HomeMy WebLinkAbout20051225 Ver 1_Fax_2006080308J0~/'2006 08:52 919-890-3299 RAL PARKS REC ADMIN ;~~o~ ~~~ ..%: h4 ~1`~~~~ A~ cn~n' f.., CITE U~ RA~~IGH. NORTH CARnLINA ADMINISTR,-~TiVE i~NISTON pARKS AND RI.CREATTQN DEPARTMENT FACSIMILE TRANSMISSION COVER SHAFT DA TF: ~ / / caMPANV~ _ FAX NlJMBER~~~ FROM: ItAd G08 PARKS AND RECREATION FACILITY FAX NO, (914) 890-37.99 TIME: _ ATTENTION :,_T_r-K F TOTAL PAG .S ~_, (1NA.TJDING COVE) 6~ SENDER'S N E SENDER' S TELEPI-IO F. NO. PAGE 01!09 AUG-3-2006 THU 08:48 TEL: 9197336893 NAME:DWQ-WETLANDS P. 1 08/03/2006 08:52 919-890-3299 RAL PARKS REC ADMIN PAGE 02109 CI'T'Y OF ~t.ALEIG~ NO~TI~ ~ARQL~~TA IN'iER-OFFICE CORRESPdNDENCE TQ: Dick Batley ROOM: RMB, 6t"Floor I:ROM: Amy Hathav~~ay DATE: April 28, 2006 SUB.iECT: Stream petErmination at Fred Fletcher dark MESSAGE: Hi Dick, I've enclosed a copy of the letter we received frozz~ Eric Kula with the Division. of Water Quality. He has outlined where the origin of the stream. is on t17e attached maps. If you have any questions, please let me know. Thanks, cc. John Hoppe AUG-3-2006 THU 08:48 TEL: 9197336893 NAME:DWQ-WETLANDS P. 2 ~J8/03/2005 08:52 919-890-3299 RAL PARKS REC ADMIN ., . J, ~, . ,,,' PAGE 03109 AUG-3-2aD6 THU 08:48 TEL:9197336893 NAME:DWQ-WETLANDS P. 3 08103/200E~ 08:52 ~~~ W A rFR o ~~ 3 ~ O '~ 919-890-3299 ,~~.Fn ~ 5 200E CDM / RAL O~FiC~ i. 13renan Buciclcy,l~-F. Camp Dresser & McKee 5400 Glenwood Avenue, Suite 300 Raleigh, NC 27612 N>Al~.o o6-ors County: Wake BAS1N; Tar-Pa11111C0 Neuse X (] SA NCAG 2B .D259) (15A NCAG 2B .023) NOV Buffer Determination 7C Com faint n eat Call lncideTtt Project Narne: Fred Fletcher pArk Water Feature LocationiDirections: Site is located at the southwest corner of the intersection of Gicnwood Avenue and Washington Street in Raleigh. Subject Strcatn~ UT to Pieeon House Branch Date of 1)etermieatipn: 4J19/06 Feature Start Buffer Fend Buffer Stream Appeal Located Located on GPS Points (if provided) l:onn Gail on Sail iJSCrS Surve "Co o ra 1a X A Subject at "Start A" Flag x B Not Subject ~ C Not Subject This determination shall expire five (S) years jrorrr the dare of this letter. Latrdnwners ar afj`¢cr¢d,parti¢s that dispute a det¢rntirtatinn Made by tJre nWQ or Dde;~ated ,Local ,authority lltat a surface water exists and that Jt i,s suhjecr to the bujjer rule may request a determirratlon by the Director. A. req~e r iolc/4~~ FJnitna32,i Crabtree Director shall he referred to the Director in writing c% Cyatli 1Laroly ,DWQ Blvd, Raleigh, ,'VC 27604-ZZ60. Indi-Jiduals drat dispute a determination by the DWQ or Delegated I.ocai ~IuO~oriry that "ex¢rrtpts" a surface water from the bu~'er rule may ask for an ad judicatory henrin~ You ratiusr act witltln GO days of 8re date that you receive this letter. Applicants are hereby unrifled that the 60-ds nota red qt appeal time does not start until the affected party (including downstream acrd adjacent Jnndowrrers) ' :f this decision. DWQ recommends r1:at tlee applicant conduct this r:otiflcatian !n order fo be certain fltat third party appeals are made in a timely manner. a'n ask jar a hearing, send a written petition, wltiet6774 ..Mall to Clrnpter YSOB ojihe North Carolina Genera! Statutes ra tha Office of Adrninistrative IdenrJngs, Service Center, Raleigh, N. C. 21699-677x. Tlris detetml-ratinn is,rnal and hinding unless you ask far a hearing N°o },Carolina ~13taturall~ wit/rin CO days. Nonh CQrolins Division of Water Quality R6Z8~AA RCS rve ~ corer Ra cf~h NCc27G99-1t628 PA.Xc {919) S71 4701R It877-623-6748° IntemcL h;.a.enrstate.nc.ua RAL PARKS REC ADMIN PAGE 04109 Michael F. Easley, Governor William G. Ross Jr., Secretary North Carolloa Department of Envlronmont and Natural Resources Alan W. Klimek, P-E. Director Division of Water G1Uality April 2A, 2006 _~ ..___.~..,i«.ina;.e,au~~n ~Mw, FinalnvAt- 50°,i Readed110% Post Consumer Papar AUG-3-2006 THU 08:49 TEL: 9197336893 NAME:DWQ-WETLANDS P. 4 ~08/03f2006 08:52 919-890-3299 RAL PARKS REC ADMIN PAGE 05f09 4~24~zoo6 Page 2 of 2 The (ota~~er/future owners) should '=ee n the ~ p future cnrresp~ det-~c sjHi'egardi~g l! a suf hjECl' prnpe-'ty fs1.u ed ,Fede-•al Agencies) o/'tl:rs deeesiorr Co g above). This project Wray require uaIiCtr(Ce Aral Off ee) a! (919)-733 1786. and dire US Ar yuCorp of E- ~ineers direcded to dire Divisin,: of WatCeQ t 9 9 876-844,1. (,Raleigh Reguladnr77 ,Field OJ)'" ) ( )" ,~ Rcsp 'ill ,///~• L' Eric W. K.u] Fnviroxrmc a] Specialist CC: File Copy Caritral Files pWQ Wetlands and gtozmwatcr Branch I3en Brown - City of Raleigh No°~ Caro ina ~atuza~l~ ;,Iprth Carolina Division of Wnter Quality 1R68~8 MA ~gcrv ccOCdcn er Ralcagh, NC Z G94-16 B FAXc (919) 571 47C18 C R7 d23 6?48e Inte'nel: h2o.enrstate,nC.us a ~ Fn++d ~nnnrtuniMlAffirmetiva Action Employer - 50°A Recycled/1046 Post Consumer Paper AUG-3-2006 THU 08:49 TEL: 9197336893 NAME:DWQ-WETLANDS P. 5 X8103/2006 08:52 919-890-3299 ozone -The Web's TopoSrap}tic Map RAL PARKS REC ADMIN PAGE 06109 htip:Jlwww,capazone.com/print.asp?z=178:n=3963508,999 1.9448ie.,, 0 0,1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 Km p 0,09 0.18 0,27 0,36 0.45 mf Map center is UTM 17 712609E 39635Q9N (WGS$4/NAD$3) Raleigh West quadrangle Projection is UTM Zone 17 NAD83 Datum ~..>>~ AUG-3-2086 THU 08:49 TEL: 9197336893 NAME:DWQ-WETLANDS la M.-8.85 G=1.~7~ d1~91as 08~c,~~~AAG c,s~• ~~ K • O ~.'. `r 91 9-R9G1-3?99 RAL PARKS REC ADMIN PAGE 07/09 1ti..,•/ ~~~ L ~~ AUG-3-2006 THU 08:50 TEL:9197336893 NAME:DWQ-WETLANDS P. 7 •_0_810.312006 08:52 919-890-3299 RAL PARKS REC ADMIN PAGE 08109 lzttp;//irnaps.co,wake,nc.us/imapslprintmap.asp?pin~-t 704336679kpin..• Y` ~ W.H t•.InrV •np I.f CItV 1,11 `G~ .. ;... ~ ~« k' ~ - ~4'nK[ r ppnnNc7Mor •+IbT•~"'k^' r , a1~.r~ RE1D: 0121U8U /~ QWNER1: RALEIGH CITY OF l ~_ I '~~ ~~-~•i'esn/~ ~, ,: ` ,'~'~ ; ADOR1: Pb BQX G90 ~~... `~-~ ,~ 1 ,',I i ,a !' ~ I~ 1 RALEIGH VC ~~ 1 I r a ~ r~, li + ~ 'tr{,. AdQR2: 27602.0590 7: I ~ '~' :~ ,~ '~'r`'~. DEED BOOK: 02983 li j~ ~k' ,~LFr 4~a;' 111 r r 1,. t ~ ,~ i NxcHrNCrgty r l ~l~i DEED PAGE: 0389 ,.1 1!.,, ~ 'II~~~"rl1 `, , r ~,r r; ` t,' DEED DATE; 1211/1981 'r' ~ ."~ ' ` DEED ACRES: 12,8 ~T , ,~i ; 3LDG VAL. 4411.`,fl '~1~1,~;1 'Ihi LRND VAL 5575Fs80 ' I pul~g~~j!,~~~, BILLING CLASS; EXEMPT I ~ METFI~DIST a•. > >`~k'~~, OESCRIPTipN: pRPHANGE LAND i ,u+ a~. ~ ~ ~' ~~ ° i' MAP NAME; 170414 J ~ti Q:~'. PIN NUM: 1704336679 •,rr ~'i'~ ('• PINEXT: 000 w RAL ~17(WAi2548 r''~'J h'' CITY: 4" .~-"''"~~., I ~~~~ PLAN •1URi5; RALEIGH ~ , ~1:r r.- Tb1NNSHIPt I ~'`~ YEAR BU'~LT; 1936 I r, 1 , F ;, $ALEDATE: ~~'~ TYPE USE: blhrr ,.1, ~: DESIGN STYLE: COnvention8l r ~r. 1 ,~:r .,i , ~ 'r UNITS: f I EXEMPT n r . , , . S; ~L CLAS r I ?r' 'r 1r ~ ~1 ~ .!' ,~'' Ir r ;;, dt_D PARCEL 523-OOOOIJ-0039 y ^: 1 •I , I !I v +-i~•"iq t ~..r ~ NUMBER; •^ :',.~ r~;dFur a'^r ~, ;~,'. ~~, RALEIGH SITE ADDRESSES 1 , ,~ ' ~rC44J546>~ ' .;; STREET NUM: 801 •~, ' ~ ' 1 ~ ;: STREET SUITE: „ ~ i-~ 1~7w9n':I ~ STREET DIR PRE: ,, Ir,' ,r 'd f { ~ ' '~~ STREET NAME WASFIINGTON ., : r ' `', • ', ~ I ~; ,,,~ ' r , ., i; STREET TYPE: ST . ~ ~ . ~ STREET DIR SUE; ADbRESS TYPE: Parcel Parcel Number: 1~U43'J6679 0 rr~m 29 % ADdRE5S STATUS ACTIVE Map created on a;21l2C06 1 t:67:4a AM. CODE pESCR: Gopyrlpht ?003. City of RalE~~h, Wake County, ~~IN(~ d/~ 1!7.1104 I 1 X07 AT AUG-3-2006 THU ©8:53 TEL: 9197336893 NAME:DWQ-WETLANDS P. 8 m m m w t~ a w m a. 0 Z J H W 3 C3 3 W E Q Z j - r7 s TART : E1F ' BRI -. - - , - m - - - l~~P.twHQE~ `° F' r'l - ~i ~ ~ frl ~ ~ ~0 - - ' ~' \ - - ' =- - C4NCR TE SIDFIJALK 5' 1JIDE cv ~ 1 - - ---- ~ m .~ ~ ~~~ OF BRID6~ _ - -- - w _._ ~ - - m - - - - - - - `' '~ _ ~ ~ ~ _ -- -- m ~ _ _ _ __ - --- - -- - ~- -RA,h~P ENTRY I'LL-1 PATH , ~ iO PRECASa CONCRETE 1JALL Ui~iT HEP.D 1JALLS ~ - -CATCH BASi~ ~ ~ m m N -- - - --CURB AND CUTTER END GF RQAD _~ m - - - - L -. nl I M - --- ~ ~ ~ Q ~ Z