HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1--05410_Well Construction - GW1_20240909 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD r•,,by;law'.t .e fiNI•, The form Can iv used fix single of nu.110 ttegs 1.Well Conte/Moe Information: N.WATER ZONES Tyler Brown roust To j nest RIP/ION Well Contractor Name ft, ft, • rt, ft. 4625-A NC Wdl Contractor Certification Number 1S.OUTER CASING(far amNicatrd serif OR LINER 11 apj1hcatk) ON TO MANI-fro Tnutci -ss m%nutXI — IR SAEDACCO 0 ft. 115 ft. 2 in. SCH-40 I PVC 1 Conlp:an Nuns le.INNER CASING OR T 111ING(1ieaNerral closed.1o.pl--i-_---- ---- IROM TO r1AAQTER 'OM tatss st sit uiUl 2.Well('onsmictilnt Permit M: ft. R. a Lau all applirab&well prnoitt i ir.C•ounty..Statr.Variole e,li&Bart rtr., - { — __.___.-. R. ft. �- 3.Well Use(cheek well use): 17,fl('RtUN Water Supply Well: • IlOM TO DIAMr1rR MOT-sin li NH evfs NSTKatU. , LIAgricultural LIMuniciptliPubhc 15 ft. 25 ft. 2 7a• .010 SCH-40 I PVC OGeothemlal(Healing/Cooling Supph) LtResidenttal Water Suppl'!single h ft is ObdustriaUComnlercial I IRcsidcntwl Water St ty ,ftot T Supply 1Isds1 I MATERL.M.. EsrW.%IFmm.14£rAODaAMOUNT ❑Imgattan 0 ft. 11 ft. Portland Tremie Non-Water Supply Well: ft, h. RMonitonne ❑Rceoscn •._ Injection Well: O. IL ❑Aquifer Recharge ❑Groundwaier Remedial ion r'".s.s\nl.R.tVEL PACK(YtgtllleaMe) F-kl PO 1,3 j st ATM U. TOPIAIFH1S N t rtnOO 1 OAquifer Storage and Recover' ❑Salinity Ramer 13 II 25 ft. sand #2 1 OAquifer 7cst ❑Stortmatcr Drainage - - n, h, ❑1 xpenmcntal Technology ❑Sailsiderkc Control M.OR II I ING LOG Ialtach additional sheets if Neeessan I I OGeothemtal tClosed Loop' DI-racer t.Itlssl TO ni)trawrioN it. r,a.srd.e.,r.ilwwL np.,.grro,.rc,rk I O rn Geotheal IHeanug"Coolitie Return OOtlter le'plam m under P21 Reloads,' ft. ft. i n. O. } 4.Date Well(sl Camplchd: 08/21/2024 well IDaMW-03 S h, ft. t r�. ;� `p" ., 5a.Well LucatiOn: ft ' h v n 2024 GOOD YEAR TIRE CENTER ft. ft.�- Vac tlin 0wnet Naui. Faedin tD#cif applicablcl - -- lf.>r`-ry� ,�. CV ft. II. ti--...1 iti 1405 Jake Alexander Blvd W. , SALISBURY, NC, 28147 t. ft.'- Pin skill Addtcss,Cin.and Zip I-21,RCMARK5 ROWAN Bentonite seal from 11-13' Comm P.ncdkkrn,F :atooNo INN Sb.Latitude and longitude in deremsemlinsteiuSeconds or decimal degrees: 22.Certification: Orwell field.one 1:311,31v i.sidlicicnn) 1 �,�� N w _ 8/19/2024 Sismtu.ofCertified Well Contractor Dole 6.Is tare)the wellts): %Permanent ur OTempttran Br**Mg All Mon,1 herein rerrtfs that the wrllt.l7 was Inn eknIsfNtled In accorri Tice with 1 S4 NCAC 02C.0/00 or 1 SA NCAC 02C.02200 Well Omani,.non Saln.la.dl and rltas a 7.Ls this a repair to an existing well: .71tes or IO No raps of dui,reran!has Men provided to the sell owner. If thld Ir g relMtr,fill min*MANS will COeOrtrr ROIL union heat anal r%pivot Ow oarare of the rrp it wider I21 rewma,*s meteors or rat the bulk of tax form. 23.Site diagram or additional well details: You may use the buck of this page to provide additional well site details or well 8.Number of wells cnmatree : 1 cofstniction details. You may also attach additional pages if net:essan. For maltepk aejeethtn err o,um-.,,.art tuppls wells ONLY with air UMW cans/ruction s„u,an submit,me p•ru. SUBMITTAL INSTUCTIONS 9.Total well depth below lard surfatc 25 (n.) 24a. For All Wells: Submit this form ssthan 11.1 days of completion of well For mwhiplr stilt list all tAprht ifdiffrrent lr.ttnnple-202O0'unit:Ea'loot construction to the follnwing- 1e.Statk water lesel below top of casing: (RA Disisirn of Water Resources,Information Processing I.nit. If Weller leer!u More!,issue,as'-. 1617 Mail Service('eater,Raleigh,NC 27699-1617 II.Borehole diameter:8.25" (111.) 24b.for!election Welt ONLY: In addition to sending the form to the address in 24aabose. also submit a cops of this form within in dos of completion of well 12.Well construction method: SSA cottstmcliun to the following. li.e.alga.talon.cable.disco puck etc 1 Division of Water Resources.Undcrgr,und Injection Control Program. FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 1636 Mall Set ice Center.Raleigh,N( 27(.99-11136 13a Yield Il pnu Vlctland oiliest: 24e.For Water Supph &Injection Welts: Also submit one copy of this furs ssithou In days of completion of I311-hi.infcctiun is ale: lnwumt- well constriction to the county health deportment of the counts where Constntcted Form GW-1 Nonh Carollia Depaamem of Em totunctu rid Natural Reeowecs-DKeioe of Water Resotrca Re;sod August 2011