HomeMy WebLinkAboutWake_Well Abandonment_20240903 (15) WELL ABANDONMENT RECORD Im too,YlIUtcONLY this form can be used for single or n!ultiple wells 1.1%cll(Mrtractnr Itrfnrmatior: WELL ABANDONMENT DETAR S Scott Runt, Jr 7iL'4omberoflodisbeini:abanduued; 1 �•uractin PanLL tar sell uumi perwucilh alun6rmng well on lit%Iwo piotwm i F'r rNN/npk rnlr%tarrr rwpph welts ONLY waft the ware f MtAlf(IMMI r71ti�Lk1�,/IMH'rN.1.rrr r.ur.Y74,1 Jl,Nr.hrrlN 4561A NC WclICommnorfcrlifiaa ion NxmbcT 71P.Appnrximate srdumenf water rrmainin_in u(•Ili.i� (�,) SAEDACCO FOR%I A UFR SUPPLI W 1-1 1.�OV I: Coif Name 7c.1.i pc of dimnftwtam nwd: 2.Will Construction Permit 0:, , d [ Lu:di r,,ni::„i 4 a. !;a rn,r:. ,wM.5t,ir.1�nwrcr Lryrctx,a etc:i(J lairs C !� ♦ 20J "d. lrn ount of isinl'cctanl u%cd: J.Will usr(check wmdl use): Water Supph Well: 'r-.ScAliny matenal%uvd t.r•heek all that apply): _. ClAgnicultinal ❑hluntctpaLPmrblk X C•ucut('WAI f] Herionac'Chips orPellets ❑Gcothemt:d IHcannGK'oohng Supph! ❑Rcsidennal Water Supph ismElc ❑ S.lik!<cnmew(,rout ❑ Dn(la} ❑hdusnnal:Conmmcnctal ❑Rcmderaral Water Supph'isharvi ❑(on,rete Groin ❑ Droll('uutngs ❑Irti •trun ❑ Speaalh Gfoul ❑Gra%el Noe-Water Suppl Well: I 1 Henlonnte Slurry I I Other(explain under 7g) ®hlom(onnt! ❑Raosets Injection Well: 7f.For each nr.tt,-rial w4ected abuse,pm%ide ararwat of materials used: ❑AgmlerRccharge ❑CitoundwalerRemedmation Neat Cem. :941b ,Wtr:7gal. Sand Cem.:lb ,Wtr:gal. ❑Aquifer Storage aid Reco%en ❑SAinih Hamer ❑Aquifer lest ❑Stommalet Drainage - ❑EVettnrerwrl Techmlop ❑Subsidence Control 'p.Prrnirh•A brief description of tlfe abandinmcm prnarlun: OGeothemial(Closed Loop! ❑Tracer tremie grout location from bottom to top and cut below OGeothemral(Neatin ,Coolin Return) r 10dieriex ain under 7 ) -- surface 4.Date w'eYfs)abandoned: 8-5-24 Sa.Wes location: Brownfield Road Landfill i ,Iht%IDw(ifattplicabkf R,(crtiiicalinn: 2600 Brownfield Rd. Raleigh, NC 27610 - 8/7/2024 Plo sisal Address.(i,.aid Zip >:'•rn o!' rR�Ud WcllCootgcforor WCMOrrrkr Daft Wake Bm %tXnn jX this form, 1 hereby cerfg8-Char the well(.rt was(were+abitini fined or ('aunt% Parcel IdciarMatsrn No.(PM) o((„n1tvx'r with 11 t MCAC O.C'.0100 or X 0.00 Well Conitim-tion.S6m(lmrds and that o ty"r ojthis record hoes been proviared to the well owner. Sb.Latitude and InnAitudc in doeMeslminutestsmunds or decimal defpres: 0f ucll frld air Lot k,iu r, nlhr ociv; 9.Site dinram or additional well details: I"ou nia% tar the back of this page to pros de additional cell site retails or well N W abatdonnuein details. You to a% Also attach:ddnxmal pates if mceman ('0NSTRU(-n0N DETAILS OF W'ELLISI BEING ABANDONED SUBMn-FAI,INSTRUCTIONS .Imkh wr/1,.aorYoow rrrrrnt s+it u,iil ahk. Nrr mu/opie mlrcrren rw r -"der supply "CIA 0M.1 wxh she•svmr crnr.Ntva bu,r r,+mr<knxnrrN.I'M car(whmi+rure A,rwr. IOa. For All WelLs: Stdrnut this fetnr %%tihm -,0 days of completion of %cell 6a.Well IDO•PZ-9D abandonment io the follo%%in¢ Di%isain of W ater Rewrumen..Inhwortation Pntcrssing Unit. 1617 Nail Senice Center.Ralei-h.M 276"4617 6b.Total well depth: 65 (ft.) lob.Fur lalection Wells. In addi(ioa to sending five furor to the addiess in lua abuse. also sibntt one cop% of this form wtUnn ,()dons of cumpletion of%%ell 6c.Mirelnrle diamrler:2 (In.) abardonmctm la the following Di%Won of Water Resuurres,Cndereniund Injection Confnrl Program. 6d.Water lies ell below Zitirao(I wrian: 10 (ft. 1636 Mail Seaice Cater.Rakish.N('276"-11636 Irk. For Water Suutrl & Injection W'eRs: to addition to sailing the form to 6c.Outer casinglength afknownc (ft.) the addresste�i abuse_ also submit one cop} of (his form within All da}s of .onipletion of%fell abandonment to the courAN health depanniera of the counn ulurc.ihandnncd 6f.Inner ca%in-'tubim,li ngth(if kn,is%n): (ft.) 6s.screen Icngrth(if knouni: (ft.) Fort GW-iii North Camhm lkpa nnrcn of En,rronnrera:nil Natwal Hewiuces Dn isioaof Wxwr Resouncs Re,ised August 201%