HomeMy WebLinkAboutWake_Well Abandonment_20240903 (18) WELL ABANDONMENT RECORD Rif tntental Use ONLY This form can be used for single or mix iplr imcllp 1.Well Coutrartrir Information: WELL ABANDONMENT DFTAII S Scott Hunt, Jr 7a.Number of walls being abandoned: 1 WellCorttaclor N.:m,i,I Lull usutr pciWIL11h. :duid(unng(.e0 mi hither properry 1 F­ mldoph• uor(iwm or rrwi-wafer .w/!rat wrN+ ONLY with Or aw (v)µrfrt(CENNI 17�aIrl•inhrtt.IrtM(0/Wholif me farm 4561A NC Well Number7b.Approtimatc s ulumc of cater rrmair inf in CotsmcynrCertifirninn SAEDACCO F O R%A'I F R S 1`PP I.1 W F 1.1 S l 1 1: Conpam Mani[ - . ?c.'1'ypc of disinkctant used: 2.11 ell(Um+truce ism Permit M: ; I X, I� I I01i Side.1 ortuw a hgrri m,rk.I if warm ?d. %mount of disinftNtanl uxd: T P'^}m7 J.Well use(check.Hell use): Water Supph Well: 7e.Sealing materials used(check all that apply): ❑Agricultural ❑Municipal Public 0 Nrnl Ccmenl Grow t l Rcraori tc ChpS o peklta ❑(kcithcrmal McawkwCooling Supply) ❑Rcstdeonal Water titgtph i-ani ❑ Sand Cement Grout ❑ on(la'. ❑I dustnaLl'omnicrcmal ❑Rcsidcntial Water Supph tsh(red) ❑Concrete Grout ❑ Dnll Cuttings ❑Ifn •toll ❑ Specialty Grout ❑Gramel Non-Water Supph Well: Ll Bentorute Slum CJ Other(explain under 7gI Q➢hlotnlonuu ❑Rccoicn Injection Well: 7f.Foreach material w-lccted Alici prude areinrnl lif materialstned: ❑Aquifer Recharge ❑Gmutdu;uerRemedurron Neat Cem.:941b ,Wtr:7gal. Sand Cem.:lb ,Wtr:gal. ❑Aquifer Storage and Ii en ❑Saluun Hamcr ❑Aquifer Pest ❑Slonmmalcr Drnrwge — ❑Experimental I Lchnwlop [Subsidence Control 7g Prin ide,a brief descriptirin❑f the a handinuncnt procedure. OGeothemial(Closed Impi ❑Tracer location was over drilled and pvc was removed from boring ❑Geother mal(lieatm 'Coolin Return) f 10thi ic\p4am uni'kt -- - tremie grout location from bottom to top A.Date l elllm abandoned: 8-5-24 5a.Well location: Brownfield Road Landfill •.CeelMit a11N: Fxilm�Cl.(ncrNamc Fxilam IDw(ifaQplicabk) 2600 Brownfield Rd. Raleigh, NC 27610 �/'(/ 8/7/2024 ds tMMM Phi sical Address.Cmi aid Zip i :FFFf d W'e11 t'amector ra w'cll OnMi Daw Wake 1h .vigninq thew Jforrn, l ht:ir6y cernA,Mai the welli was rweret ahwichnied ut Coutni Paled Idemufle tba No.(PIM (hex onl(ii with It3A 1sCAC 02C.0100 ur:C U_'00 R'ell Conyowetr(rn.Van(kirtA (md than a cii oJtria reword bw been prrmided to the well(inner 5h.Latitude and longitude in lictir s/mirmtes/secnnds or decimal degrees: !il ne)t fill ore Lo W+q_n+unlcaif i 9.Site diagram or additional well details: You nta%use the back of this page to prom de addiucawl uell site details or cell N W abandonment dewtls. You rtwm also:mia_li ankh ial pages if nets CONSTRUI TION DETAILS OF WELL(S)BEING ABANDONED SUBMFTTAL[Nc_T_RUCTIONS .trunk wvP curtr Mdowr trcurdiv(7 Ln uldhk. F'w•mufrrpk thoectiew.r mm-w ppfrain su writrl/.11.f wuh rhr..,i(M(uicnewrwnal m(klmnent.iwcun+rFmli.wrr,t rnr loa. For .All Wcn.: Submit this form within 1;0 dais of completion of hell 62.Well IDp: MW-P9 abatdonnlem to the follmcmg Disisian of Water Rewrili Information Processing limit. 1617 Mail Smice Center.Raleigh."1 27611617 6b.Total cell depth: 37 fh.l Inb. Fur Initrtivo Wells: In addilkiii to seui ig the form to the address in Iba oc,R lnholc diarneler;2 lin.n ahoic.alw submit uric copy of this form umthin 30 days of cumpletion of cell abandonment to the lollouine Ditision of Water Resources,Underi unod Injection(ontrul Program. od.1\titer kt(i below gnnand wrfan: 10 olo 1636 Mail timice('enter.Rykigb.NC 27699-1636 Itc. For Water Sunup & InieYtilum Wells: In addition to sending the fort to oc.Outer casing length lif known): 0110 the addressees) abo(e. also submit onii: copy of this form within 7n da,s of completion of%Nell abandoilaxon to the county health department of the count rmlxrc atnndnncd 6L loner casinWtubing length Of known): Ift.) 6t.Soren length(if known): (it) Fom GW-ai i Nonh Camttm Dcpiamo of En.ironnicn aid N:uural Rcsoini cs Dis ision of Water Rsownrs Rcs iced August P)1 i