HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1--05389_Well Construction - GW1_20240909 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD (GW-11 For Internal Use Only: 1:Well Contractor Inforrmmattionl /^ Yrr,/ct1" )1:) Vmo _ , :is? i' s. ,ir.4 ' itai' r.I.`Wy .4.Y!.' ;''.• .. 'i• Well Comreolor Name • FROM TO DE WPT1ON rt, rt,Li 5(-1 5"A rt, rt. NC Well Conheotor Certification Number • '4 r'o ;m, '.'olds. tEg ''L'°l 'to '�l •'_. ,n'•1'll'e'O?0,s'• PROM DL E E' T 1 1(NESS MAT'•IAL n e cot Pv WV U. 71.00U. C. 2, in. S�, 2 I (.cwv1�S �/1` �� � l if ir Company me .63:1li11I}�u7�r1?aL'41C1:ti.U?'!"i igffrt:tViliii�f➢h"1t�i: ]'Ia YABISMINEXIM IgC2LI_el y "ou o ' • EI HI EBB MATERIAL 2.Well Construction Permit#: rt. rt. In, Gist all applicable well construction permits(Le.UIC,County,State,Variance,eta) rt, rt — In: 3,Well Use(check well use); , ;r. „., °J='^i':7;+:.i).r.:!'rjiC.i:'',G:r- a'.e •-gty 11:`•'i::✓fii li A •f'? BLO B 7.E ICKNEBa AERIAL Water Supply Wellt FROM* 'Z DIAM r�Munloipal/Pubilo it, ft, In, Agricultural e..Y —in. Geothermal(Heating/Cooling Supply) ell sldentlal Water Supply(single) ft, ft, ' Industrial/Commercial Residential Water Supply(shared) gift v Ab?,trmct',4;4 gigui., FROM TO MATERIAL EMP<,ACEMENTMETHOD S&AMOUNT Irrigationt d rt' rt' j3.0141 c r ) VV IIII3 Non--WatWater Supply Well; ., ft, it. Monitoring QReoovory _ Injection Weill ft. ft, Aquifer Recharge 0Groundwater Remediatlon• 4044i,1i 1. ja,ititaahtitgifirfilfl� EMPLACEMENT METHOD Aquifer Storage and Recovery OSalinity Barrier FROM TO Mb•RIA it. rt,AquiferTest ws" �StormwaterDrainage Experimental Teohnology w., �Subsldenoo Control,� ,� „'A �e:e d.f �or a�4)s:;jr,tr;•r..;; ,.;,' Traoor IalAtI1Xt'Ifjl(T{X,i . (Ptt'i�'Qlt+D 1. a Geothermal(Closed Loop) FROM TO DESCRIPTION color hardness soh/rock .e rain sic, etc. Geothermal(Heating/Cooling Return) DOther(explain under#21 Remarks) 0 ft. 7o rL Z4a . /�t�02•Vi Well ID# 7 J rt, 05 rt, ,7/1'1Nt- 4,Date Well(s)Col4t�letedt vaft, rt, •— . Sa, ell Location' «, its •`'� `'1'--: .•/ t-` r an��l ��c�lland P I e Facility/Owner Name Feollity IDN(If applicable) (� �+ I- /, �/ P , It. Iit. 15 5 Gh1'C.k0 / Pr. it. ,rc, a�t;t t'hyal9ci Address,Clty,and Zip 0 11 19.0„.t':Gi ,°.,,r. '°(;ME 1 County Parool identification No,(PIN) ••.; _ 5b,Latitude and longitude In degrees/minutes/seconds or decimal degreesi•' 22,Certification: well Held,one let/long Is suftiolont) �� 5.50Z-1 N — 31 .a6 yyY W Dale gigesturoof.Gertltled Wei Contractor 6,Is(ara)the Well(s))�PBTltlarient dr O'i emporary By signing this loran,/hereby oert y that the well(e)was(were)constructed In accordance ,n tent Well with ISA NCAC 02C.0/00 or i',-A,YCAC 02V ••e•I Construction Standards and that a 7,Isl is a ap lr, lr outto a n existing wells 'Yea ioo '�Ix� l copy of thls record has been provided to the well owner, Ulhls Is a re air,Jllf knotnt well bopstruotlon hi/brmallon and explain the nature o the 23.Site diagram or additional well detallst repair under all remark 4eFllon or on the back qflhls forth You may use the back i this page to provide additional well site details or well NUMBER8 of wellsa construction doteile, You may also attach additional pages If necessary, c For G lopronl 1 O or is nClo ed needed. •io to Geothermal Wells ng the dopes uotlon,only 1 OW-1 la needed. Ihdloate TOTAL c�L IYllTTAL INSTRUCTLQN drilled, 9,Total well depth below land surface; O5 --(«') 24a. For All Wellat Submit this form within 30 days of completion of well For:nultiple wells list all depths((d(Q`arent(example-3®200'and 2®l00) construction to the following: ((G (ft.) Division of Water Resources,Information rotes.ssing Unit, 1 NC (( If water leav water level below top of casings 1617 Mall Service Center,Raleigh, el Is above casing,use"+" 6 (in) 24b.For Inlectlon WeI1s1I Y addition to sending hint the 3h daysof completion address dd ess In of 24a 11,Borehole diameters above,also submit one copy of this foptt ' -far ell construction to the following ' 1.e Well construction,cable, methods (I,e,auger,rotary,cable,direct push,eta.) Division of Water Resources,Underground Injection Control Program, • 163E Mall Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27699.163E FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLYt 24c D.Water 4uODl_y &ytle��llsl In addition to sending the form to 6 Method of leap r r 13a,Yield(gpm) the address(os) above, also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of GU completion of well construction to the county health department of the county 13b Disinfection typal �` Amount whore constructed, Revised 2.22.201E North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality•Division of Water Rosouroes Form OWI