HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1--04930_Well Construction - GW1_20240816 828,-622-7241 p.1 rob 1519 05:43p Clearwatss Walt Drilling , .. .... W L W.- } Tor mtemniirirco W.: i, 1. itt;nntratlarIofo anon: Y 1-S . A.)0CX-^ne--14---- writ Conon:tot None fs. �• • L"-t C..f t 3 A Ira P. __,., ::Welt CnarnpoientlpaaW n tera lr e -_ ;;!i.4 t no _ _ �•,T 1` t ei.Jt.. O..J / , l 0 R; t{. in. It.R.�t art is..... ' "1 C0� v a 2.Wen ComtrrNton Permit If: O. f ft; -. -- 01 nil ay Wk hie Intl cYMrinialoll ltima(10.Ufa,CpiMY' l y V J.c c era) --- , T.11redF Itsi:(ctuett we))us* }. ;: .. ._.. 41tiaKt�ae6l 'ts,�'[#11i�AL. OM 0�1i WaterSap*Weq: - - il Agictddrmt DIlr(urtloipaI1Ptibiic 0 tt- ft. IL _ _ , •.•,' - !+s Resnttet water Supply(single) "'"'-•'g. • ft.�' le. 'r. 1(iteatingtCac!ting3upPi") L.-vide _ ... 5 •tndustfinUeotnmerofst f ftenid°ntfet Water Supply(nutted)) r to • _, To f ri}1T'rti*�L _.:"... ..._Sp. ...ii: .-.1.-1: il tM:A(atl ft. fe, Nnn Wnter Supply W,ll: . •MMoaitoTi J QRecot Dry -u -. _ fa ft. �„_.__ ,at„ --- Tn: R �°' ,.Mr Rdettat&r (lramdtvatt cRetltadiatiuo AV11,PAA, .i I ,r't_ , __ c�wa I�'•quifer StorrNa laid Raxwcry QS IOity Bon* �I�IY[ waive lheit>a�ofAquifer/en __. — / - lixperlmenrol Technology Onogaldenco Control n. is • ,thcttital(Closed Loop) D>tiaur k �� 111Ccettexmat *Wry. .• . .,. Ill tithe.-CJt.. under621 Remarks p O Oa Well Mit_ µ Li. �XL-PC a.Ibise Well(s)Co+aptettd: " — _ - , 0. it 5a.Well Location: 0. _ . sG • ,. , rl r� c1- C� 12 Ci..t}cr-r�--\ fC-,l-11 ___ • neilitxetteternone . 04 gNl(finptintMe) O. IL — ri.(ir L. 7/)r Armrest,CA. 7.tpd Y ) I i ..t f lit +JtRJtR� cumin. Pieettl O fdatNilfatlon No.(P(rt) , pidesfferotidsord &onto aw t--------- Sh.i.tttituda nod(ep�tltde In d Aont (linen field,one htfking in snflM)crit) r 35' 58' 34NDig--) 3�O w Zq UM et" Med anew Ono A.Wore)the wdi(s} mantot or , ,� ctmlflVeRr)M tpcttnrAmcr ba Wvows dtar fat*i aarw►yeterry,Ara err w wet(k'atli 7. Otis a repair to as martin wdl DU, or ° ratek itt NCAC a9C.OIOQ or ISA IICC G AQ WON&rui ous,Sew/ante and dim.r IftrlzlNstrnndrjNou moos W4fwrgn+pMai�rwa4kwplirt.auunoia o4lifraff/dx Word/MIl heel nNP#kr' r,7vir train t N reaos*'c sawn ruin the hod;of IMi joari. ]:t.Site iliarpratts or additlbnal watt st11MM Pt,rprAortafll Welt having the mac Von may use the back Otis page to pew*ltddiii0aai tend also detat I or well 8.For den rotar/IiDT or Qoped-Loop a>Ibtrvaktnddils. YWt they also attach edditionat P>tgce f/accessary. mnatnietion,only I C+W.1 is deeded ffidieato TOTAL NUMBER wile - Sta&UITALESDIVAX106 11b1*1 wo l deptt Mlaw tend serfeect (L1 24a.JnsWeib: Submit this Britt Athol 30 days of umnsieuon or ‘veil Pre putkIplcwrllr lit I al;dellltti( w(oaap'k ate*100 construction tO the fb(1Owr8: Jill.fatatil;water levet befow top of sale - (ft) Division o(Weter Resstsreea.liafuraetlen Processing Volt, ?f wafer/or(it einiin eenn i,ripe"," 1617 Moll Service Camden lit itdgit.TIC ANI0- It.fltfrcholc distorter:�._ (ln.) 2,11.1 orlstrttian Wet* to addition to sending the lbnn SO dia address in TAn wirove,also submit one copy of this four within 31)days at cOmplel on of well M.Welt tostetnteiton m an& Loostosetkoito the falidwift (I o.swim,voter)'.sable,*cot push,etc.) - Division fsrWater licaoucaes.Un 411mnd tojesitoe Coloured Program, ' _PO*WAT RaEPPt.VWiLLSONLY: .- I(.76 mail SsrlesCetsar,Rldei&lt.ltlC2?&g4,.1636 1Ja.Yield toa), Method of tot24e.*or Wrier Srn1 &i ikolie M- In tle dit uto unddlowithin 30 days ihe Rom 10 th0 it (cs) above, copyn!the enemy of I promo mitepMion of won corm anon t>D the coarUy' health clehonteettt 13A.Igsiareetfgq�yp� _ whore c n etteeted. Norm(1W.t Noah Camillus Aapaninftt or tittvkriNIVVu1t1 QaiHiv-i)4Pi14 xt or W.Ac Measures Ravines 2-22 201 F