HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1--05436_Well Construction - GW1_20240909 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD For Internal Use ONLY: This form can be used for single or multipk cells I.Well Contractor Information: II.wrATER ZONES Rich Lemire rOOM TO OMSC'RDttON Well Concica•t 1.rue ft, ft. 2593A ft, n. 13,OUTER CASING(for NC Well Comacror Candi:anon Number mYi eatd wNhl OR LINER(Y ale) roost . TO j m1 AMFTFR TNRI01,NS I M11TTRIkl SAEDACCO O. O. is. t'on4rur)Nan` i NI.INNER CASINGORTUBING therUd.srd-loop) FROM ' TO PIADRTRR _TOR A\i.- MAITR1.t1 2.Well('onatroetion Pen•nait#: 0 ft. 5 ft. 2 M. SCH-40 PVC list all all applicable e.rll penman tie.Cowin-.Starr,Variance. {err.! --'tea ft. R. M. 3.Well Car(check well tier: 17.SCREEN Water Supply Well: room , TO DIA tltti , anr,in nor Axtia WAIUTAl, --------- - -- LIAgtrculturai OMInicipalPublic 5 ft. 10 It. 2 in, .010 SCH-40 PVC OGeothemral lHealing,Cooling Supply) OReii6ennal Water Supph.(single) ft. ft is ❑lndustriaUComnlercial ORaddentl:d Water Sttpph tsktred) 1R t7RO0T IROM TO MATERNI. EMPr.1CFMESi M1.MOO A MOUNT 0kogatiou 0 ft. 4 ft. BENTONITE POURED Non-Water Suppls Well: D. n. RMotatonnr ❑ vRcco cn _ _ injection Well• n. (I. LAquifcr Recharge OGrouMwakr Remediatioe 19.SAND.(.R%A l.I.r At I.ill ytpbe.ihkt FROM -_.I" MiiFR1U. RMA(N. t_vr'.TMPTT1On ❑Aquifer Storage and Recovery ❑Salim`(♦•Barrier 4 II, 10 ri, l SAND I#2 ❑Aquifer Test OSIorin eater fhainaagc II, II, ❑Experimental Technology ❑Sabsiderrc(•omml I 2a,DRILUSG LOG I abaci addtliooal sheets it accesses".t OGeothemwl(Closed Loup t ❑Tracer PROM TO arSCRrr DON.oehr,hard.cw,rrLL5n. hp.Pal,S.me.) OGeothennai 1Heaung(ooling Return) 00111er ie'plant under 021 Remarks) 0 ft. 10 n. RIVER SAND ft. ft. 4.DateWAN(a)Completed: 8-22-2024 ♦..�IIOmrTW-3 Sa.WeU Location: It. It. .i`p L 7 1�r'' i OLD RALEIGH LANDFILL #6 ft. ft., SEP (I 9 2O I Emilios i.ncrMors Facility ION(ifapplicabkl R. V ? 1850 Fayetteville St., RALEIGH, NC, 27603 -- R. A. 1 Physical Addntnts City.and Zip `21.REMARK' 3 j WAKE ('multi Parcel Identification No INN) Sb.Latitude and IAingitwk in degrecs/minwtealaecnnds nr decimal degrees: 22.Certification: (If cell held,is lal.loug is srdl-iCical) N W 4,4 o�P ,.,.�. 8/22/2024 Signature ofCenr Well Contractor Date 6.IS late the w ell(st: 'PermaneN or EITrm)wtran M-signing thin fatnn,I hrrehr rernfv that the MelN.l wilts forret arnartruered ire accordance with 15.4 NCAC OW.01011 or 1 SA NCAC 02C.0200 Well Constantinrr Standards and that a 7.Is this a repair to an diet` g well: Mai or It No rapt of rhl,record ha,here(pt.rrwled to the'turn n.'ner, If mkt is in repaie,fill out beniu(Pell r rmutru.ram!n/imnanr,n ran)..edam the Pattern of OW repair ender I21 remarks mlw,,or all rho hock r,f this form 23.She diagram or aiiYtional well(elms: You may use Ilk'back of this page to pros ide additional well site details or well 8.Number of wells coestni ted: 1 connslnletion details. You nnas also attach additional pages if niecessan. for multiple tnje,rhm,a awt-Wont'r rupph nulls ONLY with the s.mv CONISPw•rkrt w.tr Pon meant,eale form. SUBMITTAL INSTUCTLONS 9.Total well depth below lard surface: 10 (f1.) 21a. For All Wdla: Submit this loon tsohm ;it dass of completion of%sell for m illiple Wrlh hot all drpltr ifdt/reevil ieaamip(r. toe.jrsi'.au/'no hAY1 construction to the folkinrng- 10.Stack water level below sap of easimr 5 (f1•) Division of Water Resources,laformasiw Processing l nit. 1617 Mail Service(•cRler.Raleigh,NC 27699-1617 11.Borehole diameter:8.25" (is) 2db.For Inkxtion Wclt.ONLY: In addition to sending the form to the address in 24aabove. also submit a copy of this form within t(1 days of completion of well 12.Well com®1rwetion method: BSA constttrclion to the folios%mg tic.auger.ratan.cable.direct pc.i i. Division of Water Resources.lindergrimnd Injection Control Program. FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: I1136 NI Ail 3cn ICC(rmcr.Raleigh.NC 27699-1636 l3a Yield 21c.For Kato Supple 5.Injection Wells: Igpa) Ncdiod of test: Also submit one cops of this funs wtllnn art dass of completion of 13b-Disinfection gpsi __- Amount: well constriction to the coimes health dm-mon-in of the counts where constructed Fenn GW-1 Nonh Carolina banner(of Ens iroiutrm and Natural Resources-Division of Water Rearms He,Ned August 1-I