HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1--05085_Well Construction - GW1_20240827 t. II WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD For Internal Use ONLY: This form can be wed for singk or multipk,rcils 1.Well Contractor Information: ftINMOUtMONIES Chris Ruffer FaOM TO OFtiCRtnntN Wcll Cotir. for Nark ft, ft, 4223-A ft, ft. NC Wdl Contractor Certification Number 15,OUTER CASING(for nuhi ea+rd Welk)Oft LAYER Of rarAI TO DIAMETER THICKNESS MATTatAI sAEDACCo n. rt. in. Colman Nana IA INNER('.AIING OR 1T61Nl.ignotherfal t•Ine4 at) FROrt It) in rrlV 11 i TIOCAxESS MATERIAL 2,Well Conatnaction Permit it: 0 ft. 1 42 fi. 2 i+. SCH-40 PVC Lin all applir able well prtmitr fi.r.County-State,Variance byecO 'f eer.i fi. M. 3.Well Lie(cheek well esei: I'.SCULL Wider Supply Well: FROM tv DIAMETER sr,OTSI77 TNICKI4R.T3 1 MATR*IAI. 42 ft. 57 R 2 16• .010 SCH-40 ' PVC f_t AgncuIural ❑Municipal:AtblIc I IGeothemtal INeating,Cooling Supply) ❑Residential Water Supply Isinglcf I fr. It. is I i lndmstriatrComnsercial ❑Residcnnal Water Stipph-Ishared 1 IR GROUT FROM TO MATERIAL. EMPLACEMENT MET1100 A AMOUNT Glrneitton 0 ft. 38 ft. Portland Pour Non-Wider Soppy Well: R. (E Molutonnl; GR eco\cry I Injection Will: n. n G Aquifer Recharge ClCiroandwaterRenxdcrnon If..SANl1GRAY[L PACE(If applicable)— i FROM TO M A I I Ki%i EMM.ACFMENT METRO!) • ID Aquifer Storage and Recover) ❑Salinity Hamer ; 40 ft. 57 ft. Sand *2 ❑Aquifer Test ❑Stommraicr Drainage ft, ft, ❑Espcnntcutal Technology. GSribsidcncc Control 20,DRILUNG LOG lathed additional Ikeda if merman I ❑Geotltennal(Closed Loupi ❑Tracer Mod TO DESCRIPTION'tuts,i.rd.r«.w.a,..k Nor.pr..mr•.rtr ❑Geothennal el lcatingtCooling Return) ❑Other(explain under On Reatattsl ft. ft. ft. ft. 4.Date Weiltrt Completed: 7-16-24 Well IDaMW-1 IL R. 5a.Well Location: R. ft. Lee's Grocery U. ft 1 a`N..-`. . V 1— f.:,br. U..,.:r`..:r.. Fai,6tr If)krifapplicable) R. B. AUG �J 4609 N. Cherry St., Winston-Salem, NC, 27105 ft. AG rt. 2 7 2024 Plnsical Aditcss Cit):.and Zip it mums ,,�(5S,, g'S.cf l n^^^ +u. Forsyth Bentonite seal from 38- Forsyth CYiX4'-t v 4o tit,t, Parcel Identification No IPINI 5b.Latitude and Longitude in dcgrrea/mirwt:es/seennds or decimal degrees: ,. (-0.,ifir:ltir,n: (ifwdl!kid mac IA long r.adllcl:ntt N „ Chris Ruffer 8/11/24 Stgwt, •I Centbcd Well Connecter Dane 6.Is(are)the Asellls): SlPennatfent or ❑Teelporan Hy tignaix Air krne.I hereby certify that the*elk%t ow(*reef caeasrrm red to acorrkm.e. with 154 NCAC 02C.O1f0 or 15A NCAC 02C.0200 Welt ConsNnttioo Stu/Wards anti rho e 7.Is this a repair to an exists well: Dyes or 19 No rape n'chit wan!has hero provide!to the awl!owner. 110.0 is a repair.fill oral aroma urn r rei$tna Tien Nrfarr wkw are!a rpkwi the earner of rho repair ord.-TV!remark.,section or OM the bail of fhb form. 23.Site diagram or additional well details: You mar use the back of this paw to pros aide additional well site details or well 8.Number of welb constructed: 1 constriction details, You may also attach additional pages if nccessan. for muirrtdr,air,roes on.nrAt.werrr rupph wells ONLY was rho sow conatnretie•r ..0.or, selbnir<Ynr fora,. SI I BM ITTAI INSTUCTIONS 9.Total well depth below land surface 57 (fru lit. For All Wahl: Submit this form within 10 dars of completion of nell F. .,,, .,rU,for:df d.'pd,•,,.,rrli•re•nt rrrumrptr- ib'?EMT rind 2k'loin conatnletian to the following— Ill.Static water lead barn trip of casing: (ft.) Division of Water Resources,Information Processing Cud. If ratter Jere!n above rasing.u 1617 Mail Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-1617 II.Borehole diameter:8.25" _Oa.) 24b.For Injection W'elb ONLY: In addition to sending Qte form to the address in 24a abor e. also submit a copy of this form within l0 days of completion of hell 12.Well eonitrintiln method: NSA construction to the following. (I e.auger.Erman.cahIc.direct push etc.) Dia talon of Water Resources.Underground Injection Control Program. FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: IhJ6 Mail Semite Center.Raleigh.NC 27699-lit ib I3a tilcld IEPmI Method Rtresr tic.For Water Suppir&Injection Wells: Also submit one com of this form within )O daysot completion of 136.Disinfection hpe: Amount: , well constriction to the count!, m�heahh deportment of the com Where constructed Fong GW-1 Mont Catalano Ikpammo n of Emmons:o and Natural Resources--Uri n u,n of water Rmot,ces Re,tsed.August?I11 I