HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1--04882_Well Construction - GW1_20240828 ) P)...... WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD Fo,ll,knmlUseONLY: Thu form can be uyd for single or multiple ncis 00 1.Well Contractor Information: I J.%AT1tn ZONIS John Eisenman ►ROM t0 - Dt3('aiPT10Y Well(•nnrranr Nank ft. ft, 4439 _ NC We(Cnntruelor Ccnifaat,on Nuniu r iS.OUTER CASING(for null-cased wellsLOR LINER(if no Nesbit) 1'NOM Ti) PIAMFTFR TNICKNYSS MATFNNI • SAEDACCO n. ft. u. (,,u1,am N.,,n i&INNER CASING_OR TUBING trot Rental closed-Woe_� PROM TO -- DIAMETER _ rtin(_A]FSS MATTRIAI. 2.Well Construction Permit I: 0 ft. 21 fi. 2 m• SCH-40 PVC !Jrr all applicable urn pen"h i i.e.County State Variance.IniaKba2 elr.) - R, fl. in. 3.Well i ae(chock well use): 17.S('RI HN - Water Supply.Well: 11110M TO Dt4MtTnit SI.OTM71 TNI(1iNt0S marginal. 21 R. 31 ft. 2 in, 010 SCH-40 PVC U Agricultural DMunicipaL''Pubhc OGeothennal(Heating/Cooling Supply) DResident►al Water Supply(single) ft' rt - ra. DlndustriatComniercial DResidennal Water Supply(shored) it --, moor TO MATERu1 , rMrIACEMENT M£71100 A AMOUNT ❑Irrigation 0 It. 16 ft. Portland Pour Non-Water Supply Well: R It. E Morutonng ❑Recosen Injection Well: n. IL ❑Aquifer Recharge ❑Groundwater Reniedi;Lion If.SANDVIAVIL PACK ill apMMeaNy IDIOM TO MATRRtaI.__ CMM.A('MWNT%melon ❑Aquifer Storage and Recosrty ❑Salinity Barrier 19 ft. 31 ft. Sand 82 ❑Aquifer Too ❑Storlmsatcr Drainage n. n, ❑Egocnmcntal Technology ❑Subsidence Control 2o.DRILLING LAG(attach additional ihcr,if,srcessvy) OGeothenual(Closed Loop) ❑Tracer FROM Ti) biMMRrrnos I,nt.r,kardae.,R.4'nnk opt.gram aaa,eat.) OGeothennal(Heating/Cooling Return) DOther(explain wider 0021 Reloads) ft rt. ft. '• - . . - • 4.Date WADI Completed: 8-7-24 Well 1D,MW-67 6 , ._ a I i 5a.Well Location: rt. ft. AUG 6 G 2 ?024 General Electric Company n. n. FadllirylOn•Rt:rNone Facility iN(ifaeplicablc, ft h. I.it,...Twdi.:a: ;v.,-,.may:." , kk 3010 Spartanburg Hwy., East Flat Rock, NC, 28726 n. - ft. � � PM will 4ddress.Or".and Zip ' r 21.RCM.IRKS Henderson I bentonite seal from 16-19ft (noon.. 1'areel hkntdxaIion No iPtNs Sb.Latitude and Longitude in dcgnceslminatestseconds or decimal degrees: 22.(.crdfIcadnu: Sid ocll held.one I:al1ooa rs suflseseid1 N W --- ---_. - 8/19/2024 Sitnatarc o�%1'a..*t ..aact;,-- -" Date 6.Is fare)the until %!Permanent or Tcmlydrran in si8 •8 brd 2 !!a ifi,y. y,''t w ii IF milli feted 1R antaniancr wit*/54 NCAC 02C.'< 1, :il'A.4:1C.0200 Well Cos irie-liar Susd,u,s and ratan a 7.Ls this a repair to an existing well: Lill es or EL NII rope nick,record ha.,hem pro,'irkd re, te tell witer. !I tbi6 11 a rejkrir.rill,.u(knuwsc 4e11,(man,IKON mforurou,u,owl r.,plunr the oorare,1 the repair urnler 021 remark,,return or m the boa of thin foray. 23.Site diagram or additional well details: YOU nta, use'the back of this page to provide additional well site details or well 8.Number of wells comitnucted: 1 construction details. You!nay also attach additional pages if necessan. For main*rnjerrion re nMr-wear supple wells ONLY with rbe atticeoni4itcN,ts.turn Om ,ah,nrr..n,.r:nn SUBMITTAL INSTUCTIONS 9.Total hell depth below land surface: 31 (fy,l 24a. For All Well{,: Submit ibis form within 30 days of completion of well For maltiplr..iris list aN depvhs ifdi,8rrrnt(crumple-?g200'and:FP 1001 con.Slnrction to the following- 10.Static water level below top of caali (h,) Division of Water Resources,Information Processing l nit. it".UN h.,r'i.al.,mr•anat.ate"4." 1617 Mail Sexier('cater,Raleigh,N('27699-1617 11.Borchok diameter:8.25" (DO 21b.for',Octillion Wells ONLY: In addition to sending die form to the address in 24aabose. also submit a cops of this form within 30 days of completion of well 12.Well cuastnietion method:HSA construction to the following. i c auger.roan.cable.direct push etc.l Division of Water Resources,Underground Injection Control Program. FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 1636 Mail Service Center.Raleigh.NC 2769l.1636 2le.For NAter Sunnis t injection Waist t3a.Yield timni1 Method Otero: Also submit one cops of this form within 30 days of completion of tab.Disinfection t)pe: Amount: well consmiction to the county heahh department of the county where constructed Fonn GW-1 Nonh Cardillo Dsnurnwnu of Ens Hourly and Natural Resources-Diswioo of Water Resorrons Res wed Argtat 20 l l