HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1--05385_Well Construction - GW1_20240909 : • WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD (GW•1) : 'For internal Use Only:. ! 1.Well Conerictur Informadon: 4111•• •••••••••.m Russell Taylor , 14.WA.=ZONES Vitil Cameo:ear Name • • ' -"D "FlitON1 . : usauniori 2187-A • 1 70 r'' : '75 ft. 96-100 NC Well Csnets:tne Corazon=Number 4. 1 i 4300 '" ' LIfJ ft. - Mar nusitNeamtst well")ORLIKRE amfoildd Haddon Brothers We Drilling, r-ic 1 s ; DIA3 Complay Non i fn .. ... M. 1 i,. DiNER.CAMNG OR TIMING ateothermal elesakostO I,Weft Coattreotton Perrait It: tho?Li.'461:135- 9'18848 ;-Mat I TO } DIAMETER i 7SEILNISS NATE13/4 Un Ca 61Millatil1e cLa C=CMCZ[CLC permits(i.c.WC County,Sate.ilariaruc,az.) l 0 ft 1 15 ' 1 1, in, l' P V C 3.Well Lin(deck wsLI ass); I li: 1,7 ' ! to ' . 188 :Sar j Water S eapp We ly l. I Agricultural Diefuninipaii?uotic FROM I TO ft. i Geothermal atiodinipreeling Supply, EReridal Was=Simpiy Cnn&ie) :: 17. r laciusthal/Comatcninl 1r:intern Non-Water Supply We.: Dlesid=nel' Wet=Supply Csbased) 1 h. i L ;, IL GROUT 1! MOST , TO It. DIAMETER f SLOTS= r TEKtialis ND I ft. io. I '. . , tr..s.TrosAt. ' rart.,kcptrcrutreot4 i i 0 ft 1 20 Mooltarbs Olieetrvery i. le ft ' I dr=Recharge nOroi.uadwa=-R.r.modo.7.. 11 19.SA=/GitAVEL PACE tit zearieelole1 Storage assei Recovcy rlSaitnity Elarrim- 1"Mil TO . 3f.t.Trel.a." I. 1 thset.izeterarr stitil seer Test Mt Stramwasm Drainage i I It. 1 in 1 1 Epe =al Technology DS:Mk:ten=Comomi !I ft- I Creotitt=sai(Closed Loop) ;;•-•-- "4:irate: .' 117 DRILUNG LOG fattach ectigtfoaal Ares if ounsary)---,-:..-- ! 0£SePUPTION realm Pardons.Pailfreet Mo./side Cf01011=11i . olin Eetucto rOtc-n-(=lain=dm e•-2.1 Remarks) :f" FROM TO 0 4.NM Wcil(s)Completed: 8//3/&24 Wea Z)-# 51 ft• I i)stq •t. 1 ft. ,52.,Weil Location: Jotres F., Stain . .,/LL fecility/OwserNiong FacIliry ar:Ci•Faprialzitle) i it : .. 1 re. I it. ! 1698 Old Seitientio- Rd 1/4511vet ,28 erl 9 " 9 2024 t ?Ordeal Addreca.My.mid Zip JACY-30k3 CaiiiTNI TOAIO '34- 8395 Cy •arect Idcarifthtem No.(Fi'N) 513.Lantside and ionginatle in degreesanainutesiseconde or decimal degrees: Ovicit 504 ors istilong is suffici=) 7.2.Certification: 35° Jo. 48 1 N 083° jp. go? w Well Com=00 ,_ a.....,..4,-,_ AIA& tm t 6.Is(are)the well(syttitPertneneric or DT.emparary Sigatu of Cmtilm (r 3y signing:n4t Jar=I Carty,..c,4,-irsa 4..m:ar.T.,.ar rnerr)a:wowed ia 71.5 this a repair to aa existing well: Dyes or py. ,Iii:ISA NCeiC 52C.0100 erls.-1 NC4C 02C.0200 Writ Coontucctan&mem e rlroir.Ail Oin blow:writ"comarstsgion rifiz-rnaiian gl=picir::ee.=,:...re opire ,T,Figi'rth,'•;mcom.1127 L'e=Prwl'irlf'd lo the well onw. repair zectirr al/reaserks nation ar GAT the Octet of r141%tnii. 23.Sire diagram or additional we details: You may the back f this page t provide well do S.For GeoprobeIDPT or Closed-Loop Geothermal Wells•=vin a tee serac me o o addns; site construedm.dev..ils. You may else attach additional pages if necomery. construetion,only I pcsr-I s! needed. Indicate TOTAL NITM.23. of wegs drilleziz SUBMTTTAL. "STRUCTIONS 9.To 131 well depth below load surface 41(45 (f,...., 2,41i. For Wells: Submit:his forr-..witOla 30 days of complex: Far tastItiale welts art el depths inferrrrit lesarr.pir-3@.200'cr..e.igi col cozen:toga:3 x the folio wirsm la.Static water level below top of casing: 100 cf;.; aivision of Water Resources,Information Processing Uni pastor level'is sieve=deg e, 1617 Moe Service Center,Raleigh,NC 17699-1617 It.Boreltele diameter: 1.9 cir..; 7.4 . Z c i r is iescion Weds:- In addition to Salcitig tba tinr.to the ae.i -Th abovc. also scexaiT.oaf copy of:hia farm witoka 30 der.of coroplai 12..Well caPostracdtai nasttiod: Ij: I.. ..c.,..b ponst-oda ur the fellowia ci......4.....y,wk,,c,.t p.t..crs.-2 Otsistoo of warer Restaurms,Underground Injection Control? FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 1636 Mail Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-1636 3e.Thiel( pi oy 100 method of test Licsiz : 24,7.0,Woz:er Suouiv.3.:Inieetior WonR LO adCritiOSS to wading the add.-essies) above. also submit the copy at this focal within 1.3b.Dtenentecon r,t,-pe: l'5i !i..zio `. Le.0 ' , completion of well eons=tthion to the co Mhn unty a depanstent o• 1 wit=consmucn.-.' Pone Ow-1 No:c.Cara:tr.:1 De?=-...., Ic of litt-, -.0.71.-.-...,us Q •- _—__