HomeMy WebLinkAboutWI0800147_Permit (Completion)_20240829 HH " L 'PHM slmdy RoPWL" Opsra s UnR Moo 22 Q8o$s 22 'Isrine Corps Base Camp Lejeune Jacksonville, North Carolina Prepared for 114311hwmavaladiffies Engineering Command Department of the Navy Naval Facilities Engineering Command Mid Atlarift Division Norfolk, Virginia Under CTO-0105 Contract No. N62470-02-D-3052 Navy Clean III \`LSBSISfdlJj�� December 2008 �.% y\CAROB Prepared by $ B SEAL_ � r � 1501. � % 1z/z F �© Table of Contents 1 INTRODUCTION......................................................................................................................................... 1-1 1.1 SITE BACKGROUND ........................................................................................................................... 1-1 1.2 OBJECTIVE......................................................................................................................................... 1-1 2 SITE SETTING.............................................................................................................................................2-1 2.1 SITE GEOLOGY..................................................................................................................................2-1 2.2 SITE HYDROGEOLOGY.......................................................................................................................2-1 3 PILOT STUDY..............................................................................................................................................3-1 3.1 SITE SELECTION.................................................................................................................................3-1 3.2 ENHANCED REDUCTIVE DECHLORINATION OVERVIEW.....................................................................3-2 3.3 PRE-INJECTION ACTIVITIES...............................................................................................................3-3 3.3.1 Monitoring Well Installation..............................................................................................3-3 3.3.2 Baseline Monitoring...........................................................................................................3-3 3.4 PILOT STUDY IMPLEMENTATION........................................................................................................3-3 3.4.1 Substrate Description and Volume.....................................................................................3-3 3.4.2 Substrate Injection.............................................................................................................3-4 3.5 FIELD MICROCOSM STUDY................................................................................................................3-4 3.6 GROUNDWATER MONITORING...........................................................................................................3-4 3.6.1 Volatile Organic Compounds.............................................................................................3-5 3.6.2 Water Quality Parameters.................................................................................................3-5 3.6.3 Bromide..............................................................................................................................3-6 3.6.4 Natural Attenuation Indicator Parameters(NAIPs)..........................................................3-6 3.7 NATIVE DECHLORINATING BACTERIA...............................................................................................3-8 4 CONCLUSIONS............................................................................................................................................4-1 4.1 SOURCE AREA CHARACTERIZATION..................................................................................................4-1 4.2 CONTAMINANT DEGRADATION..........................................................................................................4-1 4.3 TREATMENT ZONE.............................................................................................................................4-2 4.4 DECHLORINATING BACTERIA............................................................................................................4-2 4.5 COST..................................................................................................................................................4-2 5 RECOMMENDATIONS..............................................................................................................................5-1 6 REFERENCES..............................................................................................................................................6-1 P:\EB2NAVYC1EAN0U2(STIES 6,9,AND 82)\STIE 82\PIIAT STUDY(ERD)\REPORfNALSIIE 82 ERDPROT STUDY SU vIARYREPORT.DDC I LIST OF TABLES 3-1 Chronology of Events 3-2 Summary of VOCs Detected in 6-DRW01 3-3 Substrate Injection Flow Rates 3-4 Detected Concentrations of VOCs in Groundwater 3-5 Summary of Water Quality Parameters 3-6 Summary of Wet Chemistry Parameters 3-7 Microbial Populations LIST OF FIGURES 1-1 Base Location Map 1-2 Site Map 1-3 Pilot Study Layout 2-1 Cross-Section Location Map 2-2 Geologic Cross-Section A-A' 3-1 Pilot Study Monitoring Data APPENDICES A Boring Logs B Groundwater Analytical Results P:0BL\NAVYCZEAXOU2(STIES 6,9,AND 82)\STIE 82\PIIAT STUDY(ERD)\REPOR TP-AL\SIIE 82 ERDPIIDT ST[JDYSUMIARYREPORT.DOC II Acronyms and Abbreviations bgs below ground surface cVOC chlorinated Volatile Organic Compound DCE dichloroethene DHB dehalobacter DHC dehalococcoides DO dissolved oxygen DSM desulfuromonas ERD enhanced reductive dechlorination Fe(II) ferrous iron Fe(III) ferric iron ft/day feet per day ft/ft feet per foot gpm gallons per minute gpd/ft gallons per day per foot LTM Long Term Monitoring MCB Marine Corps Base MOB methanotrophic bacteria µg/L micrograms per liter AS/cm microsiemens per centimeter mg/L milligrams per liter ml milliliter MS/MSD matrix spike/matrix spike duplicate mV millivolt NAIPs natural attenuation indicator parameters NCGWQS North Carolina Groundwater Quality Standards ORP oxidation-reduction potential OU Operable Unit PCE tetrachloroethene PVC polyvinyl chloride P&T pump and treat QA/QC Quality Assurance/Quality Control P-.UU,TAVYCI_EW0U2(STIES 6,9,AND 82)\STIE 82\PIUOT STUDY(ERD)\REPORfNALSTIE 82 ERDPROT ST[JDYSUMVIARYREPORIDOC in SHE 82 PILOT STUDYREPORT gPCR real-time polymerase chain reaction ROI radius of influence RI Remedial Investigation SOP standard operating procedure TCE trichloroethene TOC total organic carbon TOD Toluene dioxygenase VC vinyl chloride VOC volatile organic compound P:0BUNAVYCZEAXOU2(STIES 6,9,AND 82)\STIE 82NPILOT STUDY(ERD)\REPOR T AL\SIIE 82 ERD PILOT STUDY SUIVMARYREPORT.DDC TV SECTION 1 Introduction This report documents the pilot study conducted at Operable Unit (OU) No. 2, Site 82 at Marine Corps Base (MCB) Camp Lejeune located in Onslow County, North Carolina. The purpose of this pilot study was to evaluate the performance and effectiveness of the injection of a substrate blend (emulsified soybean oil and ethyl lactate) to stimulate enhanced reductive dechlorination (ERD) of chlorinated solvents in groundwater. The following sections describe the site background, setting, and pilot study planning and implementation. 1.1 Site Background Site 82 is located in the east-central portion of MCB Camp Lejeune ('Mainside'), approximately two miles east of the New River and two miles south of State Route 24, as shown on Figure 1-1. The site encompasses the wooded area between Lot 203 and Wallace Creek and is bounded by Holcomb Boulevard on the west, Wallace Creek on the north, Piney Green Road on the east,and Site 6 to the south. Site 82 was identified in 1986 during an environmental investigation of Site 6. No organized disposal operations were documented at the Site; however, Site 82 was found to be randomly littered with debris. It appears Site 82 was used for disposal of miscellaneous debris from Lot 203, located southeast of Site 82 (Baker, 1993). There are no historical records indicating disposal of chlorinated solvents. However, chlorinated solvents have been found in groundwater as deep as 240 feet below ground surface (bgs). A total of nineteen volatile organic compounds (VOCs), including tetrachloroethene (PCE) and trichloroethene (TCE) have been detected in groundwater samples collected from Site 82. Following completion of a Remedial Investigation and Feasibility Study, a Record of Decision was issued in September 1993 that specified the selected remedy as groundwater recovery and ex-situ treatment. Accordingly, in July 1996, a groundwater remediation system began recovering and treating impacted groundwater from a series of shallow and deep extraction wells. Figures 1-2 and 1-3 depict the site map and pilot study layout. 1.2 Objective The objective of the pilot study was to evaluate the viability of enhanced reductive dechlorination as a cost effective alternative to remediate groundwater impacted by chlorinated volatile organic compounds (cVOCs), in lieu of the on-going pump and treat (P&T) operations. P-.UU,TAVYC1_EW0U2(STIES 6,9,AND 82)\STIE 82\PIUOT STUDY(ERD)\REPORfNALSTIE 82 ERDPROT ST[JDYSUMVIARYREPORIDOC 1-1 SECTION 2 Site Setting 2.1 Site Geology At Site 82, the surficial soils consist of fine to coarse grained sands, silts,and clays. In several areas of the Site, the uppermost five feet of soil have been disturbed by Base activities and contains much fill material. Massive beds of silty sand and discontinuous sandy to clayey silts layers are present from ground surface to a depth of roughly 55 feet below ground surface (bgs). At a depth of approximately 55 feet bgs, site investigations encountered a continuous layer of heavily cemented silty sand and shelly limestone, roughly 10 feet in thickness. Massive silty sands interbedded with lenses of cemented sand and limestone lie beneath the cemented layer,extending to a depth in excess of 150 feet bgs. Figure 2-1 depicts the alignment of geologic cross-section A-A',which is shown in Figure 2-2. 2.2 Site Hydrogeology The Surficial aquifer at Site 82 occurs within the previously described silty sands, silts, and clays that overlie the heavily cemented layer encountered at roughly 55 feet bgs. The Castle Hayne aquifer exists below this same layer,extending to a depth of 250 to 300 feet bgs. Based upon aquifer testing conducted during the RI (Baker, 1993), the hydraulic conductivity of the Surficial and Castle Hayne aquifers has been estimated to be approximately 3.4 feet per day (ft/day) and 35 ft/day, respectively. Due to the relatively low conductivity of the Surficial aquifer, groundwater pumping rates for the shallow recovery wells are low; in the range of one to four gallons per minute (gpm) or less. Pumping rates for the deep recovery wells installed within the Castle Hayne aquifer range from 30 to 150 gpm. The direction of groundwater flow within the Surficial aquifer is northwest towards Wallace Creek, and groundwater flow in the Castle Hayne aquifer is west-southwest towards the New River. Water level data collected during the RI, suggests that there is no tidal influence on groundwater elevations in the area of Site 82 (Baker,1993). Sr1E82ERDPILOTSnDYSUNhMYREPORT.DCYT:\EBL\NAVYC[EWM2(Sr1ES 6,9,AND82)\SIIE82\PIIDTSTUDY(ERD)\REPORWP;AL\SrIE82 ERDPQDTST[IDYSU,4MMYREPORTDOC 2-1 SECTION 3 Pilot Study The following sections describe the planning and implementation of the ERD Pilot Study conducted at Site 82. Table 3-1 provides a chronology of events during the pilot study. TABLE 3-1 Chronology ofEvents Plot Study Report,Site 82,Nv1CB Camp Lejeune 10 December through 13 December 2005 Installation of 6 intermediate-depth monitoring wells to serve as observation points following injection January 2006 Deactivation of groundwater extraction well 6-DRW01 1 February 2007 Collection of baseline groundwater quality samples from 7 monitoring wells located in the immediate vicinity of the injection well (6-DRW01) 6 February through 9 February 2007 Injection of substrate material in 6-DRW01 21 February 2007 Installation of Bio-Traps 18 April through 19 April 2007 Post injection monitoring event(two months elapsed) 19 April 2007 Retrieval of Bio-Traps 13 June through 14 June 2007 Post injection monitoring event(four months elapsed) 14 August through 15 August 2007 Post injection monitoring event(six months elapsed) 3.1 Site Selection Site 82 was selected as the location for the ERD pilot study due to the presence of on-going groundwater remediation activities utilizing P&T technology, and a desire to evaluate alternate, potentially more effective remedial technologies. Groundwater extraction well 6- DRW01 was selected as the injection well for use in the pilot study since it was believed to be located in close proximity to the contaminant source area, and its temporary deactivation would not adversely effect hydraulic plume containment. Since the start up of the P&T system, groundwater samples have been collected on an annual basis from 6-DRW01 as part of the LTM program. Table 3-2 presents a summary of the Long Term Monitoring analytical data for 6-DRW01; collected in September 2005 during active groundwater recovery operations. Sr1E82ERDPQDTSn DYSUNhMYREPORT.DOCP:\EBL\NAVYC[EWM2(SrrES 6,9,AND82)\Sr1E82\PIIDTSTUDY(ERD)\REPORWP;AL\SrIE82 ERDPQDTST[IDYSU,4MMYREPORT.DOC 3-1 SHE 82 PILOT SnDYREPORT TABLE 3-2 SummaryofNDCs Detected in 6-DRVW1 September 2005 Site 82,MCB Camp Lejeune,North Carolina VOCS NCGWQS (µg/L) Concentration (µg/L) Tetrachloroethene 0.7 790 Trichloroethene 2.8 9,200 cis-1,2-dichloroethene 70 1,600 trans-1,2-dichloroethene 100 330 Vinyl chloride 0.015 33 J Note: NCGWQS—North Carolina Groundwater Quality Standard µg/L—micrograms per liter J—Reported value is estimated 3.2 Enhanced Reductive De chlorination Overview Enhanced reductive dechlorination involves the transfer of electrons from an electron donor source to the cVOC, resulting in the sequential replacement of a chlorine atom with a hydrogen atom. An electron donor source is required for the reaction to occur. Potential electron donor sources include biodegradable organic co-contaminants, native organic matter, or substrates intentionally added to the subsurface. Deeply anaerobic (reducing) conditions are required for reductive dechlorination of many chlorinated VOCs. In addition, competing electron acceptors, such as dissolved oxygen, nitrate, nitrite, manganese [Mn(IV)],ferric iron [Fe(III)], and sulfate,must be depleted. The principal anaerobic biodegradation pathway for reductive dechlorination of chlorinated ethenes is: Tetrachloroethene (PCE) --;�Trichloroethene (TCE) cis-1,2-dichloroethene (cis 1,2-DCE) vinyl chloride (VC) --,.ethene The transformation rates for each step vary but tend to become slower with progress along the breakdown sequence, often resulting in accumulation of cis-1,2-DCE and VC. Further breakdown from cis-1,2-DCE and VC to ethene varies and is based on site-specific conditions. ERD of chlorinated VOCs is implemented by adding a suitable substrate to the subsurface. The introduced substrate serves two purposes: (a) depleting competing electron acceptors and creating strongly reducing conditions, and (b) providing an electron donor source for reductive dechlorination. Nutrients, lactate, emulsified oil, or other substrates are often used to enhance reductive dechlorination. These substrates provide a carbon source for microbial growth and electron donors, stimulating dechlorination. Sr1E82ERDPQDTSn DYSUNhMYREPORT.DOCP:\EBL\NAVYCLEWM2(SrrES 6,9,AND82)\Sr1E82\PIIDTSTUDY(ERD)\REPORWP;AL\Sr1E82 ERDPQDTST[IDYSU,4MMYREPORT.DOC 3-2 SHE 82 PIIOT SnDYREPORT 3.3 Pre-Injection Activities Prior to the initiation of the pilot study, several preparatory tasks were completed, including: • Deactivation of recovery well 6-DRW01 • Installation of 6 intermediate-depth groundwater monitoring wells 3.3.1 Nbnitoring Well Installation In December 2005, 6 intermediate-depth monitoring wells (designated as 6-GW47IW through 6-GW52IW) were installed using rotosonic drilling methods to a depth of 100 feet bgs. Figure 1-3 illustrates the locations of these monitoring wells; in the vicinity of 6- DRW01. The monitoring wells were constructed from two-inch diameter Schedule 40 polyvinyl chloride (PVC) pipe and five feet of 0.010-inch machine-slotted well screen. Wells were completed at grade with flush-mounted 8.5-inch diameter steel protective locking covers set in two foot square concrete aprons. All monitoring wells were constructed and developed in accordance with the standard operating procedures (SOPS) as described in the Base Master Project Plans (CH2M HILL, 2005). Monitoring well boring logs are presented in Appendix A. 3.3.2 Baseline Nbnitoring It was presumed that the on-going groundwater extraction operations could potentially elevate dissolved oxygen concentrations, resulting in slightly aerobic, oxidizing conditions in the Surficial and upper Castle Hayne aquifers. Therefore, the groundwater recovery well proposed for use as the pilot study injection well (6-DRW01) was deactivated for a period of approximately 12 months, beginning in January 2006, to allow groundwater geochemistry within the proposed injection zone to return to native conditions. The remaining recovery wells continued normal operations throughout the duration of the pilot test. Prior to the start of the pilot study, the six newly installed monitoring wells (6-GW47IW through 6-GW52IW) and the injection well (6-DRW01) were sampled to establish baseline groundwater conditions. All groundwater samples were collected in accordance with the Base Master Project Plans (CH2M HILL, 2005), and analyzed for: VOCs (EPA Method 8260B),bromide, and natural attenuation indicator parameters (NAIPs) including: dissolved gases (RSK-175); nitrate, nitrite, sulfate, and chloride (EPA Method 300.0); sulfide (EPA Method 376.1); alkalinity (EPA Method 310.1); total organic carbon (TOC), total dissolved iron and manganese (SW-846 6010B).Water quality parameters, including DO,conductivity, pH,temperature, turbidity,and ORP were measured in the field. 3.4 Pilot Study Implementation 3.4.1 Substrate Description and Volume A blend of emulsified oil and ethyl lactate was selected as the preferred amendment solution; approximately 262 gallons of emulsified oil (50 to 60%) was mixed on-site with Sr1E82ERDPQDTSn DYSUNhMYREPORT.DCYT:\EBL\NAVYC[EWM2(SrrES 6,9,AND82)\Sr1E82\PIIDTSTUDY(ERD)\REPORWP;AL\Sr1E82 ERDPQDTST[IDYSU,4MMYREPORTDOC 3-3 SHE 82 PIIOT SnDYREPORT roughly 112 gallons of 100% ethyl lactate to create a blend of approximately 42% lactate in oil, by volume. Approximately 4.3 kilograms of bromide was also added to the substrate to act as a conservative tracer. During the injection process, the blended mixture was progressively diluted to 1.3% in water using potable water,obtained from a fire hydrant. The target injection volume was one pore volume, which, assuming a 20-foot radius of influence (ROI) and an effective porosity of 0.15, was 28,185 gallons. The actual volume of solution injected was 28,140 gallons, over a period of three days. A total volume of 374 gallons of lactate/oil blend was injected, and approximately 500 gallons of chase water was used to help flush the solution out of the well screen after the substrate injection was complete. 3.4.2 Substrate Injection Substrate injection commenced on February 6, 2007 and concluded on February 9, 2007. Dilution of the substrate was accomplished using a proportional feed system, which eliminated the need for a mixing tank and drew blended substrate directly from drums. A manifold, including a throttling valve, flow meter, and pressure gauge, was used to modulate and monitor solution flow rates during injection. A summary of injection stages and cumulative volume is presented in Table 3-3. During the injection event, the six new monitoring wells (6-GW47IW through 6-GW52IW) were monitored for the presence of bromide tracer using a groundwater probe, equipped with an ion selective electrode. Water quality parameters were also monitored in these wells. 3.5 Field 1V1'icrocosm Study A field microcosm study was conducted using two groundwater monitoring wells situated outside of the proposed injection zone (6-GW47IW and IR06-GW27DW). On February 21, 2007, three "Bio-Trap" samplers were suspended in each test well: one control, one baited with 100% ethyl lactate, and one baited with the same emulsified oil/ethyl lactate blend injected in 6-DRW01. The control and ethyl lactate-baited traps were collected and analyzed approximately three months after emplacement, during the April groundwater monitoring event. The Bio-trap amended with the oil/lactate blend was collected and analyzed approximately six months after emplacement, because of limited solubility (and short term bioavailability) of the oil. The samplers were submitted to Microbial Insights for polymerase chain reaction (gPCR) analysis, to quantify known dechlorinating bacteria. Results of the field microcosm study are presented in Section 3.7. 3.6 Groundwater Nbnitoring Following the substrate injection, post-injection groundwater monitoring was conducted at two-month intervals for a period of six months. Post-injection monitoring consisted of sampling the six new monitoring wells (6-GW47IW through 6-GW52IW) and the injection well (6-DRW01). The pilot study concluded with the third and final post-injection groundwater monitoring event. Sr1E82ERDPILOTSnDYSUNhMYREPORT.DCYT:\EBL\NAVYC[EWM2(Sr1ES 6,9,AND82)\SIIE82\PIIDTSTUDY(ERD)\REPORWP;AL\SrIE82 ERDPQDTST[IDYSU,4MMYREPORTDOC 34 SHE 82 PIIOT SnDYREPORT All groundwater samples were collected in accordance with the Base Master Project Plans (CH2M HILL, 2005), and analyzed for: VOCs (EPA Method 8260B), bromide, and NAIPs including: dissolved gases (RSK-175); nitrate, nitrite, sulfate, and chloride (EPA Method 300.0); sulfide (EPA Method 376.1); alkalinity (EPA Method 310.1); TOC, and total dissolved iron and manganese (SW-846 6010B). Water quality parameters, including DO, conductivity,pH,temperature, turbidity,and ORP were also measured in the field. Appropriate quality assurance/quality control (QA/QC) samples were submitted in accordance with all normal protocols. This included trip blanks (one per cooler with samples for VOC analysis), matrix spike/matrix spike duplicate (MS/MSDs) (5% of samples), duplicates (10% of samples), and equipment blanks (one per day of sampling). 3.6.1 Volatile Organic Compounds During the baseline groundwater monitoring event, conducted in February 2007, the greatest concentrations of PCE were detected in monitoring wells 6-GW511W and 6- GW521W, while TCE concentrations were greatest in 6-GW49IW, 6-GW501W and 6- GW511W (Figure 3-1 and Table 3-4). It is noteworthy that the VOC concentrations detected in the samples collected from 6-DRW01 decreased between one and two orders of magnitude following deactivation of the recovery well pump. During the first post-injection monitoring event, conducted in April 2007, VOC concentrations detected in the sample collected from the injection well (6-DRW01) were significantly lower than those reported from the baseline monitoring event, as shown in Table 34. Wells 6-GW481W, 6-GW491W 6-GW50IW and 6-GW51IW also showed decreases in PCE and/or TCE. An increase in cis-1,2-DCE and VC was noted in 6-GW491W and 6- GW511W. Comparison of the results from the second post-injection monitoring event, conducted in June 2007, to data from the April 2007 event generally revealed increases in concentrations of PCE and TCE, and in some instances to concentrations that exceeded the baseline data. Monitoring well 6-GW491W exhibited significant increases in concentrations of TCE and VC over the previous monitoring event and the baseline event. However, the concentrations of VOCs detected in the injection well remained significantly below the baseline data. The third and final post-injection monitoring event, conducted in August 2007, indicated relatively little change in concentrations compared to the previous event. The only exceptions were moderate increases of PCE and TCE in monitoring well 6-GW481W and a significant decrease of TCE in 6-GW501W (with a corresponding increase of cis-1,2-DCE). Concentrations of cis-1,2-DCE were reported in all wells, particularly 6-GW50IW and 6- GW511W. Over the course of the pilot study, no changes were observed in the VOC concentrations detected in samples collected from upgradient monitoring well, 6-GW47IW. 3.6.2 Water Quality Parameters In order to evaluate the distribution of the injected substrate and assess indicators of biological activity, field measurements of key water quality parameters were recorded in all seven monitoring wells associated with the pilot study, including DO, pH, specific conductivity, turbidity, temperature, and ORP. A summary of the water quality parameters recorded during the pilot test are presented in Table 3-5. Sr1E82ERDPILOTSnDYSUNhMYREPORT.DCYT:\EBL\NAVYC[EWM2(Sr1ES 6,9,AND82)\SIIE82\PIIDTSTUDY(ERD)\REPORWP;AL\SrIE82 ERDPQDTST[IDYSU,4MMYREPORTDOC 3-5 SHE 82 PIIDT SnDYREPORT Dissolved Oxygen Dissolved oxygen is the most thermodynamically favored electron acceptor used by microbes for the biodegradation of organic carbon. Generally, DO concentrations below 0.5 mg/L are required for anaerobic bacteria necessary for reductive dechlorination to be active. As the DO decreases within the aquifer, other electron acceptors (such as nitrate, ferric iron, or sulfate) may be used by microorganisms to facilitate reductive dechlorination reactions. Baseline DO concentrations in five of the seven monitored wells were less than or equal to 0.5 mg/L. With the exception of the June monitoring event, DO concentrations remained low throughout the study period. Oxidation-Reduction Potential The ORP of groundwater is a measure of electron activity and an indicator of the relative tendency of a solution to accept or transfer electrons. Reductive dechlorination is most efficient in the ORP range corresponding to sulfate reduction and methanogenesis [i.e. less than-100 millivolts (mV)]. ORP trends within the pilot study monitoring wells are presented in Figure 3-1. During the baseline monitoring event, ORP measurements in the pilot study monitoring wells ranged from -265 mV to 170 mV. With the exception of the injection well, ORP measurements generally decreased following substrate injection, leading to an ORP range at the conclusion of the pilot study of-233 mV to-82 mV. Total Organic Carbon Biodegradable organic carbon is utilized as an electron donor in the fermentation process that facilitates reductive dechlorination. The presence of TOC at concentrations greater than 20 mg/L indicates conditions conducive for reductive dechlorination to occur (USEPA, 1998; Wiedemeier et al, 1996). TOC was not detected at concentrations greater then 20mg/L during the baseline monitoring. Following substrate injection, TOC was detected in two wells, 6-GW49IW and 6-DRW01, at concentrations greater then 20 mg/L. The TOC concentration in injection well 6-DRW01 reached a maximum of 470 mg/L during the April 2007 monitoring event, while the TOC concentration at 6-GW49IW reached a maximum of 845 mg/L in June 2007. 3.6.3 Bromide A bromide tracer was blended into the substrate prior to injection. Table 3-6 provides a summary of the bromide concentrations detected during the monitoring events. Bromide was detected above background levels in the injection well (6-DRW01) and one hydraulically downgradient monitoring well (6-GW49IW) for a period of four months after substrate injection. 3.6.4 Natural Attenuation Indicator Parameters (NAIl's) Natural attenuation indicator parameters (NAIPs), including nitrate, nitrite, total iron, dissolved iron, sulfate, sulfide, methane, chloride and alkalinity, were monitored in the seven pilot study wells throughout the course of the study. These parameters were Sr1E82ERDPILOTSnDYSUNhMYREPORT.DCYT:\EBL\NAVYC[EWM2(Sr1ES 6,9,AND82)\SIIE82\PIIDTSTUDY(ERD)\REPORWP;AL\SrIE82 ERDPQDTST[IDYSU,4MMYREPORTDOC 3-6 SHE 82 PIIOT SnDYREPORT evaluated to determine if the conditions were favorable for biodegradation. Table 3-6 presents a summary of the NAIPs. Under anaerobic conditions, anaerobic bacteria utilize additional electron acceptors in the following order of preference: nitrate ("nitrate reduction'), ferric iron ("iron reduction'), sulfate ("sulfate reduction"), and carbon dioxide ("methanogenesis"). Reductive dechlorination has been demonstrated under nitrate-reducing and sulfate-reducing conditions, but is most likely to occur in methanogenic conditions. Because reductive dechlorination occurs under similar conditions to the processes mentioned above, the concentrations of constituents (such as nitrate, ferrous iron, etc.) can provide an indication of the general redox state of the aquifer and the potential for reductive dechlorination to occur. When DO has been depleted, nitrate can be used as an electron acceptor in anaerobic degradation via denitrification. In denitrification, nitrate is reduced to produce nitrite. Therefore, decreased nitrate concentrations and increased nitrite concentrations relative to background indicate nitrate reduction is occurring. However, at concentrations greater than 1 mg/L, nitrate can compete with chlorinated hydrocarbons as an electron acceptor. Nitrate was not detected in any of the monitoring wells at Site 82. Nitrite was detected in monitoring well 6-GW491W at concentrations ranging from 0.815 mg/L to 8.84 mg/L in April and June 2007, respectively. Nitrite was also detected in 6-DRW01 at a concentrations of 8.94 mg/L and 6.44 mg/L in April and June, respectively. The presence of nitrite and absence of nitrate in the 6-DRW01 and 6-GW49IW suggest that nitrate reduction is occurring. In some cases, ferric iron [Fe(III)] is used as an electron acceptor during anaerobic degradation and reduced before sulfate. During this process (termed "iron reduction"), ferric iron is reduced to ferrous iron [Fe(II)]. Reduced ferric iron concentrations relative to background and ferrous iron concentrations greater than 1 mg/L are considered indicators of iron reduction. Ferrous iron concentrations can be estimated by subtracting detected ferric iron concentrations from total iron concentrations. Wells 6-DRW01 and 6-GW481W detected both total and dissolved iron over 1 mg/L and increasing concentrations from the baseline monitoring event. The other wells did not indicate an increase in iron concentrations,total or dissolved,throughout the monitoring events. After DO, nitrate, and iron have been depleted, sulfate may be used as the electron acceptor in anaerobic degradation. This process is termed "sulfate reduction" and results in the production of sulfide. However, sulfide will preferentially precipitate with available dissolved metals (for example, ferrous iron) before remaining dissolved in groundwater. Sulfate concentrations less than background are indicative of anaerobic degradation by sulfate reduction. Sulfate was detected four monitoring wells, 6-GW49IW, 6-GW501W, 6- GW51IW, and 6-DRW01 and sulfide in one monitoring well, 6-DRW01. Sulfate concentrations were less than 20 mg/L in all wells, with concentrations ranging from 5.03 mg/L to 5.85 mg/L. Sulfide was found in only 6-DRW01 at 1.0 mg/L in August, see Appendix B. After the preceding electron acceptors have been utilized, carbon dioxide can be used as the electron acceptor in anaerobic degradation. In this process, termed "methanogenesis", carbon dioxide is reduced to produce methane. The presence of methane in the aquifer is Sr1E82ERDPILOTSnDYSUNhMYREPORT.DCYT:\EBL\NAVYC[EWM2(Sr1ES 6,9,AND82)\SIIE82\PIIDTSTUDY(ERD)\REPORWP;AL\SrIE82 ERDPQDTST[IDYSU,4MMYREPORTDOC 3-7 SrM 82 PIIOT SnDYREPORT indicative of strongly reducing conditions. In general, methane concentrations greater than background indicate methanogenesis is occurring. Reductive dechlorination is most efficient under methanogenic conditions. Methane was detected above the baseline concentrations in all but two wells, 6-GW51IW and 6-GW521W. The presence of methane in excess of the baseline concentrations suggests that strongly reducing conditions were created within the pilot study area. Chloride concentrations greater than background concentrations are indicative of the reduction of chlorinated solvent-related contamination is occurring (USEPA, 1998; Wiedemeier et al, 1996). A general decrease in chloride concentrations from the baseline concentrations was seen throughout the post-injection monitoring events. 3.7 Native Dechlorinating Bacteria The previously referenced Bio_TrapsTM were shipped to Microbial Insights for evaluation to determine the presence and relative abundance of indigenous dechlorinating bacteria. Table 3-7 presents a summary of the dechlorinating bacteria detected at Site 82. The target bacteria included: Dehalobacter (DHB), Dehalococcoides (DHC), Desulfuromonas (DSM), Methanotrophic bacteria (MOB)(able to cometabolically degrade some VOCs under aerobic conditions). DHB can indicate the transformation of TCE to cis- 1,2-DCE. DHC, which are the only bacteria shown to be capable of complete degradation of PCE and TCE to ethane, grow slowly under strictly anaerobic conditions and may require several months to begin to thrive. DSM is also a strict anaerobic bacterium (Bitton,1999). DHB was reported to range from 787 to 219,000 cells/bead, with the highest detection reported in the baited control Bio_TrapTM and were found to be thriving in all traps. DHC ranged from less than 25 to 38.8 cells/bead, and DSM ranged from less than 50 to 824 cells/bead. DHC populations were found to be quite limited, however DHC are known to take longer than the three months allotted during the pilot study to become thriving populations. The number of dechlorinators detected on the control trap was generally similar to the traps baited with the injected substrate, indicating that the naturally occurring conditions are adequate for dechlorinating bacteria to grow and thrive as well as they would with the addition of substrate. However,as shown by the low DHC and DSM detections,it may take up to six months to a year for dechlorinating bacteria to grow and thrive depending on the conditions. Sr1E82ERDPILOTSnDYSUNhMYREPORT.DCYT:\EBL\NAVYC[EWM2(Sr1ES 6,9,AND82)\SIIE82\PIIDTSTUDY(ERD)\REPORWP;AL\SrIE82 ERDPQDTSTLDYSUAMARYREPORTDOC 3-8 SECTION 4 Conclusions This pilot study successfully demonstrated that ERD is a viable remedial technology for the site-specific conditions encountered at Site 82. The following sections summarize the key findings and conclusions derived from the study. 4.1 Source Area Characterization During design of the pilot study, it was assumed that the proposed injection well 6-DRW01 was located in the immediate vicinity of the source of the observed VOC impacted groundwater. Table 3-2 summarizes the typical VOC concentrations detected in 6-DRW01 during active groundwater recovery operations. During the roughly 12-month hiatus of groundwater recovery operations involving 6- DRW01 (in preparation for the initiation of the ERD substrate injection), VOC concentrations in this well decreased significantly, e.g. TCE decreased from 9,200 to 160 µg/L. The baseline monitoring indicated that the greatest VOC concentrations were reported for monitoring wells 6-GW50IW and 6-GW51IW, located west of 6-DRW01. This discovery suggests that groundwater pumping from 6-DRW01 is capturing impacted groundwater from nearby, but under static (no pumping) conditions the VOC concentrations in the immediate vicinity of this well are one to two orders of magnitude lower. The generally low ORP measured in wells 6-GW47IW, 6-GW501W, and 6-GW51IW may also suggest that the source area is located to the west of 6-DRW01; the ORP measurements from wells 6-GW47IW, 6-GW50IW, and 6-GW51IW remained negative throughout the pilot study indicating the presence of naturally occurring reductive conditions. In summary, it appears that while groundwater recovery from 6-DRW01 may be somewhat effective at removing contaminant mass, it is not an ideally located injection well for the purposes of remediation by means of ERD. Furthermore, this discovery questions the adequacy of previous source area characterization efforts with regards to the future evaluation of alternate remedial strategies. 4.2 Contaminant Degradation Post-injection groundwater monitoring events detected TCE daughter products in each well, although byproduct production was most pronounced in monitoring wells 6-GW491W, 6- GW501W, and 6-GW511W. The elevated concentrations of degradation byproducts indicate successful reductive dechlorination was identified at three out of six of the monitoring wells. The observed changes in groundwater geochemistry (low DO and negative ORP) indicate a shift towards a more reducing environment (such as the development of iron- reducing, sulfate-reducing, or methanogenic conditions). It should also be noted that groundwater quality in 6-DRW01, at the conclusion of the pilot study,met the NCGWQS. Sr1E82ERDPILOTSnDYSUNhMYREPORT.DCYT:\EBL\NAVYC[EWM2(Sr1ES 6,9,AND82)\SIIE82\PIIDTSTUDY(ERD)\REPORWP;AL\SrIE82 ERDPQDTSTDYSU,4MMYREPORTDOC 4-1 SIIE 82 PIIOT SnDYREPORT 4.3 Treatment Zone Evaluation of the distribution of the bromide tracer suggests that the maximum extent of the treatment zone was approximately 20 feet hydraulically downgradient from the point of injection. Aside from the injection well, the bromide tracer was only detected in groundwater samples collected from monitoring well 6-GW49IW (within two months of injection), suggesting that the initial radius of influence was somewhat less than 20 feet and that the tracer was subsequently transported by means of advection. Therefore, the lateral and upgradient dimensions of the treatment zone are presumed to radiate less than 20 feet from the injection well. Changes in ORP measurements may also be used to infer the extent of migration of the substrate. For example, monitoring wells 6-GW481W, 6-GW491W and 6-GW521W exhibited post-injection decreases of ORP suggesting that these wells may have been influenced by the substrate injection. The limited detection of the bromide tracer may also be due to several factors including: a) use of insufficient tracer volume, b) limited half-life of the bromide tracer may have lead to the degradation of the bromide tracer before reaching other wells, and c) heterogeneities within the treatment zone may have created preferential flow paths not intersected by the monitoring wells. 4.4 Dechlorinating Bacteria The presence of the reductive dechlorination daughter products of TCE (cis-1,2-DCE and VC) in groundwater samples collected from monitoring wells 6-GW49IW and 6-GW50IW is considered to be an indicator that biologically mediated reductive dechlorination is occurring within the aquifer. The presence of elevated concentrations of VC in samples collected from 6-GW491W is also considered to be significant, since it indicates the presence of bacteria capable of degrading cis-1,2-DCE. However, it is likely that the duration of the pilot test may not have been long enough to determine if vinyl chloride would degrade to ethane over time. 4.5 Cost The cost to plan and implement the Site 82 ERD pilot was approximately $140,000, and included the following elements: • Development of a project-specific work plan • Installation and development of six 100 feet deep monitoring wells, • Preparation of an Underground Injection Control permit application, • Procurement and injection of the oil and lactate mixture, • Mobilization for four groundwater monitoring events, • Subcontracted laboratory services for VOC and microbial analyses, • Preparation of a summary report SHE 82ERDPQDTSn DYSUNhMYREPORT.DCYT:\EBL\NAVYC[EWM2(SrrES 6,9,AND82)\SIIE82\PIIDTSTUDY(ERD)\REPORWP;AL\SrIE82 ERDPQDTST[IDYSUAhMYREPORTDOC ¢2 SECTION 5 Recommendations Considering that a remedy is currently in place at Site 82, and is reportedly meeting the remedial objectives of plume containment and mass reduction, the decision to evaluate and pursue alternative remedial strategies should be weighed in terms of cost and benefit. During this pilot study, it was noted that recovery well 6-DRW01 did not appear to be ideally located to efficiently extract impacted groundwater, potentially leading to greater time to reach cleanup goals. Based upon the available information, it is unknown whether the other groundwater recovery wells are more advantageously located. Consequently, it is recommended that before larger scale application of ERD technology is considered for Site 82, additional source characterization activities should be conducted to refine the conceptual site model and more accurately identify target treatment zones. Sr1E82ERDPILOTSnDYSUNhMYREPORT.DCYT:\EBL\NAVYC[EWM2(Sr1ES 6,9,AND82)\SIIE82\PIIDTSTUDY(ERD)\REPORWP;AL\SrIE82 ERDPQDTST[IDYSU,4MMYREPORTDOC 5-1 SECTION 6 References Baker Environmental, Inc., 1993. Remedial Investigation Report for Operable Unit No. 2 (Sites 6, 9, and 82),MCB Camp Lejeune, North Carolina. August 1993. Bitton,Gabriel. Wastewater Microbiology Second Edition,Wiley-Liss,Inc.,1999. CH2M HILL, 2005. Master Project Plans, Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune, Jacksonville, North Carolina. August 2005. CH2M HILL, 2006. Draft Annual Long-Term Monitoring Report, Operable Unit No. 2 - Sites 6 & 82,Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune, North Carolina. June 2006. CH2M HILL, 2007. Final Site 82 Work Plan, Operable Unit No. 2 - Site 82, Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune, North Carolina. January 2007. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. 1998. Technical Protocol for Evaluating Natural Attenuation of Chlorinated Solvents in Ground Water. September 1998. Weidemeier, Todd, et al. 1996. Draft Technical Protocol for Evaluating Natural Attenuation of Chlorinated Solvents in Groundwater. Air Force Center for Environmental Excellence. San Antonio,Texas. November 1996. Sr1E82ERDPILOTSnDYSUNhMYREPORT.DCYT:\EBL\NAVYC[EWM2(Sr1ES 6,9,AND82)\SIIE82\PIIDTSTUDY(ERD)\REPORWP;AL\SrIE82 ERDPQDTSTDYSU,4MMYREPORTDOC CfI Tables TABLE 3-3 Substrate Injection Flow Rates Site 82 Pilot Study Report NUB Camp Lejeune,North Carolina Flow Rate Cumulative Date and Time (gpm) (gallons) 2/7/07 7:30 22 NA 2/7/07 11:15 22 4950 2/7/07 14:45 22 9570 2/8/07 7:50 22 14,100 2/8/07 8:50 22 15,404 2/8/07 12:50 22 20,684 2/8/07 14:20 22 22,440 2/9/07 8:50 12 25,260 2/9/07 9:50 12 25,980 2/9/07 10:50 12 26,700 2/9/07 12:50 12 28,140 gpm - gallons per minute TABLE 3-4 Detected Concentrations of VOCs in Groundwater Site 82 Pilot Study Report NUB Camp Lejeune,North Carolina Concentration (ug/L) Well ID 7ZZ Date PCE TCE cis-1,2-DCE trans-1,2-DCE VC NCGWQS (ug/L) 0.7 2.8 70 100 0.015 Sep-05 790 9200 1600 330 33 J Feb-07 15 160 150 36 1.6 J 06-DRW01 Apr-07 0.17 J 2 29 D 5 0.79 Jun-07 0.26 J 2.2 7.3 1.7 0.5 U Aug-07 0.28 J 1.9 10 1.7 0.74 Feb-07 11 5.8 2.1 0.24 J 0.5 U 06-GW471W Apr-07 32 D 6.2 3 0.49 J 0.5 U Jun-07 47 D 5.3 9.1 0.47 J 0.5 U Aug-07 18 1 5.5 20 0.5 0.5 U Feb-07 53 120 40 4.2 4.2 U 06-GW481W Apr-07 43 42 39 4.8 5.7 Jun-07 53 40 27 4.9 4.7 Aug-07 100 69 50 9.6 4.6 Feb-07 63 1000 D 610 98 4.8 J 06-GW491W Apr-07 21 U 21 U 810 D 18 J 85 Jun-07 22 J 1600 550 100 1100 Aug-07 50 U 1100 500 68 1300 Feb-07 50 J 8300 D 1 1700 1 350 1 130 U 06-GW501W Apr-07 50 U 1300 790 99 50 U Jun-07 130 J 7400 1900 260 250 U Aug-07 42 J 4500 D 2800 D 140 21 J Feb-07 110 3800 D 520 D 210 5.5 J 06-GW511W Apr-07 87 J 3200 D 1600 290 100 U Jun-07 220 J 6900 1000 1 290 250 U Aug-07 210 J 6200 990 380 17 J Feb-07 96 150 130 20 4.2 U 06-GW521W Apr-07 130 D 97 67 14 2.8 Jun-07 220 130 74 220 6.3 U Aug-07 240 D 130 D 100 D 22 3.5 Feb-07 168 3225 657 145 26 Average concentration over Apr-07 52 667 477 62 35 all wells Jun-07 99 2297 510 125 230 Aug-07 21L 1715 639 89 192 Note:NCGWQS-North Carolina Groundwater Quality Standards D-Compound identified in an analysis at a secondary dilution factor. J-Analyte present. Value may or may not be accurate or precise U-The material was analyzed for, but not detected TABLE 3-5 Summary ofWater Quality Parameters Site 82 Pilot Study Report MCB Camp Lejeme,North Carolina Purge Volume Purge Rate pH Conductivity Turbidity Dissolved Oxygen Temperature ORP Well ID Sample Date (gallons) (ml/min) (SU) (S/cm) (NTU) (mg/L) (°C) (mV) Feb-07 340.0 7.73 0.241 0.0 0.36 18.2 -156 06-DRW01 Apr-07 350.0 5.97 1.02 24.0 0.00 18.57 -87 Jun-07 330.0 5.90 0.886 132 5.20 19.41 -29 Aug-07 380.0 -- 7.89 0.900 7 0.42 19.6 -82 Feb-07 14.0 350.0 8.42 0.243 0.0 0.50 14.6 -265 06-GW471W Apr-07 14.0 500.0 8.09 0.232 0.5 0.01 19.55 -265 Jun-07 13.5 500.0 8.44 0.231 9.2 2.02 19.75 -254 Aug-07 14.0 500.0 10.67 0.307 100 0.18 23.6 -233 Feb-07 13.0 350.0 7.52 0.339 0.8 1.72 16.5 9 06-GW481W Apr-07 13.5 500.0 7.63 0.287 13.8 0.09 19.51 -155 Jun-07 13.0 500.0 7.72 0.334 0.0 2.00 20.29 -152 Aug-07 13.0 500.0 8.87 0.321 79 0.22 21.3 -138 Feb-07 13.0 400.0 7.52 0.099 11 0.09 16.31 59 06-GW491W Apr-07 14.0 500.0 7.07 0.89 185 0.03 19.72 -185 Jun-07 13.0 500.0 6.31 1.92 24.1 1.69 19.91 -112 Aug-07 13.0 500.0 9.2 1.5 83 0.18 20.6 -157 Feb-07 12.5 350.0 7.93 0.009 0.1 0.18 14.78 -200 06-GW501W Apr-07 13.5 500.0 7.96 0.36 8.9 0.00 19.71 -214 Jun-07 13.0 500.0 8.30 0.215 90.7 1.70 20.98 -214 Aug-07 13.0 500.0 10.23 0.909 0 0.20 22.4 -202 Feb-07 13.0 350.0 7.95 0.009 0.0 0.50 16.35 -189 06-GW511W Apr-07 14.0 500.0 8.01 0.26 1.3 0.00 19.75 -233 Jun-07 12.5 500.0 8.29 0.255 37.7 1.82 21.51 -213 Aug-07 13.0 500.0 10.56 0.999 7 0.12 22.7 -214 Feb-07 13.0 400.0 7.43 0.398 3.1 0.80 17.9 170 06-GW521W Apr-07 14.0 500.0 7.53 0.511 6.5 0.00 20.17 -128 Jun-07 13.0 500.0 7.66 0.269 0.0 1.82 20.33 -151 Aug-07 13.5 500.0 8.46 0.999 14 0.21 21.0 -135 mI/min-milliliter per minute SU-standard unit S/cm-Siemen per centimeter NTU-Nephelometric turbidity unit mg/L-milligram per liter °C-degree celcius mV-millivolt TABLE 3-6 Summary of Wet Chemistry Parameters Site 82 Pilot Study Report NUB Camp Lejeune,North Carolina Chloride Ethene Methane Nitrate Nitrite TOC Alkalinity Total Iron Dissolved Iron Bromide Well ID Sample Date (mg/L) (mg/L) (mg/L) (mg/L) (mg/L) (mg/L) (mg/L) (mg/L) (mg/L) (mg/L) Feb-07 3.70 2.0 U 0.4 JB 0.05 U 0.05 U 5 U 91.9 3.7 E 0 B 0.1 U 06-DRW01 Apr-07 2.80 2.0 U 2 0.05 U 8.94 470 587 28.9 N 26.9 2.89 Jun-07 3.12 2.0 U 43 B 0.05 U 6.44 332 499 36.7 34 0.66 Aug-07 2.03 2.0 U 79 BD 0.03 U 0.02 U 310 586 16.6 13.7 0.1 U Feb-07 4.32 0.8 J 0.6 JB 0.05 U 0.05 U 5 U 101 1.2 E 0.6 0.1 U 06-GW471W Apr-07 4.87 2.0 U 0.9 J 0.05 U 0.05 U 2.02 B 123 1.6 N 0.9 0.1 U Jun-07 4.35 2.0 U 1 B 0.05 U 0.05 U 5 U 110 1.5 0.7 0.1 U Aug-07 3.95 0.3 J 5 B 0.03 U 0.02 U 2.4 B 97.5 1.3 0.4 E 0.1 U Feb-07 5.15 2.0 U 0.4 JB 0.05 U 0.05 U 5 U 156 0.1 E 0 B 0.1 U 06-GW481W Apr-07 5.26 2.0 U 0.6 J 0.05 U 0.05 U 5 U 141 0.4 N 0 B 0.1 U Jun-07 4.02 2.0 U 1 B 0.05 U 0.05 U 5 U 137 0.2 0 B 0.1 U Aug-07 4.27 0.08 J 1 B 0.03 U 0.02 U 1.6 U 122 0.2 0 BE 0.1 U Feb-07 5.03 2.0 U 0.5 JB 0.05 U 0.05 U 5 U 118 0.2 E 0 B 0.1 U 06-GW491W Apr-07 3.30 2.0 U 2 0.05 U 0.815 392 380 3.4 N 0.9 7.94 Jun-07 5.14 2.0 240 BD 0.05 U 8.84 845 1540 12.5 12.5 6.4 Aug-07 3.22 0.6 J 300 BD 0.03 U 0.02 U 531 1760 8.5 6.3 E 0.1 U Feb-07 7.60 0.7 J 0.5 JB 0.05 U 0.05 U 5 U 93.5 0.9 E 0.4 0.1 U 06-GW501W Apr-07 6.72 0.6 J 3 0.05 U 0.05 U 5 U 103 0.9 N 0.4 0.1 U Jun-07 5.08 2.0 U 2 B 0.05 U 0.05 U 5 U 99.7 0.9 0.2 0.1 U Aug-07 4.81 0.2 J 3 B 0.03 U 0.02 U 1.6 U 89.4 0.6 0.3 E 0.1 U Feb-07 6.32 0.9 J 0.6 JB 0.05 U 0.05 U 5 U 83.1 0.5 E 0.3 0.1 U 06-GW511W Apr-07 6.97 2.0 U 0.4 J 0.05 U 0.05 U 5 U 108 0.9 N 0.4 0.1 U Jun-07 5.48 2.0 U 0.7 BJ 0.05 U 0.05 U 5 U 94 0.8 0.3 0.1 U Aug-07 5.05 2.0 U 0.3 BJ 0.03 U 0.02 U 1.6 U 86.9 0.7 13.7 E 0.1 U Feb-07 5.23 2.0 U 0.7 JB 0.05 U 0.05 U 5 U 158 0.5 E 0.2 0.1 U 06-GW521W Apr-07 5.33 2.0 U 0.4 J 0.05 U 0.05 U 5 U 153 0.4 N 0 B 0.1 U Jun-07 4.71 2.0 U 0.7 BJ 0.05 U 0.05 U 5 U 143 0.4 0.2 0.1 U Aug-07 4.72 2.0 U 0.4 BJ 0.03 U 0.02 U 1.6 U 121 0.3 0 0.1 U Note:B-Analyte not detected above the level reported in blanks D-Compound identified in an analysis at a secondary dilution factor. J-Analyte present. Value may or may not be accurate or precise U-The material was analyzed for,but not detected E-(Inorganics)Estimated concentration due to interference N-Spiked smapled recovery not within control limits TABI E 3-7 Xtrobiological Populations Site 82 Pilot Study Report N fB Camp Iejeune,North Carolina Sample ID IR06-GW27DW-07B Control IR06-GW27DW-07B Baited EL IR06-GW27DW-07B Baited ELO IR06-GW471W-07B Control IRO6-GW471W-07B Baited EL IR06-GW471W-07B Baited ELO Sample Date 4/19/07 4/19/07 4/19/07 4/19/07 4/19/07 4/19/07 Chemical Name DHB 127,000= 787= 16,300= 219,000= 108,000= 180,000= DHC 25< 25< 25< 27.3= 38.8= 25< DSM 50< 93.1= 50< 50< 50< 824= MOB 4,930,000= 6,300,000= 795,000= 623,000= 4,140,000= 621,000= MOBI 4,840,000= 6,230,000= 603,000= 618,000= 4,120,000= 618,000= MOBII 92,600= 71,100= 191,000= 5,040= 23,300=1 3,220= TOD 501< 1 73,600= 1 50<1 50<1 45,200=1 12,600= Notes: Units in microbial cells per bead DHB-Dehalobacter DHC-Dehalococcoides DSM-Desulfuromonas MOB-Methanotrophic bacteria TOD-Toluene diozygenase Baited EL-Biotrap baited with ethyl lactate Baited ELO-Biotrap baited with the emulsified oil/ethyl lactate blend Figures \\Nriadne\groups\GIS\USNavFaceNGCom\315007CampLejeune\Projects\Sites6 and 821\Figure_2_1_Base_Loc_Map.mxd i f i t � � Duplin 17 I y 258 70 117 ' Carteret 1 Jacksonville �,;r, Onslow %;, \ -ti r ------------------- Site 82 1 ) — i 5 /" Morehead Cityf MCB Camp\,�ejeune 241 Ne` F V Pender Gea WV VA 17 _,� '�; NC Marine Corps Base /Y Camp Lejeune - rJ SC Atlantic Ocean s Legend N Figure 1-1 DlnstallationArea WE Base Location Map � Site 82 Site 82, Operable Unit No. 2 Limited Access Higwhay S MCB Camp Lejuene, North Carolina Highway 0 4,500 9,000 13,500 18,000 Local Roads FM Meters Cities \\Ariadne\groups\USNavFaceNGCom\315007CampLejeune\Projects\Sites_6_and_82\Figure 1-2-Site Map.mxd IT TP- i� �� slit rialt .�` r'¢r► W. ca r } W. 1. -1. 1 -1. 1• r t {• W. 1- 1 - `r W. i • - i -1. 1 t -1. 1 1 J W. y�,� fc�► �� l�6, IR06-GW01 DB IR06-GWOIDA 6-GW521W I Itr' \�`r Ys IR06-GW01 D -GW01Q ®6-GW481W 4 =O 'l '. #tr 6-GW01DC n 6-GW501W® p !. / ! 6-GW491W A,6-DRW01 r � 6-GW511W 03 O y r' q C f IR06-GW471W® r 11i r• - fll �Y f l S • 1 -1• 0 37.5 75 Feet Legend N Figure 1-2 aEnvironmental Restoration Area Approximate location w+E Site Map Deep Monitoring Well of pilot study s Site 82,Operable Unit No.2 MCB Camp Lejeune,North Carolina ®Intermediate Monitoring Well 0 200 400 800 Shallow Monitoring Well Feet Deep Recovery Well cH�.. Shallow Recover Well 1"=400 ft AphroditetprojtUSNavFacEngComt315007CampLejeune\Projects\Sites_6_and_82\Figure 1-3 Pilot Study Layout.mxd •• AL - 715 _ q ; t J . ; . r A% j6-GW521W CONT78 IR06-GW01 � �IR06-GW01 DB IR06-GW01 ®-6-GW48IW 6-GW01 DC� WW _ i s 6 GW501W—® IR 6-DRW01 ! 6-GW511W ' -G W471 W pt i t 626 IV 4 - .i - Legend N Figure 1-3 Deep Monitoring Well wLaut +e Pilot SdSite 82,Operrable Unit No 2 ®Intermediate Monitoring Well s MCB Camp Lejeune,North Carolina O Shallow Monitoring Well 0 50 100 Injection Well Feet CH211WHILL 1"=50ft Aphrodite\proj\USNavFacEngCom\315007CampLejeune\Projects\Sites_6_and_82\Figure 2-1 Cross_Section_Lcoation_map.mA ifl 1 - - - 8 %A, 4- Al' a " r N. 6-G W521 W 6-GW01 DA A 6-GW01 Dil 6-GW01 DB : s - 6-G W01 O 06-G W481 W 6-GW01 DC 6-GW491W 6-G W501 WO 6-GW511W 6-G W471 W® O ,a 7" r s Mv ; - a Legend N Figure 2-1 Z�Injection Well w+P_ Cross-Section Location Map Deep Monitoring Well s Site 82,Operable Unit No.2 MCB Camp Lejeune,North Carolina ®Intermediate Monitoring Well 0 50 100 O Shallow Monitoring Well —Cross-Section Location Feet CH2MHILL 1"=50ft 3 A °i � C7 A' Horizontal:1"=10' 30 0 30 Wrtical:V=20' o V.E.=0.5x ,_ , , .1 - , .,. 1 1 .L. LEGEND 10 10 I rr ®G7ayey/Sandy Silt 0 Silty Sand I. e J . n an Ceme ted sand rr it 4 ri Screened Interval -10 C n* a -10 d -- . e t .. .'.'. hiEned geologic contact w a . y.:• '::.•::.:•: r'.:. 3 Water table elevation — 30 _ NOTE 30 m 1 The depth and thickness ofthe subsurface �e.��rrr` md e 0 strata indicated on this section m were file � `����'�' '''�'•�' •• generalized from and interpolated between g rlrO m test locations.]nfomiati on on actual w subsurface conditions apply rdY o to the specific locations indicated.Subsurface conditions and water levels at other -50 -50 locations may differ from conditions occurring at the indicated locations. e 2)All water levels were measured during S I sampling event in January 2005. 3)*Boring log not available 4)IR06-DRMI not used in cross-section development. A. -70 -70 -90 L-90 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Distance in Feet from A to A'(feet) Figure 2-2 Geological Cross Section A-A' Site 82, Operable Unit No. 2 MCB Camp Lejeune, North Carolina CH2MHILL LS0120080(AMTL Figorel-l_A-A v2.ai 02.21.08 A Aphrodite\proj`,USNavFacEngCom\315007CampLejeune`Projects\Sites 6 and 82\Figure3-1_Pilot_Study_Monitoring_Data.mxd Note: Distance in Feet from 06-GW521W Monitoring Well Injection Well (IR06- 200 ` Injection ,70 D R W 01 , 80 =d.1,2-DCE 120 VC 6-GW47IW 48 160 -ORP 70 06-GW481W 6-G W 48I W 28.5 a 140 2' zo 0 200 Injection 70 D 6-G W 49I W 21 N 100 30 7 180 —TCE120 6-GW50IW 29.5 a 80 80s 160 =-130 140 VC1,2-DCE 70 6-GW511W 31.5 60 80 n120 -ORP O 20 6-G W 52I W 40 xo z3o b too 30 ' - -80 5 o -280 c eo ` -- ' Jan-07 Feb-07 Mar-07 Apr-07 May-07 Jun-07 Jul-07 Aug-07 Sap-07 60 _ __ -130 O Sample Date 40 -180 I 20 -230 7 - 0 -280 - - Jan-07 Feb-07 Mar-07 Apr-07 May-07 Jun-07 Jul-07 Aug-07 Sep-07 i Sample Date 7 A 1 6-G W 01 DA 06-GW491 W 6-GW01D \ 6-GW01DB 9000 Injection no 8000 -GCSE 120 06-GWSOIW 6-GW01 -1,2-DCE 9000 Injection 7000 a —VC 70 —TCE 170 6-GW01DC a6000 ` ORP p O - 8000 PVC 1,2-DCE 1p 0 5000 -3p � 7000 —•ORP 70 - E 4000 -80 < n 6000 20 O lo 3000 ` ` -130 - 0 5000 -30 O 2000 -180 a 4000 -Bo 5 1000 -230 '=3000 -130 0 -280 () Jan-07 Feb-07 Mar-07 Apr-07 May 2000 -07 Jun-07 Jul-07 Aug-07 Sep-07 ,� l000 -2. Sample Date 0 -28o y Jan-07 Feb-07 Mar-07 Apr-07 May-07 Jun-07 Jul-07 Aug-07 Sep-07 ��� 11111116 Sample Date 1 �f _ .16 06-GW47IW 06-GW511W 06-DRW01 200 Injection 170 Injection 9000 170 Injection 180 120 r 8000 120 200 170 160 —TCE 70 7000 180 120 n 140 cis-1,2-DCE 70 -�TCE _VC 20 140 cis-1,2-DCE 70 120 O fi000 20 O n n 1 _VC -ORP o -30 c 5000 -30 �ORP 20 O too 3 + A 4000 �VCE 60 •2-DCE -80 5 0 100 -00 8U -80 5 t -80 -130 3 i'3000 •ORP -130 5 80 5 U r•. U c 60 -130 40 -180 2000 -180 rj 40 -180 20 -230 t 1000 -230 -- 20 -230 0 -280 t 0 -280 0 -280 Jan-07 Feb-07 Mar-07 Apr-07 May-07 Jun-07 Jul-07 Aug-07 Sep-07 Jan-07 Feb-07 Mar-07 Apr-07 May-07 Jun-07 Jul-07 Aug-07 Sep-07 6" Jan-07 Feb-07 Mar-07 Apr-07 May-07 Jun-07 Jul-07 Aug-07 Sep-07 Sample Date Sample Date Sample Date 1Y r Legend N Figure 3-1 �il Deep Monitoring Well w+E Pilot Study Monitoring Data ®Intermediate Monitoring Well s Site 82,Operable Unit No.2 •Shallow Monitoring Well MCB Camp Lejeune,North Carolina 0 50 100 Injection Well Feet ® CH211WHILL 1"=50ft all Appendix A Boring Logs 0 CH2MHILL Well Number: GW471W Sheet: 1 of 4 Driller: Prosonic Client: NAVFAC Drilling Method: Roto Sonic SRO-75 Project: Site 82 Well Installation Sampling Method: Location: Camp Lejeune Logged by: Ben Claus Project Number: 328432 Start/Finish Date: 12/13/05 9:15 to 1:20 Sample Info > a� Soil Description w Well Construction Notes C� i0 0 - 0 c E o cn u~i� rn° o � 0 Ground Surface 0 0-3.0'-Silty Sand(SM),Medium sand. 10YR 0'-7.0'= 0.00 ppm 3/8 yellowish brown, moist, loose -3 3.0'-7.0'-Silty Sand(SM), Medium sand 3 10YR 7/4 pale brown, moist,very loose 5- -7 7.0'-10.0'-Silty Sand(SM), Medium sand 7 7.0'- 17.0'= 0.00 ppm 10YR 7/4 pale brown,moist,very loose 10- -10 10.0'- 14.0'-Silty Sand(SM), Medium sand, 10YR 5/3 dark brown,moist, medium dense -14 14.0'-17.0'-Silty Sand(SM), Medium sand, 1 15 10YR 7/1 light gray,moist to wet, loose -17 17.0'- 19.0'-Silty Sand(SM), Medium sand, 10YR 7/1 light gray, moist to wet.loose but 10YR 5/1 gray,saturated 18.0'= 2.0 ppm -19 19.0'-20.5'-Clayey Silt(ML), 10YR 5/1 gray, 19 20 moist.very stiff 111 20.0'=2.7 ppm -22 19.0'-23.5'-Silty Sand(SM), 70%medium 2 \ 22.0'= 12.7 ppm sand, 10- 15%coarse sand, 7.5YR 6/8 reddish-yellow,moist,very loose -24 23.5'-27.0'-Silty Sand(SM),Medium sandy, 4 10-20%silt, 10YR 4/1 dark gray,saturated, 24.0' = 17.8 ppm 251 1 medium dense,small clayey silt lens at 26.0' to CH2MHILL Well Number: GW471W Sheet: 2 of 4 41111111111111. Driller: Prosonic Client: NAVFAC Drilling Method: Roto Sonic SRO-75 Project: Site 82 Well Installation Sampling Method: Location: Camp Lejeune Logged by: Ben Claus Project Number: 328432 Start/Finish Date: 12/13/05 9:15 to 1:20 Sample Info > Soil Description w Well Construction Notes d 0 Q c CL - w a E a - a (D cn o 4)in cn 3 26.0'= 18.4 ppm -27 27.0'-30.0'-Siltv Sand(SM), Medium sandy, 7 10-20%silt, 10YR 4/1 dark gray,saturated, 28,0'= 20.3 m medium dense,small clayey silt lens,but pp 10YR 3/1,gray 30 -30 30.0'-32.0'-Silty Sand(SM), 10- 15%silt, 30 30.0'= 32 ppm Gley1 5/1 greenish gray, saturated,loose 32.0'-37.0'-Silty Sand(SM), Medium sand, -32 32.0'= 64.0 ppm 10YR 4/1 dark gray,saturated, loose, homogenous 34.0'= 101 ppm 35 36.0'=52.2 ppm -37 37.0'-42.0'-Silty Sand(SM)Medium sand,10YR 4/1 dark gray, saturated, loose, TV 38.0'= 40 40.0'=4.0' -42 42.0'= 22.1 ppm 42.0'-46.0'-Silty Sand(SM),Conglomerate, 10YR 7/1 light gray, saturated,very hard,solid. shells/fossils 44.0'= 57.2 ppm 45 -46 46.0'=93 ppm 46.0'-47.0'-Silty Sand(SM), Medium sand, 4 10YR 4/1,dark gray,saturated,loose _47 47.0'-50.5'-Silty Sand(SM), Medium sand, 47 10YR 4/1.dark gray,saturated, loose 48.0'= 12 ppm 50 50.0'= 13 ppm CH2111WHILL Well Number: GW471W Sheet: 3 of 4 Driller: Prosonic Client: NAVFAC Drilling Method: Roto Sonic SRO-75 Project: Site 82 Well Installation Sampling Method: Location: Camp Lejeune Logged by: Ben Claus Project Number: 328432 Start/Finish Date: 12/13/05 9:15 to 1:20 Sample Info > Soil Description w Well Construction Notes L Q -J L 0 t0 +' a a d o � u~i � rn o � -51 50.5'-55.5-Silty Sand(SM), 15-20%silt, 5 crushed shell,Gleyl 811 dark greenish gray, moist,very dense,many shells/fossils 52.0'=21.2 ppm 54.0'= 33.4 ppm 55 -56 55.5'-57.0'-Silty Sand(SM), Gleyl 4/1 light 56.0'= 45.0 ppm green gray,saturated, medium dense, moderate cementing -57 57.0'-60.0'-Silty Sand(SM), Gleyl 4/1 light 57 green gray,saturated,medium dense, 58.0'= 48 ppm moderate cementing 60 -60 60.0'= 152 ppm 60.0'-64.5'-Silty Sand(SM), Complete conglomerate,binded shells, 10YR 7/1 light gray,wet,very hard/solid,cemented shells 62.0'= 109 ppm -65 64.0'=9.1 ppm 65 64.5'-67.0'-Silty Sand(SM), Medium sand, 65 poorly graded, 10YR 5/1 dark gray. moist/saturated,very loose,homogenous 66.0'= 11.1 ppm "Aquaseal at 76.0'bgs 68.0'=40.2 ppm 70 70.0' = 13.7 ppm 72.0'= 23 ppm 74.0'= 62 ppm 75 to CH2MHILL Well Number: GW471W Sheet: 4 of 4 4401, Driller: Prosonic Client: NAVFAC Drilling Method: Roto Sonic SRO-75 Project: Site 82 Well Installation Sampling Method: Location: Camp Lejeune Logged by: Ben Claus Project Number: 328432 Start/Finish Date: 12/13/05 9:15 to 1:20 Sample Info > # Soil Description w m Well Construction Notes G a E a `4 - a o <n v~i`O �n° o � j±3` 76.0'=4.1 ppm l -77 ' 77.0'-84.0'-Silty Sand(SM), Medium sand, 77 poorly graded, 10YR 5/1 dark gray. 78.0'— .7 ppm }• =;" moist/saturated,very loose, homogenous 80 '= 80.0'_ .9 ppm 82.0' = .9ppm 84.0'-87.0'-Silty Sand(SM),Gley 4/1 dark 84 84.0'= 1.0 ppm4 85 greenish gray, saturated,medium dense, numerous shells/fossils 86.0'= 1.4 ppm -87 87.0'- 100.0'-Silty Sand(SM), Medium sand, poorly graded Gley 4/1 dark greenish gray, saturated,loose to very loose,very 88.0'_ .9 ppm homogenous, trace shells/fossils 'Set screen from 100.0'-90,0'bgs 90 90.0'= 1.1 ppm 92.0'= 1.2 ppm 94.0'= 1.4 ppm 95 96.0' = 2.5ppm 98.0'= 1.4 ppm -100 100 End of Boring at 100.0'bgs End of L 100.0,= 1.8 ppm CH2MHiLL Well Number: GW481W Sheet: 1 of 4 Driller: Prosonic Client: NAVFAC Drilling Method: Roto Sonic SRO-75 Project: Site 82 Well Installation Sampling Method: Location: Camp Lejeune Logged by: Ben Claus Project Number: 328432 Start/Finish Date: 12/11/05 2:55 to 5:15 Sample Info > Soil Description w m Well Construction Notes d c1 o a - s o a E a - a Ground Surface 0 0 0'-3.0'=0.00ppm -1 0-3.0'-Silty Sand(SM), Medium sand, 10YR 1 8/3 very pale brown.very loose -3 3.0'-7.0'=0.00ppm 3.0'-7.0'-Silty Sand(SM), Medium sand with 10%-15%-20%silt, 10YR 5/6 yellowish brown,moist,medium dense 5 7 TO'- 10.0'-Silty Sand(SM),Medium sand. 7.0'- 10.0'= 0.0 ppm 10YR 6/8 yellowish yellow,moist,loose 10 -10 10.0'- 15.0'=0.00 ppm 10.0'- 15.0'-Silty Sand(SM),Some organic wet. 10YR 2/2 very dark brown,moist, very loose 1 15 15.0'- 17.0'-Silty Sand(SM), Medium sand, 5 15.0'- 17.0'= 0.00 ppm 10YR 5/6 yellowish brown,wet,loose -17 17.0'-20.0'-Silty Sand(SM), Medium sand, 17 17.0'=0.00 ppm 10YR 5/6 yellowish brown,wet, loose 20 21.0'=2.2ppm -22 22.0'-26.5'-Silty Sand(SM),90%medium sand,poorly graded, 10YR 7/1 light gray,wet 23.0'=4.0 ppm 25 CH2MHILL Well Number: GW481W Sheet: 2 of 4 Driller: Prosonic Client: NAVFAC Drilling Method: Roto Sonic SRO-75 Project: Site 82 Well Installation Sampling Method: Location: Camp Lejeune Logged by: Ben Claus Project Number: 328432 Start/Finish Date: 12/11/05 2:55 to 5:15 Sample Info > a� $ " Soil Description w M Well Construction Notes d 0 Q r n - t a E a `4 — a o cn a) tO U) o -26 26.0'-27.0'-Clayey Silt(ML), 10- 15%fine sand, 10YR 4/1 dark gray,moist, stiff, slight -27 plastic 27 27.0'= 6.6 ppm 27.0'-37.0'-Silty Sand(SM), 10- 15%silt, 80%medium sand, 10YR 3/1 very dark gray, saturated, loose to medium dense, homogenous 30 31.0'= 2.9ppm 32.5'=6.0ppm 33.5'= 8.1 ppm 35 35.0' = 17.2 ppm 36.0'= 21.2 ppm -37 37.0'-45.5'-Silty Sand(SC), 10-15%silt, 80%medium sand. 10YR 3/1 very dark gray, saturated,loose to medium dense, 38.0'=31 ppm homogenous but at 43.0',4"layer of clayey sand 39.5'=38 ppm 40 41.0'= 26 ppm 43.0'=23.0 ppm 44.0'= 22.0 ppm 45 -46 45.5'-47.0'-Silty Sand(SM),Gleyl 4/1 greenish gray,wet,dense, many shells/fossils 46.0'= 26 ppm -47 47.0'-53.0'-Silty Sand(SM), Medium sand, 47 10YR 4/1 dark gray,saturated,medium dense 48.0'= 30 ppm 49.0'= 14.2 ppm 50 cH2nnHILL Well Number: GW481W Sheet: 3 of 4 Driller: Prosonic Client: NAVFAC Drilling Method: Roto Sonic SRO-75 Project: Site 82 Well Installation Sampling Method: Location: Camp Lejeune Logged by: Ben Claus Project Number: 328432 Start/Finish Date: 12/11/05 2:55 to 5:15 Sample Info > c m Soil Description w Well Construction Notes 6) O 0 L Q J t a E a T a o r in rn o 51.5'= 11.8 ppm 52.0'= 16.0 ppm -53 53.0'=22.3 ppm 53.0'-57.0'-Silty Sand(SM), Gley 411 dark 0- greenish gray,saturated,dense, numerous fossils,shells 55 55.0'= 16 ppm -57 57.0'-60.0'-Silty Sand(SM), Gley 4/1 dark 57.0'= 18 ppm greenish gray,saturated,dense, numerous fossils, shells, medium cementing 58.0'=67 ppm 60 -60 60.0'= 71 ppm 60.0'-61.5-Silty Sand(SM), Gley 4/1 dark greenish gray,saturated,dense. numerous fossils,shells, increase to medium/heavy -62 61.0'= 74 ppm cementing 61.5'-65.5'-Completely cemented 62.0'=4.5 ppm conglomerate,shells with silty sand(SM). 10YR 7/1 light gray,wet/dry, hard,very hard 64.0'= 12 ppm 65 -66 65.5-67.0'-Silty Sand(SM),Medium sand, 10YR 5/1 gray.saturated,loose 66.0' =6 ppm -67 67.0'-74.0'-Silty Sand(SM), Medium sand, 67 poorly graded, 10YR 5/1 gray,wet, moist, loose, very homogenous 68.0'=2.1 ppm 69.0'- 71.0'= 1.1 ppm 70 71.0'-75.0' = 1.4ppm -74 75 CH211VIIIHILL Well Number: GW481W Sheet: 4 of 4 4111111111110 Driller: Prosonic Client: NAVFAC Drilling Method: Roto Sonic SRO-75 Project: Site 82 Well Installation Sampling Method: Location: Camp Lejeune Logged by: Ben Claus Project Number: 328432 Start/Finish Date: 12/11/05 2:55 to 5:15 Sample Info > c d Soil Description w Well Construction Notes Nzoo - G r CL - Y a E a - a o <n u~i fD in o 3 74.0'-77.0' Silty Sand(SM), Medium sand. poorly graded, 10YR 5/1 gray,wet,moist, -76 loose,very homogenous but Gleyl 4/1 dark 76 greenish gray, trace fossils, still loose -77 Will set seal at 76.0'bgs 77.0'= 1.4 ppm 77.0'-79.0'-Silty Sand(SM), Medium sand. 78.0'= 1.6 ppm poorly graded, 10YR 5/1 gray,wet,moist, loose,very homogenous but Gleyl 4/1 dark _79 greenish gray,trace fossils,still loose _79- 80- 79.0'-87.0'-Silty Sand(SM), Medium sand, 80.0'= 1.6 m poorly graded, 10YR 6/1 gray, moist, PP saturated,loose,homogenous 82.0'= 1.2 ppm 84.0'= 1.8 ppm 85 86.0'= 2.8 ppm -87 87.0'-96.0'-Silty Sand(SM), Medium sand, 87 87.0'= 1.8 ppm poorly graded, 10YR 6/1 gray, moist, saturated, loose, homogenous, trace fossil, slight hardening at 96.0' 89.0'= 3.0 ppm 90 90.0'= 2.8 ppm 92.0'=4.4 ppm 94.0' =4.0 ppm 95 -96 96.0'= 3.9'PPm 96.0'- 100.0'-Silty Sand(SM), 10-15% 76 silt/crushed shells, Gleyl 8/1 light greenish gray,saturated,dense,slight crumbly, numerous shells/fossils 98.0'=2.3ppm HI -100 100 End of Boring at 100.0'bgs End of Log 100.0'=2.1 ppm 40 cH2nnHILL Well Number: GW491W Sheet: 1 of 4 f Driller: Prosonic Client: NAVFAC Drilling Method: Roto Sonic SRO-75 Project: Site 82 Well Installation Sampling Method: Location: Camp Lejeune Logged by: Ben Claus Project Number: 328432 Start/Finish Date: 12/11/05 9:45 to 1:00 Sample Info ai � _ rn Soil Description w Well Construction Notes in C _ 0 a - r G. E a - a 0 Ground Surface 0 \ 0-7.0'-Silty Sand(SM), Medium sand, 10YR 0'-3.0' = 0.00 ppm 2/1 black,moist,very loose -3 30'- 7.0'=0.00 ppm 1 0.0 3.0'-7.0'-Silty Sand(SM), 15-20%silt, 3 7.0 10YR 5/6 yellow brown, moist,medium dense 5 7.0'-9.0'-Silty Sand(SM), 10- 15%silt, -7 7.0'- 10.0'= 0.0 ppm 10YR 5/8 brown, moist, medium dense -9 9.0'- 12.0'=0.00ppm 9.0'-12.0'-Silty Sand(SM),80%medium 9 10 sand,5- 10%silt, 10YR 6/6 brown yellow,very loose 2 17.0 12.0'- 13.0'-Clayey Silt(ML), 10YR 5/6, 12 12.0'- 13.0' =0.00 ppm moist,medium stiff,slight plastic -13 13.0'- 17.0' - 0.0 ppm 13.0'- 17.0'-Silty Sand(SM),80% 90% 1 medium sand, 10YR 7/1 light gray,moist,very loose 15 -17 17.0'- 19-0'-Silty Sand(SM),80%-90% 17 18.0'=0.00 ppm medium sand. 10YR 7/1 light gray,moist,very loose -19 19.0'-22.0'-Silty Sand(SM), 7.5YR 4/6 1 20 strong brown,wet, medium loose 3 17.0 -22 27.0 22.0'-27.0'-Silty Sand(SM),90%medium 22 sand, 10YR 6/1 gray,saturated,very loose, some reduced iron color 24.0'= 1.4 ppm 25 10 CH2MHILL Well Number: GW491W Sheet: 2 of 4 4611. Driller: Prosonic Client: NAVFAC Drilling Method: Roto Sonic SRO-75 Project: Site 82 Well Installation Sampling Method: Location: Camp Lejeune Logged by: Ben Claus Project Number: 328432 Start/Finish Date: 12/11/05 9:45 to 1:00 Sample Info a'� Soil Description w Well Construction Notes y zo o t Q - -J 0 o. E a CD - a o cn v~i� cn o 3 26.0'= 1.8 ppm -27 27.0'-29.0'-Silty Sand(SM),90%medium 27 sand, 10YR 6/1 gray,saturated,very loose, some reduced iron color 28.0'= 1.4 ppm -29 29.0'-31.25'-Sandy Silt(ML), 10-25% 30 medium sand, 10YR 2/1 very dark gray, saturated, medium dense,slight plastic 31.0'= 1.9 ppm 4 27.0 -32 37.0 32.0'-35.0'-Silty Sand(SM), Medium sand, 10YR 5/6 yellowish brown,saturated,loose 34.0'=0.8ppm 35 -35 35.0'-37.0'-Transition into(SM), 10YR 4/1 dark gray,saturated,loose, homogenous 36.0'= 1.4 ppm -37 37.0'-45.5'-Silty Sand(SM), Medium sand, 37 10YR 4/1 dark gray,saturated,loose, homogenous 38.0'= 1.8 ppm 40 40.0'=2.1 ppm 5 37.0 42.0'= 4.2 ppm 47.0 43.0'=8.6 ppm 44.0'=29.8 ppm 45 46 45.0'=27.6 ppm 45.5'-47.0'-Sandy Silty(ML). 10YR 4/1 dark 46 gray,saturated,medium dense -47 46.5'=22.4 ppm 47.0'-53.0'-Sandy Silty(ML). 10YR 4/1 dark gray,saturated,medium dense,trace fossils/shells 50 50.0'= 18.9 ppm 10 CH2MHILL Well Number: GW491W Sheet: 3 of 4 Driller: Prosonic Client: NAVFAC Drilling Method: Roto Sonic SRO-75 Project: Site 82 Well Installation Sampling Method: Location: Camp Lejeune Logged by: Ben Claus Project Number: 328432 Start/Finish Date: 12/11/05 9:45 to 1:00 Sample Info _ Soil Description w Well Construction Notes g' �O o 1 J t a E a `O - a a <n v~i� cn° 0 3 6 47.0 52.0'= 14.2 ppm 57.0 -53 53.0'-57.0'-Silty Sand(SM), Increasing to 15%silt, 10YR 4/1 dark gray,saturated, medium dense 54.0'= 8.9 ppm 55 56.0'=9.2 ppm -57 57.0' 60.0'-Silty Sand(SM), Increasing to 57 15%silt, 10YR 4/1 dark gray,saturated, medium dense but moderate cementing 58.0'= 18.9 ppm 60 -60 60.0'-63.8'-Silty Sand(SM), Increasing to 15%silt, 10YR 4/1 dark gray,saturated, medium dense,increse in cementing 57.0 61.5'= 55.2 ppm 7 67.0 -63 63.0'-67.0'-Silty Sand(SM), 10YR 7/1 light 63.0' = 88 ppm gray,saturated,very hard,solid complete cementing, numerous shells/fossils 65 65.0' = 154 ppm 66.0'= 122 ppm -67 67.0'-77.0'- Silty Sand(SM), 90%medium 67 sand, 10YR 5/1 gray,saturated/wet,very loose,very homogenous 68.0'= 81.0 ppm 70 70.0' = 72 ppm 8 67.0 72.0'= 108 ppm 77.0 75 It CH211VIIHILL Well Number: GW491W Sheet: 4 of 4 41111111110 Driller: Prosonic Client: NAVFAC Drilling Method: Roto Sonic SRO-75 Project: Site 82 Well Installation Sampling Method: Location: Camp Lejeune Logged by: Ben Claus Project Number: 328432 Start/Finish Date: 12/11/05 9:45 to 1:00 Sample Info > c d Soil Description w Well Construction Notes N O Q r a - r a E a - a m a <n u~i� rn o � -76 Seal set at 76.0'bgs to isolate upper aquifer 76 76.0'= 145 ppm -77 77.0'-85.0'-Silty Sand(SM).90%medium _77- sand. 10YR 5/1 gray,saturated/wet,very loose.very homogenous 78.0'= 28 ppm 80 80.0'= 60 ppm 81.0'= 51 ppm 9 77.0 82.0'= 32 ppm 87.0 84.0'= 29 ppm -85 85 85.0'-87.0'-Silty Sand(SM),90%medium 5 85.0'= 37 ppm sand, 10YR 5/1 gray,saturated/wet,very loose,very homogenous,with slight cementing,trace shells -87 87.0'-90.0'-Silty Sand(SM), Gleyl 6/1 7 87.0'= 32 ppm greenish gray,wet,dense.some cementing 88.0' = 14 ppm i 90 -90 90.0'- 100.0'-Silty Sand(SM),95%medium 9 sand, poorly graded, 10YR 4/1 dark gray, saturated,very loose,very homogenous 91.0'= 5.1 ppm 93.0'= 2.9 ppm 95 'Well screened from 100.0'-90.0'bgs -95 95 95.0'= 2.9 ppm 97 97.0'=0.8 ppm 10 100.0 -100 99.0' = 1.0 ppm 100 End of Boring at 100.0'bgs End of Log 40 CH211VIIIHILL Well Number: GW501W Sheet: 1 of 4 qdw Driller: Prosonic Client: NAVFAC Drilling Method: Roto Sonic SRO-75 Project: Site 82 Well Installation Sampling Method: Location: Camp Lejeune Logged by: Ben Claus Project Number: 328432 Start/Finish Date: 12/12/05 8:45 Sample Info > d Soil Description w Well Construction Notes Q� O L a J L a E a is - a o rn (n '° <on a 0 Ground Surface 0 0-7.0'-Silty Sand(SM). Medium sand, 10YR 6/6 brownish yellow,moist,very loose.trace 0'-7.0'=0.00 ppm grass roots at 5.0'bgs 5 -7 7.0'- 14.0'-No recovery, stripped out of casing 7 7.0'- 17.0'=0.00 ppm 10 -14 14.0' =0.00 ppm 14.0'- 17.0'-Silty Sand(SM), Medium sand, 15 10YR 5/4 yellowish brown,moist,very loose -17 U. 17.0'-20.0'-Silty Sand(SM), Medium sand, 17 10YR 5/4 yellowish brown, moist,very loose 18.0' =0.00 ppm 20 -20 20.0'=0.00 ppm 20.0'-24.5'-Silty Sand(SM), Medium 10YR 3/2 dark brown,saturated,loose 22.0'=0.00 ppm 24.0'= 1.0 ppm 25 40 CH2MHILL Well Number: GW5O1W Sheet: 2 of 4 qW Driller: Prosonic Client: NAVFAC Drilling Method: Roto Sonic SRO-75 Project: Site 82 Well Installation Sampling Method: Location: Camp Lejeune Logged by: Ben Claus Project Number: 328432 Start/Finish Date: 12/12/05 8:45 Sample Info m # °1 Soil Description w Well Construction Notes s a -J r a E a - a =y o (D in in o 3 -27 26.0'= 1.1 ppm 126 5'-27.0'-Silty Sand(SM), Poorly graded, medium sand, 10YR 8/3 pale brown, saturated, very loose 27.0'-30.0'-Silty Sand(SM), Medium sand 10 15%silt, 10YR 7/8 yellow,saturated,medium 28.5'= 6.8 ppm dense 30 30.0'-34.0'-Silty Sand(SM), Medium sand. 30 30.0'= 1.1 ppm 10- 15%silt. 10YR 7/1 light gray,saturated. medium dense 32.0'=2.2 ppm 34 34.0'= 1.1 ppm 34.0'-37.0'-Silty Sand(SM), 10- 15%silt, 3 35 10YR 6/6 brown yellow,saturated, loose 36.0'=0.9 ppm -37 37.0'= 1.5 ppm 37.0'-39.0' d.Silty Sand(SM), Medium san 7.5YR 6/1 reddish yellow,saturated, loose -39 39.0'-47.0'-Silty Sand(SM), Medium sand, 39.0'= 1.6 ppm 40 approximately 10%silt. 10YR 9/1 dark gray, saturated. loose,homogenous 41.0'= 6.2ppm 43.0'= 9.3 ppm 45 45.0' = 19.1 ppm I -47 47.0'-57.0'-Silty Sand(SM), Medium sand, T7 47.0'=37.2 ppm approximately 10%silt. 10YR 9/1 dark gray, saturated,loose,homogenous, slight increase 48.0'=6.8 ppm in silt to 15-20%at 52.0'bgs 50 50.0'= 35.4 ppm OA CH211VIIIHILL Well Number: GW5O1W Sheet: 3 of 4 Driller: Prosonic Client: NAVFAC Drilling Method: Roto Sonic SRO-75 Project: Site 82 Well Installation Sampling Method: Location: Camp Lejeune Logged by: Ben Claus Project Number: 328432 Start/Finish Date: 12/12/05 8:45 Sample Info > c d Soil Description w Well Construction Notes p _ 0 r a - s a E o. - a rn in rno o 52.0'=21.6 ppm 54.0'= 37.8 ppm 55 56.0' =48.0 ppm -57 57.0'-65.0'-Silty Sand(SM), 15-20%silt, 57 Gley1 4/1 dark greenish gray,saturated, dense,shells/fossils.some light mottling at 58.0'= 73 ppm 64.0'-65.0' 60 60.0'= 26 ppm 62.0'=35 ppm 64.0'= 15.2 ppm 65 -65 65.0'-67.0'-Silty Sand(SM),Conglomerate 65 10YR 7/1 light gray, saturated,very hard,fully cemented 66.0'= 16.1 ppm -67 67.0'-68.0'-Continued cementing 67 -68 68.0' = 35.4 ppm 68.0'-77.0'-Silty Sand(SM). Medium sand. poorly graded, 10YR 3/1 gray,wet, loose to very loose,very homogeneous,trace shells/fossils 70 70.0'=25.5 ppm will set seal at 76.0' 72.0'= 21.4 ppm 74.0'= 24.2 ppm 75 40 CH2MHILL Well Number: GW501W Sheet: 4 of 4 qW Driller: Prosonic Client: NAVFAC Drilling Method: Roto Sonic SRO-75 Project: Site 82 Well Installation Sampling Method: Location: Camp Lejeune Logged by: Ben Claus Project Number: 328432 Start/Finish Date: 12/12/05 8:45 Sample Info > �' 4) 6, Soil Description w Well Construction Notes y io 0 tp a E a - a � o Cn cn tD rno o 3: 76.0'= 17.8 ppm -77 77.0'-86.0'-Silty Sand(SM). Medium sand, poorly graded, 10YR 3/1 gray,wet,loose to very loose,very homogeneous, trace 78.0'= 12.7 ppm shells/fossils,slight increase in shells 80 80.0'= 15.5 ppm 82.0'=32.4 ppm 84.0'= 21.9 ppm 85 -86 86.0'-88.0'-Silty Sand(SM), Gley 4/1 dark 86 86.0'= 15.3 ppm greenish gray,wet,medium dense, -87 homogenous shells fossils 87 87.0'- 100.0'-Silty Sand(SM),90%medium sand, 10YR 8/1 gray,silt/saturated,loose, 88.0'= 20.6 ppm trace shells/fossils,very homogenous "Set screen from 100.0'-90.0'bgs 90 90.0'= 58.1 ppm 92.0'= 16.8 ppm 94.0'= 7.1 ppm 95 96.0'=22.3 ppm 98.0'=25.6 ppm -100 100 End of Boring at 100.0'trgs End of Log 100.0'=30.4 ppm CH2MHILL Well Number: 6-GW511W Sheet: 1 of Driller: Prosonic Client: NAVFAC Drilling Method: Rotosonic SRO-75 Project: Site 82 Well Installation Sampling Method: Location: Camp Lejeune Logged by: Ben Claus' Project Number: 328432 Start/Finish Date: 12/12/05 13:45 to 17:15 Sample Info > c m �* Soil Description w Well Construction Notes d C Q Q - - s a E a `° — a o in vi U) c Ground Surface 0 0 0 0.0'-7.0'-Sility Sand (SM), Medium sand, 10 YR 7/4, pale brown, dry/moist,very === 8.5"Wellhead protection cover loose === = 2'X 2'Concrete pad === Type of well-2-inch ID/Schedule 40 H.Auger PVC 5 Grout- Portland Type 1 w/bentonite Bentonite chips-3/8"diameter -7 7.0'-10.0'-Silty Sand (SM), Medium sand, 7 7.5 YR 6/8, reddish yellow, moist, medium density 10 -10 =-- --- 10.0'-13.0': Silty Sand (SM), Medium 10 sand, 10YR 6/8, brownish yellow, medium --- --- stiff --- --- Macrocore -13 13.0'-15.5'-Silty Sand (SM), Medium 13 sand with 10-15%silt, 10YR 6/8, brownish 15 yellow, medium dense, moist 16 Screen set from 150 bgs to 14.5 bgs 15.5'- 17.0'-Clayey Sand (ML)with 10- 16 === 15%fine sand, 10 YR 6/8, brownish -17 --- yellow, medium stiff, plastic 17 -- --- 17.0'- 19.0'-Silty Sand (SM)Medium sand, 10YR 3/1,very dark gray _19 __ __ Filter pack-#2 Sand 19.0'-22.0'-Silty Sand (SM)Medium 19 == PID measurement were taken every 20 sand, 10 YR 5/1, gray, saturated, loose 2 feet from 0 to 20 ft bgs and -- equaling 0.0 ppm. -22 '--- --- 20.0'=0.9 ppm Macrocore 22 0'-27.0'-Silty Sand (SM)Medium 22 21.0'= 1.5 ppm sand, 10YR 7/1, light gray, saturated, very 23.0'=2.0 ppm loose --- --- 25 25.0'= 1.5 ppm -27 27.0'=2.1 ppm 27.0'-29.0'-Clayey Silt(ML) 10- 15% 27 fine sand, 10YR6/8, brownish yellow,wet, 28.0'=0.9 ppm dense/stiff, slight plastic -29 29 === === 30 === === CH2MHILL Well Number: 6-GW511W Sheet: 2 of qqW Driller: Prosonic Client: NAVFAC Drilling Method: Rotosonic SRO-75 Project: Site 82 Well Installation Sampling Method: Location: Camp Lejeune Logged by: Ben Claus' Project Number: 328432 Start/Finish Date: 12/12/05 13:45 to 17:15 Sample Info > c m �* Soil Description w Well Construction Notes d C 0 r • J r //�� Q. 1= Ii I � Q G cn U � C 29.0'-34.5'-Silty Sand (SM)Medium sand, 10-15%silt, 10YR 6/6,yellowish = _ === 31.0'= 1.1 ppm brown, saturated loose 33.0'=2.4 ppm -35 34.0'=3.8 ppm 35 34.5'-53.0'-Silty Sand (SM)Medium 35 sand, poorly graded, 10YR 4/1, dark gray, _ saturated, loose 36.0'=9.0 ppm 38.0'=3.1 ppm 40 - = 40.0'= 14.5 ppm 42.0'=28.9 ppm 43.0'=24 ppm _-= 44.0'=31.6 ppm 45 46.0'= 16.1 ppm 48.0'=23.7 ppm 50 = 50.0'=20.1 ppm --- 52.0'= 15.5 ppm 53.0'-57.0'-Silty Sand (SM) 10-15% silt, 53 - - --- gley 1 6/1,greenish gray, moist, very - -- 54.0'= 19.8 ppm dense, stiff, numerous fossils/shells = _ 55 56.0'=41.2 ppm -57 - - --- 57.0'-63.0'-Silty Sand (SM)Similar to 57 53.0'to 57.0' but less shells, more 10YR - 58.0'=25.6 ppm 4/1, gray 60 = 60.0'=70.7 ppm CH2MHILL Well Number: 6-GW511W Sheet: 3 of 4 qqW Driller: Prosonic Client: NAVFAC Drilling Method: Rotosonic SRO-75 Project: Site 82 Well Installation Sampling Method: Location: Camp Lejeune Logged by: Ben Claus' Project Number: 328432 Start/Finish Date: 12/12/05 13:45 to 17:15 Sample Info Soil Description w Well Construction Notes 0 —J CL E 0. a 0 M 0 In U) U) U) 62.0'=85.8 ppm -63 63.0'-67.0'-Silty Sand (SM) 63 Conglomerate, very hard, 10 YR 7/1, light = 64.0'=52.2 ppm gray, saturated,fully cemented shells 65- 66.0'=75.0 ppm flEHI -67 67.0'-77.0'-Silty Sand (SM)Medium 67 67.0'=59.2 ppm sand, poorly graded, 10YR 5/1, gray, 68.0'= 18.6 ppm wet/saturated, loose to very loose 70— 70.0'=24.3 ppm 72.0'= 19.5 ppm 74.0'=23.0 ppm 75- 76.0'= 17.9 ppm r11 H N1 11 -77 77.0'= 12.0 ppm 77.0'-84.0'-Silty Sand (SM)Similar to 77 67.0'to 77.0'with trace shells/fossils = 78.0'=35 ppm 80— 80.0'=84.7 ppm 82.0'=63.7 ppm HHU -84 84.0'-90.0'-Silty Sand (SM)Medium 84 84.0'=47.2 ppm 85— sand, 10-15%silt, gley 1 6/1,greenish gray,wet, medium density, many shells/fossils 86.0'=29.2 ppm 88.0'=73.1 ppm 90— 90 --- 90.0'=49.2 ppm �9OU CH2MHILL Well Number: 6-GW511W Sheet: 4of4 qqW Driller: Prosonic Client: NAVFAC Drilling Method: Rotosonic SRO-75 Project: Site 82 Well Installation Sampling Method: Location: Camp Lejeune Logged by: Ben Claus' Project Number: 328432 Start/Finish Date: 12/12/05 13:45 to 17:15 Sample Info > c m �* Soil Description w Well Construction Notes °' co C 0 L Q J L C. E d - a- 111111 90.0'- 100.0'-Silty Sand (SM) Medium sand, poorly graded, gley 4/1, dark === greenish gray,wet/saturated, loose, trace shells/fossils === 92.0'=46.8 ppm == 94.0'=41.0 ppm 95 === --- 96.0'=29.2 ppm --- 97.0'=35.8 ppm 99.0'=37.9 ppm 100 -100 End of Log 100 105 110 115 120 CH2MHILL Well Number: 6-GW521W Sheet: 1 of Driller: Prosonic Client: NAVFAC Drilling Method: Rotosonic SRO-75 Project: Site 82 Well Installation Sampling Method: Location: Camp Lejeune Logged by: Ben Claus' Project Number: 328432 Start/Finish Date: 12/10/05 11:00 to 14:45 Sample Info > c m �* Soil Description w Well Construction Notes d C 0 r • J r //�� Q. 1= Ii I � Q G cn in G Ground Surface 0 0 0 0'-2.0'-Silty sand (SM), black, 10 YR 2/1, �illll�ll moist,very loose 8"Wellhead protection cover -2 2.0'-4.0-Silty sand (SM), light grey, 10YR 2 2'X 2'Concrete pad 7/1, moist,very loose, medium sand Type of well-2-inch ID/Schedule 40 H.Auger -4 PVC 4.0'-9.0'-Silty sand with 10- 15%silt, 4 Grout- Portland Type 1 w/bentonite 5 (SM),yellow brown, 10YR 5/6, moist, medium density, medium sand Bentonite chips-3/8"diameter -9 9.0'-13.0'-Silty sand, (SM),yellow, 10YR 9 10 7/8, moist,very loose, medium sand Macrocore -14 13.6-15.5'-Silty sand (SM), light grey, 14 10YR 7/1, moist, very loose, medium 15 sand -16 Screen set from 150 bgs to 14.5 bgs 15.5'-19.0'-Silty sand (SM), yellowish 16 brown, 10YR 3/1, moist, very loose, medium sand -19 Filter pack-#2 Sand 19.0'-24.0'-Silty sand (SM), yellowish 19 20 brown, 10YR 6/8, saturated,very loose, 90% medium sand with trace coarse sand PID measured about every 2 feet Macrocore from 0 to 24 ft bgs equal 0.0 ppm. -24 V26.0'-27.0'- -26.0-Silty sand (SM), light grey, 24 25 R 7/1, saturated,very loose, 90% ium sand with trace coarse sand -26 Silty sand (SM), grey, 10YR 2626.0'=0.00 ppm moist, plastic, medium stiff 27.0'-35.0'-Silty sand (SM), yellowish red, 10YR 5/8, saturated, loose 28.0'= 1.1 ppm 30 27.0'to 30.0' =0.0 ppm CH2MHILL Well Number: 6-GW521W Sheet: 2 of 4 qldw Driller: Prosonic Client: NAVFAC Drilling Method: Rotosonic SRO-75 Project: Site 82 Well Installation Sampling Method: Location: Camp Lejeune Logged by: Ben Claus' Project Number: 328432 Start/Finish Date: 12/10/05 11:00 to 14:45 Sample Info > c m �* Soil Description w Well Construction Notes d C Q Q - - s a E a `° — a o in U� U) c 32.0'= 1.8ppm 35 35 35.0'= 1.7 ppm 35.0'-43.0'-Silty sand (SM),very dark 35 grey, 10YR 3/1, saturated, loose, medium 36.0'=5.2 ppm sand 37.0'= 1.4 ppm 40 40.0'=2.2 ppm 41.0'=4.2 ppm -43 43.0'-47.0'-Silty sand (SM), grey, 10 YR 43 5/1, saturated, hard, medium sand, heavy 44.0'= 17.8 ppm cementing with numerous shells/fossils 45 46.0'= 16.2 ppm -47 47.0'=22.1 ppm 47.0'-52.0'-Silty sand with 10-20%silt, 47 (SM), dark gray, 10 YR 4/1, saturated, 48.0'=66 to 78 ppm medium density,fine/medium sand 50 50.0'=59 ppm -52 52.0'= 14.2 ppm 52.0'-57.0'-Silty sand with 10-20%silt, 52 (SM), dark greenish grey, grey 4/1,wet, dense, fossils/shells, medium stiff 54.0'=32.3 ppm 55 55.0'= 12.3 ppm -57 57.0'-60.0'-Silty sand (SM), grey, 10YR 57 57.0'=23 ppm 3/1, saturated, hard to medium heavy, 58.0'=67 ppm cementing with shells/fossils, medium sand 60 60 60.0'=78 ppm CH2MHILL Well Number: 6-GW521W Sheet: 3 of 4 qldw Driller: Prosonic Client: NAVFAC Drilling Method: Rotosonic SRO-75 Project: Site 82 Well Installation Sampling Method: Location: Camp Lejeune Logged by: Ben Claus' Project Number: 328432 Start/Finish Date: 12/10/05 11:00 to 14:45 Sample Info > c m �* Soil Description w Well Construction Notes d C 0 r • J r //�� Q. 1= Ii I � Q G cn U � C 60.0'-63.0'-Silty sand (SM), grey, 10YR 3/1, saturated, hard to medium heavy, some with shells/fossils, medium sand, lessoning cementing 63.0'=78 ppm -63 64.0'=88.2 ppm 63.0'-67.0'-Silty sand (SM), light gray, 63 10YR 7/1, saturated,very hard, complete cementing,shells/fossils 65 65.0'=95 ppm 66.0'=89 ppm -67 67.0'-77.0'-Silty sand GSM), grey, 10YR 67 67.0'=76 ppm 5/1, saturated,very loose, very 68.0'=55 ppm homogenous 70 70.0'=60 ppm 72.0'= 17.8 ppm 74.0'=4.9ppm 75 76.0'= 1.1 ppm -77 77.0'-86.0'-Silty sand (SM), grey, 10YR 77 77.0'= 1.3 ppm 5/1, saturated,very loose,very homogenous,trace shells at 85 ft bgs 79.0'= 1.0 ppm 80 81.0'=0.8ppm 84.0'=0.8ppm 85 -85 86.0'-87.0'-Silty sand (SM), grey, 10YR 85 5/1, saturated,very loose, very 86.0'= 1.0 ppm homogenous, increasing in shells -87 87.0'-100.0'-Silty Sand (SM), medium 87 _ 87.0'=0.9 ppm sand, poorly graded, 10YR 4/1, dark grey, _ loose to very loose, homogenous,trace = shells 90 90.0'= 1.4 ppm CH2MHILL Well Number: 6-GW521W Sheet: 4 of 4 qqw Driller: Prosonic Client: NAVFAC Drilling Method: Rotosonic SRO-75 Project: Site 82 Well Installation Sampling Method: Location: Camp Lejeune Logged by: Ben Claus' Project Number: 328432 Start/Finish Date: 12/10/05 11:00 to 14:45 Sample Info Soil Description w Well Construction Notes 0 -J CL E 0. a 0 M 0 In U) U) U) 95- 95.0'= 1.5 pprn -100 100— End of Log 100 100.0,=0.9 ppm 105- 110- 115- 120— Appendix B Groundwater Analytical Results Appendix B:Groundwater Analytical Results OU 2,Site 82 MCB Camp Lejeune,North Carolina Station ID IR06-DRW01 IR06-GW471W IRO6-GW481W IRO6-GW491W Sample ID IR06-DRW01-07A IR06-DRW01-07B IR06-DRW01-07B2 IR06-DRW01-07C IR06-DRW01-07C2 IRO6-GW471W-07A IR06-GW471W-07B IR06-GW471W-07B2 IR06-GW471W-07C IR06-GW481W-07A IRO6-GW481W-07B IRO6-GW481W-07B2 IR06-GW481W-07C IRO6-GW491W-07A IR06-GW491WD-07A IR06-GW491W-07B IR06-GW491W-07B2 Sample Date 02/01/07 04/18/07 06/13/07 08/14/07 08/14/07 02/01/07 04/19/07 06/13/07 08/14/07 02/01/07 04/18/07 06/14/07 08/15/07 02/02/07 02/02/07 04/18/07 06/14/07 Chemical Name Volatile Organic Compounds(UG_L) 1,1-Dichloroethene 4.2 U 0.5 U 0.13 J 10 U 0.5 U 0.5 U 0.5 U 0.5 U 0.5 U :NA 4 21 UEMIL 26 1,2-Dichloroethene(total) NA NA NA 7 J NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 2-Butanone 21 U 44 26 16 32 2.5 U 2.5 U 2.5 U 2.5 U 21 U 5.2 U 16 U 6 J 63 U 130 U 110 U 130 U 2-Hexanone 21U 2.5U 3.8 10U 4.6 2.5U 2.5U 2.5U 2.5U 21U 5.2U 16U 16U 63U 130U 110U 130U 4-Methyl-2-pentanone 21 U 2.5 U 2.5 U 10 U 1.6 J 2.5 U 2.5 U 2.5 U 2.5 U 21 U 5.2 U 16 U 16 U 63 U 130 U 110 U 130 U Acetone 21 U 2.5 U 42 B 21 78 B 2.5 U 2.5 U 1.3 BJ 4 B 21 U 5.2 U 24 B 22 B 63 U 130 U 110 U 280 B Carbon disulfide 4.2 U 0.38 J 0.42 BJ 10 U 0.43 J 0.5 U 0.22 BJ 4.2 U 1 U 13 U 25 U 21 U Chlorobenzene 4.2 U 0.5 U 0.5 U 10 U 0.11 J 0.5 U 0.5 U 0.5 U 0.5 U 4.2 U 1 U 3.1 U 3.1 U 13 U 25 U 21 U 25 U Chloroform 4.2 U 9.2 10 U 0.64 0.59 0.5 U 0.5 U 0.5 U 4.2 U 1 U 3.1 U 3.1 U 13 U 25 U 21 U 25 U Ethylbenzene 4.2U 0.5U 0.5U 10U 0.131 0.5U 0.5U 0.5U 0.5U 4.2U 1 U 3.1 U 3.1 U 13U 25U 21 U 25U Methylene chloride 4.2 U 4.6 4.8 B 10 U 5.8 B 0.16 J 0.5 U 0.23 BJ 4.2 U 1 U 2.1 BJ 3.1 U 13 U 21 U 7.7 BJ Tetrachlomethene 15 0.17 J 0.26 J 10 U 0.28 J 11 32 D 18 53 43 53 100 63 62 21 U 22 J Toluene 4.2U 0.5U 0.191 10U 0.51 0.5U 0.5U 0.12J 0.5U 4.2U 1 U 3.1 U 3.1 U 13U 25U 21 U 7.8J Tichloroethene 160 2 2.2 1 J 1.9 5.8 6.2 5.3 5.5 120 42 40 69 11000 830 21 U 11500 Vinyl chloride 1.6 J 0.79 0.5 U 10 U 0.74 0.5 U 0.5 U 0.5 U 0.5 U 4.2 U 5.7 4.7 4.6 4.8 J 25 U 85 11100 Xylene,total 4.2 U 0.5 U 0.5 U 10 U 0.5 U 0.5 U 0.5 U 0.5 U 0.5 U 4.2 U 1 U 3.1 U 3.1 U 13 U 25 U 21 U 25 U cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 150 29 D 7.3 7 J 10 2.1 3 9.1 20 40 39 27 50 610 670 810 D 550 o-Xylene 4.2U 0.5U 0.5U 10U 0.5U 0.5U 0.5U 0.5U 0.5U 4.2U 1 U 3.1 U 3.1 U 13U 25U 21 U 25U trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 36 5 1.7 10 U 1.7 0.24 J 0.49 J 0.47 J 0.5 4.2 4.8 4.9 9.6 98 100 18 J 100 Total Metals(UG_L) Iron 3,780 E 28,900 N 36,700 NA 16,600 1,240 E 1,630 N 1,570 1,270 E 360 N 239 178 194 E 207 E 3,470 N 11,600 Manganese 44.2 E 82.1 65.7 E NA 60.9 106 E 80 74.7 E 61.6 9.4 BE 26.1 22.8 E 16.7 7 E 12 E 107 231 E Dissolved Metals(UG_L) Iron 87.4 B 26,900 34,000 NA 13,700 E 588 919 719 440 E 10 B 76.3 B 78.3 B 71.5 BE 51.6 B 54.7 B 875 12,500 Manganese jjjr:2:4 81.6 66.8 NA 52.3 E 104 78.8 73.8 54.6 E 7.2 B 24.4 15.5E 10.6 111 248 Wet Chemistry(MG_L) Alkalinity 91.9 587 499 NA 586 101 123 110 97.5 15 141 137 122 18 118 380 1,540 Bromide 0.1 U 2.89 0.66 NA NA 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NA 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NA 0.1 U 0.1 U 7.94 6.4 Chloride 3.7 2.8 3.12 NA 2.03 4.32 4.87 4.35 3.95 5.15 5.26 4.02 4.27 5.03 4.78 3.3 5.14 Ethane 0.002 U 7.00E-04 J NA NA 4.00E-04 J 0.002 U 0.002 U NA 0.002 U 0.002 U 0.002 U NA 0.002 U 0.002 U 7.00E-05 J 0.002 U NA Ethane 0.002 U 0.002 U NA NA 0.002 U 8.00E-04 J 0.002 U NA 3.00E-0 0.002 U 0.002 U NA 8.00E-05 J 0.002 U 0.002 U 0.002 U NA Methane 4.00E-04 JB 0.002 NA NA 0.079 BD 6.00E-04 JB 9.00E-04 J NA 0.005 B 4.00E-04 JB 6.00E-04 J NA 1.110E-03 B 5.00E-04 JB 5.00E-04 JB 0.002 NA Nitrite 0.05 U 8.94 6.44 NA 0.05 U 0.05 U 0.05 U 0.05 U 0.05 U 0.05 U 0.05 U 0.05 U 0.05 U 0.05 U 0.05 U 0.815 8.84 Sulfate 1.38 B 5 U NA 0.185 B 0.92 B 2.36 B 1.85 B 2.18 B 2.15 B 2.3 B 1.63 B 2.01 B 2.65 B 1.09 B Sulfide 1 U 1 U 1 U NA 1 0.6B 1 U 1 U 1 U 1 U 1 U 1 U 1 U 1 U 1 U 1 U 1 U Total organic carbon(TOC) 5 U 470 NA 310 51.1 2.02 B 5 U 2.4 B 5 U 5 U 5 U 5 U 51.1 5 U 392 Notes: Data is unvalidated U-Analyte not detected J-Reported value is estimated B-(Organics)Possible blank contamination B-(Inorganics)Below detection limit E-(Organics)Concentration exceeded calibration range E-(Inorganics)Estimated concentration due to interference D-Diluted result N-Spiked smapled recovery not within control limits Shading represents detection NA-Not analyzed Page 1 of 2 Appendix B:Groundwater Ana OU 2,Site 82 MCB Camp Lejeune, North Ca Station ID IR06-GW501W IR06-GW511W IR06-GW521W Sample ID IR06-GW491WD-07B2 IRO6-GW491W-07C IR06-GW501W-07A IRO6-GW501W-07B IRO6-GW501WD-07B IR06-GW501W-07B2 IR06-GW501W-07C IRO6-GW511W-07A IR06-GW511W-07B IR06-GW511W-07B2 IR06-GW511W-07C IR06-GW511WD-07C IR06-GW521W-07A IRO6-GW521W-07B IRO6-GW521W-07B2 IR06-GW521W-07C Sample Date 06/14/07 08/15/07 02/02/07 04/19/07 04/19/07 06/13/07 08/14/07 02/01/07 04/19/07 06/13/07 08/14/07 08/14/07 02/01/07 04/18/07 06/14/07 08/15/07 Chemical Name Volatile Organic Compounds(UG_L) 1,1-Dichloroethene REV 22 J 12 J 130 U 50 U 100 U 250 U 50 U 13 U 100 U 250 U 50 U 250 U 1,2-Dichloroethene(total) NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 2-Butanone 280 J 400 630 U 250 U 500 U 1,300 U 250 U 63 U 500 U 1,300 U 250 U 1,300 U 21 U 13 U 31 U 2.5 U 2-Hexanone 500 U 250 U 630 U 250 U 500 U 11300 U 250 U 63 U 500 U 11300 U 250 U 1,300 U 21 U 13 U 31 U 2.5 U 4-Methyl-2-pentanone 500 U 250 U 630 U 250 U 500 U 1,300 U 250 U 63 U 500 U 1,300 U 250 U 1,300 U 21 U 13 U 31 U 2.5 U Acetone 900 B 360 B 630 U 250 U 500 U 1,900 B 270 B 63 U 500 U 1,500 B 240 JB 650 JB 21 U 13 U 46 B 3.4 B Carbon disulfide 22 BJ 50 U 130 U 50 U 100 U 73 BJ 50 U 13 U 100 U 59 BJ 50 U 250 U 4.2 U 2.5 U 1.6 BJ Chlorobenzene 100 U 50 U 130 U 50 U 100 U 250 U 50 U 13 U 100 U 250 U 50 U 250 U 4.2 U 2.5 U 6.3 U 0.5 U Chloroform 100 U 50 U 130 U 50 U 100 U 250 U 50 U 13 U 100 U 250 U 50 U 250 U 4.2 U 2.5 U 6.3 U 0.5 U Ethylbenzene 100 U 50 U 28 JB 50 U 100 U 250 U 50 U 2.6 JB 100 U 250 U 50 U 250 U 4.2 U 2.5 U 6.3 U 0.5 U Methylene chloride 41 BJ 50 U 130 U 50 U 100 U 100 BJ 50 U 13 U 100 U 100 BJ 50 U 250 U 4.2 U 2.5 U 2.8 BJ 0.5 U Tetrachlomethene 100 U 50 U 50 J 50 U 61 J 130 J 42 J 110 87 J 220 J 210 210 J 96 130 D 22ME 240 R Toluene 100 U 50 U 130 U 50 U 100 U 250 U 50 U 13 U 100 U 250 U 50 U 250 U 4.2 U 2.5 U 6.3 U 0.11 J Tichloroethene 1,100 8,300 3,200 7,400 4,500 D 3,800 3,200 D 6,900 8,000 D 6,200 150 97 130 130 D Vinyl chloride 990 1,300 130 U 50 U 100 U 250 U 21 J 5.5 J 100 U 250 U 17 J 250 U 4.2 U 2.8 6.3 U 4.1 Xylene,total 100 U 50 U 150 B 50 U 100 U 250 U 50 U 14 B 100 U 250 U 50 U 250 U 4.2 U 2.5 U 6.3 U 0.1 J cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 540 500 1,700 790 1,200 11900 21800 D 520 1,600 11000 1,700 990 130 67 74 100 D o-Xylene 100 U 50 U 130 U 50 U 100 U 250 U 50 U 13 U 100 U 250 U 50 U 250 U 4.2 U 2.5 U 6.3 U 0.1 J trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 120 68 350 99 180 260 190 210 290 290 570 250 20 14 20 28 Total Metals(UG_L) Iron 12,500 8,540 871 E 875 N 860 N 929 564 542 E 919 N 750 606 655 510 E 433 N 476 273 Manganese 244 E 194 64 E 57.7 56.6 54.8 E 43.5 20.4 E 16.3 14.4 E 12 12.1 35.8 E 26.2 25.4 E 12.9 Dissolved Metals(UG_L) Iron 12,100 6,330 E 471 344 367 228 293 E 256 422 330 365 E 13,700 E 166 79.9 B 150 88.9 BE Manganese 242 173 E 59.2 53.2 53.5 51.3 38.2 E 19.4 14.8 14.6 10.7 E 52.7 E 25.1 22.4 21.1 11.3 E Wet Chemistry(MG_L) Alkalinity 1,550 1,760 93.5 103 108 99.7 89.4 83.1 108 94 86.9 80.9 158 153 143 121 Bromide 6.14 NA 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NA 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NA NA 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NA Chloride 4.68 3.22 7.6 6.72 7.4 5.08 4.81 6.32 6.97 5.48 .05 5.16 5.23 5.33 4.71 4.72 Ethane NA 0.002 U 2.00E-04 J 2.00E-04 J 0.002 U NA 0.002 U 2.00E-04 J 0.002 U NA 0.002 U 0.002 U 0.002 U 0.002 U NA 0.002 U Ethane NA 6.00E-04 J 7.00E-04 J 6.00E-04 J 0.002 U NA 2.00E-04 J 9.00E-04 J 0.002 U NA 0.002 U 0.002 U 0.002 U 0.002 U NA 0.002 U Methane NA 0.3 BD 5.00E-04 JB 0.003 0.003 NA 0.003 B 6.00E-04 JB 4.00E-04 J NA 1.00E-03 JB 1.00E-03 JB 7.00E-04 JB 4.00E-04 J NA 1.00E-03 JB Nitrite 8.89 0.05 U 0.05 U 0.05 U 0.05 U 0.05 U 0.05 U 0.05 U 0.05 U 0.05 U 0.05 U 0.05 U 0.05 U 0.05 U 0.05 U 0.05 U Sulfate 1.2 B 0.95 B 4.98 B 5.11 4.09 B 4.87 B 4.53 B 5.39 4.42 B 3.54 B 3.33 B 2.61 B 2.98 B Sulfide 1 U 1 U 1 U 1 U 1 U 1 U 1 U 0.6B 1 U 1 U 1 U 1 U 1 U 1 U 1 U 1 U Total organic carbon(TOC) 845 531 5 U 5 U 5 U 5 U 5 U 5 U 5 U 5 U 5 U 5 U 5 U 5 U 51.1 51.1 Notes: Data is unvalidated U-Analyte not detected J-Reported value is estimated B-(Organics)Possible blank contamination B-(Inorganics)Below detection limit E-(Organics)Concentration exceeded calibra E-(Inorganics)Estimated concentration due t D-Diluted result N-Spiked smapled recovery not within contro Shading represents detection NA-Not analyzed Page 2 of 2