HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCC242820_ESC Approval Submitted_20240913 T kinteTown of• e NORTH CAROLINA July 12,2024 LETTER OF APPROVAL—REVISION TO APPROVED PLAN Huntersville Lutheran Church ATTN: Mr. Douglas Van Sice Email: Pastor@HuntersvilleLC.com 10928 Heritage Green Drive Cornelius, NC 28031 RE: Project Name: Huntersville Lutheran Church-Commercial Plan RTAP 1 Total Disturbed Acres Approved per Preliminary Plan: 3.46 RTAP Total Disturbed Acres Approved: 3.48 Project ID: COM-442482-R001 County: Mecklenburg City: Huntersville Address: 10695 Hambright Road River Basin: Catawba Stream Classification: WS-IV Submitted By: Matthew Vranjes Date Accepted for Review: 04/30/2024 Plan Type: Revision to Approved Plan Dear Mr.Van Sice, Please be advised that the above referenced plan has been approved by the Town of Huntersville Planning and Engineering Departments. This approval is required prior to the initiation of land development activities and is good for 3 years from the approval date. Please contact the Town of Huntersville Erosion Control Inspector,Anne Loftin at(704)579-1090 or aloftin@huntersville.org,to schedule a field meeting if required.This letter may be used to modify the NCGO1 permit for this project, if applicable. Approved and stamped plans are accessible in Accela for print. Please always keep one set of stamped plans onsite. If you have any questions, please contact me via email at ACheek@huntersville.org. Sincerely, Andrew Cheek Land Development Plan Reviewer,Town of Huntersville Enclosures: e-NOI Tips for Applicants NPDES NCGO1 Fact Sheet Huntersville Sediment and Erosion Control Ordinance cc: Town of Huntersville Planning Department—Jesse James Town of Huntersville Engineering—Andrew Cheek Town of Huntersville Construction Engineer—Eian Fowler Town of Huntersville Erosion Control Coordinator—Anne Loftin;Veronika Galitsky Town of Huntersville Executive Assistant Engineering—Jane Pethel Town of Huntersville Land Development Inspector—Cecil Talbot Town of Huntersville Bond Administrator—Kim Behrenbrinker Mecklenburg County GIS—Angela Johnson North Carolina Department of Transportation—Tou Lee Developer/Engineering Firm—Colliers Engineering&Design(Matthew Vranjes Matthew.Vranjes@CollierEng.com) • 105 Gilead Road• Huntersville,North Carolina 28078• www.huntersville.org