HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1--04934_Well Construction - GW1_20240816 828-622-7241 13•1
I et) 1 t. 19 05;43p Gleerwater Wall Drilling ......
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k.For c:enrymbe/IIPT or Closed-Loop Geothermal Wcits NM,*fir some cnniitruG(O Tdnils, Ynu rimy 8160 winch Adtlitionnl papa If necessary,
mum lotion,only I CrW-1 is needed. 1•ttdiacto TOTAL NUMBER cif wens
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�C` _0t:) Division ofWater It sourees.lailnrmrtlon Processing t)olt,
1 n.Stalin rumor level below top of Nod Mc— T 1617 Mid Service Coster,Raleigh,pslC�7(t9l-Ih17
*ovum.our:(1,t rrfvrra rprinp.inc" ""11.Borehole distorter: a / (ln.) 'loan.J orJdertloo WAN In addition to sanding the form W me nddraar in 24o
,00Ve,Olno auhnttt one copy of tIi form within 3n /lays of completion of welt
12 Well rrnlnry alien,n method:: - annatnrctian m the fatrnwin�
rt..sager,ratify.rattle,direst pork na,1
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' EVE a I3eilt: In addition to vending the ibtm to
IJa.YklAl�plllt) , U_ --__ iM+ethrul of test:
�/ -- �tulQ Qa(CS)rsbove also submit one copy of this than within 311 days of
131xl)tsinrcction types . - Am t�nua annotation at wdt eanswction to the comity health deportment of the county
---._._.._ whore ctm nttai:red,
Form OW.I North CmnHnn t)apnrimont.of 1?,wlrr,omnn►al Qralltr-t)ioiv,np of Warr:Rcsariwio nerfand 2-2I-I01 R
Wall DOW -callelemege
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Pernik; 033;.
Ibe tbyae:trthatAbeabove mierenced wagwaygrand lu ammo=it)auco web
all County wen rules
WM maim *VA (0:67Z
certlficatediz 3 ' 7 -/� -QV
Construction: Gitut
Depth; 305 Typeczez2zid
Ceding Deg& 70
Arc; V/F-
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