HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1--04917_Well Construction - GW1_20240816 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD(GW-1) For Internal Use Only 1111111710 1.Wei Ceatradsr Wormhole Ricky Corrihef . _ .. ..P .. --.TO . ._ - _ ..-- --- --_:._ .. ROM DMOUPTION Well eaaeearrtr - 9 — /OS-- d $ CI/ 2464-A ft. ft. NC Well Comm eeetfa5cseioo Neater -- Frank A.Com'her&Sons Wel Drilling,Inc. PROM TO mow= 7INCX7181$ w►Ttm+i ft. ft. ha. CcaeyNamc �a -oo03 - - _ 2.Wei Ca.rlrae ion Perot TO ow�sg MATERIAL List all applicabk wet caw.r.�ow permits(Le A!C Covey,Start YaenaaR reed) / �' t .�- A' 6 tta �' St3,.21 rsc 3 war Use(cheek well ttae) 2 2—". 4 "Ift' &s r7•1IL /�� )Li Water Supply We& PROM To DIAMETER siwriu TERaaNIss MATERIAL ■ ■�• ,�.'..;.. .lit tL ft. n` 1 • -...-...- ( Supply) ',.1 ..,-.... Water Supply( ) A. R. h` ■ DResicianialWater Supply(shared) —11 ' Met _TO MATERIAL net-sc61�IT IQws)&miaow Irrigation R ft_ Nat-Water Supply Welt: _ >! CIRewvcrY - aft. • -. Welt ft. ft. :, Reese °Ground eater Ret ou - - ■ . ••••••- SOxage and Recovery Y D Barrier t� TO MATERIAL S1 PLA�TMI as mw > ft ft.. . ...:._ Tea — ce Control Q ft. ill _..,..... (Closed Loop) QT m „p D s:aa.ae eRs•t. .0 L ■ e..,._ .. (t1 Regan) �Oflter(obtain antler ff11 xemarirt) 0' R /4 a L'C r 1 J r, _+ . 1 -�ft- IL i31 a n 4.Dane Wei( Coautpiesed J r�yWeH IDtF 'i @- f�-S a iu e. „ ��"='„�,L-e 44, 92- 1.� ( Sa Wen L�/ / y a I l v.. es �(�,��t c a. R �1 rye r`(n(^ / (�gra _4 -- ft. m - `-1 l milk H I�if � °O �, R .1,UG 1- xes t #C A1`r1, IPrt Comity Paine Identifitatice No.(PIN) ,A 5b.Latitude and llengitade in degreentidnideMearads or deimal degrees: . (3twea s(ead,are billow is sufficient) 2- I' 1 // ._ /,,,_ „ii,, 5----43_49 r e� of ellDwe 6.la(are)the wells or OT s • By signimg this fo.a,1 hereby rnofy that the eeell(s)ens frets)aoweroeted he accordant 7.Is Ibis a repair to as ode*wed Dyes or me 1 SA NCAC 02C.0100 or 1 SA.NCAC 02C-020o Weil Conine:ens Sandie*and gets rd.::a a repay,fill ma known+eel aoarrvdioe information and ezplats the nature of die copy°t is raved has bees peronidud to the well owner. repair wider t121 remarks section or an the back of tuns form. 23.Site diagram or additional'.welt data &For Geopreidppf a Omed-i.oep Geothermal Wells having the same YOu may me the back of this?q¢ provide additiaoal well she Mails a well construction,only I GW-1 is needed. Indicate TOTAL NUMBER of wells °OO�r�Os derails YOU may also attach sd�ianal pages if necessary: dolled: ) C 5 ciTBIVl11TALI1VSIRUCTIt7tgl 9.Total well depth below load surface ($-) 24a. For Ail Wenn Submit this form within 30 days of completion of well For seehrpit wdlt Hoag depths V&Omens(wrangle-WOO'and 20100') uuct on in the following le.Stake waterer level Wow**of easing: ( 5 (It.) Division of Water Resources.Isfse stiost Preening Unit, rimier lewd it above easy,use"4- 1617 Maria Service Center,Releigby NC 27699.1617 1L Borehole Cum-) 24b.For Iaieettoa Welts: bi addition to sending the farm to the acktress in 24e above,also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well 12.war wa a tructie method:: Air DtDrillcommotion to the following ( anger,may,abbe,direct pest,etc.) Division of Water Resources,Underground injection Control Program. FORWATER SUPPLY WILLS ONLY: 1636 Mail Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-1636 Lin Yield(0,..) A.5 Method of test Air i /� 24c.Err Water Swdr& njeclion Weil In addition to sending the form to the 136�Ditefoe _. A>•oot d tC�� ) move sirealso submit one copy of this Foenn within 30 days of Smr4ette of well cons:maiam to the catty health depastmeat of the ooeady where canna-acted_ Form GW-1 North Cambia Department of Envaoeeeneatat Quality-Division of Water lbecances Revered 2-z<-2016