HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0020940_PCA_20230921DocuSign Envelope ID: 44C254B2-3345-4983-94BA-3C773C54D709 ROY COOPER Governor ELIZABETH S. BISER Secretary RICHARD E. ROGERS, JR. Director NORTH CAROLINA Environmental Quality SENT VIA ELECTRONIC MAIL ONL Y.- NO HARDCOPY WILL BE MAILED October 09, 2023 Tyler White Town of Murphy Email: sewerorc@townofmurphync.com SUBJECT: Compliance Inspection Report Murphy WWTP NPDES WW Permit No. NCO020940 Cherokee County Dear Permittee: The North Carolina Division of Water Resources conducted an inspection of the Murphy WWTP on 9/21/2023. This inspection was conducted to verify that the facility is operating in compliance with the conditions and limitations specified in NPDES WW Permit No. NC0020940. The findings and comments noted during this inspection are provided in the enclosed copy of the inspection report entitled "Compliance Inspection Report". There were no significant issues or findings noted during the inspection and therefore, a response to this inspection report is not required. If you should have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at the Asheville Regional Office at 828-296-4500 or via email at daniel.boss@deq.nc.gov. ATTACHMENTS Ec: Laserfiche Sincerely, DocuSigned by: E auut�, �°jbSS Danlel'YOSS, ;Assistant Regional Supervisor Water Quality Regional Operations Section Asheville Regional Office Division of Water Resources, NCDEQ North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality I Division of Water Resources Asheville Regional Of xe l 2090 U 5 Highway 70 1 Sv annanoa, North Carolina 28778 828296-4500 DocuSign Envelope ID: 44C254B2-3345-4983-94BA-3C773C54D709 United States Environmental Protection Agency Form Approved. EPA Washington, D.C. 20460 OMB No. 2040-0057 Water Compliance Inspection Report Approval expires 8-31-98 Section A: National Data System Coding (i.e., PCS) Transaction Code NPDES yr/mo/day Inspection Type Inspector Fac Type 1 IN 2 u 3 I NCO020940 111 121 23/09/21 I17 18 L�] 19 I s I 201 211IIIII 111111III II III III1 I I IIIII IIIIIIIII II r6 Inspection Work Days Facility Self -Monitoring Evaluation Rating B1 QA ---------------------- Reserved ------------------- 67 I 72 I n, I 73 � I 74 79 I I I I I I I80 70 I I 71 I LL -1 I I LJ Section B: Facility Data Name and Location of Facility Inspected (For Industrial Users discharging to POTW, also include Entry Time/Date Permit Effective Date POTW name and NPDES permit Number) 11:40AM 23/09/21 20/03/01 Murphy WWTP Payne St Exit Time/Date Permit Expiration Date Murphy NC 28906 01:30PM 23/09/21 24/08/31 Name(s) of Onsite Representative(s)/Titles(s)/Phone and Fax Number(s) Other Facility Data Tyler B White/ORC/828-837-2510/ Name, Address of Responsible Official/Title/Phone and Fax Number Contacted Tyler White,PO Box 130 Murphy NC 289060130//828-837-5035/ No Section C: Areas Evaluated During Inspection (Check only those areas evaluated) Pretreatment Section D: Summary of Finding/Comments (Attach additional sheets of narrative and checklists as necessary) (See attachment summary) Name(s) and Signature(s) of Inspector(s) Agency/Office/Phone and Fax Numbers Date 10/9/2023 Daniel J Boss I ... Si9neII, DWR/ARO WQ/828-296-4658/ [atn. tt bbss E397192DABFe4FF_. Signature of Management Q A Reviewer Agency/Office/Phone and Fax Numbers Date EPA Form 3560-3 (Rev 9-94) Previous editions are obsolete. Page# DocuSign Envelope ID: 44C254B2-3345-4983-94BA-3C773C54D709 NPDES yr/mo/day Inspection Type NCO020940 I11 12I 23/09/21 117 18 1,1 IUI Section D: Summary of Finding/Comments (Attach additional sheets of narrative and checklists as necessary) On 9/21/2023, 1 (Daniel BOss) conducted a Pretreatment Audit of the Town of Murphy's pretreatment program. I met with Tyler White (ORC) and Jason Hook for the audit. It appeareded that the Town's pretreatment program is in compliance with State requirements. Please see the completed Pretreatment Audit Form for this inspection for details. Page# DocuSign Envelope ID: 44C254B2-3345-4983-94BA-3C773C54D709 Permit: NC0020940 Inspection Date: 09/21/2023 Owner -Facility: Murphy WWTP Inspection Type: Pretreatment Audit Yes No NA NE Page# DocuSign Envelope ID: 44C254B2-3345-4983-94BA-3C773C54D709 NORTH CAROLINA DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES PRETREATMENT AUDIT REPORT Water Resources ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY Background Information [Complete prior to audit; review Program Info Database Sheet(s)] 1. Control Authority (POTW) Name: Town of Murphy 2. Control Authority Representative(s): Tyler White (ORC and pretreatment coordinator), Jason Hook (Operator) 3. Title(s): 4. Address of POTW: Payne St Mailing City Murphy Zip Code 28906 Phone Number 828-837-5035 Fax Number E-Mail 5. Audit Date 09/21/2023 6. Last Inspection Date: 05/18/2022 Inspection Type: ® PCI ❑ Audit 7. Has Program Completed All Requirements from the Previous Inspection and Program Info Sheet(s) ? ® Yes ❑ No If No, Explain. 8. In the last year has the POTW experienced any NPDES or Sludge Permit compliance problems? ® Yes ❑ No If Yes, Explain. 2 weekly limit exceedances for Fecal Coliform 9. Is POTW under an Order That Includes Pretreatment Conditions? ❑ Yes ® No Order Type and Number: Are Milestone Dates Being Met? ❑ Yes ❑ No ® NA Parameters Covered Under Order ICIS Coding Main Program Permit Number INICI01012 Io 19 14 Io 1 MM/DD/YY I09I21 I23I 10. ................................................................. Current Number of Significant Industrial Users(SIUs)?............................................................................................... 3 11. .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Number of SIUs with No IUP, or with an Expired IUP? 0 12. .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Number of SIUs Not Inspected by POTW in Last Calendar Year? 0 13. .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Number of SIUs Not Sampled by POTW in Last Calendar Year? 0 14. .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Number of SIUs in SNC for Limits Violations During Either of Last 2 Semi -Annual Periods? 0 15. .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Number of SIUs in SNC for Reporting During Either of Last 2 Semi -Annual Periods? 0 16. .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Number of SIUs in SNC with Pretreatment Schedule? 0 17. .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Number of SIUs on Schedules? 0 18. Current Number of Categorical Industrial Users..(CIUs)?............................................................................................ 3 19. Number of CIUs in SNC? 0 NC DWR Pretreatment Audit Form Revised: December 2016 Page 1 DocuSign Envelope ID: 44C254B2-3345-4983-94BA-3C773C54D709 20. PRETREATMENT PROGRAM ELEMENTS REVIEW- Review POTW files, verify POTW has copy of each Program Element in their File. complete with all suDDortina documents and PERCS ADDroval Letter. and dates consistent with Program Info: Program Element Last Submittal Date In file? Last Approval Date In file Date Next Due, If Applicable Headworks Analysis (HWA) 5/2018 ® Yes ❑ No 6/2018 ® Yes ❑ No Industrial Waste Survey (IWS) 1/2019 ® Yes ❑ No 1/2019 ® Yes ❑ No Sewer Use Ordinance (SUO) 2/26/2013 ® Yes ❑ No ❑ Yes ® No Enforcement Response Plan (ERP) ® Yes ❑ No ❑ Yes ❑ No Long Term Monitoring Plan (LTMP) 6/2022 ® Yes ❑ No 07/12/2022 ® Yes ❑ No Legal Authority (Sewer Use Ordinance-SUO) 21. Do you have any towns and/or areas from which you receive wastewater which are not in your annexed jurisdiction? ❑ Yes ® No If yes, Please list these towns and/or areas. 22. If yes to #21, Do you have current Interjurisdictional Agreements (IJAs) or other Contracts? ❑ Yes ❑ No ® NA A copy, if not already submitted, should be sent to Division. 23. If yes to #21, Have you had any trouble working with these towns or districts? ❑ Yes ❑ No ® NA If yes, Explain. 24. Date of Last SUO Adoption by Local Council 02/26/2013 25. Have you had any problems interpreting or enforcing any part of the SUO? ❑ Yes ® No If yes, Explain. Enforcement (Enforcement Response Plan-ERP) 26. Did you send a copy of the ERP to your industries? ❑ Yes ❑ No If no, POTW must send copy within 30 days. 27. Have you had any problems interpreting or enforcing any part of the ERP (i.e. any adjudication, improper enforcement, etc? ❑ Yes ® No If yes, Explain. 28. List Industries under a Schedule or Order and Type of Schedule or Order Resources 29. Please Rate the Followinc: S=Satisfactory M=Marginal U=Unsatisfactory Rating Explanation, if Unsatisfactory Personnel Available for Maintaining POTW's Pretreatment Program ®S ❑M ❑U Access to POTW Vehicles for Sampling, Inspections, and ®S ❑M ❑U Emergencies Access to Operable Sampling Equipment ®S ❑M ❑U Availability of Funds if Needed for Additional Sampling and/or Analysis ®S ❑M ❑U Reference Materials ®S ❑M ❑U Staff Training (i.e. Annual and Regional Workshops, Etc.) ®S ❑M ❑U Computer Equipment (Hardware and Software) ®S ❑M ❑U NC DWR Pretreatment Audit Form Revised: December 2016 Page 2 DocuSign Envelope ID: 44C254B2-3345-4983-94BA-3C773C54D709 30. Does the POTW have an adequate data management system to run the pretreatment program? ® Yes ❑ No Explain Yes or No. 31. How does the POTW recover the cost of the Pretreatment Program from their industries? Explain. Additional sampling for violations are billed to the industries. Public Perception/ Participation 32. Are there any local issues affecting the pretreatment program (e.g.. odor, plant closing, new or proposed plants)? ❑ Yes ® No If yes, Explain. 33. Has any one from the public ever requested to review pretreatment program files? ❑ Yes ® No If yes, Explain procedure. If no, how would the request be addressed? Access to files would be provided to person requesting 34. Has any industry ever requested that certain information remain confidential from the public? ❑ Yes ® No If yes, Explain procedure for determining whether information qualified for confidential status, as well as procedure for keeping files confidential from public. If no how would the request be addressed? unknown 35. In addition to annual inspection, does the POTW periodically meet with industries to discuss pretreatment? ® Yes ❑ No 36. Is the public notified about changes in the SUO or Local Limits? ® Yes ❑ No 37. Were all industries in SNC published in the last notice? ❑ Yes ❑ No N/A Permitting (Industrial Waste Survey-IWS) 38. How does the POTW become aware of new or changed Users? Prior to the construction of a new facility, the POTW is contacted by the industry wanting to operate in Murphy 39. Once the POTW becomes aware of new or changed Users, how does the POTW determine which industries have the reasonable potential to adversely impact the WWTP and therefore require a new permit or a permit revision? (Who is an SIU?) Ask DEQ staff 40. Does the POTW receive waste from any groundwater remediation projects (petroleum, CERCLA) or landfill leachate? ❑Yes ®No If Yes, How many are there? Please list each site and how it is permitted, if applicable. 41. Does the POTW accept waste by (mark if applicable) ® Truck ❑Dedicated Pipe ❑ NA 42. If the POTW accepts trucked waste, what controls are placed on this waste? (example. designated point, samples drawn, manifests required) The waste is discharged straight into a digester through a bar screen. 43. How does the POTW allocate its loading to industries? Mark all that apply ❑ Uniform Limits ❑ Historical Industry Need ❑ By Surcharge ® Categorical Limits ❑ Other Explain Other: 44. Review POTW's copies of current allocation tables for each WWTP. Are there any over allocations? ❑ Yes ❑ No If yes, what parameters are over allocated? 45. If yes to #44, What is being done to address the over allocations? (short-term IUPs, HWA to be revised, pollutant study, etc.) 46. Does the POTW keep pollutant loading in reserve for future growth / safety? ® Yes ❑ No If yes, what percentage of each parameter % 47. Has the POTW experienced any difficulty in allocation? (for example: adjudication by an industry) ❑ Yes ® No If yes, Explain. 48. How does the POTW decide on which pollutants to limit in the permits? Monitor for? (for example: were only those pollutants listed on the application limited; categorical parameters; NPDES Pollutants of Concern) EPA regulations on categorical users (Code of Federal Regulations) 49. How does the POTW decide what the monitoring frequency should be for the various pollutants in industry permits? Explain. Code of Federal Regulations NC DWR Pretreatment Audit Form Revised: December 2016 Page 3 DocuSign Envelope ID: 44C254B2-3345-4983-94BA-3C773C54D709 Permit Compliance 50. Does the POTW currently have or during the past year had any permits under adjudication? ❑ Yes ® No If yes, which industries? What was (will be) the outcome of the adjudication? 51. Demonstrate how the POTW judges compliance. This should include compliance judgment on all violations of limits, reporting requirements, and permit conditions, as well as for SNC. No violations by permittees, no need to judge SNC 52. Does the POTW use the Division's model inspection form or equivalent? ® Yes ❑ No If no, does the POTW form include all Division data? ❑ Yes ❑ No 53. Were all SIUs evaluated for the need of a slug/spill control plan during their most recent inspections? ❑ Yes ® No If no, Explain. They all have spill plans 54. What criteria are used to determine if a slug/spill control plan is needed? N/A 55. What criteria does the POTW use to determine if a submitted slug/spill control plan is adequate? Based on the type of waste being treated 56. How does the POTW decide where the sample point for an SILT should be located? Sample points are past all treatment units and flow measures. 57. Has the POTW established a procedure to ensure that representative samples will be taken by the POTW or SIU each time? (example: correct location; proper programming of sampler; clean equipment; swirling the sample bucket uniformly) POTW: ® Yes ❑ No SIU: ® Yes ❑ No If yes, Explain. Procedure is to set up the composite sampler in the morning one day and return at the same time the next morning to collect the composited sampler. 58. Who performs sample analysis for the POTW for Metals Pace Conventional Parameters Environmental Inc. Organics Pace 59. Explain the Chain of Custody Procedure used for both in house and commercial lab samples. The ORC rills out the CoC and has the courier sign it. A copy is given to the courier and the ORC keeps one. Long/Short Term Monitoring Plan (L/STMP) and Headworks Analysis (HWA) 60a. 60b. 60c. 60d. 60e. 60f. Is LTMP/STMP Monitoring Being Conducted at Appropriate Locations and Frequencies? ® YES ❑ NO Are Correct Detection Levels being used for all LTMP/STMP Monitoring? ® YES ❑ NO Is LTMP/STMP Data Maintained in Table or Equivalent? ® YES ❑ NO Is Table Adequate? ® YES ❑ NO All LTMP/STMP effluent data on Discharge Monitoring Report (DMR)? ® YES ❑ NO Division Inspector, verify yourself! If NO to any above, list violations Should any Pollutants of Concern be Eliminated from or Added to LTMP/STMP? ❑ YES ® NO If yes, which ones? Eliminated: Added: 61. Do you complete your own headworks analysis (HWA) ? ® Yes ❑ No If no, who completes your HWA? Phone ( ) -- 62. Do you have plans to revise your HWA in the near future? ❑ Yes ® No If yes, what is the reason for the revision? (mark all that apply) ❑Increased average flow ❑NPDES limits change ❑More LTMP data available ❑Resolve over allocation ❑5 year expiration ❑Other Explain. 63. In general, what is the most limiting criteria of your HWA? ®Inhibition ❑ Pass Through ❑Sludge Quality 64. Do you see any way to increase your loading in the future (Example: obtaining more land for sludge disposal)? ® Yes ❑ No Explain. Expansion of the WWTP 65. Do you plan any significant changes to the pretreatment program or changes to the WWTP that may affect pretreatment? no NC DWR Pretreatment Audit Form Revised: December 2016 Page 4 DocuSign Envelope ID: 44C254B2-3345-4983-94BA-3C773C54D709 INDUSTRIAL USER PERMIT (IUP) FILE REVIEW (3 IUP FILE REVIEWS AND 1 IU INSPECTION) 66. User Name F. MGM Brakes Snap On 3. Moog Inc 67. IUP Number 0001 0005 0003 68. Does File Contain Current Permit? ® Yes ❑ No ® Yes ❑ No ® Yes ❑ No 69. Permit Expiration Date 3/5/2027 3/5/2027 3/5/2027 70. Categorical Standard Applied (I.E. 40 CFR, Etc.) Or N/A 433.17 433.17 433.17 71. Does File Contain Permit Application Completed Within One Year Prior ® Yes ❑ No ®Yes ❑ No ® Yes ❑ No to Permit Issue Date? 72. Does File Contain Inspection Completed Within Last Calendar Year? ® Yes ❑ I ® Yes ❑ I X Yes ❑ No 73. a. Does File Contain Slug/Spill Control Plan? a. ®Yes []NO a. ®Yes ❑No a. ®Yes []No b. If No, is One Needed? See Inspection Form from POTW) b. ❑Yes ❑No b. []Yes ❑No b. ❑Yes ❑No 74. For 40 CFR 413 and 433 TTO Certification, Does File Contain a Toxic ®Yes❑No❑N/A ®Yes❑No❑N/A ❑Yes❑NoON/A Organic Management Plan (TOMP)? 75. a. Does File Contain Original Permit Review Letter from Division? a. ®Yes []No a. ®Yes ❑No a. ®Yes []No b. All Issues Resolved? b.❑Yes❑No®N/A b.❑Yes❑No®N/A b.❑Yes❑No®N/A 76. During Most Recent Semi -Annual Period, Did POTW Complete its ® Yes ElNo F977s ❑ No ❑ Yes ❑ No Sampling as Required by IUP, including Flow? N/A 77. Does File Contain POTW Sampling Chain -Of -Custody Forms? ® Yes ❑ No ® Yes ❑ No ❑ Yes ®N/A 78. During Most Recent Semi -Annual Period, Did SIU Complete its ®Yes❑No❑N/A F ®Yes❑No❑N/A ❑Yes❑NoON/A 1 Sam lin as Required b IUP, includin Flow? 1 79. During Most Recent Semi -Annual Period, Did SIU submit all reports on ®Yes❑No❑N/A ®Yes❑No❑N/A ❑Yes❑NoON/A time? 80a. For categorical IUs with Combined Wastestream Formula (CWF), does ❑Yes❑No®N/A ❑Yes❑No®N/A ❑Yes❑NoON/A file includeprocess/dilution flows as Required by IUP? 80b. For categorical IUs with Production based limits, does file include ❑Yes❑No®N/A ❑Yes❑No®N/A ❑Yes❑NoON/A production rates and/or flows as Required by IUP? 81. During Most Recent Semi -Annual Period, Did POTW Identify All ❑ Yes ®N/A ❑ Yes ®N/A ❑ Yes ®N/A Limits Non -Compliance from Both POTW and SIU Sampling? 82. During Most Recent Semi -Annual Period, Did POTW Identify All ❑Yes❑No®N/A ❑Yes❑No®N/A ❑Yes❑NoON/A Re ortin Non -Compliance from SIU Sampling? 83. a. Was POTW Notified by SIU (Within 24 Hours) of All Self- a.❑Yes❑No®N/A a.❑Yes❑No®N/A a.❑Yes❑No®N/A Monitoring Violations? b. Did Industry Resample and submit results to POTW within 30 Days? b.❑Yes❑No®N/A b.❑Yes❑No®N/A b.❑Yes❑No®N/A c. If applicable, did POTW resample and obtain results within 30 days of becomingaware of SIU limit violations in the POTW's sampling of SIU? ❑ c.Yes❑No®N/A c.❑Yes❑No®N/A c.❑Yes❑No®N/A 84. During Most Recent Semi -Annual Period, Was SIU in SNC? ❑ Yes ® No ❑ Yes ® No ❑ Yes ® No 85. During Most Recent Semi -Annual Period, Was Enforcement Taken as ❑Yes❑No®N/A ❑Yes❑No®N/A ❑Yes❑No®N/A Specified in POTW's ERP (NOVs, Penalties, timing, etc.)? 86. Does File Contain Penalty Assessment Notices? ❑Yes❑NoON/A ❑Yes❑No[D ❑Yes❑No®N/A 87. Does File Contain Proof Of Penalty Collection? ❑Yes❑No®N/A ❑Yes❑No®N/A ❑Yes❑NoON/A 88. a. Does File Contain Any Current Enforcement Orders? a.❑Yes❑No®N/A a.❑Yes❑No®N/A a.❑Yes❑No®N/A b. Is SIU in Compliance with Order? b.❑Yes❑No®N/A b.❑Yes❑No®N/A b.❑Yes❑No®N/A 89. Did POTW Representative Have Difficulty in Obtaining Any Requested ® No ❑ Yes ® No ❑ Yes ®No I[E]Yes Information For You? FILE REVIEW COMMENTS: NC DWR Pretreatment Audit Form Revised: December 2016 Page 5 DocuSign Envelope ID: 44C254B2-3345-4983-94BA-3C773C54D709 INDUSTRY INSPECTION ICIS CODING: Main Program Permit Number MM/DD/YY INIC10IO 12 IO I9I410I 09 121 123 1. Industry Inspected: MGM Brakes 2. Industry Address: 229 Park Ave, Murphy NC 28906 3. Type of Industry/Product: Car brakes 4. Industry Contact: Title: Phone: Fax: 5. Does the POTW Use the Division Model Inspection Form or Equivalent? ® Yes ❑ No 6. Did the POTW Contact Conduct the Following Parts of the Industrial Inspection Thoroughly? Comments: A. Initial Interview ® Yes ❑ No B. Plant Tour ® Yes ❑ No C. Pretreatment Tour ® Yes ❑ No D. Sampling Review ® Yes ❑ No E. Exit Interview ® Yes ❑ No Industrial Inspection Comments: All machining cooling water is closed loop recycle. There are 2 pretreatment tanks that discharge to Murphy WWTP. The other two tanks discharge to a holding tank that is pumped out by a subcontractor for disposal. The pH in the tanks is manually adjusted. There are no floor drains in the facility. Audit SUMMARY AND COMMENTS: Audit Comments: Requirements: Recommendations: NOD: ❑ Yes ® No NOV: ❑ Yes ® No QNCR: ❑ Yes ® No POTW Rating: Satisfactory ® Marginal ❑ Unsatisfactory ❑ rD Sig dby: Audit COMPLETED BY: I y-- e15ass DATE: 10/9/2023 E39]192DADFD4FF... Asheville Regional Office NC DWR Pretreatment Audit Form Revised: December 2016 Page 6