HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1--04990_Well Construction - GW1_20240828 N WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD '1 D For li crtiidt,eONl S'• This forth can be used for single or multiple%tells 50 !", 1.Well Contractor Information: \ II WATER ZONES John Eisenrnan 0110M to DPSI'RIFT MN Well(•moraine Kane ft, II, 4439 R. 1 ft. NC Well Contractor C'cnifaattnn Number 15,OUTER CASING(fat morn-rased hells)OR LINER(Y Walk) FROM To PIAME ►N THICKNESS HAT►Ri t SAEDACCO ft. ff. is. ('ouy,:uq\,;nr .Os!NMI CASING OR TEEING i •enes1 gibes ae) .FROM----_t_..to DIAMETER THICKNESS MATERIAL 2.Well Construction Permit N: 0 ft• 10 ft. 2 W SCH-40 PVC List all npphrable rent permits(ire.County St.rle.Variant,. kletliOIT rte.t - -----�-- - - R. ft. ia. 3.Well 17se Icheck Event acre 17.SCREEN —r Water SupplyWell: Weird TO DIAMETER MOTS17l t1IK1tNI1NS I NATURAL OAgtwultuial OMunicipal.Pnblrc 10 ft. 20 ft. 2 k 010 SCH-40 j PVC OGeothettmal IHeating,Cooling Supply) OResidcntial Water Supply(single) ft. R is. f OkiduslriaUCononereial OResidennal Water Supply(shared) IL Gam° IrROM TO MAURUl. EMPLACEMENT?ammo a AMOUNT Ohttgatian 0 ft. 5 ft. portland pour Non-Water Supply Well: ft. NMonitonne ❑Rreover. . Injection Well: h. ft. ❑,Agituler Recharge OGroundwater Rcntcdiation 19.SANDI(:RAVELP M(WitslMpN.) MOM it) MAtteut. EwlitAu_Nrr.Nt Mrr000 ❑Aquifer Storage and Rccovcty ❑Salinutc Barrier 8 R. 20 ft. sand 2 El Aquifer Test 05tommater Drairla c - fl. ft, ❑Experimental Technology ❑Subsidence Control 20.DRILLING LOG(attach addiliunal streets if secs-ears I ❑Geolhemwl(Closed Loopt ❑Trar:er 'NOM to I DPSCRIrtiDN.Tafer.Mardar....ianwL opt."alas sae.rrr.% OGeotlemral(Heating Cooling Return) OO(her tevplain under 021 Remarks) R• R• ft. ft. 4.Date We$(a)Completed: 7-22-24 wen IDNmii-1 R. ft Sa.Well Location: ft. r-- - -•. " • Coastal Dry Cleaners ft. ft. 2 Pxtlin,OttncrName Facilih IDS lifappliable) ft. R. AUG S 2024 511 Castle St., Wilmington, NC, 28401 R. R. __,.._„ ',- lr,.,..,,.,:.:`�; r.::•.;;,✓to Pin sisal Address.Cin.and Zip `21.RCMARIc3 C'i,i.;?<.v New Hanover i bentonite from 5-8' I aarat Terse]ld.,,ids_-,ISil No IPI\1 th.I:ttitudc and Longitude in.leirccclmirortcwsccnndc or decimal degrees: 22.Certification: (ii acll field.one(:alms is maracurl N µ' ''- 8/12/2024 Signalrreof r:: etc*.r..,5a"dt.— --- Ddc 6.b tare)the welds): %IPeri anent ur Temporary, 81 signing nkis JtorrR ln;%114 y,.. :;;P: cs:e.s t.it;ii zwurrvrrevl or rnrondmrc,r With 154 NCAC 02C.•x --T..:..'4 is1C.0200 Wri Coratrertion Starrfool r.end that a 7.Is this a repair to an existing well: DYes or IS No rope of chit reran:terse beryl provided to the twit owner. 11014 it a repair.fill owe Muni rill,-,moors toot rnformuraor turd r%piton the moire of the rrpuirader1?1 remarks intern or on the bark of this form. 23.Site diagram or additional well details: You mat use the back of this page to provide additional well site details or well S.Number of welt uilrmlrwled: 1 construction details. You ma)also attach addinottal pages if tecessan. For nwhlpte a.dertion or err-corer supple well:ONLY with u,r same r.ur.Nrurram ,,.0 ro.o Aebmir:.nr a-.,,, SIIEMITTAL INSTUCT)ONS 9.Total well depth Inluw land surface 20 (ft,) 24a. For All Wells: Subnni this lone aiihm MI days of contpktton of well For m..lople wells tier el.leprht ifJta"errru(crumple-fV 2Ori and 2*lust S construction to the folowing 10.State water level below lap of cashp (ft.) Division of Water Resources,Information Processing Unit. Uroar,lrrrl it of err.onag u,.•'+' 1617 Mail Sen•icc('cater,Raleigh,NC 27699-1617 I I.Borehole diameter:8.25" (in.) 24b.For(niceties WeW ONLY: In addition to sending the form to the address in 24a abut e. also submit a copy of this form within ?0 days of completion of well 12.Well constrwetion method: SSA colulruction to the following. tic auger.recto.cable.direct push.eic.l Division of Water Resources,Underground Injection Control Program. FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 1636 Mail Service Center.Raleigh,N( 27699.1636 13a.Yield(R(pnr) Method of Irk `lc.For Rap r Supph &Injection'Wells: Also subunit one cop) of thus from tt ithn, Ell dat s of completion of 13b.Disinfection n pro Amount: conscount)ction to the co hcahh department of the county where constructed Form GW-I \onh Carolina Oepunnrru of Ere.rorurryu and Natural Resources-Dnrstout of N'atcr Rrso,rcrs Ret used Al owe Ns.I