site area 62, 396 . 00 This covenant is intended to ensure continued compliance with the stormwater permit issued by the State of North Carolina for the Courtyard West- project . This covenant may not be changed or deleted without the consent of the State of North Carolina . The State of North Carolina shall he a third party beneficiary to the provisions of this paragraph and may enforce the same through proceedings, at law or in equity. Section 9 . Filling of Drainage Features and Compliance with Environmental Regulations. No owner may fill in or pipe any roadside or parcel -line swale, except as necessary to provide a minimum driveway crossing . No one may pipe, fill in or alter any 13 parcel line swales used to meet North Carolina Stormwater Management permit requirements. Each parcel owner is required t:.o maintain at all times in a manner consistent with all State and Federal regulations, that portion of any ditching, drainage facilities, or storniwater system within the parcel lines of the owner ' s parcel as shown on the Courtyard West P .U .U. plat . ARTICLE Vi i - EASEMENTS AND STORMWEATER SYSTEM FEATURES AND IMPROVEMENTS A. Utility Easements. The Declarant reserves unto himself a perpetual , alienable and releasable easement and right-of-way on, over, under, through and upon the ground with men and equipment to erect, maintain, and inspect., repair and use electrical and telephone poles, wires, cables, conduits, sewers, water mains, pipes and other suitable equipment. f_or. the conveyance and use of electricity, telephone equipment, t:.elevision, gas, sewage, water and community utilities or conveniences in and over the front Len .feet of each parcel , eight feet along each side line of each parcel , and along the rear ten feet of. each parcel , together with the right to cut drainways for surface water whenever action may appear to the Declarant to be necessary in or to maintain reasonable standards of health, safety ari:l appearance . These easements and rights-of-way expressly include the right to cut trees, bushes or shrubbery, grading of the soils, or to take similar actions reasonably necessary to provide economical and safe utility installation and to maintain reasonable standards of health, safety and appearance . The Declarant further reserves the 19 BOOK OY U PAGE' Y right to assign said easements to One or more public or private utility companies for utility services to each parcel in the future. A. Street Lighting. The Declarant reserves the right to subject the real property in this project to a contract with Carolina Power and Light Company for. the installation of underground electric cables which may require an initial contribution and/or the installation of street lighting, and which may require a continuing monthly payment to the applicable electrical utility company by the Owner of each building and/or parcel , until such time as assumed- by the Town of Newport . C. Drainage Easements . Each. parcel Owner shall keep free and clear any and all drainage easements shown on the Courtyard West P.U.D. plat of Lhe project, and each Owner shall in no way obstruct, block or impede the flow of water through said drainage easements . In the event any parcel. Owner should obstruct, block or impede the flow of .water through said drainage easements or allow said obstruction or blockage to remain so as to impede the flow of water, then the Declarant or any owner of property within the project shall have the right to clear said drainage easements and to recover from the party responsible the cost of said clearing of said obstruction or blockage as a result of deliberate acts or negligence of the responsible znarty. D. Project identification Signs and Entrance Area. The. Declarant reserves the right to place signs, tencing, brick or stucco walls, shrubs, or other appropriate structures identifying 15 W(') FAG E .��Z� the various sites, businesses, or uses within the project , on or near New Bern Street in the vicinity of Tracts 3 and 4 of the project, and the Declarant reserves a continuing easement for access to and from said signs or entrance area features so as to repair, maintain or reconstruct such signs or landscaping features . E. Stormwater Infiltration FPond. Declarant has caused to be located, constructed and completed on Tract 10B of. the Courtyard West P.U.D. as shown on the recorded plat, a stormwater infiltration and retention pond. Said infiltration and retention pond shall be burdened with the collection and retention of stormwater and surface waters from Tracts 1 through 4 , 8A, RR, and 10A, as well as the Courtyard West Condominium being constructed on Tract 5 as shown on the recorded Courtyard West P.U.D. plat . Additionally, Declarant has further provided drainage easement: for surface and stormwater from t'Jew Bern Street as well as residential lots within Tract 6, 7A and 7B, as shown on the Courtyard West P .U.D.: plat., to run to and collect into the stormwater retention pond. Declarant proposes to convey Tract 10B to include the stormwater retention pond, together with the thirty foot drainage easements within Tract 1A, as shown on the recorded Courtyard West. F.U.D. plat, to the Courtyard..:West Condominium Owner' s Association, Inc. , as part of the. common areas nl_ Courtyard West Condominium. Such conveyance by North Carolina General Warranty Deed from Declarant to the Courtyard West Condominium Owner' s 16 Association, inc . , shall be subject to the terms and conditions set forth in this ueclar.anr , and the Association has executed this Declaration for the purpose of evidencing its intent to be bound by the terms and conditions set forth herein. It shall be the affirmative obligation of the Association as the owner of fee simple title to parcel 10B and as a major contributor to stormwater and surface waters within the Courtyard West P.U.D. to continue to own the.. stormwater retention pond on Tract 10B, and to operate and maintain the stormwater retention pond and drainage facilities in accordance with the requirements of the North Carolina Department of Environment. and Natural Resources, including the stormwater permit issued as Number SW8970925 . The Association shall at all times provide the operation and maintenance necessary to assure the permitted stormwater system functions at ultimate efficiency, and the approved operation and maintenance plan must be followed in its entirety and maintenance must occur at the scheduled intervals including, but not limited to: Semi-Annual Scheduled Inspections (every six months) ; Sediment removal ; Mowing and revegeta'Lion of side slopes; Immediate repair of eroded areas; Maintenance of side slopes in accordance with approved plans and. specifications ; Debris removal and unclogging of outlet strucLure, orifice device and catch basins and piping; 17 BQ► t PAGE -- Access to the outlet structure. must be available at all. times. It shall be the responsibility. of the Association to maintain current records of maintenance activities so that the same are available upon request to authorized personnel of the North Carolina Division of Water Quality, with ,The records indicating the date, activity, names of persons performing work, and all actions so taken. It shall further he the responsibility of the Association to provide through its annual budget such revenues and funds for the maintenance, operation, upkeep and reconstruction of the stormwater retention pond and stormwater system for the project . F. Stormwater Easements . Each parcel as deemed necessary for stormwater runoff and control , shall have easements ever the drainage ditching and swales of the project for the purpose of collecting and running oft stormwater from the parcel to the stormwater infiltration pond located on parcel. 1013 as shown on the Courtyard West recorded plat. . 'Declarant reserves the right to change or alter the infiltration pond and the shales or drainage facilities Lo connect therewith in the event Declarant deems it desirable or necessary to do so in order to comply with County, State, or. Federal. Stormwater Rules and Regulations, so long as the Declarant continues to provide stormwater facilities for each parcel .i.n the project in accordance with State and Federal Stormwater Rules and Regulations . 18 ROOK( FAGF F. Shared Costs . The Association shall adopt annually a separate budget for all costs associated with the maintenance, upkeep, 'operation, utilities and related costs associated with the project drainage facilities and- stormwater infiltration/retention pond, and common utilities associated therewith. Said budget shall reflect all costs associated with or. .related to the maintenance, upkeep, operation and management of the stormwater infiltration pond and stormwater system for the project, including but not limited to engineering fees, repair costs, utilities, insurance, costs of contractors or third parties, mowing, maintenance, capital reserves, projected costs of replacement , professional fees, etc . Annually, the Association shall prepare a budget as to all such common expenses relating to the stormwater system and shall forward to each parcel owner a copy of the proposed budget for review and imput from each parcel owner a minimum of 30 days before final adoption by the Association. After review by each parcel owner and any imput therewith, the Association shall adopt a final budget setting forth the common expenses of the stormwater retention pond and project stormwater system, and each parcel owner to include the Association shall be required to pay its prorai_a portion of the common expenses, upkeep and maintenance, based upon the size each parcel hears to- the total area or size of the parcels in the stormwater pro_jcyst'. Including the 13 . .t 9 acres upon which Courtyard West Condominiums are being developed, the total area for the project herein "SLormwater System Area" , is 19 ,. pAc 30 . 81 acres, and the percentage of common expenses each parcel as well as Courtyard West Condominium Owners ' Association, Inc . , will be responsible for with regard to the total budget costs associated with the stormwater pond and drainage system, is as follows : Parcel Number Size Percentage 1 . 1 . 62 acres 5 .25% 2 1 . 18 acres 3 .83% 3 . 7.0 acres 2 .27% 4 . 72 acres 2 .33 0 5 13 . 19 acres 42 . 82% 811 3 . 67 acres 1 1. . 92% 8B 7 . 09 acres 23 . 02% 10A 2 . 64 acres 8 .56% TOTALS : 30 . 81 ACRES 100% G. Failure to Pay Prorata Share of the Common Expenses . Each parcel owner shall be required to pay its prorata share of the separate annual budget as adopted by the Association for the stormwater pond and drainage system periodically as required by the Association, and the Association may provide that each parcel owner shall pay its prorata share through monthly, quarterly, or semi-annual. payments , Tn the event any parcel owner should fail to pay his share of the common expenses in a timely fashion, then the Association following ten (10) days written notice and failure of the parcel owner to thereafter cure said default , shall have the right to file a lion against the parcel owner and such parcel, which lien may be enforced in accordance with Chapters 44 and 44A of the North Carolina General Statute, including the right of the Association or its assignee to 20 .Lj y .. ` • r• foreclose the lien for non-payment of the common expenses . Upon default by any parcel owner, then the amount in default together with interest at 12% per annum, and the Association ' s costs and reasonable attorney' s fee, may be collected by the Association, by either including. the same in any lien filed against the parcel owner and parcel, or in a lawsuit. filed in the appropriate division of the General Court of Justice in Carteret County, North Carolina. The Association or. its Assignee is authorized to file in the Office of the Clerk of: Superior Court an instrument: suitable for recordation which shall set forth the name of the record owner of each parcel., the parcel description, the amount of the common expenses owed, the date the common expenses were due, the fact that the parcel owner has failed to pay said expenses, and the amount of the common expenses, costs and attorney ' s fees claimed. Following the recordation of the lien, the Association or its Assignee is authorized to institute an appropriate action in L.he Court having jurisdiction over the subject matter and the parties, in order to col.lec_t the common expenses, interests, costs and attorney' s fees, and to effect a sale of the parcel to satisfy the lien for the delinquent: common expenses . All sums collected by the Association or its Assignee for common expenses pursuant to the separate annual stormwate.c and drainage system budget shall be Used exclusively for the purpose of maintaining and improving drainage ditches and easements, the stormwater retention pond, utilities, insurance, upkeep, 21.- ir.. ... ... . . •- .. ... . ...,. �. ,ate__.—... �� maintenance and replacement of equipment associated therewith, replacement or reconstruction costs, capital reserves, costs of manpower, contracting, and professional fees, and other expenses as may be determined appropriate or necessary by the Association using good business practices. H. Easements of Enjoyment. Every owner of a parcel as well as its agents, employees, invitees and guests, shall have a right and easement of enjoyment in and from Old U.S . Highway 70 over New Bern Street , as well as the right to connect to and use all drainage easements, ditching, swales and other drainage system features, for the purpose of diverting all stormwater and surface water runoff to the stormwater retention pond. ARTICLE VIII - COVENANTS RUN WITH THE LAND These Covenants and Restrictions shall run with the project and inure to the benefit of the parcel owners for a term of twenty- five (25) years from the date these Covenants are recorded. Thereafter, said Covenants shall be automatically renewed and extended for successive periods of Len (10) years each. These Covenants and Restrictions may be amended by an instrument executed by owners of .par.ce_s which collectively are responsible for the payment of not less than 66 2/3 ' s percent of the common expenses of the stormwater pond and drainage system in accordance with Article VII , Paragraph F. Until such time as all of the parcels have been sold by 'the Declarant , Declarant reserves the right to amend these restrictions and such amendments shall be binding on all parcel owners thereto and all 22 • ‹f-e7r, 2 BOOK �.: future purchasers on and after the recordation of the amendments . No amendment adopted hereafter shall have the effect of making a building, structure or architectural plan non-conforming if the same had been originally approved by the Architectural Control Committee , ARTICLE IX VIOLATIONS In the event of a violation or breach of any of these Covenants by any parcel owner or other person, the Declarant, or any one or more Owners of parcels in the project, or any of them jointly or severally, shall have the right to proceed at law or in equity to compel compliance with the terms and conditions set forth herein, and Lo prevent the violation or breach of these covenants, and to recover damages as compensation. for a breach or violation of these covcnants . Any failure to enforce any right, reservat ion, or conditions contained in these covenants, however long- continued, shall not be deemed a waiver of the right to do so hereafter as to the same breach, or as to a breach occurring prior or subsequent thereto, and shall not bar or affect i'_.s enforcement . ARTICLE X - INVALIDATION The invalidation by a Court or other public agency of any of the provisions of these covenants shall not in any way affect any of the remaining provisions, and the same shall remain in full force and effect . ARTICLE XI - BINDING EFFECT These Covenants and Restrictions shall be binding on the Declarant, each parcel owner, the Association, and Mercer Building Company as the stormwater permit holder, as well as the heirs, successors in interest and assigns, of the named parties herein. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Declarant, Association and Mercer . Building Company Have executed this instrument on the day and year first above written. - U � /�`�^(SEAT.,) Gary Mercer ..k r: _._: - cc E11L) ,,,.if• ••,r. �; Judith S . Mercer . .... ...C E R,,'��, .:,.t ' MERCER 1ILDING COMPANY .4 c ',A .t 11i BY: C C , ' V--�� (SEAL) :';V `v ( ., � ,r', Preside • ..- r., , ....._,, IN r iiip .....'-) I 1 -. \--Q----).\C......Q—.A.....,_ •�•: ak S r ary : ,.•,,,,, COURTYARD WEST OWNERS ' , • • • • ASSOCIA ON, INC. Ry: C') ./4,. --,—r"(SEAL) Preside At t es _ ..--: : t:\C-Q---it-- --.71 S c r dry `"_ Lou► yfti1D • O ,,r3s 7. __) DEW - ` A• w - _ - _..... STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF CARTERET 1, a Notary Public for the County and State aforesaid, certify that Gary A. Mercer and wife, Judith S . Mercer, personally appeared before me t.hi.s day and acknowledged the due execution of the foregoing instrument. __,....-. • . Witness my hand and official stamp or seal , this the _I ( _ o°'''''V ' Npf November, 1998 . .,0 1 .. '• A",, $4. ...' '-.. 1 . ) • ,?_\•..• _)_9 .L.L.A./1,.. Aji, LA_,) ‘ - . z,17.. ..At‘ 1 T A i: )••••VII f. • .73 s . Notary Pubic .-Iro i 4-ktly Ccimmt ss ion expires : 11)(AV . 6,1 @tea -_ -,, - ,,, ,., •-- STAT , OF NORTH CAROLINA '',,, 1rOMPV OF CARTERET ,,e _ c- ,NleAllq 'kJ. Pi&lea• , a Notary Public for the County and 1)6t • / ' StlahlkAresaiti, certify that. Judith S . Mercer personally came belOre-ne this day and acknowledged that she is the Secretary of Merpeuilding Company, a North 'Carol!na Corporation, and that by 1.11tfibrity duly given and as the act of the corporation, the foregoing instrument was signed in its name by its President, sealed with its corporate seal and attested by her as its Se6retary. Witness my hand and official stamp or seal , this the _Al day of November, 1998 . ,,,,, ,•„ _ ,,. .,), -:............--,,,•,„ Y•tl-k-k-Q-L- uk---) ' \ ------e,,-, Notary PuMlic : _V • .'.3 .,‘ojA clie ;^.S3s .t' : , y , Mfrotion expires :Nekizi_4\ (., D_COO fli u.4).0 i 1 • ,c.i : - : --i -:''''1'`..''. .••"c"..? i ,c•'?r, ..., , ev 00 4 " . . .. . . 25 (1...C.J._ r:• .,',.,,,-:,71 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF CARTERET I, UNek.�A- A hh) • t' lnrs� , a Notary Public for the County and State aforesaid, certify that ��Su.cii-�I-, tivvekoeL personally came before me this day and acknowledged that he/she is the Secretary of Courtyard West Owners ' Association, Inc . , a North Carolina Corporation, and that by authority duly given a:id as the act of the corporation, the foregoing instrument was signed in its name by its President, sealed with its corporate seal and attested by him/her as its Secretary. Witness my hand and official` stamp or seal, this the _ll ._._- . day of November, 1998 . \-?.. .�)LU&)J .,Q-(- . 1.1) . 1..,,---_Q— , � Notary Public : -. My ornmission expires :(`il.),l:.r•jl.(;,I_ o 4;> ..."i ` A . ti m t1 •o•A r%. X s NO1111! CAROLINA, CARTERET ;- ' 1G, �; f-1 1,. :dogertificate(s)of t !L4Jy'L ' /',i , • - : r'- is (are) certified to be correct. This instrument was pre- , C�--'•• .....• '.',� AC ;�� sente. • r�gislrati an recorded in this office.in .,„ • „.U',r�'° Bock I� ' F'a9 ,% '/,.Zi this_ AF day of. /' 19��at/ O'clock M. Sharon Piner Register of eeds By9_ _ e(c..ze_....)....c_cx.z..)L-) �.Deouty PREPARED BY: Richard L. Stanley, Attorney at Law, P.O. Box 150 Beaufort, North Carolina 28516 C:\docs\r n.'i t1,mn! .sal\a,r❑rt was.dm.: 26 • • • gnn-2.5 Prepared by: Richard L. Stanley P.O. Box 150 _ Beaufort, N. C. 28516 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA PROTECTIVE COVENANTS AND RESTRICTIONS FOR WOODLANDS V SUBDIVISION COUNTY OF CARTERET THESE giROTECTIVE COVENANTS AND RESTRICTIONS made this I / day of /%e7 V , 1998, by Mercer Building Company, a North Carolina Corporation, 1301 Lennoxville Road, Beaufort , North Carolina, said Protective Covenants and Restrictions for Woodlands V Subdivision being for the use and benefit of all future owners of lots in Woodlands V Subdivision, as the same are identified on that certain plat prepared by Stroud Engineering, Morehead C' ty, North Carolina, for Woodlands V Sul�djvision date v�mber /O , 1998 , and recorded in Map Book c . 7' , Page ��-l2, Carteret County Registry; WITNESSET H: WHEREAS, Mercer Building Company, hereinafter designated "Developer" , in order to promote a uniform and harmonious development of said lands as a desirable residential community, and so as to provide for the use and maintenance of the subdivision streets, drainage easements, ditches and swales until the same are accepted by the Town of Newport or other public agency having authority of the same, desires to adopt these Protective Covenants and Restrictions for Woodlands V for the purposes herein expressed; NOW, THEREFORE, in order to provide for the forgoing, the Developer does hereby covenant and agree with all persons, firms or corporations now owning or hereafter acquiring any lot within Woodlands V Subdivision, that the use of lots in Woodlands V Subdivision is hereby made subject to the following restrictions, covenants, terms and conditions which shall run with said land and shall be binding on all property owners within said Subdivision and their successors and assigns . SECTION I - DEFINITIONS As used throughout this Declaration, the following terms shall have the definitions set out herein as follows : A. "Developer" shall mean and refer to Mercer Building Company, a North Carolina Corporation, and its successors and assigns. B . "Owner" shall mean and refer to the owner of record of any lot in Woodlands V Subdivision as said lots are shown on the recorded map herein referred to, but excluding those holding an interest in any lot or lots for security purposes . • C. "Lot" refers to any of those numbered lots shown on the map of Woodlands V Subdivision recorded aforesaid. SECTION II - COVENANTS AND RESTRICTIONS 1 . Applicability. Lots 1 through 12 as shown on a map of Woodlands V Subdivision referred to above are expressly made subject to the operation of these Covenants . 2 . Reservations . The Developer reserves the right absolutely to change, alter or redesignate the allocated, planned, platted, or recorded use, area, or designation of any of the lots shown on the map Woodlands V Subdivision recorded aforesaid so long as the Developer retains title to the property involved, so long as any changes or alterations are in conformance with the Town of Newport ' s Subdivision and Zoning Ordinances, including, but not limited to the right to change, alter or redesignate roads, utility and drain facilities, and to change, alter or redesignate such other present or proposed lot lines and facilities as may, in the sole judgment of the Developer, be necessary or desirable. 3 . Residential Use . A. All numbered lots shall be used for single family residential purposes only. No structures shall be constructed, altered, placed or permitted to remain on any lot in the subdivision unless the same is a single family residence . B. Mobile homes, trailers, manufactured homes, tents and all other structures of a temporary character are expressly prohibited from being placed, put or maintained on any lot at any time. Provided, this prohibition shall not apply to shelters used by a Contractor or Builder during the construction of a single family dwelling so long as said temporary shelter is immediately removed following completion of the dwelling. As used herein, the term "mobile home" and "manufactured home" shall have those definitions and meanings set forth in G. S . 41-2 . 5, G.S . 143-143 . 9 (6) , and G. S . 143-145 (7) . Provided, that the width and length of a manufactured home or mobile home shall be irrelevant and inapplicable as it isthe intent of these covenants to prohibit manufactured homes and mobile homes of all sizes regardless of length and width. C. Only stick built detached single family homes shall be permitted on any of the lots within the subdivision. However, with prior approval of the Developer or his written designee, a "modular" home which is defined herein as a prefabricated structure having floors, walls, ceilings, or roof composed of sections or panels of varying size which have been fabricated prior to erection on a building foundation may be permitted. However, unless written permission from the Developer or his written designee is obtained, all modular structures are prohibited. BOOK °91` . „�� � D. No fuel tanks or similar storage receptacles may be exposed to view. Any such receptacles may be installed only within the main dwelling house, within a permitted accessory building, within -a screened area, or buried underground. Provided, the Developer shall be permitted to erect, place or permit the placement of tanks or other apparatus within the subdivision for uses related to the provision of water and other utilities to the subdivision and adjoining lands . E. A guest suite or like facility may only be included on a lot if attached to or as a part of the main dwelling, but such suite may not be sold, rented or• leased except as part of the entire premises including the main dwelling. 4 . Minimum Building Reauirements . A. No residential structure shall be constructed on any of the residential lots unless the residential structure shall contain a minimum of 1, 050 square feet of enclosed dwelling area for each residential structure . For any dwelling containing more that a single story, the first story must contain a minimum of 725 square feet and the total enclosed dwelling area for the dwelling containing more than one story must contain a minimum of 1, 050 square feet . As used herein the term "enclosed dwelling area" shall mean the total enclosed heated area within a dwelling, excluding garages, terraces, decks, unenclosed porches, and similar areas . B. No building shall be erected or allowed to remain on any lot in said subdivision within 30 feet of the street abutting the front of each lot or within 10 feet of any side line of each lot, or within 20 feet of the rear lot line, or as said set backs may be shown on the recorded maps of the Subdivision, whichever is the greater amount of set back. As to a corner lot with two sides adjoining a street, the front set back shall be 30 feet and the side set back for the other side line adjoining the street shall be 20 feet . C. The exterior of all houses and other structures must be completed within twelve (12) months after construction is commenced, except under such circumstances where such completion is impossible or would result in great hardship to the owner or builder due to strikes, fires, national emergency or natural calamities . D. Each lot owner shall provide receptacles for garbage and trash in a screened area not generally visible from the road giving access to the premises, or shall provide underground trash and garbage receptacles or similar facilities . All fuel tanks and wood piles shall be enclosed within a fence, wall or plant screen so that the same shall not be visible from any street or residence in the Subdivision. 3 E. Each lot owner shall provide space for parking two motor vehicles off the street prior to the occupancy of any dwelling constructed on said lot and motor vehicles shall not be parked on the streets within said Subdivision. F. Each lot owner shall be permitted to build, erect or maintain not more than one detached outbuilding on any lot not exceeding two stories in height to be used as a private garage, storage or utility building in connection with the primary residential structure on the lot; Said detached building shall not be used for any activity normally conducted as a business . Said detached building shall not be constructed prior to the construction of the main dwelling, and said detached building shall comply with all of the set back requirements setforth herein for the main dwelling. Additionally, said detached building shall be built of the same quality and type of materials and its design shall be in a manner compatible with the main dwelling house located on the lot . Said outbuilding shall be located no closer to the street on which the lot fronts than the single family dwelling located thereon. G. Clothes lines, television satellite dishes and television and radio antennas and other kinds of free standing communication devices are expressly prohibited except in accordance with this paragraph. All clothes lines shall be located on the rear side of the house opposite the front street line and shall not extend in width beyond the ends of the residential structure . No television or radio antennas or any other kinds of free standing communication devices shall be permitted within the subdivision, unless concealed from view inside a residence . Additionally, not more than one satellite dish not exceeding eighteen inches in diameter shall be permitted, and all satellite dishes shall be installed so as to be concealed from view from the street and other lots . Any satellite dish so installed shall be appropriately screened with wooden fencing and/or vegetation and foliage so that no part of the satellite dish may be seen or observed from the street or from other lots . H. All garbage, trash and debris shall be placed in cans and containers approved by the Town of Newport for the disposal of trash, and except for the day of pickup, shall remain to the rear of the residential dwelling so that the same may not be seen or observed from the street . I . All driveways leading from any of the streets serving access to the Lot as shown on the plat of Woodlands V Subdivision to dwellings and structures constructed on Lots within Woodlands V shall be paved with asphalt, concrete, paving brick or other materials as approved by the Developer or its written designee . The paving of driveways with gravel or marl is prohibited unless otherwise approved in writing by the Developer or its written designee. 4 Boa< Ya_ PAGE 1y J. No campers, recreational vehicles, travel trailers, or commercial trucks exceeding one ton shall be parked at any time on any lot for any purpose unless it is located behind the residential dwelling or inside the carport or garage located on the lot . K. The only permitted access to each lot from any of the streets or roads within the Subdivision shall be over a culvert placed or constructed within the right of way ditching or swales meeting the Town of Newport and/or the North Carolina Department of Transportation' s .specifications . No lot owner shall fill in or alter any of the drainage ditches, swales or drainage easements without the written approval of the Developer, the Town of Newport and the State of North Carolina. Additionally, each lot owner shall be responsible for the clean out and maintenance of the ditches, swales and drainage easements located on or adjoining his lot or lots . L. Restrictions Against Fencing. No fence may be erected nearer the front lot line of a lot than the front face of the dwelling located on such lot, except for decorative wood or vinyl fences used, for example, to define an entry courtyard. Prior to the construction of such fence the owner must obtain the express written permission of the Architectural Committee . No fence which exceeds six feet in height may be erected on any other portion of the lot . No fence may be erected within any area reserved within this Declaration or as set forth on the recorded map of the subdivision as an easement area, unless approved by the Architectural Committee in writing. All fences must be of wood or vinyl construction. No metal or chain link fences shall be permitted. M. Architectural Committee . No building shall be erected, placed or altered on any lot in said subdivision, nor shall any improvements be made to the lot, including the placement of fences and outbuildings, until the building plans, specifications, and plots showing the location of such building, have been approved in writing by an architectural committee composed of the developer or its assigns . The developer shall have the right to control or assign this function so long as it owns a lot in the subdivision. Should developer decide not to control this function, then it shall give notice to all lot owners by mail dissolving such committee. The Committee shall not approve plans if they are in violation of these covenants . In the event said Committee fails to approve or disapprove such design or location within thirty (30) days after said plans and specifications have been submitted to it; such approval will not be required and this covenant will be deemed to have been fully complied with. N. Mailboxes . All mailboxes, except those provided by the Developer are required to be first approved by the Architectural 5 Committee. Separate newspaper boxes or outlets are expressly prohibited. 5 .- Nuisances, Inoperable Vehicles, Etc. A. No inoperable, unserviceable, unlicensed, junked or abandoned vehicles, appliances or other assorted junk and useless materials and trash may be kept on any lot except that the owner shall be permitted to locate entirely within the garage not more than one motor vehicle for necessary repairs or maintenance so as to make the same operable. B . No noxious or offensive activity shall be carried on upon any lot, nor shall anything be done thereon tending to cause embarrassment, discomfort, annoyance or a nuisance to the neighborhood. No horses, ponies, animals or livestock of any kind shall be raised, breed, or kept on any of the lots, except that dogs, cats or household pets may be kept so long as they are not kept, breed or maintained for any commercial purpose and provided the household pets do not become an annoyance or nuisance to the neighborhood. C. All buildings, structures and their appurtenances shall be maintained in a reasonable state of repair. In the event of damage to a building or other structure by fire or other casualty, the exterior of a building or structure shall be repaired within six (6) months or the building structure shall be demolished and the premises cleared of debris within six (6) months of the date the damage occurred. 6 . Signs . No sign of any character shall be displayed on any lot except for a property identification sign not exceeding two square feet, and "for sale" or "for rent" signs not exceeding six square feet in size each. Provided, nothing herein shall prohibit the Developer from erecting, placing or maintaining such signs as may be deemed necessary or appropriate by the Developer for carrying out the Developer' s development of the Subdivision. 7 . Subdividing. Except as to any lot still owned by the Developer, no lot shall be further subdivided, or its boundary lines changed, except with the prior written consent of the Developer. Likewise, no lot shall be used as a street, road, lane, way or easement over which access may be obtained from a Woodlands Subdivision lot to adjacent properties without the specific written consent of the Developer. In the event the Developer hereafter determines it is necessary to alter or change any boundary lines or lot , then a revised plat of said Subdivision or section thereof subject to the alteration or change shall be recorded, and all such lots thereon shall be subject to the terms and conditions of these covenants . 6 BOOK ,� 8 . Restrictions on Built-Un Area. In order to ensure continued compliance with the Developer' s stormwater permit issued by the State of North Carolina, no more than 3500 square feet of any Lot, including that portion of the right-of-way between the edge of pavement and the front lot line, shall be covered by impervious structures,. including asphalt, gravel , concrete, brick, stone, slate or similar material, not including wood decking or the water surface of swimming pools . Additionally, no one may fill in or pipe any roadside or lot-line swale, except as necessary to provide a minimum driveway crossing. 9 . Easements . A. The Developer reserves unto itself a perpetual, alienable and releasable easement and right-of-way on, over, under, through and upon the ground with men and equipment to erect, maintain, and inspect, repair and use electric, television and telephone poles, wires, cables, conduits, sewers, water mains and electricity, telephone equipment, gas, sewage, water and community utilities or conveniences in and over the front ten feet of each lot and ten feet along one side line of each lot and such other areas as may be shown on the recorded map of the Subdivision, together with the right to cut drainways for surface water whenever action may appear to the Developer to be necessary in or to maintain reasonable standards of health, safety and appearance. These easements and rights-of-way expressly include the right to cut trees, bushes or shrubbery, the grading of the soil, or to take similar actions reasonably necessary to provide economical and safe utility installation and to maintain reasonable standards of health, safety and appearance. The Developer further reserves the right to •assign said easements to one or more public or private water and/or sewer utility companies for service to each lot in the future . B. The Developer reserves the right to subject the real property in this Subdivision to a contract with Carolina Power & Light Company for the installation of underground electric cables which may require an initial contribution, and/or the installation of street lighting which will require a continuing monthly payment to Carolina Power & Light Company by the owner of each building, until such time as assumed by a governmental agency. C. It shall be the responsibility of each lot owner to keep free and clear any and all drainage easements shown on the recorded map of the Subdivision, and each owner shall in no way obstruct, block or impede the flow of water through said drainage easements . Likewise, each owner shall be prohibited from filling or altering any swales or other drainage or storm water facilities or to otherwise block or impede the flow of water through said facilities . In the event any lot owner should obstruct, block or impede the flow of water through said drainage facilities or swales or allow said obstruction or blockage to remain so as to impede the flow of water, then the Developer, the Town of Newport, or one or 7 7 � , n'77 more property owners within the Subdivision shall have the right to clear said drainage facilities and swales and to recover from the party responsible the cost of said clearing if said obstruction or blockage were the result of deliberate acts or negligence of the responsible party. D. The right of each owner and his heirs, successors in interest and assigns, with regard to the ownership and enjoyment of the streets, drainage facilities and other easements appurtenant to each lot is subject to the right of the Developer and its successors and assigns, to grant one or more permanent easements and rights of way to the Town of Newport and/or the North Carolina Department of Transportation for the roads, drainage facilities, and other utilities . In accordance with the Town of Newport Subdivision Regulations, the Developer will warrant the streets, drainage facilities and other utilities constructed and placed by the Developer within Woodlands V Subdivision for a period of one year from the date of final subdivision approval by the Town of Newport . At the end of the one year warranty period, the Developer' s responsibility shall terminate with regard to the roads and other utilities except . that the Developer may transfer or dedicate the same to the Town of Newport or other public agencies . 10 . Covenants Run with the Land. These Covenants and Restrictions shall run with the land and inure to the benefit of the property owners for a term of twenty-five (25) years from the date these Restrictive Covenants are recorded. Thereafter, said Covenants shall be automatically renewed and extended for successive periods of ten (10) years each. These Covenants and Restrictions may be amended by an instrument executed by not less than two-thirds of the lot owners within said Subdivision. Any amendment must be properly recorded. All covenants herein pertaining to stormwater regulations may not be changed or deleted nor may the drainage easements or drainage plan of the subdivision be altered without the written concurrence or approval of the Division of Water Quality, State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural .Resources . 11 . Violations . In the event of a violation or breach of any of these Covenants by any lot owner or other person, the Developer or any one or more owners of lots in the Subdivision, or any of them jointly or severally, shall have the right to proceed at law or in equity to compel compliance with the terms and conditions set forth herein and to prevent the violation or breach of these Covenants, and to recover damages as compensation for a breach or violation of these Covenants . Any failure to enforce any right, reservation, or conditions contained in these Covenants, however long continued, shall not be deemed a waiver of the right to do so hereafter as to the same breach, or as to a breach occurring prior or subsequent thereto, and shall not bar or affect its enforcement . 8 BOOIK, k" - RAGE / 12 . Invalidation. The invalidation by a Court or other public agency of any of the provisions of these Covenants shall not in any way affect any of the remaining provisions, and the same shall remain in full force and effect. 13 . Additions to Subdivision. Developer with regard to adjoining properties reserves the right to add additional properties and lots to Woodlands V Subdivision and to submit and bind the same to the terms and conditions of these Covenants by the execution and recordation of amendments to these Covenants submitting future sections and phases. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Developer has executed these Covenants ' on the day and year first above written. ; t� ::: MERCER BUILDING COMPANY C.1"W C9 - S 76..„,, A-'4VW--‘,.— Q Mk l�. rrr+t•.0 .9: By: Pre s dent :.-.... '' rA' ot.P,/...3.,:i-:;.;,.:..,07.C."..;"-. 1.,_: C--Q--).-2.--- N.._ :� :: ir;;Stfa,T'E OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF CARTERET ....... •d • •, .. 0 TA •1�, 2r, j�... . , Notary Public of the County and State aforesaid, certify ` *c r`thatr t i- S •• JVt ei&e personally came before me this day and .,, '? J •f a p 7 oivledged that she is the Secretary of Mercer Building Company, �' L . h Carolina Corporation, and that by authority duly given and - -'�'•�''A ` Atlie. act of the corporation, the foregoing instrument was signed ,�.,...:.',. 00li+ �.��•ts name by its President, sealed with its corporate seal and • '"i: �_+ `' tested by her as its Secretary. - Witness my hand and' official stamp or seal, this the 1 \ day of ��nkiP_vv._.\-)f) , 1998 . . �Li Notary Publ . My Commission expires : (.12 7 NORTH CAROLINA,CARTEFtgC 11Xya,l ee2. 4 the foregoing certificate(s)of 9 9 pre- is (are) certified to be correct. This instrument was sente�� •r - •istrati „arid recorded in office in Book a Page c:\docs\resident.sal\woodlan5.cov This ,.____dayof 9/�i � O'COCIM• Sharon Piner Register of Dee,dt)e 462) 9 By A Deo+uty • 83-LP-001 .r Smith Debnai Marron ^FILED •A:, Return Acknowledgement To: & Myers , L.L.P. II Name: Susan Y. Ellinger m ; 19y— Malling Address: P.O. Box 26268 y EP 3 1998 000S3 0935 CIty/State/ p: Raleigh, NC 27611 EFFECTIVE CERTIFICATE OF DOMESTIC LIMITED PARTNERSHIP SECRETARYC+FSTATF Read Instructions on reverse before beginning. Attach additional pages as needed. N . attad�ed: B. Name of limited partnership(must contain words limited partnership'): Elm Green Apartments Limited Partnership C. If formed prior to October 1. 1900,complete this section: County of Sling: I County file number: f Date of Ming:D. Name of registered agent: L Susan Y. Ellinger E Address of registered office: Street/Number 4700 New Berms Avenue Raleigh I NC J D27610 I_ county Wake F. Address of office where records are kept,if not kept at registered other Street/Number: Suite 269 City: All: County: 1300 Baxter Street. " _ Charlotte I NC I28204 I Mecklenberg G. Latest data upon which limited partnership is to dissolve: December 31, 2048 H. Complete far each general partner Name Low Income Housing Development Corpo-:2tionEast Carolina Community Developae g� d/b/a The Af-ford II•ablc e-u a sing €rell- I Nucor 1300 Baxter Street, Suite 269 315 Turner Street qty Charlotte; - Beaufort Wei North Carolina 28204 North Carolina 28516 county . Mdcklenberg Carteret Name 3. 4. Number City County I. The following signatures of EACH general partner constitute an affirmation under the penalties of perjury that the fads herein are true. Type or print for EACH general partner. 1. If the general partner lea Individual,complete this section. Date a. Name Signature b. Name Signature c. Name Signature 2. If the general partner is a corporation or the other entity,complete this section. a. Name of corporation or other entity Low Income Housing Name of officer j • Me V t C8s!vgk5 i b 1 e Housing Group signature w, .?D— i' b. Name of corporation or other entity Name of East Carolin Community DPvP1 p,gm_Pnt , inn _ �.1 . V�/ci[( T1�f Title of officer*Fling res31 de...* „=") DT3//91e c. Name of corporation or other entity Nana of officer signing 1 Title of officer signing Signature Date Filling Fee: $50.00 State of North Carolina—Department of Secretary of State 300 North Salisbury Street, Raleigh,NC 27603-6909 SOSID: • Date Filed: 10/13/20100980935 8:58:00 AM Elaine F.Marshall North Carolina Secretary of State C201025900265 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA Department of the Secretary of State AGENT'S STATEMENT OF CHANGE OF REGISTERED OFFICE ADDRESS Pursuant to§55D-31 of the General Statutes of North Carolina,the undersigned submits the following for the purpose of changing the address of the registered office in the State of North Carolina of the entity named below: 1. The name of the entity is: Elm Green Apartments Limited Partnership Entity Type: ['Corporation,DForeign Corporation,['Nonprofit Corporation,DForeign Nonprofit Corporation ['Limited Liability Company,DForeign Limited Liability Company, Limited Partnership, DForeign Limited Partnership,['Limited Liability Partnership,[]Foreign Limited Liability Partnership 2. The street address and county of the current registered office of the entity is: Number and Street:Glen Lake One,4140 Parklake Avenue,Suite 200 City,State,Zip Code: Raleigh,NC 27612 County:Wake 3. The mailing address if different from the street address of the current registered office is: P.O.Box 30519,Raleigh,NC 27611 4. The street address and county of the new registered office of the entity is: Number and Street:2840 Plaza Place,Suite 200 City,State,Zip Code: Raleigh,NC 27612 County: Wake 5. The mailing address if different from the street address of the new registered office is: 6. The name of the current registered agent is: vusPcN Y. ri- (/ 6-6K 7. The address of the entity's registered office and the address of the business office of its registered agent,as changed,will be identical. 8. The undersigned certifies that the entity has been notified in writing of the change of address of the business office of the registered agent. 9. This statement will be effective upon filing,unless a date and/or time is specified: This is the--I.) day of September 20 10 AliTor amen -"— (Sit ture) /110 S .n Ellinger,Reg'-ered Agent (Type ' Print Name. r e) Notes: Filing Fee is$5.00. One executed statement must be filed with the Secretary of State. CORPORATIONS DIVISION P.O.BOX 29622 RALEIGH,NC 27626- 0622 (Revised January 2002) (Form BE-12) `1_...,.... ._ Cht-,..* ti4V:74*,49,41 Oct 1 '98 9:55 0 K (012) 04-1- Lit_fuz--4-.../CC....-—_,............ ._,A..--,.. .a.r.m .„„,.1.,..m.s.ma , .. . • . . 1 . qi0 q2 5 . . . ... ... State of North Carolina . . . . ,? . DeParttimii 6rEni:firomn— en: t and Natural Resources Wilmington:Regional Office • .. • James B. Hunt,Governor • :. Wayne McDevitt, S ec , . rOtazy : . • , . , . . . . . FAX CO:CttiVER• :StEEET .... . ' .. : • • ., . •• • , . . . . . .. . • ,:•••:..... ........,: ..: , ..• ,, ....,: . . • _,.. .• . iDatils:).1q.., . . , : .., : ... ... ;,......... .: . .. • , ,. . . .. . .. t.. " , ......... ..,...No: Of Pages:..,..,,a,....„ , .• . .. . . •.:.; .• To: f.' •' :. : . :. '.: .• I. ' '....,:7;...: .'";. .! :F! ••'. ,..•• ; - : - • : ., , • rom. . . • 1 .. . . . CO: .• • ••• " •.••• 0 .-.".... ..: . ' 66. FAXft: . '..' .• ., .• .. .• RAU' ' ' - - • . - '. • ... ._ ... . _ • REMARks: : . . :.: • •• • .' % - • • -- -7--,,•14.-P._a _g_+.- , . • . • " , , .. ,-• i • ! I 127 Caren'Drive Enraislian.Wipuingtunt N.C.2$405-3845 Telepbon-e(91fai95-39on P la k 4.1i Eq us]Opportuniii Afrinnao ,--•al rOyer . . . , I. .-4,; -4.^.-.4741.1)'444i4:41-4,:Z"'•'"7"'"".v.,•*1••,-..:--•."7"..,, .. .• :. .' 1 . ,IT6C477,1101S-m.^..p..prk-...4.11.47•7•07:!:::?"4,1.72111 t=7.:4,:e.Z.:,:.r.1$9.0*..".• 0• .. • 1 •. •• • : :r. ••:--4-•••••• :•• ' r • '' ."`"T•PV..r1,71,-7...`...)N.3"--cl ." '' .•!.• •. .. , .- . -.• . .„... . . Pollard Property-Courtyard West Stormwater Submittal Chronology September 18, 1997-DWQ receives the stormwater application package for a detention pond to serve a 13.2 acre residential development, identified on the application as The Courtyard, Tract 5. October 21, 1997- DWQ reviews the package. Ten items were noted as deficient,most notably: a. Provide a map of the 10.4 acre offsite area- this must be provided in order to verify the potential build-out of the offsite area to assure that the pond is sized correctly to function as a water quality device. b. Add proposed grading- this must be provided to ensure that all runoff from the proposed impervious areas is directed into the proposed system. c. Provide an outlet structure detail on the plans- this is needed in order to ensure that the structure is built correctly. The detail must identify the pool elevations,weir heights, and orifice size. d. Provide the deed restrictions for the single family lots. Without restrictions on the amount of built-upon area allowed per lot,the lots could overbuild,and the design specifications of the pond could be exceeded,resulting in a pond that does not improve water quality. January 27, 1998- Stroud Engineering responds to the October 21, 1997 letter, but does not provide a map of the offsite areas. The letter only states that there is 10.38 acres (conservative) of offsite runoff accounted for. Again,the need to show how the offsite area was determined by the engineer is paramount to DWQ's determination that the pond is sized appropriately. March 11, 1998- DWQ sends a letter to Stroud Engineering again requesting that the offsite drainage be shown on a map for verification, and requesting that the impervious area total be checked due to a discrepancy between the calculations and the acreage summary on the plans. April 30, 1998- Stroud Engineering responds to the March 11, 1998 letter. A map of the offsite area is provided. June 12, 1998- DWQ reviews the information submitted in April,and finds that the scope of the project has changed from what was proposed in the original application. The revised calculations now indicate that the entire 44.7 acre site is included(Tracts 1-9)but the application has not been revised to add these tracts.It still only covers the proposed built-upon area for Tract 5. Since the scope of the project was changed,DWQ did another review based on the revised information, and requested a revised application for all of the development. At the same time, DWQ also requested that the applicant address some minor plan note deficiencies.The previously requested deed restrictions for the original development were provided for Tract 5 only. Since the new application included all tracts, DWQ also requested restrictions for all the single family lots in those tracts. July 30, 1998- A compliance inspection revealed that the site is under construction and has built-upon surfaces, but the pond is not yet constructed, and the permit has not been issued.A compliance inspection report is issued requesting that work cease until the permit is issued, and that the information requested on June 12, 1998 be submitted. August 3, 1998- Stroud Engineering submits the requested Information. The project will be made a priority. The project's scope changed from the original September, 1997 submittal. Information requested in the initial review was not submitted by the Engineer.DWQ specifically asked for a map of the offsite area,and it was not provided.Upon receipt of the map 6 months after it was initally requested,the project's scope had been changed to include additional onsite areas. Subsequent requests for additional information were based on the revised plans.The main problem was the owner's reluctance to provide the offsite drainage area map. Approximately 3 months passed between the initial reveiw and the resubmittal of the requested information by the Engineer,which was incomplete.Additionally,the increase in the number of Stormwater projects in the last 2 years has created a time lag of our own. While still within the statutory 90 days allowed, it is not anywhere near what the development community had become accustomed to, nor is it what the Division would like to be able to do.Until the number of staff is increased to handle the increased workload, delays of this nature will continue to take place. 9AUG 0 3 1998 STROUD ENGINEERING P.A. BY: J HESTRON PLAZA TWO July30, 1998 151-A HWY.24 MOREHEAD CITY,NORTH CAROLINA 28557 (252)247-7479 Ms. Linda Lewis NCDENR Division of Water Quality 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, North Carolina 28405-3845 RE: Stormwater Project o. SW8 970925 Pollard Property Carteret County, N.C. Dear Ms. Lewis: The enclosed package contains requested information for the Stormwater Management Permit Application for Pollard Property including: 1. Completed permit application covering all proposed development. 2. Deed restriction statements that limit BUA on the remaining development tracts and specify that the runoff from all built-upon surfaces on the tracts must be collected and directed into the permitted stormwater system. 3. Note on plans to direct all roof drainage to the permitted stormwater control system. I hope this information will complete the application. If you have any questions, please call. Sincerely, 4/ -, Kathleen Gray KG/km File:C W P\Lewis l l.wpd 107 COMMERCE ST. 3961 A MARKET ST. HESTRON PLAZA TWO SUITE B SUITE A 151-A HWY.24 GREENVILLE,NC 27858 WILMINGTON,NC 28403 MOREHEAD CITY,NC 28557 (252)756-9352 (910)815-0775 (252)247-7479 ':..---;9-198 WED 10: 12 AM STROUD ENGINEEETTir FAX NO. 25224711098 P. 1 Stroud FrPcihw-zirici . iesFron Plaza Two, Suite A - 151-A Hwy. 24 Morehead City, North Carolina 24')557 (252) 247-'7479 FAX(252) 247-4098 _ , • ' •- — . Job No.: y 1.6?12. 7 . ,, .„ 1,..„„ - „,,,,,If , , olg-ii.,_1,.y,c, 1 [i - - 9/1/ c'' ;-:, -. it:1,11 - : 't[3, kt;"4 r ,T P'ages(1 uding ON -• '7n-Sheet): , . ,c 14..,,•,c (1,0 Po,ProgrIA ' i "0 1 rci., Pro pe-iri VP 4 P`'111 VI VIA . ..:d:j 'Z-,.-E,d P‘\:•.P'::..Lh rP \(f.. . ij(:-.1 1 i'CIAOL.Q. 0 rgee, .Attentinr,. , ,, , .;;-.--.-_-_•-"--- ---- 1 -• e- t 1 — 1 t (..) — '7)) c.) - atr,) tcd-i. i --i: ,,--7r1;;:: -`• : ,:4,..0eZ,t.4 ViAr' _ --------..,1 ,•,••••-,-.•-x-, —-—^- . - .. 4.a.ra,A...,a.r...nr, —,•—•••• -.1. a____.......1 Transmitted as checRed below: o As discussed r3 A.:. •.-3ied 0 For approval o For your revimq 1-2 7-7; , TI: 0 For your use , or your informF,tion i-: . in n1Pil o For bids (IL!r',. 19 Kg Commerce Street • -, Hestron Plan Two, Suite A Suite B r'ir, .. 151-A Hwy. 24 Greenville, NC 27858 WillT;i:.;t ,, -..103 Morehead City, NC 28557 (252) 755-9352 (3 l.-! ' 252)247-7479 : L-p0-90 WED 10: 12 AM STROUD ENGINEERINi FAX NO. 2522474098 P. 2 29, 1998 Subject: Storrn%va+ex prei et iNTo. 2 Pollard,,?roperty Caartn ,3t .: v;.�� .,eunty, Ms- Lewis: The additional information you requested eat;:. she StormwaterMan Permit Application for Pollard Property ��. _;.... A ted lacking only the owner's signatui� ���,ty has been completed, ted, We realize the date specified in your A� sent within a day or two, plc;apologize f,�• - +ie information should .. ;E7 State of North Carolina AI 1?FA 6, Department of Environment and Natural Resources f Wilmington Regional Office James B.Hunt,Jr., Governor ItIii1 C DE NR Wayne McDevitt, Secretary NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF Division of Water Quality ENVIRONMENT AND NsCI-uRAL RESOURCES June 12, 1998 Mr. Ron Cullipher, P.E. Stroud Engineering 151 A Highway 24 Morehead City, NC 28557 Subject: ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF RECEIPT AND REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Stormwater Project No. SW8 970925 Pollard Property Carteret County Dear Mr. Cullipher: The Wilmington Regional Office received previously requested information for the Stormwater Management Permit Application for Pollard Property on April 30, 1998. A preliminary review of that information has determined that the application is not complete. The following information is needed to continue the stormwater review: 1. Please provide a completed permit application that covers all of the proposed development, not just the Courtyard West Tract 5 site. 2. Provide additional deed restriction statements that limit the BUA on the remaining develop-ment tracts, and that the runoff from all built-upon surfaces on the tract must be collected and directed into the permitted stormwater system. 3. Provide a note on the plans that all roof drainage must be directed so as to be sent into the permitted stormwater control system. Please note that this request for additional information is in response to a preliminary review. The requested information should be received by this Office prior to July 12, 1998, or the application will be returned as incomplete. The return of a project will necessitate resubmittal of all required items, including the application fee. If you have any questions concerning this matter please feel free to call me at(910) 395-3900. Sincerely, ,84:76(10L' ° f'" Ms. Linda Lewis Environmental Engineer RSS/arl: S:\WQS\STORMWAT\ADDINFO\970925.JUN cc: Linda Lewis Central Files 127 Cardinal Dr.Ext.,Wilmington,North Carolina 28405 Telephone 910-395-3900 FAX 910-350-2004 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50%recycled/10%post-consumer paper DETENTION POND ANALYSIS FILE NAME: S:1WQSIPOND1970925.WK1 PROJECT#: SW8 970925 REVIEWER: arl PROJECT NAME: Pollard Property Courtyard West DATE: 12-Jun-98 Drainage Basin: Deep Creek Class: C Chlorides: n/a Site Area 1947568 square feet 44.710009 acres Drainage Area 2400591.6 square feet 10.4 offsite Area in Acres 55.11 acres IMPERVIOUS AREA Tracts 1-4 @90% each 165833 square feet Commercial Tract 5 Buildings 86800 square feet Courtyard West Tract 5 Parking/drives 105375 square feet Courtyard West Tract 5 SW 15329 square feet Courtyard West Tract 5 Future 28243 square feet Courtyard West Tracts 6 & 7 12 @3500 42000 square feet Woodlands Section V Tract 8 Future 328400 square feet Tract 9 Newbern St. 43900 square feet Road Offsite 169449 square feet TOTAL ::::':'!:'"En!!!!!98.5320ii square feet % IMPERVIOUS 41.05% Pond Depth: 6 TSS: 90 SURFACE AREA CALCULATION SA/DA 2.163% Req. SA 1179 square feet Prov. SA W;goiNint square feet [From plan Contours] VOLUME CALCULATION Bottom -1 MSL Perm. Pool ':°.`' MSL Design Pool 7.098 MSL Design SA 57285 square feet [From plan Contours] Req. Volume 83902.14 cubic feet Rv= 0.4194073 Prov. Volume 144 cubic feet SA © Elevation= ORIFICE CALCULATION Avg. Head = 0.9656667 ft Flow Q2, cfs 0.66304935 Area, in2 20.17904 Dia 2, inches 5.068802 Flow Q5, cfs 0.26521974 Area, in2 8.071617 Dia 5, inches 3.205792 Engineer uses;:;;.;::°'i ',::, "'`:':':''4 Inches Area = 12.566371 in2 Q, cfs = 0.4129098 Drawdown ;;'° >19. . days ... ........ . COMMENTS Surface Area, Volume and Orifice are within Design Guidelines. Tract 10 is OPEN space. JOB R.1G/f0 fl?O T T% Ppi3Z.Z-c ' STROUD ENGINEERING, P.A. SHEET NO. - OF 151 A Hwy. 24 /5 /P2°, 4Y MOREHEAD CITY, NC 28557 CALCULATED BY DATE (919) 247-7479 CHECKED B DATE 2.0 9#?:1 SCALE co49b4r ,' Fol./0 ,U�-/6 / 0$6N i e reams PP ats .cekeu. .. � Q -A 3..re J 9............................_...................l.M..:. ..... ....._._. .._. ,P.?t ,,,:0d' orCsirE..........gittil iP/ 5,3 QL 4D............_....__.._. / Z 34........_ 5 A.- #-..Z.... 2 ._Ac ..................................................3D ....... .........._._. 3 Si 2,44 ,5 r_...._..___._._....._._.__.... Ac .3........_..........................Z,_ 1.... .. .............................................._. ....................._.._.._...._ .. ...... Oil 4G ._. fbg, 111.._5r.._.... _ _...._. ............................... pvd..flaw.................. me,lieta... 0/7.5.ar- ilieMS............ 1.........._.... A 65 dc O...9.Q... /4.85..._! ........__..... . . r......._._._....._._.. #2................/de, 4e a,`o ', y,/.....4 ...._.._. _.........._..._..._.. _ b._ 3...................A7o 4c ago............ ...............a. ,3 9 ..__....�...._......__........ w._.........._......._._......_._�_._ ee. ....... ............. ...................................... ............_A a24 ....... 4,`h 0.6 q 11(... Jbee11.....- .. ............................. ...........#s............../3:.. ..4 ...._......................_.. .._0,41........................................s4/Z A..._ ...,._......._...._....¢_ _ . .... .. ...... ........... 'G................,, B..Q..... ,r.V..3$ a,4 q._.....__.... ..__..__.... ....._._._...._._._..._._.....__....._._...._._ #.. . ........... 3/26"ile...........:...:................... 7x3.5.od..........................a,5-6 4 .__._.__.._...._..._........._._ . s a ._...._. 2...........__1,6,77..4.... ....................................._a,7a............. Z 5,3P A .. s 2 4.e........ 7 A� STORMWATE ... . , 9A.7/._A.e-.............a........:.:.: _.............q.................../8.73 Qc, FI) E C E f V •....-... .Pe r n...... ?r.A,:r,t 7,......_4a•.....-....................'. ..._.t.......a..n)S./7-6 ................_......._...._........__ U...... APR 3...Q..19 $-...... ........�..._........ A J w- 2Z Alf 9r -G ./ ' . 2.. ............_............. )10X' ( Z. SPg2.7..._........ . :................................................ ......._....._.......__._...._._.._ b _ r._.. r.._.._..................._............................ ........ -.-- ./.................................................................... ........................................ ...............sA fob.... Z_.........a...L.1._.. . .............................. .. JOB STRO MOREHEAD CITY, NC ;865;57� CALCULATED BY,# DATE 2�#-f6SHEET NO. OF DATE CHECKED BY c SCALE | __'__~ _-| __......................... .....................................______............ __ _____--__---'-_- . , ..................................................- a � ''--, -� ''�^�-�J��L-.^�muu 6��['� bi*�I�--o���'-� - ... ' __-_-__---_-'-_-'--_-_-__'-____--'_'--_._---____--__--_-_----'-._~ ^------------------_-----------------------' ---'..... -�����..'........................ .............................................................................................................................. _' ............ ....... ............. ^__. _ ---- ---' --__�-_ ......................................................-............................................................................�.................................._........................... ............ _..... �_ 57 ............... ..............'............. ................... `_ .............................. 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SHEET NO. /' OF Hestron Plaza Two CALCULATED BY e DATE S///�J�h`l 151 A Hwy. 24 Ge MOREHEAD CITY, NC 28557 CHECKED BY DATE 5/) 19 (252) 247-7479 SCALE - 02ic. .iAIGS......................, sz,.(....lop.._i< tz,............_T--L- ..... /8v .......,5 F. ......... .........._....._, -0 P4'G kdr 3 _AQ.l u€W s/ r /a5,3 7 Sr' / �4(45n ,e3z3i oie .7,,,,, �� a {,t,,,,`fie Vie.: •"4r ...... ..i ,- - �8 w. a vsr. w ra,rlti.a. /IVa ,......./c.v,S.Q !o Z. .7..Z.b........................._................... o......107. ................................................. it ..........., 1. 3L' , 7b7)41 G z40.7 5Dy.SF AVp2 ,..493......5F w,e...... s/ 1C..,..................................... .................... , �r J .....5 .14PIG .5 _$,..ZI3 sF, _.............- r PRnmICT'9N-0 KinnIp Shy* Inc+rR,dn..0 //�1 1l Er/. Q= Co ,r 4 19 h aY, u /4-.- CLIENT: GARY MERCER, PRESIDENT, MERCER BUILDING COMPANY JOB: PM 322-9, POLLARD PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: WET DETENTION POND DESIGN OUTLET CONTROL DEVICE Cd= 0.72 VOL.= 114570.1 D(FT)= 0.333333 INC= 30 AREA= 0.087266 HT.= 2.098 Increment Sum Time ht. Vol. Q Vout Vnew Q avg (min.) (min.) (hrs.) (ft.) (CO (cfs) (CO (cf) (cfs) 0 0 30 30 0.5 2.098 114570.1 0.730341 114570.1 0.730341 30 60 1 2.098 114570.1 0.730341 1314.613 113255.4 0.730341 30 90 1.5 2.073927 113255.4 0.726139 1307.049 111948.4 0.726139 30 120 2 2.049992 111948.4 0.721936 1299.485 110648.9 0.721936 30 150 2.5 2.026196 110648.9 0.717734 1291.921 109357 0.717734 30 180 3 2.002539 109357 0.713532 1284.357 108072.6 0.713532 30 210 3.5 1.97902 108072.6 0.709329 1276.793 106795.8 0.709329 30 240 4 1.955639 106795.8 0.705127 1269.228 105526.6 0.705127 30 270 4.5 1.932397 105526.6 0.700924 1261.663 104264.9 0.700924 30 300 5 1.909293 104264.9 0.696721 1254.098 103010.9 0.696721 30 330 5.5 1.886328 103010.9 0.692519 1246.534 101764.3 0.692519 30 360 6 1.863502 101764.3 0.688316 1238.968 100525.3 0.688316 30 390 6.5 1.840814 100525.3 0.684113 1231.403 99293.95 0.684113 30 420 7 1.818265 99293.95 0.67991 1223.838 98070.11 0.67991 30 450 7.5 1.795854 98070.11 0.675707 1216.272 96853.84 0.675707 30 480 8 1.773582 96853.84 0.671504 1208.707 95645.13 0.671504 30 510 8.5 1.751448 95645.13 0.6673 1201.141 94443.99 0.6673 30 540 9 1.729453 94443.99 0.663097 1193.575 93250.41 0.663097 30 570 9.5 1.707596 93250.41 0.658894 1186.009 92064.4 0.658894 30 600 10 1.685878 92064.4 0.65469 1178.442 90885.96 0.65469 30 630 10.5 1.664298 90885.96 0.650487 1170.876 89715.09 0.650487 30 660 11 1.642857 89715.09 0.646283 1163.309 88551.78 0.646283 30 690 11.5 1.621555 88551.78 0.642079 1155.743 87396.03 0.642079 30 720 12 1.600391 87396.03 0.637875 1148.176 86247.86 0.637875 30 750 12.5 1.579366 86247.86 0.633671 1140.609 85107.25 0.633671 30 780 13 1.558479 85107.25 0.629467 1133.041 83974.21 0.629467 30 810 13.5 1.537731 83974.21 0.625263 1125.474 82848.74 0.625263 30 840 14 1.517121 82848.74 0.621059 1117.906 81730.83 0.621059 30 870 14.5 • 1.49665 81730.83 .0.616855 1110.339 80620.49 0.616855 30 900 15 1.476318 80620.49 0.61265 1102.771 79517.72 0.61265 30 930 15.5 1.456124 79517.72 0.608446 1095.203 78422.52 0.608446 30 960 16 1.436068 78422.52 0.604241 1087.634 77334.88 0.604241 30 990 16.5 1.416152 77334.88 0.600037 1080.066 76254.82 0.600037 30 1020 17 1.396374 76254.82 0.595832 1072.497 75182.32 0.595832 30 1050 17.5 1.376734 75182.32 0.591627 1064.928 74117.39 0.591627 30 1080 18 1.357233 74117.39 0.587422 1057.359 73060.03 0.587422 30 1110 18.5 1.337871 73060.03 0.583217 1049.79 72010.24 0.583217 30 1140 19 1.318647 72010.24 0.579011 1042.221 70968.02 0.579011 30 1170 19.5 1.299562 70968.02 0.574806 1034.651 69933.37 0.574806 30 1200 20 1.280616 69933.37 0.570601 1027.081 68906.29 0.570601 30 1230 20.5 1.261808 68906.29 0.566395 1019.511 67886.78 0.566395 30 1260 21 1.243139 67886.78 0.562189 1011.941 66874.84 0.562189 30 1290 21.5 1.224608 66874.84 0.557983 1004.37 65870.47 0.557983 30 1320 22 1.206216 65870.47 0.553778 996.7996 64873.67 0.553778 30 1350 22.5 1.187963 64873.67 0.549571 989.2287 63884.44 0.549571 30 1380 23 1.169848 63884.44 0.545365 981.6576 62902.78 0.545365 30 1410 23.5 1.151872 62902.78 0.541159 974.0862 61928.7 0.541159 30 1440 24 1.134035 61928.7 0.536953 966.5147 60962.18 0.536953 30 1470 24.5 1.116336 60962.18 0.532746 958.9429 60003.24 0.532746 30 1500 25 1.098776 60003.24 0.528539 951.3708 59051.87 0.528539 30 1530 25.5 1.081354 59051.87 0.524333 943.7985 58108.07 0.524333 30 1560 26 1.064071 58108.07 0.520126 936.226 57171.84 0.520126 30 1590 26.5 1.046927 57171.84 0.515918 928.6532 56243.19 0.515918 30 1620 27 1.029922 56243.19 0.511711 921.0802 55322.11 0.511711 30 1650 27.5 1.013055 55322.11 0.507504 913.5069 54408.6 0.507504 30 1680 28 0.996327 54408.6 0.503296 905.9334 53502.67 0.503296 30 1710 28.5 0.979738 53502.67 0.499089 898.3596 52604.31 0.499089 30 1740 29 0.963287 52604.31 0.494881 890.7855 51713.52 0.494881 30 1770 29.5 0.946975 51713.52 0.490673 883.2112 50830.31 0.490673 30 1800 30 0.930802 50830.31 0.486465 875.6365 49954.68 0.486465 30 1830 30.5 0.914767 49954.68 0.482256 868.0616 49086.62 0.482256 30 1860 31 0.898871 49086.62 0.478048 860.4864 48226.13 0.478048 30 1890 31.5 0.883114 48226.13 0.473839 852.9109 47373.22 0.473839 30 1920 32 0.867495 47373.22 0.469631 845.3351 46527.88 0.469631 30 1950 32.5 0.852016 46527.88 0.465422 837.759 45690.12 0.465422 30 1980 33 0.836675 45690.12 0.461213 830.1826 44859.94 0.461213 30 2010 33.5 0.821473 44859.94 0.457003 822.6059 44037.33 0.457003 30 2040 34 0.806409 44037.33 0.452794 815.0289 43222.31 0.452794 30 2070 34.5 0.791484 43222.31 0.448584 807.4515 42414.85 0.448584 30 2100 35 0.776698 42414.85 0.444374 799.8738 41614.98 0.444374 30 2130 35.5 0.762051 41614.98 0.440164 792.2958 40822.69 0.440164 30 2160 36 0.747543 40822.69 0.435954 784.7174 40037.97 0.435954 30 2190 36.5 0.733173 40037.97 0.431744 777.1386 39260.83 0.431744 30 2220 37 0.718942 39260.83 0.427533 769.5595 38491.27 0.427533 30 2250 37.5 0.70485 38491.27 0.423322 761.98 37729.29 0.423322 30 2280 38 0.690896 37729.29 0.419111 754.4002 36974.89 0.419111 30 2310 38.5 0.677082 36974.89 0.4149 746.82 36228.07 0.4149 30 2340 39 0.663406 36228.07 0.410689 739.2393 35488.83 0.410689 30 2370 39.5 0.649869 35488.83 0.406477 731.6583 34757.17 0.406477 30 2400 40 0.636471 34757.17 0.402265 724.0769 34033.09 0.402265 30 2430 40.5 0.623212 34033.09 0.398053 716.4951 33316.6 0.398053 30 2460 41 0.610092 33316.6 0.39384 708.9128 32607.69 0.39384 30 2490 41.5 0.59711 32607.69 0.389628 701.3301 31906.36 0.389628 30 2520 42 0.584267 31906.36 0.385415 693.747 31212.61 0.385415 30 2550 42.5 0.571563 31212.61 0.381202 686.1634 30526.45 0.381202 30 2580 43 0.558998 30526.45 0.376988 678.5793 29847.87 0.376988 30 2610 43.5 0.546572 29847.87 0.372775 670.9948 29176.87 0.372775 30 2640 44 0.534285 29176.87 0.368561 663.4097 28513.46 0.368561 30 2670 44.5 0.522137 28513.46 0.364347 655.8242 27857.64 0.364347 30 2700 45 0.510127 27857.64 0.360132 648.2382 27209.4 0.360132 30 2730 45.5 0.498257 27209.4 0.355918 640.6517 26568.75 0.355918 30 2760 46 0.486525 26568.75 0.351703 633.0646 25935.68 0.351703 30 2790 46.5 0.474933 25935.68 0.347487 625.477 25310.21 0.347487 30 2820 47 0.463479 25310.21 0.343272 617.8888 24692.32 0.343272 30 2850 47.5 0.452164 24692.32 0.339056 610.3001 24082.02 0.339056 30 2880 48 0.440988 24082.02 0.334839 602.7107 23479.31 0.334839 30 2910 48.5 0.429952 23479.31 0.330623 595.1208 22884.19 0.330623 30 2940 49 0.419054 22884.19 0.326406 587.5302 22296.66 0.326406 30 ' 2970 49.5 0.408295 22296.66 0.322188 579.939 21716.72 0.322188 30 3000 50 0.397675 21716.72 0.317971 572.3472 21144.37 0.317971 30 3030 50.5 0.387194 21144.37 0.313753 564.7547 20579.62 0.313753 30 3060 51 0.376853 20579.62 0.309534 557.1615 20022.45 0.309534 30 3090 51.5 0.36665 20022.45 0.305315 549.5676 19472.89 0.305315 30 3120 52 0.356586 19472.89 0.301096 541.973 18930.91 0.301096 30 3150 52.5 0.346662 18930.91 0.296876 534.3776 18396.54 0.296876 30 3180 53 0.336876 18396.54 0.292656 526.7815 17869.75 0.292656 30 3210 53.5 0.32723 17869.75 0.288436 519.1846 17350.57 0.288436 30 3240 54 0.317723 17350.57 0.284215 511.5868 16838.98 0.284215 30 3270 54.5 0.308354 16838.98 0.279993 503.9882 16334.99 0.279993 30 3300 55 0.299125 16334.99 0.275772 496.3888 15838.61 0.275772 30 3330 55.5 0.290036 15838.61 0.271549 488.7885 15349.82 0.271549 30 3360 56 0.281085 15349.82 0.267326 481.1872 14868.63 0.267326 30 3390 56.5 0.272273 14868.63 0.263103 473.585 14395.05 0.263103 30 3420 57 0.263601 14395.05 0.258879 465.9818 13929.06 0.258879 30 3450 57.5 0.255068 13929.06 0.254654 458.3777 13470.69 0.254654 30 3480 58 0.246674 13470.69 0.250429 450.7724 13019.91 0.250429 30 3510 58.5 0.23842 13019.91 0.246203 443.1661 12576.75 0.246203 30 3540 59 0.230305 12576.75 0.241977 435.5586 12141.19 0.241977 30 3570 59.5 0.222329 12141.19 0.23775 427.95 11713.24 0.23775 30 3600 60 0.214492 11713.24 0.233522 420.3402 11292.9 0.233522 30 3630 60.5 0.206795 11292.9 0.229294 412.7292 10880.17 0.229294 30 3660 61 0.199237 10880.17 0.225065 405.1168 10475.05 0.225065 30 3690 61.5 0.191819 10475.05 0.220835 397.5032 10077.55 0.220835 30 3720 62 0.184539 10077.55 •0.216604 389.8881 9687.661 0.216604 30 3750 62.5 0.1774 9687.661 0.212373 382.2715 9305.389 0.212373 30 3780 63 0.1704 9305.389 0.208141 374.6535 8930.736 0.208141 30 3810 63.5 0.163539 8930.736 0.203908 367.0338 8563.702 0.203908 30 3840 64 0.156818 8563.702 0.199674 359.4126 8204.29 0.199674 30 3870 64.5 0.150236 8204.29 0.195439 351.7896 7852.5 0.195439 30 3900 65 0.143795 7852.5 0.191203 344.1648 7508.335 0.191203 30 3930 65.5 0.137492 7508.335 0.186966 336.5382 7171.797 0.186966 30 3960 66 0.13133 7171.797 0.182728 328.9095 6842.887 0.182728 30 3990 66.5 0.125307 6842.887 0.178488 321.2789 6521.609 0.178488 30 4020 67 0.119423 6521.609 0.174248 313.6461 6207.963 0.174248 30 4050 67.5 0.11368 6207.963 0.170006 306.011 5901.952 0.170006 30 4080 68 0.108076 5901.952 0.165763 298.3735 5603.578 0.165763 30 4110 68.5 0.102612 5603.578 0.161519 290.7336 5312.844 0.161519 30 4140 69 0.097288 5312.844 0.157273 283.091 5029.753 0.157273 30 4170 69.5 0.092105 5029.753 0.153025 275.4456 4754.308 0.153025 30 4200 70 0.087061 4754.308 0.148776 267.7973 4486.511 0.148776 30 4230 70.5 0.082157 4486.511 0.144525 260.1458 4226.365 0.144525 30 4260 71 0.077393 4226.365 0.140273 252.491 3973.874 0.140273 30 4290 71.5 0.072769 3973.874 0.136018 244.8328 3729.041. 0.136018 30 4320 72 0.068286 3729.041 0.131762 237.1707 3491.87 0.131762 30 4350 72.5 0.063943 3491.87 0.127503 229.5047 3262.366 0.127503 30 .4380 73 0.05974 3262.366 0.123241 221.8343 3040.531 0.123241 30 4410 73.5 0.055678 3040.531 0.118977 214.1594 2826.372 0.118977 30 4440 74 0.051756 2826.372 0.114711 206.4796 2619.892 0.114711 30 4470 74.5 0.047975 2619.892 0.110441 198.7944 2421.098 0.110441 30 4500 75 0.044335 2421.098 0.106169 191.1035 2229.994 0.106169 30 4530 75.5 0.040836 2229.994 0.101892 183.4063 2046.588 0.101892 30 4560 76 0.037477 2046.588 0.097612 175.7024 1870.886 0.097612 30 4590 76.5 0.03426 1870.886 0.093328 167.991 1702.895 0.093328 30 4620 77 0.031183 1702.895 0.08904 160.2715 1542.623 0.08904 30 4650 77.5 0.028248 1542.623 0.084746 152.543 1390.08 0.084746 30 4680 78 0.025455 1390.08 0.080447 144.8046 1245.275 0.080447 30 4710 78.5 0.022803 1245.275 0.076142 137.0551 1108.22 0.076142 30 4740 79 0.020294 1108.22 0.07183 129.2932 978.9271 0.07183 30 4770 79.5 0.017926 978.9271 0.06751 121.5172 857.41 0.06751 30 4800 80 0.015701 857.41 0.063181 113.7252 743.6848 0.063181 30 4830 80.5 0.013618 743.6848 0.058842 105.9149 637.7699 0.058842 30 4860 81 0.011679 637.7699 0.054491 98.08317 539.6867 0.054491 30 4890 81.5 0.009883 539.6867 0.050126 90.22634 449.4604 0.050126 30 4920 82 0.00823 449.4604 0.045744 82.33949 367.1209 0.045744 30 4950 82.5 0.006723 367.1209 0.041342 74.41612 292.7048 0.041342 30 4980 83 0.00536 292.7048 0.036915 66.44731 226.2575 0.036915 30 5010 83.5 0.004143 226.2575 0.032456 58.42032 167.8371 0.032456 30 5040 84 0.003073 167.8371 0.027953 50.31605 117.5211 0.027953 30 5070 84.5 0.002152 117.5211 0.023391 42.10371 75.41738 0.023391 30 5100 85 0.001381 75.41738 0.018738 33.72859 41.68879 0.018738 30 5130 85.5 0.000763 41.68879 0.013932 25.0768 16.61199 0.013932 30 5160 86 0.000304 16.61199 .0.008794 15.82972 0.782267 0.008794 30 5190 86.5 1.4E-05 0.782267 0.001908 3.435104 -2.65284 0.001908 30 5220 87 -4.9E-05 -2.65284 ERR ERR ERR ERR gal/ern/Al gig-V. Q- Co >r 4 * 29 h ors u 7(:-, f �I y � CLIENT: GARY MERCER, PRESIDENT, MERCER BUILDING COMPANY JOB: PM 322-9, POLLARD PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: WET DETENTION POND DESIGN OUTLET CONTROL DEVICE Cd= 0.72 VOL.= 114570.1 D(FT)= 0.333333 INC= 30 AREA= 0.087266 HT.= 2.098 Increment Sum Time ht. Vol. Q Vout Vnew Q avg (min.) (min.) (hrs.) (ft.) (cf) (cfs) (cf) (cf) (cfs) 0 0 30- 30 0.5 2.098 114570.1 0.730341 114570.1 0.730341 30 60 1 2.098 114570.1 0.730341 1314.613 113255.4 0.730341 30 90 1.5 2.073927 113255.4 0.726139 1307.049 111948.4 0.726139 30 120 2 2.049992 111948.4 0.721936 1299.485 110648.9 0.721936 30 150 2.5 2.026196 110648.9 0.717734 1291.921 109357 0.717734 30 180 3 2.002539 109357 0.713532 1284.357 108072.6 0.713532 30 210 3.5 1.97902 108072.6 0.709329 1276.793 106795.8 0.709329 30 240 4 1.955639 106795.8 0.705127 1269.228 105526.6 0.705127 30 270 4.5 1.932397 105526.6 0.700924 1261.663 104264.9 0.700924 30 300 5 1.909293 104264.9 0.696721 1254.098 103010.9 0.696721 30 330 5.5 1.886328 103010.9 0.692519 1246.534 101764.3 0.692519 30 360 6 1.863502 101764.3 0.688316 1238.968 100525.3 0.688316 30 390 6.5 1.840814 100525.3 0.684113 1231.403 99293.95 0.684113 30 420 7 1.818265 99293.95 0.67991 1223.838 98070.11 0.67991 30 450 7.5 1.795854 98070.11 0.675707 1216.272 96853.84 0.675707 30 480 8 1.773582 96853.84 0.671504 1208.707 95645.13 0.671504 30 510 8.5 1.751448 95645.13 0.6673 1201.141 94443.99 0.6673 30 540 9 1.729453 94443.99 0.663097 1193.575 93250.41 0.663097 30 570 9.5 1.707596 93250.41 0.658894 1186.009 92064.4 0.658894 30 600 10 1.685878 92064.4 0.65469 1178.442 90885.96 0.65469 30 630 10.5 1.664298 90885.96 0.650487 1170.876 89715.09 0.650487 30 660 11 1.642857 89715.09 0.646283 1163.309 88551.78 0.646283 30 690 11.5 1.621555 88551:78 0.642079 1155.743 87396.03 0.642079 30 720 12 1.600391 87396.03 0.637875 1148.176 86247.86 0.637875 30 750 12.5 1.579366 86247.86 0.633671 1140.609 85107.25 0.633671 30 780 13 1.558479 85107.25 0.629467 1133.041 83974.21 0.629467 30 810 13.5 1.537731 83974.21 0.625263 1125.474 82848.74 0.625263 30 840 14 1.517121 82848.74 0.621059 1117.906 81730.83 0.621059 30 870 14.5 1.49665 81730.83 0.616855 1110.339 80620.49 0.616855 30 900 15 1.476318 80620.49 0.61265 1102.771 79517.72 0.61265 30 930 15.5 1.456124 79517.72 0.608446 1095.203 78422.52 0.608446 30 960 16 1.436068 78422.52 0.604241 1087.634 77334.88 0.604241 30 990 16.5 1.416152 77334.88 0.600037 1080.066 76254.82. 0.600037 30 1020 -17 1.396374 76254.82 0.595832 1072.497 75182.32 0.595832 30 1050 17.5 1.376734 75182.32 0.591627 1064.928 74117.39 0.591627 30 1080 18 1.357233 74117.39 0.587422 1057.359 73060.03 0.587422 30 1110 18.5 1.337871 73060.03 0.583217 1049.79 72010.24 0.583217 30 1140 19 1.318647 72010.24 0.579011 1042.221 70968.02 0.579011 30 1170 19.5 1.299562. 70968.02 0.574806 1034.651 69933.37 0.574806 30 1200 20 1.280616 69933.37 0.570601 1027.081 68906.29 0.570601 30 1230 20.5 1.261808 68906.29 0.566395 1019.511 67886.78 0.566395 30 1260 21 1.243139 67886.78 0.562189 1011.941 66874.84 0.562189 30 1290 21.5 1.224608 66874.84 0.557983 1004.37 65870.47 0.557983 30 1320 22 1.206216 65870.47 0.553778 996.7996 64873.67 0.553778 30 1350 22.5 1.187963 64873.67 0.549571 989.2287 63884.44 0.549571 30 1380 23 1.169848 63884.44 0.545365 981.6576 62902.78 0.545365 30 1410 23.5 1.151872 62902.78 0.541159 974.0862 61928.7 0.541159 30 1440 24 1.134035 61928.7 0.536953 966.5147 60962.18 0.536953 30 1470 24.5 1.116336 60962.18 0.532746 958.9429 60003.24 0.532746 30 1500 25 1.098776 60003.24 0.528539 951.3708 59051.87 0.528539 30 1530 25.5 1.081354 59051.87 0.524333 943.7985 58108.07 0.524333 30 1560 26 1.064071 58108.07 0.520126 936.226 57171.84 0.520126 30 1590 26.5 1.046927 57171.84 0.515918 928.6532 56243.19 0.515918 30 1620 27 1.029922 56243.19 0.511711 921.0802 55322.11 0.511711 30 1650 27.5 1.013055. 55322.11 0.507504 913.5069 54408.6 0.507504 30 1680 28 0.996327 54408.6 0.503296 905.9334 53502.67 0.503296 30 1710 28.5 0.979738 53502.67 0.499089 898.3596 52604.31 0.499089 30 1740 29 0.963287 52604.31 0.494881 890.7855 51713.52 0.494881 30 1770 29.5 0.946975 51713.52 0.490673 883.2112 50830.31 0.490673 30 1800 30 0.930802 50830.31 0.486465 875.6365 49954.68 0.486465 30 1830 30.5 0.914767 49954.68 0.482256 868.0616 49086.62 0.482256 30 1860 31 0.898871 49086.62 0.478048 860.4864 48226.13 0.478048 30 1890 31.5 0.883114 48226.13 0.473839 852.9109 47373.22 0.473839 30 1920 32 0.867495 47373.22 0.469631 845.3351 46527.88 0.469631 30 1950 32.5 0.852016 46527.88 0.465422 837.759 45690.12 0.465422 30 1980 33 0.836675 45690.12 0.461213 830.1826 44859.94 0.461213 30 2010 33.5 0.821473 44859.94 0.457003 822.6059 44037.33 0.457003 30 2040 34 0.806409 44037.33 0.452794 815.0289 43222.31 0.452794 30 2070 34.5 0.791484 43222.31 0.448584 807.4515 42414.85 0.448584 30 2100 35 0.776698 42414.85 0.444374 799.8738 41614.98 0.444374 30 2130 35.5 0.762051 41614.98 0.440164 792.2958 40822.69 0.440164 30 2160 36 0.747543 40822.69 0.435954 784.7174 40037.97 0.435954 30 2190 36.5 0.733173 40037.97 0.431744 777.1386 39260.83 0.431744 30 2220 37 0.718942 39260.83 0.427533 769.5595 38491.27 0.427533 30 2250 37.5 0.70485 38491.27 0.423322 761.98 37729.29 0.423322 30 2280 38 0.690896 37729.29 0.419111 754.4002 36974.89 0.419111 30 2310 38.5 0.677082 36974.89 0.4149 746.82 36228.07 0.4149 30 2340 39 0.663406 36228.07 0.410689 739.2393 35488.83 0.410689 30 2370 39.5 0.649869 35488.83 0.406477 731.6583 34757.17 0.406477 30 2400 40 0.636471 34757.17 0.402265 724.0769 34033.09 0.402265 30 2430 40.5 0.623212 34033.09 0.398053 716.4951 33316.6 0.398053 30 2460 41 0.610092 33316.6 0.39384 708.9128 32607.69 0.39384 30 2490 41.5 0.59711 32607.69 0.389628 701.3301 31906.36 0.389628 30 2520 42 0.584267 31906.36 0.385415 693.747 31212.61 0.385415 30 2550 42.5 0.571563 31212.61 0.381202 686.1634 30526.45 0.381202 30 2580 43 0.558998 30526.45 0.376988 678.5793 29847.87 0.376988 30 2610 43.5 0.546572 29847.87 0.372775 670.9948 29176.87 0.372775 30 2640 44 0.534285 29176.87 0.368561 663.4097 28513.46 0.368561 30 2670 44.5 0.522137 28513.46 0.364347 655.8242 27857.64 0.364347 30 2700 45 0.510127 27857.64 0.360132 648.2382 27209.4 0.360132 30 2730 45.5 0.498257 27209.4 0.355918 640.6517 26568.75 0.355918 30 2760 46 0.486525 26568.75 0.351703 633.0646 25935.68 0.351703 30 2790 46.5 0.474933 25935.68 0.347487 625.477 25310.21 0.347487 30 2820 47 0.463479 25310.21 0.343272 617.8888 24692.32 0.343272 30 2850 47.5 0.452164 24692.32 0.339056 610.3001 24082.02 0.339056 30 2880 48 0.440988 24082.02 0.334839 602.7107 23479.31 0.334839 30 2910 48.5 0.429952 23479.31 0.330623 595.1208 22884.19 0.330623 30 2940 49 0.419054 22884,19 0.326406 587.5302 22296.66 0.326406 30 2970 49.5 0.408295 22296.66 0.322188 579.939 21716.72 0.322188 30 3000 50 0.397675 21716.72 0.317971 572.3472 21144.37 0.317971 30 3030 50.5 0.387194 21144.37 0.313753 564.7547 20579.62 0.313753 30 3060 51 0.376853 20579.62 0.309534 557.1615 20022.45 0.309534 30 3090 51.5 0.36665 20022.45 0.305315 549.5676 19472.89 0.305315 30 3120 52 0.356586 19472.89 0.301096 541.973 18930.91 0.301096 30 3150 52.5 0.346662 18930.91 0.296876 534.3776 18396.54 0.296876 30 3180 53 0.336876 18396.54 0.292656 526.7815 17869.75 0.292656 30 3210 53.5 0.32723 17869.75 0.288436 519.1846 17350.57 0.288436 30 3240 54 0.317723 17350.57 0.284215 511.5868 16838.98 0.284215 30 3270 54.5 0.308354 16838.98 0.279993 503.9882 16334.99 0.279993 30 3300 55 0.299125 16334.99 0.275772 496.3888 15838.61 0.275772 30 3330 55.5 0.290036 15838.61 0.271549 488.7885 15349.82 0.271549 30 3360 56 0.281085 15349.82 0.267326 481.1872 14868.63 0.267326 30 3390 56.5 0.272273 14868.63 0.263103 473.585 14395.05 0.263103 30 3420 57 0.263601 14395.05 0.258879 465.9818 13929.06 0.258879 . 30 3450 57.5 0.255068 13929.06 0.254654 458.3777 13470.69 0.254654 30 3480 58 0.246674 13470.69 0.250429 450.7724 13019.91 0.250429 30 3510 58.5 0.23842 13019.91 0.246203 443.1661 12576.75 0.246203 30 3540 59 0.230305 12576.75 0.241977 435.5586 12141.19 0.241977 30 3570 59.5 0.222329 12141.19 0.23775 427.95 11713.24 0.23775 30 3600 60 0.214492 11713.24 0.233522 420.3402 11292.9 0.233522 30 3630 60.5 0.206795 11292.9 0.229294 412.7292 10880.17 0.229294 30 3660 61 0.199237 10880.17 0.225065 405.1168 10475.05 0.225065 30 3690 61.5 0.191819 10475.05 0.220835 397.5032 10077.55 0.220835 30 3720 62 0.184539 10077.55 0.216604 389.8881 9687.661 0.216604 30 3750 62.5 0.1774 9687-.661 0.212373 382.2715 9305.389 0.212373 30 3780 63 0.1704 9305.389 0.208141 374.6535 8930.736 0.208141 30 3810 63.5 0.163539 8930.736 0.203908 367.0338 8563.702 0.203908 30 3840 64 0.156818 8563.702 0.199674 359.4126 8204.29 0.199674 30 3870 64.5 0.150236 8204.29 0.195439 351.7896 7852.5 0.195439 30 3900 65 0.143795. 7852.5 0.191203 344.1648 7508.335 0.191203 30 3930 65.5 0.137492 7508.335 0.186966 336.5382 7171.797 0.186966 30 3960 66 0.13133 7171.797 0.182728 328.9095 6842.887 0.182728 30 3990 66.5 0.125307 6842.887 0.178488 321.2789 6521.609 0.178488 30 4020 67 0.119423 6521.609 0.174248 313.6461 6207.963 0.174248 30 4050 67.5 0.11368 6207.963 0.170006 306.011 5901.952 0.170006 30 4080 68 0.108076 5901.952 0.165763 298.3735 5603.578 0.165763 30 4110 68.5 0.102612 5603.578 0.161519 290.7336 5312.844 0.161519 30 4140 69 0.097288 5312.844 0.157273 283.091 5029.753 0.157273 30 4170 69.5 0.092105 5029.753 0.153025 275.4456 4754.308 0.153025 30 4200 70 0.087061 4754.308 0.148776 267.7973 4486.511 0.148776 30 4230 70.5 0.082157 4486.511 0.144525 260.1458 4226.365 0.144525 30 4260 71 0.077393 4226.365 0.140273 252.491 3973.874 0.140273 30 4290 71.5 0.072769 3973.874 0.136018 244.8328 3729.041 0.136018 30 4320 72 0.068286 3729.041 0.131762 237.1707 3491.87 0.131762 30 4350 72.5 0.063943 3491.87 0.127503 229.5047 3262.366 0.127503 30 4380 73 0.05974 3262.366 0.123241 221.8343 3040.531 0.123241 30 4410 73.5 0.055678 3040.531 0.118977 214.1594 2826.372 0.118977 30 4440 74 0.051756 2826.372 0.114711 206.4796 2619.892 0.114711 30 4470 74.5 0.047975 2619.892 0.110441 198.7944 2421.098 0.110441 30 4500 75 0.044335 2421.098 0.106169 191.1035 2229.994 0.106169 30 4530 75.5 0.040836 2229.994 0.101892 183.4063 2046.588 0.101892 30 4560 76 0.037477 2046.588 0.097612 175.7024 1870.886 0.097612 30 4590 76.5 0.03426 1870.886 0.093328 167.991 1702.895 0.0.93328 30 4620 77 0.031183 1702.895 0.08904 160.2715 1542.623 0.08904 30 4650 77.5 0.028248 1542.623 0.084746 152.543 1390.08 0.084746 30 4680 78 0.025455 1390.08 0.080447 144.8046 1245.275 0.080447 30 4710 78.5 0.022803 1245.275 0.076142 137.0551 1108.22 0.076142 30 4740 79 0.020294 1108.22 0.07183 129.2932 978.9271 0.07183 30 4770 79.5 0.017926 978.9271 0.06751 121.5172 857.41 0.06751 30 4800 80 0.015701 857.41 0.063181 113.7252 743.6848 0.063181 30 4830 80.5 0.013618 743.6848 0.058842 105.9149 637.7699 0.058842 30 4860 81 0.011679 637.7699 0.054491 98.08317 539.6867 0.054491 30 4890 81.5 0.009883 539.6867 0.050126 90.22634 449.4604 0.050126 30 4920 82 0.00823 449.4604 0.045744 82.33949 367.1209 0.045744 30 4950 82.5 0.006723 367.1209 0.041342 74.41612 292.7048 0.041342 30 4980 83 0.00536 292.7048 0.036915 66.44731 226.2575 0.036915 30 5010 83.5 0.004143 226.2575 0.032456 58.42032 167.8371 0.032456 30 5040 84 0.003073 167.8371 0.027953 50.31605 117.5211 0.027953 30 5070 84.5 0.002152 117.5211 0.023391 42.10371 75.41738 0.023391 30 5100 85 0.001381 75.41738 0.018738 33.72859 41.68879 0.018738 30 5130 85.5 0.000763 41.68879 0.013932 25.0768 16.61199 0.013932 30 5160 86 0.000304 16.61199 0.008794 15.82972 0.782267 0.008794 30 5190 86.5 1.4E-05 0.782267 0.001908 3.435104 -2.65284 0.001908 30 5220 87 -4.9E-05 -2.65284 ERR ERR ERR ERR 9 STROUD ENGINEERING, P.A. HESTRON PLAZA ONE SUITE 102 151-A Hwy. 24 • _ MOREHEAD CITY,NORTH CAROLINA 28557 (919)247-7479 Morehead City, N.C. 28557 April 29, 1998 SI 0 R Ms. Linda Lewis NCDEHNR Division of Water Quality `� E G E t 1i E 127 Cardinal Drive Extension �� Wilmington, N.C. 28402 A APR 3 01998 RE: Pollard Property- Courtyard West #SW8 970925 PROD # ���ZS Dear Ms. Lewis, In response to your request for additional information dated March 11, 1998 for the above referenced project, I have further investigated your concern over the offsite drainage issue. My original offsite drainage areas were estimates based upon a field evaluation which I used in developing the stormwater management plan. Upon receipt of your request for additional information, my survey staff was authorized to run topographic;lines for the offsite areas to develop a ridge line so that a more accurate estimate of the areas could be delineated. The offsite area to the west, labeled Area#1 on the plans, was the primary concern due to its expansive size. As you may be aware, this area is densely populated with residential homes and includes the relatively large development of the White Sands Subdivision. These obstacles prevent a full detailed topographic map from being developed. Lines were shot along Park Avenue and the Lenoir Street boundary as shown on the enclosed property map. A ridge line was developed based on these two lines as shown highlighted in red. With regard to the White Sands subdivision, I met with the Newport Town Building Inspector/Planning Director, Mr. Bob Chambers, to see if he could give me insight concerning drainage from the subdivision. He informed me that all drainage from White Sands was directed to the three ponds shown on the property map. These ponds are connected hydraulically via culverts which ultimately discharge to a ditch north of the Pollard Property as shown on the property map. He also informed me that the lots west of Lenoir Street ultimately drain to the lake just south of Park Avenue. This lake discharges to a ditch south of the Pollard Property. The delineated area in red is the offsite drainage area#1 as labeled on the Pollard plans. This area is approximately 4.3 acres. 107 COMMERCE ST. 3961 A MARKET ST. HESTRON PLAZA ONE SUITE B SUITE A SUITE 102 GREENVILLE,NC 27858 WILMINGTON,NC 28403 MOREHEAD CITY,NC 28557 (919)756-9352 (910)815-0775 (919)247-7479 Ms. Lewis April 29, 1998 Page 2 With regard to offsite areas#2 and#3, the estimates as shown include the total tracts adjacent to the Pollard Property. Drainage north of the offsite area#3 is not a concern because of the ditch along the property line. The same holds true for drainage to the south of offsite area#2. With this in mind, the stormwater management system is adequate as designed. In addition, the location map has been placed back on the site plan. Tract 5's impervious area has also been revised to 5.412 acres. Rounding off to the nearest hundredth caused the inconsistency which you found previously. If you have any further questions or comments, please let me know. Sincerely, c"QCCIDCLQA Ronald D. Cullipher, P.E. RDC/km File\CWP8\Lew•is6.wpd 4, �' tia fer y. , t T [ 1 3:`3 O A EC- •.✓ i A. r Au JOB_ APR- 9-98 THU 4:07 PM STROUD EKGINEERING FAX KO, 9192474098 F, 1 STROUD ENGINEERIN ,Gal P.A. HESTRON PLAZA 1 wo 151-A MX 24 MOREHEAD CITY,NORTH CAROLINA 20557 ' (919)247.7479 tr. - • ' - . Facsimile Transmittal Cover Sheet • Date: 1/1 /.P/5 Z0/0/10 5o • At gs• /.N04 LEu/5 • kttentiou: Stot9 97(09gs- Subject: Poz.c ►R PPop - Cow r '1 h ca r This is transmitted as checked be • L] As Discussed q As Requested ri For Your Review ® For Your Inforrn.olioslo is For Bids Due 19 Comments: .0s4eI►�s. Ie&i , . E-a r a jiu eR,774774,0 TA/E "ewe.tie. 17'e474 AM ....11/010S ' .70 SE- /4 Are dFt-.67- V1/ via... //,/516, etle- &'ia ge— tvOi /r Tip p/ '+�v►+ICi�I� .1i.Se_ 7 �,4T` 'yo11 dL6.95-r .a4' d7" Ave .P►V T// , ;/e41/01,/, Total number of pages (including cover sheet); moPoza G fee- fate Tff` Ave d mvie4//'&-,' • Our facsimile number: (919) 2474098 ION it' 644 • 107 COMMERCE 5T. 3961 A MARKET St 9/6 .35 )_ 001.1 HGSTRON PLAZA TWO SUITS B SUITE A • 151-A HWY,24 GREENVILLE,NC 27856 WILMINGIXIN,NC 2e1103 MOREHEAD CITY,NC 28557 (919)750-9352 (010)815-0775 (919)247.7479 State of North Carolina Department of Environment 416164- 166 and Natural Resources Wilmington Regional Office wit" James B. Hunt,Jr., Governor NCDENR Wayne McDevitt, Secretary NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF Division of Water Quality ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES March 11, 1998 Mr. Kris Edmondson Stroud Engineering 151-A Highway 24 Morehead City, NC 28557 Subject: ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF RECEIPT AND REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Stormwater Project No. SW8 970925 Pollard Property-Courtyard West Onslow County Dear Mr. Edmondson: The Wilmington Regional Office received the previously requested information for the Stormwater Management Permit Application for Pollard Property-Courtyard West on January 30, 1998. A preliminary review of that information has determined that the application is not complete. The following information is needed to continue the stormwater review: 1. Unfortunately, the regulations require that all drainage to the pond be documented. Please provide maps of the offsite drainage. You must have used some type of topographic map to make the determination in the first place that you had offsite drainage. 2. Put the location map back on the site plan. For some reason it is no longer there. 3. In reviewing the revised calculations, I kept coming up with a larger impervious area than you did. Please check Tract 5's impervious. You show a total of 237,504 square feet from page 3, which is 5.45 acres, but sheet 2 for Tract 5 accounts for only 5.412 acres. The 1700 square foot difference is causing the provided surface area to be a little deficient. Please note that this request for additional information is in response to a preliminary review. The requested information should be received by this Office prior to April 11, 1998, or the application will be returned as incomplete. The return of a project will necessitate resubmittal of all required items, including the application fee. If you have any questions concerning this matter please feel free to call me at(910) 395-3900. Sincerely, Ms. Linda Lewis Environmental Engineer RSS/arl: S:\WQS\STORMWAT\ADDINFO\970925.MAR cc: Linda Lewis Central Files 127 Cardinal Dr.Ext.,Wilmington,North Carolina 28405 Telephone 910-395-3900 FAX 910-350-2004 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50%recycled/10%post-consumer paper RECEIVED JAN 3 0 1998 BY: cM9Z$ 9 STROUD ENGINEERING, P.A. HESTRON PI A7A TWO January27 1998 151-A HWY.24 MOREHEAD CITY,NORTH CAROLINA 28557 (919)247-7479 Ms. Linda Lewis NCDEHNR Division of Water Quality 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, N.C. 28405-3845 RE: Pollard Property Courtyard West Newport, Carteret County, N.C. Dear Ms. Lewis, The following package is a resubmittal of the Stormwater Management Permit Application for the above referenced project. The plans have been redrawn to accommodate your requests as noted on the Acknowledgment of Receipt and Request for Additional Information that we received from your office dated October 21, 1997. All changes have been made as requested except for the topographic map of the offsite runoff Although this information is not provided, offsite runoff was taken into consideration in the design. The detention pond is designed to accommodate a conservative 10.38 acres of offsite runoff as well as all applicable stormwater management devices, i.e., ditches and culverts. With this in mind, I hope that this will be sufficient for your concerns with offsite runoff. Thank you for your time, and if you have any questions please contact me. Sincerelyia X:, iGJ` Kris G. Edmondson, E.I.T. KGE/km Levis.wpd 107 COMMERCE ST. 3981 A MARKET ST. HESTRON PLAZA TWO SUITE B SUITE A 151-A HWY.24 GREENVILLE,NC 27858 WILMINGTON,NC 28403 MOREHEAD CITY,NC 28557 (919)756-9352 (910)815-0775 (919)247-7479 DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT NORTH CAROLINA STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PERMIT APPLICATION I. GENERAL INFORMATION 1. Project Name POLLARD PRbfgETY 2. Location, directions to project (include County, Address, State Road) Attach map. Cq Q-rELET couyrV 1Jffia Poe T 1-tO5P.! NkS 1241 3. Owner's Name GARy r4E€CE1C, PR 5t.nEyt, MERCE[ Btr..6 Phone C'w)72a-6434 4.Owner's Mailing Address 1301 L..Ewiwtb uul1i Its. City 5F4uFoLT State NC Zip Z851(v 5. Application date SA. q AA/ El, Fee enclosed $ 386- 6.Nearest Receiving Stream DAP c eFcr e ANttk./kte.,1bler giuE K Class Sc.. 7.Projectdescription (v1) V1uLTic4t4I4' uuwrs " I'y (1? SI061Z Fau, y LoT3 II. PERMIT INFORMATION 1.Permit No.(To be filled inbyDEM) jcL)8 q70 9 2 5 2.Permit Type )( New Renewal Modification(existing Permit No.) 3. Project Type: Low Density )( Detention Infiltration Other: Redevelop General Dir Cert 4. Other State/Federal Permits/Approvals Required (Check appropriate blanks) CAMA Major Sedimentation/Erosion Control X 404 Permit III. BUILT UPON AREA (Please see NCAC 2H.1005 thru.1007for applicable density limits) Drainage Drainage Breakdown of Impervious Area Basin Basin (Please indicate below the design impervious area) • Classification SC Buildings 2.g14e. Allowable Impervious Area Streets 3,Z3 4� Total Project Area 20.18 etc. Parking/SW D.35 etc Proposed Impervious Area .gig 4 C Other 2.2144 c (. L A +Arweg Gamrri001 AV NO % Impervious Area 42.5 f Totals 8,1'f 4( W. STORMWATER TREATMENT (Describe how the runoff will be treated) lik/i4 De.L.ioy.. • V. DEED RESTRICTIONS AND PROTECTIVE COVENANTS Deed restrictions and protective covenants are required to be recorded for all low density projects and all subdivisions prior to the sale of any lot. Please see Attachment A for the specific items that must be recorded for the type of project applied for. By your signature below,you certify that the recorded deed restrictions and protective covenants for this project shall include all the items required by the permit, that the covenants will be binding on all parties and persons claiming under them, that they will run with the land, that the covenant cannot be changed or deleted without concurrence from the State, and that they will be recorded prior to the sale of any lot. VI. OWNER'S CERTIFICATION • I. GA ay a• Mtec,g.IZ , certify that the information included on this permit (Please print or type name clearly) application form is correct, that the project will be constructed in conformance with the approved plans, that the deed restrictions will be recorded with all required permit conditions, and that to the best of my knowledge, the proposed project complies with the requirements of 15A NCAC 2H.1000. I authorize the bel w named person or firm to submit stormwater plans on my behalf. Ow /Authorized Agent Signature and Title Date VII. AGENT AUTHORIZATION (MUST BE COMPLETED) Person or firm name £T.Rpvp EN4,u area.'to G, • Mailing Address is% A 14,1 Z4 City MbtG{IERO CA-ri State ►.l G Zip 2.855 7 Phone (Ik)•241- 7471 Please submit application, fee, plans and calculations to the appropriate Regional Office. cc: Applicant/WiRO//Central Files Office use only RECEIVED JAN301998 BY: l ATTACHMENT A LOW DENSITY AND SUBDIVISION PROJECTS GENERAL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS 1. A completed stormwater permit application. 2. Two sets of plans showing north arrow, scale, revision date, property/project boundaries, lot lines, proposed and existing contours, drainage areas, mean high water line, wetlands, easements, the 30' minimum vegetated buffer between impervious areas and surface waters, proposed impervious areas, and road cross-sections. 3. Calculations of the built-upon area, For subdivisions, please show the methodology for arriving at the per lot built-upon area. For non-subdivision projects,please break down the calculation into buildings, roads, parking, and other (include all impervious areas). 4. Low density projects with curb and gutter will require: a. Drainage area delineation and swale locations shown on the plans. b. Detail of the swale, showing minimum 5:1 side slope. c. Velocity calculations, indicating a non-erosive flow for the 10 yr storm. d. Inlet and outlet elevations. Maximum longitudinal slope is 5%. e. The type of vegetated cover specified on the plans. DEED RESTRICTION REQUIREMENTS 54- 5im oLE FA-1-1 lty 4F[. The following statements must be included for all low density projects, and for all subdivisions: No more than 35a0 square feet of any lot, including that portion of the right-of-way between the edge of pavement and the front lot line, shall be covered by impervious structures, including asphalt, gravel, concrete, brick, stone, slate or similar material, not including wood decking or the water surface of swimming pools. This covenant is intended to ensure continued compliance with the stormwater permit issued by the State of North Carolina. The covenant may not be changed or deleted without the consent of the State. No one may fill in or pipe any roadside or lot-line swale, except as necessary to provide a minimum driveway crossing. For curb and gutter projects, no one may pipe,fill in, or alter any lot line swale used to meet North Carolina Stormwater Management Permit requirements. NOTE If lot sizes vary significantly, the owner/developer must provide an attachment listing each Iot number, size, and the allowable built-upon area for each lot. y pvue. State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Wilmington Regional Office James B. Hunt, Jr. Division of Water Quality Wayne McDevitt Governor Water Quality Section Secretary October 21, 1997 Mr. Ron Cullipher, P.E. Stroud Engineering 151-A Highway 24 Morehead City, NC 28557 Subject: ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF RECEIPT AND REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Stormwater Project No. SW8 970925 Pollard Property Courtyard West Carteret County Dear Mr. Cullipher: The Wilmington Regional Office received a Stormwater Management Permit Application for Pollard Property Courtyard West on September 18, 1997. A preliminary review of that information has determined that the application is not complete. The following information is needed to continue the stormwater review: 1. Provide Attachment A for the single family lot BUA of 3,500 ft2. 2. Provide a signed Operation and Maintenance Plan 3. Delineate all wetlands on site, or note on the plans that none exist. 4. Locate the pond in a recorded access/drainage easement. 5. Provide a topographic map of the offsite runoff. 6. Add the 6:1 vegetated shelf width, begin, and end elevations on the pond section detail. Please note that the shelf goes around the pond perimeter, not the forebay. 7. Add proposed contours and spot elevations in the parking lot areas. 8. Provide an outlet structure detail. 127 Cardinal Drive Extension,Wilmington,N.C.28405-3845•Telephone 910-395-3900•Fax 910-350-2004 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer Mr. Cullipher October 21, 1997 Stormwater Project No. SW8 970925 9. How will you guarantee that the runoff from the single family home lots 6-9 will be picked up and directed to the pond? Provide lot grading requirements, guttering requirements, or add a swale along the rear lot line of Lots 6-9 into the forebay of the pond.. 10. What is Gary Mercer the president of? The name of his company is not on the application. Please note that this request for additional information is in response to a preliminary review. The requested information should be received by this Office prior to November 21, 1997, or the application will be returned as incomplete. The return of a project will necessitate resubmittal of all required items, including the application fee. If you have any questions concerning this matter please feel free to call me at (910) 395-3900. Sincerely, A7 Ms. Linda Lewis Environmental Engineer RSS/arl: S:\WQS\STORMWATUDDINF01970925.0CT cc: Linda Lewis Central Files 2 STROUD ENGINEERING, P.A. d12� 1 O� 4RAIF_INU44QIL Hestron Plaza Two 151-A Hwy. 24 MOREHEAD CITY, NC 28557 DATE 9 `Ii f 97 JOB NO. (919) 247-7479 ATTENTION nnrr . Lr,inn L-wits TO 1.1 C.beer . E S NA- RE: Po 110.,Ct P 63 A7 t a.., g u m-A TI Nat w-t. :1'6 41 12 Gyve( l L. 5y,4-. Cox 1 ear e�`�'C�u ri 1 Lpi I ni'rinsL I YPC , zeros WE ARE SENDING YOU ❑ Attached ❑ Under separate cover via the following items: > O Shop drawings ❑ Prints 0 Plans 0 Samples 0 Specifications O Copy of letter 0 Change order 0 STOR WATER COPIES DATE NO. DESCRIPTION z- ./1 II-19"1 Sty- -- if Cow S( - �LA$J S HJq_Deno)t oil AP PLt cAtiv o CAVt.cJ.) LCT; 1=te sS up SEP i 8 I Si THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: ❑ For approval 0 Approved as submitted 0 Resubmit copies for approval ❑ For your use 0 Approved as noted 0 Submit copies for distribution > ❑ As requested 0 Returned for corrections 0 Return corrected prints ❑ For review and comment 0 ❑ FOR BIDS DUE 19 0 PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS COPY TO SIGNED. U ataL atilifk______ If enclosures are not as noted,kindly notify us at once. Narrative Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan Stormwater Management Plan Pollard Property September 17, 1997 Owner: Mercer Building Company 1301 Lennoxville Road Beaufort, North Carolina 28516 (919) 728-6636 STORMWATER Engineer: Stroud Engineering, P.A. 151A Hwy. 24 S E P 1 8 1997 Morehead City, North Carolina 28557 (919) 247-7479 97 92 T j A. Description of Project 1. Type of Development The Pollard Property is a proposed multi-family and single residential subdivision containing 17 multi-family buildings and 12 lots on 27.0 acres to be developed in accordance with approved plans and specifications for the installation of utilities and construction of street and drainage improvements. 2. Earth Disturbing Activities a. Clearing and grubbing of trees located within the proposed street right- of-way, drainage and utility casements. b. Excavation and grading for the installation of roads, drainage, and utility improvements. 3. Drainage The site presently drains to the cast primarily by sheet runoff. B. Erosion and Sedimentation Control Measures File:Narrati6.txt Due to the substantial sand content at this site, proper attention shall be required for erosion and sedimentation control measures. Various levels of control are proposed on the plan. If it becomes evident that additional erosion and sedimentation control measures are needed, they shall be installed immediately. It is intended that all grading and excavation activities within a certain area will be protected as soon as that activity is complete, i.e., drainage swales, utility easements, etc. 1. Silt Fence - Silt fence will be utilized as necessary in locations as shown on plans or as deemed necessary by the engineer to insure that off-site sedimentation in controlled. 2. Silt Basins and/or Check Dams - Silt basins and/or check dams shall be installed at locations shown to allow suspended solids time to settle out. 3. Seeding - All disturbed areas will be seeded within 30 days following construction in accordance with the seeding schedule shown on plans. C. Time Sequence of Operations 1. Clear and grub right-of-ways, drainage, and utility easements. 2. Install stone construction entrance. 3. Rough grade street system, detention pond, and outlet ditch and rip rap. 4. Install utilities. 5. Fine grade and pave streets. 6. Seed and mulch all disturbed areas. D. Design Assumptions 1. Design storm is ten years. 2. The rational method was used for design. Composite Runoff Coefficient=0.44. E. Coastal Stormwater Regulations The North Carolina Division of Environmental Management implemented coastal stormwater regulations in coastal counties on January 1, 1988. these regulations are detailed in 15 NCAC 2H.1000 Stormwater Runoff Disposal. These rules allow for a development to consider density options as a passive means to reduce water quality impacts. This project is submitted for approval consideration under Section .1003(d)(2). OP ...ueRo l �c.32 _ A J )-1 SEAL �fi Q ld D. Cullipher, P.E. Date :e 's 13343 : e° 'C(Q C'. Vib, C';ea'.' ifige File:Narrati6.txt STROUD ENGINEER�''�G� P.A. um �/ Hest� Plaza ' syssrwu ' ' or � Su�wlO2 � N1OREHEAD CITY, NORTH CAROUNA 28557 CALCULATED BY om� (919) 247'7479 � CHECK DATF '-+-----�---i'- �-_ !---|'_ - _� _ SCALE `_�____-__-'--- ____________, U � -' 13343 ................=~ -- ^~ Z C-1��z, - __................... � ----'--- -L^����(L � ^ , ^ ^� --' ' ' ^ __'__' A _. f- �� � . ~ c-r�� _—......... ................................................................................ , - ' ^ � ...... .......---........ ......- __'__'__-_-_____________^ ____________ []���� ___ ............................................... ...... _......- ...... ........................ _- ^ ' ....... , ..............---... ...... ........ -'_-^-_- ........... _�| | \ __- � __- ._____--_.________-_--_' | .............. --- __.......... __............. - �J �^ | | --. -- ^------^ ^ ^__ . ._-_-_' ........-_......'...........................................................-........ ........... - ............................................ , . , ..........-.............. ^........... ...................... ............... --' ................................ ---F-............-' .......................................... -- ......................................' ^__~___ _ -........ ......................... ` ^ -----' r--........................... -..... ....... -----'--�--- ............................... ...........-................................................. -....... ^ .................................... ...........................'...........�� �� . ~ . ....................................... , .......... ........................................ - ^_ __ ^_-- , ........................................................ ^....... _---_-_ ............. - , ......................... ^ ..................................................... ......... ........... ,............ .... ............... ___ ..................................................... | --,--- ` - L__ _____�� / / � _ ^ � - .......................................... r--` ------------ , ....................................... , ....................................................... ..................................................................._........ .... ..........................'...................................................... .......................... _- ...........' .............. _- .�� .__. ..........._ ..................................... ....................... � --__- � '--r........................ . . 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""=" � 151A o��mz / OF � MOREHEAD CITY, NC 28557 CALCULATE111 DATE (9I9) 247'7479 Cl / CHECKED BY om� \ � SCALE ' . � ' | � | ............................................ ....-........ __~- -- ............. __. -'-�-.... .......... ....' ....... ........... --'..........''-----..........................- ......._............ ...... _�__ ____ _____^ | ' , - l'.... ... ........... ................................. ........................-----...................................................................... --- ................................. _-- --- | � � ��.......�... ....�` ......... \ ' ___ ____ � -- �'---------'--�---...................'........................... -- r--.......................................... - ___ � . { l � -��o -�---.--'--- ------------ ----. e���-L������� �l' z'��' � | � rs ... ......... -- -�--�'---'`----� | . .��__'--___- +__........ ' ..... ... -_~_...... ........... ...... 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OF 151 A Hwy. 24 MOREHEAD CITY, NC 28557 \ (—CALCULATED BY 0 DATE (919) 247-7479 CHECKED BY • tea DATE SCALE „ • ;.AREA AA-•. •;• tLQi pi 41z . ezt:-.17.14 A I az • .0AFicti • . . • . •••• A -St ZL COLA/C-1*Zr. gm' 41- 0.66t.SS/0,% • to tEAL • ° El I)(.7.1•D•b) cPs 7••••• 3• 1 343 i • • cc.4 % 4% 1.4••••2-1 clr Ir.,04,;••................ 4frea,170.D. — 48! marl`, 6.Ps 4z" 12c1=' u .. 4.1 J ANIMA (4t, : 1--;ItS CUWee-r. 4 6.(04 ctc., ols4)Cs (0 4) ,,o5) - CFS 4- oe'?cl • 6Ssq RCP U —SO" occi? 0 •AvA (c4-,e;i7 7 JO . . • t • K qa-bc CAJL-V :It 2., 8 CosiQe, 1Joktpetal-7-1-1 cs,c" :402- V= 4.9 „ . 414 60.61 cs .41 Z. -ki & - 44,, 6c* 12c,0 PA,P oorLor pg6TECrioN1 ••• • • 1 DRAINAGE BISEW :RAGE-HYDRAULIC=.COMPUTATIONS-4 n1000 -1 900 • -800 - -700 Example:- Given discharge Q = 4.4 c. f. s. 600 •• friction factor n= 0.0/5 - s0o s/o,i�e of 0.0060'per- foot - Find diameter /5 inches and - 400 velocity of 3.5 ft per second, - by following clashed /ii7e. - -300 - -200 .0001 . -2 -i2o- .0001 - z 108 - .0002 - O 96 ,0003 .0002 _ W - 90 - - -100 8 .0004 .0003 ' ^90 N 72_- .0006 .0004 3 Q: N --70 I LLI 60_ O .0006 -.0006 0. Z 54- II _-,0010.0008 O F' -50 __ 48-, C O W U - ` .0020 II • V. 4 W ▪ 40 - Z42 C �' -� 39 - 0020 Z --- Q.,0030 / . _ ::�0 :.. •Z...33 _ . -:0040 :.0030 S.. - W - Q 30- - .004o��1L:, _ . - --- ---- 1,1 .0060 }. 20 O ��- ��080 .0060 W �`_ -` -• - - ` Q ._ J .0I00 76_0.0080 n. N -- WO 21- �/ .0100 O '7 O W _ la- / .0200 in _ > 710 W IS-• .0300 .0200 _8 • • 9 W " .0400 .0300 =8 - ;7 Q 12 .0600 ,0400 - 9 T 6 a 10- .0800 .0600 -10 • • ^5 7 .1000 .0800 -1 I .157 • .1000 - -4 a- - -12 - • • -13 .. -3 -14 -IS -2 NOMOGRAPH FOR z �- COMPUTING REQUIRED SIZE OF - CIRCULAR DRAIN, FLOWING FULL -1 n = 0.013 OR 0.015 -0.9 -0.8 •Adapted from Engineering Manual , Wor Department, Corps ofEngineers, Por/ Chop/ /, June /955. IMIS41w. itialaid Magill rar& iiiO3MA diiiiigli IMAM Mika tiliiiiiii tome Ifni Woad tow lc c. 1 18 0 10,000t EXAMPLE 1 168 sp00 }. �3) y. -156 D = 42 Inchon (3.5feet) - 6 `+ `'�0 Q = 120 cts tAi 144 5,000 - 5 - on a 4,000 B.,W HW - 6 - - 'S y.,..r o — 132 3,000 D toot - - 4 - �J -4rn 120 (1) 2.5 8.8 - 5 _ - 4 yl (2) 2.1 7.4 _ • 108 2,000 • (3) 2.2 7.7 _ 4 - 3 - D in feet _ -- 3 tT1 _ tit - - - . 96 ' ::° ,/ 2 500 mr- 2 r Q v 72 400 �p , Fri D m fp 300 �1AM /� Drn.,- _ 1.5 — 1.5 l J z 73= mD._... rn 60 'T, 200 v .- l.5 n C) r' -� m OPn 54 -�_ - -_ D m < 48 / -i 8 0 '., - --1 ZC � -42 60 D - -- I.0 - 1.0 0 XI �= -6 _-- 0 21SCALE •Co ENTRAM m'-I.0 - r' Z 8 30 •(I) Square edge with = _ .9 CT 33 20 headwall - 2) 0.65 • Groove end with v ril m 30 headwall - 8 // .8 •:(3) •0.64 Groove end - - 27 10 projecting - Z °7 r• .7 4 8 0 •6 _ 21 5 To use scale (2)or (3) project - �''/ 4 horizontally to scale (I), then use �• straight inclined Tine through D - -,6 ti] and Q scales, or reverse a s ,6 `-•6 • 1"a I 3 Illustrated, 1 ?4:' 2 - - • - y 1. 'S .5 sO 1..0 i_5 vi 1 FA `) pip to HEADWATER SCALES 2813 1 < Ip BUREAU OF PUBLIC ROADS-•!AN. 1963 REVISED NAY 1964 i t nO TT T -, O ..tJ V C, r H 1 to CQ G7 Z rn r XI rn xi � (n V) 0 ay `' D z o<`0 rn ►1'j ^ o • D r- D z m.� / N r .. r 0Orn N ') ,_ (� D � • Xrn a z a •l WN — H mCr .pWN"— cn mmo rr r rr ›O -AOO D D I. nr 0 � 0 NNNNNK r _ = mmmmmm C c z VOAAAAz • z -t Z O - O cn ON , A OQ Z '>7 v m D 8 D D D Z - (n •D '*1 Cr) D -i, -rl .PO = P) mmv mp >.mrm > n n mmrnmm -� m = --gym = -� n m D n o v0 -v0 O -n .- = ao = m -n D N - mC • V AV A T; ZITl m o aly-�" M -1NN -INN n rn Z =i Umi o ;t ` eo o — Z -1 • 'J N --r ll1 D • , M W m lJ 1--1 Z . s • . . e • 000 , 00 000000 O O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 Pi CoC (O o,, N W .pininmN . NN •o N -- N - - 3. 0 0071 00 0000100 5010 60Ol00710 C710 ; ' o f . . . . I Exhibit 7 r Minimum slopes for pipe selection. Minimum slope required to maintain stated minimum velocity at full flow. Material Concrete , Concrete ., Corr Mt1 Corr Mt1 ' Application . Storm Sanitary Storm Sanitary Manning n 0.013 0.013 0.024 0.04 Min V (ft/sec) 3.1n 5 3 2 3 ;2 ` Pipe Diameter(in) .. Minimum Slope 15 0.00325 0.00144 0.01107 0.00492 18 0.00255 0.00113 0.00868 0.00386 •. 21 * .0.00207. 0.00092 0.00707 0.00314 24 0.00174 0.00077 0.00592 0.00263 27 * 0.00148 0.00066 0.00506 0.00225 • 30 0.00129 0.00057 0.00439, 0.00195 33 * 0.00114 0.00050 0.00387 0.00172 36 0.00101 0.00045 0.00345 0.00153 42 0.0Q082 0.00037 0.002811 0.00125 48 0.00069 0.00031 0.00235 0.00104 54 0.00059 0.00026 0.00201 0.00089 • 60 0.00051 0.00023 0.00174 0.00077 66 0.00045 0.00020 0.00154 0.00068 72 0.00040 0.00018 ' 0.00137 0.00061 i * Non-standard in some markets. q. Exhibit 8 ;,, Abbreviated Table of Values of Manning Roughness Coefficients. ' Description of Lining n Reinforced concrete pipe 0.013 Corrugated metal pipe 0.024 Concrete, trowelled finish 0.013 Concrete, float finish 0.015 Street gutter or paved channel 0.015 ,.., Earth, straight and uniform 0.022 • Grass-lined swales 0:030 �. Unmaintained brushy channel 0.080 Stone-lined channel (4-inch) 0.9)28 Stone-lined channel (6-in) 0.030 Stone-lined channel (9-in) 0.032 -„ Stone-lined channel (12-in) 0.034 Stone-lined channel (15-in) 0.035 -, Stone-lined channel (18-in) 0.036 1 ,' II IV C. 11 o 0 r 11 II • -A P W-•-+ 11 0 l II r ••- N :•• P O Vi C) II C 11 11 0 O ,•' 11 •• O V1 VI II C 11 O 11 7 II A N P W N 0 0 VI O U II C 1 II O -I II A N P W N O O W O VI II C II II O Al ::• 1. II • 11 '1 11 U C II II 70 II II f) -I II :r 9 9 3 II H. II > n -I n 7 7 7 7•-) -• -• -• -- 11 A I • II -II n •II.7 a -I - •- _7 3 -• 3 II A'II 1II1 A S II -1 -•- • 11 r• II -•I II -I II -I -1 -1 'I -1 3•3• 11 .- I II -I Z II -7 '7 -1 '1 '7 3 3• 11 -C 11 II .-' S JJ) II 7•J•7 II II 0 II II III I O 1 11 0 ••n-. II II II O II II 0 O II II 0 11 • II O 11 n II 3 n .L O A 11 -II II 11 • II -1 I. 11 •Z I 11 Z II 11 Z II 11 Z C 11 11 11 11 A 11 11 1 II • I1 II II II •• 70 -A•1 A II II N II II II II - I It C II I II H 0 II n II II • II W •. 00 11 r•.; II . II 11'00000 -+ N W A VI II \ N I 70 II Y II W WNN -+ -A-A 11 II II 11 3+ 1 1 0 II -I 11 • O O • n -• • II 70 II 0 • 11 VI O.'0 A II 3- II II II N A P •O P 0.0)�p VI p. 11 -1 +( 1 rt 11 11 VI O V1 O CO P W'O V A 1 3 C II 0 II II .$ II 91 O II O V V V II "• V II II II ut LA W 'O A V WOO •O A II `_' " ICU C II V COC II D A 'O Si V V V P V II -I 0 C II A )'. II II II 11 V II 11 A II II o II 7' 1 II II I 7 II C) I II II II 3 II CV) Imo II II O II W II II II ^ I II T r. 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K8OREHEAU CITY, NC 28557 umLCuuATso BY DATE (919) 247'7479 CHECKED BY DATE ITZ), SCALE ........... ........... ^ | ----- ---- �L � - -- '- --|� ------~---------�-- --'--�-'- ------------'---------------------�--�K ......-_.... ... .......................~_'_-'^^~__' ....................................................... ..................................... ............................................................. ....... .......... .............�........... --............. .......-- ....... --- �a ^_.... ..............._----------------- yq Z- ..._-'. ._.............. .. ..L - __-_-�---_............. - __|--- / �-_............. ������-_______-- ^ | | --' --� -.----- --r.---------------------�---------------. - c--� n/� ) ~�~ -----_ _.. ��Y/�} �� ~� . ' . 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