HomeMy WebLinkAbout20040766 Ver 3_Stormwater Info_20080102X11 /~. ° . ~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~ J CT #15959, 15960, 15961, 15962 I (i/I I L 6, 7, , J ~ , a I ° T rid ®luti®r~ ® uu~t 7, 2007 ©2007 CONTECH Bridge Solutions Inc. Installati®n Drauerings Sheet Index CT1 TITLE SHEET, LOCATION PLAN & GENERAL NOTES CT2 BRIDGE PLAN, ELEVATION & DETAILS CT3 FOUNDATION PLAN, SECTIONS & DETAILS CT4 DETAILS & NOTES CT5 SPECIFICATIONS CT'6 SPECIFICATIONS TIMBERLAKE SUBDIVISION LOT 56 NOTES GENERAL NOTES: i. This badge has been designed (orgeneml site SCOPE: This specification covers the manufacture and installation of the aluminum shucturel conditions. the project engineershall be responsible plate structure detailed in the plans. for the structure's suitability to the existing site conditionsandforlhehydreulicevaluation- MATERIAL: The aluminum structuralplateshallcons(storplafes,dbs,andappurtenantitems including scour and continuation ofsoil condib'ons. as shown on the plans and shall conform to the requirements ofASTM B 746. ' " Plate Thickness, db spacings, end treatment and type ofinvert and(ounda6on 18 -0 2.PriorfoconsWction,contraclormustvenfyall shallbeasindicatedontheplans.Allmanufacturingpmcessesincludfng 9'-0' 9'-0" elevations shown through the engineer. corrugating, punching, curving andgaNanizingshallbe pertormed within the United States using raw matedals made in the United States. 3, Only CONTECH Bridge Solutions Inc. the Multi-Plate approved supplierin North Carolina ASSEMBLY: Bolts and nuts shall conform fo the requirements o/ASTM A307orASTM A499. may provide the structure designedin acorance with The stmcture shalt be assembled in accoMance vnth the shop drawings y o these plans. provided by the manufacturer and per the manufacturer's recommendations. e DESIGN DATA Bolts shall be Hghlened using an applied torque of behveen 100 and 150 R.-Ibs. Design Loading: INSTALLATION: The structure shall be insfalledin accoNance vnfh theplans and I Aluminum SfrucluralPlafe: HS20-44 speci(cations, the manufacturers recommendations, andtheAASHTOStandard Headwalls: Earth Pressure Only Specification For Highway Bddges, Section 28 (Division II). Wingwalls: Earth Pressure Only Design FillHeighf:2'-0"min./max. BEDDING: Bedd~'ngprepara8oniscnt(caltobothstmctureperformanceandseMcef((e. ~ ~ ~~w -U-- ~SWcture from top of crown to fop of pavement. The bed should be constrocted !o uniform fine andgrede to avoid distortions That may Design Method; Load faclorperAASHTO Specifica5on create undesirable stresses in the stmcfure and/orrapid deterioretion oithe roadway. Net allowable soil bearingpressure: 3000 PSF ` The bedshould be free ofrock formations,protruding stones, frozen lumps, roots, and Gross allowable so(I bearingpressure: 3400 PSF ` other foreign matterthat may cause unequal settlement. The foundation must be capable of providing a bearing capacity of of least one and a haN (1.5J Ions persquare foot. `Foundati'on excava8on and su6grade preparetion shall be inaccoMancewithfhegeotechnicalreportforthisproject BACKFILL• Thesfructureshallbebackfilledusingcleanwellgrededgranularmatedal ~I prepared by Geofechnologies, Inc. dated 2/f2/07. that meets the requirements ofAASHTO M-1451orsoil classificah'ons A-2-4 or A-2.5. Backtill must be placed symmetrically on each side of the o MATERIALS stmcture in 8 to 8 (rich IiRs. Each !h shall be compacted to a minimum of a C~ Aluminum structural plateshallbeconsfmctedandinsfalled 90peroentdensityperAASHT07180. in accordance with CONTECH Spedficafions. Concrete forFootings shall have a minimum NOTE: Construction loads that exceed highway load limits are not allowed on the structure compressive strength of 4000 psi. Rein/arcing without approval from the engineer !J've load traffic is not allowed on the sfmcture L 0 CA TI ON PLA N steel forloo5ngs shall conform IoASTM A615 until the sWcture has been back5lkd and paved. not fo scale ----~= orA996•Grade 60. ~s'~"su`•~ \~ ~ ~/ ®®®~ ~ ~®® STRUCTURAL PLATE C loot, The day!I ed {1r}711BNOA d1PM1T d11NS dro,~,a 6 P4/ld'Ad86 B s~na~w~+~,ero~r~d~maaeyanHrecHeddv~ 2 GENERAL NOTES PLAN APPROVAL ONLY: sa,~n,r~rro~mmu~e~rertia~d,,an~am m ma~rarwrcwamu ~~rrenewmmm,dcomtcHe~a esouaas 3 8430UnNersityFxecLtivePad;Drive Surfefi95 TITLE SHEET, LOCATION & NOT FORCCNSTRUCTION v a ¢ ixa~ye~um,n~ncu~,a""~emra°°^arnmd~s~t~quameerdn ~reax,r~tayyeu~re es,bHdamryderxaaymy, 4 ~~~~~ ® \ / Chadotte,NodhCeroffne28262 CLAYTON NORTHCAROLINA nav:tnn a CQYfECH&idge SOhNaukx danaMeW~enYSndeBoednA bfraN eM 6 ~ ~I '~~ ® '~ a ro,~,~re~~ a ~®®®®® ® ®® r~ RPU 15959 Tor„';46~429 YO~~E~~~ ~~~®~v'$~®~ ~ ~ BRIDGE SOLUTIONS INC. ~,,, ~, „~ reenr~nnerugnsrr~menmmaeawrta dmn~onaee a»>Ixtlaadeedb xwkpopressm, a~eosdaoe~'idm muel6erepat~dlo 8 704.548~5B6fax ~ ~ ~ JVP ,~ S CONfECHBddga Sa44'aalx„YnmMlemykrree,aY~eron alms days rb, am aranammd 800,528899 ~ ~~ 7 ro ems xlrrordayn+~m REVISIO NS LU27/1007 every other course for 2" black insufab'ons 6oaN er backed with geofexfile) at fransihon from the to the leveling pad. 18'-n" 22'•0" Span TYPICAL END ELEVATION 0 2' S' 8' Unit Drainage FiII A CT2 ~ ___` - C~ mtheproJeaana, ag4reaadoa~ecbr6yC~viECRa~ige BMAnslr~ Ab ~IdMsdrex4q ireyinuseq regod~d, amahAsdM arymsiuawMUN7a pbrxrM'ene~hp¢eliat d~NIECHe~dgeSah6tns la. AnyaMum,repWx£m, amadk•~tdadsdmrMpk dare elNe usa/eown rtskard hewaagrem (oYdaaly~ OdaM&Mfxidrremtlets cavlFCRandyesavaaxak hanende,>endme~am+uatins,rabary,re +a, bdmtrNr~dlo, rea~w6kedaro~,Nes, odcuro avnsud, w e, rt~anw dim a m ah1~Na n. KdfSEdaea, (M,uppP'<~rNmme7aiaMe~alrsNoaMNtremo amudesdoedleiwi:pnpr~at, tlrese dsamwlWropahdla coNracuard~savdare rte, YMamolaYfamevuueGndPre eesgn. WNIECH &Nae aa4tlaiB Nc. Mmpls re 6eDI$' fa der.~gns Eeaed at BRIDGE PLAN 0 2' l' B' ¢ Structure Deta \~// i ®~-®i °~ BRIDLE SOLUTIONS INC. 8430 University Executive Park Drive SuBe 695 Chadotte, North Carolina 28262 7845483428 784548.8586 fax 8805263998 Modular Blocks - Grout between block & headwall using non•shdnk type grout conforming fo ASTM C1 i07. Trim blocks to leave no gap with headwalllargerlhan a".1 ' l l ..u ~ • III •~. I -I I '•II; R"• 7111 I •"I I ~ IqI. '~ iv °Ir • : Jn••JJt col I . '`,°IL•,,I11.; • I I • ~T ; ~ III' ~ III' o - - ~ -I I Fascia plate6"x4°x,b"hot) 1'-0" 1 rolled steel angle (galvaruied finish) oras specified Aluminum arch Geotex8leatfachedwifh orboxcuNert construction adhesive nDETAIL C12 \~ ~~/ °~ .tee m B~°~J~ ®~®®®®® STRUCTURIAL PLQ,TE ~~' BRIDGE PLAN, ELEVATION & DETAILS APPROVAL ONLY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION r-~~~~~e sup®-~-s0®~ L®T 56 r~xx~ ~ d~ 15959 RPU a~xo. T ~ 8/2U2007 " sECTION B o r 4' a' Ci2 Wall Design Note: The design of fhe Modular Block Wall, including all calculations andgeofex8fe and layerconfigura6on, shallhe performed by a registered Civil Engineerlicensedln fhe state of Virginia Backfill Nofes; 1. The Back811is required fo be a free draining mefedal fo the high waferlevel (hwl) Keystone 4"Cap Unit 1 Keystone Standard Unif 3P r HWL Rip Rap Slane Layer (forerosionalcrontrolJ~ ~~ Grade Fabdc Unreinforced Concrete Leveling Pad Drainage Dkch (see detah below) r8"min low Permeable Soil ~Refained Soil? Free Drelning Matedal Approximate Excavation line ~' ~Geosynthetic Fabnc Unit Core Fill (3/4"Crushed Rock orSloneJ TYPICAL REINFORCED RIVER WALL SECTION STANDARD UNIT -NEAR VERTICAL SETBACK not to state 4" Concrete orBiSmunous Drainage Ditch ~3'-0" I I I Note: Required to divert rurro8 from /lowing overface of wall, and divert wafer ro away from back of wall area • also required forsafety considereb'ons. DRAINAGE DITCH DETAIL STANDARD UNIT -NEAR VERTICAL SETBACK not to scale (2) • 4" Cap Units or 4" Cap Unit (1) • 8" Cap Unlt 8"Standard Unit ELEVATION TOP OF WALL STEPS not fo scale Unrelnforced Concrete Leveling Pad >_ 8" Sfep ELEVATION BOTTOM OF WALL STEPS not to scale ;':, ~~; ~ 1 ~ ~. ,: STANDARD ELEVATION e STANDARD PLAN not to scale STANDARD UNIT not to scale :,..,r., .,.: 3'-U" SECTION LEVELING PAD DETAIL not to scale \~~/~ STRUCTURAL PLATE 02007, ThsdedpnaidfnMmad'onslaimmtlek drexirgkpoNdaieea satire h tlwpq'edmmu epghesrvxlanh~Rx6yCON1ECHaddae SadaOnelnc No pvl days drevAng meyEe ueeq repoiuud, a mod'rai h enYmennax~MaAMep'prwApeneudadmdai dCemEGiaR,~e SaFfixrs Pot My stay us& repm'ub'on, a nro~fcatkn d tlds dB,anO a dme et Ne usMeovmdskendhe usere0ran fokdanrJlp, da§MandAddlunn'ess aepe sava~,fnG nay end~eYgleeyeMYdehn,raMay, ~ hdUS76J,DYIIAM NMIBd10.1BA6aNa~d BCgMy6 (B&S ~ attANM7 ~,an. aupp0edhramsacn endeaVelfsUCa7pauem ¢~e, dresee"weradroexal6erepx~dm Ina, {mndlerelylarearehetlM atlndesgn, ht eavga na aeuiy/adesE~rn Auedon ~~~>'/ ®® ®®~ ~ ~ BRIDGE SOLUTIONS INC" 8430 University Executive ParkDrive Suite 695 ChedoBe, Nodh Carolina 28262 To4~46~429 yo4~43-a5esiax 890.5263999 DETAILS & NOTES APPROVAL ONLY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION NORTHCAROL(NA ~ myaarra 15959 T(~E[~AKE S'U~DIV-510~ RPU c®~ s6 ~'~ cr4 m 8/27/2007 SPECIFICATIOIUS FOR MA~UFACTUREAIVD IIVSTALLATIDtN OF COiVTEC~I®ST~UCTURAL PLATF SYSTEMS 1-GENERAL II -ALUMINUM STRUCTURAL PLATE 1.0 STANDARDS AND DEFINITIONS 1,1 STANDARDS-Allsfandardsrelerfolatesteditionunlessothenvise noted 1.1.1 ASTM D-698.70 (Method CJ "SfandaN TestMethods for Moisture. Density Relations of Soil and SoflAggregafe Mixtures Using 5,5-Ib (2,5 kg.) Rammer and 1Rinch (305-mmJ Drop". 1.1.2 ASTM 0.2922"Standard TestMethod(orDensltyofSoGand Soil Aggregate in Place by Nuclear methods (ShallowDepthJ ". 1.7,3 ASTM D•1556"Standard Test Method for Density ofSolNnlace 6y the Sand•Cone Method". 1.1.4 ASTM D-1557 "Standard test MefhodlorLaboratory CompactionCharacledsG'csofSoilUsing Modi(edEfiort." 1.2 DEFINITIONS 1.2.1 Owner- In these specifications the word "Owner"shallmean Beecham Bailders 1.2.2 Engineer- In these specifica5ons the woN "Engineer" shall mean the Ownerdesignatedengineer. 1.2.3 Design Engineer- In these specifications the vrords "Design Engineer" shall mesa CONTECH Bridge SolaGons Inc. 1.2.4 Contractor-In thesespecificafionstheword"Contrecfor"shall mean the firm orcorporatio undertaking the execuG'on o/any work under the terms of these specifications. 1.2.5 Approved- In these specifications the wom"'approved"shall refer to the approval of the Engineerorhis designated representafive. f.26 As Directed - In these specifications the woNs "as direcfeo'" shall refer to the directions to the Contrectorfrom the Owner or his designated representative. 2.0 GENERAL CONDI770NS 2.1 The ContractorshatlNmishalllabor,matedalandequipmentand perform all work and services except those set oaf and lumished by the Owner, necessary fo compfefe in a satisfactory mannerthe site preparation, excavation, filling, compaction, grading as shown on the plans and as described therein, TGis work shall consist of all mobilization clearing and grading, grabbing, stripping, removal o(exisG'ng material unless otherwise stated, preparation of the landto be filled, fitting oflhe land, spreading and compaction of the fill, and all subsidiary work necessary to complete the grading o(the cut and fill areas fo conform with the lines, grades, slopes, andspecificaG'ons. This work is fo be accomplished under the observation o(the Ownerorhis designated representaG've. 22 Pdorto bidding the work, the Conlracforshallezamine, invesb'gateand inspect the conslrucG'on site as to the nature andlocation olthe work, and the general and Local conditions al the constrvcb'on site, including, without limitation, the character of sudace or subsudace conditions and obstacles to be encountered on and aroundlhe construc8on site; andshallmake such additional invesG'gation as he may deem necessary for the planning andproperexecution of the wodr. 1/conditions other than those indicated are discovered by the Contractor, IheOwnershouldbenotifiedimmediately. Thematedalwhichfhe Contractorbelieues to be a changed condition should not be disturbedsa that the owner can investigate the condition. 2.3 the construction shall be performed under the direction of an experienced engineer who is (amilfarwith the design plan. o?JOY, medu~teniLtfmnatiaiduwtim tldrdreWvg6pm11adeae ~tv(:s m tl~ pcla! mrca, atph~eermd cat 6~rtr6y CONE ECH flAJae SoNamsMA Abpa1d01bdiee4r7treytie uteri, repodp.l,amodd"sdN anma~v,axa~nraatxxr~BV>~~,acon~cxeramsaaaa,t Inc.MY~xh use,repode~t, amod6reaat dtlYsCrahing& dateetMe usefeowntlekend9ausaepeesm ueenw7, Ce(aMendholdAvrdess rmvrscx af4~a Mc, rya ~taepa~r s,n eM aAU~aa, awry, ~e ate, , unnxamr~a, r49E0aAGBaag71By6 rBBt, ax~lQbaA %Yll IAe, lAtS'Oda$LYI alip'l~fal. Hdaaeperdes Darrear NewOPaedlnfomrolbtendedu¢IAaldca~dM'avert awamAVMuaMe xakprymrses, tlresedrece{endmmusr6eraaweEla CCMECx aware SaLYcne Mc, 4rvrey¢Iey rareereWeam dNe Ems. REVISIONS 1.0 GENERAL 1.1 This work shall consist of famishing, fabricating, andinsfallaG'on ofa Structural Plate arch culvert in conformance with these specifications, the manufacturerprovisions, end the details shown on the plans. 1.2 The contractor shall verify the actual location of all utilities to the field before beginning any work That could be impacted by These ufiFG'es. 1.3 Contractormust nofily/contact atl utifitycompanies to determine exact locations o/existing utilities prior to commend~'ng any work on this cantrecf. 1.4 Conlrectorshallcoordinateconsfructionwifhworkdonebyothers adjacent to orwifhln the contrectlimifs. 2.0 DIMENSIONS 2.1 The proposed structure shall be a Aluminum Structural Plate amh with the following dimensions: Span: 22'-0" Rise: 6'-11" 2.2 All plan dimensions on the contract drawings are measured in a true hodzontalplan unless otherwise noted. 2.3 Afldlmensfons,locations,andefevationsofexisGhgstrucfuresshownon (he contract drawings shalt be verffied by the contracforin the field. 3.0 ASSEMBLY 3.1 Bolts Shal! be G'ghtened using an applied torque between 100 and i50 foot pounds. 4.0 WORKMANSHIPANDINSPECTIONS Afl metal piping matedals shall conform to the workmanship and inspection requirements o(AASHTO M36 and M167. 5.0 MATERIALSANODIMENSIONS 5,1 Steel structural plate arches shall conloran to the requirements of AASHTO M219 andASTM8746. 5.2 Bolts and nuts shall meet the provisions ofASTMA-449 andASTMA-563, Grade C, respectively, and shall be galvanized fn accordance with the requirements ofASTM A-153, Class C. 6.0 INSTALLATION ASSEMBLY. The Structure shallbe assembledinaccordance with the Manufacturer's inshucGons. All plates shall be unbading and handled with reasonabfecare. Pfatesshallnofberolfedordraggedovergravelmckandshall be prevented from striking rock or other hard objects during placement in french or on bedding. The Structure shall be placed in the looting starting at the downstream end. Structures with circumferential seams shallbe installed with theirinside circumferential sheet laps pointing downstream. 111 - f00TfNG5 1.0 EXCAVATION FOR FOOTINGS 1.1 Footing excavation shall consist of the removal ofall malarial, ofwhatever nature, necessary for the constmction of foundations. 1.2 It shallbe the respons)bility of the Contrectorfo identi/y andrefocafe all existing utilities which conflict with the proposed looting locations shown on the plan. The Contractormust call the appropriate utilty company et least 46 hours before any excavation to request exact Geld locab'on of utilih'es, and coordinate removalandinsfalfation ofalf W'IiGes vrith the respective utility company. 1.3 The side ofall excavations shalt be cut to preventsliding orcaving ofthe material above the fooG'ngs. 1.4 ExcavatedmaterialshalfbedisposedinaccoNancewifhtheplan established by the Engineer. 1.5 Thefoofingsaredesignedforabearingcapacityof3000ps/,andfhisshall be veri(ed in the Geld before constmcG'on. 2.0 CONCRETE FOOTING DIMENSIONS The footings shall be reinloroedln accoMance with the consWction drawings. IV • SLOPE COLLARS 1.0 Areinforoedconcreteslopecollarshallbeformedandpoun;deteachendofthesWcfurestn accordance with the plan dimensions. 2.0 The ends of the corrugated structure shall be step beveled as shown on the plans. The rein/oroed concrete slope collars shalt be formed and poured fo conlonn to the backfiGal the finishedgrede of each end. V-CONCRETE 1.0 CODES AND STANDARDS 1.1 Reinforced concrete shall conform to the requirements o/AASHTO Standard Specifications lorHighway Bridges, Division II • ConsWcGon, Section 8, "Concrete Structures", for Class A concrete, having a minimum compressive strength of 4, 000 psi. 2.0 STANDARDS FOR MATERIALS 2.i Portland Cement- Conorming to ASTM Specifcat'on C-450; Type I orll. 2.2 Wafer-Thewatershallbeddnkable,cleanfreefrominjuriodsamountsol oils, acids, alkafrs, organic matedals, ordeleterious substances. 2.3 Aggregates -Fine and coarse aggregates shallconform to current ASTM SpeciScafion C-33 "Specification forConcrete Aggregates"except that local aggregates which have been shown by tests and by actual service to produce satisfactory qualifies may be used when approved by the Engineer. i 2.4 Submittals -Test data and/or cerfKcaG'ons to the Ownershall be famished upon request. 3.0 PROPORTIONING OF CONCRETE 3.1 COMPOSITION ~ 3,1.1 The concrete shallbe composed of cement, fine aggregate, coarse aggregate and water. 3.1.2 The concrete shallbe homogeneous, readily pfaceable and uniformly workable and shall tie proportioned in accordance with ACT.211.1. i 3.1.3 Proportions shallbe established on the basis olfield experience with the matedals to be employed. The amount ofwaferused shall not exceed the maximum O.q9 water/cement reG'o, and shall be reduced as necessary to produce concrete of the specified consistency at the time of placement. 3.1.4 An airentraining admixture, conforming fo the requirements of ASTM C260, shall be used in all concrete famished under this contract The quantity of admixture shall be such as to produce an air content in the freshly mixed concrete of 6 pement plus or minus 1 percent as determined in accoro'ance with ASTM C231 or C113. \~~~/ ®~ ~°~ ®~~ ®®®®® ~ BRIDGE SOLUTIDNS INC. 8436 University ExecuMe ParkDrtve Suite 695 ChedoGe, North Carolina 28262 ro4.54e-6420 704548.8586 far 8005263899 SPECIFICA TIONS FOR MAIVUFACTUREAND Il VSTALLA TIOIV OF C01 UTECH®STRUCTURAL PLA TE SYSTEMS 3.2 Qualifies Required • As indicated fn the fable below: TABLE V•1 QUALITIES REQUIRED ITEM QUALI7YREQUIRED Class _ A T e of Cement I orll Com resslve Stren th fc 2B Da s 4000 sf Slum inches 2.4ln. 3.3 Maximum Size of Coarse Aggregates -Maximum size o/coarse aggregates shall not be larger than 38 mm (1 % inches). 3,4 Rafe o1HaMening of Concrete • Concrete mix shall be adjusted to produce the required rate ofhardening /orvaded climatic condifions: Under 40F Ambient Temperature • Accelerate calcium chlodde at 2% is acceptable when used within lherecommendab'ons o/ACI.306R "Cold Weather Concreting." Admixtures containing chlodde ion in excess of 1% 6y weight o/admixture shall not be used in reinforoed concrete. 4.0 MIXING AND PLACING 4.1 Equipment -Ready Mix Concrete shall be used and shall conform fo the "Specificafionstor ReadyMix Concrete,"ASTM C•94. Approval is required prior to usingjob mixedconcrete. 4.2 PreparaG'on • All work shall be in accordance with ACI-304, "Recommended PracticelorMeasudng, Mixing, Transporting and Placing Concrete." All construction debds and extraneous matter shall be removed from within the forms. Concrete shall be placed on clean surfaces, free from water. Concrete that has to be dropped four (4) /eat ormore shall be placed through a tremie. 4.3 All concreteshalibeconsolidafedbyinfemalmechanicalvibreb'on immediately aRerplacement. Vibretors shall be ofa size appropriate for fhe work, capable of transmitting vibration fo concrete at frequencies of not Less than 4,500 impulses perminut. 5.0 FORM WORK 5.1 formsshalfbeofwaod,steelorolherapprovedmafedalandshallbeset and held true to the dimensions, lines and grades o/fhe structure (foobbgsJ prior to and during fhe placement of concrete. 5.2 Forms shall not he removed until the concrete has sufficfenl strength to prevent concrete drainage. 6,0 CURING 6.7 Fresh concrete shalt beprotected/Tom reins, flouring waferand mechanical injury for a period offour (4) days. 7.0 REINFORCING STEEL 7,1 MATERIAL 7. i. f All rein/orcing bars shall be deformed bars (ASTM•A615J Grede 60. 7.2 BENDING AND SPLICING 7.2.1 Barrein/orcemenf shall be cut andbent fo the shapes shown on the plans. Fabdcab'on tolerances shall be in accordance with ACl 315. Al16ars shall be bent cold, unless otherwise permitted. 7.2.2 Aflrein/orcementshallbe/urnishedinthefulllengthsindicatedonlheplansunfess otherwise permitted. Excepl Ior splices shown on the plans and splices forNo. 5 or smallerbars, splicing of bars will not be permitted without written approval. Splices shall be staggered as faros possible. 7.2.3 In lapped splices, the bars shalt be placed and wired in such a manneras to maintain the minimum distance to fhe sudace of the concrete shown on fhe plans. 7.2.4 Substitutionordifferentsizebarswillbepermiffedonlywhenauthodzedbylhe engineer. The substituted bars shall have an area equivalent to the design area, or larger. 0 POOY, TlrodeslTn BM N11tp86711 NpMI dl N6 dmri{'NIePIP/,d9d898 m ere piy~t o~, enpavreM canN~r trx coNleeH Bodge SdRms Nu Ab I.md d N5 dra~Yng may to useQ anedt~ N enYmeiu~erwMaAdwPda~ndlme~apnefhn cf WNIECHBr(Qe adA'nu Inc Any aM use, mpodatAR a modradcn of tln dmdGp fs dune el fhe usaborm rakeMMa useregmm mtAemNfr; dera~geMM'dharmf~s cavlscHaddgesawa~o,e I/,C. rNT®'Id8Q9N918AyeAdeap'9hfd, flAQ°IIJ~ 6Id a~rsa, Ndu&'iA, ddnol6rJmdf4 rear~ne6N edameyefee; edeNgNm waY [sa,~~armfA~O'on. Brtbae{andar beMea•,CSeuq~Nbmatfne~deWml6eBmidSnaam aiwmlared es ale xak papmssas, tl~ve muel ba iepaYed m cavrscH adagesdulU,c Na, NmsrlNNlyMmealuetgt ame dom. CONIECH BrMge SduE'me Inc. aavnb m f~0kv fadeBdrro las W m 7.3 PLACENGANDFASTENING 7,3.1 SfeelreinforoementshallbeaccurafelyplacedasshownontheplansandfirmlyheldM position dudng the placing and setting of concrete. Bars shaflbe h'ed of all Intersections around the pedmeter of each mat and at not less than 2 foot centers Drat everylntersecfion, whicheveris greater, elsewhere. Welding of cross bars (tack welding) will not be permitted for assembly of reinforcement. 7,3.2 Refnlorcingsteelshallbesupportedlnitsproperposifionbyuseo(mortarblocks,wlie barsupports,supplementarybarsorotherapproveddevices. Such devices shall be of such height and placed at sufficiently frequent intervals so as to maintain the distance between the reinforcing and the formed surface or the fop sudace within 1/4 inch of that indicated on the plans. MINIMUM LIMITS OF COMPACTED SELECT FOR HEIGHTS OF COVER 6'•0"Minimum OVER B', PAYCLOSE 6'•D'minimum ATTENTION i0 NOTE #4. NORMAL ROADFILL ABOVE ~ MIN. COVER LEVEL NATURAL t UNDISTURBED EMBANKMENT W 0~ W MP I S w ARCH ~ ~'' ~~ SECTION ® CRITICAL BACKFILL ZONE, PRESSURE ON SOIL GREATEST HERE INITIAL LIFTS OVER CROWN OF STRUCNRE AS INDICATED BY ® SHADEDAREA708ECOMPACTEDTOREQUIREDDENSITYWI7H HAND OPERATED EQUIPMENT OR WI TH SMALL TRACTOR (D-0 OR SMALLER) DRAWN EQUIPMENT. ® SELECTGRANULAR STRUCTURAL BACKFILL LIMITS. NOTES: 1. ALL SELECTGRANULAR BACKFILL TO BE PLACED INA BALANCED FASHION fNTHIN LIFTS (6'-B"LOOSE TYPICALLY) AND COMPACTED TO 90 PERCENT DENSITY PER AASHTO T-99. 2. COMPLETE AND REGULAR MONITORING OFTHE MP SHAPE IS NECESSARY DURING ALL BACKFILLING OF THE STRUCTURE 3. PREVENT EXCESSIVE DISTORTION OFSHAPE AS NECESSARYBY VARYING COMPACTION METHODS AND EQUIPMENT 4. GREATER OR LESSER DISTANCE MAY BE REQUIRED. DISTANCE DEPENDS ON BEARING LOAD FORANY GIVEN LOADING, STRUCTURE SHAPE AND BACKFILL MATERIAL. THIS MUST BE EVALUATED BY THE PR0.IECTENGINEER FOR EACH SPECIFIC SITUATIDN. H MINIMUM LIMITS OF COMPACTED NORMAL I J W4 Up QQ ~q U~ ~~ JZ ADDITIONAL BACKFILL NOTES: SATISFACiORYBACKF1Ll MATERIAL, PROPER PLACEMENT, AND COMPACTION ARE KEY FACTORS IN OBTAINING MAXIMUM STRENGTHAND STABILITY. THE BACKFILL MATERIAL SHOULD BE FREE OF ROCKS, FR02EN 1UMPS, AND FOREIGN j MATERWL THAT COULD CAUSE HARD SPOTS OR DECOMPOSE 70 CREATE VOIDS. BACKFILL MATERIAL SHOULD BE WELL GRADED GRANULAR MATERIAL THAT MEETS THE REQUIREMENTS OF AASHTO M-145 FOR SOIL CLASSIFICATIONS A-2-0and A•2-5.! BACKFILL MUST BE REPLACED SYMMETRICALLY ON EACH SIDE OF THE STRUCTURE fN 6"LOOSE LIFTS. EACH LIFT IS TO DE COMPACTED i0 A MINIMUM OF 90X DENSITYPER AASHiO 7-99. A HIGH PERCENTAGEOF SILT OR FINE SAND IN THE NATIVE SOILS SUGGESTS THE NEED FOR A WELL GRADED GRANULAR BACKFILL MATERIAL TO PREVENTSOIL MIGRATION DURING BACKFILL, ONLY SMALL TRACKED VEHICLES (D-0 OR SMALLER) SHOULD 8E NEAR THE STRUCNREAS FILL PROGRESSES ABOVE THE CROWN AND TO THE FINISHED GRADE. THEENGINEERANDCONTRAC70RARECAU710NEDTHATTHE MINIMUM CDVER MAY NEED TO BE INCREASED TO HANDLE TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION VEHICLE LOADS. (LARGERTHAN D-0J X11// BRIDGE SOLUTIONS iNC, ~~ I~/ ®®®®®e STRUCTl1RAL PLATE tW30UnNersilyFxecufiveParkDlNe SPECIFICATIONS APPROVAL ONLY; Suite B95 NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION Charlotte, North Carolina 28262 CIAITON NORTHCAROLiNA JVP F~dhb. ~ aa„„ 15959 TB4.548$426 r~>~~~aR1AKE SUDDIVI'SI®~1 ~,, ~~ ,~,~ 8~04,;48A586fax g O~ ~~ JVP 1 ~ ~2T~BBT CT6 Irostallati®n Drawings Sheet Index CT1 TITLE SHEET, LOCATION PLAN & GENERAL NOTES CT2 BRIDGE PLAN, ELEVATION & DETAILS CT3 FOUNDATION PLAN, SECTIONS & DETAILS CT4 DETAILS & NOTES CT5 SPECIFICATIONS CT6 SPECIFICATIONS TIMBERLAKE SUBDIVISION LOT 57 NOTES GENERAL NOTES: ' 1. This bodge has been designed lorgenerel site ' SCOPE: This specification covers the manufacture and installation of the aluminum structural cond lions. The projectengineersha8beresponsible platesfrucfurodefailedintheplans. forthe structure's suitability to the existings8e conditions and forthe hydraulicevaluatian- ' MATERIAL: The aluminum structural plate shall consist of plates, ribs, andappurtenant items includ ng scour and confimtafion of soil conditions, as shown on the plans and shall conform to the requirements of ASTM 8 746. 2. Pdorlo construction, controctormust verily all Plate thickness, rib spacings, end treatment and type of inved and foundation elevations shown through the engineer. shall be as indicated on the plans. All manufactudngprocessesIncluding corrugating, punching, curving and galvanizingshall bepedormed within the ~ 3. Only CONTECH Brfdge Solutions Inc. United States using raw maledafs made in the United Sfafes. the Mulfi•Plafe approved supplierin North CaroBna ASSEMBLY.• Bolts and nuts shall conform to the requirements ofASTM A307orASTM A449. may provide the structure designed in accondance with The structure shalt be assembled in accordance with the shop drawings these plans. provided by the manufacturer and per the manufacturer's recommendations. DESIGN DATA Botts shallbe tightened using an applied torque of between 100 and 150 ft. lbs. Design Loading: INSTALLATION: The structure shall be installed in accordance with the plans and Aluminum Structural Plate: HS20.44 specifications, the mono/acturers recommendations, and the AASHTO Standard Headwalls: Earth Pressure Only Specification For Highway Bridges, Secb'on 26 (a'vision 1IJ. Wingwalls: Earth Pressure Only Design Fill Height: 2=0"min./max. BEDDING: Bedding preparation is critical to both structure performance and service life. from fop o/crown to lop of pavement. The bed should be constructed to unflorm line andgrade to avoid disfor8'ons that may Design Method: Load faclorperAASHTOSpecification create undesirable stresses in the structureandrorropiddefedorab'onoftheroadway. Net allowable soil6eadngp2ssure; 30D0 PSF" The bed should be free of rock formations, protruding stones, frozen lumps, roofs and Grossalfowablesoilbeadngpressure:3400PSF' , otherloreignmafferthatmaycausewequalsetdement. The foundation must Foundab'on excavation and subgrade preparation shallbe be capable of providing a bearing capacity of at least one and a haB(1.5J tons per square foot in accodance with the geotechnicalreportforthisproject BACKFILL: The structure shall be backfilled using clean well gmdedgranularmatedal prepared by Geotechnologies, Inc, dated 2J17107. that meets the requirements of AASHTO M-145 for soilclassificab'ons A-2-4 or MATERIALS A•2.5. Backfilf must be placedsymmetdcallyon each side oflhe structure in 6 fo 8 inch fills. Each IiR shall be crompacted fo a minimum of Aluminum structuralplafeshallbeconsWctedandinsfalled 90peroenldensityperAASHT07160. in accordance with CONTECH Specifications Concrete forFoofings shallhave a minimum NOTE Constmction loads that exceed highwayloadlimits are not allowed on the structure compressive strength of 4000 psi. Reinforcing without approval from the engineer. live load traffic is not allowed on the structure steel forlootings shall conform to ASTM A615 until the structure has been backfrlled and paved. orA996•Grade 60. 18'-0" I g'-D" 9'-0" I -U-" ¢ Structure ~I 3 b 0 C•>I LOCATION PLAN not to scale ~~ ~~/ STRlJC3'U ~ PLA`TE o xo7, i7re derE:mendMamstirsham m NAa d~rgb pvlAedma miNw btliep9'edaxne6 aghsa'eMmn6eawb,'CCMECH&Hae SalMOns ew1lepvf aawdsWgnreyde used, mpodeed, wnfrn enYnren~rerwiCpAtlrePiorwn~ eudadmdn aCONfECHBddpeeaFRas In¢MYsuo7 use, , ormodYraan ads tlrentipkdare elMe usa'evrm dsYandiheum-prem kadanWfy, dehrdmidholdAemdan cavraar edam sad„c ~ am erA areaw err ara ez ray, e,d earense, haLd4~, dAnxkmYedm, ~mtahk etbtneyefeas, a4ahrA rrantteh ~e,a. Csarom'a+muaEarepa~m yrarea~miv~ acre ees'pi. REVISIONS \~// BRIDGE SOLUTIONS [NC. 8430UniverslryExecuWaParkDme T1rGG SH~Gr, LOCATION PLAN ~ GENERAL NOTES APPROVAL ONLY; Suite 695 NDT FOR CONSTRUCTION Chadotte,NodhCerolina28262 CLAYTON NORTh'CAROLINA o n~arxi 15960 T04.546.6420 T~M~ERLAKE SU'~D9VfS~®N r RPU Te o~sa~99sfifa,c L®P 57 ~ rom N27/2007 ~~ iB'-0" 22'-0" Span x B'-1i" Rise StrucfuralPlateAroh ti m V A ' crz ~r/~` V F`~ i ~ ~~~ ~ ~ ~ °~ ~~~ i ~ ~ L BRIDGE PLAN 0 Z' 4' 6' 02Jar, IhBd%~1BIldMfYlil9GDfIbIpIM IXl nda di3Wa1J~~MPM9d Bee ~,rcema~pgmow:~r,a~at~earmaomlred«sycnxracaa~e s sduvo,,amr.r~wpendwaa~nreysee~d, ~ vmoasedm 3 errymvm'srwitlroufMerACrxeutlicrtredindCONiECNa~fd5~5W>da~s I~.MpwYuse~rep~ocktin~arta9fxa(nndtlYs damopki6ne el GS q use's awn dakend 0e use' re Mam'N, dd97dend fcddhem'sss CONfECHBddae Sa'unmalnCfmme>dyehnetryeMoacle6m, aed4ky, s7d 5 e>pxrsd dw4d'grENldGllYed(O,I~sneLVeeCa11B}~9NM, erkdpM1dn bv.~ 6 u~, reP'odud~ a nxdoYdai. ndia~e~andue~t~,m,w~dhna,~mnandem~Irtald~ndmuere r mranMedesab nnfrpvpeces, cYmedLaaepvldnmutMmpwlaim 8 COMEGfaddge so+~'moU~„NrmNelaykrre•a~aluarlen dmo ea~m• xa Dare n ~` eyomeia"~`d"~`De~dai REV/S10NS every other crourse for 2"black insulations board erbacked with geotex8leJ at transition from the 'o the leveling pad. o r 4' s Unit Drainage Fill ., LI; .•n . Ala I~._ I I I ..II ~ • m•]. I I-I ModufarBlocks ~ U', 1 Ill. I_i ~_ • ••u"• I Ina l .: _Backfil! Grout behveen block & headwall ~ • I I;' u• •' v1 I _ III ~ I using non-shrink type grout • I I II . ; 1nlr dI conformingtcASTMC1107. ~~+ -~ -111 r '~ 11'. -Ih ~ •Ilt I o Trim blocks to Leave no gap wifh '^ I L,. , I .; ' III • - I I_I I headwalllargerthan a". ' i I ~ ~. IU ` ..y., ..,; , ~ ~ I i~-p~~ - ¢Sfmclure Fasciaplale6"x4"x o"hot rolled steel angle (galvanized finish) or as specified Aluminum arch Geotex8leattachedwith orboxculvert consfrucfion adhesive Type IV Ribs DETAIL 1 L~ 9" o.c. not to scale CT2 Data \~ ~ ~/ BRIDGE SOLUTIONS INC. 8430 University FxecuBve Park Dln'e Sulfa 695 ChadoBe, Norfh Carolina 28262 764548.8420 ~o4.54B-B6es rax 8805263999 TYPICAL END ELEVATION SECTION e 0 2' 4' e' Cr2 Wall Design Note: The design of the Modular Block Wall, including all calculations and geofextile and layer configuration, shall be pedormedby a registered Civil Engineerlicensed in the state of Virginia Back(rll Notes: 1. The Backtrll is required to be a /ree dralning materiel to the high walerlevel (hw1J Keystone 4" Cap Unif~ Keystone SlandaN UNt 8P t~ HWL I Rip Rap Slone Layer (for erosional control) Finished Grade ( Geosynlhetic Fahnc UnreinPorced Concrete -~ Leveling Pad Drainage Dlfch (see detail below) 8" min. low Permeable Soil i - Retained Soil? Free Draining Matedal Excavation Uhe ~' ~GeosyntheficFabdc Unit Core Fill (3/4" Crushed Rock or Slane) TYPICAL REINFORCED RIVER WALL SECTION STANDARD UNIT -NEAR VERTICAL SETBACK not to scale 4" Concrete orBidmunous Drainage Ditch Note: Required to dived runoff from flowing over face of wall, and dvert water ;, awaylrombackolwallarea-also required for safety cortsldereh'ons. DRAINAGE DITCH DETAIL STANDARD UNIT -NEAR VERTICAL SETBACK not to scale (2) - 4"Cap Units or 4"Cap Unlt (1J - 8" Cap Unit 8" Standard Un1t ELEVATION TOP OF WALL STEPS not to scale Unreln/oroed Concrete Leveling Pad ~ 8" Slep ELEVATION BOTTOM OF WALL STEPS not to scale ~~ ~.. STANDARD ELEVATION 0 not to scale STANDARD PLAN STANDARD UNIT not to scale ~2~~ _., ~~- 3'-0" SECTION LEVELING PAD DETAIL not fo scale ~~~~/ ~TitUCTIJ L PLATE o1ee7, hade~pnendh4metlona~w~m mtlds daWngmgoWAeda9 e 9evtamtlreprt~edm9n9~, 9n~,a9r~+~,o6r~ray~cxadds9 SdWap he AbpedNm§ draiWgmeYle wai,mpcdraC, amodEi9dN eirymenmrwNnANepkrwNmnaWai~n MCONiECiI&kpeeokrtais Inc. MY awY u9e, repodlrtlai, a n~eA&s0'ai of tl~ diaavp r9 dine of me 16BI'9 mtn R9RaMaawra,~9 muedmry, da~OM&Mlpldiams'969 wNrsarsowm,mc ncm9~d9o9umnnyenderoemg,s9~rY,~ 9>aalse, Y,tl63q, am nd admd ro,1998JA9Db 9egT9y9 (AB6, fl Ngn 6 W'I 169,IXnKddM86'm. tldda~era'e9 CuMp9n m9 99PFr9d mmma~n end 91L61 Psld o~Ml~ts ere ~mdsdw dm 9nkpq~a99es, tlreeedaaepandromwtDerepamdm caxraca a~9 awru,9 r~ s,num9mry to mareWelbt am9 dam, caxrECxa~ae9sd~ron9m~.~,mm~uymrd~yn,aa~don m9 mnm mhmi9fnn eaP'od 6r ome 9. REVISIONS 8430 UniversityExecuBve PerkDnve \~ ~ ~/ ® Sutfe 6g5 Chedolle, North Carolina 28262 i ~~~~ ®~~®® ~ ~ BRIDGE SOLUTIONS INC 70~~20 . 7°4-5488586 fax 800528,8g9g DETAILS & NOTES APPROI VAL ONLY l NOT FORCCNSTRUCTICN NORTHCARDLINA JVF ar~an~ c~»n RPU 15960 TIi~EER19~41(E SUEDIVI31®1~ ~, ,~ ~®T 57 ~ Cp4 om 8/27/20°7 SPEClF1CA TIOIUS FOR ~IAIUUFACTUEAIV®i~STALLA TION OF C0~1 TEC>H®STUCTU~AL PLA TE SYSTEMS i• GENERAL II -ALUMINUM STRUCTURAL PLATE 1.3 The side of all excavations shat! be cut to prevent slio'ing or caving of the 1.0 STANDARDS ANDDEFiNITIONS 1.0 GENERAL matehalabovethefooG'ngs. i. i STANDARDS • All sfandaNs relerto latest ediGbn unless otherv,4se 1.1 This work shall consist offurnishing, fabricating, andinsfallah'on o/a 1.4 Excavafedmaterialsfiallbe disposedin accoMance with the plan noted. Structural Plate arch culvert in conformance with these specifcatons, the established by the Engineer. menulecturer provisions, and the detailsshown on the plans. 1.1.1 ASTM D-698.70 (Method C) "SfandaN TestMelhods for Moisture. Density Relations of Soil and Soil Aggregate Mixtures i.2 The conlrecforshall ven/y the actual location of all utilities fn the field 1.5 The /ootrngs are designed for a bearing capacity o/3000 psi, and this shall be verified in the (eld beforB construchon Using 5.5•Ib (2.5 kgJ Rammer and 12-inch (305mm) Drop". before beginning any work lhaf could be impacted by these utilihes. . 1,1.2 ASTMD-2922"SfandardTestMethodiorDensityolSo!land 2,0 CONCRETEFOOTlNGD1MENS10NS 1.3 Contraclormustnotify/confactallutilitycompanleslodetermineexact Soil Aggregate In Place by Nuclearmethods (Shalbw DeplhJ ". locations o/existing ufiflfles phor to commending any work on this The footings shalt be reinforced in accordance with the construction drawings. contract. 1,1,3 ASTM D•1556"StandardTesfMefhod/orDensltyolSoflinlace IV-SLOPE COLLARS by the Sand-Cone Method". 7.4 ConiraclorshaA coordinate construcG'on with vrork done by others 1.1.4 ASTM D•1557 "Standard Test MelhodlorLaborefory adjacent toorwifhintheconfrecffimits, Z.0 Areinloroedconcrefeslopecollarshallbeformedandpoun;dafeachendoffhesWcfuresfn Compaction Characfehstics o/Soil Using Modified ENort." accordance wffh the plan dimensions. 2.0 DIMENSIONS 1.2 DEFINITIONS 2.0 2.1 The proposed stmcfure shalt be a Aluminum Structural Plate arch with the following c The ends of the corrugafedstrucfure shallbe step beveled as shown on the plans. The reinforced oncrete slope collars shall be formed and poured to con/orm to the backfill at the finishedgrede of 1.2.i Owner-Inlhese specifications the wont"Ownefshallmean dimensions: each end. Beecham Builders Span: 22'-0" 1.2.2 Engineer- fn these specifications the woN "Engineel'shall Rise: 6'-i1" V • CONCRETE mean the Ownerdesignafedeogineer. 2.2 AAplan dimensions on the contract drawings are measuredin a true f.0 CODESAND STANDARDS horizontal plan unless otherwise noted. 1.2.3 Design Engineer- In these specifications the vrords'Design Engineer'shallmean CONTECH Bridge Solutions inc 2.3 All dimensions, locations and elevations olexisting sfmctures shown on i. i Reln/oroed concrete shall conform to the requirements o/AASHTO 1.2.4 Contractor-In these specificationslhewoM"Confraclof'shall , the contract drawings shall be venfiedby the controctorin the field. Standard Specificaflons for Highway Bridges, Division 11-Construction, Section 8, "Concrete Structures", forClassA concrete, having a minimum mean the rirm or corporatio undertaking the execub'on of any compressiveslrengfhof4,000psi. work underthe terms of these specifications. 3.0 ASSEMBLY 2.0 STANDARDS FOR MATERIALS i.2.5 Approved - In these specifications the woN "approved" shall 3. i Botts Shall be tightened using an applied Torque between 100 and 150 2.1 Portland Cement • Conforming to ASTM SpecificaG'on C-150 Type f or 11 referto the approvalof the Engineerorhis designated footpourrds. , . representative. 2.2 Water-The water shallbe drinkable, clean free from injuriousamountsof i.2.6 As Directed - in these specifications the vrords "as directed" 4.0 WORKMANSHIP AND INSPECTIONS oils, acids, alkalis, organic materials, ordeletedous substances. shall refer fo the directions to the Conlradorfrom the Owner or his designatedrepresenfative. 2.3 Aggregates -Fine and coarse aggregates shall conform fo current All meta! piping materials shall conform fo the workmanship andinspecG'on " " requirements of AASHTO M36 and Mi67 ASTM Specification C-33 Specification forConcrete Aggregates except 2.0 GENERAL CONDITIONS . that focal aggregates which have been shown by tests and by actual 5.0 MATERfALSANDDIMENSIONS service to produce satisfactory qualities maybe usedwhen approved by 2.1 TheConlrecforshallfumishalllabo~maferialandequipmenfand the Engineer. perform all work andservices except those set oaf andfumished 6ythe Owner necessary to complete in a sob's/acfo manner the site 5.1 Steel stmcturalplafe arches shallconfonn fo the requirements of 2.4 Submittals -Test data and/orcerNTications fo the Ownershallbe famished AASH O , ry preparation, excavation, filling, compaction, grdding as shown on the T M219 and ASTM 8746, upon request. plans and as described therein. fiis work shah conslstofall mobilizafion 5.2 Bolts and nuts shall meet the provisions o/ASTM A-449 and ASTM A-563, 3.0 PROPORTIONING OF CONCRETE clearing and grading, grubbing, sNpping, removalof exisfingmalerial Grade C, respectively, and shah be gaWanizedin accordance vrifh the unless otherwise stated, preparation of theland to be filled, filling ofthe requirements ofAS7MA-153, Class C. 3 1 COMPOSITION land, spreading and compaction of the fill, andaflsubsid~'ary work . necessary to complete the grading o(the cal and Nll areas to conform with the fines, grades, slopes, and specificaG'ons. This worlds to be 6.0 INSTALLATION 3.1.1 The concrete shallbe composed of cement, fine aggregate, accomplished undertheobservaG'onoffhe0wnerorhisdesignafed ASSEMBLY. TheSfrucfureshallbeassembledinaccordancewiththe coarse aggregate and water. representative. Menu/acturer's instructions. All plates shall be unloading and handled vrich 3.1.2 The concrete shall be homogeneous, readily placeable and 2.2 Pnorfobidding(hework,theConlractorshallexamine,investigateand reasonable care, Plates shallnotbe rolled ordregged overgrevel rock andshall bepreventedfromsMkingrockorotherhardobjectsdudngpfacementintrench uniformly workable and shallbe proporfionedin accordance with inspect the construction site es to the nature andlocaG'on ofthe work, and oron bedding, ACI-211. i. the general and local conditions al the consfruch'on site, including, without limka6on, the charecferofsudace orsubsudace condigonsand obstacles The Structure shall be placed in the footing starting of the downstream end 3.1.3 Proportions shallbe esfablishedon the basis of8eld experience fo be encountered on and around the consfruch'on site; andshallmake . Structures wffh cfrcum/erenG'al seams shalbe installed with theirinside with the materials to be employed. The amountof waferused shall not exceed the maximum 0 49 water/cemenfrafio and such additional investigation as he may deem necessaryforthe planning andproperexecution of the work. circumferential sheet laps pointing downstream. . , shallbe reduced as necessary fo produce concrete ofthe 111 -FOOTINGS specified consistency at the time ofplacement. If conditions other than those indicated are discovered by the Contractor, the Ownershould be noNNedimmediately. The matedaf which the 1.0 EXCAVATION FOR FOOTINGS 3. i.4 Anair-entraining admixture, conforming to the requirements of Contractor believes to be a changed condition shouldnot be disturbedso ASTM C260, shall tie used in all concrete fumishedunderfhis that the owner can investigate the cond'h'on. i.1 Footing excavation shall consist of the removal ofall mafehal of whatever contrecf. The quantity ofadmfxture shalt be such as to produce 2.3 The construcfon shall be performed underthe direch'on o(an experienced , nature, necessary for the constuctidn of foundations, an air content in the freshly mixed concrete of 6 peroent plus or minus 1 percent as determined in accordance with ASTM C231 engineer who is famiiiar wffh the design plan. i.2 It shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to identify and relocate all or C173. existing utilities which conflict with the proposedfooNng locations shown on the plan. The Conlreclormust call the appropriate utility company et least 48 hours before any excavafion to request exact field locab'on of ~ utilities, andcoordinate removal and insfallab'on ofaRutilities with the ~~ , respecffveutilitycompany. ~~ ~~®®®~ ®~®sa NOTICE STR~9C7'U L PLATE o T007, ih3 daa~nardMameUa~ahownan Nb dawYgbpvdkdasa ' 1 Cmmm¢• Caryah; S~f iR6: r~s~. htlrep~q edaxrn, apF~s; andmNaYaIryCON1ECHBAdge SaRRaw NaM1bPadNtl~§drunG'2n~Ybavse4 req~q amx4AedN ltl WN ¢' '- z 3 8430 University Executive Park Drive SPECIFICATIONS APPROVAL ONLY: w r. epbrxntleo eiHp~tiatdCONIECHaMljaaofA,ns B bcMyawYusa,rer~oiuta,,amosr~aa,davsa~tnceanaa~d» q ~ SUNB 695 NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION usab oandstendtlnu~apeea faMenWy, EdadendAdEAamYas \~ ~/ \ / Charlotte, North Carolina28262 CLAYTON CONIECNBAdge adu7nu fn¢HOmendeseVsrarryande[deFns, bs6ap; aid e ata ndwu n 5 C® e NORTHCAROLINA ~asNa ~ e, m. nnaamream,reesasNeeaane>reraa:,%~sewnsm ~°'""'~'"a` a ~i a ~ ~ ~®r®~ JVP 15960 Mofaao{endeaeeeroai GkauaG3edN,enaactierAeawn56'msare ®~ 704420 ~ RPU aa~nm~wNe n n a a a BRIDGE SOLUTIONS INC. Ti~~~RL~~E ~U~D~Y7~~ON re exe :p~,e,, re~ aaepmdmmwrearenmem 764.548A566 fax awe saeelNx coNracxaneaesovrm,ax•.,rarredareyraro~d~eo,,da»ea4g,, COMECHaAd e aa92aisliw em ls t ba r d d b N~ ~ 600 526899 ~®T ~~ JVP g . p m, e ry a e pie aeadon bextale.hfamad'wieypFadOyotl.~a. RE l/1SlONS , ~ CT5 8127/2007 SPECIF/CA TIOI US F0~4 I ~AIUUFACTURFAND Il ~STALLA TIO~ OF C0~1 TECH®STPUCTURAL PLA TE SYSTF~IS (CDN'T) 3.2 Qualifies Required•Asindicaledinlhetablebelow: TABLE V-i QUALITIES REQUIRED ITEM QUALITYREQUIRED Class A T e of Cement I orll Coro ressive Stren h fc 28 Da s 4 00o si Slum inches 2.41n, 3.3 Maximum Slie of Coarse Aggregates -Maximum size of coarse aggregates shall not be larger than 38 mm (i Y: inches). 3.4 Rafe of Hardening of Concrete -Concrete mix shall be adjusted to produce the required refe of haNeninglar vaded climatic condG'ons: Under40F Ambient Temperature - Accelerate caEium chfodde of 2% is acceptable when used within therecommendations olACl-3g6R "Cold Weather Concreting." Admixtures containing chloddeion inexcess o/ 1% by weigh) ofadmixfure shallnot be usedin reinfomedconcrete. 4.0 MIXING AND PLACING 4.1 Equipment -Ready Mix Concrete shall he used and shall conform to the "Specibcations (or Ready-Mix Concrete,"AS7M C•94. Approvalls required pdor fo usingjob mixed concrete. 4.2 Preparetion • All work shall be in accordance vnfh ACI.304, "Recommended Practice forMeasudng, Mixing, Trensporting andPlacing Concrete." All construction debds and exhaneous matter shall be removed Irom within the forms. Concrete shall be placed on clean sudaces, free Irom water. Concrete That has fo be droppedlour (4J feet ormore shall be placed through a tremie. 4.3 All concrete shall beconsolidatedbyintemalmechanicalvibraG'on immediafelyafferplacement. Vibrators shallbeofasizeappropdatefor the work, capable of transmitting vibration to concrete affrequencies o/ not less than 4,500 impulses perminute. 5.0 FORM WORK 51 forms shall be ofwood,sleel orolherapprovedmatedalandshallbeset and held true to the dimensions, Anes and grades of the structure (footings) prior to and dudng the placemenlo/concrete. 5.2 Forms shall not be removed untillhe concrete has sufficient strength to prevent concrete drainage. 6.0 CURING 6.1 Freshconcrefeshallbeprotededfromreins,flowingwaterandmechanical injury fora period offour(4J days. 7.0 REINFORCING STEEL 7.1 MATERIAL 7. iJ All reinforcing bars shag be deformed hors (AS7M-A615J Grade 60. Z2 BENDING AND SPLICING 7.2. i Bar reinforcement shall be cat and bent to the shapes shown on the plans. Fabdcation folerences shall be in accordance with AC1315. All bars shallbe bent cold, unless otherwise permitted. 7.2.2 All reinforcement shall be /urnished in the full lengths indlbated on the plans unless otherwise permitted. Except forsplices shown on the plans arro'splices forNo. 5 or smaller bars, spiicfig of bars will not be permitted without written approval. Splices shallbe staggered as (araspossible. 7.2.3 In lapped splices, the bars shall be placed and wired in such a manneras to mafntain the minimum distance to the sur/ace of the concrete shown on the plans. 7.2.4 Substitution of diNerent size bars will be permitted only when authodzedby the engineer. The substituted bars shall have an area equivalent to the design area, or larger. 7.3 PLACING AND FASTENING 7.3. i Steel reinforcement shall be accurately placed as shown on the plans and Gnnty held in position dudng the placing and setting of concrete. Bars shall be b'ed of all intersections around the pedmeter of each mat and al not less Phan 2 fool centers Drat every intersection, whicheveris greater, elsewhere. Welding of cross bars (tack welding) will not be pemtiffed for assembly of reinlomement. 7.3.2 Reinforcing steel shall be supported in its proper position by use olmortarblocks, wire barsuppods,supplemenfarybarsorotherapproveddevices. Such devices shall be of such height and placed at suKciently frequent intervals so as fo maintain the distance between the reinforing and the formed sur/ace orthe fopsurface within i/41nch of that Indicated on the plans. MINIMUM LIMITS OF MINIMUMLIMITSOFCOMPACTEDSELECT COMPACTED NORMAL )MPACTEDNORMA GRANULAR STRUCTURAL BACKFILL ROAD FILL ROAD FILL FOR HEIGHTS DF COVER 6'-0"Minimum OVER B; PAYCLOSE 6=0"minimum ATifNTION i0 NOTE #4. NORMAL ROADFILL ABOVE MIN. COVER LEVEL QJ ~~ Up _ _ Qa ~ 1e \ 2 ~p ~ Io ~ U J tia NATURAL ~ U j MP & 0 UNDISTURBED ~ w ARCH ~ J ~ 2 _ EMBANKMENT ~~ SECTION ® CRITICAL BACKFILL ZONE, PRESSURE ON BOILGREATESTHERE INITIAL LIFTS OVER CROWNOFSiRUCTUREAS INDICATED BY ® SHADEDAREATOBECOMPACTEDi0RE0UlRE0DENSITYWITH HAND OPERATED EQUIPMENT OR WITH SMALL TRACTOR (D-0 OR SMALLER) DRAWN EQUIPMENL ® SELECT GRANULAR STRUCTURAL BACKFILL LIMITS. NOTES: 1. ALL SELECT GRANULAR BACKFILL TO BE PLACED INA BALANCED FASHION INTHfN LIFTS (6"-6"LOOSE 'fYPICALCYI AND COMPACTED TO 90 PERCENT DENSITY PERAASHTO T-99. 2. COMPLETE AND REGULAR MONITORING OF THE MP SHAPE IS NECESSARY DURING ALL BACKFILLING OF THE STRUCTURE. 3. PREVENT EXCESSIVE DISTORTION OF SHAPE AS NECESSARY BYVARYING COMPACTION METHODS AND EQUIPMENT. 4. GREATER OR LESSER DISTANCE MAY BE REQUIRED. DISTANCE DEPENDS ON BEARING LOAD FOR ANY GIVEN LOADING, BTRUCTURE SHAPE AND BACKFILL MATERIAL. THIS MUST BE EVALUATED BY THE PROJECTENGINEER FOR EACH SPECIFIC SITUATION. ADDITIONAL BACKFILL NOTES: SATISFACTORY BACKFILL MATERIAL, PRDPER PLACEMENT, AND COMPACTION AREKEY FACTORS IN OBTAINING MAXIMUM STRENGTHAND STABILITY. 'THE BACKFILL MATERIAL SHOULD BE FREE OF ROCKS, FROZENLUMPS, AND FOREIGN MATERIAL THAT COULD CAUSE HARD SPOTS OR DECOMPOSE TO CREATE VOIDS. BACKFILL MATERIAL SHOULD BE WELL GRADED GRANULAR MATERIAL THATMEETS ME ~ REQUIREMENTS OFAABHTO M•f45 FOR SOft CLASSIFICATIONS A•2-0and A•2-5. BACKFILL MUSTBE REPLACED SYMMETRICALLY ON EACHSIDE OF THE STRUCTURE IN 6"LOOSE LEFTS. EACHLIFT IS TO BE COMPACTED iOAMINIMUM OF 90%DENSITY PER AASHTO L99. A HIGH PERCENTAGE OF SILT OR FINE SAND IN THE NATIVE SO/LS SUGGESTS THE NEED FOR A WELL GRADED GRANULAR BACKFILL MATERIAL TO PREVENT S011 MIGRATION DURING BACKFILL, ONLY SMALL TRACKED VEHICLES t0-0 OR SMALLER! SHOULD BE NEAR THE STRUCTUREAS FILL PROGRESSES ABOVE THE CROWN AND i0 THE FINISHED GRADE. TNEENGINEERANDCONTRACiORARECAI/TIONEDiHATTHE MINIMUM COVER MAY NEED TO BE INCREASED TO HANDLE TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION VEHICCELOADS. (LARGER THANO-0) ~~ ~/ ~~~~®®~~ S1`RUCTURAL PLAT`S oxoYTr»d~~5r,~o~~a~a eaw~udrepgax~ps,~~emo-e~-aycnRrECRarace Satdbna Inc nbAvldMh dreMnpmeyl»used, repodnmd, ama6rtMh z 8430 UniversltyFxecuGveParirOmre SPECIFICATIONS APPROVAL ONLY: sn!'mvrsr~OUltlrepixxiMmneWnrtre6'md(bMTECHai~7ssaiA'au ' 3 Suite 695 NCT FCR CONSTRUCTION IncMYsu~tae,rapuYidlai,a~mdGm6 mdOYsd~srbpbtmealhia 4 ® ~ ' usa'emm dskmanaum m udanyy,dre„dm,drrayr~mdeu \ > / \ Chadotte,NorthCarollna28262 CLA}TON NORTHCAROLlNA o nv ~~~ ~ ~ l ~~ a / ®~ ~ . i G6uIf0.m+aaabfa etlan IaeS ertx4rB trolnaM ~~~ ~~ rr9»n 15960 tldlscerandas EaM~esn Nee~7sdhama6'm erAadumrta~dmndlYoven BRIDGE SDLLJTIDNS INC 70420 TIMR~RLAKR SU~DIVISI®N RPU eto>~redwure~klro9ave.,,mmemusfm CONIECH&BpsSp+A'Cnt Nt, [mnndaleyfrraerelueYm dtln~ eq 7(kF548.8586 fax 8085163ggg g gas Cs®® 57 JVP akaxa ~nrmman' eb`~oor rem~"be~dai REV'1SiONS Oero e/2N2U07 C~OT~ Installation Drawings Sheet Index CT1 TITLE SHEET, LOCATION PLAN & GENERAL NOTES CT2 BRIDGE PLAN, ELEVATION & DETAILS CT3 FOUNDATION PLAN, SECTIONS & DETAILS CT4 DETAILS & NOTES CT5 SPECIFICATIONS CT6 SPECIFICATIONS TIMBERLAKE SUBDIVISION LOT 58 NOTES GENERAL NOTES: 1. This bddge has been designed forgeneml site SCOPE: This speci(cafion covers the manufacture and installation of the aluminum stmctural conditions.Theprojecfengineershallberesponsible plate structuredefafledintheplans. forthe structure's suitabiGtyto the exisOng site condidonsand/orlhehydreulicevaluaG'on- ' MATERIAL 7healuminumslNCturalpfafeshallconsisto(plates,dhs,andappurtenantitems including scour and confirmation of soil condih ons. as shown on the plans and shalt conform fo the requirements ofASTM B 746. 2, Pdorlo consfmction, conf2ctormust vedry all Plate thickness, rib spacings, end Treatment and type ofinvert andfoundafion 18.0 elevah'ons shown Through the engineer. shat) be as indicated on the plans. All manufacfudng processes includng 9'-0" 9'-0" corNgafing, punching, curving andgalvanizfng shall be pen`onnedwithin the 3, Only CONTECH Bridge Soluh'ons Inc United States using raw maledals made in the United States. the Mu1N-Pfafe approved supplierin North Carolina AS$EMBLY.• Bolts and nuts shall conform to the requirements ofASTM A307orASTMA449. may provide the structure designed in accordance with The stmclure shall be assembled in accodance with the shop drawings thesepfans. provided by the manufacturer andper the manufacturer's recommendations. ,roe DESIGN DATA Botts shall be tightened using an applied torque of behveen 100 and 150 ft-tbs. Design Loading: Aluminum Structural Pfafe: HS20.44 INSTALLATION: The structure shall be installed in accordance with the plans and I Headwalls: Earth Pressure Only speci(cafions, the manufacturer's recommendaG'ons, and the AASHTO Standard Wingwalfs: EartG Pressure Only Specification For HighwayBddges, Section 26 (Division Iq. - Design Fill Height: 2'-0"min /max. BEDDING: Bedding preparation is critical to both structure performance and service life. _ n~aaw from lop of crown fo top o/pavement ' The bed shouldbe constructed to uniform line and grede fo avoid ru'sforUons that may Design Method: LoadfacforperAASHTOSpecificap on create undesirable stresses in the structureand/orrepiddeteriorationoftheroadway. Net allowable soil beadng pressure: 3000 PSF" The bed shouldbe tree of rock farmations,protmding stones froien lumps roots and Gross allowable soil6eadngpressure:3400PSF" , , , otherforeignmafterthatmaycauseunequalsedlement. The foundation must 'Foundation excavation and subgrede preparation shall be be capable of providing a bearing capacity of of least one anda haN(1.5J tons persquare foot. in accordance with the geotechnicalreporHorfhisprojecf BACKFILL: The structure shall be backfllled using clean well grededgrenularmatedal I prepared by Geotechnologies, Inc, dated7/12r07, that meets the requirements of AASHTO M-i45 forsofl classifications A-2-4 or ~ 3 MATERIALS A-2.5. 8ackfillmusf be pfacedsymmefdcallyon each side ofthe o structure in 6 fo 8 inch lifts. Each lib shall be compacted to a minimum of ~ Aluminum structural plate shall be consWcfed andinsfalled 90 percent densityperAASHiO T 180. C~ in accodance with CONTECH SpeciGcatians. Concrete for Footings shall have a minimum NOTE: Construction loads that exceed highway load limits are not allowed on the structure compressive sfrenglh of 4000 psi. Relnfaroing without approval from the engineer Lfve load traffic 1s not allowed on the structure L OCA TION PLAN steellorfootingssholl con/orm foASTMA615 until the structure has been backfilledandpaved. not to scale orA996-Grade 60. $tNCTUre \~~~6 SYRUCTURAL PLATE aanr.meek+~orram,ea~araw~o~maoa~ua~+~~e s~~: ~~. >maa~aa~rr,m~ea~,aw,osaorayaavrrafe~ S~CneG~e AbprlafM6 dexY me C k O ~u 6F iN 2 APPROVAL ONLY; p se , repn rs ,amo ~e r a»rmavierrwgta~aiepbr,M09,auC,almtlondCavrECNa10~esoNdas 9 8430UnNers ExecuGveParkOmre ~ S it 895 TITLESFIEET LOCATIONPLAN& GENERAL NOTES NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION Ina Nry sw1 tze, , a modlrna0'a~ MWa diewtila k d,~e el Me ' 4 `I~ ® u e ugu ea~n~;enaaauure~rohemwridaw,dm~draBnemvas, CONiECHaRCpe aoluYatt lnu Uam enEegeNslenyenderdehra, AauM, end s,~ mo r rt ae r~a + 3 ~ ~ Ql~ ~.'~ ~.~ ®1 ~. ra Charfoffe,NorthCarolfna28262 CLAYi'ON NORTNCAROL/NA a JVP e~,aa~ . m, ~ n n , m,reea~my,r~,~,ar~ma~ uso, rep~Wknamodr a m ~~®®®® ®® °~"' 15961 ner,~n~,,u~ w ~+eaov~~n~naxa~nawa>~a„~v ' BRIDGE SOLUTIONS INC 764~f6~42o ~a m~ a ~p~ ~p p g ' ~~R ~ ~ ~® ~'~ ®~ RPU , enmw~edesmYexakp,ame daoapealmmwf6erep~6dro Cavra a . 704548.8586 fax 9 A®9 Ca,~Ff'A Y 9 1 ® o"*'o° ,~~. CH&Iglesauwnlna,ermememiyramavduetl~nanadsaim ~~ xx aere s~esnnn+sm 600~628~999 ~.®P 5fD JVP ~ a~orraa~m'r~con m~xremmam,awn RE~IISIO NS aro &/27/2007 ~~~ A C72 0?~7, n,a de~neMtobaraLG7 AIlON11al alb dreK4gbWR+1~d BJB b911{L9IO tl1B~OMi19i, d'1QhIBa®'IdO.YNAdOIbY~tl~Gla/~A SaLtqu Mc hb {a~f d MR drex4g ~Y ~ ~~ repoA~d, a moJeled h ertr'mem~srxMail9lapix~ttfen aubkHmron dCOH1ECHBA~e Safu&ns fnc.MY~1 use, repv~,t, artrd'fraWndtlukQien4pBdone e101e u~smmnu emra~rmrua~wy,ed~wanx~rn~m~u cor+rECH arar swr~, ~ rnm Bm e,y erA el dam, a>a ~'Derc&kio'~'N, WinglimY~N, reamie6batlaneyhfeas, eAShp danrx8 uu, repork~n amodHmton. neHa~rd~adree, ua ~a+eaa, d,a~reoarrd~„ ~ ~ dk Na'k nW~mex erese dsaependm moat De repabd m CCNfeCH&yao a~FiGm9lnu, Yans9Brd1'RrreareWeKnd@w~.yn. CoMECH&•kipe Sah~d'amNr, axeplem6ad~'brGaebnsDesedm REVISIONS 0 7 4' 8' ~ SWctum Deta TYPICAL END ELEVATION o z' ,' ~ 6459 ~nlVaf51!}'EJ(eCU6Ve PetkDme \~ ~ ~/ ® Suite 695 Chadofte, Nodh Cerollna 28262 ~ ®~®®® ® BRIDGE SOLUTIONS INC, r20 7°4.548$586 fax 80°5263999 every othercourse for '2"black insulab'ons board 'r backed with geolexh'le) at transition from the o the leveling pad. Drainage FlII i.i..'Pii'. "iii ;i~, - I I i ..n • • m ~. -I I _ I I Modular Blocks : IJ', I • vu. i• e~-{+-' -~{:~ ;' - i-i i- I Reinforced-, Grout between block & headwall I C' u" • ' nl I I I using non-shrink typegrouf II a¢• ~~~--Ir- :ll~i`'•~II -~Pl ~ _ I I ~ I confonningfoASrMC1f07. - I rnmblocks to leave no gap with m i L,. , If .; ~ it ri ~ pi • •; Ili` ,: I - I - headwalllargerthanq". • _ I 1 ° Fasciaplafe6`x4"xrfi"hot rolled steel angle (galvanized finish) or as specified Aluminum arch Geotex8le attached with orboxculverl consWctionedhesive DETAIL not to scale C72 ~----------------J SECTION o z' a' e' Cr2 BRIDGE PLAN d.a'.m' Structure A CT2 ~ J U~ L FOUNDATION PLAN 0 2' A' 8' Detail 22'-0"Soso 1~„ /~ `Inside Face of Aluminum Structural Pfate Channel 'ein(orcingnot ~ 8" ° ° hown/orclan(y ° °. .e ° ° .: ` . ?"0 Anchor For Base Channei "°d• ° ° ... .e DETAIL 3 o +' 2' CT3 2, TQ" ~-inside Face of Aluminum SfrucfurelPlate "~ Receiving a Channel Detail CT3 }~ ee ~ rv Base Channel #5 Ties @ 1'•0" o.c. 4 • #6 Top 8 Bottom ~U M 3'•6" Concrete fill (2000 psi min.) as required per scourrequirements. DETAIL c d' 2' s' CT3 ~,~~/ ~ _ ~~®®®®®®® I® ~ STRUCTURAL PLATE 07W7, TrIedBr~„YIBM EIR%IIIAd11161p'h1l IXl al9 ~AN{7Brrp10Y~db49 1 ~~ Skdrka' F)G/9G'S'97a. sogGao4w xoos~dav9d~rronreym urea, repmuxd, amodtAsdM ~`°~"~°~°°~~`~'~"°~`~~"~°° 2 s 5930 Univers(tyExecutive Park Dme FOUNDATION PLAN SECTIONS & DETAILS APPROVAL ONLY: ~'msnr~x>Ynufdied~'~eneOa~WCONlECH&fd,aof~.un m"urysu"se're°'oa'au"'""'>s~~u"awsa'a~"°u°a'eerae 4 ~I~ ® Suite 695 r NCTFCRCCNSTRUCTICN tom'aowTrokenanauvrep~rmfiaamN~aerneem~vahem+xs ~ ~ CheAolfe,NathCarollne28262 CIAYTDN NORTHCAROLINA v~gearhx CONlECHBadge SnY2'a~e4a honende~vheferoendeldilms, GSE.4My, rod ~'w,sasre,annasnrmem,ree,nea~~e~~,~mnar~r~r 5 a ®~ `~ ® ~ ® ® JVP 15961 use, rep'cdxtan a mz~mL~x. ~ ®® ~ ® ®® ~ RPU nae,eer~en~ erq~rdmfamaumendeavelrw~vasM+vauere ' BRIDGE SDLUTIDNS INC. 70420 T9i~SER1~KE Sil~DtVIS~®N e,~n~aereree~acp~a~,.nmedn«,etiBre~ream a 704548.8566 Fax ~ ~„~ ca+nacn~eao+,~,rnc,rnwn~oy~re~r8,arr~ae~, rrs ma 800526,3998 LOT 5~ CONIECH BnQOe Soluli~s Ix. erapfs ne 5679Nybr deuyrn' Eesed on m~asale nfamaan w~p9edDyoerae. eursroNS o~ 8/27/2007 ~~~ fracture , Limits SECTION o r 4' a C72 Note: MiNmax HOC on 0.176"ALSP with Type IV Ribs at 8" o.c. = 2 ft/16 fl. Wall Design Nofe: The design o(the Modular Block Wall, including alt calculations andgeofex8le and layercontiguration,shall be pedomted by a registered Civll Engineerlicensedlnlhe state ofVirginia Backfill Notes: 1, The 8ack(rllis requlredto be a free draining material to the high waferlevel (hwq Keystone 4"Cap Unif KeysfoneStandartiUrut 3P I HWL Rip Rap Stone layer (for erosionalconlrolJ~ ~~ Grade Fabdc Unreinlorced Concrete Leveling Pad Drainage Ditch (see detail below) ~8"min. low Permeable Soll Retained Soil? Free Draining Material ~Approximale Excavation Line l' ~Geosynthe5c Fabnb Unit Core Fill (3/4" Crushed Rock or Slone) TYPICAL REINFORCED RIVER WALL SECTION STANDARD UNIT -NEAR VERTICAL SETBACK not to scale (2) - 4" Cap Units or 4"Cep Unit (4) - 8' Cap Unit 8"Standard Unlf ELEVATION TOP OF WALL STEPS not to scale Unreinlorced Concrete Leveling Pad ~8" Step ELEVATION BOTTOM OF WALL STEPS not to scale STANDARD ELEVATION 4" Concrete ort3itimunous Drainage Ditch 3'-0' I t I Note: Required to divert mnofffrom !lowing over/ace of wall, anddNert water ~ away from back ofwallarea-also required forsafery considerations. DRAINAGE DITCH DETAIL STANDARD UNIT -NEAR VERTICAL SETBACK not to scale STANDARD PLAN not to scale STANDARD UNIT not to scale :.:..,w..c:.. 3'-U" SECTION LEVELING PAD DETAIL not to scale \~ ~~/ STRUCTURAL PLWTE exer nae~,,anennmaaoaamwnm~va~,¢a9aa:a --- -- sm~ e~aB~~,~arn~~ sauan,ow nb~adasaa~rnameyaa ~d,repoaac, ar,ma>»am ~ 8430 UnNersifyFxecu(ive Park Drive DETAILS & NOTES APPROVAL ONLY: a~ymmnerWitlaiAdla pia~aMfenmRnAartbna'COMECHB~djeaab0'ms Sufle 695 NOT FOR CAN5TRUCTI~N awMyswYuu,~~,amafirra6onarwseiaalnpbEoneelme q ~ ~ ® u}erac~msskamcreu~raPeazmueem~y,eeraaaer,denamd~s \ / \ / Chadotfe,NorfhCerollna28262 CLAI?DN NDR7NCAROLfNA Pr bdw cornFCNeusesavo-ncrn~rmmvnaanyeada+aum,,wua,;s7d 5 ~ ~ ~ -off ®~ ~p y a aGrt h, ~ane6bapaneyaleer, erkkg fmnarh a ~,~ s ~® ®®®®® aaxn 15961 nrc~a,maw~xaoeo,B~eam~ats~a~aa~„an ' ® ~ BRIDGE SOLUTIONS INC. 70420 TlM~E~tL~~E SUS®il/~SION RPU enmuimreeeadmworkp,Mewdesmmt6a~pramera cavrscxertcgeaar~ememwrmramerar~me~aw,aa~,desae~,. 9 re. mm 704546.8586 fax 60°-526.3999 ® L®T 56'8 ,„,~ ~~ a~~, i~meai wFabaylades~aCe~Gm REl/ISIONS ~ ~ ~ 8/27/2007 SPECIFICATIONS FOR MANUFACTUREAND INSTALLATION OF CONTEC~I®STRUCTURAL PLATE SYSTEMS f • GENERAL I! • ALUMfNUM STRUCTURAL PLATE 1.3 The side of all excavations shalbe cut to prevent sliding orcavingo(the 1.0 STANDARDS AND DEFINITIONS 1.0 GENERAL material above the footings. 1.1 STANDARDS • All sfandaMS refer to latest editien unless otherwise i.1 This work shall consist o/fumfshing, fabricating, and installation of a 1.4 Excavated material shall be disposed in accoNance with the plan noted. Structural Plate arch culvertin conformance with these specifications, the established by the Engineer. manufacturer provisions, and the details shown on the plans. 1.1.1 ASTM D-698-70 (Method C) "Standard TestMefhods for 15 The footings are desi ned /ora bean'n ca acff 013000 s( andthis shall Moisture. Density Relations of Sa(1 and Soil Aggregate Mfxfures Using 5.5-Ib (2,5kg,) Rammerand 12-inch (305•mmJ Drop". 1.1.2 ASTM D-2922 "Standard Tesf Method forDensity o(Soll and Soil Aggregate in Place by Nuclear methods (ShallowDeplh)". 1.1.3 ASTM D•1556"StandardTesl Method (orDensityofSoillnlace by the Sand•Cone Method". 1.1.4 ASTM D•1557 "Standard Tesf Method forLaborefory Compaction Characteristics of Soil Using Modified Etlod" 1.2 DEFINITIONS 1.2.1 Owner- In these specifications the word "Owne('shall mean Beecham Builders 1.2.2 Engineer- In These specifications the wom' "Englneer'shall mean the Owner designated engineer. 1.2.3 Design Engineer In these specificai'ons the words "Design Engineer' shall mean CONTECH Bridge Solub'ons Inc. d.2.4 Contractor- In these specifications the word °Confraclor'shall mean the firm or corporefia undertaking the execution of any work under the lama of These specificabions. 1.2,5 Approved - fn thesespecihcations the word "approved"shall refer to the approval o(the Engineer or his designated representative. 1.2.6 As Directed - In these specifications the words "as directed" shall referto the directions fo the Contractorfrom the Owner orhis designafedrepresenlative. 2,0 GENERAL CONDITIONS 2.1 The Contracforshallfumishallla6or,mateaalandequipmenfand pedorm all work and services except !hose set out and fumdshed by the Owner, necessary to complete in a sah'sfacfory mannerthe site preparation, excavation, filling, compaction, gradng as shown on the plans and as described therein. This work shall consist of all mobihiahon clearing and grading, grubbing, slapping, removalo(exish'ng mateaal unless otherwise stated, preparah'on of the land to be f8ed, filling oflhe land, spreading and compaction of the fill, and all subsidiary work necessary to complete the gmdfng of the cut and fill areas to conform with the lines, grades, slopes, and specifications. This wodc is to be accomplished under the observation of the Owner orhis designated representative. 2.2 Priarto bidding the work, the Contraclorshallexamine, invesh'gafe and inspect the construction site as to the nature and locah'on of the work, end the general and local cond(tions of the construc6'on site, including, without limitation, the charecfer of sudace or subsudace condi6'ons and obstacles to be encountered on and around the construch'on site; arro'shall make such addtional investigation as he may deem necessary/ortheplanning and properexecufion of the work. If condib'ons other than those indicated are discovered by the Contreclor, the Owner should be notified immediately. The mateaal which the Contractor believes to be a changed condition should not be disturbed so that the owner can investigate fhecondiG'on. 2.3 The construction shallbe pedormed underthe direction o(an experienced engineer who is familiar with the design plan. 1.2 The contreclorshall verify the actual location of all utilibies in the field before beginning any work that could be impacted by these utlihies. 1.3 Contracformusf noflfy/contact all utility companies to determine exact locadons of existing utilities prior to commending any wodr on fhls conlrecl. 1.4 Contreclor shall coodinate construction with work done by others adjacent to or within the contractGmits. 2,0 DIMENSIONS 2.1 The proposed structure shallbe a Aluminum StructuralPlate arch with the foNowing dimensions: Span: 22'-0" Rise: 6=11" 2.2 All plan dimensions on the contract drawings are measured in a We hohzonfal plan unless otherwise noted 2.3 Alf dimensions, locations, and elevations o(exish'ng structures shown on the contract drawings shall be verified by the contrectorin the field. 3.0 ASSEMBLY 3.1 Bolts Shall be tightened using an applied Torque between 1 DO and 150 foot pounds. 4.0 WORKMANSHIPANDINSPECTIONS All metal piping mafedals shall conform to the workmanship andinspech'on requirements ofAASHTO M36 andMi67. 5.0 MATERIALSANDDfMENSIONS 5.1 Steel structural plate arches shall conform to the requirements o/ AASHTO M219 andASTM 6746, 5.2 Bolts and nuts shall meet the provisions ofASTM A-449 andASTMA•563, Grade C, respectively, and shall be galvanized in accordance with the requirements ofASTM A-153, Class C. 6.0 INSTALLATION ASSEMBLY. The Structure shallbe assembledin accordance with the Manu/acturers instructions. All plates shall be unloarU'ng and handled with reasonable care. Pfatesshallnotberolledordraggedovergrevelmckandshall be prevented from striking rock or otherhaM objects during placement in french oron bedding. The Stucture shallbe placed in the footing startingaf the downstream end. Structures with circumferential seams shallbe Installed with theirinside circumferential sheet laps poinh'ng downstream. Ill -FOOTINGS 1.D EXCAVATION FOR FOOTINGS i.l Foo6ngexcava6onshallconsisfoffheremovalofallmaterial,ofwhatever nature, necessary for the constmch'on of foundations. 1.2 It shall be the responsibility of the Confracforto iden6'fy and relocate all existing utilities which conflict with the proposed footing locations shown on the plan. The Conlreclormust call the appropaafe ub7ity company of least 48 hours before any excavation to request exact field location of utilities, and coordinate removal and installation of alluhlih'es with the respective utility company. 9 9 P Y P. be verified in the (reld befog consfrucb'on. 2.0 CONCRETE FOOTING DIMENSIONS The (oofings shall be reinforoedin accordance with the constucion drawings. IV -SLOPE COLLARS 1.0 Areln/orcedconcrefeslope collarshallbe(ormedandpouredat eachendo(thestrucfu2sfn accordance with the plan dimensions. 2.0 The ends o(lhe corrugated structure shall be step beveled as shown on the plans. The reinforoed concrete slope collars shallbe formed and poured to conform to the backfillof the finished grade of each end. V-CONCRETE 1.0 CODES AND STANDARDS 1. i Rein/oroed concrete shall conform to the requirements ofAASHTO StandaN Specifications far Highway Bridges, Division II - Consfmc6on, Section 8, "Concrete Structures", (or Class A concrete, having a minimum compressive strength of4,000 psi. 2,0 STANDARDS FOR MATERIALS 2.1 Portland Cement- Conforming to ASTM Specification C-150, Type I orlf. 2.2 Wafer- The water shall be drinkable, clean free from injurious amounts of oils, acids, alkalis, organic materials, ordeletedous substances. 2.3 Aggregates - Fine andcoarse aggregates shallconlonn to current ASTM Specification G33 "Specification forConcrefeAggregates"except that local aggregates which have been shown by tests and byacfual service to produce satis/acfory qualih'es maybe used when approved by the Engineer. 2.4 Submittals -Test data and/or certifications to the Ownershall be famished upon request. ^ 3.0 PROPORTIONING OF CONCRETE 3.1 COMPOSITION 3.1.1 The concrete shallbe composed of cement, fine aggregate, coarse aggregate and water. 3.1.2 The concrete shallbe homogeneous, read~'fyplaceable and uniPormly workable andshallbe propodioned in accorclance wiN ACi-21 t 1, 3.1.3 Proportions shallbe es(ablishedon the basis offield expeaence with the mafedals to be employed. The amount of water used shall not exceed the maximum 0,49 water/cement nh'o, and shall be reduced as necessary to produce concrete of the specified consistency at the h'me ofplacement. 3.1.4 An airentreining admixture, conforming to the requirements of ASTM C260, shall be usedin all concrete famished underthis contract. The quantityof admixture shallbe such as fo produce an air content in the beshly mixed concrete of 6 percent plus or minus 1 pecent as determinedin accordance with ASTM C231 orCi73. ~11/~ STRUCTIJL ~L~TE o2ltlr, the dcaynendMfimao'mehamm Nmdraa4pkpis/,ctadese -....._ .,._---- seivfamNrep9'~oxm, aupmeereManmx5x6yCONiECHBAye sduda„nw huvsnacmarr~msyae,meu,,ancaoada,noaaedm 2 8430 UnNersityExecutive ParkDrwa SPECIFICATfONS APPROVAL ONLY: arymannerxflFatmepia.~Amneudartmtia~aceNfECHBMy>3s'dAns 3 SURB 695 NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION IncMyauaS use, repoW~i'on,anwdf~au'ttiamk draefnpmdeneelme 4 ® ~~~ Charto(fe NarihCarofina28262 „er,ee,,,m,,,mm,,~.aeea,m»r„my,der„aenaeayss covregrartaeesduntmermnend~eruem'eneeeda6re,rressh',nd mpenss,YA,dAndBnYl~m, reepx6k eNxnays meq eAsmpmmrn5 5 6 \ / ~ ®~ ,ate ®~ ~ ® ® , CLAYTON NORTHCARDUNA o JVP a ercparu 15961 use, amain, ® ®® ® ® ® ® rnri ~u aaeoeLamcenae e'*gfadraamotbn erdenSUlaemav~dau„ ' BRIDGE SOLUTIONS INC i ~~s r~~~~~~E ~®~~~e~~®~ S ~ awxnmadvaMewvkpsysun,e,~eduae{~davmuarlaiepa~mem a . ~ ~r ~ ® ~ a~,~ COmSCHermaeecNtloee mc, 4mno@alay/areerelueGmanb dufm~ Na osm 800526899 ~®9 i)® ~~ coNrscHS~esdvme Ix.eompm mrmauynra~gneeessdo, mew,~msrmneaneeeyorm~. REl/ISIONS B/27/2oD7 SPECIFICATIONS FOR MAIVUFACTUR~AND INSTALLA TION OF COl UTECI~®SlRUCTURAL PLATE SYSTEMS (C01V'T) 3.2 Qualities Required•Asindicaledinthefablebelow.' TABLEV•1 QUALITIES REQUIRED ITEM QUALfTYREQUIRED _ Clsss A T eofCement lorll Com resslve Sfren th fc 28 Da s 4000 sf Slum inches 2.4 in. 3.3 Maximum Size of Coarse Aggregates • Maximum size of coarse aggregates shall not 6e larger than 38 mm (1 Y: inches). 3.4 Rate of Hardening of Concrete • Concrete mix shall be adjusted fo produce the required rate o/haNen(ng for vaned climagc condib'ons: Under 40F Ambient Temperature • Accelerate calGum chloride at 2% is acceptable when used within the recommendations ofACl•306R "Cold Weather Concreting." Admixtures containing chloride ion in excess of 1 by weigh) of admixture shall notbe used in reinloroed concrete. 4.0 MIXING ANDPLACENG 4, f Equipment • Ready Mix Concrete shall6e used and shall conform to the 'Specifications/orReadyMixConcrefe,"ASTMG94. Approvalfsrequired prior fo using job mixed concrete. 4.2 Prepareticn • All work shalt be in accordance with AC1.304, "Recommended Prach'ce forMeasudng, Mixing, transporting and Placing Concrete." All construction debris and extraneous matter shall be removed from within the forms. Concrete shall be placed on clean surfaces, tree from wafer. Concrete that has to be dropped four (4) feet ormore shall be placed through a tremie. 4.3 Alf concrete shall be consolidated by internal mechanics! vibration immediately atterplacement. Vibrators shall be ofa size appropriate for the work, capable of trensmittingvibre6on fo concrete of frequencies of not less than 4, 500 impulses perminute. 5.0 FORMWORK 5.i formsshallbeofwood,steelorolherapprovedmatedalandshallbesef andheld We to the dimensions, fines and grades of the stmcture (Ioo6ngsJ prior to and during the placementof concrete. 5.2 Forms shall not be removed untillhe concrete has surrcient strength fo prevent concrete drainage. 6.0 CURING 6.7 Fresh concrete shall6e protectedfrom rains, flowing water and mechanical injury for a period of four (4) days. 7.0 REINFORCING STEEL 7.1 MATERIAL 7.1.1 All reinforcing bars shall6e deformed bars (ASTM•A615) Grade 60. 7.2 BENDING AND SPLICING 7.2. i Barreinforcement shall be cut and bent to the shapes shown on the pions. Fabricah'on tolerances shall be in accoNance with ACI 315. All bars shall be bent cold, unless otherwise permitted. T.2.2 All reinforcement sha8 be /umished in the full lengths indicated on the plans unless otherwise permitted. Except forsplices shown on the plans andsplices forNo. 5 or smallerbars,splicingo(6arswiilnofbepermihedwithoutwrittenapproval. Splices shall be staggered as faraspossible. T.23 In lapped splices, the bars shall be placed and wired in such a manner as fo maintain the minimum distance to the sudace of the concrete shown on the plans. 7.2.4 Substitution of different size bars will be permitted only when authorized by the engineer. The subsgfated bars shallhave an area equivalent to the design area, or larger. 7.3 PLACING AND FASTENfNG 7.3,1 Steel reinforcement shall be accurately placed as shown on the plans and 8rmlyheldfn posib'on during the placing and setting of concrete. Bars shall be tied at all intersections around the perimeter oleach mat and of not less than 2 foot centers or at everyintersecfion, whicheverisgreafer, elsewhere. Weldingclcross6ars(tack welding) wilt not 6e permided for assembly of reinforcement. Z3.2 ReinforcingsteelshaNbesupportedlnftsproperpositionbyuseofmartarblocks,wire barsupports,supplemenfarybarsorotherapproveddevices. Such devices shall be of such height andplaced at sufrclently frequent intervals so as to maintain the distance between the rein(oroing and the formed sudace or the top sudace within i/4 inch of that indicated on the plans. MINIMUM LIMITS OF COMPACTED SELECT GRANULAR STRUCTURAL BACKF/LL FOR HEIGHTS OF COVER 6'•0" Minimum OVER 8', PAY CLOSE - ATTENi/ON TO NOTE q4. NORMAL ROADFILC ABOVE MIN. COVER LEVEL NATURAL ~ UNDISTURBED EMBANKMENT w ~~ U~ W MP I f w ARCH I F'' ~~ SECTION ® CRITICAL BACKF/LL ZONE, PRESSURE ON SOIL GREATESTHERE INITIAL LIFTS OVER CROWN OF STRUCTURE AS INDICATED BY ® SHADED AREA TO BECOMPACTEDTDREQUIREDDENSITYWITH HAND OPERATED EQUIPMEN70R Vt7TH SMALL TRACTOR (D-0 OR SMALLER) DRAWNEQUIPMENT. ® SELECTGRANULAR SiRUCNRAL BACKFILLLIMITS. NOTES: i. ALL SELECT GRANULAR BACKFILL TO BE PLACED INA BALANCED FASHION IN THIN LIF75 (6"•a" LOOSE TYPICALLY) AND COMPACTED i0 90 PERCENT DENSITY PER AASHTO T•99. 2. COMPLETEAND REGULAR MONITORING OFTHE MP SHAPE IS NECESSARY DURING ALL BACKFILLING OF THE STRUCTURE. 3. PREVENT EXCESSIVE DISTORTION OF SHAPE AS NECESSARY BY VARYING COMPACTION METHODS AND EQUIPMENT. 4. GREATER OR LESSER DISTANCE MAY BE REQUIRED. DISTANCE DEPENDS ON BEARING LOAD FOR ANY GIVEN LOADING, STRUCTURE SHAPE AND BACKFILL MATERIAL THIS MUST BE EVALUATED BYTHf PRQIEC7 ENGINEER FOR EACH SPECIFIC SITUATION. 6'-0"minimum MINIMUM LIMBS OF COMPACTED NORMAL ROADf/LL x wLL Up 40 op U~ wp JZ ADDITIONAL BACKFILL NOTES: SATISFACTORY BACKFILL MATERIAL, PROPER PLACEMENT, AND CDMPACTIONARE KEY FACTORS IN OBTAINING MAXIMUM STRENGTHAND STABILITY. THE BACKFILL MATERIAL SHOULD BE FREE OF ROCKS, FROZEN LUMPS, AND FOREIGN MATERIAL THAT COULD CAUSE HARD SPOTS OR DECOMPOSE TO CREATE VOIDS. BACKFILL MATERIAL SHOULD BE WELL GRADED GRANULAR MATERIAL THAT MfETS THE REQUIREMENTS OFAASMO M•145 FOR SOIL CLASSIFICATIONS A•2-0and A-2-5. BACKFILL MUST BE REPLACED SYMMETRICALLY ON EACHSIDE OF THE S iRUCTURE IN 6"LOOSE LIFTS. EACHLIFT75 TO BE COMPACTED70AMINfMUM OF 90%DENSIIYPER AASHiO 799. A HIGH PERCENTAGE OF SILT OR FINE SAND INTHE NATIVE SOILS SUGGESTS THE NEED FOR A WfLL GRADED GRANULAR BACKFILL MATERIAL i0 PREVENTSOIL MIGRATION. DURING BACKFILL, ONLY SMACL TRACKED VEHICLES (D-0 OR SMALLER) SHOULD BE NEAR THE STRUCTURE AS FILL PROGRESSES ABOVE THE CROWN AND TO THE FINISHED GRADE. THE ENGINEER AND CONTRACTOR ARE CAUTIONED THATTHE MINIMUMCOVERMAYNEEDTOBEINCREASEDTOHANDLEiEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION VEHICLELOADS. f1ARGER THAN D-0J \I/~ ~ STRIlC7°U~WL PLATE o rTl»d~a~m~m~~6~dm~Ha~a _____ eervmmlhep~'etlm~ra; a~g6-saerdcaihavbxhyCONiECRBdige SaReorie4.~. Nopalo(ASdm~kpmayWUmy mpoAhad amocMeCm 2 8430 Univers FxeruWo PadeDlive ~ SPECIFICATIONS APPROVAL ONLY; anYmamxYxitlpd mepixxdBeneW~CVCaO'mofCOmECHBddpeSaVO'ms 3 SUIle 698 NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION ImanynnYuse,remaxwn,aanlsdmwirgedarealme q ~~ ® ~ Chadofle NorfhCerollna28262 u~mmr6kvicmeu:s'epn~mtoa~wy,dsrendadndeMm~bss CO47EOH arFye SaVlgte lx.mmendA7emslvryaMeGdafia, kAV'ry, tnd 5 ~ ~ ~~ =~ ® ~ , CLIYTON NORTHCAROLIfJA L 3~P r~goeaa ~+~a,eN~w~mam,re~aN~aL~,ra~,ad~,ermnr~n B ~®~®®®® a'~" 15961 ~a ®~ RPU rcdd~ndA, a~a, me euA>~d mmmrer,'~ a~a aduY ssa warn,,, an ' BRIDGE SOLUTIONS INC 7Q420 rIM~ERLAKE 5U~®OWISIO~ L , aimlmla'edasekeNgi: gngmaaes, Mesedsaopa~Mesmuef6erepormdm B . ~ TC454B•8586fex rxrer ~ JVP S~xnb. CON7ECHaldpe 5pUema Irk, Hnndlereyrcrmevamata, dfho desyn. Na oeu 6Q0,526;3999 cr~ cwlrECxarce,aa~,cmorncea~wsm~aiyroreecgreLa~dm Me2ualefnkrtneKmegClied6yoCers REVjSjr7N$ ~° 8f27/2007 Instatlati®n ®rawings Sheet Index CT1 TITLE SHEET, LOCA TION PLAN ~ GENERAL NOTES CT2 BRIDGE PLAN, ELEVATION & DETAILS CT3 FOUNDATION PLAN, SECTIONS & DETAILS CT4 DETAILS & NOTES CT5 SPECIFICATIONS CT6 SPECIFICATIONS TIMBERLAKE SUBDIVISION LOT 59 NOTES GENERAL NOTES: 1. This bddge has been designed for genemf site conditions. The project engineershall be responsible for the structure's suitability to the existing site conditions and for the hydraulic evaluation - includingscour and confirmation of soil condbions. 2. Pdorto constmcfion, contractormust venlyall elevations shown through the engineer 3.Onty CONTECH Bddge Solu6onslnc. the Multi-Plate approved supph'erin North Caro6ha may provide the slmcture designedin accordance with theseplans. DESIGN DATA Design loading: Aluminum Sfmctural Plate: HS20-44 Headwalls: Earth Pressun; Only Wingwalls: Earth Pressure Only Design Fill Height: 2'-0" minlmax. from fop of crown fo top ofpavement. Design Method: Load (actor perAASHTO Specification Net allowable soil beadng pressure: 3000 PSF " Gross allowable soft beadng pressure: 3400 PSF' Foundab'on excavation and subgrade peparton shall be in accoNance with the geofechnical report Ior this project prepared 6y Geotechnologies, Inc. daled7112/07. MATERIALS Aluminum stmctural plate shall be consbucted and installed in accoNance with CONTECH Specificab'ons. Concrete forPootings shallhave a minimum compressive strength ot4000psL Reinforcing steel for footings shell conlonn to ASTM A615 orA996-Grade 60. SCOPE: This specification covers the manufacture and instaUab'on olthe aluminum strctural plate structure detailed in the plans. MATERfAL: The aluminum structural plate shall consist of plates, dbs, andappurtenantitems as shown on the plans and shall con/orm to the requirements of ASTM B 746. Plate thickness, db spacings, end treatment and type o(invert and foundation shall be as indicated on the plans. Allmanufacfudng processes including corrugating, punching, curving andgalvanizing shallbe pedormed within the United States using row matedafs made in the United States. ASSEMBLY.' Bolts andnuts shall con/orm to the requirements otASTM A307 orASTM A449. The structure shall be assembled in accordance with the shop dravdngs provided by the manufacturerand per the manufacturers recommendations. Bolts shall be tightened using an applied torque of between 100 and 150 ft.~lbs. INSTALLATION. The structure shallbe installed in accordance with the plans and specifications, the manufacturer's recommendab'ons, and the AASHTO Standard Specification For Highway Bddges, Section 26 (Division IQ. BEDDING: Bedding preparation is cdtica! to both structure pedormance and service tile. The bed should be constructed to uniform fine endgrede to avoid dislor0'ons that may create undesirable stresses in the structure and/orrepiddetedorah'on ofthe rosolvay. The bed should tie free of rock formations,protruding stones, frozen lumps, roofs, and ofherforelgn matlerthat may cause unequalsettlement. The foundation mus! be capable of providing a beadng capacity of at feast one and a haB(1.5J tons persquare toot. BACKFILL: Thestmctureshallbebackfilledusingcleanwellgrededgrenularmaterial that meets the requirements of AASHTO M-145 (orsoil classifications A-2-4 or A-2.5. Backfillmusfbeplacedsymmelricallyoneachsideofthe structure in 8 fo 8 inch tiffs. Each Ifft shall be compacted to a minimum of 90 percent density perAASHTO T 180. NOTE: Construction loads that exceed highway load limits ere not allowed on the structure without approval from the engineer Live load traffic is not allowed on the structure until the sWcture has been backBlledandpaved. 18'-0" b m 0 a. 3 c~ LOCATION PLAN not to scale ~ Structure ~11/i ~ STRUCTUIt~-L PLATE ma~aa~ar,~;~eaeMavbeda~b/~VIECHadd9e sdu~xnmc No nd~,aewf ~e me mued re amoeaedm ~~~ ~~~~~~puB z 8430Unfver;' ExecutNeParlrDrive ~ TITLE SHEET LOCATION PLAN & GENERAL NOTES APPROVAL ONLY; . ~ , ,¢ y , a 3 5 f 695 t NOT FOR CONSTRUC110N arymsm~erxltlaidprephrwrhYen outliatratlmdCOMECN&HgeaaNGxs ® u fe Inc k7' eroY use, regolu:b'a~, a modlhceh'm d tl~ diawp k dgte of the ~~~~~,~~~~~,~ 4 \~ ~/ Chadofle,NodhCarollna28262 CLAYTON NORTHCAROLINA rm«trat CONfECHaddpsadWm hw.hun eMegeYWenyandeldehns, flehaty, rd e,bAndanhedm,reesanehkelbmeysh~,ebMawnarh 6 ~ ®I ~v~ ~ ~® ~®® ®® ® ~~ am,e 15962 tee,rtpodidhtanad~fwthn. a ® ® ® RPU ' BRIDGE SOLUTIONS INC, 7044&-B42g T'~~ER~~~ $~Q®]V~$~®~ nd,>awe,ae,,,se,~e,up~ed,dam,~e~,~a,e,n~a«nd~,e~ a»xnmredesdm xa~;kgapmssee, Mesedmepsn~§emusfberepamEm a 7o4~as-s5ssrax 9 r, JVP S,~e,~. COmECHBfdpeaaVHxulna,MmadleteyramavdwtlaidNsdeslm, rh osre SeMRe~imd 800526.3999 L®T ~ am ~®~ ` IP" Ha~auem~, ~ usnuwoWdev~sm~d~ REVISIONS 6r17/2007 ® A CT2 ozror, me~d~ama,~ dBw,ma~e mo»pq'ednx,wr,enpYrea~mdan6sctrvbyCONiECHeddge BaWthte Ina.No~IdfhbdraMnpmp'fn used, lep~dixe4 rcmu6fiedN en)' nrennerwidlad Me r1a dr%~n eu7almd'm d W NIECH Bddgs SaWm IrcNryaM use, renoNahi, artadfi~tlendPkdis~fipledmselMe wx'aami mkendMe userep~m hdam'fj•, ddeMatdlgldM1mma.s COmECNBdiSvSddMulna haneMepeNe(emerda0ddrts, asdt~•,a>d Ixlrty, dArcA6Mledl0. ~en'ie6ketlnnel'e/eee, s'dMB lanarh ux, reptduaXn a mo~fa5an. n~~~~r~~ exnavtxedw die sakpoyaues, Maaedavependwnwd6em~ahdm camacx Bd>ae sduaar Inc, dmrederoy rK mov>a'ueaai d ne . WNIECH&Hpa sal,a'meNasasgrnor~7aO'brd~skeeessedm BRIDGE PLAN B 2' 4' b' ¢ Structure Del`a TYPICAL END ELEVATION o r ,' e' \~// ~'~ ~® ® ®~ ®®®®®® BRIDGE SOLUTIONS INC. 6436 University ExsrLtive Park Dme Sufte 695 Chalbtte, North Carcllna 28262 704.548420 764.548-8586 fax 800.526,?999 every ofhercourse for 2" black insuladons bcard erbacked with geotexb'IeJ of transib'on from fhe !o the leveling pad. Unit Drainage FlII ModularBlocks- Grouf behveen block 86eadwall using non-shdnk type grout conforming to ASTM C1907, Trim blocks to leave no gap wifh headwall fargerthan a".-` II ..II • III'J. - I l ', I ~ 'III,. I• ~, '; II;' n"•'1111 ',°II•.!,1 .;'• III' 7~-0~~ 1 Fascia plate 6"x4"x 76" hol rolled steel angle (galvanized finish) oras specified Aluminum aroh Geotexfileaflachedwith orboxculvert construction adhesive DETAIL not to scale CT2 SECTION B o z' r a' CT2 Wall Design Nole: the design of fhe Modular Block Wall, including all calcula5ons and geotexfik and layercon(guration, shallbe performed by a registered CivB Engineerlicensedin fhe state a/Virginia Backfill Notes: t The Back8111s required to be a free draining maferfaf to fhe high waferlevel (hwlJ Keystone 4"Cap 7 Keystone Standard Unit 3P r NWL -4--------~ Rlp Rap Slone Layer por erosional control) ~ Grade GeosyntheBc Fahdc Unrein/orced Concrete Leveling Pad Drainage Ditch (see detallbelowJ r8"min. low Permeable Soli Retained Scil7 Free Draining Material ~AOOroxlmafe Excavation Une l' ~Geosynfhedc Fahric Unit Core Fill (314" Crushed Rock or Stone) TYPICAL REINFORCED RIVER WALL SECTION STANDARD UNIT -NEAR VERTICAL SETBACK not to scale 4' Concrete orBiSmunous Drainage Ditch h ; • Note: Required fo divert runoflfrom \ /lowingover(aceofwall,anddvertwater ro ~ away from back of wall area • also required forsa(ety considerefiens. DRAINAGE D1TCH DETAIL STANDARD UNIT -NEAR VERTICAL SETBACK not to scale (2) • 4" Cap Units or 4"Cap Unlt (1J • 8" Cap Unlt 8' Standard Unlf ELEVATION TOP OF WALL STEPS not to scale Unrelnlorced Concrete Leveling Pad '-8" Sfep ELEVATION BOTTOM OF WALL STEPS not fo scale ~~ : `~ STANDARD ELEVATION STANDARD PLAN not to scale STANDARD UNIT not to scale ~j,~ ., •„ ~~- . eve.,.. 3,•g" SECTION LEVELING PAD DETAIL not to scale \I/~'°~ STRUCTURAL PLATE o a7o7, TIIB d e(d61bnAB5:n eMMI al ak msxYq b pvfied ee e APPROVAL ONLY, eav@emanpmtedohne6 a'gheaerdwnhedar6yr~N1ECH&Npe , 2 8439Unlvers' ExeculiveParkDdve ~ DETAILS & NOTES suu~~~~dN9~wq~,~~n ~ma~dam • 3 Sutte 695 NDT FOR CDNSTRUCTION e~ymsrxa wMa~AMepkr~fateWpAmfan crCON1ECHatC~e SaFitlpu ® rxMyeuoluw,rep~eaaxam,awsaanrnaaxneau~e ' q ~ ~~~ ~ ~ Chadolle,NorthCarofina28262 CLAYTDN NDRTHCARDLfNA rxNcne. usersoimAskenaMewarropaamYy, da eMaamnnmvven '~ CQYIEdladcge SaM4u Nc GVn end Ap~plaryvMMO'ahm,aebvry,n0 5 ~ ~'% 'av ® ~°~ eayaree,6tdud7g,dn~amMedm, meraxaNetlameyekee,eAeYp kanaroh a ~ ®® ® ~® ® ® aaen 15962 uee, repvdi~naman, ® Y ® TIMDERLAKE S!lDDII/ISIDN RPU BRIDGE SOLLITIDNS INC ~ 6 ~,, xae~~~e~~~ envrtnmedmalexutpoa~o,,mmaGm~w~mue~terepumdm a . ~ t®~ ~9 JVP ,~, po coNrEC+I6~.geaaNCtnclnc,Nmaae~ayfareareruermdande~. xa Nn 9DP525~999 ~m @ T~ coNrECae~ro-resaa~eB a~eroep6no6e6Aykvaes~ea~eaa, RE Urs(oNS anir~oor ~ heaxremnrameaa~eup~aed6yoCare. SPECIF1CATlONS FOR MANUFACTUREAND IIVSTALLAT~DIV OF CONTECf~®STRUCTURAL PLATE SYSTEMS 1-GENERAL 1.0 STANDARDS AND DEFINITIONS 1.1 STANDARDS • All standaNs refer to latest edih'on unless otherwise noted. 1.1.7 ASTMD-698.70(MethodC)"SfandardTestMethods/or Moisture, Density Relations of Sofl and Sofl Aggregate Mixtures Using 5.5.16 (2.5 kg.J Rammer and 12-inch (305•mm) Drop". 1.1.2 ASTM D-2922 "Standard Test Method IorDensity of Soll and Soil Aggregate in Place by Nuclear methods (ShallowDepih)" 1.1.3 ASTM D• 1555 "Standard Test Method forDenslty of Soilln lace by the Sand-Cone Method". 1.1.4 ASTM D•1557"SfandardTesfMethodforLaboretory Compaction CharecfedsBcs of Soll Using Modified Edam." 1,2 DEFINITIONS 1.21 Owner- In these specifications the word "Owner" shallmean Beecham Builders 1.2.2 Engineer- In these specifications the word'Engineey'shall mean the Owner designated engineer. 1.2,3 Design Engineer- In these specfficah'ons the words "Design Engineer' shall mean CONTECH Bridge Solutions Inc. 1.2.4 Contractor- In These speci(caNons the woN "Conlractor'shaN mean the fine or corporatio undertaking the execuhon o/any work under the terms of These specificahions. 1.2.5 Approved-In these specifications thewoN"approved'shall referto the approvalo(the Engineerorhis designated representative. 1.2.6 As Directed- In these specifications the woNs "as directed" shallreferto the directions to the Contrectorfrom the Owner or his designated representative. 2.0 GENERAL CONDITIONS 2,1 The Contrectorshalllumishalllabor,mafedalandequipmentand pedorm all work and services except those set out and lumished by the Owner, necessary fo compleleln a satisfactory mannerthe site preparation, excavation, filling, compaction, grading as shown on the plans and as described (herein. This work shall consist of all motx'lization clearing and graru'ng, grubbing, stripping, removal of exfsh'ng material unless otherwise stated, preparat'on of the land to be filled, frlling of the land, spreading and compaction o(fhe fill, and all subsidiary work necessary fo complete the grading of the cut and fill areas fo conform with the lines, grades, slopes, andspecifications. ibis workfs to be accomplished under the observafion of the Ownerorhis designated representative. 2.2 Priorto bidding the work, the Confractorshallexamine, investigate and inspect the construction site as to the nature andlocatlon of the work, and the general endlocal conditions of the canstruch'on site, including, without (imitation, the characferofsuriace orsubsudace conditions andobstacles lobe encounferedon and aroundlhe conswction site; andshallmake such additional invesh'gafion as he may deem necessary lorthe planning andproperexecution ofthe work. If conditions otherthan those indicated are discovered by the Contrector, theOwnershouldbenotifiedimmedately. Themaferialvrhichthe Contrecforbelieves to be a changed condition should not be disfurbedso that the owner can inves8gate the condition. 2.3 The construction shallbepedormedunderthedirecb'onofanexpedenced engineer who is familiar with the design plan. 0 vorr 1hAdB9(p1Alld~7tOf1AAd~a1AM1]Wllgl ~ dAl{{'n18pIAY1~4d AAA folhepojedowna, ergireerendarr6aix6yC0a7ECH&idae SaNtlanlna AbpAtdtldsdrAMnp maybe Wed repodxed, anpAAedN A. y mveer wt~w mA par vnam,, Awws~A aOOmccn ert~A sAw~,A InaMyAxAWe, iAgoAxJkn, amc~atlanofWndaningfs dcned6Ya uAedammrbkendlAAWerapewbMarvYy, da'endendtddhamd9,s CemECH akae SW O'aw Ina Imo And AgA4re1 Ain' end aA oa4m, FeA9y, vM AOx+~s'e, hdidtg, bx M 6NIed tA, reeexaGe gtlamayA keA, eddnA ban rw1 usy reFroditlkn amaFM1adat. d6raepncbADeMAanfM A~pgleahhmretb,endAW,AlAeuo~'a~,A m aioav6redneNexcNp~Agaues, tlize,~ muf 6eiapaA+ilo COMaCH aidpe daWWnr um., Nmod'Areykr re~Are1W Ga, of dw dAAgn. COHlLCHaKgeaWtlma Lw.Aaeph rroaelalylad~nsbasedm BAaJAAb kdanietlnn v~coRAdbrotlaa. Il•ALUMINUM STRUCTURAL PLATE 1.0 GENERAL 1.1 This work shall consist of furnishing, /abdcafing, and installation of a Structural Plate aroh culvert in conformance with these speclficaions, the manu(acturerprovisions, and the details shown on the plans. 1.2 The contractor shall veniy the actual location of all utilities in the field before beginning any work that could be fmpactedby These uttli8es. 1.3 Contractor must notify/contact all utility companies to determine exact locations of existing utilities prior to commending any work on this contract 1.4 Contrector shall coordinate construction with work done by others adjacent to orwlthin the contrectlimlts. 2.0 DIMENSIONS 2.1 The proposed sfmcfure shall be a Aluminum Stmctural Plate arch u4th the following dimensions: Span: 22'-0" Rise: 6'-11" 2.2 All plan dimensions on the confrac! drawings are measured in a fore horizontal plan unless otherwise noted. 2.3 All dimensions, locations, and elevations of exishhg shuctures shown on the contract drawings shall be vedffed by the contrectorin the field. 3,0 ASSEMBLY 3.1 Bolts Shall be tightened using an applied Torque between 100 and 150 foot pounds. 4.0 WORKMANSHIPANDINSPECT1ONS All metal piping materials shall conform to the workmanship and inspecb'on requirements of AASH7O M36 and M167. 5,0 MATERIALSANDDIMENSIONS 5.1 Steel structural plate arches sha8 conorm to the requirements of AASHTO M219 and ASTM 8746. 5,2 BolfsandnutsshallmeeftheprovisionsofASTMA-449andASTMA-563, Grede C, respectively, and shall be galvanizedin accordance vdth the requirements ofASTM A-153, Class C. 6.0 INSTALLATION ASSEMBLY. The Structure shall be assembledin accordance with the Manu(acfurers instructions. All plates shallbe unloading and handled with reasonable care. Platesshallnotberolledordraggedovergrevelrockandshall be prevented from striking rock or other hard objects during placement in trench or on bedding. The Structure shall be placed in the footing sfarh'ng at the downstream end. Structures with circumferential seams shall be installedwith theirinside ciroumlerenffal sheet laps poinh'ng downsham. III • FOOTINGS 1.0 IXCAVATION FOR FOOTINGS 1.1 Footing excavation shall consist of the removal ofall material, of whatever nature, necessary for the construction o(foundah'ons. i.2 If shall be the responsibility of the Contractorlo identlry and relocate all existing utilities which conflict with the proposedfoodng bca8ons shown on the plan. The Conireclormusf call the appropriate utility company at least 48 hours before any excavation to request exact field locab'on of utilities, and coordinate removal and installaboon ofallufilih'es vdth the respective utility company. 1.3 The side of all excavations shall be cut fo prevent sliding orcaving o(fhe material above the fooh'ngs. L4 ExcavafedmatedalshallbedisposedinaccoNancewifhfheplan established by the Engineer. 1.5 The footings aredesignedlorabeadngcapacifyof3000psf,andthisshall be verified in the freld be/ore construcdon. 2.0 CONCRETE FOOTING DIMENSIONS The footings shall be relnforoed !n accadance with the constmchon drawings. IV-SLOPE COLLARS 1.0 Arein/oroedconcrefeslopecollarshallbeformedandpouredateachendofthestmcturesin accordance with the plan dimensions. 2.0 The ends of the corrugated structure shall be step beveled as shown on the plans. The reinloroed concrete slope collars shaN6e farmed and poured to conlorm ro the backfillatthe finished grade of each end. V-CONCRETE 1.0 CODES AND STANDARDS 1.1 Reinforced concrete shall conlorm to the requirements ofAASHiO SfandaN Specifications for Nlghway Bridges, Division II • Consfmch'on, Section B, `Concrete Structures", for ClassA concrete, having a minimum compressive strength 014,000 psi. 2.0 STANDARDS FOR MATERIALS 2.1 Portland Cement -Con/orming to ASTM Specification C-150, Type I or fl. 2.2 Wafer•Thewatershallbeddnkable,cfeanfn:efrominjudousamountsof oils, acids, alkalis, organic materials, ordeleterious substances. 2.3 Aggregates -Fine and coarse aggregates shall conlorm to current ASTM Specification C•33 "Specification lorConcrete gggregales"except that local aggregates which have been shown by tests andby actual service to produce satisfactory qualities maybe used when approved by the Engineer. 2.4 Submiffals -Test data and/or certifications to the Ownershall be (umished upon request 3.0 PROPORTIONING OF CONCRETE 3.1 COMPOSf71ON 3.1.1 The concrete shall be composedof cement fine aggregate, coarse aggregate and water. 3.1.2 The concrete shall be homogeneous, readilyplaceableond uniformly workable and shall be propordonedin accaNance with ACT.211.1. 3.1.3 Proportions shall be esfa6fished on the basis bf field experience with the materials fo be employed. The amount of waferused shall not exceed the maximum 0.49 watedcement redo, and shalt be reduced as necessary fo produce concrete of the specified consistency at the time ofplacemenl: 3.1.4 An airentraining admixture, conforming to the requirements of ASTM C260, shall be used in all concrete /umished under this contract. The quantity ofadmixture shallbe such as to produce an air content in the freshly mixed concrete of 6 percent plus or minus 1 percent as deferminedin accoNance wifhASTM C231 or C173. 8430 University Executive Park Drive ~~ I ~~ ® SuBe 695 Charbtte, North Carolina 28262 ~% \v 0 ~~ ®®®® BRIDGE SOLUTIONS INC. 704.54B•842a 704.548.8586 fax BOD,526~999 SPEC/F/CA l/ONS FOR MANUFACTUREAND /NSTALLAT/ON OF CONTECHO STRUCTURAL PLATE SYSTEMS (CON'T) 3.2 Qualities Required • As indicated in the table below. TABLE V•1 QUALITIES REQUIRED ITEM QUALITYREQUIRED Class A T eofCement lorll Cam ressive Stren th fc 28 Da s 4000 si Slum Inches 2.4 in. 3.3 Maximum Size of Coarse Aggregates • Maximum size of coarse aggregates r shall not be larger than 3B mm (1 Y Inches), 3.4 Rate o(HardeningolCancrefe-Concrete mix shall be adfusiedtoproduce therequlredrateolhardeningforvadedcRmaG'ccondlgons: , Under 4DFAmblenf Temperature • Accelerate calcium chloride at2%is acceptable when used within the recommendations ofACl•306R "Cold Weather Concreting," Admixtures containing chloride Ion in excess of 1 % by weight of admixture shall not be used in rein/oroed concrete. 4.0 MIXiNGANDPLACiNG 4.1 Equipment • Ready Mix Concrete shallbe used and shall conform to the "Specifications for Ready-MixCancrete,"ASTMC-94. Approval is required prior to using job mixed concrete, 4.2 Preparefion • All work shallbe !n accordance with ACI.304, "Recommended PrecG'ce /orMeasudng, Mixing, Transporting andPlacing Concrete," All construction debris and extraneous maffershall be removed from within the forms, Concrete shallbe placed on clean surfaces, free from wafer. ' Concrete that has to be droppedfour(4) /eat ormore shall bepfaced through a fremie. 4.3 Allconcrefeshallbeconsolidatedbyintemalmechanicalvibre5on immediately afferplacement. Mbrefors shall be of a size appropriate for the work, capable of transmitting vibration to concrete atfrequencies o/ not less than 4,500 impulses perminufe. 5.0 FORM WORK i 5.1 forms shall be ofwood,sfeel orofherapprovedmafedalandshallbeset and held true fo the dimensions, 6hes andgrades o/the structure (fooG'ngsJ prior to and dudng the placement of concrete. 5.2 Forms shall not be removed untilthe concrete has sufficient sVength to prevent concrete drainage. i.. 6.0 CURING - 6.f Fresh concrete shallbepmtectedfromrains,tlowingwaterandmechankaf injury for a period o(four (4J days. 7.0 REINFORCING STEEL 7.1 MATERIAL 7.1.1 Allreinforcing bars shallbe deformed bars (ASTM•A615J Grade 60. 7.2 BENDING AND SPLICING 7.2.1 Barrelnforcemenfshollbe cut and bent to the shapes shown on theplans. Fabdca0on tolerances shall be in accorance with ACI 315. All bars shall be bent cold, unless otherwise permitted, 7.2.2 All reinforcement shall be furnished in the full lengths indicated on the plans unless otherwise permitted. Except forsplices shown on the plans andsplices forNo. S or smaflerbars,splicingofbarswillnotbepermittedwifhoutwd6enappmval. Splices shallbe staggered as far as possible. 7.2.3 In lapped splices, the bars shallbe placed and wired in such a manner as tomaintain the minimum distance to the surface of the concrete shown on the plans. 7.2.4 SubsStufion of dilferenf size bars will be permittedonlywhen authodzedbythe engineer. The subs9futedbars shelf have an area equivalent to the design area, or larger. 7.3 PLACING AND FASTENING 7.3,1 Steel reinfaroement shall be accurately placed as shown on the plans and firmly held in position dudng the piacing and setting o/concrete. Bars shallbe tied at all intersections around the pedmeferof each mat and at notless than 21oot centers Drat every intersection, whlcheveris greater, elsewhere. Welding ofcross bars (tack welding) will not be permitted for assembly of reinforcement. 7.3.2 ReinforoingsfeelshallbesupportedinitsproperposiG'onbyuseofmortarblocks,wire barsupports,supplemenfarybarsorotherapproveddevices, Such devices shallbe of such height and placed at su~ciently /requentinfervals so as tomaintain the o'istance between the reinloreing and the formed surface or the lop surface within 1/41nch of that Indicated on the plans, MINIMUM LIMITS OF COMPACTED SELECT GRANULAR STRUCTURAL BACKFILL FOR HEIGHTS OF COVER 6'•0"Minimum /- OVER 6; PAYCLOSE - , / ATTENTIONTONOTEtM. NATURAL ~ UNDISTURBED EMBANKMENT NORMAL RDADFILC ABOVE MIN COVER LEVEL W I~ i UG MP ~ ~ ARCH I ~' ~~ ® CRITICAL BACKFILL ZONE, PRESSURE ONSOIL GREATESTNERE INITIAL LIFTS OVER CRDWN OF STRUCTURE AS INDICATED BY ® SHADED AREA TO BE COMPACTED TO REQUIRED DENSITY WITH HAND OPERATED EQUIPMENT ORWITHSMALL TRACTOR (D-0 OR SMALLER) DRAWN EQUIPMENL ® SELECTGRANULARSTRUCTURALBACKFILCLIMITS, N07ES: 1. ALL SELECTGRANULAR BACKFILL TO BE PLACED IN A BALANCED FASHION IN THIN LIF7516"-B"LOOSE TYPICALLY) AND COMPACTED TO 90 PERCENTDENSITY PER AASHTO T-99. 2. COMPLETE AND REGULAR MONITORING OF THE MP SHAPE IS NECESSARY DURING ALL BACKFILLING OF THESTRUCTURE. 3. PREVENT IXCESSIVE DISTORTION OF SHAPERS NECESSARY BY VARYING COMPACTIONMETHODS AND EQUIPMENL 4, GREATER OR LESSER DISTANCE MAY BE REQUIRED. DISTANCEDEPENDS ONBEARING LOAD FOR ANY GIVENLOADING, STRUCTURE SHAPEANDBRCKFILL MATERIAL. THIS MUSTBE EVALUATED BYTHE PROJECTENGINEERFQR EACH SPECIFIC SITUATION. H MINIMUM LIMITS OF COMPACTED NORMAL ROAD FILL 6'•0"minimum i QJ ~~ Up iQ ~~ U'' ~p LL JZ ADDITIONAL BACKFILL NOTES: SATISFACTORY BACKFLL MATERIAL, PROPER PLACEMENT, AND COMPACTION ARE KEY FACTORS IN OBTAINING MAXIMUMSTRENGTHANOSTAB/CITY. ; THEBACKFILL MATERIAL SHDUID BE FREE OF ROCKS, FROZEN LUMPS, AND FOREIGN ~~ '~ MATERIAL THAT COULD CAUSE HARD SPOTS OR DECOMPOSE TO CREATE VOIDS. BACKFILL MATERIAL SHOULD BE WELL GRADED GRANULAR MATERIAL THAT MEETS THE REQUIREMENTS OF AASHiO M-145 FOR SOIL CLASSIFICATIONS A-2-0and A-25. BACKFILL MUST BE REPLACED SYMMETRICALLY ON EACHSIDE OF THE STRUCTURE IN B'LOOSE LIFTS. EACHLIFTIS TO BE COMPACTE070AMINIMUM OF 90%DENSITY PER AASHTO T-99. 1 A HIGH PERCENTAGE OF SILT OR FINE SAND IN THE NATIVE SOILS SUGGESTS THE NEED FOR A WELL GRADED GRANULAR BACKFILL MATERIAL iD PREVENT SOIL MIGRATION DURING BACKFILL, ONLY SMALL TRACKED VEHICLES (0-0 OR SMALLER) SHOULD BE NEAR THE STRUCTURE AS FILL PROGRESSES ABOVE THE CROWNAND TO THE FINISHED GRADE. THE ENGINEER AND CONTRACTOR ARE CAUTIONED THAT THE MINIMUM COVER MAYNEED TO BE INCREASED TO HANDLE TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION VEHICLELOADS,(WRGERTHAND-0J ~11/~ ®~ _ ~p® r/i ~® I~~.JOro ^ STRUCTURAL PLATE e2~tlr, RsdasKo udM~ane6~neFammtlde dreWip lePmfledele mm ~ _-_,_,. APPROVAL ONLY: ap~m~,;aros~~l~r,mxmaycoNn:caed~ s r y m H ldmmy o w a e N z B43DUniversityEeecuG'veParkDiive SPECIFICATIONS o , „n c o~ e„ y„ay ,t,~,e~,o ra u,,,~a S NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION e~ymmr~erxMxd M~pnrxriUene~tlaAm6ondCOMFCHBd.fie 6du6ns a~AnY+'~M a~e,rego&tb'an,anndl"ad'ardMk drenMpkdace elMe q ~~~ , BB1tA 695 Chadotle NorlhCarollna28262 _ umreamdel:ename~mmdarrbde~wadmvl~ma \ ~ , CLAYTON NORTHCAR011NA o+u~,d °~ Am CONIECNBrfi9aSaUbm mc.Mmmdeg®NaleiryandeAdeYne, MLdHy,am egeme MY UitA d4mfRmlmdm reeeaxbb e6aneys haz erfem 6ona~d 5 ~ ®~/ `'® ® ~°~~ ® 15962 , . , , p , ~se,mpxmcumamta5maon, Bem ~ e ' 6 ' ®~ ®®® ~®®® BRIDGE SOLUTIONS INC TD`'""20 TiM~ERL~6KE SIIDDIV63~ON ~ ~,~ ~°P a~, r d~Maw~r~dl~xm,~,.a~lr~ arw a,~w,~ a dm k M m d fe mdm 8 . 704548.8586 fax ~,~ e es ua pro~,~m,, me ~aeAen mmw ereav coxrecaed~gesalaw,em~.,x`nem~mym~meremeamaMedmy,. o,m 800.526988 LOT 59 ~, CT6 ~."~~I w°~`"0~~~~"4~don RF VLSIONR 8 /2 701 0 0 7 ®ESIGN CALCULATI®iVS IN®EX TO PRINTOUT DESCRIPTION ................................................................................... PAGE Engineering Drawings -Lot #56, 57, 58, 59 .................... CT1 through CT6 Hydraulic Calculations .................................:.................................~ H1 to H4 Foundation Calculations ..............................................................::. F1 to F2 Structural Calculations ...................................................................S1 to S2 HYDRAULIC CALCULATIONS CURRENT DATE: 08-27-2007 CURRENT TIME: 12:07;26 FHWA CULVERT ANALYSIS HY-8, VERSION 6.1 FILE DATE: 08-27-2007 FILE NAME: 15959-2 C U SITE DATA CULVERT SHAPE, NIATERIAL, INLET L INLET OUTLET CULVERT BARRELS V ELEV. ELEV. LENGTH SHAPE SPAN RISE MANNING INLET NO. (ft) (ft) (ft) I~iATERIAL (ft) (ft) n TYPE 1 210.00 209.66 18.00 1 ICMP 20.89 5.92 .024 CONVENTIONAL 2 3 4 5 6 SUMMARY OF CULVERT FLOWS (cfs) FILE: 15959-2 DATE: 08-27-2007 ELEV (ft) TOTAL 1 2 3 4 5 6 ROADWAY ITR 210.00 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.00 0 210.60 17.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.00 0 211.02 35.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.00 0 211.34 52.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.00 0 211.61 70.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.00 0 211.86 87.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.00 0 212.08 105.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.00 0 212.28 122.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.00 0 212.47 190.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.00 0 212.55 148.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.00 0 212.81 175.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.00 0 0.00 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 OVERTOPPI NG SUMMARY OF ITERATIVE SOLUTION ERRORS FILE: 15959-2 DATE: 08-27-2007 HEAD HEAD TOTAL FLOW % FLOW ELEV (ft) ERROR (ft) FLOW (cfs) ERROR (cfs) ERROR 210.00 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 210.60 0.000 17.50 0.00 0.00 211.02 0.000 35.00 0.00 0.00 211.34 0.000 52.50 0.00 0.00 211.61 0.000 70.00 0.00 0.00 211.86 0.000 87.50 0.00 0.00 212.08 0.000 105.00 0.00 0.00 212.28 0.000 122.50 0.00 0.00 212.97 0.000 140.00 0'.00 0.00 212.55 0.000 148.00 0.00 0.00 212.81 0.000 175.00 0.00 0.00 <1> TOLERANCE (ft) = 0.010 <2> TOLERANCE (%) = 1.000 CURRENT DATE: 08-27-2007 FILE DATE: 08-27-2007 CURRENT TIME: 12:07:26 FILE NAME: 15959-2 PERFORMANCE CURVE FOR CULVERT 1 - 1( 20.84 (ft) BY 5.92 (ft)) ICMP DIS- HEAD- INLET OUTLET CHARGE WATER CONTROL CONTROL FLOW NORMAL CRIT. OUTLET TW OUTLET TW FLOW ELEV. DEPTH DEPTH TYPE DEPTH DEPTH DEPTH DEPTH VEL. VEL. (cfs) (ft) (ft) (ft) <F4> (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (fps) (fps) 0.00 210.00 0.00 0.00 0-NF 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 17.50 210.60 0.31 0.60 3-Mlt 0.15 0.19 0.87 0.87 0.99 4.30 35.00 211.02 0.62 1.02 3-Mlt 0.30 0.39 1.27 1.27 1.38 5.24 52.50 211.34 1.00 1.34 3-M1t 0.45 0.58 1.57 1.57 1.70 5.85 70.00 211.61 1.24 1.61 3-M1t 0.60 0.69 1.81 1.81 1.97 6.32 87.50 211.86 1.95 1.86 3-M1t 0.67 0.80 2.02 2.02 2.23 6.70 105.00 212.08 1.64 2.08 3-M1t 0.75 0.91 2.22 2.22 2.47 7.02 122.50 212.28 1.81 2.28 3-M1t 0.83 1.01 2.39 2.39 2.69 7.32 140.00 212.47 1.98 2.47 3-M1t 0.90 1.12 2.55 2.55 2.90 7.57 148.00 212.55 2.05 2.55 3-M1t 0.94 1.17 2.62 2.62 3.00 7.68 175.00 212.81 2.31 2.81 3-Mlt 1.06 1.30 2.83 2.83 3.31 8.02 E1. inlet face invert 210.00 ft E1. outlet invert 209.66 ft El. inlet throat invert 0.00 ft E1. inlet crest 0.00 ft ***** SITE DATA ***** CULVERT INVERT ************** INLET STATION 100.00 ft INLET ELEVATION 210.00 ft OUTLET STATION 118.00 ft OUTLET ELEVATION 209.66 ft NUMBER OF BARRELS 1 SLOPE (V/H) 0.0189 CULVERT LENGTH ALONG SLOPE 18.00 ft ***** CULVERT DATA SUMMARY ************************ BARREL SHAPE USER DEFINED BARREL SPAN 20.84 ft BARREL RISE 5.92 ft BARREL MATERIAL STEEL OR ALUMINUM BARREL MANNING'S n 0.024 FOR SIDES AND TOP 0.040 FOR BOTTOM INLET TYPE CONVENTIONAL INLET EDGE AND WALL HEADWALL INLET DEPRESSION NONE CURRENT DATE: 08-27-2007 CURRENT TIME: 12:07:26 ***** USER DEFINED CULVERT CROSS-SECTION - CULVERT # 1 COORDINATE X Y-TOP Y-BOTTOM NUMBER (ft) (ft) (ft) 1 0.00 0.00 0.00 2 0.92 0.75 0.00 3 2.42 2.92 0.00 4 4.92 9.33 0.00 5 6.42 5.25 0.00 6 8.42 5.75 0.00 7 10.42 5.92 0.00 8 12.92 5.75 0.00 9 14.42 5.25 0.00 10 16.42 4.33 0.00 11 18.42 2.92 0.00 12 20.42 0.75 0.00 13 20.84 0.00 0.00 FILE DATE: 08-27-2007 FILE NAME: 15959-2 CURRENT DATE: 08-27-2007 CURRENT TIME: 12:07:26 FILE DATE: 08-27-2007 FILE NAME: 15959-2 TAILWATER ******* REGULAR CHANNEL CROSS SECTION **************** BOTTOM WIDTH 3.31 ft SIDE SLOPE H/V (X:l) 1.5 CHANNEL SLOPE V/H (ft/ft) 0.025 NlANNING'S n (.01-0.1) 0.090 CHANNEL INVERT ELEVATION 209.66 ft CULVERT N0.1 OUTLET INVERT ELEVATION 209.66 ft ******* UNIFORM FLOW RATING CURVE FOR DOWNSTREAM CHANNEL FLOW W.S.E. FROUDE DEPTH VEL. SHEAR (cfs) (ft) NUMBER (ft) (f/s) (psf) 0.00 209.66 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 17.50 210.53 0.812 0.87 4.30 1.37 35.00 210.93 0.820 1.27 5.24 1.99 52.50 211.23- 0.824 1.57 5.85 2.46 70.00 211.47 0.827 1.81 6.32 2.85 87.50 211.68 0.829 2.02 6.70 3.18 105.00 211.88 0.832 2.22 7.02 3.48 122.50 212.05 0.834 2.39 7.32 3.76 140.00 212.21 0.836 2.55 7.57 4.01 148.00 212.28 0.837 2.62 7.68 4.11 175.00 212.49 0.840 2.83 8.02 4.45 ROADWAY OVERTOPPING DATA ROADWAY SURFACE GRAVEL EMBANKMEIVT TOP WIDTH 14.00 ft CREST LENGTH 1000.00 ft OVERTOPPING CREST ELEVATION 217.92 ft FOUNDATION CALCULATIONS STRUCTURAL PLATE ARCIi F®®TING REACTI®IVS W 20 Live Load PCM #: 15959 Span (S) _ .22.00 ft. Rise (R) = 6.92 ft. Top Rise (Rt) = 6.92 ft. Bottom Span = 22.00 ft. Height of cover (H) = 2.00 ft. Axle Load = 32,000 lbs. Number of Lanes = 2 Live Load (LL) = 64,000 lbs. Area (A) = 109 sq. ft. Area of Top Rise (At) = 109 sq. ft. Soil Density = 120 lbs./cu. ft. LOA® Old STRUCTURE Total Load =Live Load Live Load = Live Load = Dead Load = Dead Load = Total Load = R = FOOTIRIG REACTIONS + Dead Load LL/(8 + 2(H + R)) 2,477 lbs./ft./footing Soil weight Soil weight = (S x (H + Rt) - At) x soil density Soil weight = 10,469 5,234 lbs./ft./footing 7,711 lbs./ft./footing Rv = R x cos(fca) Rv = 6,968 lbs./ft./footing Rh = R x sin(fca) Rh = 3,303 lbs./ft./footing outward F®®T'INC ~ESIG(V SPffZE/~®SH~E~' PCIV>! #: 15959 DATA HEIGHT OF COVER (ft) 2.00 He to INVERT (ft) 8.920 Rv (pli) 6,968 Rh (plf) 3,303 ALL. BEARING (pst) 3000 FOOTING GEOMETRY WIDTH, B (ft)' 3.50 OUTSIDE WIDTH, w (ft) 2.75 THICKNESS, t (ft) 2.00 HEIGHT, h (ft) 2.00 FOOTING LOADS SOIL WEIGHT, Ws 1 2943.6 MOMENT ARM (ft) -0.375 CONCRETE WEIGHT, We (plfl 1050.0 MOMENT ARM (ft) -0.4 Rv (plfl 6968.0 MOMENT ARM (ft) 1.000 Rh (plfl 3302.8 MOMENT ARM (ft) -2.000 ACTIVE SOIL PRESSURE ACTIVE COEFFICIENT, Ka 0.33 Prec (psfl 353.2 Ptri (psi) 79.2 Frec (plt) 706.5 MOMENT ARM (ft) 1.00 Ftri (plf) 79.2 MOMENT ARM (ft) 0.7 BEARING PRESSURE CALCULATION SUM OF VERTICALS, Q (plfl 10961.64 SUM OF MOMENTS, Mo (ft-#/ft) 17.8 ECCENTRICITY, e (ft) 0.0016 BEARING PRESSURES, q (psfl MAXIMUM NET PRESSURE (psfl 3141 MINIMUM NET PRESSURE (psfl 3123 ( CLOCKWISE POSITIVE ) B/6 = 0.5833 Wsoil STRUCTURAL CALCULATIONS r_ Structural Design Check for Aluminum Structural Plate per AASHTO Standard Specifications for Highway Bridges, Section 12 Project ID/Name: 15959 • Timberlake Subdivision Structure Description Shape: Arch Corrugation: 9" x 2 1/2" Span (S) 22 ft 0 in Diameter (S): 264 in Gage: 0.175 in Area (A): 2.450 sq in/ft Moment of Inertia (I): 0.1459 in^4/in Combined I (I[plate] + I[ribs]): 0.5593 in^4/in Radius of Gyration (r): 0.845 in Modulus of Elasticity (E): 1.00E+07 Ib/sq in Yield Strength (Fy): 24,000 Ib/sq in Tensile Strength (Fu): 35,000 Ib/sq in Seam Strength (SS): 63,700 Ib/ft Rib Type: IV Rib Spacing: 9 in. o.c. Satety Factors Wall Area: 2.0 Buckling: 2.0 Seam Strength: 3.0 Loads Dead Load Unit Weight of Soil: 120 Ib/cu ft Height of Cover: 2 ft Pdl = 120 Ib/cu ft x 2 ft Pdl = 240 Ib/sq ft Live Load Type = H2O . PII = 850 Ib/sq ft VALUE PROVIDED B Y AASHTO SEC. 3.3 AND 6.4 Total Load Pt = Pdl +PII Pt = 240 Ib/sq ft + 850 Ib/sq ft Pt= 1,090 Ib/sgft Actual Wall Stress Thrust (T) = Pt x (Span/2) T = 1,090 Ib/sq ft x 11.0 ft T = 11,990 Ib/ft Wali Stress (fa) = T / A fa = 11,990 Ib/ft / 2.45 sq inlft fa = 4,894 Ib/sq in Find Maximum Allowable Wall Stress Wall Area Fa = Fy / SF Fa = 24,000 Ib/sq in / 2.0 Fa = 12,000 Ib/sq in 12,000 Ib/sq in > 4,894 Ib/sq in OK Actual SF = 4.90 Buckling r/k x (24 x E / Fu)^.5 = 318 in > 264 in Therefore, Fa=[Fu-((Fu^2/48/E)x(kxS/r)^2))/ 2 Fa = 11,472 Ib/sq in 11,472 Ib/sq in > 4,894 Iblsq in OK Actual SF = 4.69 Handling and Installation Strength Flexibility Factor (FF) = S^2 / (E x I) where I = I(plate) + I(ribs) FF = 0.0125 Allowable FF = 0.0360 0.0360 > 0.0125 OK Seam Strength Required Seam Strength = T x FS SS required = 11,990 Ib/ft x 3.0 SS required = 35,970 Ib/ft 63,700 > 35,970 OK Actual SF = 5.31 Check Mp of Crown At low covers with highway loading you must assure adequate bending strength to resist the development of a plastic hinge. Mp = K * (S / H)^2 where: S =span (ft) H =cover height (ft) K = AL * d * Fp / c where: AL =axle load (kips) = 32 d = corr. depth (ft) = 0.2083 c = backfill coef. = gg 0.0909091 Fp = 1.65 1.65 Therefore: Fp = 1.65 K = 0.159 Mp = 19.287 kip-fNft 0.175 has: Mp = 19.410 kip-ft/ft with ribs 19.410 > 19.287 OK The min. gage /rib combination that satisfies all structural requirements is: 0.175 " plate with Type IV ribs at 9 in. o.c. I 22'-0" Soan Structure Umifs A CT2 ~ f -U ozoortna~,ekronna~cna'~mmrn~~ampwr~a~e wrkemespykammx, apkreaeMm2eda6yCgMTECNaldge ' ackitlmslns. fk~Idlh4dm5NgmeY~used~repodmd,amo~A7edN ' enyn~mmanidlOUltlre p4rwtb(en eW~irtmd'on dP7xrECxandSasoihms NeMyarmluse, sep~a~,ann®fiw&n dWsdre~pla dareel6k usefeownMkrANeuarepeea mNkaivJy, da'mdndholdAemAw ~mewtsohroaa ~. ~ ~epehslerryeMraes>n,~, eye bArR4MnsMedb, resexieAbetlaneyeteN, a'bYe dan wM use, repta~.d'm crmo9fa~On. K~aeaan,~,a,0er,enaamwrt~w,aa~,ee gIXV6t~d'Bdel81BWpkp'pa9e99e, ei8BB d9CePB.A0e91pLW 691B,b'Abb CONIECH&ldaeddMalt kt, Mme9efetyMro-emNeWndtlnG~yru COMEGI aRd7aSQh6N° Mc eavpb w ~MfRS'PorCSt(yvrslasedon n~urso,,N' L. FOUNDATION PLAN 0 2' 4' 8' Ab. CWa REVISIONS - ¢ Structun= Yructure Limits Detail 2-7- " ~-Inside Face o/ q AluminumShucturalPlate ,~ Receiving 3 a Channel Defail Ci3 ." ° ' '" o ~ a , ~` O Anchor For y iv Base Channel #5 Ties @ 1'-0" o.c. U 4 - #6 Top & Bohom "' 3~-6" Concrete (tl (2000 psi min.) as required perscourrequiremenls. DETAIL 2 ~o ,' r ,' cr3 \~ ~~/ ®% r~ ~ ~° ~~~®® ® ~ BRIDGE SOLUTIONS INC. 8430 Unrverslty Executive ParkDrrve SuRe 695 Charlotte, Norlh Cerollna 28262 704548.8420 7045485586 fax 8005265999 7~„ ~--Inside Face oI a , _ -, Aluminum Slmctural Plale Channel not 9 .° ladty ° °.. ° a° •, i"O Anchor For Base Channel ° °, d .° c' ° d. ~ a , .' c ... ° DETAIL 3 o r' 2' C73 8" 6" ~ U io M NN ~A r - - - HN A ;~ in SECTION 0 2' ,' e' CT2 Note: MiNmax HOC on 0.775`ALSP with Type IV Ribs of 9" o.c. = 2 fU76 ft. Flnd Maximum Allowable Wail Stress Wall Area Fa=Fy/SF Fa = 24,000 Ib/sq in / 2,0 Fa = 12,000 Ib/sq in 12,000 Ib/sq in > 4,894 Ib/sq in OK Actual SF = 4.90 Buckling r/k x (24 x E / Fu)^.5 = 318 in > 264 in Therefore, Fa = [Fu - ((Fu^2 / 48 / E) x (k x S / r)^2)] / 2 Fa = 11,472 Ib/sq in 11,472 Iblsq in > 4,894 Ib/sq in OK Actual SF = 4.69 Handling and Installation Strength Flexibility Factor (FF) = S^2 / (E x I) where I = I(plate) + I(ribs) • FF = 0.0125 Allowable FF = 0.0360 0.0360 > 0.0125 OK Seam Strength Required Seam Strength = T x FS SS required = 11,990 Ib/ft x 3.0 SS required = 35,970 Ib/ft 63,700 > 35,970 OK Actual SF = 5.31 Gheck Mp of Crown At low covers with highway loading you must assure adequate bending strength to resist the development of a plastic hinge. Mp = K * (S / H)^2 where: S =span (ft) H =cover height (ft) K = AL * d * Fp / c where: AL =axle load (kips) = 32 d = corr. depth (ft) = 0.2083 c = backfill coef. = gg 0.0909091 Fp = 1.65 1.65 Therefore: Fp = 1.65 K= 0.159 Mp = 19.287 kip-ft/ft 0.175 has: Mp = 19.410 kip-ft/ft with ribs 19.410 > 19.287 OK The min. gage /rib combination that satisfies all structural requirements is: 0.175 " plate with Type IV ribs at 9 in. o.c.