HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1--04845_Well Construction - GW1_20240814 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD (GW-1) For Lrceraa;Use Only: I.Well Contractor Information: • Russeq Taylor :. 14_ZONES Wen Cm ACIOf Naze • , MOM TO DESCRIPTION 2187-A I/O ::. lt5 ' 17-Ilib2 • ?ic wau carcsGae cmtifrcstiaa Number i.405 fI ' r/1 o ` a re a IS.O TLR CASacG csor mat ,MU} LIP=ats11p�td 4 dden Brothers Wei Drilling, Inc mom '.x O DIAMETER 1 CC= 1ttslptlAL Company Name fr. r_ hr. ! 3.Wen CoatCraalon Permit*: a5 15 a 4'' 16. 1I£R CUING OR TQSING(eeather a 1 etowd-..9) ;FR M I TO I MAME= I 3IAT AL Ulf ell It well re e oa pa mrrs a. V7C Corauy.Stacy Forarcr,ctt;) s. i rt. . 1 la O 95 to • I38 SST eek, 3.Wan Liu(cheek well use): fr. 1 2 la. I Water Supply Weil: 17.SCRIM' Apirobottal FROM 1 TO I DtAME ER SLOT SIZE 1 T7Ie>n+S= f MA1 Mt:aicipal/?t:biic ft 1` ft. is 1 1 G> _ i�`a="iP & PF1Y) kResideaial Wate Supply(siagna) i 'Sifr. f FaduaciaUCommetaia! DResiOeedal Water Supply(sihared) 't I i mOM t TO MATERW. ! zatrL.,CLzonrrbitfROD tR. Non-Water Supply Well: ; 0 R 1 u, 3.. =az4ev.. ! .,,oro.a CODA : DRcoovGy !1 faI �S t fr. I ••• tit t re-Rochargc `t etoond,2atr N.ocordir.dor.. t • Storage and Reca r�g IS.SA MI/GRAVEL PACK of aaalietblel ability' • ElaA:G i FROM I TO ' SLI.TERLtL 1 mot.0 StsT Stl!!f infer Tat Os-,a=waar Dreiaage !I ft. 1 Experimental Teshnolo tt 'f.; €y �Ss:6si.rice Caatroi t i r_ Geothemoal(Closed Loop) OTtacm• ! III.DRILL1 C LOG fssash acidities:I sheets if aesoaary) GeotherIDtl • oils Rectal) r`Otter(eza lain::tee 21 Rtsaads) jI FROM ' TO DESCRIPTION tether.brdessamaid Moe,odes I a i $5 ` clay 1.san0 4.Data Wags)Completed: 1 o?A24 well SDe 85 " ; t;op 5a.Wsli Location: ! alarm I nde-6h, ... teleitytOwiterNaase 7yolk:;.ID=cli'apr.L-ersiei ft. 2 1 I)49c2 Fraser- ,Win I —9 8 r73'.J D. ?bysisal Ad .C y. zip It 1 4 7117:1 fried,, Crw,41 &nai I N31 rl 7.1.REMARKS Coup y Pored Ide.3tiezatt=No.(FIN) ifs.Latfrode and rangtmde h degrers/aosautesr ccands or decimal degrees: (if welt held,oak latIong is mfficiat) 12.Cer &cation: .36e 09. 911 N 083° al.059 w �.� J a,4r./dr-z__ 1.21404 5.Is(are)the wells) ¢t.Persa:nezt or ETempora.^} 5:3�acu:c ors csgcs wcl(Coar:scm T+ e{�r Sy signing:ids fano.1 iserrbr col,brat kv ur/l(s)was(brrri owe-m rrd ra 7.Is the a repair to as tang well: Dyes o: il�iNo :,:ti::Sd �C4C 52C.0100 or,S.4 VC.4C OIC.OZO0 Wrif Ceaseaenron S me= i&Ur Ito r.parr,Jiff era LDonn mil a rrocabe:t:farma:ion T�cpiar,. a:crr a`:irr copy ofrisrs"=flihscr bey Fravided ro the'MU aw,rc, repair mart X71 mrearltsavioliorr or or the bad'oftlrsfartr. i..Site diagram of additional well details: S.For GeaprabteDDPT or Closed-Loop Geothermal Wells:,ovine the same i ou may use he back of this page to provide additional well site deer eosstroetian,only I W.l:s needed. Indicate TOTAL NUbc..3 of wets ecar:det`riis. You may also attach acdidaast pages if ascssary. SUSk71: Tat INSTRUCTIONS 4.Total wen depth below laud surface: /W° (ft-) lea. For Ali Was: Subm:.:his farra,vithia 30 der of cam let: ma For /Xpi►wells ail depths iferdre ent(rcaurh-.3cz00•=d 28ioa'1 corsrrce oo:a lac foliowin= }s P l0.Stade water level below top of rasing: 10 i=`t.; Division of Water Resources,information Processing Uri (your Is ab01r`oozi uwe-5- 1617 Mann Service Center,Raleigh,NC 17699-I617 11.E°relsole dEaasereer. Oz.; 34a.For iniecaon Wells: I:r addition to sending foe:orrs to the act above. also sebrs one cony of Eaie fans„-Itbia 30 days of acauplat lA Welt construction method: i.2 . / 1 cor:so.ce lcm to:he fcllomne (I.s•aoPr.exam mirk.dem psi etc) Division orWamrResources,Underground injection Control P FOR WATER SUFFIX;YELLS ONLY: 16336 Mail Service Center,Raleigh,NC 3 769 9-1 63 6 13a-Ylttdd(gpm) l V Method Of Lase- L.YtiL KJ 24e.?or Water Superb&Iaiectsors Wells: In addtSeo to semd4.ta �. z ; the add:rss(es) above. else submit one copy of this foes within i3b.Disiatecaoa type: 'Ii l amoi:i,: t (g ciai, cc: piedoa of well cons:astioa to the county health depasstreat of v were consntse'ed. Form QW.i W..Cato::a Ce7srn--zcc s::.-,tra .�_;!zy-TJ^.ror.a Ws.:.: e:i.z s RC:i T