HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCC242654_Site Plan or Location Map_20240829 • `�" \\ \ �\ \ \\ \�Oy\ \ \ j 1 \ //�_��_/ I I III \\\\ \ \\�\\ \\� I I I I/\ )I I I III I DATE: PAGE: I \ I I IIiI .1 �� ;� e ' fr ° ' ��� it I �` I 1�i I I III '� V /)i)1� TM� � � yHDUSE !� u � �5 HOUSE I �� \� \ �h I�� � J l i l \ //�i aq A;.AyI _k� _ -RnwAY -HGA.AY A.�y _HU Ay -SAY . I01Me0N 1Aoq xoAD • \ \ \ I \u I �p�✓ \ / / I\ I Il 1\1 \\ / \ I CURB LEDCE OF cuae Notes: �\ \� \ \1 \ 1 I §§ \ wit \ / I I I 1\�1\\\\\ / / a INLET 1.If boundary Tree Protection fencing trees,be installed along the butter zone,wetland �\ 1 1 ✓Q' I \\ /// LEGEND boundar/'antlloramund Protec[edtrees.Provitlingaratliusof alleast125 feet for each Inch of trunk tliameter. III�t'JeOyr \\/\ 2.Install Sill Fence On the low elevation sides Of each lot.Install Silt Fence outlets shown On 'lll \ \\` \ \ I I \'r�\ \ \ \ 1I \ /\/// // NSILT FENCE OUTLETschematiddiagrem antl field atljustetl,if necessary,for placement at low points.If lots are •ill _ v v v � � v m,v I >> � � FSILT FENCE LDwDREGTD40,� oo ___ mn[gu0us antl M1avetl Herenl land Owners Or bri ltlers eacM1 lo[should have-ntl vtlual Sik��'.Jy,`�(�� Fono 'b Tp, \ \ ` \\ II I `\ V I \ / \ \ I1 / / �/ /\ // ION ENrwrry ® 3.InsUll requ red Slt Fence wth'n l0 feet of propertylne to ensure there silo confl Mwth Ta 1 \ .�5 septic system.Itisthe responsibilityof the builtlerto ensuretheinstallation ofsediment ��, ti \ I\�� I \\\ I�� \\QQQ\\ SAG' \ II / // j /// cURalNler _ opntrol measuresdoes wtimpactthe septic ayatem andrepair area(a,.�\ \ 1 \1\ I I' \ \11�� ( \\ M V \ ' //' / / // /� 4.Al least one Constmcion Entance/Exit is to be installedperlot." O � \ \ `\I \I I I \ \ ` \ �\ r\ �� � 1 / / _ 5.Waste bins antlotherareas tletlicatetl for managingbuiltlingmaterial waste sM1all be at\I I I // least 50 feet away from storm tlrain inlets or tlrainage tli[ches unless it can be sM1own that \ , / I /I / (/ I// / OOther alternative exists.If[M1ls se$ \ \\ I I II I I \ \\ \ \f\\ \ \:/// / / / \1 \ / / /'I (� -- -_ - :lir minnd boemam Of tlisturbances sM1OUMbeen to tatlesl lreatatlS tM1ese areas must be ` I I \` �� `' N ( / I1 / / / / \ Enurronmenl jp g M1Oultlbes p hen ,, 6 [sBOwnshntl Sh[Fencepro we[w/ I I III the constmction activay is resent.P�� osADOLeakEDi AI imai \ \\\1 I ` I Ivitletl on aditio tostyle.\ ` ..NC al. a T. lalls for SilFence,Sllt FerreeOutlets,ConstmMmn Entrances end other measures are\ \ y. sal sheets.Erosion antl sediment cores pl tletails are not tlrewn Pub,,,,, �` \ �8�\ 1 �� l // / // i i I I I > ) « O SITE \ \\\\\ \ \..e\ I I m .____ ____\_\ / / , )I I I I 1 I / / / DATE: PAGE: exF1HaGA \��� ,,,\,\ ,\ , \\ \ . ,,.. , \ , ,,,,\ \ �/, �1IIIIII ( i �x ,AqI / / / I ( I I I oars .T.S. V \�\ V ,,, ,, ,, \ \ , , 1I I I o / / / �cQ' t - � M �� \ PI I :✓ / ' ) �. o ogic. sae , AV\� I 1I II (� \ \ivi.yn�a Oop \ 33 I I� I I I I / � .t�� I A3I �� � \ 30 I \IN \ 1 ( \� V I / � ,y DATE. PAGE: 5 5 / Ott 51 6 , /� ) \ \ !I V\ \V� " A ' I \ I I I I I I I I Z _ 7.1$:171.. = it Lew�� L�aarl�� R _ tar mall II,_� II / //// / 1 I� \ \ ` \ I \ I 1 I I I I Construction: Ma ntenance; '\ -11'-1L; x anb netting unrtorm vwmi copwt / \ M:y1 I \1 I / 12 M n�I Stokes 2 M n'I t5tgkes a. krwame(>, to the desired r>houlr he nstcualler parallel ro / // / II/ i . \ I..L'S \ \I ,29\I I 1III I1.Clear the entrance and exit area of all vegetation,roots,antl other objectionable 1.Per NCGAI inspect at least once a week antl after eacM1 l inch Or SECTION SECTIONgraope.a.a minimum 10 feet emelsl located bow / / I \ ' I I'1 \ g ri \ 1 9 \ I"i , /u \ I 1 I malarial and propadygrade it. greater rainfall;make any required repairs immediately. flat areas should. lia the /� \ I I �6\ _I 1 \ I\ J Q h'rj I I I I I I \ / 2.Place the gravel to the apeufic gratle and dimenaiona shown on the plans,antl 2.Maintain the grovel pad in acontlitiOn to prevent mud Or sediment land 1\ .cse OOG it. from leaving the construction site.This may require periodic F O wwamell encore betudmeanamly at ille e p lye m / 1//II/ (II(( 1\I/\\/ \ I \ s ' I I \\�\ \ / 3.Provide dreinage to carry water to a setliment Vap or other suitable oWet. toptlressing with 2 inch stone. A•nna*' RO g R,ar.. 4 prevent sin smash m going fie a en.the I I 1 \\� \ 1 I I \ \� ' / 1 I I I I I\ \\ \ \I 4.Use geotextile fabrics in order to improve stability of the foundation in locations 3.Immediately remove all objectionable materials spilled.washed or \ / I\ ` \ ► \ ; D \ 1 I / ` subject to seepage or high water table. tracked On[O public roadways. W W vertically plumb,through the cenier of Ise silt sock/wattle.Stakes should be placed at a �`(` �� \���inch x 2 inch cro.section should be driven �� 1 i I 38 \ i i i \\ �, „I CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE/EXIT Wood Mulch grGam maximum interval of 4 pM t or l<i,ae"ce°ial`�' �� �)\\\\\ \\ I' `� I I I \ ���I I 1 UNTRENCTo HED/z heightINSTAUATI N log>t g ntl 4 Mtn..wma 13. s.ENTRENCHED INSTALLATION. socks/wattles are used on vet.Mall be used behind� \�\ I H I w.n \ 1 II 27 /\ I ` I1 0 `IsoMEmlc vlEw THS^°^•^^mw'.m.asmwm,m,.®, ,,.wa,r<w °MAINT$retepectanae ,n plau.dunykroa Mt.� I1e silt �� r � I\ \ CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE cx IMnAL rLow aaTEe e.h 1 Inch or greater rainfall.Removearea as / 11 1 O _ �- � -� ` �N \ \ \\\\ I.Obuw all fiecescary permrre and Plsn approvals.Erosion and Sedimen[ControllEffiSC)pesmn andaCenilcate of Coverage(COL) 1.mrkrea c cat sty txmcn1elncnfie Hcn \ I ' / r \ \ \\\ `\ must be obtained before any land disturbing aztivities owur.A copy of the EffiSC permit the C°C and a hard copy of the plan must Mu.or Compost • COMPOST SOCK \ \ I // I _ I I 'so,. \ \ \ \ be ept on site,preferably in apermits box,and accessible during inspect Un Shoat a� Premcmd oo DMmetar ,'m,i tan�l(4rom,) -4) TiT,o`n 9 Ms./Male musts p n cloggedre \\\\ \ J I J/)) �' _26 `I �38\ 1 \ \ \\ \\\\ \ z.Installgmvelsn n<mm<ea first,men sat fen.,reinforced It fence / / / w I intmsenawnnldgr Slope a e 50 rOeeWt / 3.Flutlets<ann d grubbing the as the d. wor. r sl,aso<k/° ('M Peel(7) ,a�m) (,:-\) ( 1m) a \ �11 i ii I lid I �\ I` _ \ \ \ \�\ \\ Begin lot�aoenn x areas ar<a� a wgtte "T"W; ate a�a:" „" '(teen acze" eii," 6. wge °M e \ \ I klik \ \ \ \ I \\\ \ 1 � S.B,eonar<comver ntinue Wore constructioneconstrucnnv. areas temporary permanent \\ C\/ C \/\ 11\// \V` 6 Fi II h t g sect n Ana o[drsnrbed for]ears needs to have m /m/m) t/m/m) /m/m) t/m/m) t/m/m) P nq e. \ ,\\\ \\\�\ \ \ \ ` I ► 1 ` \ rs \` � \ / l \\ 11, \ r Ire Il dui Iks and Patios activities. or arm SILT SOCK/WATTLE FOR PERIMETER AND INLET PROTECTION I \\ \\ \ \\�m \ \\ c \ \ \ I 39 \\ 1 II I v:Begingrassing,ne t ming mngaraa bruaingaflu In most esmrswrnin involve llaaunafsnaanm<InL rneaihfence wn Z • '2 I remain in plaza until the lot is sodded or grusmg is stabilized and ekes hold. 1 `tin'\\ >y\ I I \\ \1 \ \ - I 10. TM1eeovtmator shell eovduq self-lva eglorm ofthr aoaron and aedlmptaaon control measures and complete following \ I I 1 \\ '\ I I 1 1 \ \\\ \ , \ \ 1 \ I P P vg I I SLOPES EXPOSED DURING CONSTRUCTION n combined self-inapectiov form found on me DEMLR website \� \ \ ttps:IM1vawelve moths ofcompleieinsectionogy rms s-and-lendsresources/smrmilable Mr inspection is r.ommendedaem. DATE:Sea Poet Wire Fence Filter Fabric PAGE: I I \ I� \ '� MUST BE SECURED WITH APPROVED MATTING. l l I IIIIII IIII II Twelve months ofinspection forms shall be kept on site and available forimpectiov at alltimee.It is through Ira ndeda fr \\) ) )) i 11 1 \ �q NO SUBSTITUTESI SEE DETAIL PAGE 2 copy be kept in ape..box.Ref e.S.113A-54.1 through G.S.II3A-5]Sections 15A NCAC 04A.0101 through ISA 6Max Ernes g fabric w,tout wire ten Wire Fence Wire Bockflll trench I I \ \ I //)// I \ " +ns \ U'� �` .\ I 1I I\ It,I I I III I I NCAC 04E.0504 General Permit NCG 010000 NPDES for Construction Activities d Compact / r't\ 11.Self-inspections for erosion and sdimemation control meesmes me robe performed at least once every seven calendar days and thoroughly ' 1 \ 0). \\ \ 1 I I within 24 hours of very rain f greater coon l inch.Any needed repairs shell be made immediately to maintain measures as 1 Steel Post Ugelope I I I I I ((/ / 1� 1 I \ \\Y f \ ` - I I II I I IIIII IJ I combine All ESC Noun d sp<Yed'Me construction details on tM1ia plan.Anin6mgc shall be installed at the L ,. 2J 1 Iusp P 1 d 1 p ect sit°for gl _Mi tb p) pI a tie permrtlees shell contact DEMI.to close out the ENSC Plastic or 70 ,A A \ W'��.rvr� 2 / J III\1I\ 2Plan Afl DEM f h perm fNeProlat close out,vm inspernon report the pesmintt sM1all virus W're t'es 1 �+MI I \I � /\ I \\/ yr Al 2 / ? I I I\\\ sdeq.nc.gov/h1C0017 m ben electronic Nonce of termination(o-NNOT).A3120 annual general Permr[ke will be charged te } / 11 \ \ ` \ I \\\I \ \ v, '�Fl,[,rLL_ an Y\ 1� xc> 1 1 1\ unvl the o-NNOT has been flied out. Xk� iIn \\ 1\\ \ \ \\ �\ \\ \ G� \�\�°: wnw a Z\/ 1� _ _ _� l}'X ;length>n>azh \\\ �\ ��\\ \ \ \ \ Ip\ , '.' %s w>� - _ �� \ 11L Filter Fabric / \\ \ \e. \ OF-e `r2 r_ I A SELF-INSPECTION REPORT FOR LAND DISTURBING ACTIVITY AS REQUIRED BY atrengto asoa atrengtdwsabo'<Merfal.'<>n area egos SECTION VIEW / / ) ) ` \ \`\ \\\\ ` \ \\ 62 `"YXX"ETD •J�� v'/ -_ i \ \ l NCGS 113A-54.1'IS AVAILABLE FOR USE.IT CAN BE COMPLETED BY HAND OR 1.2. the sada...fence ground.(Higher fencus / \ \ \\\ \\ - \ \ G,.7 (\ COMPLETED AS AN EXCEL SPREADSHEET. covmaym3. pound vol the umes of water ue sufficient m cause failure ofMe str to the length of/he ba / / \ \ \\\ \\ \�\ \\-14n \\ \ w""" Or•_ /� \ \\ \\ ` _ AN ALTERNATIVE IS TO MAKE NOTATIONS ON THE COPY OF THE APPROVED securely estenrM'ncontinuous r oimn our sew port post wnnarre�miwmum avoid to eta Post \ 11 \ \\ \\\\\\ \\ \' �_ \ \\ \ EROSION AND 4.Support standard strength finer fabric bylwire mesh resumed securely m the upsmpe side of to poo.Exte. nen.: / J J \ \ \\ \ \� -- \\ SEDIMENTATION CONTROL PLAN THAT IS KEPT IO THE PROJECT SITE.RULE 15A the wire rn.h support to tile bottom of I"nsnsp.sOmem fences at least once a week and after eacht / J J \ \ \ \ \\ J ` \ NCAC 048.0131 STATES THAT'...DOCUMENTATION SHALL BE ACCOMPLISHED BY strength. °s°e Ole or greater ranfal snake an requires \ \ P,yT \ 1 INITIALING AND DATING EACH MEASURE OR PRACTICE SHOWN ON A COPY OF THE is a mavmum or Steel apart.support should be Oen 2.Mal Should he fabrc'of a sediment fence collapsee1tear,dew Pwe, -� / \ \ \ 6� r __ APPROVED EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION CONTROL PLAN OR BY COMPLETING, und heground�renmum of used.space �/- /�- \ PO��rr����- I \I DATING AND SIGNING AN INSPECTION REPORT THAT LISTS EACH MEASURE, e trench.Fasten the Mre side of the fence post.Wire or plastic ziptles should have a minimum 50 Extrasecurely rength filter..wits rut post spans does cut require a wire mesh sunpport fenne..ourely cedeposts as neueatty to provide dequaate /� / / -� \ \ \\ \ \ \\\ 'T1p �� I PRACTICE OR DEVICE SHOWN ON THE APPROVED EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION 6.fasten°Merl..direNy m posts.tyre or plastic:p.should havea minimum nof 50 pound tensile storage volume'meanest rein and reduce pressure on e �_-/ ..\ \ SEA _ I \�\ CONTROL PLAN.' e.fencer Take care.avoid undermining to fence during h \ \ \\ 'y� -\` 4.... 1\ \ ].excavate the trench approximately 4 Inches cold.and 6 inches deep along the proposedtine of the posts end clearm �� �/ \ / \ e.v°nce°i2from .n fins the barrier. slang as bosom and side Dire aanan. and hnrg ma enrea"ems ee.�eaaea'nua Qdeposits m a&Nirg -//� ))\ \ \ \ \D 4.Remove alltefinerfebnnana p .Th g p fin fteban 11t> dminagaaraaha>newpmpry fehil r. /. 1 \\ \ \`\ J \ THIS PROJECT HAS SLOPES not to anac�alt�wabri'gin. °" `��- / J // s= wTHAT ARE 8%OR GREATER ,p.wcot en.rn tins rabnamexl>ting he.>. -� g \ og..\NC-Envircnrpnerr lcl.Jpeg \ ry \ \ oGSILT FENCE �� \� / �/ \ \ �'"' �� ) /°� f 0 \\ STEEP SLOPES EXPOSED DURING �itF F, = -J�` �i� .j�/( \ \ �`�e� .- \ \ �` \ zZ CONSTRUCTION MUST BE MATTED Joar DATE: e PAGE: -.-_______/....---- ��� / /� N \� \ MIN .� FENCE _ - C1--- _��_ _- - \ -' \, PAGE 1 of 2 _ �^ \ \ N TOTAL DISTURBED ACREAGE: 0.54 ACRES - = �\ \\ �� �� __ �� \��� \ - LOT EROSION CONTROL PLAN � _ _ �� __ -� � � �� � � - �, � _ � �_ LOTS 41 & 42 MUST ABOVETHE WOOD LAKE II STEEL HEW WASHED • -_�; - \\� 1��� \� - - ;- _ PHASE II, SECTION II WIRE HARDWARE CLOTH FRONT VIEW �e, \ �� FOR BURY WIRE FENCE,FILTER FARR., MAINTENANCE OF EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION CONTROL MEASURES FOR LOT CONSTRUCTION DREAM FINDERS FILTER OF STEEL FENCE WASHED STONE NOTES: INTO SOLID GROUND CLOTH IN TRENCH General-All measures will be inspected and corrections made after runoff producing rainfalls,or at least once per week minimum.The builder will insure that the construction activities on any particular lot do not adversely affect any of the installed erosion control measures.If lot construction dictates,measures will be 3'FILTER FABRIC zsT ON GROUND 1.Hardware cloth andgreveI hoPART MuIdoverlaythesintenceoatleastAi2E relocated on the lot to insure that the potential for sedimentation runoff is eliminated as much as possible.Silt fences and gravel construction entrances will be maintained as suggested in the erosion control manual.Sodding,seeding and mulching will be maintained toinsure proper ground stabilizing cover. HOMES, LLC 88ro inches. Gravel Construction Entrance-The ravel ad should remain in a condition to prevent mud or sediment from leaving the construction site.This may require periodic to dressin with 2-inch stone.After each rainfall,inspect an structure used to trap sediment and clean it out as necessary. Immediate) remove all �a a � g p ° g y q ° top dressing p y ° ry' y McLAUCHLIN TOWNSHIP HOKE COUNTY a 2.Stone outlets should be placed on low elevation areas of silt fence objectionable materials spilled,washed,or tracked onto public roadways. and based on field conditions. Silt Fence-Sediment fences should be inspected at least once a week and after each rainfall event.Any repairs should be made immediately. Damaged or decomposed fabric should be replaced promptly.Any sediment deposits that build up against the fence should be removed and disposed of properly to insure SCALE: 1rr=100' AUGUST 2024 MAINTENANCE: that the removed sediment does not wash back against the fence.Adequate storage volume should be provided for behind the fence at tall times.Take care to not undermine the fence during cleanout operations. OF 1.ger retrrainf it event outlmt atple lestanyta e week repairs aim eachimmediately. on Sodding The sod should be maintained to insure that the take holds in the areas beingsecured.The sod should be watered as necessaryto maintain adequate moisturethe root zone and t dormancyof the sod.The sod should not be mowed to close,since this could inhibit adequate growth GRAPHIC SCALE HARDWARE CLOTH FILTER FABRICINraENCH greeter rainfall event Complete required repairsimmediately. q- Dot bed. grassrecommendations quae in provenquae gro too 0 50 100 200 400 2.Freshen stone when sediment accumulation exceeds a inches. and stabilization of the root bed.The sod should be limed and fertilized as per soil type recommendations and type of grass recommendations when and if possible. 3.Keep mesh tree of debris to provide adequate flow. Grassing and Mulching-The area to receive grassing and mulching should be properly fertilized and limed as necessary as an initial step in soil preparation. Once the grassing has been placed,the area should be maintained as needed to insure that all areas are germinating properly.Any bare areas should be M MMI 11 SECTION VIEW a.Remove sediment when halt of stone outlet is covered. repaired,and reseeded as soon as possible.If the time of year does not permit the establishment of a permanent grass,then a temporary grassing should be used until the growing season permits the use of a permanent grass. 11 5.Replace stone as needed to facilitate de-watering. ..\NC-Envir entatjpey Wattles-Wattles shall be inspected after significant rainfall events.Rills or gullies upslope of the wattle and any undercutting is to be repaired.Sediment deposits that impair the filtration capability of the wattle shall be removed when the sediment reaches one-third of the wattles functional freeboard height.Removed ( IN FEET ) SILT FENCE OUTLET sediment shall be deposited within the project in such a way that the sediment is not subject to erosion by wind or water. 1 inch = 100 ft. Reinforced Silt Fence Outlet-Remove sediment deposits as necessary to provide adequate storage volume for the next rain to reduce pressure on the fence/outlet.Take care to avoid undermining the fence during cleanout.Remove and replace stone as necessary as it becomes clogged with sediment.Remove all MOORMAN,KIZER&REITZEL,INC.115 BROADFOOT AVE.FAYETTEVILLE,N.C.28305 fencing materials and unstable sediment deposits and bring the area to grade and stabilize it after the contributing drainage area has been property stabilized. PHONE(910)484-5191 FAX(910)484-0388 LICENSE#F-0106 LAST SAVED:0/1/2024 1:36 PM LAST PLOTTED:S/1/2024 4:16 PM PLOTTED BY.Dennis Gilbert FILENAME:G\CURRENT JOBS\H Ed H CONSTRUCTORS\24-1367-O6 WOODLARE-SC\PLANS\WOOOLASSEC-LOTS41k42.DWG