HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1--05380_Well Construction - GW1_20240909 , WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD Forbv;rntil l .cONl V Thu form con be ussd for single or miullipk«cols 1.Well Contractor Information: 1 II.WATER ZONES Scott Hunt, Jr roost 1 to j ors%RImOS N'c11('otitactor Namc O. fL i 4561A ft, i fl, NC Well CmnrnctarCcnificalion Rustier 1S.OUTER CASING(far maWi-eao d»Oki OR LINER tW an health) FROM f TO Mvytrtrit THI(KtYis,, it iT't Rttl SAEDACC0 ft. 1 ft. ia. (',,,pram N.,nw It..INNERCASING OR TIMING 4aamberoatckiwd•lunp) i MOM TO RIAMETER TOOK',T.S., MATT.RI ll 2.Well Construction Permit k: 0 R, 25 ft. 2 . SCH-40 PVC lln all applicable well pemuh(i.e.Comm.Mare,Variance i,...-:rare.s - R. It., in. 3.Well Inc' (check well site): I7.SCREEN Water Supply.Well: Y*OM TO DtAMITrR s1.0T9111 ' OM kites j MATYn14I l OAgtwultural OMunieipa6'Fuhhc 25 ft. 40 R 2 nr 010 SCH-40 PVC I OGeothennal IHeadng,Coolinit Supply) OResidential Water Supply(single) e. R is OIndustriaUComnlercial IlResidential Water S[glply'(shared) IR,l3RO111Y FROM TO MATERIAL_� EMPLU E_R TMT METNOR a AMOENT ❑litigation ft. It. Non-Water Supply Well: R. ft. ftMonitonne ❑Recover _ _ i Injection Well: R. R. 1 LI Aquifer Recharge ❑GroundwatcrRcnucdi.aion IRSANRNtr'iAVRL PACK(Ifatgdie*Yel - 1 now 10 sisrtaist. vertu-revs-MlctOnn 0 Aquifer Storage and Recovery ❑Salinity Barrier ' 23 ft. 40 ft, sand 2 ❑Aquifer Test ❑Stonmsatcr Drainage - n. ft, ❑Eapcnmctiial Technology ❑Sahsidcnc C'onaml 2HI.DRILLING LOG(attach addiiiesal whech if ncccsarJ_ ❑Geothermal(Closed Loop! ❑Tracer roots to RES(RIPtio\,anli.r.hanks...,rnl Mckopt,min lee,eae.) ❑Geothermal iHeattng!Cooline Return} ❑Ocher letplain under 021 Remarh I 0 ft. 20 fly red brown silts 20 ft. 40 ft white tan sandy silt 4.Date Well(s)Completed: 8-23-24 11 ell IDu TMW-2 R. ft. 5a.Well Location: h. n. I E 'I ``r L.+V f f�;, 7"' p I1 s/ jw Statesville Dollar Tree H. II. S E r v Fecllls(lws net Nanac Faciliy-IDI!(if appltablet ft. M. 9 2024 2189 old Mountain Rd., Statesville, NC, 28625 ft I fie"— it,1v:,.„ i.i�.- r._, 1.r Physical Addicts Chy.and Zip 21.REMARKS _ Iredell Bentonite seal from 21-23' ('.lolls I'ereclIdcmdicallonNo tPINI 5h.Latitude and longitude in degrees/minutes/seconds nr decimal degrees: 22.('ertlficatinR: (if-Reif field.one I:a.loisj is sidfkt:iai N W' '!.`f17V 8/26/2024 Sigl»i r::en cci 4ontractor Crate 6.H lure)the**elks): 'Petmaneet or RTcmpMirary By signing fhir fame,l hereby certify that the wylifs1 iwlr(*VW)inrarm u ted in ireottdmwx' WA 154 NCAC 02C,01f10 or 15A NCAC IY'C.0200 Well Canstruyhou Sradardc and that,e 7.Is this a repair to an esistieg well: Dees or KNu ,„r,•'t flu.a „nl has lira prawairS s'she well mine,. /f Nib a a repair,fill anrt maws w et1,unarm II,W,.Inforrwwhwl and a spine the mane of Ow repair under 121 remarks m-ri<n, n an the bait of thu forum 23.Site diagram or additional well details: You ntai use the back of this page to provide additional well site details or well 8.Number of wells constructed: 1 :unit Ict1O11 details. You may also attach additional pages if necessary. Fur maltrplr ioierrn»i,n m.w•crrcre-..uppls wells ONLY with the soon MAW'uera.n va CM, subunit emr PM. SUBMITTAL INSTUCTIONS 9.Total well depth below laid surface 40 (ry.l 24a. For All Wells: Submit this form %ohm 3u days of compktion of well For malieplro.elf„ur,,ua..oth f,teS•,,1;eme,g4.3e200'and2@llwft construction to the following 19.Static water kiel behpw top of casing: 30 (ft.) Division of Water Resources.Information Processing Unit. if Weiler h trl in ubuvr,a Sin x.a•- . 1617 Mail Scn•ice('cater,Raleigh.N('27699-1617 I1.Borehole diameter:8.25" (la.) 24b.per(niceties Wel,b ONLY: In addition to sending the form to the address in 24a abuse. also submit a copy of this Ions within 10 days of completion of well 12.Well coesernction method:SSA consitucuun to the following. I c.ricer.roan.cable.direct push.etc 1 Disisinn of Water Resources.Underground Injection Control Program. FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 1636 Mail Seri ice Center.Raleigh.NC 27699-I6J6 I ia.1 imid Igpml _ Method u1 lest 2k.For Water Suppls&InjaYliun R'clh: Also submit one cops of this form is Mon to da_ssof completion of tilt.pisiuil tinnhoc: Amount: well construction to the county health department of the county u-here conistntctcd Form OW-I •.,ii u(aroma l.Tannriu of Eau riomlt<tiu aid Natural kesources-On was of Wiley Rmoticm It...iced August 21I I 0