HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1--05386_Well Construction - GW1_20240909 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD (GW-1) . For internal Use Oriy: :
1.WC Contractor Ligon:radon:
Russell Taylor
Well Concormor Mom FROM : 70 DESCRIPTION
2187-A - '15 ". I 8 0 ft, .
NC Well Coonsoar Cortizamnen Nonsber Li 05 ft' 1 Is lo ft '
L.OtrTIER C.ASDCG cm r moltkesed wells}Clit • •^ ar
Sodden Brothers Well Drilling, r-ic PROM ! To I DIAMETER 1 THMWRolg
Company Nome ,
..._16.DrislER CASING OE=flestharmal cisamkpoelCoastraction Per=ir#: doczy-a9040_-ci-z3q1,0? FROM"' TO ! DIAmETER 1 moms I MATVIS41
art ell opparni/r ma conorommte'emits ax.VIC Couray,Slam ritrialwr.cca.) 0 ft. 6.9 it 1 ii, 1., 1 Pvc,
1 Wail Lin(dock MR use); '•_ el,Q fn" ,54 ' ty ' . 188 ,L5re a
Witter SuppLy Well: I 17.scaEN
i FItCsr [ To ' Duster= I starrstam i =Cc= Ns
DrfUnicipaiPtt. Olio cr. I ft. 1 1st.
Geothermal celeating/Coonag Supply) SO Resider:dal Waco Supply singie)
Wooer Supply(shared) '"---1--
t llk GROUT
Itriscation ! FRom I To . Nt.f.TERI.v.. : voi.AetcncrrutrRon 1 Nen-Water Supply Wall:
r 0 ft i ZO IL ; cies:.-a ate--a 01.21Ved
DRecovery I:
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Ititk•Rockarge nOroorrivretm Ramer:MI:la:1 I ;
;I LC-SAND/MAY=PACK asonneable)
• Storage Ann Rccoymy rutsazake Barri= 6. Fstom 1_To ' r.f..a.TERT.a.L. ' arrtAczatVrT NM
at*Test C.Stiannvratc:rainsg: ,
EXperiMental Technology OSubsitience Control fr.
Geothermal(Posed Loop) arra= ! ,o DR rt T TNG LOG fatroacia addidoosl slues if cWear)
Gotothethsal CatiltingiCooling Reoan) nOthm(explain•=0.=-21 czna.ci,;52 ! .F1-3M1-----4.,_ II) ,' DcccallmeN
op ft• 44
4.Ditto Well(s)Coznpleced: 8/434/0404. wea.=,';- i 10' fL 750 cL ! g2474e
Sit.Wen Location: ;
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ko-i ,qCo Fred Covt. Es4-• dijya 48//9 ----., "---="—. -----**1-0-9-202-4--
mysioal Address.cagy.ofid Zip
JACS:1u ectworki 173;9- Ler/-MO 21.REuAllus tw,:„tt-)sa '
Cenoory ..oreei Isleatif=d=No.CP/-N)
5b.Latitude and longatticic do degressisolouttesisecoads or decio'nal degrees:
Owen 544 one istiloog is rzfricicza;
7.2.Certifica son:
,q5° H. 00.2. n 083° I 44.34/ w ifI414.82:P ,L130-4.,,,t, Sidoti
si,,..of co ( NVC1107001.010.7 r
6.ls(ere)the vrell(s)0Vermanent or aTemporary
Sy sigyring this larac.i here*art:ti-4.1 40.wroy gar(war;caaarazed ia
I.la this a repair to au!misting wen: OYes or pNo wiiir I.14 irtelC 12C.0100 or.i.f.4,VC.4C 02C.0200 Wei Coastraction Sormicro
If fi4 It e miller;jill vvt Mom:rerif anstrurtigh;rtfccnvion olsopicir:FI:C 44:.1-7.-sj'arr ,VP3'graiT record;DV h•err Forded TO rim intil anne.
rrpair raufrr t31 Pr *;ergiaa or ca the intai•of rliSfarr-...
13.Site diagram or additional well details:
You=ay use The back of this page to pmoide additional wall te deo
S.For GeoprobeiDrr or Closed-Loop Geothermal Wens havine the sz:..e si
oonstrucdon tie=ils. You may also attach additional pages if necessary.
constroccion,only I OW-I is needed. Indicate TOTAL NUMSM of we lls
drilled: I
1.Total'veil depda below land surface: 17 5 o
0-z-:, 2-as. For All Wes St:6=h;Ills fo.-7-.. withM 30 days of compieti For=VI,wells art all depth:.ferdremw lealeDept.V•36200'exrd 2g/co') sodstr.:roora:o foe folk,wimr
lg.Static water level below op of easnsgt 15 Cff.) SiOr,of Water Rszo=es,Information Prommng u Val
pager Irmai adavr castag.' ssr"-r-
1617 Mall Service Ceater,Raleigh,NC 27699-1117
11.Borehole clitanseter: 1.9 (i.,.._;
114 la. Fr,Saiecdon Wells:, In addition to reacting the la=to dm nit
• . ...1.— ----\
c, p .
above. also scar-sit ors copy t or this calza withkra 30 clays af eareplas 12.YVel/constractian=mad; iti-it • :L42-43-71-4-`b .r...s-c-am:c.oo the fellowinei
041.aogeromary,gagahem ost etc::
0 tvisior;or water Resources.Lindercround iniectlon Control?
FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 1636 Mail Service Center,Raletgli,NC 17699-1636
1.3a.Yield(gptn) 1 Method of tes= Elettl4D' f : 24.o...For Ware;Suay &Iniection WC* Io adcfnion to scodhig
:ite address(es) above. also submit one copy of this for= within
130.Disinfecelon type rl t 1-1. .A.....-::: : Co 02.1, , ocamiedon of well conscuctioa to the county health department al
Form Ow.: N0.-0:::.:.--0.&..z.D000rt,....-r:aflis.-1---wra-...01;.--i Q----liry-Di---isian of Nva‘cr