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GW1--05546_Well Construction - GW1_20240913
. . ,. . . '-'•- -- - '. , . • ...• . .. , .. • .. , .,.. • . . . ._. . , IALL CONSTRUCTION RECORD(GW41 'For Internal Use Only: . . , , . ' -- •.':.2-, . ,: 1.Well Co tractor Informatio • trid VI p6 i -,, • .. . . .. • _._ . TO-atz - - i 'r.. '- ...:.:::',:.:::;;I:..r..,,•'..: ;.',.--;.. ''•..- .. FROM . ...•• DESCRIPTION- . _ 'Well Contractor Nam , • q5tos 11-- • .. ilia & si4aft. itkcetivt 7 CPM Clccs-( -' :,..'• -... -: : NC Well Contractor Certification Number "1 • t1it.0133:141;:i.MNOViirrirtilii-TaiiiidiellaTOTEgiclanirlirM: Yadkin Well Company, Inc. FROM TO: •.DIAMETER: _ THICKNESS sdAiritia. ft. ft. ' , . . Company Name . .. -tl6S1NNERIGASIING:0/1711111N.G.Witlfe:fidaTild'illadra,,j.::'...3y. : ,. ' • ': 2.Well Construction Permit II: O .00 :t.Ct•-•..20.g-Y - ;FROM_ . TO._ • DIAMETER THICKNESS MATERIAL - • List all applicable well construction penults(Le.Ella Con*,State,Varifame..ela) -ii - ft. .39 IL (9 At in- 6.17)e-:0 • pot ii.• : 3.Well Use(check well use): ,: ... . ,... - ft. ft - in. -r Water Supply Well: .. '. - - 1...Ktat.kkuairat;c:;:;,i-;::21,.:1:7;fL.a:1;11.r.;.,SIVAJ,...S;,.:C--.g..a:',:... . , FROM -TO _ _ DIAMETER 'SLOT SIZE THICKNESS MATERIAL ..IIIIIe• OAgdcultural Olvinnicipal/Publie ft. . ft. In. Opeothemial(Heating/Cooling Supply) iittesidential Water Supply(single) ft. ft. -• - in. • - . Oindustdal/Commercial rm' „‘•.A..0 0l oa...Supply(shared) ...;.i:r7-. ,. •---. -,----_--- - I:Irrigation' . OWells>100;000 GPD , _ FROM, TO MATERIAL _. iitasiconsw Damon&Amman I- Non-Water Supply Well: ' ft. •: O. it ;' ;A. an ,Cii(v rs -goirTy d.g. ,... , OMonitoring oRecovery . ft. . ft. : ft , _ .. _ Injection Well: ft. . ' ClAquifer Recharge OGrOundwater Retaediaticin - ' - - _ . . _ • iii.91BANIY/WitibM.N.C1017:-- -".-*-:-.;'.- - .-.. ' - ____:• ; _ OAquifer Storage and Recovery OSaiinity Barrier- FROM _ TO MATERIAL.., EMPLACEMENT METHOD ' ..4. • , •: ' OAquifer Test OStonnwatelDtainage fr. '. ft. 1, .i.... o. ORiierimeixtal Technology 08ubsidence Control ft. ' ft. OGeothernial(Closed Loop) OTracer ;fia0I-1011=N-GT.:0Glittithiiiaditliliailiee. tiiitliescliiiiiiy--T.6-:=Kii..,t7:::::.2,-,::-•- •;:-- .4""'" ; ype, W, OGeothermal(Heating/Cooling Return) &other( lain under#21 Remarks)' FROM41"T\ - DESCRIPTION(color,hardnesssell/reek t grain size,etc.)ft sot 1 ... Date Well Started f7ar . a , " d A,..,.‘ 2, 1 1 . .. 4.DateWell(s)Completed: e-6,-- -k :jiVell rD#Pri•_,4i- 1 6 % - ft*':44:art)N ft' s RAI,. x . Y 5ckl- Phone 4: -715yigsrY-6-32g ft. : ft. .. -Sa.Well Location: _ _ , ft. ft r • . - ' Viii.4av itics-k ' 4 _ _ _ . .,.FELgiliWirjimaerNanie . c• .; .•Facility ID#(if applicable) it ft. .' ' $........."L.; :- _ SEl_ -'. •, - "-:,..S*51.-r6 .R.,;cci. Act 1.1075-kilpiiia, .. .. ft , ft '' i ' tN 2n2AL. • Phyikal'Ad&ess,oIi-iilai4-*9 .. . ft. ft. _ „ lr,'."7::-•""'' .. ,_ ; . • , * • ,,iy,,ei4<, . ,:.;:,, ,.: !, , .. . - county; ,-,: : .1''' A . • -' Parcel IdentiticaticinNo.(PIN) . - - • - . 5b:Lalitride and longitade in degreesdninutes/Seconds•or decimal degrees: ,, (if v;e11 field;one lathoug ii snfficient) 22.Certification:, .,,, . CL)4. IC,.:133,11' . N. • -0 1,'C.C.2: . W - ' ' .:-9 `'..00:,::::‘ •' ' Signature:fkrectWell Contractor• - Date • :6.iscare)the well(-s)i liiiernianent or OTemporary • -. ,. .-- ' - •' - ..- By Signhigthillorni,I hefeby certify that the weilNwas(were)coh.struatedb:accordaiteeWith- -•.''' 7.• Iithis a repair to an existing well: DYe".S or ,-.10C•To ISA NCAC 02C.0160 or lid NCAC 02C.0200 Well Constructiat Standards and thaittcopy ' • lf iln:s is a repair,p out knOwnWell construction infririritifio toil ezplairpthe nature of the of this rem'd hasZcen provided to iliewell Owner. P.7 'reliair finder#21 renfOrks section or on the back ofthisib', '' • l'i 23.Site din ant or additional Wellidetalis: i 4 8.• For Geo Yon-May use the back oethis page to provide additional well construction info-a''- ,: ' - probeJDPT.or Closed-Loop Geo.& ' ells havitg the mune ' construction,only 1 G7-1 is needed:Indicate TOIL NUMBER of wells (add'See°vein Remarks Box):You may also attach additional pages if necessary: • • • . „ drilled: 1 4 24.sunmairtm,n4grgucrioNS • • . - - .1 9.Total well depth below land surface: .,‘: .3::27r):) .. (ft), . . •. P Submit this GW.4 withi::::30 days of well completion per the followingi, .' , ,'• . For multiple wells list all depths p'dfferent(examplc;3,©200?rint1720.1007 - ' at) 24a. For All'Wells: Original form to;Division,of Water Re:source&(I)WR);.,',/ 10.Static water level 13 clew top of casing: , :g0 Information RrOdisging Unit,1617 MSC,Raleigh,NC 27699-1617 .. If water level is above casing,use"+" - . . la „ . ^•• ''I' 2,4b.For Iniectien Wells:Copy*DWIt,UndergrotildInjection Control goo) - • il.Borehole diameter: (in.)B it Off: 0.,71 h., . Program,1636MSC,Raleigh,Nc 27699-1636 , . 12.Well construction method:I/A i e ss24411 ._ 24c.For Water Supply_and OPen•Loop.GeothernialRetritn Wells:Copy to the- , .' (ie.auger,rotary,cable,direct push,etc.) ' '' ' Pottnty environmental health department of the county where installed •: . -- - FOR WATER SUPPLY:WELLS ONLY: ", 24d.For Water Wells producing over 100,000 GPD:Copy to DWR,CCPCUA : .. 13a.Yield(gpm) -7 :. " 4f"Method Of test: ir , , . Permit Program;,1611 MSC,Raleigh;NC 27699-1611 ' - . - 4 70% hth i 2 OZDate Site Visited: 90%,-'8$7"Z-P . . 13b.Disinfection type: AMount: - ' l• Site Visiteday: . .. • ... , , . „ ,Form GW-1 No Carolina Department ofEnvironmental Quality-Division of Water Resourdes' : • itevised'6-6-2018 • Fri9C--- -. . . , . •• • ) __,-••••--7:( l' '*• , ,,, . . - .-''' •'''-___LI