HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCC242570_ESC Approval Submitted_20240826 KN IGHTDALE Town of Knightdale
SLOI'771GV(1 ter
950 Steeple Square Ct. I Knightdale, NC 27545
KnightdaleNC.gov 1919-217-2250
Friday,July 12,2024
Project Name: Village Gate Subdivision Lots 1 -141
Knightdale Project#: ZMA-1-21
S&EC Permit#: SEC-000011-2024
Disturbed Acreage: 21.93
Contact Info: Financially Responsible Party
Paul Faistl
Windsor SFR, LLC
1007 Battleground Avenue,301
Greensboro, NC 27408
The Sediment and Erosion Control Plan has been reviewed by the Town of Knightdale and is APPROVED(with modifications).This
letter only demonstrates plan approval. It does not grant permission for any work to commence.
The construction plans are approved with the following Conditions of Approval and Applicable Standards:
• Add note to identify.The note should state something like"Initial materials laydown will be placed within the
confined of lot 17.As construction progress materials shall be moved to areas surrounded by appropriate measures.
Show access path for materials since construction trailer is sifting at end of entrance.
Prior to scheduling a preconstruction meeting,the following items must be completed:
1. Pay all permit fees
2. Provide Original Executed FRO Document(Send with Plans)
3. Provide proof of NCG01 coverage
4. Provide 4 copies of the approved plans for signature
o (2)Full size(2) 18x24
o Plans can be delivered to the Public Works Operation Center located at: 1102 Great Falls Court Knightdale, NC 27545
5. Scan/upload signed plans into lDT
Once all items have been completed,a preconstruction meeting can be requested by contacting the Public Works
Administrative Assistant at(919) 217-2250
Conditions of Approval:
Items listed below are conditions of the Sediment and Erosion Control Plan approval.
1. A mandatory preconstruction meeting is required between the owner,contractor,and Town of Knightdale prior to issuance of the
Land Disturbance Permit.The permit fee is due at that time.
2. Grading,other than for installation of soil erosion and sedimentation control measures, is prohibited prior to the issuance of a
Certificate of Compliance.
3. Contractor shall follow plans strictly and maintain contact with Town of Knightdale prior to making any field modifications to
erosion and sediment control devices. No devices shall be removed without prior approval from Town of Knightdale.
4. Town of Knightdale's sedimentation pollution control program is performance oriented, requiring protection of the natural
resources and adjoining properties. If at anytime during the project it is determined that the Erosion and Sedimentation Control
Plan is inadequate to meet the requirements of the Erosion and Sedimentation Control Ordinance of Town of Knightdale,this
office may require revisions in the plan and its implementation to ensure compliance with the Ordinance.
5. Effective April 1,2019, prior to the preconstruction meeting,the applicant must obtain from NCDEQ-DEMLR the NCG-010000
NPDES Construction Stormwater General Permit coverage by completing an electronic Notice of Intent(e-NOI). The online NOI
submittal must include the completed and notarized Financial Responsibility/Ownership Form and this approval letter. More
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information can be found on the NCDEQ website: https://deq.nc.gov/about/divisions/energy-mineral-land-resources/energy-
mi nera I-la nd-permits/stormwater-permits/construction-sw.
6. Subdivisions Only: Builders are required to obtain grading permits for cumulative disturbance over one acre(including non-
contiguous lots)
Applicable Regulations:
Unless otherwise noted,all references are for the Town of Knightdale Erosion and Sedimentation Control Ordinance,adopted
November 1,2021.
1. Validity of Plan, Lapse of Approval.An approved erosion and sedimentation control plan is valid for two(2)calendar years
from the date of approval. If a land disturbance permit has not been obtained within the 2-year period,the erosion and
sedimentation control plan approval becomes null and void.
2. Actions Required Prior to Land Disturbance[96.06]
1. No person may initiate a land-disturbing activity before notifying the agency that issued the plan approval of the date that
land-disturbing activity will begin.
2. A S&EC plan approval shall be prominently displayed until all construction is complete,all temporary measures have been
removed,all permanent sedimentation and erosion control measures are installed,and the site has been stabilized.A copy
of the approved plan shall be kept on file at the job site.
3. Authority[96.17]
1. The Town shall have the power to enter at reasonable times,any property, public or private,to conduct such investigation
as it may reasonably deem necessary for any land-disturbing activity. No person shall willfully resist,delay,or obstruct an
authorized representative,employee,or agent of the Town,who presents appropriate credentials,while that person is
inspecting or attempting to inspect a land-disturbing activity.
2. Agents,officials,or other qualified persons authorized by the Town will periodically inspect land-disturbing activities to
ensure compliance with the NC Sedimentation Pollution Control Act,Town ordinance,or other adopted rules or orders,and
to determine whether the measures required in the plan are effective in controlling erosion and sedimentation resulting from
land-disturbing activity.
3. If the Town determines that a person engaged in land-disturbing activity has failed to comply with the Act,this chapter,or
rules or orders adopted or issued pursuant to this chapter,a notice of violation shall be served upon that person.
4. Neuse River Riparian Area Protection and Maintenance Rules.Due to the location of this project, it should be noted that a
rule to protect and maintain existing buffers along watercourses in all of Wake County became effective in 2006.The Neuse River
Riparian Area Protection and Maintenance Rule applies to all perennial and intermittent streams, lakes, ponds and estuaries in
Wake County with forest vegetation on the adjacent land or"riparian area". In riparian areas with existing forest vegetation in the
first 30 feet directly adjacent to the stream,the rule prohibits land disturbance, new development,and fertilizer use within the first
50 feet of land next to the water. In riparian areas with forest vegetation that is less than 30 feet wide,the rule prohibits land
disturbance, new development,and fertilizer use within the area that contains forest vegetation(but not the entire 50-foot riparian
area). For more information about this riparian area rule, please contact the Division of Water QualiWs Wetland/401 Unit at 919-
807-6300. [15A NCAC 2B.0233]
The Town of Knightdale is not responsible for subject approvals of other Local, State or Federal Agencies.The subject approvals are
(but not limited to)Federal Emergency Management Area Flood regulations or requirements, Division of Water Quality under
stormwater or other water quality regulations/requirements, U.S.Army Corps of Engineers under Article 404/401 (Wetlands/Streams)
jurisdiction/requirements,and/or any Federal, State,County and Local municipal regulations or permit requirements.The approval
issued in this letter cannot supersede any other required permit or approval.
Ike Archer
Stormvtater Program Manager
Town of Knightdale I KnightdaleNC.gov
Ike.Archer@KnightdaleNC.gov 1919-217-2255
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