HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1--05368_Well Construction - GW1_20240909 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD For Internal Use ONLY: This form can he used foe single<i inulttpk.tells 1.Well Contractor Information: Chris Ruffer I�MA PROM TO DRSCR t trt1O ROOS Well Cranes,ham: fL R. 4223 A ft, D. NC Well Coraracior Certification Number 15.OUTER CASING Slur small tarot wclh�OR LINER Of alr�licabk) IRON TO m;MrTrR TRUTiNTSS MMTTNl l SAEDACCO rt. n' at. ('o1I sue N.utr N.iNNIIR CASING OR TIRING ifatarhermal closed-Wort TROM TO DI MT TER iIlICKNESS MATERIAL 2.Well Construction Permit#: 0 R. 15 ft. 1 io. SCH-40 PVC Lau all applirnhle nen prninta it,.County.ShrM,Variance.litection ea-.) ---- - ---, ft.' ft. in. Cie(cheek well rsel: 17.SCREEN Water Supply Well: FROM I TO DIAMETER SIM-sin nit tO f is MAtTr*leL , I_iAgncuhutal ['Municipal+Ftiblic 15 R. 20 ft. 1 its .010 SCH-40 PVC I IGeothennal(HeatingCooling Supply) ❑Residetaial Water Supply tst1,•••' , It. n' 1~ 11IndustriatComntercial ['Residential Water Supply (shared ttWM TO MATERIAL EMPLACEMENT ME TNOD A AMOUNT ❑Impation R. ft. Non-Water Supply Well: i n. ' ft. RMonitoring ❑Rccover , lrjection Well: n rr. ❑Aquifer Recharge ❑Groundwaicr Remediation I.,.S t N D t,R.%s l.t.r►(Is i if ttcllatlk) ',iciati . 1U----- MAt'RRtal. WMW.NCEM FM'METROD ❑Aquifer Storage aid Rceoccrs ❑Salinity Barrier ft, ft. — ❑Aquifer Test °Stormw:act Drainage fit. ft. ❑Espcnmemal Tcehnolo(,>t ❑Sdtsidcrcc Control _ 20,DRILLING LOG l attach additional shed,if a,eCNsan I ❑Geothemutl(Closed Loop) ['Tracer FROM TO DESCRIPTION,,,.6r,hardNr..,mattock npr.^rain fa, 1 OGeotlennal(Hcatnig+Cooling Return) ['Other(espial,(under 021 Remml h' R' tt, n. Date Wrll(sl Completed: 8-13-2024 11d1 1DitSDC-6 I *„ M 1. IL See Goo'E Notes r.#i''; -..-.1..... p Vre 5a.Well Location: R ft. Sit Sri , tt ) Catsburg Country Store R. R. SEP o 9 224 Facthits-OrsnetName Facility IDS(if atpplicable) L. D•1 R. ' tl 1110 Old Oxford Rd., Durham, NC, 27704 R. re. Internta.r,: ' -.ry a5q,-0 (�,,y PM soul addtcstCi,_andZip t 2i.Ku"Aims .iY`J Durham Grab groundwater sample via 1" temp well (•,.it0 Parcel k4ntili(lint,N., IPl\n th.Latitude and longitude in thgrees.'minutes/aecondsor dreimal degrees: 2,,('erdricatioR: pi Nclt field.olt Ira tolsg is stdth:k itt N W Chris Ruffer 8/16/2024 Signature of Certified Well Contractor Dole i..is(are)the Nell(s): ..1Permanenl or HlTeniperan Br Asmara:chic firlrn•!hrrchy rer71)'y'ha rho N'lldf!')NLY(Wert',[YntYlN!'Icd in aCY'artfnrl,Y' usA 1 t4 NCAC 02C.0100 or I SA NCAC 02C.0100 Well Cra urra,0<ar St andarA*and that a 7.Is this a repair to an existing well: DYes or 10 Ne arms n(rhit re nnl has hero provided to the Nyll owner. If this is a repair,fill tour ono vi aril<.aa,tnn iSa,information an.1 rtplrarn the aurare of rho r.rlkiir u der/121 remark..Archon or on rho hart of this form. 23.Site diagram or additional Nell details: 1 ott nwy use the back of tilts peter to pros i(k additional tt ell site details or well S.Number of welh constructed: 1 construction details. You tom also altaclt additional pages if isceessar, For maltrplr jar,,roe,a n.xn-water supph wells ONLY ovaii the tome cu tsrencus .<w<m, .ahmar<ate PM,. SUBMITTAL INSTIICTIONS 9.Total well depth below lard surface. 20 (fl.) 21a. For All Wells: Submit this form within 10 days of completion of nett For maltipk wells list isO,kprh,440:rem°ie.am,pk•t(i 2t5)'and 20 lial'i construction to the followimi 10.Stank water level below top of easlnv (ft.) Division of Water Resources,Information Processing l nit. h.ta,r.,r.rl It,rhoi t.,osv,y.OW'+ 1617 Mail Service('cater,Raleigh,NC 27699-1617 I I.Borehole diameter:6" (ia.) 2-lb.for Injection W'elb ONLY: In addition to sending the form to the address in 24aabuse. also submit a copy of this form within h)days of completion of well 12.Well(Destruction method:Sonic cons ruction to the following. tI C anger.roan.cable.direct push.de.l Division of Water Resources.Underground Injection Control Program, FOR W 1 TER SUPPLY WELLS ONI 1: 1636 Mail Service Center.Raleigh.N( 276'►'t-1is36 l3:t.Field Igpml _ 11rth,u t of nest: 24e.For Water Soppls A.Inj.rlion Wells: Also submit otw cop, of this folio %,ithin ;10 doss of completion of 131s.Disinfection qpc Amount: well cansmution to the counts health department of the counts is here constructed Form CAC-1 Nonk Carolina LA1xtnNroi,.l his tronarnt and\aulral R.sameces-Divaioa of Water Reotroc RCN Iset1 August Nil?