HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0074756_Draft_Fact Sheet_20240903 NCDEQ/DWR/NPDES EXPEDITED FACT SHEET - NPDES PERMIT RENEWAL NPDES Permit NCO074756 Caroline Robinson/Compliance&Expedited Permitting Unit/caroline.robinsonkdeq.nc. oo /July 2024 FACILITY INFORMATION Stanly County Utilities/Greater Badin Water& Sewer District Applicant/Facility Name (Donald Mullis, Operator and Duane Wingo,Utilities Director) Greater Badin WWTP Applicant Address/Mailing 1000 North 15t Street, Suite 12,Albemarle,NC 28001 Address Facility Physical Address 18 Sewer Plant Road,Badin,NC 28009 Permitted Flow(MGD) 0.55 MGD Type of Waste 100%Domestic,< 1 MGD Facility Class WW-3 County Stanly Permit Status Renewal Regional Office MRO STREAM CHARACTERISTICS Receiving Stream Little Mountain Creek Stream WS-IV Classification Stream Segment 13-5-1-(2) Outfall Lat. 350 23' 55"N 7Q10 - Summer(cfs) 0.26 Outfall Long. 800 07'20" W 7Q 10 -Winter(cfs) 0.68 Drainage basin Yadkin-Pee Dee 30Q2 (cfs) — Subbasin 03-07-08 Average Flow(cfs) 5.6 HUC 030401040201 IWC (%) 76.63%(summer)/ 303(d)List No 5 5.63%(winter) BASIC INFO FOR EXPEDITED PERMIT RENEWAL Does permit need Daily Max NH3 limits? No-Already present in permit Does permit need TRC limits/footnote? No -Already present in permit Does permit have toxicity testing? Yes—chronic toxicity ceriodaphnia dubia—7 day p/f Does permit have any Special Conditions? Yes—Chronic Toxicity, and Effluent Pollutant Scan Does permit have instream monitoring? Yes—U&D for Temp,Dissolved Oxygen,Total Nitrogen, and Total Phosphorus New expiration date: July 31,2029 FACILITY SUMMARY Stanly County Utilities/Greater Badin Water& Sewer District operates the Greater Badin Wastewater Treatment Plant for an estimated 949 residents. The Greater Badin WWTP is a minor facility(flow< 1 MGD)with a design capacity and permitted wastewater discharge of 0.55 MGD. The permit for this WWTP was originally issued in December 1988. This facility utilizes the following treatment components: • Manually cleaned bar screen • Influent pump station • Oxidation ditch • Aerobic sludge digester • Dual final clarifiers • Dual chlorine contact chambers with gaseous disinfection Fact Sheet for Permit Renewal July 2024-NPDES Permit NCO074756-Page 1 • Dechlorination • Cascade post aerator • Four sludge drying beds and • Stand-by power RENEWAL SUMMARY This renewal contains the following changes: • Updated IWC in A. (2)based on the designated permitted flow on the effluent table in Part I Section A(1). • Fluoride Monitoring requirements have been removed from Outfall 001 in Part I Section A(1). New effluent Fluoride data submitted during this permit cycle indicate there is no reasonable potential for copper to exceed freshwater water quality standards. • Winter NH3 limits have been updated. Per 15A NCAC 02B.0404,the Winter limit for a parameter cannot be greater than 2x the Summer limit. The revised Winter NH3 limits take effect I/l/2029. • Zinc and Copper Monitoring requirements have been added to the effluent table for Outfall 001 in Part I Section A(1)with a corresponding footnote. These monitoring requirements tare required for one year from the effective date of the permit due to the presence of these parameters in the Effluent Pollutant Scan during the last permit cycle. • Section A. (2)has been updated to be consistent with current WET testing requirements. • Section A. (3)has been updated. • Updated years for Effluent Pollutant Scan in Part I Section A. (4). • Reporting for Total Nitrogen(TN)now includes the constituent parameters used in calculating TN. Total Kj eldahl Nitrogen(TKN) and Nitrate+Nitrite Nitrogen(NO3-N+NO2-N)have been added to the effluent table in Section A. (1)with a corresponding footnote. The Sample Type for Total Nitrogen has been updated from"Composite"to "Calculated". • Added parameter units to the effluent table in Part 1. Section A. (1.). • Updated the map. COMPLIANCE HISTORY Greater Badin WWTP has had no enforcements on record for this permit cycle since November 2019. The facility has been issued 10 NOVs for Fecal,Flow, Total Mercury, and Ammonia Nitrogen limit violations since the permit was last issued in November 2019. The facility has also been issued three NODs for flow during this permit cycle. Most recent inspection(March 2022) showed the facility to be in compliance. The inspection summary included a statement about the monthly average flow limit exceedances in February 2021 and March 2021, stating that the review of daily flow data for the calendar year 2021 indicated spikes in flow during rain events. The inspection summary also suggested that the collection system to this facility should be inspected for inflow and infiltration(I&1)and corrections made to divert stormwater from the sanitary sewer collection system. WHOLE EFFLUENT TOXICITY(WET)TESTING WET testing is required in this permit as freshwater Chronic [TGP3B] Pass/Fail Quarterly monitoring with Ceriodaphnia dubia at an effluent concentration of 76.6%. This facility has passed 12 out of the past 12 toxicity tests. Greater Badin Water&Sewer District NCO074756/001 County: Stanly Region: MRO Basin: YAD08 Jan Apr Jul Oct SOC_JOC: Cari7dPF Begin: 3/1/2014 chr linn:83.4% NonComp: 7Q10: 0.26 PF: 0.55 IWC: 77 Freq: Q J F M A M J 1 A 5 O N D 2020 - Pass Pass Pasz - - Pass - 2021 Pass - - Pass - 2012 Pasz - - Pass - 202i Pasz - - Pass - 2024 Pass - - - - - - - - Fact Sheet for Permit Renewal July 2024-NPDES Permit NCO074756-Page 2 REASONABLE POTENTIAL ANALYSIS A reasonable potential analysis(RPA)was conducted on effluent data collected between January 2020 and July 2024. A flow of 0.55 MGD was used in the RPA based on the permitted discharge flow. Based on this analysis,the following permitting actions are proposed for this permit: • Fluoride—no reasonable potential to exceed water quality standards;predicted max<50%of allowable concentration;no monitoring required. • Mercury—reasonable potential to exceed water quality standards; applying monthly monitoring with limits. EFFLUENT POLLUTANT SCAN Date Parameter Param Class Sample 5/13/2020 NC01 -Annual Pollutant Scan [126 parameters] Miscellaneous Grab 1/21/2021 NC01 -Annual Pollutant Scan [126 parameters] Miscellaneous Grab 4/13/2022 NC01 -Annual Pollutant Scan [126 parameters] Miscellaneous Grab Parameters Allowable Cw Dates Acute Chronic 4/16/2020 1/22/2021 4/13/2022 TKN (mg/L) 0.65 1.3 Nitrate-Nitrite(mg/L) 4.23 6.9 Total Phosphorus(mg/L) 0.29 0.79 Total hardness(mg/L) 47 51.4 Total dissolved residue (mg/L) 108 Copper(ug/L) 13.17 10.28 4 5.3 Zinc(ug/L) 158.1 165.4 22 15.2 26.4 Chloroform (ug/L) 6.11 5.2 TDS(mg/L) 156 Ammonia Nitrogen (mg/L) 0.12 Due to the presence of Zinc and Copper in the Effluent Pollutant Scan,monitoring for these parameters has been added to the effluent table in Part I Section A(1) for Outfall 001. Fact Sheet for Permit Renewal July 2024-NPDES Permit NCO074756-Page 3 IWC Calculations Facility: Greater Badin WWTP Permit No.: NC0074756 Prepared By:Caroline Robinson Enter Design Flow(MGD): 0.55 <= Permitted Flow if Different from Design Enter s7Q10(cfs): 0.26 Enter w7Q10(cfs): 0.68 Total Residual Chlorine(TRC) Ammonia(Summer) Daily Maximum Limit(ug/1) Monthly Average Limit(mg NH3-N/1) Design Permitted Design Permitted s7Q10 (CFS) 0.26 s7Q10(CFS) 0.26 € DESIGN FLOW (MGD) 0.55 DESIGN FLOW(MGD) 0.55 DESIGN FLOW (CFS) 0.8525 DESIGN FLOW(CFS) 0.8525 STREAM STD(UG/L) 17.0 STREAM STD(MG/L) 1.0 Upstream Bkgd (ug/1) 0 Upstream Bkgd (mg/1) 0.22 IWC(%) 76.63 IWC(%) 76.63 Allowable Conc. (ug/1) 22 Allowable Conc.(mg/1) 1.2 € < 1 MGD Policy Applies Ammonia(Winter) Monthly Average Limit(mg NH3-N/1) Design Permitted Design Permitted Fecal Coliform w7Q10(CFS) 0.68 Monthly Average Limit: 200/100ml #VALUE! DESIGN FLOW (MGD) 0.55 (If DF>331; Monitor) DESIGN FLOW (CFS) 0.8525 € (If DF<331; Limit) STREAM STD(MG/L) 1.8 Dilution Factor(DF) 1.30 #VALUE! Upstream Bkgd (mg/1) 0.22 IWC(%) 55.63 Allowable Conc.(mg/1) 3.1 *2B .0404(c)Applies Total Residual Chlorine 1. Cap Daily Max limit at 28 ug/I to protect for acute toxicity Ammonia(as NH3-N) 1. If Allowable Conc>35 mg/l, Monitor Only 2. Monthly Avg limit x 3=Weekly Avg limit(Municipals) 3. Monthly Avg limit x 5= Daily Max limit(Non-Munis) If the allowable ammonia concentration is>35 mg/L, no limit shall be imposed •By Policy dischargers< 1 MGD get limits no lower than 2&4 due to BAT *From 2B .0404(c)-Winter Limits can be no less stringent than 2 times the summer limits Fecal Coliform 1. Monthly Avg limit x 2=400/100 ml =Weekly Avg limit(Municipals)= Daily Max limit(Non-Muni) Freshwater RPA - 95% Probability/95% Confidence Using Metal Translators MAXIMUM DATA POINTS = 58 REQUIRED DATA ENTRY Table 1. Project Information Table 2. Parameters of Concern ❑CHECK IF HQW OR ORW WQS Name WQS Type Chronic Modifier Acute PQL Units Facility Name Greater Badin WWTP Par01 Arsenic Aquactic Life C 150 FW 340 ug/L WWTP/WTP Class WW-3 Par02 Arsenic Human Health C 10 HH/WS N/A ug/L Water Supply NPDES Permit NCO074756 Par03 Beryllium Aquatic Life NC 6.5 FW 65 ug/L Outfall 001 Par04 Cadmium Trout NC 1.0015 TR 1.9412 ug/L Flow,Qw(MGD) 0.550 Par05 Chlorides Aquatic Life NC 230 FW Receiving Stream Little Mountain Creek Par061# Chlorinated Phenolic Compounds Water Supply NC 1 A ug/L HUC Number 030401040201 Par07 Total Phenolic Compounds Aquatic Life NC 300 A ug/L Stream Class WS-IV Par08 Chromium III Aquatic Life NC 117.7325 FW 905.0818 ug/L ❑Apply WS Hardness WQC Par09 Chromium VI Aquatic Life NC 11 FW 16 Ng/L 7Q10s(cfs) 0.26 Par10 Chromium,Total Aquatic Life NC N/A FW N/A IIg/L 7Q10w(cfs) 0.68 Par11 Copper Aquatic Life NC 7.8806 FW 10.4720 ug/L 30Q2(cfs) 0.00 Par12 Cyanide Aquatic Life NC 5 FW 22 10 ug/L QA(cfs) 5.60 Par13 Fluoride Aquatic Life NC 11800 FW ug/L 1Q10s(cfs) 0.22 Par14 Lead Aquatic Life NC 2.9416 FW 75.4871 ug/L Effluent Hardness 25 mg/L(Avg) Par15 Mercury Aquatic Life NC 12 FW 0.5 ng/L --------------------------------- Upstream Hardness I 25 mg/L(Avg) Par16 Molybdenum Human Health NC 2000 HH ug/L ----------------------------- Combined Hardness Chronic I 25 mg/L I Par17 Nickel Aquatic Life NC 37.2313 FW 335.2087 Ng/L Combined Hardness Acute 25 m /L Par18 Nickel Water Supply NC 25.0000 WS N/A Ng/L Data Source(s) Par19 Selenium Aquatic Life NC 5 FW 56 ug/L ❑CHECK TO APPLY MODEL Par20 Silver Aquatic Life NC 0.06 FW 0.2964 ug/L Par21 Zinc Aquatic Life NC 126.7335 FW 125.7052 ug/L Par22 Par23 Par24 FW RPA_74756, input 8/21/2024 REASONABLE POTENTIAL ANALYSIS Par13 Use"PASTE Par15 SPECIAL-Values" Use"PASTE SPECIAL Values"then"COPY" Fluoride then"COPY". Mercury M .Maximum data Maximum data points=58 points=58 Date Data BDL=1/2DL Results Date Data BDL=1/2DL Results 1 1/22/2020 1.1 1.1 Std Dev. 0.3814 1 1/8/2020 5 5 Std Dev. 3.5535 2 4/15/2020 0.7 0.7 Mean 0.9733 2 2/4/2020 3.4 3.4 Mean 5.0006 3 7/15/2020 1.2 1.2 C.V. 0.3919 3 3/3/2020 2.3 2.3 C.V. 0.7106 4 10/14/2020 0.54 0.54 n 18 4 4/2/2020 2.2 2.2 n 54 5 1/13/2021 1 1 5 5/6/2020 1.6 1.6 6 4/14/2021 1.9 1.9 Mult Factor= 1.27 6 6/4/2020 1.7 1.7 Mult Factor= 1.02 7 7/21/2021 0.82 0.82 Max.Value 1.9 ug/L 7 7/1/2020 5.2 5.2 Max.Value 19.1 ng/L 8 10/13/2021 1.6 1.6 Max.Pred Cw 2.4 ug/L 8 8/12/2020 19.1 19.1 Max.Pred Cw 19.5 ng/L 9 1/12/2022 0.58 0.58 9 9/9/2020 17.7 17.7 10 4/13/2022 1.1 1.1 10 10/7/2020 2.93 2.93 11 7/20/2022 0.73 0.73 11 10/14/2020 4.54 4.54 12 10/12/2022 0.69 0.69 12 11/4/2020 5.21 5.21 13 1/11/2023 0.57 0.57 13 12/9/2020 4.38 4.38 14 4/5/2023 0.85 0.85 14 1/7/2021 4.28 4.28 15 7/6/2023 0.81 0.81 15 2/9/2021 4 4 16 10/10/2023 0.73 0.73 16 3/3/2021 3.09 3.09 17 1/23/2024. 1.1 1.1 17 4/6/2021 3.15 3.15 18 4/10/2024 1.5 1.5 18 5/5/2021 0.5 0.5 19 19 6/3/2021 12.1 12.1 20 20 7/7/2021 3.06 3.06 21 21 8/4/2021 0.5 0.5 22 22 9/8/2021 5.17 5.17 23 23 10/12/2021 3.06 3.06 24 24 11/3/2021 5.55 5.55 25 25 12/7/2021 8.88 8.88 26 26 1/19/2022 9.45 9.45 27 27 2/17/2022 7.38 7.38 28 28 3/3/2022 6.27 6.27 29 29 4/5/2022 8.74 8.74 30 30 5/10/2022 2.43 2.43 31 31 6/15/2022 2.43 2.43 32 32 7/21/2022 0.2 0.25 33 33 8/17/2022 3.21 3.21 34 34 9/8/2022 4.57 4.57 35 35 10/12/2022 2.55 2.55 36 36 11/8/2022 4.32 4.32 37 37 12/8/2022 3.4 3.4 38 38 1/3/2023 3.17 3.17 39 39 2/16/2023 7.66 7.66 40 40 3/7/2023 5.55 5.55 41 41 4/4/2023 9.61 9.61 42 42 5/10/2023 6.48 6.48 43 43 6/7/2023 3.14 3.14 44 44 7/6/2023 5.07 5.07 45 45 8/16/2023 4.49 4.49 46 46 9/6/2023 3.91 3.91 47 47 10/4/2023 6.05 6.05 48 48 11/1/2023 4.8 4.8 49 49 12/6/2023 7.1 7.1 50 50 1/4/2024 4 4 51 51 2/15/2024 4.1 4.1 52 52 3/5/2024 4.7 4.7 53 53 4/2/2024 3.5 3.5 54 54 5/30/2024 3.1 3.1 55 55 56 56 57 57 58 58 FW RPA_74756,data -2- 8/21/2024 Greater Badin WWTP I Outfall 001 NCO074756 Freshwater RPA- 95% Probability/95% Confidence Using Metal Translators Qw = 0.55 MGD MAXIMUM DATA POINTS = 58 Qw(MGD)= 0.5500 WWTP/WTP Class: WW-3 COMBINED HARDNESS(m2/L) 1Q10S(cfs)= 0.22 IWC% @ 1Q10S = 79.48717949 Acute=25 mg/L 7Q10S(cfs)= 0.26 TWC% @ 7Q10S= 76.62921348 Chronic=25 mg/L 7Q10W(cfs)= 0.68 IWC%@ 7Q10W= 55.62805873 30Q2(cfs)= 0.00 TWC%@ 30Q2= 100 Avg.Stream Flow,QA(cfs)= 5.60 IW%C @ QA= 13.21193336 Receiving Stream: Little Mountain Creek HUC 030401040201 Stream Class: WS-IV PARAMETER NC STANDARDS OR EPA CRITERIA J r REASONABLE POTENTIAL RESULTS RECOMMENDED ACTION TYPE Applied Chronic Standard Acute a M n #Det. Max Pred Cw Allowable Cw Acute: NO WQS No RP, Predicted Max<50%of Allowable Cw-No Fluoride NC 1800 FW(7Q10s) ug/L 18 18 2.4 Monitoring required --------------------------------------------- Chronic: 2,349.0 No RP, Predicted Max<50%of Allowable Cw-No No value>Allowable Cw Monitoring required Mercury NC 12 FW(7Q10s) 0.5 ng/L 54 53 19.5 Acute: NO WQS RP shown-apply Monthly Monitoring with Limit __ ----------------------------------------- Chronic: 15.7 RP shown-apply Monthly Monitoring with Limit 2 values >Allowable Cw FW RPA_74756,rpa Page 1 of 1 8/21/2024 Permit Enforcement History by Permit Permit: NC0074756 Facility: Badin WWTP Owner: Greater Badin Water&Sewer District Region: Mooresville County: Stanly Penalty Remission Enforcement EMC Collection Has Assessment Penalty Enforcement Request Conference Hearing Memo Sent Payment Case Case Approved Amount Costs Damages Received Held Held To AGO Total Paid Balance Due Plan Closed LV-1999-0159 04/30/99 $1,000.00 $69.07 $1,069.07 $0.00 No 06/03/99 LV-2000-0157 05/19/00 $1,000.00 $82.17 $1,082.17 $0.00 No 06/05/00 LV-2000-0200 05/26/00 $1,000.00 $82.17 $1,082.17 $0.00 No 06/14/00 LV-2001-0262 08/08/01 $1,000.00 $85.45 $1,085.45 $0.00 No 09/06/01 LV-2003-0202 03/21/03 $1,000.00 $85.45 $1,085.45 $0.00 No 04/16/03 LV-2003-0238 04/24/03 $1,000.00 $85.45 $1,085.45 $0.00 No 05/05/03 LV-2003-0432 06/06/03 $1,000.00 $85.45 07/08/03 08/06/03 $1,085.45 No 10/19/04 LV-2003-0491 07/22/03 $1,500.00 $85.04 08/22/03 10/01/03 $1,585.04 No 10/19/04 LV-2003-0553 08/22/03 $1,000.00 $85.04 09/19/03 12/03/03 $1,085.04 No 10/19/04 LV-2003-0586 09/02/03 $1,250.00 $85.04 09/19/03 12/03/03 $1,335.04 No 10/19/04 LV-2003-0615 09/16/03 $1,250.00 $85.04 10/16/03 12/03/03 $1,335.04 No 10/19/04 LV-2006-0217 07/05/06 $1,500.00 $80.15 08/02/06 02/27/07 $1,580.15 $0.00 No 05/01/07 LV-2006-0026 07/25/06 $1,000.00 $78.95 $1,078.95 $0.00 No 02/26/06 LV-2006-0322 08/25/06 $1,250.00 $80.15 08/30/06 02/27/07 $1,330.15 $0.00 No 05/01/07 LV-2007-0064 02/06/07 $1,250.00 $81.15 03/06/07 10/11/07 $1,331.15 $0.00 No 11/15/07 LV-2007-0080 02/13/07 $1,500.00 $81.15 03/06/07 10/11/07 $1,581.15 $0.00 No 11/15/07 LV-2007-0122 03/26/07 $1,250.00 $81.50 04/18/07 10/11/07 $81.50 $0.00 No 11/15/07 LV-2007-0212 06/07/07 $1,000.00 $81.50 07/05/07 10/11/07 $81.50 $0.00 No 11/15/07 LV-2009-0205 07/01/09 $1,000.00 $85.30 08/04/09 10/06/09 $1,085.30 $0.00 No 10/27/09 Penalty Remission Enforcement EMC Collection Has Assessment Penalty Enforcement Request Conference Hearing Memo Sent Payment Case Case Approved Amount Costs Damages Received Held Held To AGO Total Paid Balance Due Plan Closed LV-2010-0069 02/26/10 $250.00 $85.37 03/26/10 08/17/11 $0.00 No 08/17/11 LV-2010-0087 03/23/10 $1,000.00 $85.37 04/23/10 08/17/11 $0.00 No 08/17/11 LV-2010-0124 04/29/10 $1,000.00 $85.37 05/28/10 08/17/11 $0.00 No 08/17/11 LV-2010-0156 05/19/10 $1,250.00 $85.37 05/28/10 08/17/11 $0.00 No 08/17/11 LV-2016-0089 05/05/16 $250.00 $100.33 $350.33 $0.00 No 07/26/16 Total Cases: 24 $25,500.00 $2,007.03 $14,989.94 $6,425.61 Total Penalties: $27,507.03 Total Penalties after $21,415.55 MONITORING REPORT(MR)VIOLATIONS for: Report Date: 07/31/24 Page 1 of 2 Permit: NCO074756 MRS Betweei 11 - 2019 and 7 - 2024 Region: % Violation Category:% Program Category: Facility Name:% Param Nam(% County: % Subbasin:% Violation Action:% Major Minor: % PERMIT: NCO074756 FACILITY: Greater Badin Water&Sewer District-Badin WWTP COUNTY: Stanly REGION: Mooresville Limit Violation MONITORING VIOLATION UNIT OF CALCULATED % REPORT OUTFALL LOCATION PARAMETER DATE FREQUENCY MEASURE LIMIT VALUE Over VIOLATION TYPE VIOLATION ACTION 08-2020 001 Effluent Chlorine,Total Residual 08/03/20 3 X week ug/I 20 24 20 Daily Maximum No Action, BPJ Exceeded 09-2020 001 Effluent Chlorine,Total Residual 09/28/20 3 X week ug/I 20 21 5 Daily Maximum No Action, BPJ Exceeded 12-2023 001 Effluent Coliform, Fecal MF, MFC 12/30/23 3 X week #/100ml 400 1,085.32 171.3 Weekly Geometric Mean Proceed to NOV Broth,44.5 C Exceeded 01-2020 001 Effluent Flow,in conduit or thru 01/31/20 Continuous mgd 0.55 0.67 21.7 Monthly Average Proceed to NOV treatment plant Exceeded 02-2020 001 Effluent Flow,in conduit or thru 02/29/20 Continuous mgd 0.55 0.736 33.8 Monthly Average Proceed to NOV treatment plant Exceeded 05-2020 001 Effluent Flow,in conduit or thru 05/31/20 Continuous mgd 0.55 0.695 26.3 Monthly Average Proceed to NOV treatment plant Exceeded 01-2021 001 Effluent Flow,in conduit or thru 01/31/21 Continuous mgd 0.55 0.565 2.8 Monthly Average Proceed to NOD treatment plant Exceeded 02-2021 001 Effluent Flow,in conduit or thru 02/28/21 Continuous mgd 0.55 0.931 69.3 Monthly Average Proceed to NOV treatment plant Exceeded 03-2021 001 Effluent Flow,in conduit or thru 03/31/21 Continuous mgd 0.55 0.613 11.5 Monthly Average Proceed to NOD treatment plant Exceeded 03-2022 001 Effluent Flow,in conduit or thru 03/31/22 Continuous mgd 0.55 0.555 1.0 Monthly Average No Action, Facility treatment plant Exceeded Reporting Error 01-2023 001 Effluent Flow,in conduit or thru 01/31/23 Continuous mgd 0.55 0.552 0.4 Monthly Average No Action, BPJ treatment plant Exceeded 02-2023 001 Effluent Flow,in conduit or thru 02/28/23 Continuous mgd 0.55 0.569 3.4 Monthly Average Proceed to NOD treatment plant Exceeded 01-2024 001 Effluent Flow,in conduit or thru 01/31/24 Continuous mgd 0.55 0.672 22.2 Monthly Average No Action, BPJ treatment plant Exceeded 03-2024 001 Effluent Flow,in conduit or thru 03/31/24 Continuous mgd 0.55 0.577 5.0 Monthly Average Proceed to NOV treatment plant Exceeded 08-2020 001 Effluent Mercury,Total(as Hg)- 08/31/20 Monthly ng/I 14.38 19.1 32.8 Monthly Average Proceed to NOV Concentration Exceeded MONITORING REPORT(MR) VIOLATIONS for: Report Date: 07/31/24 Page 2 of 2 Permit: NCO074756 MRS Betweel11 - 2019 and 7 - 2024 Region: % Violation Category:% Program Category: Facility Name:% Param Nam(% County: % Subbasin:% Violation Action:% Major Minor: % PERMIT: NCO074756 FACILITY: Greater Badin Water&Sewer District-Badin WWTP COUNTY: Stanly REGION: Mooresville Limit Violation MONITORING VIOLATION UNIT OF CALCULATED % REPORT OUTFALL LOCATION PARAMETER DATE FREQUENCY MEASURE LIMIT VALUE Over VIOLATION TYPE VIOLATION ACTION 09-2020 001 Effluent Mercury,Total(as Hg)- 09/30/20 Monthly ng/I 14.38 17.7 23.1 Monthly Average Proceed to NOV Concentration Exceeded 05-2022 001 Effluent Nitrogen,Ammonia Total(as 05/07/22 3 X week mg/I 3.6 6.87 90.7 Weekly Average Proceed to NOV N)-Concentration Exceeded 05-2022 001 Effluent Nitrogen,Ammonia Total(as 05/31/22 3 X week mg/I 1.2 1.61 34.2 Monthly Average Proceed to NOV N)-Concentration Exceeded Monitoring Violation MONITORING VIOLATION UNIT OF CALCULATED % REPORT OUTFALL LOCATION PARAMETER DATE FREQUENCY MEASURE LIMIT VALUE Over VIOLATION TYPE VIOLATION ACTION 04-2021 001 Effluent Coliform, Fecal MF, MFC 04/17/21 3 X week #/100ml Frequency Violation No Action,Data Broth,44.5 C Entry Error 12-2020 001 Effluent Temperature,Water Deg. 12/26/20 5 X week deg c Frequency Violation No Action, Facility Centigrade Reporting Error 11-2022 001 Effluent Temperature,Water Deg. 11/26/22 5 X week deg c Frequency Violation None Centigrade