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NCC242737_Site Plan or Location Map_20240905
`UVV V U.S.DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR t�The National Map 7.5-MINUTE TOPO QUADRANGLE Ju U.S.GEOLOGICAL SURVEY �" OnDemand Tope Custom Extent science fora changing world 7.5-MINUTE TOPO -80.8289' -80.7039° 35.2502° 51640QnE 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 35.2502° p - _.AL-- >_ola .n. 121A8&I22 A y �m rEQ . il -0. -,,,,, n'''1, NV 3900°N°0N"N �4;g1'% -� 0 ,, 79117-�rrr � nm C° coy _ 7Q ao QSX A. ` @''tom D- �� C�. • - r j P .rp °° e2+ Z Lb Pitit ,it k3 8 99 fY +� '+�SJ„t� 7 ° g � 0 1 20 ��g, ti,� _ 0 98 F `a Fa"41' 1 ocb B 1 : 0 -w,/' 98 4� �f??" fitL•a Nrr s'°, fin Q g m g \� a a X0/2:12222yr it 8 9 � m 6 G T' C�yq vgi ° e H a e I 8 9 m Ne �8 /I ¢ 0(II • I. sa 97 , 0 °' 1 4 C{ .'�,' _ 8E.7,221 B Lh +•••• 4-tee '�} - .A @ ��i �j 8 �Cy{�j,p ©� „ H a. , , , 0 8 oti, ,4 - �y� ;cl.. [i lJ.-tea '0 •�'t �F ?] 0 bey* m 96 CY fS' .. - lirfaa e _ 96 fl �� .� c g s e °N w Ix ®" (, . mot' 7 v� ° Q cm 7 m � -�000 95 8 ,,,/�j8 r,'J3rzLT7m G `�Zb. .S \-- 9 RRR Far I e ,y$9 �`0 * • e �` 0 5� r. ," �4a" �y Yhi+:11L 94 8 m mar- �® 6 41 " e. \, C a� pd `,, 4 D SITE LOCATION •�� % 9 croslm 0. 93 r \\' % S't�` y�(�� `L � r _ _Y/s'�4>. 93 oo. 5.-.., f1 'g 1-Ir•, it j 0© Q•3 8 8 ' I,,- ' sa is �/q m % ,,._„, 91 �dg \ 0 ``z'ysu fl JL �' lT1h NN.531! ` `c- 91 ',-nt:,. '-.,.',:=1K-_,4,,, % _ ,,,"%k m =rogro i e- a',1 1YDzLI gatzej li. ‘-d0 kt.,,, % ‘ � m p� spa a� 9 m A 1 i e • E1 cFi' q oleo or 8 l p� � f a • . 89 Q[°y "z e 0,, p Fc1�z��,,-,��, w ' a ',p�l\��1rt l� p 89 FFYY '`��tff% bb�4 "nt q� 13 d ,.ty g V�°°5j o �`t'° ° d�,y�ya c1' p�, Ll 4 \ . 15r7 O ' # c, U II.. }1 2 vli Q mf %87 - - fl, - he-.) 4 5F:0 _ t ® .87000"N 35.1252' 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 52600•'E 35.1252. ROAD CLASSIFICATION Produced by the United States Geological Survey SCALE 1:24 000 ExpwryHwy �l r Road North American Datum of 1983(NADA) c Sya 98 on of 14(W..).Projaaon and 1 0.5 0 MILDMEIF1l5 i Ramp 4.13 1000m atiottagrld:Uniwrsel Transverse Norcala,2ele 175 of 500 0 METERS 1000 2 .Interst00 Rate �IS Rau[e OStYe Rwro 140 MILS Date is provided by TM Naliael Mep(TEAT,is the hest available at the map 1 0.5 0 RucU QUAU LOCAOON gado,g,.xy,7irciuda tlata can[entfmm wpporling tiwr�la+ol Elavafion, androrthoun Refer oames,atoll Federal l Geographic Data COOS rms,0 E Corer, i Mes MILES Arid OrDioimagory.Rofor to associa[otl Fotlerel Geographic Oa[e CanmR[oo(FGOC) 1000 0 1000 2100 3000 4000 5000 6000 2000 8080 9000 IODro Metatlab Fa aadhipmal wame data nramannn. —-- FEET De„m wrmwra This map is not a legal document.Bondari0s may h0 generalized for this map scale. U.1 GRID MOM,MAGNET%NORTH Privaro lantls wiMin governrent raservatior0 may not 000,00.,.Obtain permrssi08 OECUw.TON AT CENTER OF SHEET hafom o0erirg private bride.Tonpaal changes may have rceuretl sixa 1Uese dab CONTOUR INTERVAL 10 FEET wore collected and some data may no lager reprmmt actual surface conditions. u s i.e.oveNORTH AMERICAN VERTICAL DATUM OF 1988 moom-essvvo o CONTOUR SMOOTHNESS-Median Team AmmTee wt�al Map:Rttpz:rlmtionalmap.gw NV 7.5-MINUTE TOPO, NC e0 H,I NU 2024 emomRC QUADRANGLES