HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1--05475_Well Construction - GW1_20240912 Ii• WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD(CW-1) For Internal Use Only: : . I..Well Contra,:or1y rmation: .. , ... , ..-_,." 61, 4 '14:.11-ATERZONES.: ' . ',' 1 ? .•. -. _ - -, .-.. • . . - FROM TO DESCRIEH1ON. Well C tit ntor Manic Neweit 'ontrar2 tail-motion Number '.15..0tITERCASING,(for tiralti-msed Wells).0ft LINEROf OP ili6ible):,, ''-,. rtiost 1 TO . DIANIETER,' THICKNESS MATERIAL, 47 rt. I :40 rt. ,...„/ I: "T61A4-01 0 (A'2w.AnaWiviiPeeall'.1c!'seINui ti:tI'prnzietConstruction,Well: Pe rinCi t 11/: :4415 (..°' .,_16.LNNER C-AkiNG ORTU111NG ideorberio tit elweit:loon)''':'ii, : -",,3",--"..-:---.,:,'",..,... '.-_, FIRMA 10 ft. • DIAMETER THICKNESS I AtATERIAL ft , in. List all applicabk nell constrt.etion permits(ie,LIC,Cathay,Stett,lizeiance etc.) ft. ft. in. 3.Well Use(check svell use): _.Chire;• :eironnial(lleating/Cooling Supply) 1:321. ResidiceniPtialflik%th'altiecr Supply(single) •Industrial/Commercial •Oftesidential Water Supply(shared) . . _ No:4,7:1VnitIca,tricir:YPOY We :... ____,, _ E3cloundtvateritemediatipn Injection Well: 1 Aquifer Recharge ) Aquifer Storage and RecoVei ' - - 'E3liPecTr37 D Salinity Barrier .t1117.0.S,C1 ift:E1N-t:0':: ''f',..."-''ni.,...:'..i'E.-r:-.E.itri..:1, . SLOT ST'./,' E. 'Ti.11NSg' . DWI, /',e g.': 1,- 1 'ft,', FROM TO ' NI•TERME Estriamt ENT strition.s.,ANIt)UNT 0, ft. . ta ft. ),),, ,••• ft.. ft. ft. rt. . ' • . 19:SANI)/GRAVtil,PACK(if uptiliculilii)-' - ,' ,-.-,".,.,•' .''' .- -:- .`,."..").."--•'-'• PROM To 1 ALATE IAI— , E.111)1.ACEAIENTAIETH0D Atinifer Test DSiormwatcr Drainage : ft. .i. :' , fr. , qtr- 0 i ..4.• -,'•. . 0...././. R.sperintental Teehn gv OSubsidenee Control ft. n. Geothermal(Clo- Loop) Tracer •20.-DRILLING,LOG(attach ridditionarsheetsif ticressuillf--r FROM TO DESCRIPTION Rotor.19 nlitcu,sor"3:'51:.`ttre.v,F-Ain,pv;F4.',) Geothermal(livatingiCoolin."Return) :;, Other(explain under 421 Remarks) 1 • ii •—s A • -:-..- f t. ... .,.?....5.70.4 / 2 ''‘ t). V 4.Date Well(s)Completed: I i *Well ID# ft. 6 re. /' :, , maireder, Aiffidr: . -ton 5„..,Well Location: . ft. A'il.litylOoner Nana; Facility IDn kirapplicriblc) .0 • .2:___7/..y,j4 ft. 7, ,,,, _ , . 4•..0.20G s, ft. ft. ft. ft. . , , . , . ,, , - ,-..-., , . s. . . _ , „ .. ,,. . Ph teal Adjrcs C'IY'and"443Itt..):101,S-7 Cr:it 21.RLMARLS,. - -• -. 4-:- _ r .,.,, / . .. - t., i J ' f'l 01)1 tlis . COuray tPareet IderoitiPaion No.(PIN) /7(—,1 Ig—,-./) ••••21 5b.Latitude and longitude in degrees/minutesIseconds or decimal degrees: (ifwq11 lid&one kallortg is.s-utlieicnt) 22.Ct.:rant:at '''' ' ' - /7 (.. C., 0.-1. '` . *room.dr6ertitied Well Contractor Date 6:lstarelthe well(s){34titnent or DTemponiry 11),.illtning this form I Iteieke cell ffj.rim:the well iv was-Orem)cinistructed in Txrattiattee 7.Is this a repair to an existing well: 0 Yes' or 121<" with 15.4 Nat('112C.0100 or 15.4 NC.,.k.`11.2C.020(5 Well ConsmictionStoulards and dot a If rids Ivo repair.Jill out known.well construelleat thliiinuition anTlesplain the nature t?tire "TY'4-this reran!has been Prrhifkii to du'well swItep. tvpair under...?1 remarks...seethes or an the hark of thiTTfomi 23.Site diagram or additional well details: 8.For Ceoprolic/DPT or Closed-Loop Geothermal Wells having the same You may use the brick of this page to provide additional well site details or sell cAmsituction,only 1 01W-1 is needed. Indicate TOTAI.NUMI3F,R of wells construction details. You may also attach additional pages it necessary. drilled; SUBMITTAL 1NSTRUCEIONS! 9.Total well depth below land surface: • ec, • BI-) 24a. For All Wells: Submit thi4 form within 30 days of completion of well For multiple wells list all depths if elie,erent tesample-.5.?200'tint:1241001 construction JO the f011ossing: ID.Static water level below top()reusing: 4 . (ft.) Division of Water Resources,Information Processing Unit, if water loel is above easing itre'," 1617 Mail Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-1617 11.Borehole dianieter: ‘ (in.) ' 24It For Injection Wells: In addition to sending the fonn to the address in 24a above,also submit one copy of this'form within 30 days of completion of well 12.Well construction method: itl•iff.4/6 construction to the following: (le.atiger.rotary,cable.direct push.et0 .11 • Division of Water Resources,illinderground Injection Control Program, ilOR WATER SUPPLY'IVELLS ONLY: 1636 Mail Service Tenter,Raleigh,NC 27699-1636 1 ,T ce- 13a.Yield(gpm) / .., 'Method of test: ././..." 24e.For Water Sum&is': Infection! Wells: In addition to sending the lonti to : * the address(es) above, also subntit one copy of this form within 30 days of _131i Ilk' etion_tv_pes..",-t-s Amount:....j 6.'4. . completion of well construction to he comity health department of the county . ,. 1 _ _ 4%111.1C li..11.,11 arrest: I - - - - - - Font;OW-I North Carolina Dimartmen)of Environmental Quality-Division of Water Rcoourcon I....wised 2-22-2016